Chaos Rising

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  • 8/9/2019 Chaos Rising


    Chaos Rising

    Sergeant Cyrus lay on the ice without moving, his breath crystallizing in front of

    him, peering through the scope of his sniper rifle. His crosshairs was rested right on a

    Chaos Aspiring Champions head. His spotter, lying beside him, quietly muttered the

    range of the target and the wind speed. Cyrus adjusted his scope, compensating for the

    strong wind. He slipped a Kraken penetrator into his sniper rifle, one of the

    specialized round that the Techmarines had forged under his supervision. The other

    Cultists and Chaos Marines were too busy preparing for the ritual.

    Cyrus to commander. In position. I have a Sergeant in my scope. Request

    permission to take the shot. Cyrus muttered into the vox.

    Affirmative. Take the shot, and well hit them. The Commander replied.

    Roger that. Taking the shot. Cyrus replied, pulling the trigger. The report was

    almost silent, and the Aspiring Champion staggered back and dropped, his head

    spraying blood. Cyrus cycled his bolt.

    There was a loud roar and explosions as Sergeant Thaddeus and his squad

    rocketed into the scene, while Sergeant Avitus and his squad opened up with their

    heavy weapons. Cyrus scanned for another target.

    There. Cultist operating plasma cannon. His spotter muttered in his ear.

    Cyrus found the target, breathing out to allow his crosshairs to rest right on the

    cultists throat. He pulled the trigger. The Cultist fell off the heavy weapon, clutching

    his throat. He was dead before he hit the ground. Cyrus cycled his bolt, ejecting the

    spent round and slipping another round in. He sighted around for another target. The

    battle was going well for the Space Marines, as the Chaos forces stumbled around,

    still trying to get the surprise out of their system.

    Cyrus saw one of the Chaos Marine making their way towards Avituss squad.

    The chainaxe he carried looked deadly, and Avitus did not seem to notice him until he

    was too close. Cyrus fired, blowing the Chaos Marines head off and splattering

    Avitus with blood.Warn me next time. Avitus growled. I got him under control.

    Cyrus ignored him and scanned for another target. By now, most of the Chaos

    Marines were slain and the cultists scattered. Cyrus threw his cloak open, strapping

    his sniper to his back. He fixed his harness into a line, and the Scouts rappelled down

    to ground level, rejoining the commander.

    Good shots, Cyrus. Commander Reaper said, wiping his power sword on one

    of the dead bodies. He sheathed it and pressed his finger to his ear. Command. Weve

    taken out the Chaos procession. Awaiting for extraction.

    Roger that. A Thunderhawk is inbound.


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    Hold them back! Sergeant Ckrius of the 1st Meridian PDF ordered, firing his

    lasrifle on full auto. The rest of his squad were taking cover behind a short wall of

    sandbags, lasrifles and autorifles firing on full auto across the street, where the rebels

    were attempting to take hold of the main road. Keep firing!

    A support weapon crew dived into cover beside the sergeant, dragging pieces of

    his autocannon with him. The heavy weapons crew quickly set up their weapon, and

    began delivery of the 20 mil shells towards the enemy.

    Sergeant Ckrius ran down the line, rallying the troops as the fire from the enemy

    intensified. Autorifle and las rounds streaked across the street from both sides, and

    one of the PDF were hit. Ckius did not both to stop, the mans head had a clean hole

    right through it. He fired his lasrifle blindly over his head as he ran down the street.

    The enemy was gaining ground, and Ckrius must make sure that the enemy does not

    push into their flank.

    Hold them back, dammit! Ckrius yelled, standing up and firing at a squad of

    enemies trying to cross the road. They dropped to the ground, scrambling towards

    cover. The squad he had left to defend their flank were gone. The cowards had

    deserted them. Bastards!

    He fired until his lasrifle was empty, and he ran back to his squad, running as las

    and solid rounds pinged around. The enemy was about to cut into their flank.

    All units! Pull back to the next sector! We cant hold here! Sergeant Ckrius

    yelled, raising his hand and making the gesture to retreat. Fall back to the next

    sector! Go!

    The PDF soldiers turn and ran quickly, heading down to the next street where a

    series of heavy weapon crews had dug in already. Sergeant Ckrius was the last to

    retreat, his lasrifle firing on full auto, sending ruby red spears of las into the

    advancing enemy. He ran into the next street, ordering the heavy weapon crews to

    prepare to fire. He jumped into a hole where two of his men were taking cover in.They fired their autorifles as the enemy turned the corner.

    The .30 cal support weapons opened up, turning the street into a killzone with

    overlapping fields of fire and little cover. The other PDF cheered as the enemy

    infantry advance was cut down with ease. Their cheer subsided as the ground began to

    shake, and the sounds of tanks was heard.

    A bastardized Chimera came into view, its armored hull painted with blood, and

    body parts impaled on various spikes on the hull. Autorifle and las fire bounced off its

    hull. It stopped and aimed its weapon at the entrenched PDF. Then ignited

    promethium erupted from the muzzle of the tank, covering the PDF position with fire.


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    Oh shit! Pull back! Ckrius yelled, climbing out of the hole and running. The

    other PDF troops broke, and followed in his example, running as quickly as possible.

    Command. This is Sergeant Ckrius, the enemy has tanks. Say again, the enemy has

    tanks. We need anti-tank support!

    Roger that. Well send you a squad. Hold tight.

    Sergeant Ckrius and his squad managed to outrun the tank for the moment,

    taking cover in another set of fighting positions that they had dug earlier the day. The

    Chaos Chimera tank slowly rolled down the street, with supporting infantry using the

    tanks mass as cover, occasionally popping out and firing shots at the PDF.

    A scruffy squad arrived, armed with a single missile launcher. The crew quickly

    loaded the missile launcher, and the soldier braced the weapon.

    Clear! he yelled, pulling the trigger spoon. There was a roar, and the missile

    speared out of the muzzle of the launcher, streaking towards the advancing tank. The

    missile detonated uselessly on the tanks shell.

    You loaded frag, you idiot! Ckrius yelled, his lasrifle firing at the Chimeras

    viewport, in an attempt to slow the tank.

    Load! the PDF soldier ordered, and his loader slided a fresh rocket into the

    tube. Clear!

    This time, the missile penetrated and exploded inside of the tank, igniting the

    fuel inside the tank and sending white hot shrapnel flying in all directions. The PDF

    soldiers cheered as the flames consumed the soldiers around the burning tank.

    Private Jackson. Your services are needed elsewhere. We have more and more

    reports of enemy tanks. Move out to Jaring street. Captain Balhan is taking a beating

    there. The vox blurted.

    Wilco, command. Private Jackson replied.

    Well come with you. Give you some cover fire. Sergeant Ckrius declared,

    picking up a fallen autorifle. It had better effect on flesh than the lasrifles because of

    its solid rounds instead of shafts of light. Lead the way, private Jackson.

    The two squads moved through the streets of Meridian Prime, watching out forany enemy contacts. All across the hab spires, rebels were attacking, and the already

    poorly armed PDF were desperately trying to hold the enemy off. Some entire squads

    had joined the ranks of the rebels, betraying their former comrades. They traveled

    through the buildings, avoiding most of the infantry fight, and conserving their

    ammunition til they arrived at Jaring street.

    Captain Balhan? Where are you?

    Were holed up in the building at the end of the street. Come on! Those throne

    forsaken tanks are ripping my men apart! Captain Balhan yelled into the vox, the

    gunfire can be heard clearly from the background.


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    The two Chimera tanks came into view, their multilasers firing continuously at

    the building where Captain Balhan must be holed up in. Platoon strength infantry

    added their fire towards the building with lasrifles and autorifles.

    Fire on my command. Sergeant Ckrius whispered, resting his autorifle on the

    ledge of a window. The rest of the squad prepared their weapons, and Jacksons loader

    slipped a rocket into the tube. Ready. Fire.

    Jackson pulled the trigger spoon, and the rocket speared out from the tube

    towards one of the Chimeras. The rocket penetrated the relatively weak top armor of

    the tank and detonated inside. The other PDF soldiers fired, cutting down the

    surprised rebels from behind as Jackson reloaded his launcher.


    The second Chimera exploded in a multi colored explosion, and the rebels

    returned fire, finally pinpointing their firing position. Las and solid rounds pinged off

    the walls as Ckrius ducked to reload.

    Were done here, Balhan, and were pulling out! Jackson voxed, ducking away

    from the window. The soldiers quickly left the building before the rebels sent anyone

    to flush them out. Command. Where next?

    Pull back to the command centre, the enemy is pushing too hard and fast, and is

    threatening to cut off entire platoons of soldiers. Were pulling you back to form a

    concentrated line defense around the command centre. Over.

    Understood, command. Were pulling back now. Jackson said, nodding to

    Ckrius, who nodded.

    The two squad ran through the streets, careful to avoid the enemy advances as

    well, and fighting whenever they had to. One of their comrades was crushed

    underneath a Chimeras tank treads, before Jacksons last rocket destroyed it.

    They made it to the command centre, where units of men were deployed in

    buildings and fighting holes reinforced with sandbags, razorwire and tank traps.

    Support weapons were set up on roofs, as well as ground level. The command centre

    was a prefab rockcrete bunker completed with heavy bolter turrents and firing slits, aswell as emplaced mortars on top of them.

    The two squads went to report in, walking into the command centre. Major

    Gilbert, the commander of the 1st Meridian PDF was standing with two tacticians,

    looking at a map of the city. Sergeant Ckrius saluted, and the Major returned the

    salute hastily.

