Chakra Workbook & Journal By Melissa Field melissa-field.com

Chakra Workbook and Journal€¦ · When you opened your Chakra Balancing & Healing package you may have been overwhelmed by all the files in it. If so, don’t worry – each meditation

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Page 1: Chakra Workbook and Journal€¦ · When you opened your Chakra Balancing & Healing package you may have been overwhelmed by all the files in it. If so, don’t worry – each meditation

Chakra Workbook

& Journal

By Melissa Field


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Copyright © 2019 by Melissa Field

All rights reserved. This book or any portion thereof

may not be reproduced or used in any manner whatsoever without the express written permission of the publisher except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.

Printed in the United States of America

First Printing, 2019


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Table of Contents

Pg. 1 – Introduction

Pg. 2 - What are Chakras?

Pg. 3 - Root Chakra

Pg. 12 - Sacral Chakra

Pg. 21 - Solar Plexus

Pg. 30 - Heart Chakra

Pg. 39 - Throat Chakra

Pg. 48 - Third Eye

Pg. 57 - Crown

Pg. 68 – Full Chakra System Meditation

Pg. 70 – Conclusion

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Introduction Complete Chakra Workbook Page 1


Welcome to the Complete Chakra Workbook and Journal! This is an interactive workbook with corresponding audios and meditations.

The easiest way to get the audios is to download the sound cloud app and go to my profile melissafield. Once there, you will find all the guided meditations, as well as playlists with the affirmations and tune-ups. You can also access them through this package’s homepage, which you can find at https://www.melissa-field.com/complete-chakra-balancing--healing-package.html

This chakra workbook is your guide map through your inner world. With it, you will unlock your energy centers that hold your personal power, connection to the Divine, and fullest expression of Self.

It was designed to be used in whichever way feels best for you. You are the explorer, choosing the pace and direction, and the workbook is your assistant.

You can go through the sections in order of the chakras, from root to crown. Or you can go in a random order, working with them as you feel guided to. You don’t have to complete each chakra before moving on to the next. You can do parts of sections, skip sections, and even do one part several times. If you find a certain journal prompt is working for you, you can do it several times until you get the insight or breakthrough you’re looking for.

If you would like to make a donation please go to https://www.melissa-field.com/donate.html. The suggested donation for this package, including all the meditations, is $20. However, any amount you can contribute helps and makes a difference!

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Introduction Complete Chakra Workbook Page 2

What are Chakras?

In Sanskrit, the word chakra means “wheel” or “disk”. These spheres of energy run down the center of your body in an interconnecting system. Each swirling vortex of energy resides in a different part of the physical body. When a chakra becomes blocked or unaligned it manifests itself in different ways, which you will learn about in each section.

By healing our chakras, we release stuck energy, restore alignment, and raise our vibration. There are seven chakras in total, each with its own color and properties. Going from the top down, you have the crown chakra, the third eye, the throat chakra, the heart chakra, the solar plexus, the sacral, and the root chakra.

One way to imagine them is like a series of pools, each flowing into the next. Although the pools are separate, small rivers connect each to the pools above and below. Therefore, when one chakra comes out of balance, it has a domino effect on the others.

We can sometimes feel when one chakra is out of balance, such as when we can't express ourselves and sense our throat chakra is closed. What is sometimes harder to feel is how this ripples out to the other

chakras, which respond in different ways (perhaps by overcompensating and becoming too intense, or by shutting down, trying to keep the energy in balance).

For this reason, this workbook is designed to work on more than one chakra at once. For example, when you work on your third chakra, your source of self-confidence and self-power, you will also bring healing into your throat chakra, your source of communication and self-expression.

The rivers that connect the chakras are lines of energy that extend out to every corner of the body, from the tips of your toes to the top of your head and out to your fingertips. These are known as meridian lines and are like your veins that deliver blood to every corner of your body (except instead of flowing blood they flow prana, or life energy).

If one of the chakras comes out of balance or becomes blocked it can slow down the flow of energy, causing blocks or imbalances in the meridians, which can result in anything from lower back pain to anxiety to a lack of motivation. Restoring balance to the chakras helps restore emotional balance, happiness, health and vitality to the entire mind, body, and spirit system.

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Root Chakra Complete Chakra Workbook Page 3

First Chakra Root Security Center

I am Strong, Stable, & Secure


Base of the spine, surrounding the pelvic area

Associated words

Grounding, home, support, stability





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Root Chakra Complete Chakra Workbook Page 4

The Root Chakra

As the chakra closest to the ground, the root chakra is all

about grounding and security. Imagine it like the roots

of a tree, reaching deep into the firm soil of the earth.

These roots provide stability, security, and a connection

to our home, the Earth.

When this chakra is balanced, we feel supported and

safe in our pursuits. We know that no matter how

uncertain everything might look, we belong here, and

everything can and will work out for us.

We feel safe making our own mark on the world,

whether that be by starting a business, becoming a

community leader, or just by being free to be ourselves.

When this chakra is blocked, we feel afraid of the world around us. We perceive threats

everywhere. We feel as if we don’t belong and we aren’t safe. We tend to want to hide from the

world, to diminish ourselves, and feel fearful of strangers and the unknown. We also feel

unsupported in our lives, particularly in our work and careers.

Signs of good chakra health

Financial well-being, confidence, willing to try new things, energy for life, a sense of validity and

purpose, a general sense that things tend to work out and success is possible, optimism

Signs of being blocked

Depressed, pessimistic, lethargic, anxious, over consumption (food, alcohol,

material possessions, etc.), constant feeling of “survival mode”, a general sense of

why bother, nothing ever works out, fear of change

I feel my root chakra is (healthy, blocked, in-between) because…





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Root Chakra Complete Chakra Workbook Page 5



I Am a Natural Part of This World

Essential Oils Cedarwood & Sandalwood

These earthy, musky oils will awaken your sense of

grounding and rooting into the earth. Sandalwood is also

considered a sacred aroma, as its incense has been used for

thousands of years in spiritual rituals. It’s ideal for a root chakra ritual. Put a few

drops of each in your diffuser and close your eyes, breathing in a sense of nature and

fresh air.

Imagine you are spreading deep roots into the ground. Your roots drop deep down

into dark, nutrient rich soil. Imagine you are breathing up through the roots,

breathing this grounding and secure energy up into your root chakra, a bright red

energy center at the base of your body.

To me, these oils smell like… ______________________________________________________

When I use them, I feel… _________________________________________________________

Journal prompt

Imagine you are walking barefoot down a dirt path in a lush forest. It rained the day before, and

the ground is still soft and damp, allowing your feet to press into the ground. The air around you

smells of fresh rain and wet soil.

How does it feel to be there? What does this awaken in you?

How does it feel to know you are a part of this earth, and you belong here as much as the wild

grass and the birds in the trees?

How does it feel to know everything here is part of a divine cycle, and that the water, trees, dirt,

air, it’s all connected? Do you feel that you too are a part of something bigger?

