Ch06ch06 conflict and negotiation

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  • 8/13/2019 Ch06ch06 conflict and negotiation


    Project ManagementA Managerial Approach

    Chapter 6

    Conflict and Negotiation

  • 8/13/2019 Ch06ch06 conflict and negotiation


    Conflict and Negotiation

    Conflict has been defined as the process which begins whenone party perceives that the other has frustrated, or is about tofrustrate, some concern of his

    Conflict can play a creative role in the planning process

    Debate over the proper technical approach to a problem often

    generates a collaborative solution that is superior to anysolution originally proposed

    Conflict often educates individuals and groups about the

    goals/objectives of other individuals and groups

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    The Nature of Negotiation

    The favored technique for resolvingconflict is negotiation

    Negotiation is the process through whichtwo or more parties seek an acceptablerate of exchange for items they own orcontrol

    Firms should view conflicts within theorganization as conflicts between allies,not opponents

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    Facilitating the Integration

    of Activities

    Lateral Relationsallow decisions to be madehorizontally across lines of authority

    Because each area has its own goals,integrating activities of two or more units iscertain to produce conflicts

    These conflicts may be resolved bynegotiating a solution, if one exists, thatproduces gains (or minimizes losses) for all


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    Negotiating a Resolution

    Approaching intraproject conflicts with adesire to win a victory over the other partiesis inappropriate.

    The project manager should remember thathe will be negotiating with projectstakeholders many times in the future

    The proper objective should be to optimizethe outcome in terms of overall organizationalgoals

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    Partnering,Chartering, and


    Three situations commonly arise duringprojects that require the highest level ofnegotiating skill the project manager can

    muster:The use of subcontractors

    The use of input from two or more functional

    units to design and develop the projects missionThe management of changes ordered in the

    projects deliverables and/or priorities after theproject is underway

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    In recent years there has been a steady growth inthe frequency of outsourcing parts of projects

    There are many reasons for this trend:Avoidance of litigation

    Diversification of technical risk

    Avoidance of capital investment

    Reducing political risk on multinational projectsShortening the duration of the project

    Pooling of complimentary knowledge

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    Generally, relations between the organizationcarrying out a project and a subcontractorworking on the project are at best

    characterized as adversarialConflicting interests tend to lead both parties

    to work in an atmosphere of mutual suspicion

    and antagonismTo reduce this conflict, a process for building

    partnered projects can be used

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    Process for Building

    Partnered Projects

    1. The parent firm must make a commitment topartnering, select subcontractors who will do thesame, and develop a charter

    2. Both parties must implement the partneringprocess with agreement on:Joint evaluation of the projects progressA method for resolving problems or disagreementsAcceptance of a goal for continuous improvementSupport for the process of partnering from senior management of

    both parties

    3. Both parties commit to a joint review of projectexecution when the project is completed

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    A project charter is a written agreement between theproject manager, senior management, and the functionalmanagers who are committing resources to the project.

    The charter also often includes the client. The charter may take many different forms

    Typically it details the project deliverables, oftenincluding the projects schedule and budget

    Most projects do not have chartersWhich is one reason for observing that most projects are

    not completed on specification, on time, and on budget

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    Scope Change

    There are three basic causes for change inprojects:

    Planners erred in their initial assessment about

    how to achieve a given end or erred in theirchoice of the proper goal for the project

    The client/user or project team learns more

    about the nature of the project deliverable orabout the setting in which it is to be used

    A mandate is a change in the environment inwhich the project is being conducted

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    Most firms actually have only three levels ofpriority:

    High priority projects- the set of projectscurrently being supported

    Low priority projects- the projects we wouldlike to do when we have the time and money

    Urgent projects or Mandates- occasionallythere are those projects that must be doneimmediately

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    Conflict and the Project

    Life Cycle

    Certain patterns of conflict are associated with thedifferent periods in the life of a project

    Conflict appears to fall into three fundamentally

    different categories:1. Groups working on the project may have different

    goals and expectations

    2. There is considerable uncertainty about who has the

    authority to make decisions

    3. There are interpersonal conflicts between people who

    are parties-at-interest in the project

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    Settling Conflicts About


    There are methods for settling conflicts about

    priorities between projects:

    The project selection model used to approve

    projects for funding often generates a set of

    projects ranked by some measure of value

    It is common for senior management to

    determine interproject priorities

    The relative importance of the various tasks in an

    individual project is set by the project manager

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    Settling Conflicts About


    These methods are irrelevant if project andfunctional managers attempt to optimize theirindividual interests over the total organization