    Right Jackson. Youre one of the remaining launcher crews we have. So I want

    you fast and dangerous. Ckrius, youre with him. Give him the cover he needs.

    Theres a ammo dump out there, so gear up. Major Gilbert explained. Theres a

    veritable shitstorm heading towards us, but luckily, we got a platoon of Imperial


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    Guardsmen here to assist us. So were gonna win the day. Make sure these turncoats

    and traitors suffer!

    Yes, sir! Sergeant Ckrius said, snapping to attention and saluting the major,

    before leaving the briefing room.

    They went straight for the ammo dump, grabbing as much ammunition as they

    could and stuffing them into bandoliers, musette bags and satchels. Ckrius swapped

    his autorifle for a lasrifle, opting for the lighter weight and lesser recoil than the

    autorifle. Then they left the command centre, running final checks on their weapons,

    knowing that it would be a tough fight ahead of them, and if their weapons jammed in

    the middle of combat, they were dead men.


    Commander. Weve just received a cry for help on Meridian. It seems that

    heresy has taken roots in the planet, and a city wide uprising has caught the PDF off

    guard. Head over to Meridian. We need to quell this heresy here and now. Librarian

    Jonah Orion said, as the commander walked off the ramp of the Thunderhawk.

    What about the contingent of Guardsmen we left there? Commander Reaper


    It seemed that the Guardsmen were part of the uprising. Now the Chaos forces

    are driving Imperial Tanks. The Librarian replied, planting his Force Staff firmly on

    the ground. The two of them headed up towards the bridge.

    Cant rely on the Imperial Guard to do anything right. Commander Reaper

    muttered, striding into the bridge with the Librarian by his side. Set course for

    Meridian, now!


    Major Gilbert? a vox technician said, turning around in his chair. The

    message has gone through. I have just receive confirmation. But it would take themhours to get, even if they acknowledge the message, sir.

    Very well. Throne help us if they dont respond. Major Gilbert said, looking

    down at the map again. Have we had any luck with the aerial recon yet?

    Negative, sir.

    Alright. Down to old fashioned soldiering. Form up a squad for me. Were

    going to probe the enemy forces. Major Gilbert said, picking up his hellgun and

    backpack power pack before leaving the briefing room.

    The squad was already waiting for him at the gates of the command bunker, and

    they nodded to him, and he replied with a nod and a smile. It had been a long time


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    since he had donned the carapace armor and hellgun into battle, but his skills and

    reflexes were still there.

    Quietly. Were just there to probe the enemy forces. Maybe call in some

    artillery on their heads. A small recon party. No heroics. Major Gilbert said, as they

    passed through the line of defenses. Mkvene. Lead the way.

    The recon party quickly ran down the street, weapons raised and trained at

    different parts of the street, waiting for anything to pop out so they could take a shot

    at it. The streets seemed to be deserted, even the residents were all gone, and it was

    eerily quiet. Major Gilbert raised a fist, and the recon group took cover amongst the


    The ground seemed to be shaking. Then the shaking subsided, and the recon

    party continued deeper into enemy territories with still no enemy contact. Mkvene

    suggested that they entered the buildings for a better vantage point, and they did, and

    now they were cutting through the apartments and rooms.

    Then they saw it. In a massive square, what seemed like a large portion of the

    civillian population were gathered. They seemed to be praying, but upon closer

    inspection, they were mutilating themselves, crying in what seemed like ecstasy as

    they sliced blades across their faces and bodies. Major Gilbert turned away in disgust.

    Well. At least we know where did the civillian population go. Mkvene

    muttered darkly.

    Ok. Pull back. Theys too many of them here. Major Gilbert decided, exiting

    the room and heading down the stairs.

    They went back to street level, and the ground began to shake again. They turned

    around, and saw a massive horde of cultists heading their way, waving blades and

    other crudge weapons. The PDF troops opened fire immediately, sending down a ruby

    red rain of las fire towards the horde. The las fire sliced into the cultists, lashing off

    limbs and dropping a lot of the enemy. Major Gilberts hellgun fire punched through

    two or three of the enemy with ease as he fired on full auto and adapted a sweeping

    pattern.Major! Well hold them off, get back to the command centre! They need you

    there! Sergeant Mkvene shouted, his lasrifle firing on full auto, not even bothering to


    Major Gilbert dropped his hellgun, allowing it to swing on his harness, grabbing

    several frag grenades from his harness before priming them and throwing them at the

    charging horde. The grenades detonated on impact, showering the masses with


    Go! Mkvene shouted, waving his lasrifle. Gilbert nodded and left, but not

    before passing his bandolier of grenades to the Sergeant. He ran through the streets,


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    heading back to the command centre.

    All units, this is Major Gilbert! Prepare for contact. The enemy has numbers

    here dont let them get close! Major Gilbert yelled into the vox as he ran towards the

    line. The PDF troops acknowledge his call, and prepped their weapons. The support

    weapon crews went to their weapons, cocking weapons and prepping belts of



    The Thunderhawk is ready for launch. Jonah. Lets move. Commander Reaper

    said, striding out of the bridge.

    Sergeant Avitus, Tarkus, and Thaddeus were already onboard with their squads as

    the commander and the Librarian ran up the ramp of the Thunderhawk. The door

    sealed itself, and the Thunderhawk was launched into space. The commander strapped

    himself in as it began descent into Meridian.

    Librarian Jonah Orion was resplendent in his blue power armor, patient little

    ticks of electric sparking off from his psychic hood. His Force Staff held firmly

    between his legs, wreathed with power, and although it did not look like much,

    Reaper had seen it in battle before, and knew its potency in battle.

    New reports indicate that the PDF forces are now facing off more than half of

    the civillian population turned by Chaos. Librarian Orion said. We will be holding

    literally, the whole city off.

    The Thunderhawk swooped down flying low, almost touching the rooftops of the

    buildings. The pilot serfs were the best of the squadron, and had spent the last year

    inserting and extracting the Blood Ravens under fire.

    Commander, were going in for a strafing run. One of the pilot serfs reported.

    The Thunderhawk swooped down, its dual twin linked heavy bolters spitting out

    shells at the mass of Cultists down below. The hapless cultists were cut down like

    grass, and the Thunderhawk came round for another run.Alright. Thaddeus, Tarkus, Jonah! Were going down to ground level. Avitus.

    Stay onboard, provide covering fire. The commander decided, unstrapping his grav

    restraints and standing up. Pilot, take us close. Well jump.

    The Thunderhawk hovered twenty in the air, just a few hundred metres from the

    command center, and the Space Marines leap from the hovering gunship. They landed

    on their feet, cracking the ground underneath them. They sprung into action

    immediately, with Tarkus and his squad unloading their bolters at the mass of cultists

    heading their way. Librarian Orion fired bolts of warp fire from his Force Staff, his

    eyes ablaze with power, throwing groups of cultists off their feet with each of his


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    blast. The commander and the assault squad immediately charged into battle, their

    chainswords screaming for blood.

    For the Emperor and the Great Father! Commander Reaper shouted, swinging

    his chainsword in a wide arc, cutting down many of the first rank of cultists, clearing

    a little breathing space. He unloaded his bolt pistol into the horde before dropping the

    pistol and taking his chainsword in a two handed grip.

    Jonah Orion slammed the hilt of his Force Staff onto the ground. In response, a

    shockwave erupted from him, killing and throwing bodies off their feet. Warp fire

    erupted from his finger tips, as well as from his Force Staff, smiting all those that it


    Tarkus and his squad had loaded Metal Storm Frag shells, and its effects were

    devastating amongst the lightly armored cultists, each shell detonating before impact

    and ripping through scores of cultists.

    Forward! Push into them! Commander Reaper bellowed, swinging his

    chainsword without rest into the mass of Culitists.

    The Space Marines let out a cheer, striking deeper into the mass of the foes,

    leaving behind scores of dead bodies. The Librarian and the commander was the tip of

    the spear, forging their way through the masses of blades and fists. With each swipe of

    his Force Staff, the eagle standing at the top of the staff flared with power, cutting

    down his foes with his psychic might.

    Forward, my brothers! Tarkus said, dropping his empty magazine and quickly

    slapping a new one into place. Save the plasma gun for later. Use your boltguns for


    The Thunderhawk came back for another gunning run, and the Space Marines

    stood firm amongst the falling Cultists all around them. Several stray rounds pinged

    off the ancient and holy armor of Commander Reaper, but he paid them no attention,

    instead, forging his way forward with greater fury. His roaring blade claimed a few

    lives with each swing, and the blade continued to roar with the righteous fury of the

    Adeptus Astartes.Knowledge is power! Librarian Orion cried, slamming the end of his force

    staff onto the ground. Power coruscated from the staff, lashing out in concentric

    circles. The cultists were no match for the deadly Librarian in close quarters as he

    employed the full force of his psychic might.

    There is only the Emperor! Sergeant Thaddeus bellowed, rocketing into the

    horde, throwing back dozens of Cultists with his bone breaking land.

    He is our shield, and our protector! the rest of his squad roared, finishing the

    maxim as they followed their sergeant into battle.


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    Thank the Emperor! Were saved! one of the PDF soldiers cried as the Space

    Marines ploughed into the horde of enemies.

    Major Gilbert lowered his smoking hellgun and gazed at the superhumans in

    awe. They were like a blade cutting into cold grease, cutting down the cultists with

    each swipe of their roaring chainblades. The iron fist of the Emperor was here today,

    and it was sure that they would win the day.

    I want two platoons with me! We move ahead to support the Space Marines!