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Root Chakra Complete Chakra Workbook Page 6
















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Root Chakra Complete Chakra Workbook Page 7






I Am Loved and Supported

Chakra healing The best way to heal the root chakra is to spend time in nature. Go for a hike in the woods, sit by

a river, or do some gardening. Digging your hands into soil and planting the roots of flowers and

herbs will bring about a wonderful sense of grounding and well-being.

After spending time in nature, things I feel about myself and the world are…





If you feel unsafe and a constant need to guard yourself, spend some time reflecting on the

relationships in your life. Have you surrounded yourself with good people? Be clear about your

boundaries and about what you will tolerate. Be firm that you won’t allow people in your life to

tear you down or diminish your dreams. Be honest with yourself about how much you give

versus how much you receive. Do you feel more comfortable putting other people before

yourself? How can you let others support you and celebrate you?

Write some things about the people in your life. Who is supportive? Who is draining? Does

anyone in your life make you feel defensive, competitive, or on guard? Who makes you feel safe

and loved?



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Root Chakra Complete Chakra Workbook Page 8



Do you have a tendency to be critical and negative towards others? Feelings of love and support

always begin within. If you radiate love and support, you will begin to see this world in a new


What is something you often criticize or notice in other people? What do you feel this is trying to

show you about yourself?





When thoughts of negativity, judgement and scarcity come up, take notice of them and love

them, as they are a part of you, and then take a few deep breaths. Becoming aware of our own

stream of thoughts and feelings, and then using calming breaths to shift our energy, can have a

profound effect.

What sorts of situations make you feel you must guard and protect yourself? Are you often

anxious in social situations? What can you do to help yourself feel safer and to know you belong

in this world just as you are?





Using the visuals and essential oils above, nurture yourself and treat yourself as a precious being

who deserves to be in this beautiful world. Treating yourself as a valuable and beloved being is

the first step in feeling less anxious and more secure in this world. You might even create a small,

daily ritual of self-love and self-care. A few minutes of deep breathing with essential oils might

be just the shift you need.

How does it feel to nurture yourself? What sorts of feelings come up in you when you use

grounding essential oils?

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Root Chakra Complete Chakra Workbook Page 9




Supportive foods

Any root vegetables, particularly beets, which have a deep red color. Yams, sweet potatoes,

carrots, and onions will also nurture this chakra. A root vegetable stew with lentils and fresh

herbs (particularly sage) will soothe you with its warmth. Earthy foods such as dark chocolate

and coffee will help you to feel grounded. Just be careful of your sugar and caffeine intake – over

stimulating your body will undermine the results.

My Roots Are Strong and Deep

Guided Meditation Vibration Raising

11 minute meditation

This meditation will first allow you to feel connected and supported

by the earth and nature. As you visualize yourself sitting in a

beautiful meadow, a cool breeze and some gently swaying

wildflowers will calm your mind and nervous system. This will allow

you to release anxiety and reconnect to the joy and beauty of this planet we call home.

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Root Chakra Complete Chakra Workbook Page 10

As you sit here, the sun will shine upon you, soothing you and reminding you of the love and

support that is always here for you. You will finish feeling uplifted, calm, and supported. Your

energy will be lifted, helping you to step out of any negativity and reclaim your positive outlook.

Before meditating, I feel…









After meditating, I feel…










Everything Is Working Out for Me

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Root Chakra Complete Chakra Workbook Page 11

Musical Note: C

While using the Chakra Tune-Up, some things that came up in me were….






While using the Chakra Affirmations, I realize/feel…






For my root chakra to be in its healthiest state, I need to….






You carry Mother Earth within you. She is not outside of you.

Mother Earth is not just your environment. In that insight of inter-

being, it is possible to have real communication with the Earth, which

is the highest form of prayer.

- Thich Nhat Hanh

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Sacral Chakra Complete Chakra Workbook Page 12

Second Chakra Sacral Passion Center

I am Creative & Joyful


Lower abdomen, just below the naval

Associated words

Creativity, sexuality, joy, emotions





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Sacral Chakra Complete Chakra Workbook Page 13

The Sacral Chakra

Due to its proximity to our reproductive organs, this

chakra is associated with sexuality. However, it is not

necessary to be sexually intimate in order to experience

a healthy sacral chakra.

The sexuality of this chakra is less about physical union

and more about creativity and creation. Just as two

people come together to create a new life, so does your

inner Self come together with the energy of the cosmos

to create. You are in a divine partnership with the

unseen energy of higher dimensions.

Your partnership with this powerful, unseen world is

what allows energy to turn into physical form. It’s what

takes the spark of an idea and grows it into something you can hold in your hands. You are

constantly creating, breaking apart, and creating again. You are a powerful, creative being, and

the Universe loves being in partnership with you.

When you are bursting with a new idea, and you feel the euphoria of creating, this chakra is fired

up and spinning. It’s almost like a warmth in your belly, sending powerful vibrations all

throughout you. It is the place where ideas gestate and grow, energizing you to bring your

dreams and ideas to life. This energy is full of pure joy and euphoria. When you are creative and

co-creating with the Universe, you cannot help but feel passionate and joyful.

Signs of good chakra health

Passion and joy for your work and ideas, able to focus on and complete

projects, healthy relationships, balanced energy: you are able to sleep well

at night and you are energized during the day, living in the present, able to

express your emotions and be with them rather than overpowered by them,

capable of close connections with others

Signs of being blocked

Feeling like you’re on an emotional roller coaster, impulsive behavior to the point of being

destructive, co-dependent friendships and relationships, closed off, addiction to sex, scattered

energy (trying to do everything at once), needing to control, extreme highs and lows of energy,

stuck in the past or afraid of the future

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Sacral Chakra Complete Chakra Workbook Page 14

I feel my sacral chakra is (healthy, blocked, in-between) because…







I Am the Powerful Creator of My Life

Essential Oils Orange & Peppermint

These uplifting oils are sure to boost your mood and energize you. Peppermint has a

natural ability to awaken our mind and lift our spirits. It’s perfect for when you want

to get some creative energy going.

The bright, citrus aroma of orange will remind of you summer and happiness and is

also a great way to awaken the joy of your sacral chakra.

For a morning burst of creativity, put a little orange oil in your diffuser. Close your

eyes and imagine breathing in the warmth and vitality of the sun. Breathe that

warm, life giving energy into your stomach. Imagine it is lighting up your sacral

chakra, expanding it out, filling your entire being with creativity, passion and


To me, these oils smell like… _______________________________________________________

When I use them, I feel… __________________________________________________________

Journal prompt

What sort of creative activities did you enjoy as a child? What was it like to be creative when you

were young? How did it feel to paint and draw without worrying what others would think of

you? How did it feel to give your work to other people?

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Without judging or considering where you are now, really focus on what it felt like to be creative

as a child. Let all your thoughts and feelings come from that carefree and naturally creative time

of your life.














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I Am in the Present Moment

Chakra healing

Get creative! If this chakra is blocked, it’s time for some art therapy. Do anything that allows you

to play with color. You can take a painting class, draw with chalk on the sidewalk, or cook an

exotic meal.

