- CGil iD Your Kewa .... _ cmd Cla•lhd Adl SINGLE COPIES ORiole 3-0550 1HE EMBIG!f Cars Ciush 1 At Marine Two men were kJtl ed and an other man wu .eritual y Injured In a hlth s peed head -on 2- car c rash at Mari ne Ave. and Coast Hwy ., near Corona dtl Mar, at 8:20 p.m. Tu esday . .; 1 1 The dead are EdVt,B rd Morgan 1 1 40. of Orante, Me I Coy, 38, ot San . <fe. In Ora nge 1 C ounty Hospita l Edgar Pollee said Mr . organ wa " No locrecme in aubecription rGtea LOCATI NG THE SPOT to install a brand new ber ; Fred Stewart , treasurer ; Tom Winget, di rector, and Braden Finch, pres i dent . This s•gn ...., ,11 be installed near the Morntng Ca nyon Rd. en - trance to Corona Htghlands. at the ea sterly en- tran ce to Corona del Ma r (E ns• gn photol I Crenshaw, 33, of I apparently makJ n& left fUrn orr Coast Hwy. onto Mar in{' Ave when his car wu stru ck hy the ca r driven by Mr. Cr.nshaw Mr I McCoy wa.s a In Mr Crenshaw's car. COf"one del Mar" sign are these 4 members of the Corona del Mar Chamber of Commerce. They are . from left, Mrs. T. Duncan Stewart. wh o is c hairman of the sign commi ttee fo r the Cham- WA OF CHAOS IN CITY Flames threatenlne Mr Crt'n sh aw, who wu pinned bt'hlnd t he steering wheel or his ca r. were by pollee and traffic on Cout Hwy . was up for al moct an hour while workmen la bored to pry h1m 1 005e The oth er 2 men wert' thrown !rom the cars by the im pact of the coUI.a Jo n. Mayor Jam• Stodd ard and tee apokes.rnen uy that If the ·The Council h-,. cut the tax Clry Manaaer Robe rt Shelton na mes of 10 per cent of qu alltied In the amount of the $105.000 u warned th1t week aaal ns t poai- voters are tiled with the tlty tJorn rct\.aR collection . I t's b'le fina nci al the petition clerk by Oct . S. the dty wi ll be too l ate to dJ.uwe t he tax rate. new betna cin:-ulated wiU pre· aut omatically from col and t ft ·• tf the coll ection vent the City of Newport Beach lecti n& th ese char&es. the city m ust from coUectil'\1 fees for re twle The loa of reven ue Involved, ralae revenue by ot h er means. pick- up. for the remainder of this f llcaJ Posalble 80U rct!S are Increase. In uld half empty bet>r 1 cans a nd a n umber of full beer cans ll tter'ed the Crenshaw auto · mob ile. The 11aJW TQ"P&JeJ'I COmmit· year, la fl'08l ref use pick - aa les tax, business licenses and t ee Ll coUedln1 aJpaturee on 2 up and $56,000 t:rom the MWer wat er or ule of dty owned pe ti tiotW both the charae. land or a. reduction In ci ty wrv - retu. tb.&.rle and tM 1'bt Doe*lbl2 oUJa facl n1 the Ices. s uch u beec. h and street Dr: . Roper's monthlY Cammlt· dty wu cSe.c:nbed u follows : wa.w. ...,., ,..._.,.. s U. petiUoa. cJo not realize tiM pcu.lble conMquen - li ra. El mo Rope r Sr ., SS. motb - ces. It could (lnandaJ er of Dr. Robe rt Roper of Shore IDE JQTIQN chaa.. The pe t ition c-anle111 CUtts. died -rue-day m omln1 at lVI shou ld not be actina In aplte be -t he Con nectlcut home ot her oth · caUM rhey are hurtlnif u ienv er son. Elmo Roper Jr., the opln A m ass m eeting ot merchants from a ll bualness sectlona of the ci ty h as been called C or 7:30 p.m. tomorrow {Friday I In New- port Council Chambers to dlscu.u a plan for an area -wide !!hoppi ng p romoUo n. The Newport Harbor Chamber selves too. lon analys t. of Commerce is sponsoring rhe f c 1 meet in&. and Invitations to join ·· The Council