    Major Gilbert yelled, raising his hellgun. The PDF forces cheered, raising their

    weapons and following their commander into battle. For the Emperor!

    The Space Marines had left a horrific trail of dead bodies behind them, most of

    them mutilated by chainswords, others killed by warpfire or warp lightning. Major

    Gilbert also noticed that several of the bodies, in fact, more than several of the bodies

    were children and woman. Suddenly, he felt resentment in his mind. This was his

    battle, and these Adeptus Astartes had stolen it from his grasp. His enmity grew as he

    watch the Space Marines slaughter more and more of the civilians.

    All units! Open fire on the Space Marines! Major Gilbert ordered, raising his

    hellgun and firing it at the closest Space Marine, a bald Tactical Marine.

    Turncoats! Open fire, brothers! the bald Tactical Marines, turning around

    amidst the rain of lasfire. His bolter spat out rounds at the PDF soldiers.

    The rest of the Tactical Marines turned around and unleashed their firepower at

    the turncoats. Major Gilbert screamed his defiance, charging forward, hoping to close

    the distance so he could tackle the massive Space Marine. Unfortunately, the Tactical

    Marine did not even flinch when the Major slammed into his leg.


    Tarkus punched the turncoat major, feeling the humans head collapse into hischest cavity. He kicked the body away, and concentrated at the group of PDF soldiers,

    who had started brandishing grenade launchers. Lasrifles were one thing, but the

    grenade launchers could do some light damage to their armor.

    Plasma gun! Incinerate them, brothers! Tarkus ordered, pointing at the squads

    two plasma gun bearers.

    They nodded, sheathing their bolters and arming their plasma guns. The plasma

    guns hummed with promise of death to the turncoats. The Tactical Marines pulled

    their triggers, and searing blasts of superheated gas erupted from the barrel of the

    plasma gun, spearing towards the PDF troops.


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    Four of the PDF troops were incinerated and another was blinded by the bright

    flash of the muzzle. The Blood Ravens fired again, incinerating another group of PDF

    soldiers with ease.

    Talon two Alpha, we need that fire support! Commander Reaper ordered into

    the vox. The horde seemed to be endless, and even the greatest warrior would start to

    tire after fighting continuously with no end.

    Stand fast, my brothers! Librarian Jonah Orion cried, delivered straight to their

    minds, reinforcing their resolve. For the Emperor!

    The Librarian fired blasts of warp fire from his hand, while his Force Staff was

    ablaze with power as it cut into the horde of cultists. The Blood Ravens were awed in

    the sight of the revered Librarian, fighting the Emperors foes with such deadly force.

    The Thunderhawk did one finally gunning run, before allowing Avitus and his squad

    to get off the gunship.

    Commander! Governor Derosa here. Angel Forge is under attack from Chaos

    forces! The defending 85th Vendoland is having a hard time holding the Chaos

    Marines off! We need your help! the vox spluttered.

    Understood, Derosa. Were heading over to Angel Gate. Is it still holding?

    Commander Reaper replied, pressing a ear to his vox bead.

    Yes, commander, but the Chaos forces are inside the gate. Hurry!

    The Space Marines ploughed their way through the horde, and they could see

    Angel Gate ahead, a newly constructed one, after the Eldar destroyed it when they

    tried to destroy Angel Forge. It was closed, adamantine bolts locking across the

    massive gates.

    Derosa, the gates closed. Sergeant Tarkus voxed, as they got closer. By now

    the horde was dead, and bodies marked their advanced through the capital spire.

    There is a gate switch on the wall. Use your jetpack to get up there. Activate it

    and the gate will open.

    The position is exposed, commander. Theres no telling what awaits us on the

    other side. And the enemy will know were going through the gates. Avituscommented. We should kick it down and give the foul Chaos forces a surprise.

    But that would leave the door wide open, commander. Jonah countered,

    leaning on his force staff for a moment. Its your decision, commander. I can rip the

    door down if you command it.

    Thaddeus, with me. The rest of you, prepare to fight the enemy. Commander

    Reaper decided, firing his jetpack, propelling himself up to the top of the wall. The

    assault squad followed without pause.

    Reaper pressed a few runes, and felt the gate open. He looked at the situation on

    the other side of the gate, and found Guardsmen from the 85th Vendoland engaging


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    Cultists and Chaos Space Marines wearing the armor of the Black Legion.

    Chaos filth! Theyre from the Black Legion! Thaddeus exclaimed, firing his

    jetpack. Blood and Fire!

    The Blood Ravens charged into battle, and the Chaos forces turned their

    attention from the Guardsmen to the new arrivals. One particular Black Legion

    brandished his sword. It looked like the commander.

    Ah. Welcome, Blood Ravens. So predictable. The commander cried, waving

    his massive sword of obsidian. He killed two nearby Guardsmen with relaxed ease.

    He looked somewhat familiar to Avitus and Tarkus. The corpse Emperor has blessed

    me with you today. I shall sacrifice you to Khorne!

    Chaos filth! Face your death! Commander Reaper bellowed, charging towards

    the servant of Chaos. His chainsword roared with promise of bloodshed.

    Not here, Blood Raven. Chase me if you can. The Chaos commander mocked,

    disappearing in a flash of light.

    Commander. The Chaos commander had just appeared at Angel Forge. the

    Guardsmen are trying the best they can to stop him. But they need your help,

    commander. Governor Derosa voxed. Derosa out.

    Lets move! Were not letting him get away! Commander Reaper yelled,

    gesturing to the Space Marines. The Blood Ravens stormed after him, eager to deliver

    the Emperors judgement to the foul servants of Chaos.

    Perhaps they were a little over zealous in their chase, and they ran straight into

    an ambush. Two Chaos Marines with autocannons swept the street with a barrage of

    explosive shells, while other Fallen Marines appeared on their flank.

    Loyalists! Kill them all! a Chaos Marine cried, waving his axe and charging

    towards the Blood Ravens.

    Ambush! Stand fast, Tactical Marines! Sergeant Tarkus ordered, taking a knee,

    and firing his bolter as Thaddeus rocketed into the fray. Plasma guns! Target the

    heavy weapons!

    The Blood Ravens Librarian fired bolts of warp lightning from his fingers as hecharged into battle. His Force Staff was ablaze with power with his psychic might as

    he speared it towards a Chaos Marine. The eagle that stood atop his Force Staff sliced

    through the Marines armor with ease, and Jonah fired his warp lightning into the

    Marines head, before kicking the body to free his staff. He blocked a chainaxe with

    his Force Staff, before delivering a bolt of warp lightning straight into the Chaos

    Marines chest. The warp lightning coursed through the Chaos Marines armor,

    overloading circuits and shorting out the Marines two hearts. The Marine was dead

    before he hit the ground.

    Your foul turncoat existance ends today! Jonah proclaimed, slamming the end


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    of his Force Staff onto the ground as the Chaos Marines tried to surround him. A blast

    of psychic power immolated the Chaos Marines, burning them to a crisp. Venerate

    the immortal Emperor! Death to His foes!

    The Space Marines cheered at the sight of their Librarian standing tall amidst the

    fallen Chaos Marines and fought even harder, striving to follow in the Librarians


    For the Emperor! Commander Reaper bellowed, taking a Chaos Marines head

    off with a single swipe of his chainsword. He parried an axe blow, before firing his

    bolt pistol into the Marines head.

    Tarkus and his squad advanced steadily, their weapons laying down a steady rate

    of fire towards the Chaos Havocs, who were still firing despite grievous wounds from

    the plasma guns. Tarkus swapped his bolter for the plasma gun, and took aim quickly.

    He prayed to the Emperor to keep his aim steady, and his shot deadly. He pulled the

    trigger, and the searing blast of plasma streaked towards the Chaos Havoc. The bolt of

    plasma burned through the Chaos Marines chest plate, and the Chaos Marine finally

    dropped dead.

    Praise the Emperor, brothers! Tarkus cried, returning the plasma gun to his

    comrade. Forward! Push into them!

    The Tactical Marines surged forward, bolters and plasma guns firing. The other

    Blood Ravens followed closely as they approached Angel Forge. The Chaos Forces

    were already engaging the Veteran Guardsmen defending the ancient forge. The

    destroyed carcass of a Eldar Fire Prism was still there, serving as a stark reminder

    how dangerous and manipulative the Eldar can be.

    The Chaos Forces broke off when they saw the Blood Ravens approach. Tarkus

    sent a flurry of shots that chased them as they left. The Blood Ravens made sure

    Angel Forge was secure before pursuing the interlopers.

    The Chaos Commander waiting for them in a large courtyard. A portal opened

    up, and a Chaos Dreadnought, followed by several Chaos Havocs poured out of the

    rift.Welcome, Blood Ravens. You know. I did miss you. I still remember the fight in

    Kronus. Tell Captain Angelos that his good friend, Eliphas the Inheritor is back! the

    Chaos lord cackled, turning and disappearing back into the rift.

    Did that commander just claim to be Eliphas? Tarkus pondered aloud. But we

    all saw become a sacrifice to the Dark Gods!

    Prioritization, Tarkus, focus on the problem at hand first! Commander Reaper

    ordered, diving into cover as the Dreadnought fired its autocannon at them. Get a

    melta bomb on him!

    Understood, commander! Tarkus replied, freeing one from his belt, he primed


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    it, and threw it. The melta bomb sailed through the air, and detonated on the side of

    the Dreadnought, and a clean hole was punched through the armor. The Dreadnought

    recoiled, and the Space Marines striked. Librarian Jonah fired bolts of warp fire into

    the hole in the Dreadnoughts armor, focusing his psychic power into one spear of


    The Dreadnought rocked on its axis as Jonahs spear of fire detonated the fuel

    and engines inside the ancient machine. The Blood Ravens let out a cheer as the

    Dreadnought exploded violently. The Emperors Vengeance had descended upon the

    foul forces of Chaos, and the Blood Ravens were victorious that day.