When I draw/paint/create without a plan and from the heart, I feel…





Balancing this chakra also means finding balance in your sense of energy. If you are constantly on

the go, doing a million a different things, take some time to calm and center. True creativity

comes from a quiet place within. It comes from a communion with the divine, and in order to

hear that divine inspiration, we must have moments of stillness and silence.

How much time do you make for quiet reflection? As you get busier, do you make meditation

more of a priority? Or do you try to go faster and do more?





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If, however, you feel constantly fatigued and unable to motivate, find ways to raise your energy.

Taking short walks around the block can have an incredible impact on both your mood and

energy level. If this isn’t possible, do something that energizes your mind. Try writing a haiku, do

a puzzle, or practice a foreign language. All of these activities activate our creative centers, which

gets us thinking different. And when we think different, we welcome in new things.

Write down some things that get you moving but that are also fun and/or feel good, such as

walking, working in the garden, or playing with paint.





If your chakra is blocked in such a way that you feel your emotions are out of control, you might

need a tried and true form of therapy: meditation. Making yoga and meditation a regular part of

your routine can help with healing past wounds, bringing us into the present, and healing the

body’s nervous system.

When I meditate regularly, I notice…





Supportive foods

Citrus fruits, particularly oranges, are a great source

of support for this chakra. As a fire element chakra,

it also likes warm foods and spices. Turmeric, ginger,

and cinnamon are perfect. If you can eat spicy food,

a bowl of curry is excellent. To help balance your gut

and stimulate this chakra, you can also try a bowl of

Greek yogurt with sliced up mangoes.

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Sacral Chakra Complete Chakra Workbook Page 18

I Am Creative and Inspired

Guided Meditation

Emotional Freedom

15 minutes

When this chakra is out of balance it can feel like our emotions are

a powerful river, and we’re being swept along towards jagged


This meditation will help you to stop fighting that river, and to

accept all of your emotions and feelings, just as they are.

Once we’ve stopped fighting what is, we can begin to call in what we really want. The meditation

will lead us back to remembering how good it feels to feel good. We'll remember why this is

important, and how we are connected to the whole Universe.

This is a great meditation to use when you feel stuck in a loop, unable to break out of repetitive

thoughts of anger and frustration. It's also great to use when you want to raise your vibration

even higher. It will help you to remember how powerful our abilities are as creators, and to get

into the good vibes that create all the good things you dream of.

Before meditating, I feel…










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After meditating, I feel…










My Existence is a Beautiful and

Unique Expression

Musical Note: D

While using the Chakra Tune-Up, some things that came up in me were….






While using the Chakra Affirmations, I realize/feel…



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For my sacral chakra to be in its healthiest state, I need to…. ______________________________________________________________________________







Everything that's created comes out of silence. Your

thoughts emerge from the nothingness of silence. Your words

come out of this void. Your very essence emerged from

emptiness. All creativity requires some stillness. - Wayne Dyer

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Solar Plexus Chakra Complete Chakra Workbook Page 21

Third Chakra Solar Plexus Power Center

I am the powerful creator of my life


Middle abdomen, a few inches above your naval

Associated words

Self-esteem, sense of self, will power





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Solar Plexus Chakra Complete Chakra Workbook Page 22

The Solar Plexus

This chakra is all about our personal power. We often

experience our biggest blocks here, as very few of us

are taught to believe in ourselves and to have a strong

sense of self.

If the sacral chakra is the creative engine, this chakra is

the gas pedal. It’s our drive to take action and go for it.

It’s our source of inner will power, telling us we can and

we will.

Through this chakra, we harness our self-esteem and

confidence. It is the seat of our sense of self. When you

meet a person who just seems to know who they are

and isn’t worried what other people think, they have a

healthy solar plexus chakra.

When you get a great idea, and then suddenly become filled with doubt and fear, that’s your

solar plexus closing. Just like when the sun is blocked by clouds, when this bright, sunny chakra

closes our world feels dark and limited. By bringing it back into balance we radiate and shine,

lighting up opportunities and the way forward.

Signs of good chakra health

Healthy self-esteem, a strong sense of identity and purpose, able to set boundaries and stand up

for yourself, confident in being our true selves, able to take action towards our goals, energized,

accepting of others

Signs of being blocked

Low self-esteem, feeling worthless, feelings of helplessness, unclear about who

we are or what our purpose is, unable to be our true selves, procrastination,

lethargy, extremely critical of others

I feel my solar plexus chakra is (healthy, blocked, in-between) because…




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I Am on the Right Path

Essential Oils Lemon & Ginger

Lemon essential oil will stimulate and awaken your solar plexus like no

other. This bright, citrusy oil has a natural mood boosting affect. Put a

few drops in your diffuser, close your eyes, and breathe in that warm,

sunny aroma.

Imagine you are breathing it into your stomach, into a bright ball of light

there. This ball of light is your inner Sun, your source of power and life.

As you breathe into it the light grows bigger and brighter, growing so big

it surrounds you and lights up all your other chakras, from head to toe.

For a burst of support throughout the day, put a few drops of ginger on your

wrist. Smelling this warm, spicy aroma will help you to feel grounded and

calm. Ginger also has a soothing effect on our stomach, which will help if

you get stomach aches from worrying and anxiety.

To me, these oils smell like… ______________________________________________________

When I use them, I feel… _________________________________________________________

Journal prompt

Imagine you were born into royalty. Your entire life, from the time you were a small child,

everyone has told you how important you are. You have grown up knowing you will one day rule

and guide your kingdom. There is no doubt in your mind you have a powerful role to play in this


How does it feel to have everyone around you affirming your value? How does it feel to be

treated with awe and reverence? What is it like to have grown up with complete faith in yourself

and your sense of purpose?

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As the adult you are now, what would you be like if you knew, deep inside, you are truly a King or

Queen? What would you do if you had complete faith in yourself?














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I Am Empowered

Chakra Healing

Healing this chakra is all about tuning into healthy self-esteem. This can be done first by

accepting where we are and honoring those feelings. If you feel down about yourself, and then

you criticize yourself for not feeling better, you end up feeling worse than where you started.

Here are some things I feel about myself. I accept that I feel these things, and that by accepting

them I’m not declaring them true. I’m just accepting where I am so that I can choose where I

want to go…





When you feel something such as anxious, afraid, or self-doubt, do you trust that the feeling will

pass? Or do you believe that the feeling is a fixed part of you? Do you believe you can create

new feelings in any moment with the power of your thoughts?





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To heal this chakra, sit quietly and let your mind run through all the thoughts you have about

yourself without judgement. As these thoughts come up, keep changing them from “I am…” to “I

feel…” For example, “I am worthless” becomes “I feel worthless.” A feeling is something you can

change, where as an I am statement makes it seem fixed (which it’s not – everything can and

does change!).

When I change negative “I am…” statements to “I feel…” I notice…





After you’ve taken a few minutes to be with where you are, begin listing off your positive

attributes. Think about things you’ve accomplished, no matter how small or long ago. Think

about what you do for others, and about what makes you unique. And then remind yourself that

people you admire, even those who have achieved great success, feel doubt, fear, and insecurity.