acted In eood She had le t orofl a de Mar In the dlacuaalon are being sent faith In levying these on of l ast we-t>k w11h to the Corona del Mar Chamber It was not done hastily. II was her son. Elmo. to about a of Commerce and to the busi not done as a s ubterfuge to raise mont h at his home in Rldgefieh1 ness assoda tl ons In other sec - money for othe r projects, but to She a stroke about II tlons of t he dty. shift t he expense of refuse col - P m. Monday_ just u she was MISS CORONA DEL MAlt , Molly McCiin tod of I s-k William O' Bryon of the New- lectlon from the rax bill to 8 about to retire Cor the nigh!. Sh(' Shore C liffs has been "omed as Ou ee n of the R Se I A S direct 1 c harge The Taxpayers Into a coma and died US port Ch am ber will a pa ne Committee should be wllline lo w it hout regaining COM<'iousness Corona del Ma r Lobster Boke by the sponsort"q dlKussl on on a p ropowd "m agic H h ba d h d d h Bolboa Bay Lions Ch .. b Dote s for !he b •g event left) and B ryant pu• a wr •h te lls abou t the grand pr :e •o be Q ·"e Bate--an a ll -e•pe nse ' 0'-' ' I r 2 I, 'T' T Acapulco n Mea c., A oe..,e·ol for the Lobster Beke 0"'0 Br'f tS in ch · .e o: ' ... .,..,d odv e r•,s "'Q . 0" pnc•cl M f card" promotion whi ch would go along with this proaram for er ua n a P e er anager Or br1nl ahoppersl n to the stores of at least a f ull year to give it a In death la.s'M Dec. l9here In the1r are Sotu rday a "d Sunday Oct 18 and 19. ot ti-e part1d pa tl na mercha nt 8 by fai r test. on the understanding Corona del ar home, 308 Mar main beach He re Molly •s help•ng AI Pl eqer (ot H · agh School means ol dnwinalucky nu mbers t hat a referendum cou ld be beld &Uerlte Ave. I h k. then If Mrs. was membt'r of the M I A k rifi f eac wee P.E.O. In Hebron , Nebr .. and was aypo e s s w Sa F eed e C ICe r om COM Civic Assn . Approves mem be r ol the Corona de l Mar lnvesttgatlon '" Commun ity Church. F L N bl Sa New Plan for Bayside Drive or UXUry, 0 e ys t nd on the ... moun 1'be Corona del Mar Civic Assn. cess to dwellings on the lower o a pe ........... ... - level ne.xt to t he bl urt. 2 p.m. Su nday The Baltz COf"Ona week f or a full scale 1nvesttga aoa LEEDOM l ings or tht' Pf'Ople for non -pro - = CADATIOII TO QOLDU.OD del Mar Chapel IS In ch arge of tlon ot the county 's oil contrat•t Ja pan and India will fall to 1 d u c 1 , ' t' goq•rnment eAJ)\"ndl - a nd much could of the raft.ne Ba.yaJde Dr. City Manae er Ro bert S helton arraneements. with the }iarine Exploration Co l rhe Communtsts by 1960. he- <.aid a study lntTt' ase h vt b lne. mana- The ...,. ....... I praented at t he aald t hat th is acce. road. which Japan will btl' Pl'f'SSUN'd by the- j ln Inflation I '> wip1ng out the by He a atheusjob ;; · be a.-octatl;.;--meetinl calla tor de- would e xtend from Carnat io n E f p I• B • td• gTOwmg mic ht of Red China's U\ 'l np of people- In the t; S tilled lmmecU.atdy and -a.-.cl w.lapDeDl ot a botanical park. Ave. to a poi nt juat beyond Gold - X pans I 0 n 0 0 Ice u I In g I arm." And [ ndla will I>\" persuad - Just a.s In Fran C'(' . ' a deadllne of Dec. 1. Active rec:rea.t lonal fadUties a re e nrod Ave .