Ch 5 Profit Analysiss

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  • 8/8/2019 Ch 5 Profit Analysiss


    Profit Analysis


    Kanchana Iyer

  • 8/8/2019 Ch 5 Profit Analysiss



    Reward to the entrepreneur

    It may be negative

    It can be expressed in different ways

    according to the rationale.

    It is the residual income and not the

    contractual income Highly fluctuating

  • 8/8/2019 Ch 5 Profit Analysiss


    Types of Profit

    Gross Profit and Net Profit:

    GP: Excess of revenue over all explicit payments.(wages, taxes, depreciation)

    NP: Its is also known as pure profit. Implicit Costs hasto be deducted from Gross Profit to arrive for NetProfits.

    Normal and Super Normal Profit:

    NP: Profits necessary to remain in the operation (Min) SNP: It is the residual surplus over explicit costs,

    implicit costs and normal profits.

  • 8/8/2019 Ch 5 Profit Analysiss


    Types of Profit

    Accounting Profit and Economic Profit:

    AP: It is the revenue obtained during the

    period minus the cost and expenses incurred toproduce the goods responsible for getting the


    EP: It take into account both explicit and

    implicit costs. It reflects true profitabilityposition of the business enterprise.

  • 8/8/2019 Ch 5 Profit Analysiss


    Theories of Profit

  • 8/8/2019 Ch 5 Profit Analysiss


    RiskTheory of Profit

    Given by Prof Hawley

    Profit as a reward for venturing into

    something risky. Higher the risk, higher the reward.

    Businesses are speculative in nature andtherefore reward is necessary for the riskbearer.

    Profit is the risk premium

  • 8/8/2019 Ch 5 Profit Analysiss


    Uncertainty Theory of Profit

    Given by Prof F H Knight

    Risks are inherent factors of business but can bedivided into insurable and non insurable risks.

    The insurable risks are predictable and can beinsured and the insurance premium becomes apart of the price / costs

    Only the non insurable risks become responsiblefor emergence of profits.

    Uncertainty bearing rather than risk bearingimportant

  • 8/8/2019 Ch 5 Profit Analysiss


    Dynamic Theory of Profit

    Given By Prof Clark

    Dynamic economy leads to constant changes indemand and supply force and leads to constant

    change in the profit / loss conditions. The dynamics leads to the profits which is again

    a temporary phenomena.

    Dynamic changes can be introduced by the firm

    also, in the form of mew technology, product,process, ad, salesmanship etc and this can lead tochange in the level.

  • 8/8/2019 Ch 5 Profit Analysiss


    Innovation Theory of Profits

    Prof Schumpeter:

    Profit is both cause and effect of

    innovation Innovation brings change in consumers

    tastes and preferences

    When innovation becomes obsolete, profitsdisappear.

  • 8/8/2019 Ch 5 Profit Analysiss


    Profit for organizing other

    factors of Production An entrepreneur is responsible for

    coordinating infrastructures, men ,machine

    etc and the profit is reward for his skill inmanaging all the resources.

    It is a payment for the efficient and

    effective utilization to the optimum pointof the resources in order to reach the target

    or goal

  • 8/8/2019 Ch 5 Profit Analysiss


    Objectives of a firm

    Profit maximization

    Sales maximization

    Revenue Maximization Industry leadership

    Cost control

    Maintain liquidity

    Consumer goodwill

    Fight competition

  • 8/8/2019 Ch 5 Profit Analysiss


    Profit Measurement

    Rate of return on capital:

    Net profit * 100

    Fixed capitalLow returns do not always indicate low profits

    but sometimes indicate the high overheads

    among which the profits get distributed


  • 8/8/2019 Ch 5 Profit Analysiss


    Equilibrium of the firm

    Profit = TR TC

    Condition of maximization: First order derivative

    should be 0 dr - dc = 0

    dq dq

    dr = dc

    dq dq

    MR = MC

  • 8/8/2019 Ch 5 Profit Analysiss


    Cost Volume Profit Analysis

    Profit Sales Volume ofCosts Production

    The revenue generated depends on market

    conditions, competitors, taste of consumerswhich are external therefore not alwayscontrollable.

    On the other hand, the profits can be controlled

    by controlling the costs which is related to thevolume of production. (that is why the analysis isknown as CVP relations

  • 8/8/2019 Ch 5 Profit Analysiss


    Cost Volume Profit Analysis

    CVP Analysis gives a picture profit levelsof activity.

    Volume is usually expressed in terms ofsales capacity expressed as a percentage ofmaximum sales, volume of sales, unit ofsales etc

    It will involve volume of sales. Price,product mix of sales, variable costs,overhead costs

  • 8/8/2019 Ch 5 Profit Analysiss


    Objectives of CVP analysis

    To know the relationship bet profits and

    costs as well bet profit and volume.

    To know and set costs (budgets) at variouslevel of activity.

    To evaluate performance for control

    To formulate price policies.

  • 8/8/2019 Ch 5 Profit Analysiss


    Profit- Volume Ratio

    P/V ratio = Marginal Contribution /Sales


    Sales value Variable CostsSales value

    Sales value Variable Costs

    Sales value

    Fixed Cost + Profit

    Sales Value

  • 8/8/2019 Ch 5 Profit Analysiss


    Break Even Analysis

    It relates revenue, costs and total profits ofthe firm at various levels of output

    BEP point is that volume of sales wherethe firm the total costs will be equal to totalrevenue.

    It is the point of 0 profit

    BEP = Fixed Costs

    Selling Price Variable Costs

  • 8/8/2019 Ch 5 Profit Analysiss



    Perfect distinction of costs into fixed and

    variable costs

    Whatever is produced is sold (Production =Sales)

    Revenue is perfectly variable with

    production (Straight Line) Stable Product Mix

  • 8/8/2019 Ch 5 Profit Analysiss



    Effect of Pricing Policy

    Product Method and its impact on costs/rev

    To adjust cost and revenue to achieve thetargeted profits

    Better margin of profit betweenalternatives.

    Level of production to be maintained toearn quick profits.


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    BE Chart

    Break-Even AnalysisCosts/Revenue





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    Both cost and revenue curve are linear

    curve. (Constant variable costs and

    constant MR) Effect of change in Price

    Effect of change in VC

    Effect of change in FC In a non linear function

  • 8/8/2019 Ch 5 Profit Analysiss


    Contribution Margin

    Total Contribution Profit : Difference

    between total revenues and total variable

    costs. On a per unit basis , it is equal to

    difference between the price and average

    variable costs.

  • 8/8/2019 Ch 5 Profit Analysiss



    To determine optimum level of output

    To decide the ideal production level (capacity)

    To choose projects from alternatives To know the impact of changes in price and costs

    on profits.

    To know the pricing policy

    Situations like hire or purchase, add or drop,

    expand or divert.