These feelings do not mean we aren’t worthy – all people feel them – they just mean we’ve lost

sight of our true, inner self.

I am a unique, one of a kind person who is on a cosmic journey. Here are some interesting and

amazing things about me…





Next, take some time to reflect on how you want to feel. Visualize yourself as this person. See

yourself walking around confident and full of purpose. See yourself as the best possible version

of yourself. The more you see and feel this in your mind, the more you will begin to create it as a


My best self looks and feels like…




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Throughout the day, remind yourself you are doing the best you can with where you are. Remind

yourself it’s okay to feel down, sad and tired. You feel those things for a reason. They are a part

of you, showing you where your true healing lies. Know that your best one day will not be your

best the next. Each day is different, and so long as you allow yourself to be where you are, and to

love that version of yourself, you will be on your path to your best self.

Sometimes I get sad, anxious, worried, or self-critical. When I feel these things, they’re trying to

show me…





Supportive foods

If you get pain in your stomach from worry, self-doubt

and anxiety, support this chakra with some warm

lemon water and honey. Negative self-feelings and

anxiousness often show up in our stomach, so eat foods

that are gentle on the stomach but also healing, such as

oats, eggs, bone broth, and coconut. Try to stay away

from dairy until your stomach is feeling better. Rich in

potassium, bananas are also excellent for the solar


Guided Meditation


11 & 32 minutes

This meditation comes with two length options. Depending on

how much time you have, and how deep of an experience you

want, you can use the abridged or full version.

In this meditation, you will remember your self-worth that comes

from your eternal self. You will go beyond the mind’s idea of what makes you worthy and see

your value, divinity, and worthiness from a soul level.

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This is a meditation that will connect you to the power within you. The power that comes from

your connection to the Universe, the stars, God and your infinite Higher Self. The power that lets

you know everything you need is already inside of you, it's a natural part of you and is always

available to you.

Before meditating, I feel…









After meditating, I feel…









I Am Secure in My Sense of Self

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Musical Note: E

While using the Chakra Tune-Up, some things that came up in me were….






While using the Chakra Affirmations, I realize/feel…






For my solar plexus chakra to be in its healthiest state, I need to….






You are loved just for being who you are, just for existing. You don't have to do

anything to earn it. Your shortcomings, your lack of self-esteem, physical

perfection, or social and economic success - none of that matters. No one can

take this love away from you, and it will always be here.

- Ram Dass

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Fourth Chakra Heart Love Center

I am free to give and receive love


Heart, center of the chest

Associated words

Love, connection, openness





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The Heart Chakra

This is your center of love. Self-love, friend love, love for

the world, love for life, love for your pets. Love is our

purest connection to the Divine and to our eternal


It’s no coincidence that what is arguably our most

powerful and important chakra is right in the middle,

with three above it and three below. It is the meeting

place of the higher and the lower, the balance between

the physical and the energetic.

When this chakra is out of balance, all the others feel it.

In some ways, it is our essence chakra, the chakra that

breathes life into our mind-body system. If this chakra

was ever to close, our connection to our source would close. This would result in chronic physical

illness, depression, fatigue, and deep feelings of fear and separation.

Being in touch with our heart chakra can be like flipping a magical switch in our lives. Healing this

chakra flows powerful healing out to all the others. The more we open up to and receive love,

the more blessings seem to flow effortlessly into our lives. Our health improves, our finances

improve, and we feel a general sense of love and exuberance for all of life.

Signs of good chakra health

Optimism, joy, focused on solutions rather than problems, a sense of well-being,

a sense of being taken care of and guided, love for life, love for all people, love

for ourselves, excitement, good physical health

Signs of being blocked

Depressed, anxious, feelings of isolation, feelings of fear and paranoia, anger, frustration, chronic

illness, a sense of being alone in the universe, working endlessly and never getting ahead,

focused on problems and negativity

I feel my heart chakra is (healthy, blocked, in-between) because…




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My Heart is Healthy and Strong

Essential Oils

Rose & Lavender These heart soothing essential oils will bring you deep feelings of love

and peace. Lavender has a naturally calming effect on our nervous

system. It’s also bright and floral, like a warm hug from a friend.

Rose oil is rather expensive on its own and is usually purchased as part

of a blend. Rose oil is feminine and soft, and if there was ever an

essence of love, it would be rose.

These oils are perfect for use in a bath. Put a few drops in and let

the aromas heal and sooth your heart and soul as you soak. Breathe

them in deep, breathing in feelings of deep love and support. As you breathe out,

breathe out all your fear, pain and sadness, letting it go completely. When you

empty the bath, visualize all the dark feelings you released washing down the drain

with it, leaving you cleansed and nourished with love.

To me, these oils smell like… ______________________________________________________

When I use them, I feel… _________________________________________________________

Journal prompt

Imagine you are in your own secret rose garden. Only you know where this garden is, and only

you can enter it. You are surrounded by delicious, fragrant roses. Lavender grows along the

sides. Pots are full of all your favorite flowers and herbs.

See yourself taking some deep breaths and really being present in this sacred space. What

sounds do you hear? How does it feel to sit in this serene space that was made just for you?

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As you sit here, smelling the roses, feeling the warm sun on your skin, take some deep breaths

into your heart. What does your heart want to tell you in this moment? What guidance does it

have for you?












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The Universe Loves Me Unconditionally

Chakra healing The first step in healing our heart chakra is to find something we love and focus on it. Spend

some time with a beloved pet, really noticing how much love and affection you have for them.

Take a walk and notice all the things you love around you – the trees, the flowers, the clouds.

Maybe even just the feeling of breathing deep and moving.

Something I love without question is… I love it because… When I think about it I feel…





Then spend some time on self-care and nurturing. Take a bath using the essential oils and

release ritual listed above. Afterwards, meditate using the guided meditation below, The Heart

Healing Light. This meditation is specifically designed to release dark, dense energies from us

and reconnect us to our inner love and light.

After my bath, as the water drained out of the tub, I felt…

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When you feel ready, find a way to connect with others. Opening our heart chakras means

opening ourselves up to the hearts of others. If you have been hurt and betrayed by people in

the past, go slowly with this. You might begin by joining a group of people who have experienced

trauma also.

If you aren’t ready to open up and share, you can also join a club that is based around hobbies –

perhaps a book club or a local sewing club. Anything that feels like a safe space where you can

be in the presence of others is perfect.

When I am truly connected to others, whether it’s because we have shared interests, shared

experiences, or just a feeling of having known each other forever, I feel…





Reconnecting with people, trusting them, and feeling intimate connections will take time. Trying

to rush the process and open up too soon will cause you to feel you are not supporting yourself.

All love begins with self-love, and so always honor where you are and listen to what you need.

You may also want to return to the root chakra journal prompts and affirmations. Our root

chakra is our center for safety and security, and when it’s unbalanced, we guard ourselves and

close ourselves off to love and true connection.

