. 11: Introduction to Compressible Flow on 1-dimensional, compressible, inviscid flows = constant for us (1% increase in for every 1. r, 1% change for every 26 m deep 0.3 ~ 5% = /; M = 0.3 ~ 100 m/s or 230 mph icant density changes imply significant compression xpansion work on the gas, which can change T, e, s, •Compressibility: fluid acceleration because of friction, fluid deceleration in a converging duct, fluid temperature decrease with heating as: p = RT (simple, good approximations for our en applications, captures trends)

Ch. 11: Introduction to Compressible Flow

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Ch. 11: Introduction to Compressible Flow. Focus on 1-dimensional, compressible, inviscid flows. Liquids,  = constant for us (1% increase in  for every 1.6 km deep). Air, 1% change for every 26 m deep. M = 0.3 ~ 5% = /; M = 0.3 ~ 100 m/s or 230 mph. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Page 1: Ch. 11:  Introduction to  Compressible Flow

Ch. 11: Introduction to Compressible Flow

• Focus on 1-dimensional, compressible, inviscid flows

• Liquids, = constant for us (1% increase in for every 1.6 km deep)

• Air, 1% change for every 26 m deep

• M = 0.3 ~ 5% = /; M = 0.3 ~ 100 m/s or 230 mph

• Significant density changes imply significant compression or expansion work on the gas, which can change T, e, s, …

•Compressibility: fluid acceleration because of friction, fluid deceleration in a converging duct, fluid temperature decrease

with heating• Ideal Gas: p = RT (simple, good approximations for our engineering

applications, captures trends)

Page 2: Ch. 11:  Introduction to  Compressible Flow

-Smits/A Physical Introduction To Fluid Mechanics

Page 3: Ch. 11:  Introduction to  Compressible Flow

Density gradients will affect how light is transmitted though medium (by affecting index of refraction). By applying the Gladstone-Dale formula it becomes evident that the shadowgraph is sensitive to changes in the 2nd derivative of the gas density.Strength of shock can be related to width of dark band.- Methods of Experimental Physics – Vol 18, Martin

Deflection of light caused by shock compressed gas ahead of a sphere flying at supersonic speed.

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Thoughts on the increased complexity of incompressible flow

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/t + /xk(uk) = 0 becomes uk/xk= 0

uj/t + ukuk/xk = -p/xj+/xj( uk/xk)+/xi[(ui/xj+uj/xi)]+fj


uj/t + ukuj/xk = -p/xj + (2ui/xjxj) + fj

4 Equations: continuity and three momentum 4 Unknowns: p, u, v, wKnow: , , fj

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/t + /xk(uk) = 0

uj/t + uk/xk = -p/xj +/xj( uk/xk) + /xk[(ui/xk + (uj/xi)] + fj

p = p(,T) Thermal ~ p = RT

e = e(,T) Caloric ~ e = CvT

e/t + uke/xk = -puk/xj +/xj(k T/xj) + (uk/xk)2 + (ui/xk + uj/xi)(uk/xk)7 Equations: continuity, momentum(3), energy, thermal, state 7 Unknowns: p, u, v, w, e, T, Know: , fj, , k

e is the internal energy

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Thoughts on the speed of sound

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c2 = (p/)s

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If fluid incompressible, gas would behave like solid body and moveeverywhere at piston speed. If pressure disturbance is small relative to p1 then “front” propagates at speed of sound. If large shock waves occur where speed, temperature, density and pressure change significantly across shock. (Speed of shock is between the speed of sound in the compressed and undisturbed gas.)


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Sound waves are pressure disturbances << ambient pressure.

For loud noise: p ~ 1Pa whereas ambient pressure is 105 Pa

Speed of sound: c2 = (p/)s

Assumptions: ideal gas & isentropic p/k = const, or differentiating

dp/k – pk -k-1 d = 0 dp/(p/cont) – (const k) k -k-1 d = 0

dp/p – kd/ = 0

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dp/p – kd/ = 0

dp/d = kp/

p = RT for ideal gas then c2 = kRT

For 20oC and 1 atmospherec = 343 m/s = 1126 ft/s = 768 mph

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M = 1

Dynamic Pressure Static Pressure

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M = V/c

M2 = V2/c2 = V2/kRT (ideal gas)

p = RT (ideal gas)

M2 = 2(1/2V2/kRT) = 2(1/2 V2/(kp/))

M2 = 2[1/2 V2/(kp)] ~ 1/2 V2/p

M2 ~ dynamic pressure/ static pressure

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Thoughts on the speed of sound

As related to the speed of the source

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Regimes of flow:

(1) Acoustics – fluid velocities << c, speed of sound; fractional changes in p, T and are important.

