Challenge in Urban Flood Mitigating System: Decision Support based on Cyber-Physical-Human Infrastructure

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  • 7/25/2019 Challenge in Urban Flood Mitigating System: Decision Support based on Cyber-Physical-Human Infrastructure


    Challenge in Urban Flood Mitigating

    System: Decision Support based on Cyber-

    Physical-Human Infrastructure

    Dadet Pramadihanto!" #ahyu $ Sesulihatien"%!" Soffi Patrisia!" Shiori Sasa&i%!"

    'asushi (iyo&i%!

    1)Electronics Engineering Polytechnic Institute of Surabaya, Indonesia2)Keio University, Shonan Fujisaa !a"#us, $a#an

    Abstract.Currently" floods are not only occurred in the outs&irts of the ri)er

    course" but also in the urban area" especially in the big city* $he main problem of

    urban flood is the fact that it occurs in highly populated areas* It is a globalphenomenon that causes +idespread de)astation" economic damages and loss of

    human li)es* ,ll the strategies basically are good for long term mitigation but not

    appropriate for sol)ing the real problems +hen a disaster happens" because it is

    static and not real time*$o o)ercome" t+o main points should be de)eloped: socio-cultural &no+ledge on floods and flood pre)ention infrastructure de)elopment*

    oth are correlated to build the settlement of flood problem* $herefore" it is

    essential to build an integrated system combining Cyber-Physical-Human* $heproposed system includes .! physical layer that consist of sensors rainfall and ri)er+ater le)els and satellite sensors" .%! abstract layer consist of flood modelling ./!

    interaction +ith human *Mitigation system based Cyber - Physical - Human +ill be

    )ery useful for agencies related to flood control and as a decision ma&ing tool for

    the go)ernment and society at large* Surabaya is chosen as study area

    Keywords. Cyber-Physical-Human" urban flood" flood-spread prediction"


  • 7/25/2019 Challenge in Urban Flood Mitigating System: Decision Support based on Cyber-Physical-Human Infrastructure



    Indonesia is &no+n as one of the )ulnerable countries to flood disaster* Currently"floods are not only occurred in the outs&irts of the ri)er course" but also in the urbanarea" especially in the big city in Indonesia 01* Flooding in urban areas is not only inthe conse2uence of nature-made phenomenon such as hea)y rainfall but also man-made

    e)ent associated +ith their acti)ities +ith lac& of drainage 0%1* $he main problem ofurban flooding is the fact that it is occurred in highly-populated areas* It is a globalphenomenon that causes +idespread de)astation" economic damages and loss of humanli)es* 0/1 For this reason" an effecti)e strategy in mitigation plays the important role*

    $he strategies in mitigation are different for e)ery country* For e3ample" in HoChi Minh "4ietnam" mitigation is focused on infrastructure planning 051" in

    ang&o& "$hailand" adaptation planning in climate change is chosen as solution 06 1" inrisbane ",ustralia" adaptation strategies addressing flood ris& management issues ofan urban area +ith intensi)e residential and commercial uses 071* In Indonesia" thestrategy is emphasi8ed on the infrastructure planning based on the history of floodshappened in past 091* ,ll strategies basically are good for long term mitigation but notappropriate for sol)ing the real problems +hen a disaster happens" because it is static

    and not real time*Some research in se)eral countries propose another real-time methodbased on the characteristics of their countries* In ombay" real-time mitigation isimplemented to maintain flo+ at pre-determined le)els 01" and U( applied a system topredict the spatial and temporal distribution of both rainfall and surface flooding 0;1*,ll methods are not comparable" because they are all uni2ue in accordance +ith thecultural and geographic condition*

    In Surabaya" flood mitigation in)ol)es not only planning but also communityparticipation 0utput of the system

    is real time prediction of flood spreading as an early +arning system* $he main impactis an early response and e)acuation by prediction of flood area* In long-term" it +illbuilt flood history map that can be used for flood pre)ention infrastructure drainagenet+or&s de)elopment planning*

    1. An Approach on the CPH for Urban Flood

    Cyber - Physical - Human .CPH! is a ne+ research field that integrates cyber

    .)irtual +orld!" physical .sensor! and human .interaction! 0%10/1051* $hese systemsare often implemented for public safety aspect" for e3ample emergency disaster 0/1and e)acuation 051* CPH system consists of three main components: the physicalelements to be controlled" cyber elements that represent communication lin&s and