When I consider an open heart begins with feeling safe and secure in this world, I realize that

what I need most is…





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Even when I’m not giving or receiving love, I know that I AM Love. When I think about the source

of myself, and what I am created of, I feel…




Supportive foods

Nourishing your heart chakra is like

nourishing your soul. Anything that makes

you feel good when you eat it works here

– that might be a big, healthy plate of

fruits and vegetables. Or, that might be

some comfort soul food that makes you

fill warm and soothed. For more healing,

drink a green smoothie made of spinach,

kale, celery, Greek yogurt, honey and

almond milk. For an added bonus, put some heart-colored nutritious raspberries and

strawberries on top.

I Treat Myself with Love and Respect

Guided Meditation The Heart Healing Light

18 minute meditation

This meditation is designed to both deeply relax you and heal

your heart. It will help you to release all the dark energy stuck

inside of you - the energy of fear, pain, stress, and overwhelm.

It will also release all the energy you’ve taken on from other

people, both subconsciously and consciously. This will help to lighten your energy and make

space in your heart for the divine love that wants to come through you.

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This divine love will heal your energy field, balance you, and remind you of who you really are.

You will finish feeling refreshed, lighter, and deeply connected to your heart.

Before meditating, I feel…










After meditating, I feel…










I Am at Peace

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Musical Note: F

While using the Chakra Tune-Up, some things that came up in me were….






While using the Chakra Affirmations, I realize/feel…






For my heart chakra to be in its healthiest state, I need to….







Being deeply loved by someone gives you strength, while

loving someone deeply gives you courage. - Lao Tzu

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Fifth Chakra Throat Self-Expression Center

I am true to myself


Center of your throat

Associated words

Self-expression, communication, authenticity


Light Blue



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The Throat Chakra

As your communication center, your throat chakra

works closely with your heart chakra. While the heart

opens you up to connecting with others, the throat

allows you to communicate effectively.

A healthy throat chakra supports you in speaking your

truth. It allows you to speak openly and authentically,

often from a place of courage and vulnerability.

When we feel afraid to speak our truth, to express who

we really are, and to stand up for what’s right, we have

a closed throat chakra.

In the same way that a closed a solar plexus will cause

us to want to physically hide, a closed throat will cause

us to not want to be heard. We feel afraid we don’t have anything of value to say, we’ll be

misunderstood, or we’re just not worthy of holding other people’s attention.

By balancing this chakra, we can remember our words and feelings have value. We are worth of

being seen and heard. We can speak our truth clearly without being harsh,

domineering, or afraid. We don’t let others speak over us and monopolize our time

while also being good listeners.

Signs of good chakra health

Able to speak your truth, open to hearing other opinions, good listener, aware of what

makes you unique and celebrate it, able to share your original ideas, clearly express

yourself, passionate about your own interests and openly share them, not afraid to be heard

Signs of being blocked

Can never say what you really mean, often feel misunderstood, resistance to hearing different

perspectives, unbalanced communication – either too dominating and never listen, or always

listen and feel burdened, hide who you really are, unable to express your truth

I feel my throat chakra is (healthy, blocked, in-between) because…



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I Am Worthy of Being Heard

Essential Oils Eucalyptus & Chamomile

Eucalyptus is a cooling oil that can have an energizing effect. It’s

great for clearing sinus and throat issues. For help with balancing

your throat chakra, put eucalyptus in a diffuser and breathe it in,

visualizing a clear blue energy going down your throat, cooling,

soothing, and washing away all your blocks.

For help with anxiousness around speaking your truth, put some

chamomile on your wrists and take a few whiffs. Chamomile has a

natural calming effect that will quiet your mind. It can also be used to relax tense

muscles. Put a few drops in some coconut oil and rub it on your neck and

shoulders for relief. Roman and German Chamommile have different scents, and

you will most likely prefer one over the other, so sample each if you can.

To me, these oils smell like… ______________________________________________________

When I use them, I feel… _________________________________________________________

Journal prompt

Imagine that today is the day you are going to speak to a crowd of a 1,000 people. This crowd of

people has gathered today specifically to hear you. They want to hear you. They’re eager to hear

you. They cannot wait to hear what you will say.

Imagine that this is the most supportive crowd possible. Everyone in the audience is radiating

love as you walk up to the podium. You feel confident, knowing what you are about to say is

exactly what everyone needs to hear.

What is in your heart that you want to tell your audience? Do you tell them the story of your life?

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Do you share with them about your triumphs and failures, and how both have enriched your life?

Do you share with them something you have never shared before, but that you know will impact


It does not matter if you begin with a shaky voice. It does not matter if you have to pause and

catch your breath. What matters is that you have something to say, and everyone gathered here

wants to hear it. Don’t forget to visualize the standing ovation at the end. You earned it.












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I Speak From the Heart

Chakra healing To begin healing this chakra, take some time to reflect on your interactions with others. Do you

feel that you have balanced communication? Do you spend an equal amount of time listening

and speaking? Do you feel you share freely, or that you limit what you say?

When I am in conversation with others I notice that…





One of the best (and scariest!) ways to heal this chakra is to sing. As loud as you can. When you

feel the vibration of your own voice in your chest it will have a profound effect. This vibration is

like a stone in a pond, sending ripples of clearing energy up and down your body.

Singing, especially when you’re tone deaf, can be intimidating. This does not need to be done

with anyone around. In fact, if you will sing louder and longer alone, all the better!

If you have never done this before, you may find yourself emotional afterwards.

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Hearing ourselves at full volume after years of being quiet can be overwhelming. If this happens,

take some deep breaths, meditate, or go for a walk.

When I began singing as loud as I could, I felt…





What kinds of things do you say about your own voice? Do you hate the sound of your voice

when you hear it recorded? Do you feel that other people are more worthy of being heard than

you are?

I know my voice is important. My physical voice is how I’m heard and my inner voice is my guide.

I am learning to love my voice because…





Healing this chakra is all about honest and authentic self-expression. Here are some prompts for

you to reflect on how you’re showing up and speaking up:

I often pretend to be ______________________________, when I really feel…



I want to be more open about my…



People often see me as ____________________________________, but I feel I’m…



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Supportive foods

To help clear a blocked throat chakra, drink some soothing and cooling teas, such as mint,

blueberry, and rose hip. Rose hip will have a positive secondary effect on your heart chakra,

helping to open communication between your head and your heart. Other supportive foods are

fruits with a lot of water, such as celery, cucumber, watermelon, pineapple, blueberries, and


I Honor the Sacredness of My Voice

Guided Meditation

Divine Self-Healing

14 minute meditation

Being able to speak clearly and confidently begins with a sense of

empowerment. This meditation will tune you into your own

powerful healing abilities and remind you that everything you

need is inside you. You are the answer you’ve been looking for.

In this meditation, you will use the energy that flows out of your hands to create a powerful ball

of light. You will bring this ball of light into your heart, allowing it flow out through your whole

mind and body. By creating and using your own healing energy you will flow to yourself exactly

what you need. No one knows you better than you.

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Creating and using your own healing energy will also help you to remember that you have

something powerful to share with the world. You have an energy like no one else, and you’re

ready to honor and express that energy.

