ARBAAL THE UNDEFEATED Destroyer of Khorne Of all the warrior heroes of Khorne the Blood God, there are few so devoted to their thirsting master as Arbaal. Thousands have felt his axe blade at their necks and now their white skulls lie at the feet of Khorne. At the city of Praag in the northlands, Arbaal led one hundred Daemons in the assault on its boundaries. It was Arbaal who finally breached the gates of the city and ended the siege. Legends claim that Arbaal slew a thousand warriors that day. Arbaal is the favourite of his master and his most devoted servant. Khorne has gifted him with the power of the Destroyer in recognition of his devotion, a reward that belongs to Khorne’s most favoured Champion alone. Only one warrior may bear the gift of the Destroyer of Khorne. Should his Champion be defeated Khorne’s wrathful eye will turn Arbaal to foul Chaos Spawn, for only the victorious are worthy enough to serve Khorne. CHAMPIONS OF CHAOS Original background by Tuomas Pirinen, new rules by Anthony Reynolds. We know many Chaos players out there will have the older special characters in their armies, so Anthony has updated the rules for all of them for the lastest edition of Warhammer.

CHAMPIONS OF CHAOS - Axes of Aix - Warhammer …€¦ · EGRIMM VAN HORSTMANN Chaos Sorcerer of Tzeentch Egrimm can be taken as a Lord choice, but will take up a Hero slot as well

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Page 1: CHAMPIONS OF CHAOS - Axes of Aix - Warhammer …€¦ · EGRIMM VAN HORSTMANN Chaos Sorcerer of Tzeentch Egrimm can be taken as a Lord choice, but will take up a Hero slot as well


Of all the warrior heroes of Khorne theBlood God, there are few so devoted totheir thirsting master as Arbaal. Thousandshave felt his axe blade at their necks andnow their white skulls lie at the feet ofKhorne. At the city of Praag in thenorthlands, Arbaal led one hundredDaemons in the assault on its boundaries.It was Arbaal who finally breached thegates of the city and ended the siege.Legends claim that Arbaal slew athousand warriors that day.

Arbaal is the favourite of his masterand his most devoted servant. Khornehas gifted him with the power of theDestroyer in recognition of hisdevotion, a reward thatbelongs to Khorne’s mostfavoured Championalone. Only one warriormay bear the gift of theDestroyer of Khorne.Should his Championbe defeatedKhorne’s wrathfuleye will turnArbaal to foulChaos Spawn, foronly thevictorious areworthy enough toserve Khorne.


Original background by Tuomas Pirinen, new rules by Anthony Reynolds.We know many Chaos players out there will have the older special characters in their armies, so

Anthony has updated the rules for all of them for the lastest edition of Warhammer.

Page 2: CHAMPIONS OF CHAOS - Axes of Aix - Warhammer …€¦ · EGRIMM VAN HORSTMANN Chaos Sorcerer of Tzeentch Egrimm can be taken as a Lord choice, but will take up a Hero slot as well


Arbaal can be taken as a Lord choice, butwill take up a Hero slot as well. He must befielded exactly as presented here and noextra equipment or magic items can bebought for him.

Points: 425 (315 for Arbaal, 110 for theHound of Khorne).

Weapons: Arbaal is armed with theDestroyer of Khorne.

Armour: He wears Chaos Armour.

Mount: Arbaal rides the Hound of Khorne.

SPECIAL RULESMark of Khorne: Arbaal bears the Mark ofKhorne as described on p.47 of Hordes ofChaos.

Challenge: Arbaal must always issue achallenge if possible. If a challenge is issuedto Arbaal or a unit he is with then he mustmeet it if at all possible.

Gaze of the Gods: See Hordes of Chaos,p.52

The Hound of Khorne: The Hound ofKhorne is the Blood God’s own FleshHound, a Daemon of huge proportionscombining the attributes of a Flesh Houndwith massive size and power. Only Khorne’schosen Champion is rewarded with theHound of Khorne, which the Championrides in the fashion of a monstrous beast.

