Challenges and Architectural Approaches for Authenticating Mobile Users João Pedro Sousa George Mason University Fairfax, VA Workshop on Software Architectures and Mobility

Challenges and Architectural Approaches for Authenticating Mobile Users João Pedro Sousa George Mason University Fairfax, VA Workshop on Software Architectures

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Page 1: Challenges and Architectural Approaches for Authenticating Mobile Users João Pedro Sousa George Mason University Fairfax, VA Workshop on Software Architectures

Challenges and Architectural Approaches for

Authenticating Mobile Users

João Pedro Sousa

George Mason University

Fairfax, VA

Workshop on Software Architectures and Mobility

Page 2: Challenges and Architectural Approaches for Authenticating Mobile Users João Pedro Sousa George Mason University Fairfax, VA Workshop on Software Architectures

authentication of mobile userswhat is the problem? what are solutions?

requirementsmedia library: verify that the user has accesssmart space: verify that the user has accessdisplay: verify that PDA is intended remote controlmedia library: verify that display is intended output... establish secure channels

example: user wants toaccess media libraryfor which has membership

stream media to wall in loungeuse PDA as remote control

media library

Page 3: Challenges and Architectural Approaches for Authenticating Mobile Users João Pedro Sousa George Mason University Fairfax, VA Workshop on Software Architectures

SAM @ ICSE 2008 authenticating mobile users © Sousa3

verification vs. selectiontwo related but distinct problems

verify propertiesidentitymembershiptrustworthinessuncompromised platform

demographicscustomer segments

mechanism: authentication

answer: yes/no

predict QoS propertiessuccess/failurelatencyintegrityconfidentiality...

mechanism: trust management

recommender systems

answer: quantitative assessment

Page 4: Challenges and Architectural Approaches for Authenticating Mobile Users João Pedro Sousa George Mason University Fairfax, VA Workshop on Software Architectures

SAM @ ICSE 2008 authenticating mobile users © Sousa4


classes of theverification problem

User Access to Services

Group Access to Services

Link Peers

architectural patternschallenges

remote personalized service

group/public services

Page 5: Challenges and Architectural Approaches for Authenticating Mobile Users João Pedro Sousa George Mason University Fairfax, VA Workshop on Software Architectures

SAM @ ICSE 2008 authenticating mobile users © Sousa5

UASUser Access to Services

- telnet- PC anywhere- e-banking- e-payments- ...

remote personalized service

personal/local device


personal/local device


server URLuser credentials


Page 6: Challenges and Architectural Approaches for Authenticating Mobile Users João Pedro Sousa George Mason University Fairfax, VA Workshop on Software Architectures

SAM @ ICSE 2008 authenticating mobile users © Sousa6

GASGroup Access to Services

group/public services

(personal +) local devices:- membership services

(library...)- e-voting- services in smart spaces- e-commerce- ...

(personal +) local devices:- membership services

(library...)- e-voting- services in smart spaces- e-commerce- ...

proof of membership/trustworthinessdemographics/interests info

verifymembershiptrustworthinessuncompromised platform



Page 7: Challenges and Architectural Approaches for Authenticating Mobile Users João Pedro Sousa George Mason University Fairfax, VA Workshop on Software Architectures

SAM @ ICSE 2008 authenticating mobile users © Sousa7

LPLink Peers

personal devices:- social

exchange/chatting- file sharing- media streaming- remote control- ...

personal devices:- social

exchange/chatting- file sharing- media streaming- remote control- ...




Page 8: Challenges and Architectural Approaches for Authenticating Mobile Users João Pedro Sousa George Mason University Fairfax, VA Workshop on Software Architectures

SAM @ ICSE 2008 authenticating mobile users © Sousa8

credentials play key rolemany types with pros and cons

UAS: prove identityGAS: prove right to accessLP: prove co-ownership

what you knowpasswords

easy to change/keep private

hard to keep track ofdisruptive to provide

zero-knowledge proofsdoesn’t reveal what you knowvery complex to provide

who you arefingerprints, face,voice, gait recognition

very easy to providefalse positives/negativeshard to change/keep private

what’s in your vicinitywhere you are:secure spaces

what you carry:smart cards, one-time pwd

may preserve anonymityfeasible to change/keep private

may be hard to keep track of

Page 9: Challenges and Architectural Approaches for Authenticating Mobile Users João Pedro Sousa George Mason University Fairfax, VA Workshop on Software Architectures