  • 7/25/2019 Challenge in Urban Flood Mitigating System: Decision Support based on Cyber-Physical-Human Infrastructure


    soft+are" and human social interaction as a representation relating to the physicalelements that are controlled 0%1* Frame+or& of CPH is focused on the issue in +hichis constructed by the scenario 061* CPH frame+or& is prepared from element +ithrefer to the en)ironment? the main elements of the CPH is a sensor system" an abstractlayer" and human scenario*

    In this study" +e focus on mitigation system of flooding in urban areas +hichcharacteristics is different +ith ri)er flood mitigation *$+o main aspect of mitigation inthis study are processing data of sensors: en)ironment and satellite" and a predictingflooded areas to pre)ent greater damage* $he prediction data +ill be input for DSSe)acuation and disaster response*

    $his system is e3pected to be useful for e)ery different le)el* For e3ample flood-

    related agencies can perform decision in real time condition" people +ill get

    information about the le)el of flood ha8ards in their respecti)e regions" specificcommunities such as industrial or business can follo+ up the information to rescuetheir assets and @o)ernment can de)elop decision-ma&ing relating to the handling ofthe disaster and post- disaster reco)ery*

    2. Systems Design and Case Study of Urban flood in Surabaya City

    Urban flood management emphasis on de)eloping a cyber-infrastructure for urbanflood management* Cyber structure +ill be employed for handling the data collectionand integration" the data management" data mining and &no+ledge e3traction*Methodological approach in line +ith the phases of disaster management: that ispreparedness" mitigation" response" and reco)ery* In general" the system is illustrated inFigure *

    Figure 1. >)erall System

    Figure sho+s o)erall flood management system in Surabaya* System consists ofmonitoring" early +arning" mitigation" e)acuation system and informationdissemination system* In this research +e collaborate +ith (eio Uni)ersity to

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    analy8e impact of disaster and pro)ide recommendation policy based on (eioUni)ersity model* In this paper" +e focus on flood spreading model formitigation*

    2.1. Abstract Layer !itigation !odeling

    Disaster response in urban flood management generally relates to control" flood

    mitigation" e)acuation" and disaster relief during floods* Mitigation +ill focus on thespread of a flood +ith the spatiotemporal analysis* System design is illustrated in figure%* #hile the e)acuation and disaster response focused on the e)acuation of residentsand optimi8ation of alternati)e roads during flood period*

    Figure 2 shos the syste" for "odelling s#read of flood% &ased on the satellite

    i"ages, land elevation, drainage netor', flood histories and ater level(rain sensors

    to "odel the flood s#read% n satellite i"ages ith a resolution of *+" by *+" #er

    #iel e i"#le"ent 2-di"ensional cellular auto"ata lattice(cell, here each cell has

    the infor"ation land elevation, land infiltration, and land classification .land,

    drainage(river, road, greenery)% /hese #ara"eters ill be discussed in section 2%2%

    /he #rocedure is as follos0

    a% ain #our in into the certain areas, as a nature of ater, the ater flooded the cell

    ith the loest elevation% If the rainfall eceeds the infiltration ca#acity of the land,

    the ater overflos into the net loest cell% /his #rocess ill continuous until it

    reaches saturating condition

    b% If the cell is #art of a drainage channel or river, the ater ill filling the cell

    drainage #athays%

    c% Fro" the results of .a) locations s#read flooding can be deter"ined and flood

    inundation area can be obtained by counting the nu"ber of cell are flooded%

    d% Fro" the results of .a) de#th of inundation flood can be #redicted by calculating

    the difference in highest elevation cell and the loer elevation in the area%

    e% n the other hand, if the ater filling in drainage channel is over its ca#acity, the

    ater ill overflo% /he flo of ater ill be s#reader and #redicted by folloing

    #rocedure .a)%

    f% hen the rain sto##ed, the #rocedure .a) can be used to calculate flood subsidence%

  • 7/25/2019 Challenge in Urban Flood Mitigating System: Decision Support based on Cyber-Physical-Human Infrastructure


    Figure 2. Flood spread modeling*

    Mitigation scenario proposed in this paper is based on the pattern of the spread*Spread prediction in)ol)es processing the sensor data of rainfall" topographic data fromsatellites" and classification of soil types* $his prediction +ill apply on each lattice ofcellular automata" a techni2ue similar to the @IS-based urban flood inundation model.@UFIM! 071 to calculate the )olume of +ater in each lattice*

    R ( t , x , y )=P ( t , x , y ) F( t , x , y )D (t , x , y ) .!