The Hound of Khorne has the followingspecial rules:

Daemonic Mount: The Hound follows allthe rules for daemons as detailed on p.29 ofHordes of Chaos, as well as those forDaemonic Mounts on page 31 of Hordes ofChaos.

Frenzy: The Hound is an insatiable hunter,and is subject to the rules for Frenzy, even ifotherwise immune to psychology.

Magical Resistance: The Hound benefitsfrom the protection of its magic-hating god,embodied by the heavy collar around itsneck. It has Magic Resistance (2) asdescribed on p.114 of the Warhammerrulebook. This also benefits Arbaal himself.


Destroyer of Khorne

The Destroyer of Khorne is the giftKhorne, the god of war, gives to his mostfavoured of Champions. It turns Arbaalinto a tireless warrior; a hurricane of furyand destruction upon the battlefield.

Whilst armed with the Destroyer ofKhorne, Arbaal will make 2D3+1 (+1additional attack due to his frenzy, so 2D3+2) attacks during the hand-to-handcombat phase instead of his normal 5. Rollat the start of each close combat phase tosee how many attacks Arbaal can makeagainst his opponents. In addition, Arbaalwill never lose his Frenzy, even if he isdefeated in combat.


Arbaal 4 8 3 5 5 3 8 5* 9*(2D3+1)

Hound 7 5 0 5 5 3 4 2 8

Page 3: CHAMPIONS OF CHAOS - Axes of Aix - Warhammer …€¦ · EGRIMM VAN HORSTMANN Chaos Sorcerer of Tzeentch Egrimm can be taken as a Lord choice, but will take up a Hero slot as well

EGRIMM VAN HORSTMANNChaos Sorcerer of Tzeentch

Egrimm can be taken as a Lord choice, butwill take up a Hero slot as well. He must befielded exactly as presented here and noextra equipment or magic items can be

bought for him.

Points: 890 points (525 for Egrimm, 365 forBaudros).

Equipment: Egrimm van Horstmann wearsChaos armour and carries a ChaosRunesword.

Baudros: Egrimm rides on the back of theDragon Baudros, a mighty twin-headedDragon of Chaos. Baudros has the followingspecial rules: Large Target, Terror, TwoBreath Weapons, Fly and Scaly Skin (3+).

Mark of Chaos. Egrimm van Horstmannhas the Mark of Tzeentch. He is a Llevel 4Wizard and uses spells from the Lore ofTzeentch.


Cunning of Tzeentch: Egrimm is blessedwith the deep wisdom and cunning ofTzeentch himself. In battle he can confuseenemy plans and foil their attacks. Theopposing generals are like puppets in a playstaged by Egrimm.

Any army led by Egrimm gets +1 on its dicewhen rolling to see which player gets tochoose table sides, and when rolling todetermine who gets the first turn.


Chaos Runesword: see p.50 of Hordes ofChaos.

Spell Familiar: see p.52 of Hordes ofChaos.

Skull of Katam: see p.52 of Hordes ofChaos

(note that Egrimm being able to take twoitems from the Arcane Items section of theMagic Items is an exception to the usualrules).


Egrimm 4 8 3 5 5 3 8 5 9

Baudros 6 7 0 6 6 6 3 6 8

EGRIMM VAN HORSTMANSorcerer of Tzeentch

At the edge of the Screaming Hills stand theSilver Towers of the Cabal. Here Tzeentch’sSorcerers study arcane lore and augurdivinations, trying to foretell the momentwhen the Storm of Chaos will arise again,and how to harness it to their will. TheSorcerers of the Cabal do not speak: insteadthey communicate using telepathy, even overgreat distances. This way no-one will knowtheir plans.

The Chaos warriors of the Cabal are calledthe Thralls – they are the willing slaves of vanHorstmann. Upon joining the Cabal, awarrior or wizard must swear unendingloyalty to the master of the Cabal and hislord Tzeentch. He is branded with themagical sign of Tzeentch on his forehead sothat he can never rebel against the will of hismasters. In return he is initiated into thesecrets of the Cabal.