(2) Incompressible flow – fluid velocities < c, speed of sound;fractional changes in are not significant; fractional changes in p and T are very important

(3) Compressible flow (gas dynamics) – fluid velocities ~ c, speed of sound; fractional changes in p, T and are all important.

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Propagation of Sound Waves from a Moving Source

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Some Assumptions

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It is assumed that the system is always in equilibrium.

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It has been found by experiment that as long as the temperatures and pressures are not too extreme, the flow attains aninstantaneous equilibrium. This continuesto hold even inside shock waves. For all the flows examined here, all systems willbe assumed to be in equilibrium at all times.


s1, h1


s2, h2

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It is assumed that all gases obey ideal gas law:

p = RT

Not gauge pressure

Kelvin (or Rankine)

R = Ru/Mm = 287.03 m2/(s2-K) = (N-m)/(kg-K) = J/(kg-K)R = 1716.4 ft2/(s2-R)

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Conservation of Energy

(note that u is now the internal energy)

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Q + W = E = (KE + PE + U)

Q/m + W/m = E/m; q + w = u

W = - pdVU, internal energy, is energy stored in molecular bonding forces and random molecular motion. (KE and PE we will ignore)

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Ideal gas is composed of point particles which exhibit perfect elastic collisions. Thus internal energy is a function of temperature only. U = f(T)

Enthalpy, h, defined as: h = u + pv ; h = f(T) since h(T) = u(T) + RT

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Specific Heat for Ideal Gas

dQ = mCv,pdT

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Specific heat is defined as the amount of heat required to raise the temperature of a unit mass of substance by1oK. Different

for constant volume or pressure.

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Definition of heat capacity at constant volume:

mCvdT = dQ or CvdT = dq

dq + dw = du

if Vol constant, w = -pdv = 0, then dq = du,

Cv = du/dT “It can be shown that du = Cv dT even if volume not held constant!!”

- pg 41, Thermal-Fluid Engineering, Warhaft

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Definition of heat capacity at constant pressure:

mCpdT = dQ or Cp = dq/dT

dq + dw = dq – pdv = du h = u + pv

dh = du +pdv +vdp

if pressure constant, dh = du + pdv = dq

Cp = dh/dT~ again can be shown to be true even if pressure is not constant!!

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Cv = du/dT* Cp = dh/dT*

h = u + pv = u + RT*dh = du + RdT

dh/dT = du/dT + RCp – Cv = R*


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cp/cv = kcp – cv = R

cp/cp –cv/cp = R/cp

1 – 1/k = R/cp

(1– 1/k)/R = 1/cp

cp = R/(1-1/k) = kR/(k-1)

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cp/cv = kcp – cv = R

cp/cv –cv/cv = R/cv

k – 1 = R/cv

(k – 1)/R = 1/cv

cv = R/(k – 1)

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Another Assumption

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It is assumed that cp/cv

is not a function of T

calorically perfect

For a perfect gas cp/cv = 1.4

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cp/cv = k is not a function of temperature


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cp/cv = k = 1.4 for perfect gas

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The Second Law

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“The second law of thermodynamics can be stated in several ways, none of which is easy to understand.”

– Smits, A Physical Introduction to Fluid Mechanics

dq = du + pdvTds = du + pdv = dh –vdp always true!

DEFINITIONS = rev Q/T or dS = (Q/T)rev

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Change in entropy intimately connected with the concept of reversibility – for a reversible, adiabaticprocess entropy remains constant.

For any other process the entropy increases.