• would be paid for by t"d as a ' 'frie nd of the common He Yld hu: father "as In A atudy -•on wtU be bdd Clllllttild from the pl an beeauae of the adjol nl nl p rope rty ownera. s I f City L d D. ed people of Allla." Fran<'t' in 1918 whe-n he cou ld by tbe board ot wttlda the oanow ... of the area a nd He u td that as aoon u the a e 0 an ISCUSS All of Africa will I>\" ronverted buy a meal for 5 t he next few da.ys to ,..Wtinl b.az.arda from traffic.. trade for this road 1.1 establl.ah ed, What is the top priority ca p ital l'f'<"tor Webb. rannot 1M' used to Comm u nism by 1965. A nd con - worth approxlmatt>l) one U. S. candidate.. Mra. PhiUp Burton. me m ber of the planti ng a nd beaut1flcatlon Improvem ent project ot the City Th e Is u nder agnc ultural tinental Europe will su(.'('Umb dollar In 1948 wht>n he - ----:--:=-:=-:=::::=: =: =::- U,. Parka, Beacha and Rl!crea· of the roadside area can be sta rt - of Beach" leasoe. 800n afterward. a mt'al <'051 2.000 Cranes. Ul iAN IEH or Bey has bMn president of the Philharmonic Sodety. su Hay_ la?g· enheim. Mr. S.h IS e light1ng eng inHr, presi de nt of the Or· County Chapter of the C.lifornia Societ y of P rof. sional e nd president of the N.wport H.bcir Chem· bet of Comnwu. Kor.n M r• grete Wood was viee- of the Phi lharmonic $ociety: lelph Millet, treeiu,_, and loy aecmety. tion Commlalon aaid tha t the ed, even before the road la buil t h'- .__., At an $5.000 an acre. Great Britain will bt' A man who bouifht an ann u ity (lCIIIU]llalon dcJJa ' not favor the Dr . David Smiley, who owns How to t "' wit h the of trade . In 1918. plannln<> on a ret1-•nt Th<X'M! wt're the proble ms tack this l and woul d br ing tht" city " ... "' lnata.llatlon of tennla courts. property alone the propaeed ac - led Mond ay even lne at a dlscus - $465.000. City Robert Wa.r with the l' nlted Income of 1. 000 f ran<'!! a month, which ha.d been In a cesa road u ld he was wllllna to sion held by the City She lton will ch«k with thf' City must be until after 19'70. then mol"l' than adequatto. would p.N'Yiou. plan. She aald donate .Orne t reN tor the pl a nt - Council and other city oUicia ls. ot Huntington Bea c-h to deter and of 25.000.000 find by thl time he couldn't buy wo\lld nan .erlous r .... in&- Artist Rex Brandt. another mine the zonln<> of this land and Red soldiers throu <>hout the eut - t han a sandwi ch a mon th I -- If •"-' ould 1 .... l Aft er some 2 hours of conver - ··"'th ·t ... _ 1 __, IJ\lUry n u.u.uc w property owner n u.at aree, a so of the ern hemlAp here will make the .,., I . ,,... po ntoru out . run alter a tennla ball that had baa aueed to m.ake donatioDs for sation. there wa.s no di ffi cu l ty In Other salt' possibilities are 5 United States s pen d ltwlt Into Hl11 answer to any dedsion to bMn knOcked out of the court. the beauUDcatlon. al"f'Hin& that the 11\08t urge nt ac-res at t h e BUAhard St. pwnp - b) ' then . try to revoke the States' CLVDOOI& IVGGEITD e JQ.ZT STEft nHd wu e nl argement of the po · ing statton ; 9 lot'l 1ma.t of t hl"m That Is the table of the part1clpatlon In the ltOaians' R.tett.ard Abemlltby, PBR dJ reoc- Dr. J. a. Lor\i.M>r . pree.ldent ot bu lldl ne. And the m ost like doublf' 11ize lot'! I in the RJver Sovit't govt'mment fei'Tl'ted out Umetable wu prlma.rUy to re - tor tor the Qt)' of Newport Beach, the Clvie Aun., rema:rttect. " This S«tion of West Ne-wport . 0. 