The armour of the Cabal is archaic andceremonial to the point of impracticalitycovered in a mass of talismans, ribbons andwarding sigils. Their weapons are oftenmagical, ensorcelled by the sorcerers of theCabal. In battle their blades give off an eerieglow that is frightening and yet at the sametime fascinating. The Cabal are a terrifyingfoe: they act and fight in perfectsynchronicity, guided by the mad genius ofthe Chaos sorcerers. Their battle plans areinfinitely complex and often seemcontradictory, and yet they are alwaysvictorious. Their opponents feel that they arepart of an act in which their roles arepredestined, and trying to resist is likestruggling against invisible chains. Thesymbol of the Cabal is the unblinkingwithering eye of Tzeentch on an open palm.Their banner bears this symbol, and it is asource of pride to the Cabal that it has neverbeen captured. It is said that a man whogazes into the Withering Eye will grow oldand waste away in mere moments.

Page 4: CHAMPIONS OF CHAOS - Axes of Aix - Warhammer …€¦ · EGRIMM VAN HORSTMANN Chaos Sorcerer of Tzeentch Egrimm can be taken as a Lord choice, but will take up a Hero slot as well
Page 5: CHAMPIONS OF CHAOS - Axes of Aix - Warhammer …€¦ · EGRIMM VAN HORSTMANN Chaos Sorcerer of Tzeentch Egrimm can be taken as a Lord choice, but will take up a Hero slot as well

When Egrimm van Horstmann was ordained as GrandMagister of the Order of Light he was acclaimed as

the youngest and most gifted wizard to rule over amagical order. As he knelt down and swore allegiance tothe Emperor, no-one guessed that his loyalty hadalready been given over to another, far more sinistermaster.As an Apprentice Chanter of the ritual bound Order ofLight Wizards he served under Master Chanter Alric, theSaviour of Apesto, who taught him many of the order’sancient secrets. But all the time he served the Order ofLight, Horstmann prayed to the gods of Chaos for thepower to defeat his peers. His progress was rapid. Byday he studied Light Magic, and by night he pored overancient manuscripts devoted to the lore of the Chaosgods. Daemons of Tzeentch whispered their timelesssecrets into his sleeping mind and Egrimm’s evil powerswaxed strong.

For three years the Grand Magister worked his evil inthe darkness. Seeds of corruption were planted in thehearts of the Acolytes of the Order of Light. Rituals weresubtly modified and their powers redirected. Beneaththe College Egrimm laboured at the sealed vaults one-by-one defeating their magical locks to uncover theforbidden things they contained. It is impossible tocalculate the damage done or the horrors unleashedupon the world by the Grand Magister before his evilwas uncovered by the Inquisitors of Sigmar and theGrand Theogonist Volkmar.

The search for and discovery of the source of corruptionwould make a long and horrific tale in its own right. Inthe end the Grand Magister unlocked the DragonBaudros from its timeless prison beneath the Pyramidof Light and upon the winged and two-headed form ofthis most infamous of all Chaos Dragons he ascendedinto the sky and departed towards the Chaos Wastes.

With his corrupted acolytes Egrimm formed the Cabal,perhaps the mightiest of all the warbands of Tzeentch.These sinister warrior-wizards of Tzeentch deemedEgrimm van Horstmann as their master. Egrimm covetsnothing less than dominion over the entire world. He isa great conspirator, second only to his master Tzeentch.His acolytes are everywhere, and many of the secrets,cults and covens in the Old World are ultimatelycontrolled by Horstmann. Such plots and schemesplease Tzeentch immeasurably, and he has rewardedvan Horstmann greatly, making him the most favouredof his servants.