    Commander. Good news, the rebel forces are in full retreat.

    I hate to refute you, Governor. But you now have a full Chaos insurrection in

    your hands. Jonah retorted.

    I cant believe House Vandis has allowed this! Governor Derosa exclaimed.

    Believe it. Avitus growled, cutting off Derosas sentence off.

    Yes. You are right. Denial only helps the enemy.


    The Blood Ravens boarded their Thunderhawk, and headed back to the Strike

    Cruiser Retribution in orbit. Eliphas watched as the Thunderhawk rocketed back into

    the atmosphere. He turned around, walking towards the Chaos Lord, Araghast the

    Pillager and kneeled in front of him.

    So it is done? Prepare the trap on Aurelia. Araghast growled, licking blood off

    his blade. He turned around and walked into the Warp portal. Eliphas. Prepare to

    attack the Imperial Palace.

    Eliphas stood and walked towards the other direction, heading straight for the

    Chaos Rhinos.

    Driver! Get us moving! Or I will kill you! Eliphas spat, climbing aboard theRhino.


    Commander. We have located the traitors base of operations. It is on planet

    Aurelia, in a geothermal power station that shields it presence from orbital scanners.

    Imperial Guard forces are already on the ground, and they are assaulting the facility.

    Land and assault the Chaos base there. Captain Angelos ordered, pointing out the

    facility to the commander.


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    What do we know about the Chaos Forces on the ground? Commander Reaper


    They are entrenched, and there are plenty of bunkers scattered around the

    facility. Reports from Imperial Guard indicate that there are a lot of Chaos Havocs

    operating in the area, complimented with Heretics. Captain Angelos replied. Plenty

    of heavy weapons will be needed to crack the defenses, commander.

    Avitus! Lascannons and krak missile launchers. Tarkus! Plenty of satchel

    charges. Jonah, youre coming down as well. Commander Reaper ordered. Lets

    move, brothers!


    The drop pod crashed, and the Space Marines spilled out of it. They prepped for


    Blood Ravens. Good to see you, commander. Were under heavy fire from

    Chaos forces, and pinned down. Requesting assistance. A Imperial Guard sergeant


    Bah! We seem to coddle these Imperial Guard everywhere we go! Avitus

    growled, running ahead.

    Chaos forces had surrounded the Imperial Guard prefab bunker and were

    throwing everything they got against the Imperial Guard. Several Chaos Havocs were

    set up in towers and were hammering the Imperial forces down below. Several

    Imperial Guard heavy weapon teams were returning fire with hotshot rifles and

    grenade launchers, but to little effect against the heavily armored Chaos troopers.

    Avitus fired his lascannon, a bright blue streak of power spearing towards one of

    the towers where the Chaos Havoc was taking cover in. The shot was aimed at the

    foundation of the building, and it collapsed. Another Devastator hefted his missile

    launcher, and fired it at another tower. The missile exploded, punching a hole in the

    building, and detonating the munitions on the Havoc.Good shots, brothers! Bring the Emperors holy fury upon them! Avitus

    ordered, waiting for his lascannon to recharge. It hummed with potency as it built up

    for the charge to fire. Another bright flash, and a Chaos Havoc was vaporised as he

    tried to turn his fire on the Devastator.

    Good shots, Avitus. Area secure. Sergeant Tarkus commented. Sergeant.


    Sir. The Imperial Guard Sergeant saluted, dwarfed by the mighty Tactical

    Marines. Weve just landed, and set up a HQ here, and were beginning our assault

    on the enemy.


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    Whats your assessment of the enemy? Commander Reaper asked.

    Plenty of enemy entrenched in bunkers and pre-fabbed barricades, commander.

    Weve brought hellguns and plasma guns to deal with the bunkers. The Sergeant

    continued, gesturing to his squads of elite Stormtroopers. They seemed to have some

    kind of energy shield protecting some sort of base in the middle of the facility.

    Carry on, Sergeant.

    Understood, sir. The Sergeant saluted again. Suddenly, shells began to land on

    the HQ, several men killed by the barrage. Incoming artillery! Someone get me a fix

    of the position!

    Commander. Auspex scans show that the void shield is powered by a energy

    shield to the north. The calls for the artillery are also relayed through a

    communications array to the northeast. Cyrus reported from the Retribution.

    Capturing the communications array will effectively silence the guns.

    If you capture it intact. We can feed our own co-ordinates for our guns. The

    Imperial Guard Sergeant cut in. All units, this is Sergeant Wulfen. Advance!

    The 85th Vendoland Imperial Guard advanced, lasrifles firing as they charged the

    lines of the Black Legion. Bunkers returned fire immediately, slaughtering the first

    dozens of Guardsmen. Then the Guardsmen deployed their heavy weapons, returning

    some serious fire towards the bunker.

    Forward! Hold that position! We have to gain a foothold! Sergeant Wulfen

    ordered, his hellgun firing on full auto.

    Ok. We split up. Avitus, Tarkus. You push on ahead with the Imperial Guard,

    lend them all the fire support they need. Jonah. Youre with me. Were going to take

    out the artillery and the power station. Commander Reaper decided, hefting his

    Thunderhammer in one hand. For the Emperor, brothers. Godspeed.

    And the Blood Ravens departed, each to their own ways.


    It seemed that the Imperial Guard were pinned down at a junction ahead, and

    Tarkus approached the Sergeant, who was yelling for the plasma gunners to advance.

    Sergeant? Trouble ahead? Tarkus asked, standing tall as rounds whizzed


    Sir! The traitors have set up a crossfire ahead with autocannons and heavy

    bolters. We cant even get close enough to fire at them! Sergeant Wulfen reported,

    looking at the Tactical Marine Sergeant fearfully.

    Avitus. Ill draw their fire. Take them out! Tarkus barked, striding out of cover,

    his boltgun firing, following by the rest of his squad without question. Explosive


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    rounds pinged off his armor and some of them buffered him, but he kept advancing,

    drawing the Havocs fire from Avitus. There was a bright flash from behind him, and

    one of the bunkers exploded. Then a missile streaked out from somewhere behind

    Tarkus, blowing a large hole in the bunker, revealing the Chaos Havocs inside the

    bunker. Open fire, brothers!

    The Tactical Marine opened fire, sending a tirade of bolt shells that punched into

    the Havoc. Tarkus waved the all clear, and the Imperial Guard advanced down the

    street. Avitus strode up to the Tactical Marine Sergeant.

    You do know theres no one to repair your armor once you damaged it, right?

    Avitus asked sardonically, pointing to several dents and scratches on the Tactical

    Marines armor.

    Ive done some repairs before. Shrugged Tarkus When the Machine Spirit

    allows it.

    Bah! Thats not the point, Tarkus. Do you really think there is a need to fall in

    battle for the Imperial Guard? They can do their own dying, they can do that

    themselves! Avitus countered, waving his hand at the numerous bodies that laid


    No one died in His Service had died in vain, Avitus. Calm yourself. We are in

    this together, brothers all. Now lets move.

    Chaos assault units, stand fast! Sergeant Wulfen yelled, taking a knee and

    firing, delivering high powered shafts of las into a squad of Chaos Marines wielding

    chainaxes. The other Guardsmen opened fire, sending a torrent of las fire towards the

    charging Chaos Marines. Not a single step back!

    Tarkus and Avitus watched as the courageous Imperial Guard continued to pour

    fire into charging Chaos Marines. The Imperial Guard had not even taken a step back,

    when even the most courageous man would break with a Chaos Marine bearing down

    upon them. As the Chaos Marines hacked into the first few Guardsmen, Avitus and his

    squad unleashed their holy fury upon the traitors.

    The Chaos assault units never had a chance. The bolt shells ripped through theirarmor and destroyed the traitors quickly. More appeared, and they were ripped apart

    as they tried to get closer.

    Enemy Predators! Get down! Tarkus yelled, diving into cover as two heavy

    Chaos tanks appeared. Avitus! Take them down!

    There was a flash of blue and one of the Predators treads were blown off,

    causing the heavy tank to grind to a halt. The other surged forward, hoping to catch

    the Guardsmen with its sharpened dozer blades, and the bodies impaled on it showed

    that they were used frequently. However, before it could plough through the puny

    Imperial Guardsmen, Tarkus threw a melta bomb that punched a hole straight through


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    the thick armor of the Predator and killed the crew. A second bright flash and the

    second Predator exploded in a bright, multi-colored explosion. The Imperial Guard let

    out a loud cheer, but the cheer was premature, as more Black Legion Marines

    appeared, led by a Plaguemarine.

    This is going to be a long day. Tarkus heard one of the Guardsmen muttered,

    before the sound of las fire covered everything.


    Were going to have to fight through everything the Black Legion throws at us.

    And its a long way to the communication array. Commander Reaper joked,

    switching the weight of his thunderhammer between his left and right hand. Ahead of

    them, a large group of Cultists congregated around the communication array. The

    Librarian also spotted several Havocs scattered around the area as well.

    Ok. Jonah. You deal with the Cultists. Ill deal with the Havocs. Theyll have a

    harder time to catch me. Commader Reaper continued. For the Emperor, brother.

    Librarian Jonah nodded, before striding confidently out into open, where he

    could use his powers to maximum effect. He stood confidently twirling his Force

    Staff above his head, challenging the Cultists.