DEFINITIONS = rev Q/T or dS = (Q/T)rev

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What we can do with:

Tds = du + pdv = dh –vdp+ ideal gas and constant specific heats

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Cv = du/dT Ideal Gas Cp = dh/dTp = RT = (1/v)RT

Tds = du + pdv = dh –vdpds = du/T + RTdv/T

ds = CvdT/T + (R/v)dv

s2 – s1 = Cvln(T2/T1) + Rln(v2/v1)

s2 – s1 = Cvln(T2/T1) - Rln(2/1)

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s2 – s1 = Cvln(T2/T1) - Rln(2/1)

If isentropic s2 – s1 = 0 ln(T2/T1)Cv = ln(2/1)R

Cp – Cv = R; R/Cv = k – 1

2/1 = (T2/T1)Cv/R = (T2/T1)1/(k-1)


ISENROPIC & IDEAL GAS& constant cp, cv

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Cv = du/dT Ideal Gas Cp = dh/dTp = RT = (1/v)RT

Tds = du + pdv = dh –vdpds = dh/T - vdp

ds = CpdT/T - (RT/[pT])dp

s2 – s1 = Cpln(T2/T1) - Rln(p2/p1)

s2 – s1 = Cpln(T2/T1) - Rln(p2/p1)

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s2 – s1 = Cpln(T2/T1) - Rln(p2/p1)If isentropic s2 – s1 = 0ln(T2/T1)Cp = ln(p2/p1)R

Cp – Cv = R; R/Cp = 1- 1/k

p2/p1 = (T2/T1)Cp/R = (T2/T1)k/(k-1)


& constant cp, cv

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Stagnation Reference (V=0)

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BE: 1-D, energy equation for adiabatic and no shaft or viscous work.

(p2/2) + u2 + ½ V22 + gz2 = (p1/1) + u1 + ½ V1

2 + gz1

Definition: h = u + pv = u + p/; assume z2 = z1

h2 + ½ V22 = h1 + ½ V1

2 = ho + 0

Cp = dh/dT (ideal gas)

ho – h1 = cp (To – T) = ½ V12

T0 = ½ V12/cp + T = T (1 + V2/[2cpT])

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T0 = ½ V12/cp + T = T (1 + V2/[2cpT])

cp = kR/(k-1)

T0 = T (1 + V2/[2(kR/(k-1)]T])

T0 = T (1 + (k-1)V2/[2kRT])

c2 = kRT

T0 = T (1 + (k-1)V2/[2c2])

V2/ c2

T0 = T (1 + [(k-1)/2] M2)

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To/T = 1 + {(k-1)/2} M2


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/o = (T/To)1/(k-1)

To/T = 1 + {(k-1)/2} M2

/o = (1 + {(k-1)/2} M2 )1/(k-1)

Ideal gas and isentropic

and constant cp, cv

(isentropic = adiabatic + reversible)

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p/p0 = (T/To)k/(k-1)

To/T = 1 + {(k-1)/2} M2

p/p0 = (1 + {(k-1)/2} M2)k/(k-1)

Ideal gas and isentropic and constant cp, cv

(isentropic = adiabatic + reversible)

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QUIZWhen a fixed mass of air

is heated from 20oC to 100oC –(a)What is the change in enthalpy?(b)For a constant volume process,

what is the change in entropy?(c)For a constant pressure process,

what is the change in entropy?(d)For an isentropic process what are the changes in p and ?(a)Compare speed of sound

for isentropic and isothermal conditions.

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(a) h2 – h1 = Cp(T2- T1)(b) s2 – s1 = Cvln(T2/T1)(c) s2 – s1 = Cpln(T2/T1)(d) 100/ 20 = (T100/T20)2.5

2.5 = 1/(k-1) k = 1.4 for ideal gas p100 / p20 = (T100/T20)3.5

3.5 = k/(k-1) k = 1.4 for ideal gas

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(e) c2 = {dp/d}But c2 = (p/)|T does not equal c2 = (p/|S)

If isentropic p/k = constant (ideal gas)Then c = {(p/)|S}1/2 = (kRT)1/2

= (1.4 * 287.03 * (20 + 273.15))1/2

= 343.2 m/s

If isothermal p = RT (ideal gas)Then c = {(p/)|T}1/2 = (RT)1/2

= (287.03 X (20 + 273.15)1/2 = 290.07 m/s 18% too low