SAM @ ICSE 2008 authenticating mobile users © Sousa9


classes of the verification problemUser Access to ServicesGroup Access to ServicesLink Peers

architectural patternschallenges

Page 10: Challenges and Architectural Approaches for Authenticating Mobile Users João Pedro Sousa George Mason University Fairfax, VA Workshop on Software Architectures

SAM @ ICSE 2008 authenticating mobile users © Sousa10

traditional authenticationaddresses UAS

WS server


tickets issuer


Needham-Schroeder protocol

tickets protocol

access protocol

<x> encrypted text

uid, URL

<tix, uid>

<tix, uid>

server URLuser credentials

Page 11: Challenges and Architectural Approaches for Authenticating Mobile Users João Pedro Sousa George Mason University Fairfax, VA Workshop on Software Architectures

SAM @ ICSE 2008 authenticating mobile users © Sousa11

reveals credentials& intention to communicate with specific serverbefore issuer is authenticated

may have to trust shared WS

implicitly trusts server

traditional authenticationconceived to protect servers

WS server


tickets issuer


server URLuser credentials

Page 12: Challenges and Architectural Approaches for Authenticating Mobile Users João Pedro Sousa George Mason University Fairfax, VA Workshop on Software Architectures

SAM @ ICSE 2008 authenticating mobile users © Sousa12

LP is increasingly popular for mobile devices

short range radio: Bluetooth...line of sight: infra-redco-location: shake

local connector

wide-area connector




applicationsmedia sharing/streamingremote control



Page 13: Challenges and Architectural Approaches for Authenticating Mobile Users João Pedro Sousa George Mason University Fairfax, VA Workshop on Software Architectures

SAM @ ICSE 2008 authenticating mobile users © Sousa13

LP is used in P2P systemsto establish a secure link

local connector

wide-area connector


local area networks(with free connectivity)

peers may establish secure link while hiding identity from othersno need for central authoritypeers need to know each other beforehand (off band)

authentication of users implied by ownership (what you carry)



selection (trust management)is arguably just as relevant

as authentication in P2P systems

Page 14: Challenges and Architectural Approaches for Authenticating Mobile Users João Pedro Sousa George Mason University Fairfax, VA Workshop on Software Architectures

SAM @ ICSE 2008 authenticating mobile users © Sousa14

LP combined with UAS/GAS for wide-area/paid connectivity

peers (service consumers/providers) and carriers may eachhave their own security policies

multilateral security (telecom)

for billing, prior to LPusers authenticate with carriers

UAS for personalized billing

GAS for using certified e-currency(UAS with broker entity)



Page 15: Challenges and Architectural Approaches for Authenticating Mobile Users João Pedro Sousa George Mason University Fairfax, VA Workshop on Software Architectures

SAM @ ICSE 2008 authenticating mobile users © Sousa15

in membership-based spaces, users’ PDA:starts secure UAS to certificates issuerobtains anonymous one-time certificatesreveals membership to ambient (k-anonymity)

ambient cannot track identity or usage patternsmay request identity of malicious users to cert. issuer

certificates issuer may track identity and usagehence backlash against MS Passport

zero-knowledge proofsdo not require third party (cert. issuer)limited use due to complexity

GAS in shared spaces:users remain k-anonymous






certificates protocol

ambient access

identification protocol

Page 16: Challenges and Architectural Approaches for Authenticating Mobile Users João Pedro Sousa George Mason University Fairfax, VA Workshop on Software Architectures

SAM @ ICSE 2008 authenticating mobile users © Sousa16

in public/commercial spaces,ambient seeks to obtain demographics/interests for targeting info & services

PDA may release a diff pseudonym at each location(requires autonomous location awareness)

ambient remembers habits/prefs of regular userscan’t transfer knowledge across similar spaces

PDA may release one-time pseudonymsPDA remembers habits/prefs of user andreleases the ones associated to each typeof space/requested service