    +here".t, , y)is the e3cess rain +ater )olume .in m/!"P.t, , y)is the total )olume ofrainfall"F.t, , y)is the total )olume of rain +ater is absorbed" and 3.t, , y)is the total)olume of the incoming rain+ater drainage .ri)ers" +ater pump" etc*!*

    $he relations bet+een the absorption capacity of the soil and time is e3pressed inthe follo+ing Horton e2uation:

    F( t , x , y )=fc+(f0+ fc)ekt


    +here" f+ is the infiltration capacity .soil absorption capacity! at any time" f+ is the

    initial infiltration capacity at t A

  • 7/25/2019 Challenge in Urban Flood Mitigating System: Decision Support based on Cyber-Physical-Human Infrastructure


    ele)ation" the +ater +ill remain stagnant*Spread flooding predicted by cellular automata method based on mathematical

    models of flo+ in e2uation .%!* Figure / sho+s the %-dimensional lattice .cell! ofcellular automata +ith )on eumann neighborhood 091*

    Figure "* Cellular ,utomata arrangement*

    eighborhood cells are cells that +or& on the status of a cell in cellular automata*

    eighborhood of a cell generally consists of the cells in the )icinity* >ne model is the4on eumann neighborhood" +here the neighboring cells are shaped as a diamond*$his scheme can be used to define a set of cells that surround a particular cell .3

    N(x0, y 0)v ={ (x , y ) :|xx0|+yy0 r } ./!

    Illustration 4on eumann neighborhood of radius" r A

  • 7/25/2019 Challenge in Urban Flood Mitigating System: Decision Support based on Cyber-Physical-Human Infrastructure


    Figure #. loc& diagram of Satellite data processing

    Input is the ra+ data from the Eandsat 6 $M satellite imagery .$hematic Mapper!*$his procedure is too& on as follo+s:

    o Separating ra+ satellite image data based on the +a)elength spectrum

    o @ image constructed by combining each pi3el of each band to @



    $he process of calculating D4I" soil classification" and Cloud eductionprocess*

    o ,lignment +ith @IS coordinates so that it can be integrated +ith @IS*

    Image normali8ation or D4I .ormali8ed Difference 4egetation Inde3! 01 is acalculation to determine the image of the le)el of greenness" in +hich is representinitial 8oning of )egetation* D4I can indicate parameters associated +ith )egetationparameters" among others" biomass green foliage" green foliage area" and is a )alue thatcan be estimated for )egetation classification* In this data satellite" land use D4I

    )alue is obtained by the calculation of near infrared" and )isible light reflected by)egetation%D4I )alues are obtained by comparing the data reduction" near infraredand )isible +ith the second summation data* $he follo+ing calculation formula used onEandsat satellite imagery:



    #here D4I is numeric processing result of channel 5 and +hile )isible isnumeric-processing result of channel /*ange of D4I )alues is in bet+een -*< to*

  • 7/25/2019 Challenge in Urban Flood Mitigating System: Decision Support based on Cyber-Physical-Human Infrastructure


    +ater )apor cloud and sno+* Surface )egetation D4I )alue ranges from

  • 7/25/2019 Challenge in Urban Flood Mitigating System: Decision Support based on Cyber-Physical-Human Infrastructure


    Surabaya is a 6-million-population city" the former capital of the ussian =mpire? itaccumulated a grand cultural and architectural heritage and )ery e3pensi)e usinessesand industries* ,nd all that treasure lies in the lo+land of the e)a i)er delta" +ith thehistorical center lying at the sea le)el or mere -5m abo)e it*>)er /

  • 7/25/2019 Challenge in Urban Flood Mitigating System: Decision Support based on Cyber-Physical-Human Infrastructure


    .c! Drainage map of Surabaya

    .d! Combination of .a!" .b! and .c!