    The conflict-resolution potential of partneringand project charters should be clear

    Neither technique will stop conflict from

    arising, but can sharply lower the intensity ofthe conflicts as well as provide a frameworkfor resolving conflict

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    Conflict During Project


    In the initial stage of the project life cycle,most of the conflict centers around the

    inherent confusion of setting up a project inthe environment of matrix management

    At this point, almost nothing about the

    project or its governance has been decidedMoving from this chaotic environment to the

    buildup stage can be difficult

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    To make the transition from project formation tobuildup, four fundamental issues must be addressed:

    The technical objectives of the project must be specified to a

    degree that will allow the detailed planning of the build upstage to be accomplished

    Commitment of resources to the project must be forthcomingfrom senior management and functional managers

    The priority of the project relative to the priorities of the parentorganizations other projects, must be set and communicated

    The organizational structure of the project must be establishedto an extent sufficient for the action plan, WBS and linearresponsibility chart to be prepared

    Conflict During Project


    C fli t D i P j t

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    This is the period during which the project movesfrom a general concept to a highly detailed set ofplans

    As the plans become detailed, conflicts overtechnical issues build

    Conflicts between the project manager and the

    functional areas tend to predominateUsually, the functional areas can claim more

    technical expertise than the project manager who isa generalist

    Conflict During Project


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    Schedules are still a major source of conflict in the

    main program, though the proximate cause of

    schedule-related conflict is usually different than in

    earlier stagesCatching up requires extra resources that the

    functional groups will demand, but which the

    project manager may not haveTechnical conflicts are frequent and serious during

    the main program stage

    Conflict During Project


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    During this phase of the project the many parts must

    be linked properly

    These linkages are known as interfaces

    The number of interfaces increases rapidly as the

    project gets larger, which is to say that the system

    gets more complex

    The need to manage these interfaces and correct

    incompatibilities is the key to the technical conflicts

    in the main program phase

    Conflict During Project


    C fli t D i P j t

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    Schedule is the major source of conflict during projectphaseout

    Technical problems are comparatively rare because most

    have been solved or bypassed Personality conflicts are the second ranked source of conflict

    during phaseout

    These conflicts can be caused by pressure to complete the

    project and to the anxiety about leaving the project The primary tool to accomplish conflict resolution and

    reduction is negotiation

    Conflict During Project


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    Few of the conflicts arising in projects haveto do with whetheror not a task will be

    undertakenInstead, they have to do with

    The precise designof the deliverable

    Howthe design will be achievedBy whomand at whatcost

    The implication is clear: The work of theproject will be done

    Conflict During Project


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    One requirement for conflict reduction/resolution by theproject manager is that they must allow conflict to be settledwithout irreparable harm to the projects objectives

    To do this, the project manager must:

    Allow (and foster) honesty between the negotiators

    Employ only ethical tactics during the negotiation

    Understand that any behavior that breeds mistrust will make futurenegotiations difficult, perhaps impossible

    Emphasize that the conflicting parties-at-interest are not enemies butrather allies - members of an alliance with strong common interests

    Conflict During Project


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    A technique called principled negotiationtends to maintain these requirements of

    negotiation and is defined by four points:1. Separate the people from the problem

    2. Focus on interests, not positions

    3. Before trying to reach an agreement, inventoptions for mutual gain

    4. Insist on using objective criteria

    Conflict During Project


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    Negotiation within the firm should be directed atobtaining the best outcome for the organization, notwinning

    There are three traditional categories of conflict:goal-oriented, authority-based, and interpersonal

    There are three traditional sources of conflict:

    The project team itselfThe client

    Functional and senior management

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    Critical issues to handle in the project formation stages aredelimiting technical objectives, getting managementcommitment, setting the projects relative priority, andselecting the project organizational structure

    The total level of conflict is highest during the project buildupstage

    Scheduling and technical conflicts are most frequent andserious in the project buildup and main program stages, andscheduling conflicts, in particular, during the phaseout stage

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    Project negotiation requirements

    Conflicts must be settled without permanent damage

    The methodology must foster honesty

    The solution must satisfy both individuals and the

    organizations needs

    One promising approach to meeting the

    requirements of project negotiation is calledprincipled negotiation

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    Conflict and Negotiation


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    Conflict and Negotiation

    Picture Files

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    Conflict and Negotiation

    Figure 6-1

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    Conflict and Negotiation

    Table Files

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    Conflict and Negotiation

  • 8/13/2019 Ch06ch06 conflict and negotiation


    Conflict and Negotiation