Before meditating, I feel…









After meditating, I feel…









I Express Myself Fully, Without Needing

or Expecting Approval

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Musical Note: G

While using the Chakra Tune-Up, some things that came up in me were….






While using the Chakra Affirmations, I realize/feel…






For my throat chakra to be in its healthiest state, I need to….






Never be bullied into silence. Never allow yourself to be made

a victim. Accept no one's definition of your life; define


- Harvey Fierstein

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Sixth Chakra Third Eye Intuition Center

I am open to my spiritual gifts


Middle of the forehead, an inch above the eyebrows

Associated words

Intuition, vision, wisdom





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The Third Eye

This chakra sits in the middle of your forehead, about an

inch above your eyebrows, and extends back into the

middle of your head.

If you’ve ever felt a tingling sensation in this area, it’s

your third eye processing and perceiving things on an

unseen level. These inner insights will show up as

intuition, a gut feeling, or as an incredible coincidence.

They may also show up as vivid dreams, so if you’re an

active dreamer, write those dreams down! They are

messages from your Inner Self.

If you’ve ever felt something, and you couldn’t explain

why you knew it, you just knew in your soul it was true,

you were connecting with your third eye. This is your source of eternal wisdom and higher


Your third eye is also your source of divine guidance. When this chakra is open and balanced, we

get insights on which direction to go and how to get there. We trust our inner voice and follow it.

When it’s blocked, we feel lost and confused, as if there is no correct path. We continually ask

others what they think we should do and neglect our own inner compass.

Signs of good chakra health

A feeling of clarity, trust in our inner voice, moments of intuition, magical

synchronicity, ability to concentrate, vivid dreams, deep meditation, a sense of

satisfaction or inner peace

Signs of being blocked

Chronic feelings of indecision, overwhelmed by choices, a sense of being lost in the dark, inability

to concentrate, highly distracted while meditating, restless, valuing other people’s input more

than our own, a sense that something is missing

I feel my third eye chakra is (healthy, blocked, in-between) because…



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I Am Intuitive

Essential Oils Clary Sage & Vanilla

Your Third Eye sits in your mind, and a healthy chakra begins with a healthy

mind. Clary Sage is the kind of essential oil that instantly clears your mind,

much like peppermint. It’s like a burst of sunlight through fog. It cuts

through the density and breaks it up so that clarity and lightness of being

can return. It’s often used as a mood booster and can have an instant

calming effect.

To further support your mental health and well-being, add some drops of

vanilla. Although not a traditional essential oil, it’s aroma is a natural anti-depressant. It

smells delicious and homey, like all of your good memories in a bottle.

Use these aromas at the start of a busy or stressful day (or any day!). Put a few

drops in your diffuser, sip your coffee, and visualize all the beautiful things you want

to happen in your day and in your life. If you follow this morning ritual every day

for seven days, something will shift for the better in your life.

To me, these oils smell like… ______________________________________________________

When I use them, I feel… _________________________________________________________

Journal prompt

You are a High Priestess in an ancient and mystical society. This society treats the spiritual arts as

highly sacred practices. They are honored and revered as much as math, science and medicine.

As a High Priestess, it is your job to teach the wisdom of the Divine Feminine to the men and

women of your community. You teach your students about intuition, energy, and higher


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Write about who you are and what your life is like. How does it feel to be so in touch with your

inner wisdom you never doubt it? How does it feel to have these practices treated as a pillar of a

healthy society? How do you feel about yourself and your connection to the Divine?












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I Am Open to My Spiritual Gifts

Chakra healing To heal this chakra, we sometimes have to first heal our solar plexus, or third chakra. Without a

strong sense of belief in ourselves, we will struggle to trust our own intuition. As we raise our

self-esteem, so will we raise our faith in our inner and mystical abilities.

How do you feel about your own intuition? Do you believe you have an internal guidance system

that you can trust at all times?





Once we begin to believe in ourselves, the fun begins! Healing this chakra is all about playing

with intuition and inner insight.

One way to work with this chakra is by using tarot or oracle cards. There are a variety of decks

available today, allowing you to choose whichever one resonates with you the most. Learning to

do readings for yourself and your friends can be an enriching and rewarding experience. You may

feel unsure of yourself at first, but like learning to do anything, it just takes time and practice.

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After finding an oracle card deck you like, shuffle them up while focusing on yourself. Set an

intention that you’ll choose the card that best reflects where you are. Which card did you pick?

What images are on it? What does it make you think or feel?





It’s also good to spend some time getting in touch with Luna, our planet’s moon. Luna is the

ruler of intuition. If it’s possible, spend some time outside at night, soaking up the moon’s

energy. Meditate on Luna and allow her light to connect with your Third Eye.

Meditating and reflecting on the night helps us to become more comfortable with the unknown.

Oftentimes this chakra is blocked simply because we don’t trust that which we can’t see and

don’t understand.

Although Luna has a soft, gentle presence in our sky, she has a powerful effect, causing our

ocean tides. Do you trust in the power of things that are soft and gentle, or do you often put

more faith in the bold and forceful?





In order to learn to trust the unknown, try meditating on the word OM. You can chant it out

loud, feeling the reverberation of it in your chest. Or simply repeat it in your mind, allowing the

word to fill you. You might also download a song or meditation with this word, deepening your

experience as you both hear and chant this sacred sound.

When I meditate on the word OM, my mind and body feel….





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Supportive foods

Foods for your Third Eye are ones that support and nourish the brain. Nuts with good sources of

Omage-3 fatty acids, such as walnuts, chia seeds, and flax seeds, are great. Brussels sprouts,

eggs, spinach, and salmon are also full of Omega-3s. Foods high in anti-oxidants, such as dark

chocolate and blueberries, are also powerful brain foods. Green tea is also rich in anti-oxidants

and has the added benefit of calming your mind and nervous system. Monks often drink green

tea before meditation, and for good reason!

I Trust My Inner Compass

Guided Meditation

The Blue Flame

17 minute meditation

This meditation is designed to open you up to your Higher Self. It

clears lower, dense energies so that you are open and receptive to

higher vibrations.

As you meditate on the vibrant blue flame, you will also naturally

connect and work with your Third Eye chakra, which is the same color.

While meditating on the Blue Flame, you will hear soft tuning forks play. These will further help

to clear your mind and connect you into your spirit. Through repeated plays, this meditation will

help to bridge your physical and non-physical selves. It’s designed to take you beyond the mind

level and connect you to your all knowing, expanded Self, helping you to eventually become one.

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Before meditating, I feel…









After meditating, I feel…









I Am Guided

Musical Note: A

While using the Chakra Tune-Up, some things that came up in me were….



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While using the Chakra Affirmations, I realize/feel…






For my third eye chakra to be in its healthiest state, I need to….






Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life.

Don't be trapped by dogma - which is living with the results of

other people's thinking. Don't let the noise of others'

opinions drown out your own inner voice. And most important,

have the courage to follow your heart and intuition.