    Figure &.Satellite image processing*

    $he first procedure is D4I calculation* It is purposed to determine theclassification of an area based on a certain scale* D4I )alues are calculated bye2uation .!* Classification results are sho+n in table *

    'able1.esult of D4I and @

    Classification Area %ange of (D)I and %*+

    ,ater D4I A -

  • 7/25/2019 Challenge in Urban Flood Mitigating System: Decision Support based on Cyber-Physical-Human Infrastructure


    needed* $hen +ater and cloud could be classified as sho+n in figure 7a* $he figuresho+s differences bet+een cloud .+hite!" +ater .blue!" and land .red!*

    $he ne3t step is proceeded D=M from satellite data* D=M is digital model or /Drepresentation of a terrainJs surface* In this case" D=M represent height of e)ery pi3elby gray scale from

  • 7/25/2019 Challenge in Urban Flood Mitigating System: Decision Support based on Cyber-Physical-Human Infrastructure


    .b! ,fter 5 hours

    . c ! ,fter 7 hours

    Figure /.Simulation result by % hours

    $he left side of figure 9 sho+s spreading in combination map" +hile the right sidesho+s spreading area* $he spreading area are mostly starting from around of drainage

    system" then spreading to+ard the certain area" in this case Central of Surabaya* $hispattern in also happened in se)eral big city li&e ombay .India!01" Ga&arta .Indonesia!"risbane .,ustralia!071* $his is the specific characteristic of pure urban flood that israre happened in another type of flood such as flash flood" coastal flood or ri)er flood*

    In the urban flood" changes in land use are in line +ith change in infiltration of soil*$he land changes from soil to building or road" +here the +ater-absorbing capacity islo+* 0;1* ,dditionally" in the big city contour of do+nto+n tends to flat* It is ma&e asense that the flood leads to spread in do+n to+n* $his result is important for planningreal time e)acuation system during flood session*

    ,nother interesting result from the simulation is fact that spreading is occurs

    nonlinear by time In first % hours" only se)eral small inundation point" but % hours laterit become larger more than t+ice and the in the third % hours almost all area isinundated* It means response of disaster in urban flood should be conduct as early as

    possible before flood happened* >ther+ise" cost of the disaster +ill be increasedramatically 0%

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    Figure 0.Simulation result by % hours

    In figure " most of inundation point in Surabaya starting in area +here secondaryand primary canal meet* $heoretically" +hen +ater from larger surface section enteringthe smaller one" flo+ of +ater +ill increase causing o)erflo+ed in this area 0%1* $hisresult could be implemented in planning of infrastructure in the future*

    ,s a )alidation" simulation result is compared +ith flood history map of Surabaya"


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    prospects of CPH for disaster is a dynamic system that is integrated" real time and"based on local &no+ledge" because it is a representation of the interaction bet+eenhuman and natural" +ith people through the +orld* Impact deri)ed from thede)elopment of IC$-based disaster management system is a reliable system" pri)acy"easy to de)elop and support national self-reliance in disaster management* $he strategy

    includes impro)ement in technical aspect and collaboration among researcher to share&no+ledge in disaster management*

    In critical situations decisions "ust be "ade very fast, therefore the re7uire"ent on all

    our si"ulations as a res#onse ithin "inutes, ith a "ai"u" of a fe hours for

    long-ter" #redictions% /his restriction deter"ined the "ethods and codes selected for

    si"ulation of inundation on a city scale% /he surface flo dyna"ics is si"ulated by the

    3yna"ic a#id Flood S#reading 8odel .3FS8), develo#ed by the 9 allingford

    tea" and ada#ted in our #roject% /he "odel is based on a co"#utationally efficientdiffusion-ave based inundation a##roach, sufficiently robust for use in flood ris'

    "odels :2;

  • 7/25/2019 Challenge in Urban Flood Mitigating System: Decision Support based on Cyber-Physical-Human Infrastructure


    0%1=rol @elenbe" o&ce @orbil" Fang-Ging #u" =mergency Cyber-Physical-HumanG

    System" htttp:LLsa*ee*ic*ac*u&LpublicationsLgelenbeNgorbilN+uNICCCN%