Page 6: CHAMPIONS OF CHAOS - Axes of Aix - Warhammer …€¦ · EGRIMM VAN HORSTMANN Chaos Sorcerer of Tzeentch Egrimm can be taken as a Lord choice, but will take up a Hero slot as well

AEKOLD HELBRAS,Champion of Tzeentch

Aekold can be taken as a Hero choice, butwill use up two Hero slots rather than one.He must be fielded exactly as presentedhere and no extra equipment or magic itemscan be bought for him.

Points: 290

Weapons: Aekold carries the Windblade

Armour: Aekold wears Chaos armour

SPECIAL RULESMark of Tzeentch: Aekold is a Level 2Wizard and uses the spells from the Lore ofTzeentch.

The Breath of Life: The Breath of Life isone of the mysterious and bizarre giftsTzeentch has granted to his most favouredof followers.

Aekold has the Regeneration special rule, asdescribed on p.113 of the Warhammerrulebook. In addition to this, any charactermodel in base-to-base contact with AekoldHelbrass, friend or foe, also gainsRegeneration as long as they are in contactwith him. If Aekold is killed during a battle,roll a dice at the end of the game. On a 4+he recovers and does not count as slain, soyour opponent does not gain any Victorypoints for killing him.

MAGIC ITEMSThe WindbladeThe Windblade is the great double-handedbroadsword of Aekold, granted to him byhis master, Tzeentch. Like all the favoursgiven by the Changer of Ways, it is an erraticand unpredictable weapon. The Windbladecounts as a Great Weapon. In addition,before the battle roll a D6 and consult thechart below to see what effect theWindblade will have on its bearer:

1-2 The Windblade allows its bearer to walkthe winds of magic and move with anastounding speed. Aekold may fly asdetailed in the Warhammer rulebook.

3-4 The Windblade becomes as light as afeather in the hands of its bearer, and yetstill retains its deadly power. The Windbladewill therefore always strike first in hand-to-hand combat, regardless of Initiative andcharging, and will still confer the +2Strength bonus. If both sides are allowed tostrike first because of magic items or spells,revert to Initiative order. If both modelshave the same Initiative, roll a dice.

5-6 The Windblade swirls and leaps fromthe hands of its wielder, striking enemies ata great distance before returning to hishand. Aekold may throw the Windblade inthe Shooting phase at any target within 12"that is within his line of sight. Use Aekold’sBallistic Skill to determine whether theWindblade hits its target or not. If the unit ishit it suffers D3 S5 hits.


Aekold 4 8 3 5 4 2 7 4 8

AEKOLD HELBRASSChampion of Tzeentch

Aekold Helbrass, Champion of Tzeentch,bears a most unusual gift – the gift that isknown as the Breath of Life. Where Aekoldwalks the grass springs green and meadowflowers blossom. When he walks upon desertsands and stony rocks, the land bursts intolife as he passes.

Any living thing he touches springs into newand vigorous growth. The long-dead wood ofdoors and staves takes root upon his touch.His touch can restore to health creatures thatare upon the threshold of death, for such isthe power of the Breath of Life. His touch is asindiscriminate as it is potent, behind him heleaves a trail of new life and everything hetouches is affected.

Whilelifegiving is thegift of Aekold,he slays hisopponentswithout pity orcare for their life,for he knows alllife is but anendless dance ofchange, dictatedby Tzeentch, theMaster of Fate.

Page 7: CHAMPIONS OF CHAOS - Axes of Aix - Warhammer …€¦ · EGRIMM VAN HORSTMANN Chaos Sorcerer of Tzeentch Egrimm can be taken as a Lord choice, but will take up a Hero slot as well


Once Scyla of the Tribe of the Hound enjoyedthe favour of his Chaos god. At one timeScyla’s Raiders plagued the northern coastsof the Empire. His name was feared by theKislevite merchants of Erengrad. Manyremembered the daring night raids that leftthe docklands of the Lynsk an inferno ofdestruction. But power of such magnitudehas its cost, and Scyla paid the highest pricefor his ambition.