GAS in shared spaces:users remain k-anonymous





ambient access

Page 17: Challenges and Architectural Approaches for Authenticating Mobile Users João Pedro Sousa George Mason University Fairfax, VA Workshop on Software Architectures

SAM @ ICSE 2008 authenticating mobile users © Sousa17

UAS in shared spacesappealing and risky

users will access personalized servicesmay not have the skill or the willto protect PDA from cyber attacks at malicious/unsecure spacescompromised PDAs can act as stepping stones to attack personalized services (stored URLs & pwds)

servers may adjust ACLbased on user’s location

PDA compromised at high-risk locationmay manifestat location deemed low-risk(and open access)








certificates protocol

ambient access

identification protocol

Page 18: Challenges and Architectural Approaches for Authenticating Mobile Users João Pedro Sousa George Mason University Fairfax, VA Workshop on Software Architectures

SAM @ ICSE 2008 authenticating mobile users © Sousa18

UAS in shared spacesPDA may get in the way

give users a false sense of securityin high-risk spaces

limiting:users may want to engage localcapabilities for accessing remote services

overhead:remember to carry PDAand charge battery

may not be justified in trusted spacesmedical staff moving within a hospitalcorporate campuses…








certificates protocolambient access

identification protocolaccess protocol

Page 19: Challenges and Architectural Approaches for Authenticating Mobile Users João Pedro Sousa George Mason University Fairfax, VA Workshop on Software Architectures

SAM @ ICSE 2008 authenticating mobile users © Sousa19

UAS in shared spacespossible without PDA

as in traditional authenticationmalicious space may capture credentials

replay and piggyback attacksspace may obtain undue access to personal services

new risks associated with ubiquitous accessspace may reveal user presence and activitythreats to privacy and personal security

if space is not secure enoughit may unintentionally facilitateall of the above






certificates protocol

server URLuser credentials

access protocol

Page 20: Challenges and Architectural Approaches for Authenticating Mobile Users João Pedro Sousa George Mason University Fairfax, VA Workshop on Software Architectures

SAM @ ICSE 2008 authenticating mobile users © Sousa20

UAS in shared spacesbroaden perspective on protection

(as) beforeACL protects server’s resourcesagainst malicious users

now, alsoprotect user’s assets/privacyagainst malicious spaces/others






certificates protocol

server URLuser credentials

access protocol

Page 21: Challenges and Architectural Approaches for Authenticating Mobile Users João Pedro Sousa George Mason University Fairfax, VA Workshop on Software Architectures

SAM @ ICSE 2008 authenticating mobile users © Sousa21

UAS in shared spacestradeoff access and protection

protection: some spaces have trusted admin some don’taccess: users may be ok with accessinga subset of personalized services at different spaces

authentication and granting access becomes a multilateral problemlogging and accountability complements upfront access control












Page 22: Challenges and Architectural Approaches for Authenticating Mobile Users João Pedro Sousa George Mason University Fairfax, VA Workshop on Software Architectures

SAM @ ICSE 2008 authenticating mobile users © Sousa22

authentication gets complexeven in simple scenarios

challenge: frameworkhelp users manage the release of credentialsand be aware of access/protection tradeoffsworks in degraded modes when parts are missing

role of infrastructure/trusted third parties?role of personal devices?

example: user wants toaccess media libraryfor which has membership

stream media to wall in loungeuse PDA as remote control

media library GAS

local LPremote LP

Page 23: Challenges and Architectural Approaches for Authenticating Mobile Users João Pedro Sousa George Mason University Fairfax, VA Workshop on Software Architectures

SAM @ ICSE 2008 authenticating mobile users © Sousa23


classes of theverification problem

User Access to Services

Group Access to Services

Link Peers

architectural patternschallenges

remote personalized service

group/public services

Page 24: Challenges and Architectural Approaches for Authenticating Mobile Users João Pedro Sousa George Mason University Fairfax, VA Workshop on Software Architectures

SAM @ ICSE 2008 authenticating mobile users © Sousa24

UAS in shared spacesmultilateral authentication & trust

ambient services facilitate UAS

each party needs to authenticate and grant access to others

each party may establish access control policies for otherspersonalized server may grant less to user at risky ambienta user may trust a space for certain things, but not others

logging and accountability complements upfront access control






server URLuser credentials