8:2 by l:nlted States mllJtary me-n. "tore the traditional faith of the •tel tbere would be ample apace l ooks li ke a idea. 0 1 acrf'S at the- forme-r locat1on of ' rad1o and comment& I people in tor a eenl« dtlan cl ubhou.w ln What 's the next lltep!" f the s urp us par tht' City Water Ofopt on Newport tor Wendell Noble told Ht> " Aak )"'WWl.t the Bayside Dr . area euterl y of Mr. Shelton aald u.at U. Park the choiCt" to retrt. on Blvd. port Harbor £xt-hange C'Jub at the fOV!! m nt oft en the Goldenrod Ave. brldae. Commllalon ahould act oftlcl aUy !: The 1 at're" fronting on Bal the Newport Harbor Yat>ht Club l to do 80melhlna for you 'CaD 1 He al8o other a ctiv · on the propoeed boe Blvd. to the city last Thursday noon. do this for rn,y8elt _ l1 It is nee- Itt-. tudl as and th en It mould be ret ftftd to the San ta Ana River. in t be City trailer park. wert' mentioned. but And the United Statt"ll b tu.l - essary at all':''" ah\lftleboard courta and tabl a the Plannin g lor a of Huntlnaton t h e C'OUncilmen believe that t his filltne Its part of the timetable •••on• ot tor card8 and dMdtera. But he recommendation. sJte ol City water __...,. w pro!)\"rt\ should not be MJd Po. - said c- and .. _ _ ....... _ ___. _ _. ... _. __ _.._ •- deU are no lonif('r In Wit", a nd wh ich. -.. k T 1 ... _ UnJ _.. s """'"""• ..... --· ''-" ... ......_ .. ..., a """"" "b the re &1\Y lepJ a ccotdina to Public Wotb Dl sl b le uses suK,-est ..... \Wre a par axes n u"" torv tat• are Tbe J'O'ftrnmeTita IN'W and type of beautl!kation benn!en concemJna the a cxea road !" Dt . and rround for New - than In a ny ot.Mr country pew and 11""' t.a1dna Oftl' GohleDrod and Camation Lonll ey a.sked. port, al.a for expansion of t oday. ta.r uCMdln& thOllt" of and more ot the.,_. Aft -. wtth un\ll\l&l plantinp and Mrs. Burton. wbo La an attor· ••• , .... lftlr trailn park Ruaia.. tw aaJd. And ftftdom la until lb. whole countrtee l"'l• mea.ncSerln1 ney, repli ed. "U both lldel of t he A SSO. OOO expansion of po •c:rificlod f or the luxulia laJ*d o1 the of t 10'1· 11\e proposed dntiopment. area a re ma lnta.lned u TOAd - ...... bUildJn& w as propowd at tM t hat al ways paJd tw 00 t he .,_ 1 of the drawn up b 7 11ett W b.._ pobUc waya. 1 aee no Jep.1 problftl'l... D1M'tlft1. City M an&.l\"1" SMlt on "'tomorrow." people worb 41nctar , aDII Mr. AbeT· Allan Banks. 18, cbtwr ot an will ron!er with at<'hllect The natio nal debt of t he Uni ted · -- --- -- nethy, alao lJld OM follow· II I I!L.. II ... automobll• tl'l.at stdd4fod SJO feet Und. w ho prtpend plans for Statn La now man tha.n the val · iDa fHlU,_ : (1) ralJanmtnt 0( .... OD Coast Hwy. GPS*St4t ltYtDP ttw $J 000 projtc1 that was l ue of all the In the CatMUOn A..., to U.. Twrrac:oe S.pt. 8. cUed Jut Ttlwa· Ceated In the Aprll bond \"lf'ctl<m . natlcn. and lllCft than tbe C"'O'D· bluff ; (2) of the A J. way raee the Job aa dq ln lloal a.ptta. L Be IWWl' Mr. Und wl U be ubd to revt. bl n«'d national cldtt of all ftrDJeel ramp at _, .... Or. tD J'llth DlltriC.'t C'08»t7 pla.rw dGwn to 000. A ..._. Ln Uae wor bt aiel. i.MnE II the edtt;p bJ maldq 1t a.ppe&Nd a u peUtklna Be tad bla J pmchue plan Ia an al t. mat• We .,. clet _,.. a npt a.ftlle (I) ae- .... ,. ftled b ao, M n1llnd 01\l)' nor .,.. medMid ot ft.D.aftd.nl. U \M · ab&re of 0.. _. ,... aJolll o. Wd. ,aral · au.. .... _ and ._ &am u. usa ftW_.. -.t7 ,_.. c.lmlt '- ,..u.d ta a.. Nllllla WI DC ..,.... br ,. tt ....... .eo DledJIDt Ia ...... ,.. CJ'INQ). at a_, IMctL b.- el d17 In tdd.q \