    As the Cultists charged, the Librarian fired chain lightning from his Force Staff

    at the enemy. The warp lightning jumped from cultists to cultists, obliterating a large

    part of the traitors in one fell swoop. The surviving ones were the unfortunate ones.

    Jonah Orion unleashed his psychic might as he swung his Force Staff. The Force Staff

    rendered through the Cultists that it touched, and the others were ignited with warpfire

    from the Librarians fingers.

    Your turncoat days are over! Librarian Jonah announced, slamming the end of

    his Force Staff onto the ground, and the psychic energy was channeled through the

    ground, heading towards one of the cultists that tried to escape. The Cultist exploded

    from the power of Jonah.Meanwhile, Commander Reaper landed with a ground shaking impact, stunning

    the Chaos Havoc. Before the traitor Marine could recover, Commander Reaper swung

    his thunderhammer, impacting with a loud thunderclap. The Traitor Marine flew

    backwards, his chestplate destroyed by the impact. Another Havoc opened fire on

    him, and he charged through the rain of shells, several of them pinging off his holy

    power armor.

    For the Emperor! the Blood Raven cried, leaping into the air, before slamming

    down his thunderhammer. The hammerhead crushed the traitor Marines head into his

    own chest cavity.


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    Finally, the area was cleared. The commander quickly went to capture the

    communications array.

    Communications array is captured, Avitus. Call it in. Commander Reaper

    voxed, striding out of the control room. Jonah? We still have a power station to


    Lets move, commander. Jonah replied, slinging his Force Staff across his back

    and drawing dual bolt pistols.


    Communications array is captured, Avitus. Call it in. the vox squawked.

    Understood, commander. Avitus replied, pressing a finger to his ear. The

    gunfire from a nearby fortified bunker was defeaning, a mixture of loud booms from

    autocannons and the loud, continous roar of heavy bolters. Wulfen! Get your vox

    man up here!

    A Guardsman with a vox mounted on his back arrived, and Wulfen started

    yelling in the co-ordinates for artillery. Moments later, Earthshaker shells devastated

    the bunkers that were impending their progress, and the soldiers cheered at the sight

    of the devastating artillery.

    Move up! Sergeant Wulfen ordered, waving his hellgun. I want the heavy

    weapons up front, go!

    The 85th Vendoland Guardsmen advanced, their morale high. Then the

    Plaguemarines showed up. Firing streams of pestilent pus from flamer like weapons,

    the pus rotted anything it touched, including human flesh. The Guardsmen melted into

    rot, the horrid blossom of Chaos blooming amongst the men.

    Plague marines! Dont let them get close! Tarkus bellowed, drawing his

    plasma gun, trading rate of fire for more stopping power. His teammates, the

    Sternguard Veterans of the Blood Ravens, stood their ground against the horror of the

    servants of Nurgle as the Guardsmen fell around them. One of the Plague Marines fellafter a bolt of plasma melted its head.

    Sergeant Wulfen and several of the Veteran Stormtroopers stood their ground,

    defiantly sending blasts of hellgun fire into the walking horrors of rot and pestiliance.

    Their fire punched holes through Nurgles servants, but they seemed to ignore the

    pain and continued spraying the pus.

    Avitus and his squad opened up, and a flash of blue from Avitus lascannon

    vaporized one of the Plague Marines, which exploded in a cloud of plague. Tarkus

    choked, his superhuman constitution struggling to cope with the toxin loaded air,

    wishing that he had went into battle with a helmet.


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    The final Plague Marine went down amidst a rain of plasma bolts. Only Sergeant

    Wulfen and several Stormtroopers were still alive, their rebreathers protecting them

    from harm for the moment.

    This is Sergeant Wulfen. Requesting reinforcements. Now. Sergeant Wulfen

    voxed, his hands trembling.

    Understood, Sergeant. Reinforcements are dispatched.

    The plague has taken root. Im sorry. But there is no other way. Tarkus said, as

    the Guardsman fell to his knees and hands, vomiting blood. Tarkus fired his boltgun

    into the Sergeant and the other surviving troops. Lets move. We dont want the

    commander to be waiting for us.

    Aye. Avitus replied, hefting his lascannon.

    The Devastators and the Tactical Marines continued advancing through the

    facility, killing every traitor they encountered around. Finally, they saw the blood red

    void shield surrounding some sort of shrine to the Dark Powers.

    Commander! The enemy has set up a shrine to Chaos! Tarkus radioed, firing a

    few experimental shots at the void shield. The shots vaporized the moment they

    touched the void shield.

    Understood, Tarkus. We have more pressing matters in our hands right now.

    Hold position. Commander Reaper replied, his voiced strained, and Tarkus could

    hear roars in the background.


    Back to the warp, Daemon! Libarian Jonah bellowed, stabbing his forcing staff

    forward, the Eagle coruscating with power at the Bloodletter. The Lesser Daemon

    screamed horribly as the Librarian channeled his power through the staff and into the

    Lesser Daemon. A hole opened up in the ground and sucked the Lesser Daemon back

    into the warp. Jonah turned around and blocked a blow with the haft of his ForceStaff, before firing a blast of warp lightning at the Bloodletter.

    The Commander swung his Thunderhammer at the Bloodcrushers head, and the

    Bloodletter fell off his dead ride. Before the Bloodletter could do anything, Reaper

    slammed his hammer down upon the Bloodletters chest. The Bloodletter

    disintegrated in a flash of fire, but the Commander was too slow and turned to see a

    Bloodletter bring his hellblade down. He brought his left arm up to defend himself,

    and he felt the hellblade biting deeply into his vambraces, but not yet drawing blood.

    He drew his plasma pistol with his right hand and firing in one smooth action. The

    Bloodletter staggered backwards, and the Space Marine fired a few more shots, before


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    Jonah blasted the Lesser Daemon back to the warp with his powers.

    Commander? Are you ok? Jonah asked, Hold still. I will heal you.

    The Librarian muttered a blessing, and the Commanders various wounds began

    to heal. The commander nodded his thanks, and the duo continued moving towards

    the power station.

    Were in position. Awaiting your go, commander. Tarkus reported.

    Understood, Tarkus. Were almost there. Begin assault once the shields go

    down. Reaper out. Commander Reaper replied, picking up his fallen thunderhammer.

    Commander, more Daemons! Jonah cried, firing blasts of warp power from his

    finger tips at the charging Bloodletters.

    Commander Reaper managed to get two shots off, before holstering it and

    charging towards the Lesser Daemon with his thunderhammer. The Bloodletter roared

    loudly, swinging his hellblade. Reaper ducked and swung his hammer at the same

    time, aiming for the Lesser Daemons groin. The Bloodletter collapsed, and Reaper

    brought his weapon high, before slamming it down. The Lesser Daemon was thrown

    back into the warp after waiting for centuries in the warp and manifesting.

    For the Great Father and the Emperor! Reaper cried, and the Daemons were

    stunned by the force of his warcry, and that was enough for Jonah to lop off the

    Daemons head with his Force Staff. Reaper emptied his plasma pistol at a number of

    Cultists attempting to summon more of the foul Daemons. The Librarian threw one of

    his bolt pistols to the Commander, who accepted it with a yell of thanks.

    Several Chaos Marines appeared and began firing their plasma guns. Reaper

    returned fire, trying to close the distance, but the Chaos Marines exploited the

    commanders weakness, evading the commander. The Libararian focused, thinking of

    exactly where one of the Chaos Marines were, and he teleported through the warp.

    The Librarian appeared inside of the Chaos Marines physical space, causing the

    Chaos Marine to explode and fall away in pieces.

    The other Chaos Marines were stunned, and that was enough for the Commander

    to close distances by firing his jetpack. The Chaos Marine brought his fists up todefend himself, but was simply blown away by the force of the hammer strike. The

    third one died with warp lightning coursing through his body.

    That was close. Lets keep moving. Commander Reaper said, reloading the bolt


    They arrived at the Power Station, and the Commander kicked down the puny

    door and just as he was about to enter the control room, a veritable horde of cultists


    Commander. Disable the power. I will hold them off. Jonah said, turning

    around and facing the horde. He stoof firm, holding his Force Staff with a two handed


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    Good luck. Commander Reaper replied.

    Come on, you turncoat scum! Your death is here! Jonah Orion declared,

    twirling his Force Staff above his head, warp lightning coursing through the staff and

    his Psychic Hood. Solid rounds pinged off his armor, and he fired blasts of warp

    lightning in response.

    The first row of cultists were fried by the warp lightning, but they did not slow in

    their march, even gaining speed. When the Librarian saw this, he went onto one knee,

    muttering the words from the Tome of Barriers. In response, an expanding arc of a

    psychical barrier appeared in front of him, throwing back every Cultists that tried to

    break the shield.

    Jonah stood, gathering his powers. He hurled a torrent of warp fire towards the

    stunned Cultists, and they wreathed in fire. Now, only half of the original horde

    remained, and Jonah stood resplendent in front of the power station, his Force Staff

    crackling with power. The Cultists charged again, and Jonah braced his himself as he

    gathered his powers to unleash in a single, massive blow.

    For the Great Father! Jonah bellowed, spearing his Force Staff forward. A

    torrent of warp lightning erupted from the Imperial Eagle atop his Force Staff, striking

    the cultists in a wide arc. Your turncoat lives are over!