- Steve Jobs

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Seventh Chakra Crown Connection to the Divine

I am One


Top of the head

Associated words

Higher Self, Enlightenment, Oneness





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The Crown Chakra

As the chakra closest to the sky, the heavens, and all

that is above, this Chakra is your doorway to your

Higher Self. The more we open and work with this

chakra, the more all of our other chakras will operate

from their highest place also.

When it’s balanced, our Third Eye is open to its highest

knowledge. Our throat chakra will communicate from a

place of compassion and love. Our solar plexus is

inspired in ways that benefit all beings of the world,

from the smallest to the largest. And our root chakra

becomes balanced, as the yin to its yang comes into our


When this chakra is open and healthy, we feel a sense of oneness. We realize that all things are

connected, and our actions effect everyone and everything else. We feel a general sense of well-

being, that there is a higher order to things we can’t see.

We also feel absolute knowing that we are spiritual and energetic beings. We honor the power

of our thoughts and beliefs to create our world. We acknowledge that everything begins within,

and within us is a connection to the whole Universe.

Signs of good chakra health

Compassion for others, respect for the planet and the environment,

understanding of energy and how thoughts become things, feelings of euphoria,

limitless feelings of love, empowered, trust in the divine flow of life

Signs of being blocked

Selfishness, greed, destructive behavior, depression, anxiety, distrust in personal power, feeling

like a victim, workaholism, inability to take rest, mental fog, a sense of it’s me against the world,

domineering and controlling

I feel my crown chakra is (healthy, blocked, in-between) because…




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I Am One With the Universe

Essential Oils

Frankincense & Sandalwood

Frankincense is one of the oldest essential oils. It’s been used for thousands of

years in spiritual ceremonies. To help open your crown chakra, put a few drops of

this in your diffuser and close your eyes. Breathe in this ancient, mystical scent,

and play your favorite form of sound healing - Tibetan bowls, gong sounds, or

tuning forks. Let the sounds and aroma do everything for you – just close your

eyes, breathe deep, and let go.

Like, Frankincense, Sandalwood is also an ancient scent with a long

history of spiritual use. This is also one of the essential oils of the root

chakra. By using this essential oil for both chakras you will call in a sense of balance.

You will be rooted to the earth while your branches reach up towards the heavens.

In order to deepen your sense of balance, visualize an infinity symbol, or a figure

eight, while using sandalwood. See the energy flowing from the top of your head,

down through your heart, around your hips, back up through your heart, over your

head, and back down again.

To me, these oils smell like… ______________________________________________________

When I use them, I feel… _________________________________________________________

Journal prompt

Before the Big Bang, the entire Universe was compacted down in one primordial atom. From this

hot, dense place of pure potential everything exploded outwards.

Take some time to reflect on this process. At what point in the expansion of the Universe did you

begin? What happened in order to make it possible for you to exist? If all of life and existence

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began as one, are you still one with the all the stars and planets in existence? Is there a point at

which you end and the Universe begins?















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I Am One With All Beings

Chakra healing This chakra has a strong response to sound, as well as the absence of sound. In order to heal and

open this chakra, spend some time in silence. Also, try experimenting with how different sounds

feel in your body. Sound is a vibration that passes through us. If you always play your chakra

tune-up audios through headphones, try putting them on a loud speaker. Notice which sounds

feel healing, such as birds singing, and which cause you aggravation.

When I sit in silence, focusing on my crown chakra, I feel…





Like the Third Eye, this chakra can also be balanced and opened by meditating on the word OM.

You can download the free Insight Timer meditation app, which includes gong sounds, bells, and

bowls. Try meditating on these sounds and OM for 20 minutes.

What does the word OM make you think of? Do you feel OM is a constant vibration in you, even

when you’re not meditating on it? Is it perhaps always there, like the sun, even when we’re not

paying attention to it?



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You can also use the guided meditation included below, The Golden Thread. This will help you to

practice turning your attention upwards and calling higher energy down to you, through your

crown, and rooting it down into your body. The Full Chakra Healing meditation at the end of this

packet also follows a similar process.

Imagine for a moment how your Higher Self sees you. Write about yourself, from the perspective

of your highest, most loving Self.





As with other chakras, this chakra will also open as you heal the others, particularly the heart.

Opening yourself to love is essential to a healthy crown chakra. If you struggle with love due to

past wounds, consider trying a Loving Kindness meditation. The Calm app includes a wonderful

version of this in various lengths, from three minutes to thirty minutes.

Take some time to reflect on the connection between your Heart Chakra and your Crown

Chakra. How do these two chakras relate? What do they tell you about your innate divinity?

What do they tell you about love and who you really are?





I Am the Flower Swaying in the Sun

I am the Sun Gazing Upon the Flower

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Supportive foods


As your channel to your Higher Self, this Chakra needs a

healthy and hydrated body. Water acts like a conduit

within us, helping to move energy, flush out toxins, deliver

nutrition to our cells, and keep us energized.

If you get a lot of brain fog, this is an especially important

element for you. If you don’t like to drink water, consider

adding in lemon, mint, or cucumber, which will help to

support your other chakras as well.

The importance of water in not only a healthy crown

chakra, but in an overall healthy mind-body system, cannot

be overstated. Cheers!

I Am That I Am

Guided Meditation

The Golden Thread

20 minutes

This powerful, transformative meditation will bring you into

harmony on all levels - mind, body, and soul. It will not only clear

and release blocked energy, it will also activate deep channels of

healing within your body.

During the meditation, you will visualize a golden thread coming down from the sky and entering

into the top of your head. This thread will assist you in healing, opening and balancing your mind,

body and spirit; it is designed to bring you into a feeling of harmony and unity on all levels. It will

also help you to welcome in the divine energy of the Universe that is here to love and support

you at all times. The more you play this meditation, the more you will deepen your connection to

divinity, your Higher Self and the Universe.

As you imagine the golden thread weaving all throughout you deep feelings of connection, love

and support will fill you. The golden thread continues all the way down through you, down into

the earth, which will deeply connect your root chakra, or your grounding chakra, to the earth.

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Before meditating, I feel…








After meditating, I feel…








Musical Note: B

While using the Chakra Tune-Up, some things that came up in me were….





While using the Chakra Affirmations, I realize/feel…


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For my crown chakra to be in its healthiest state, I need to….






You can search throughout the entire universe for someone who is

more deserving of your love and affection than you are yourself, and

that person is not to be found anywhere. You yourself, as much as

anybody in the entire universe, deserve your love and affection.

– Buddha

5 Powerful & Easy Ways to Use Your Breath

For Spiritual Awakening

When learning to meditate, we are usually taught to focus on our breath.

We are asked to notice our breath going in and out. To feel our breath, and to slow down our

thinking until it becomes one with the breath, relaxed, fluid, formless and rolling like waves.

One of the reasons we follow our breath to meditate is because it's the easiest way to relax and

focus the mind. The other reason is because breathing is life. When we tune into our breathing

we tune into our life force. If you ever want to feel how deep the connection between your

breath and your existence goes, try holding your breath for a few minutes.