CGil iD Your Adl NOW10~ ORiole 3-0550archive.newportbeachlibrary.org/NBPL/0/edoc/1156340/1958-09-18... · LOCATING THE SPOT to install ... port Chamber will a pa ne Committee should

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Page 1: CGil iD Your Adl NOW10~ ORiole 3-0550archive.newportbeachlibrary.org/NBPL/0/edoc/1156340/1958-09-18... · LOCATING THE SPOT to install ... port Chamber will a pa ne Committee should

-CGil iD Your Kewa ...._

cmd Cla•lhd Adl


NOW 10~ ORiole 3-0550


Cars Ciush 1 At Marine

Two men were kJtled and an other man wu .eritualy Injured In a hlth s peed head-on 2-car crash at Marine Ave. and Coast Hwy., near Corona dtl Mar, at 8:20 p.m. Tuesday . .;1 1

The dead are EdVt,B rd Morgan 1


40. of Orante, ~-harlf'S Me I Coy, 38, ot San . <fe. In Orange 1 County Hospital ;~-~mor Edgar

Pollee said Mr. organ wa"

No locrecme in aubecription rGtea

LOCATING THE SPOT to install a brand new ber; Fred Stewart, treasurer; Tom Winget, di rector, and Braden Finch, president. This s•gn ...., ,11 be installed near the Morntng C a nyon Rd. en­trance to Corona H tghlands. at the easterly e n­trance to Corona de l Mar (Ens•gn photol

I Crenshaw, 33, of ~Diego. I

apparently makJn& left fUrn orr Coast Hwy. onto Marin{' Ave when his car wu struck hy the car driven by Mr. Cr.nshaw Mr I McCoy wa.s a ~nger In M r Crenshaw's car.

COf"one del Mar" sign are these 4 members of the Corona del Mar Chamber of Commerce . They are. from left, Mrs. T. Duncan Stewart. who is chairman of the sign committee for the Cham-

WA OF CHAOS IN CITY Flames threatenlne Mr Crt'n

shaw, who wu pinned bt'hlnd the steering w heel or his car. were extin~rulshed by pollee and traffic on Cout Hwy. was tl~ u p for a lmoct an hour while workmen labored to pry h1m 1005e The othe r 2 men wert' thrown !rom the cars by the im pact of the coUI.aJon.

Mayor Jam• Stodd ard and tee apokes.rnen uy that If the ·The Council h-,. cut the tax Clry Manaaer Robert Shelton names of 10 per cent of qualltied In the amount of the $105.000 u warned th1t week aaalnst poai - voters are tiled with the tlty pect~ tJorn rct\.aR collection. It's b'le financial ~if the petition clerk by Oct. S. the dty wi ll be too late to dJ.uwe the tax rate. new betna cin:-ulated wiU pre· automatically block~ from col and t ft ·• tf the collection vent the City of Newport Beach lectin& these char&es. ch~e La~ the city m ust f rom coUectil'\1 fees for retwle The loa of revenue Involved, ralae revenue by other means. pick-up. for the remainder of this fllcaJ Posalble 80U rct!S are Increase. In

Poll~ uld half empty bet>r 1 cans a nd a number of full beer cans ll tter'ed the Crenshaw auto· mobile.

The 11aJW TQ"P&JeJ'I COmmit· year, la 11~000 fl'08l refuse pick- aales tax, business licenses and tee Ll coUedln1 aJpaturee on 2 up and $56,000 t:rom the MWer water rate~. or ule of dty owned petitiotW ~~ both the charae. land or a. reduction In city wrv­retu. ~·UP tb.&.rle and tM 1'bt Doe*lbl2 oUJa facln1 the Ices. such u beec.h and street

Dr:. Roper's monthlY ~ Cammlt· dty wu cSe.c:nbed u follows: cleanl~.