At first his body swelled with chitinousplates. This gift made him even morepowerful, but it was the beginning of the endfor Scyla. Within the year his head had grownelongated and reptilian, and a beaked tailsprouted from his back. His limbs lost their

clean human shape becoming long, hairy,and ape-like. Soon he could no longer grasphis sword and fell upon all fours like a beast.At last his mind gave up its grip and Scylawas lost in the depths of gibberingabomination, becoming a Chaos Spawn.

Scyla’s warband took pity on him; some evenrevered him in his new form and paidhomage to him as a living god. Subsequently,his trusted lieutenant One-Eyed Erlock waschosen as Khorne’s Champion, and Erlockplaced around Scyla’s malformed head thepotent Collar of Khorne. When Erlock led thewarriors to battle he took Scyla with him,directing the horrific creature like a tamedbeast. The ultimate fate of Scyla is notrecorded, but he was said to have fallen atthe Gates of Kislev, the titanic battle thatended the Great War against Chaos.

Page 8: CHAMPIONS OF CHAOS - Axes of Aix - Warhammer …€¦ · EGRIMM VAN HORSTMANN Chaos Sorcerer of Tzeentch Egrimm can be taken as a Lord choice, but will take up a Hero slot as well

DECHALAThe Denied One

Dechala is the mistress of the Tormentors, thegreatest of all of Slaanesh’s warbands to everroam the Chaos Wastes. She is as cruel as sheis beautiful and as pitiless as she is beguiling.

The earliest records of the ravages of Dechalareach down through the centuries. Some saythat she was blessed with great age bySlaanesh, or maybe the legends that she wasonce a High Elf princess are true.

Dechala is mutated beyond recognition,making her a creature of Chaos more akin toa Daemon than a mortal. Her skin is smoothand milk-white. Her legs have been replacedby the lithe and sinuous body of a snake. Hermulti-headed tail cracks like a whip, anddrips with poison. Her multitudinous armsgrasp heavy-bladed swords and her deepblue eyes glow with an inner light, promisingterrible pain and pleasure to any who dareto stand before her. She has beauty that onlySlaanesh may grant, but it is as unearthlyand disturbing as it is irresistible. Her visageevokes loathing as much as it arousespleasure.

Dechala seeks the ultimate self-indulgenceand freedom from the shackles of law andorder, but she desires this pleasure only forherself: others can suffer and die as long asher wishes are fulfilled. She is served by a

host of slaves, victims of her hideous poisonthat erodes both the will and the body.

In battle Dechala is an enchanting sight, hersnake-like body dancing to amuse herpatron. And as delicate and sensuous as hermovements are, they are nonetheless lethal tothose who dare to oppose her, and many anopponent has been cut to pieces whileentranced by her dance.


Scyla can be taken as a Rare choice.

Points: 135

SPECIAL RULESScyla follows all the special rules for Spawnof Chaos (see p.27 of Hordes of Chaos),including Special Movement, SpecialAttacks, Unbreakable, Fear, Unit Strength 3.

Iron Hard Skin: This gives Scyla a 4+armour save.

MAGIC ITEMSCollar of Khorne: see p.52 of Hordes ofChaos.


Scyla 2D6 4 0 5 5 3 2 D6+2 7

Page 9: CHAMPIONS OF CHAOS - Axes of Aix - Warhammer …€¦ · EGRIMM VAN HORSTMANN Chaos Sorcerer of Tzeentch Egrimm can be taken as a Lord choice, but will take up a Hero slot as well


Dechala can be taken as a Hero choice, butwill use up two Hero slots instead of one.She must be fielded exactly as presentedhere and no extra equipment or magic itemscan be bought for her.

Points: 245

Weapons: Dechala carries a multitude ofpoisoned swords.

Armour: Dechala wears Chaos Armour.

SPECIAL RULESMark of Slaanesh: See p.47 of Hordes ofChaos.

Poison: Dechala’s blades drip with potentvenom. All her attacks count as having thePoisoned Attacks special rule, as describedon p.114 of the Warhammer rulebook.