    With that cry, the Librarian charged into battle, his Force weapon held in a two

    handed grip. He muttered a few words from the tome of quickening, and the world

    seemed to slow in front of him. The Cultists actionas seem slow and sluggish, as if

    under water and the Librarian striked quickly, slicing with his Force Staff before the

    cultists could do anything. The Imperial Eagle atop the Force Staff cleaved through

    the Cultists with ease, its edges sharpened by Jonahs psychic powers. In fact, his

    weapon was sharp enough to cut through the armor of an enemy Dreadnought.

    Jonah muttered a few words, and the world returned to normal speed. The

    corpses of the cultists lay around him, their blood staining the ground. Jonah walked

    into the power station to check on the Commander. A trail of bodies awaited him, andhe was not surprised, several of the machinery bore the damage from a


    Commander? Jonah called out, searching for the commander.

    Yeah. Im here. There was another thunderclap, amplified by the confined size

    of the control. The commander was destroying the generators with a his warhammer

    one by one.

    Commander. You know. Its a lot easier just to switch them off? Jonah said, a

    smile playing at his mouth. He walked over to a console and tapped a few runes



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    Everythings in lockdown. The Commander replied, followed by another

    thunderclap and an explosion.

    Not if you find the circuit board. Jonah retorted, prying it open and frying it

    with his powers.

    There was a whine, and all of the generators powered down. The commander

    nodded and slinged his thunderhammer across his back.

    Tarkus! The powers down. You may proceed.


    Understood, commander. Were moving up. Tarkus replied, making hand

    signals to the Imperial Guard troopers. Avitus nodded, and his Devastators unleashed

    a hailstorm of fury upon the Chaos temple, while the Imperial Stormtroopers


    The stormtroopers were met by a storm of returning fire, while up in the air, a

    Valkry was providing fire support with its multilasers. Then a flash of a lascannon

    from the Chaos base caught the Valkry and it fell from the skies, a burning comet

    leaving a streak of fire across the sky.

    Move up! Tarkus ordered, striding forward, his boltgun firing on four round

    bursts. The rest of his Vanguard Veteran advanced, laying down layers upon layers of

    bolt shells towards the traitors as they advanced.

    There was a flash, and several Bloodletters appeared from the Chaos Shrines,

    snarling to promise the impending bloodshed and death to the Guardsmen. The

    stormtroopers poured lasfire into the charging Bloodletters but to no effect as the

    Lesser Daemon continued to charge. The first stormtrooper was sliced in half

    horizontally when he tried to use his bayonet. He was still screaming when the

    Bloodletter took a bite out of the stormtroopers throat.

    I am the blade of the Emperor, honed with fury. Tarkus declared, doubling his

    fire rate, followed by the rest of his Sternguard squad. One of the Bloodletters wascaught in a storm of bolt shells and plasma bolts and fell to the ground, before sucked

    back into the warp.

    Avitus fired his lascannon and vaporized one of the Bloodletters, by now they

    were too close to engage with bolters.

    Blades out! Tarkus ordered, ripping his power sword free of his sheath. The

    power sword was once carried by Chapter Master Alexian and had accompanied

    Tarkus through the cleansing of the Aurelian sub-sector of Tyranids. It was still as

    sharp as the day it was forged, and wreathed with a force field that allows it to cleave

    through anything.


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    Tarkus brought his blade up to meet the hellblade of the Bloodletter. The two

    blades met with a flash of sparks, and Tarkus held against the Daemon as he emptied

    his boltgun into the Bloodletters stomach. The Bloodletter roared but refused to die,

    and Tarkus snarled in return, spitting a gob of acid onto the Lesser Daemons face.

    The Bloodletter brayed, recoiling in pain. Tarkus hacked down with his power sword,

    cutting through the daemoniac flesh.

    For the Emperor! Tarkus cried, kicking the dead body away and freeing his

    blade. He is our Shield and Protector!

    The other Veterans cheered, hacking down the other Daemons. Avitus and his

    Devastators were at an disadvantage with their massive cumbersome, heavy weapons,

    and Tarkus immediately leap to his battle brothers assistance. Avitus nodded his

    thanks, before discharging a blast from his lascannon into a Bloodcrusher. The

    Bloodcrusher crashed to the ground as the its ride died. Tarkus lept onto the beast and

    stabbed his power sword straight into the Lesser Daemons skull.

    Death to our enemies! Tarkus bellowed, freeing his blade.

    Destroy our foes! the Commander yelled, his jump pack propelling him into

    the fight. Jonah was close behind him, disappearing and appearing inside the physical

    space of a Daemon. The Librarian slammed the end of his Force Staff onto the

    ground, and a circle of fire erupted from Jonah, incinerating all those who were too


    Another enemy of mankind falls! Librarian Jonah cried, raising his Force

    Staff. He hurled bolts of warp lightning at a group of cultists that tried to summon

    more Daemons. Take out the Cultists before they summon more of the Daemons!

    Avitus and his squad unleashed a hellstorm of fury towards the cultists, while

    Tarkus and the others advanced. The commander led the charge, his thunderhammer

    raised high to strike, the Librarian was close behind him, ready to support the


    For the Great Father and the Emperor! The commander roared, rocketing

    forward and meeting a Chaos Marine in combat. The Chaos Marine, wielding a poweraxe, swiped his axe across the commanders chestplate, but luckily, his ancient Power

    Armor held. The commander returned the greeting in kind, swinging his


    The hammerhead impacted with a loud boom, and a clean hole was punched in

    the Chaos Marines armor and his chest. As the Chaos Marine fell to the ground,

    Reaper lifted his hammer and brought it down to finish the traitor off.

    Reaper lifted his hammer in time to parry a blow from another Chaos Marine. He

    was beginning to tire from using the cumbersome but deadly weapon against the

    quicker Chaos Marines. After dispatching that Chaos Marine, he slung his


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    thunderhammer across his back and drew a anointed Power Axe. The Axe of the

    Raven was a gift from the Raven Guard, forged by the greatest of the Techmarines

    from Mars.

    Its edge was keen, and well balanced, perfect for taking more of the traitors

    lives. The Tactical Marines were drawing the enemys fire, while the Devastators

    poured fire unto the cultists and other traitors. Jonah was ablazed with power, hurling

    torrents of warp lightning and fire at the enemy.

    Avitus fired his lascannon, and the main Chaos Temple collapsed. The Space

    Marines cheered.

    Commander! The walls between reality and the Warp is thinning! Jonah cried,

    going on one knee and holding his head in pain. Commander. We must get back to

    theRetribution immediately!

    Tarkus to Retribution. Emergency extraction! Tarkus radioed, as the ground

    started shaking. Now! Move, move, move!

    The ground continued to shake, and massive spikes shot up from the ground,

    while other areas subsided. The Thunderhawk broke through the atmosphere, its jets

    screaming and its nose red hot from the re-entry. Tarkus activated the beacon on his

    armor, and the gunship locked onto his position, rocketing towards the Blood Ravens.

    Lets go! Tarkus yelled, charging towards the waiting gunship.


    Eliphas watched the Thunderhawk zoom back into orbit, and he turned around to

    the Chaos Lord.

    You let them escape, lord? Eliphas asked, grating his teeth. Soon he would not

    have to bow down to the wretched cur of a Chaos Lord.

    Because it serves me to, fool! Araghast the Pillager retorted, addressing

    Eliphas. If we kill them now, the traitors amongst their ranks would be revealed! No.I will wait for a better moment to strike! Come! Prepare for the next assault!

    The two Chaos lords turned away and walked off as a massive ice shelf raised

    behind them.

    We will surely catch the garrison on Calderis with surprise Eliphas replied.


    Incoming, get down! Sergeant Okeer yelled, diving into cover as Chaos forces

    ambushed them. One of the Initiates was caught in a crossfire from the enemy forces,


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    while the other Initiates managed to get into cover just in time. Return fire!

    The Scouts returned fire, staggering their rate of fire so they wont reload at the

    same time. Sergeant Okeer sighted up his sniper and fire, dropping one of the cultists.

    Only a few hours ago, the Scouts were dispatched to investigate a distress call in the

    middle of the desert, and now they were up to their necks in trouble.

    Get a link back to HQ! Sergeant Okeer ordered, picking up the fallen initiates

    boltgun. He checked it for a full mag, and began laying down suppressive fire on their

    left flank.

    Voxs dead, sir. Theyre jamming us! Initiate Garrus replied, looking up at the


    The incoming fire got heavier, and Garrus throat exploded from a lucky shot.

    Okeer dropped the empty mag and slapped a new one in. The Scouts continued to

    return fire fearlessly, even though their situation looked dire. It looked even worse

    when several squads of Chaos Marines appeared from a warp portal.

    Squad, pull back! Ill hold them off! Sergeant Okeer ordered, standing up and

    spraying a arc of bolt shells.

    Sir! With all due respect. Youre more valuable to the Chapter. You gene seed

    must survive. Well hold them off. Go! Initiate Sunnis retorted, freeing a grenade

    from his belt.

    Your sacrifice here will not be forgotten by the Chapter, my brothers! Sergeant

    Okeer nodded, feeling pride for the Initiates he trained. He turned and ran back to his

    bike. He straddled the vehicle and activated it with a prayer of activation. The bike

    roared to life, and he immediately zoomed out of the area, but not before hearing the

    screams of his Initiates.

    Behind him, a Chaos Sorcerer was holding the Blood Ravens Initiates in balls of

    rusty barbed wire, and he was taunting and playing with them. Okeer cursed the Black

    Legion and their foul practices, but by the Throne, he would warn his brothers against

    this incursion.