'~~~~~~r:;;;~;;~~~~~ji~fj;~~t;Mtlh wa.w. ...,., ,..._.,.. ,.-~~!!~"!~..-: s U. petiUoa. cJo not realize tiM pcu.lble conMquen- lira. Elmo Roper Sr., SS. motb­ces. It could CTH~ (lnandaJ er of Dr. Robert Roper of Shore

IDE PRO~ JQTIQN chaa.. The pe t ition c-anle111 CUtts. died -rue-day momln1 at lVI should not be actina In aplte be - the Con nectlcut home ot her oth ·

caUM rhey are hurtlnif u ienv er son. Elmo Roper Jr., the opln A mass meeting ot merchants

from a ll bualness sectlona of the city has been called Cor 7:30 p.m. tomorrow {Friday I In ~ New­port ~ach Council Chambers to dlscu.u a p lan for a n area-wide !!hopping promoUon.

The Newport Harbor Chamber selves too. lon a nalyst. of Commerce is sponsoring rhe f c 1 meetin&. and Invitations to join ··The Council a cted In eood She had le t orofla de Mar In the dlacuaalon are being sent faith In levying these c-h~rges. on W~n~day of last we-t>k w11h to the Corona del Mar Chamber It was not done hastily. II was her son. Elmo. to s~nd about a of Commerce and to the busi not done as a subterfuge to raise mont h at his home in Rldgefieh1 ness assodatlons In other sec- money for other projects, but to She stKfe~ a stroke about I I tlons of t he dty. shift the expense of refuse col - P m. Monday_ just u she was MISS CORONA DEL MAlt, Molly McCiintod of

I s-k William O'Bryon of the New- lectlon from the rax bill to 8 about to retire Cor the nigh!. Sh(' Shore C liffs has been "omed as Oueen of the

R Se I A S direct 1 servl~ charge The Taxpayers la~ Into a coma and died US port Chamber will a pa ne Committee should be wllline lo without regaining COM<'iousness Corona d el Mar Lobster Boke by the sponsort"q dlKusslon on a propowd "magic H h ba d h d ~ d h Bolboa Bay Lions Ch .. b Dote s for !he b •g event

left) and Bryant Mar~to,., pu• ~,op a pc~ 't!' w r •h te lls about the grand pr :e •o be Q .,~~ ~ - · "e Bate--an a ll-e•pense ' 0'-' ' I r 2 I , 'T' T Acapulco n Mea c., A oe..,e·ol c~ ~,.,~

for the Lobster Beke 0"'0 Br'f tS in ch· .e o: ' ... ~e• .,..,d odver•,s "'Q . E~ 0" pnc•cl M f card" promotion which would go a long with th is proaram for e r ua n a P e er anager Or br1nl ahopperslnto the stores of at least a full year to give it a In death la.s'MDec. l9here In the1r are Soturday a"d Sunday Oct 18 and 19. ot ti-e

part1d patlna m e r c h a nt 8 by fair test. on the understanding Corona del a r home, 308 Mar main beach He re Molly •s help•ng AI Pleq er (ot

H·agh School means ol dnwinalucky numbers that a referendum cou ld be beld &Uerlte Ave. I h k. then If de~nrtod." Mrs. Ro~r was membt'r of the M I A k rifi

f eac wee P.E.O. In Hebron, Nebr .. and was aypo e s s w Sa • F eed th~~=~~~~~~~h :r~;:.~':nn~:~~~~s~~ew~t. • • e C ICe r om tSch~ooboal ~':'~n~::a-= COM Civic Assn. Approves member ol the Corona del Mar lnvesttgatlon