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Sitting quietly and focusing on your breath is a simple yet profound way to connect to your

spirituality. You can just sit and focus on your breath, or you can use the guided visualizations

below. I suggest trying these breathing meditations for about 5 - 10 minutes each. A wonderful

tool to help you with this is the Insight Timer App for your smartphone (it's free and available in

the app store). You may choose one breathing exercise that you feel most drawn to or rotate to

a different one each day.

When you are caught in a moment and need to center and get clear, recall your favorite one and

take a few breaths with the in / out pattern described. It really can be that quick and simple to

shift your energy!

1.) Use your breath to remember your connection to the Universe.

Sit or lay quietly. As you breathe in slowly, think to yourself I am the Universe. Breathe in the

energy of the stars, the solar system, the galaxy, and allow your mind to open and drift as far as

you feel comfortable. With an equally slow out breath, think the Universe is me. Breathe your

energy out, and imagine you are breathing out to the stars and beyond. Breathe in the Universe

and breathe out to it.

When I focus on my breath in this way, I feel….




2.) Use your breath to connect to your heart space

Put your hands on your heart. Close your eyes. Breathe in deep, and imagine that you are pulling

in pure, white, loving energy. Breathe the air in as if there is a cloud of this beautiful, soft, loving

energy around you. With each breath in, see your heart glow brighter and brighter with this

divine white light, allowing it to saturate your heart so fully it pours out of you. As you breathe

out, notice how calm, peaceful and safe it feels when you are tuned in to your heart.

When I focus on my breath in this way, I feel….




3.) Use your breath to commune with your body & feel the connection between mind, body & spirit

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Learning to love our bodies can be an ongoing struggle. Sometimes the best way into it is to

bypass the mind and feel how your body is the temple that holds your soul. As you breathe in,

follow your breath into your lungs. Imagine seeing the nutrient-rich oxygen flow into your heart,

and then out to every corner of your body. Breathe into all parts of your body, going from your

head to your toes. Breathe out any feelings of disharmony and allow yourself to remember that

every part of you is an essential part of the whole.

When I focus on my breath in this way, I feel….




4 - Use your breath to connect to the new and release the old

Breathe in a new day, and breathe out everything that is behind you. Breathe in what you want,

and breathe out what is done. Use your breath to remind yourself how natural it is for you to let

go of the old. With each breath out, you release. With each breath in, you renew. You are doing

this all day, and becoming aware of it can shift your entire perspective.

When I focus on my breath in this way, I feel….




5 - Use your breath to easily shift your energy to love

When you're in a place of love, you are in a place of flow. Breathing in love will help you to make

inspired choices that move you forward, rather than fear-based choices that hold you back. As

you breathe in, repeat the phrase breathe in love in your mind. As you breathe out, hold the

thought breathe out fear. Remember to take long, nourishing breaths. Low levels of oxygen are

directly related to anxiety, and the simple act of breathing deeply can do a lot to shift you out of


When I focus on my breath in this way, I feel….




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Using the full system Chakra Meditation

The 15 minute Chakra Balancing meditation works on

your chakra system different than most other chakra

meditations. It will clear and heal your chakras from top to

bottom, rather than from bottom to top. It does it in this

way for two reasons. The first is to help connect you to

your Higher Self, which enhances the healing experience.

By allowing your Higher Self to come in first, you can

bring in the healing you need, rather than the one you

think you need.

The second reason it goes top to bottom is because of

how it begins – by connecting you to a star out in the


This star will bring in divine energy that will restore balance in

your entire energetic system. This meditation works on not only your

chakras, but also your meridian lines (the pathways of energy that run through your

whole body), your auric body and your mind, body, spirit connection.

You begin by choosing a star out in the Universe. This star will assist you in your healing process

and allow you to surrender your problems, worries and imbalances. It will help you to remember

that you are connected to the cosmos at all times. You are a sacred being, and you are deeply

loved by forces that exist far beyond you. From this star a white thread comes down to you.

You'll visualize this thread weaving through each of your chakras, bringing them support, divine

healing, alignment and clearing away any stuck energies. Once the thread comes through your

root chakra it will continue on deep into the earth, helping you to ground and further balance.

The star will send pure, divine love down through all of your chakras and meridian lines, ensuring

your energy body receives the deepest healing possible. This will help return your chakras, and

therefore you, to your natural state of love. At the same time, you will pull up energy from the

earth, grounding you into the earth and your physical body, which is essential for feeling not only

at home in this world, but passionate about your life.

As you listen to this meditation, try not to think about what you believe needs healing, such as a

blocked root chakra. Trust that your Higher Self knows exactly what you need, and that the

healing you receive might not be the one you expect, but one that is divine and perfect for you

at this time.

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Before meditating, I feel my chakra system is…








After meditating, I feel my chakra system is…








Connecting to a star and calling in healing from a higher, more powerful place allowed me to feel…








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Conclusion Complete Chakra Workbook Page 70


You did it! You completed the Chakra workbook!

Congratulations on taking the time to nourish

your soul and celebrate your beautiful existence.

You earned every shift, break through, and a-ha

experienced. Here are some final questions for you

to reflect on to conclude your experience.

How do you feel now that you’ve completed your chakra workbook? Is it different from

how you started?





Which chakra was your favorite to work with and why?





Which guided meditation was your favorite and why?





Did you try combining essential oils from different chakras? What were your favorites?


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Which was your favorite journaling exercise? Which was the most challenging?





What was one thing you learned or realized about yourself that surprised you?





What is one thing you would like to keep in mind going forward?





Celebrate yourself. Tell yourself how awesome you are for having taken this deep-dive,

soul nourishing journey.





No one saves us but ourselves. No one can and no one

may. We ourselves must walk the path. - Buddha

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A Note From the Author

Hi, I'm Melissa!

For most of my life I was engaged in an ongoing battle

with fear, low self-esteem, looping negative thoughts, and


I wanted to learn how to thrive rather than survive, and so

I began learning everything I could about how to change

my inner landscape. Realizing that I could not only change,

but also rewire my brain for happiness, success, and

harmony, was exhilarating. Science is continually

discovering more about the plasticity of the brain and how

pliable and remarkable it is.

Who you are now is but a glimpse of who you could be.

You are not a fixed, solid being without any room for growth or change. You can change

your thoughts, and by changing those, you will change pathways of neurons. These

pathways are like rivers in your mind, continually flowing towards certain beliefs. These

beliefs shape your view of yourself and the world.

By pulling up rivers that lead to unhappy and defeating beliefs, you can make room for new

ones. You too can change the landscape within you.

One of the things that helped me the most was guided meditation. After years of learning

about meditation, the mind, neurons, thought pathways, energy, and my own expanding

consciousness, I began creating my own guided meditations. I wanted to use imagery that

would shift your thoughts and beliefs in positive ways, open you up to feeling loved and

supported, and connect you to your eternal, divine self.

My primary goal was to create meditations that would empower you. I wanted my

meditations to help you to know that the power to heal and change is within you. You are

far more powerful and capable than you realize.

This workbook is one of several ways I’ve created to work with energy and guided

meditation. For more workbooks and meditations, visit my website at


Thank you so much for having allowed me to be a part of your journey in a small way.

Warm hugs,