    Okeer heard severals roars not unlike his own bike, and he looked in therearview mirror. Two Chaos Marines mounted on bikes was hot on his heels, their

    twin linked heavy bolters spitting out shells at him. He slammed on his brakes.

    His bike nearly flipped from the sudden deceleration, but it had its desired effect

    his two pursers roared right pass him. He gunned his accelerator, firing the twin-

    linked heavy bolters. One of the Chaos bikes exploded as Okeers shots detonated the

    fuel tank. The other Chaos bike copied the Scouts tactic, but Okeer was prepared for

    it, slamming his brakes. Okeer jumped off his bike, allowing to fall and skid on its

    side, his boltgun in hand.

    The Chaos Marine was faster, and Okeer dived into cover behind a rock as the


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    traitor traced his movement with the bolt shells.

    Sergeant Okeer draped his camo cloak carefully over himself, making sure it

    covered everything. He then stalked towards the left flank of the Chaos Marine, who

    was still firing shots at the same rock. He stalked carefully, making sure his foot falls

    bore no sounds.

    The Chaos Marine reloaded, fumbling with his bolter. He heard a sound behind

    him and turned. He saw the Blood Ravens scout, and the muzzle flash was the last

    thing he saw.

    Okeer mounted his bike and headed back to HQ.


    Cyrus was pacing to and fro in the bridge when Reaper arrived there at his


    Commander. We received this distress calls half an hour ago. Cyrus reported,

    passing a data slate to the commander. Commander. They are killing my Scouts.

    Reaper read through the message and nodded. Cyrus was right. Most of the

    Initiates on Calderis were recruited from the ranks of Imperial Guard that had fought

    valiantly, and Cyrus had trained all of them personally. Most of them exuded signs of

    greatness in them, and most were on the verge of becoming battle brothers.

    Tarkus, Avitus, Thaddeus, Jonah. Get up to the bridge. We have a situation on

    Calderis. Commander Reaper ordered, as he connected the data pad into a


    The other Sergeants arrived and Reaper played the message from Sergeant


    Commander. We have a situation here on Calderis. The enemy has shown their

    hand, and has ambushed many of our initiates with a false Chapter distress signal.

    Many of our Initiates has fallen, and I fear we may lose more if reinforcements do not

    arrive. Sergeant Priam reported. Many more of our Initiates were abducted by aSorcerer. Emperor knows what their fate is.

    Another falsified Chapter signal. Eliphas must be behind this. Tarkus said

    immediately. The other Blood Ravens nodded, agreeing with the veteran Sergeant.

    We must expect a trap.

    Agreed. But we cannot leave our brothers when they need help. Cyrus replied


    OK. Tarkus, Thaddeus, Avitus. Prepare your squads. Jonah. Youre coming

    down with me. Cyrus. Stay up here and provide field support. The Commander



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    But, commander! Those are my Scouts down there! Cyrus protested.

    Your emotions are clouding your judgement, friend. Believe me. It will be

    better if you stay here. The Commader said, turning around and leaving the bridge,

    leaving the Scout Sergeant behind.

    Understood, commander. Cyrus said bitterly.


    Sergeant Priam had donned his power armor, swapping his scout armor for

    something more protective. Many of the Scouts had retreated back to HQ, where he

    and several other Tactical marines had set up a line to repel the enemy trying to break


    A large assault was underway, and several Scouts had fallen, defending the HQ.

    Then a large drop pod crashed right in the middle of the Chaos assault, crushing many

    and throwing many more into the air with its impact. The pod opened like a metal

    flower, and the Space Marines of the strike force arrived. Thaddeus and his assault

    marines immediately charged into battle, cutting into the surprised cultists flank.

    Sergeant Priam! Report! Commander Reaper ordered, running over to the


    Commander. You are a welcome sight. The traitors has several groups of our

    initiates pinned down to the north. We tried pushing north, but all our efforts had

    failed. Sergeant Priam reported. Sergeant Okeer fell to report the Chaos attack. His

    body is kept inside the Apothecarion.

    Understood. We will lead the spearhead. Commander Reaper said, turning

    around and drawing his power sword. Azariah Vidya before had wielded this very

    anointed blade into battle, and it was still as sharp as the day it was forged. All units,

    advance north! We must rescue the Scouts.

    The Blood Ravens strike force pushed north, heading towards the area where

    they heard gunfire from. Thaddeus and his assault marines formed the vanguard,followed closely by Jonah.

    Commander. Enemy sighted. Thaddeus reported. Permission to engage?

    Engage! the commander replied, firing his jetpack, roaring into battle. He was

    followed closely by the assault Marines.

    The several Chaos Havocs disengaged the scouts and turned their attention to the

    new arrivals. Autocannon shells detonated at shallow depth, their concussive impacts

    only slowing the Space Marines as they charged. Tarkus and his Sternguard squad

    layed down some heavy fire with their boltguns and plasma rifles. The Kraken bolts

    from Tarkus bolter easily penetrated the Chaos Havocs armor and flesh.


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    The last Chaos Havoc fell, and the Scouts exited the building they were taking

    cover in.

    Thank the Emperor! Commander! The traitorous dogs took several of our

    brothers to the north. Emperor knows what their fate is now. One of the Scouts said,

    saluting the commander. He pointed north. There was a Chaos Sorcerer with them.

    Understood. Reaper replied, turning and leading his strike team forward.

    A Sorcerer. This may complicate things a little. Jonah said, tightening his grip

    on his Force Sword. That means that the enemy may have something big planned,

    Commander. I suggest caution.

    The time for caution is gone, Jonah. The enemy has decided to mess with us. Its

    time for payback! Reaper replied, raising his blade. The other Space Marines

    cheered. Cyrus. Deploy sentry guns at HQ. Make sure they hold. All units, advance!

    Understood, commander. Sentry guns inbound. Cyrus replied. Commander,

    auspex scans show that the enemy has set up a warp gate north of your position.

    Suggest you take it out.

    Yeah. Were heading there now! Reaper replied, diving into cover as a Chaos

    Predator broke cover. The other Space Marines dived for cover as well, save for the

    Devastator, who were laying down some serious fire towards the tank.

    Hails of heavy bolt shells destroyed the tanks auspex and viewing ports,

    effectively blinding the enemy tank crew. Avitus hefted his missile launcher and fired

    a barrage of three missiles straight at the Chaos Predator. The spread of missiles first

    destroyed the front armor, then the last detonated inside the tank. He reloaded his

    missile launcher, dubbed the Lament of Mars, recovered from Kronus. It featured a

    unique ammo feature, allowing it to fire three missiles at once.

    Commander. We are close. Jonah said, clearly suffering from the excess of

    warp power around the area. They have summoned Daemons, commander!

    With me, brothers! Commander Reaper yelled, raising his sword and charging.

    Avitus and Tarkus provided covering fire. Forward!

    Rain death upon the enemy, brothers! Avitus yelled, banging off a salvo ofmissiles at the enemies closing in. Destroy them all!

    Tarkus dropped dropped his empty magazine, and loaded dragonfire bolts, which

    featured enhanced explosive loads, often stunning the enemy upon detonation. The

    rounds should work well on the daemons, but would never surpass the effectiveness

    of the rounds fired from the psycannon against the daemons. Tarkus had fought on

    Kronus, watching the Grey Knights break through ranks of Daemons during the raid

    on Deimos Penisula.

    As the Commander and the Assault Marines ploughed through the Daemons,

    Tarkus and Avitus advanced steadily, laying down steady sheets of fire upon the


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    Sergeant! Enemy Berzerkers! one of Tarkus squad mates reported, turning

    around and facing the new threat. The Sternguard Veterans laid down a torrent of

    shells towards the charging, axe wielding mad men. One of the Berzerkers died as

    several plasma bolts melted his head and chest.

    Grenade out! Tarkus yelled, tossing the grenade. It detonated on impact,

    spraying gore all over the place and buffering the Tactical Marines. Tarkus dropped

    his empty mag and slapped a new one in, resuming his fire towards the Daemons.

    With me, brothers, advance!

    Now the Blood Ravens could see the warp gate, all swirling colors that did not

    have a name, madness and chaos, all in one swirling pool. Several Scouts were

    levitating in front of the warp gate, as if about to be sucked into the madness. The

    Blood Ravens opened fire immediately, cutting down the chanting Cultists. There was

    a flash, and Daemons poured forth from the warp gate.

    Tarkus freed a satchel charge from his belt, primed it, and threw it towards the

    warp gate. It landed on the brim of the gate, and Tarkus braced himself for the

    explosion. He was not disappointed. The ground shook, and the Daemons began to

    shriek as their connection to the warp has been severed.

    Jonah seemed to be weakened as well, and Tarkus remembered that the Librarian

    also drawed power from the warp. But Jonah quickly recovered and continued smiting

    the enemies with his warp lightning.

    Chaos filth! Your lives end today! Jonah cried, his Force Sword cleaving

    through the cultists who were trying to reopen the portal. The blade flared with power

    with each swipe, testament to the Librarians psychic prowess. The Daemons seemed

    to wither under the touch of his blade. Commander! The gate is now closed!

    Ok. The Scouts are safe. Cyrus. Deploy sentry guns, secure the warp gate. Your

    initiates are safe now.

    For now. Cyrus replied darkly.

    Commander! I can feel a dark presence nearby! Most likely the Sorcerer! Weshould hunt him down! Jonah said, closing his eyes. There! In that valley! We must

    hurry. He is attempting to summon reinforcements.