Even battle is a way for Dechala to pleaseher master. She dances across thebattlefield sensuously, her blades makingeerie whistling music to accompany hermovements. In combat she may pick one ofthe following dances. The effect applies forthat Close combat phase only. You cannotchoose the same dance in two consecutiveturns of the same combat engagement.

The Praise of Slaanesh: Dechala fightswith dancing movements that enthral herenemies, and her twisting body becomesalmost impossible to hit. All successfulrolls to hit against her in close combatmust be re-rolled.

Dance of Destruction: Dechala swirlswith frantic energy, cutting limbs andsevering heads with her whistling blades.Dechala gains +1 to all her to hit rolls.

Daggerdance: Dechala’s twisting bladesmake a wall of steel around her that nosword master can penetrate. She gains a5+ Ward save.


Dechala 7 8 3 4 4 2 9 6 8

AZAZELPrince of Damnation

Azazel sees into the very hearts and souls ofmen, and even their deepest desires andhidden passions are plain to him. With hissilvery voice Azazel whispers to his opponents,promising them all they have ever desired ifthey abandon the folly of opposing Slaaneshand embrace the Prince of Chaos instead.

And there are very few that can resist histemptations. All who know of him dread toface him in battle, for the cost of losing toAzazel is not only the death of the body, butthe damnation of the soul as well.

At the Battle of the Moors a force of zealousTemplars of Ulric had made vows before the

Flame of Ulric in Middenheim that theywould banish Azazel or perish trying. Butbefore the battle ended the Templars had beenreduced to gibbering imbeciles, slaves to theslightest whim of Azazel. He set collarsaround their necks and made them walk onall fours like dogs to amuse his patronSlaanesh. The Questing Knight, Guido deBrionne, sought out Azazel, intending tochallenge him to single combat to fulfil hisgrail quest, but instead he kneeled before theDaemon Prince, begging him to accept hisundying devotion. Laughing, Azazel severedthe head of the Bretonnian Knight, who stoodunmoving, convinced in the justification ofthe act. Woe to those who face Azazel, the righthand of Slaanesh.

Page 10: CHAMPIONS OF CHAOS - Axes of Aix - Warhammer …€¦ · EGRIMM VAN HORSTMANN Chaos Sorcerer of Tzeentch Egrimm can be taken as a Lord choice, but will take up a Hero slot as well


Azazel can be taken as a Lord choice, butwill also take up a Hero slot. He must befielded exactly as presented here and noextra equipment or magic items can bebought for him.

Points: 575

Weapon: Daemonblade.

SPECIAL RULESAzazel has the following special rules:Daemonic, Terror, Fly, Unit Strength 3

In addition, he has the Daemonic GiftsAura of Slaanesh, Soporific Musk (see p.49of Hordes of Chaos)

Mark of Slaanesh: (see p.48 of Hordes ofChaos).

Sorcerer: Azazel is a Level 2 Wizard, anduses spells from the Lore of Slaanesh.

Temptator: Those who come face-to-facewith the awesome presence of Azazel riskgambling with their very souls. Many whosee him lose their free will and become

incapable of opposing him. They are usedas playthings by Azazel until he growsbored of them and disposes of them as hesees fit.

At the beginning of the Close Combatphase select one model is base contactwith Azazel. The selected model must takea Leadership test. If the test is failed, thevictim is controlled by the Chaos player inthat Close Combat phase. The model willdirect its attacks against his own side. Themodel cannot be attacked by either sideduring that Close Combat phase but aftercombat resolution has been worked out,he reverts immediately to the originalplayer’s control and can therefore use hisLeadership for any Break tests and can bebroken and pursued as normal. If themodel has no friendly models in basecontact, it will not attack that round andattacks can be directed against it, hittingautomatically.


Daemonblade: Azazel wields a mightyenchanted blade, a deadly living weaponagainst which mortal armour is no proof.No armour saving throws are allowedagainst attacks made with theDaemonblade.


Azazel 6 8 0 5 5 4 9 5 9