    The Sorcerer was standing in the middle of a circle of Cultists, chanting in a dark

    guttural tone of a evil language that had not been heard in a millennia. Fire from the

    Devastators broke the circle, and the Sorcerer turned slowly around to face the Blood


    Ah. Welcome, brothers! Prepare for your deaths! the Sorcerer cackled. For

    years I have cultivated the powers of the Dark Gods. I have waited for my revenge

    long enough!


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    Then you have waited all those years for nothing, heretic! the Force

    Commander cried, firing his jetpack. The commander landed with a roll, dodging the

    torrent of warp lightning from the Sorcerers staff. The Librarian was close behind the

    Commander, firing his plasma pistol before dropping it and holding his Force Sword

    in a two handed grip. Prepare to meet your god!

    Tzeentch has blessed me, Blood Raven! I will never die! The Sorcerer

    proclaimed, opening his arms as if to embrace the Blood Raven. The words choked in

    his throat as the Commanders power sword cut open his armor like a flower, but the

    Sorcerer jerked backwards, just in time to avoid the blade cutting into flesh. No!

    Dont abandon me, lord!

    The Sorcerer unleashed another torrent of warp lightning, and this time the

    commander was too close to dodge it. However, the warp lightning dissipated against

    a field that Jonah conjured. The commander nodded and striked again, bringing his

    blade down. The Sorcerer blocked the blow with his staff, muttering a few words. The

    commander was sudden entombed in a mess of barbed wire that restrained his


    Lay down and die, traitor! Jonah yelled, taking the commanders place. He

    speared his blade forward. The Sorcerer sidestepped, but realized it was only a feint,

    as the Librarian cleaved his blade sideways, cutting into the Sorcerers side deeply.

    I know, on the inside. You cry and shiver! the Socerer proclaimed, a tinge of

    fear entering his voice. He brought his staff down in a swipe, but the Librarian parried

    the blow with his blade. Before the Sorcerer could do anything, the Librarians Force

    Sword flared with power and the Sorcerers staff exploded. No! My staff!

    Youll be losing a lot more than your staff, heretic. The commander

    declared, as the Sorcerers powers diminished, allowing the Commander to escape the

    Chains of Torment.

    No! I will not be defeated so easily! the Sorcerer cried, slamming his fists

    onto the ground. A wave of psychic power erupted from the Black Legion Sorcerer,

    throwing back the Librarian and the Commander.For the Emperor! a loud voice cried, landing in front of the foul Sorcerer

    with a ground shaking impact. It was the Captain of the Chapter Honor Guard, Apollo

    Diomedes, resplendent in his Master Crafted power armor. He struck out with his

    power axe, splitting the Sorcerers chest asunder. Your death is here!

    The Sorcerer fell to the ground, and Captain Diomedes brought his axe down,

    splitting the traitors head in half. The Blood Ravens paused for a second, then

    kneeled in the presence of the Chapter Honor Guard.

    Captain Diomedes? What is the Chapter Honor Guard doing on Calderis?

    Sergeant Priam asked, a tone of incredulity and awe in his voice.


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    We go where the Chapter wills, Sergeant. Now report. Captain Diomedes

    replied coldly. More Blood Ravens, all wearing the colors of the Chapter Honor

    Guard, arrived via drop pods and teleporting.

    Yes, sir. The enemy ambushed our scouts using a falsified Chapter Signal.

    How they got it, I Sergeant Priam reported.

    Facts, Sergeant. Not speculation. Captain Diomedes snapped.

    Here are the facts, Captain. Many of the Initiates are dead, and many more

    are injured! This is the second trap Sergeant Thaddeus cut in angrily.

    Thaddeus! Be quiet! Tarkus hushed quickly.

    Enough, Sergeants! Diomedes thundered. Sergeant Priam, gather up your

    Initiates and prepare them for transport to Firebase Argus. Commander. Take your

    strike team back to the Strike Cruiser. The events of this day are to be strictly secret.


    Commander. We have detected a cry for help from the planet Typhon. It is

    Techmarine Martellus. Cyrus reported as the Commander strode into the bridge.

    Martellus? Techmarine Martellus survived? Reaper asked, raising his

    eyebrows. Would this be another of Eliphas tricks?

    No, commander. There is a recording. Cyrus said, pressing the rune to play

    the video.

    To any Blood Ravens in the sector. This is Techmarine Martellus. I am down

    at Planet Typhon. I maybe damaging the Astronomican Array, but I must get this

    message throughThe enemy has found me! then the video cut.

    Sir? What do we do?

    Well investigate it. We need a Techmarine to repair many of our damaged

    equipment. And returning a veteran to the battle is always welcomed. Reaper


    Understood. Cyrus replied, nodding.We need your recon skills. Avitus. Tarkus. Prepare for deployment. Reaper

    ordered, turning around and leaving for the armory. Avitus. Bring your lascannon.

    We may need its destructive will.

    Understood, commander. Avitus replied.


    Techmarine Martellus knew he had to give his thanks to the Omnissiah when

    he saw the familiar maroon of the Blood Ravens heading towards him. He fired his


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    bolter at a group of Cultists that were getting too close to Astronomican Array.

    Martellus, do you copy? Martellus vox sqawked.

    Sergeant Tarkus? Is that you? Thank the Omnissiah! Techmarine Martellus

    replied, activating his transponder signal.

    We have your signal. Were coming in now. Moments later, the Blood

    Ravens broke through the foliage and arrived next to the Astronomican Array.

    Martellus waved, and they gathered around him.

    Commander. It is good to see you again. Martellus said, grasping the

    commanders hand. Now that you are here. I will need generators to power up the

    Astronomican Array.

    What? We cannot stay around to defend your relics the whole day,

    Techmarine. Avitus cut in.

    True. But we cannot allow the precious data in the Arrays cogitators to fall

    into enemy hands. Retribution, deploy generators at my location. Prepare for data

    transfer. Martellus said, taking the control of the situation quickly. Commander. Do

    you not have a Techmarine onboard theRetribution?

    No. We dont. Reaper said, feeling somethings amiss, but cannot put his

    finger on it. Avitus! Find a good firing spot. Prepare for enemy contact.

    The generators arrived, and the Astronomican array was powered up again.

    Martellus immediately went to work on the logic engine, muttering the rites and

    tapping at the runes. His servo arm whirred, connecting some wires into the cogitator.

    Is that servo arm new? Cyrus asked, his senses tingling.

    Ah yes. The old one was destroyed during the descent. I constructed it with

    the salvage from the crashed Thunderhawk. Took me a month before being able to

    regain movement again. Martellus replied smoothly. I have the Omnissiah to thank

    for this.

    Indeed, Cyrus replied, turning around. He checked his sniper rifle. Scouts,

    with me. Commander. Were going to scout the area.

    Cyrus and his squad of scouts had a look of the area, noting the recentlydeceased Orks and traitors. He laid down several mines at important chokepoints, and

    kept an eye out for a good sniper nest. The scouts faded from view as a squad of Orks


    Commander, Ork looters. Initiating contact. Cyrus muttered to himself. He

    raised his sniper and fired. The rest of his squad followed. Seconds later, all of the

    Orks were dead. Surgical precision, Orks eliminated.

    Ah yes. The Orks are using a gate to the west to access this area. Martellus


    Divert some power to the gate controls. Well shut it. Cyrus said, breaking


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    out of cover.

    The Orks will just go around it, Cyrus! Avitus protested.

    Exactly. Straight into the traitors path. Cyrus said, tapping the controls.


    Retribution. This is Reaper, send down some tarantula sentry guns. My


    Enemy contact! Avitus warned, and his Devastators opened fire at the

    massed horde of cultists heading their way. Tarkus and his squad opened fire as well,

    the metal storm frag round cutting through the traitors with ease. Then the traitors

    were hit on the side by a wave of Orks redirected by Cyrus.

    The Sentry Guns dropped in, took a second to deploy, and fire its twin-link

    heavy bolters at the incoming enemies. It whirred as it burned through the

    ammunition. The interlocking firing arcs ensured that every Ork that came in range

    was showered with a rain of heavy bolt shells.

    Commander, I have managed to salvage several Chapter Relics from the

    crash and stored it in a shack to the north. You should get to it, before the Ork looters

    do. Martellus said.

    Copy that. Cyrus. Youre up. Move out and retrieve those relics! Reaper


    Copy that. Moving out now.


    Cyrus raised a clenched fist, and the Scouts froze, weapons raised. A rather

    large band of Orks walked passed them, led by an Ork Nob, straight by the Scouts

    without them noticing. Little that the Orks knew that they were heading straight into a

    minefield Cyrus had set a few minutes ago. Cyrus and his Scouts continued advancing

    towards the shack that Martellus had pinpointed. Cyrus felt a little tingling feelings in

    his sinuses, like the time when he was facing off the Tyranid Hive Mind.Get down! Cyrus yelled, diving away. Moments later, a large crackling ball

    of electricity detonated where they were a few moments ago. Commander. Ork

    Psykers in the field.

    Affirmitive. Take him out. Reaper replied.

    Fire! Cyrus ordered, pulling the trigger of his sniper rifle. The other Scouts

    fired as well. But the rounds seemed to bounce off a shield that the Ork Weirdboy

    conjured. Deflect this, you bastard.

    Cyrus activated the melta bomb and tossed it towards the Ork. The conjured

    shield held for half a second, before the blast ripped the Weirdboy in half. When the


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    smoke cleared, Cyrus hurried over to the shack and found the crates with the Imperial

    Markings on them. Cyrus resealed them and placed a teleporter homer on them.

    Cyrus to Retribution. Teleport homer activated. Sending several crates up.

    Keep them sealed. Cyrus voxed.

    Understood. Activating teleporter. In