'" Commu nity Church. F L N bl Sa ~~:.F,!E~.::== New Plan for Bayside Drive £ty~L~;:~~~aefa::~r:: ~~~ca:~!:Ee~t~~~?:~u~~~ or UXUry, 0 e ys t nd on the .--~ ... moun 1'be Corona del Mar Civic Assn. cess to dwellings on the lower o ape ........... ... - level ne.xt to the blurt. 2 p.m. Su nday The Baltz COf"Ona week for a full scale 1nvesttga ~ aoa LEEDOM l ings or tht' Pf'Ople for non -pro-~~:~~of ~a~~~ -~ct = =-~":7or a::~:! • CADATIOII TO QOLDU.OD del Mar Chapel IS In charge of tlon ot the county's oil contrat•t Ja pan and India will fall to 1 d u c 1 , ' t' goq•rnment eAJ)\"ndl -a nd much mo~ could be~ of the raft.ne alo~ Ba.yaJde Dr. City Manaeer Robert Shelton arraneements. with the }iarine Exploration Co l rhe Communtsts by 1960. tu~ he- <.aid a study lntTt'ase

h vt b lne. mana- The ...,. ....... I praented a t the aald that t his acce. road. which Japan will btl' Pl'f'SSUN'd by the- j ln Inflation I'> wip1ng out the byHea ~~ atheusjob need~~ ;;·be a.-octatl;.;--meetinl calla tor de - would extend from Carnation E • f p I• B •td• gTOwmg micht of Red China's U\'lnp of people- In the t; S tilled lmmecU.atdy and -a.-.cl w.lapDeDl ot a botanical park. Ave. to a poin t juat beyond Gold - X pans I 0 n 0 0 Ice u I In g I arm." And [ndla will I>\" persuad - Just a.s hllp~nt"d In FranC'(' . ' a deadllne of Dec. 1. Active rec:rea.tlonal fadUties a re enrod Ave .• would be paid for by t"d as a ''frie nd of the common He Yld hu: father "as In

A atudy -•on wtU be bdd Clllllttild from the pla n beeauae of the adjol nlnl p roperty ownera. s I f City L d D. ed people of Allla." Fran<'t' in 1918 whe-n he could by tbe board ot ~ wttlda the oanow ... of the area a nd He u td that as aoon u the a e 0 an ISCUSS All of Africa will I>\" ronverted buy a meal for 5 fran~. t~n the next few da.ys to ~ ,..Wtinl b.az.arda from traffic.. trade for t h is road 1.1 establl.ah ed, What is the top priority capital l'f'<"tor ~rt Webb. rannot 1M' used to Commu nism by 1965. And con - worth approxlmatt>l) one U. S. candidate.. Mra. PhiUp Burton. mem ber of the planting a nd beaut1flcatlon Improvement project ot the City The a~a Is u nder agncultural tinental Europe will su(.'('Umb dollar In 1948 wht>n he ~turne-d, - ----:--:=-:=-:=::::=:=:=::- U,. Parka, Beacha and Rl!crea· of the roadside area can be start- of New~ Beach" leasoe. 800n afterward. a mt'al <'051 2.000 Cranes.

UliAN IEH or Bey ~ has bMn ~ president of the Oran~ C~ Philharmonic Sodety. su i~ Hay_ la?g· enheim. Mr. S.h IS e light1ng enginHr, president of the Or· en~ County Chapter of the C.lifornia Society of Prof.s· sional ~ineera, end president of the N.wport H.bcir Chem· bet of Comnwu. Kor.n M r• grete Wood was rw~med viee­~t of the Philharmonic $ociety: lelph Millet, treeiu,_, and loy ~no, aecmety.

tion Commlalon aaid that the ed, even before the road la built h'- .__., At an estlmat~ $5.000 an acre. Great Britain will bt' plara1~ A man w ho bouifht an annu ity (lCIIIU]llalon dcJJa' not favor the Dr. David Smiley, who owns How to tlnan~ t "' pro~. · with the proml~ of trade. In 1918. plannln<> on a ret1-•nt Th<X'M! wt're the problems tack this land would bring tht" city " ·~ ... "' lnata.llatlon of tennla courts. property alone the propaeed ac- led Monday even lne at a dlscus- $465.000. City Mana~tE'r Robert Wa.r with the l ' nlted Stat~ Income of 1.000 fran<'!! a month, which ha.d been pro~ In a cesa road u ld he was wllllna to s ion t~eSSion he ld by the City She lton will ch«k with thf' City must be avo1d~ until after 19'70. then mol"l' than adequatto. would p.N'Yiou. plan. She aald •-~haolt donate .Orne treN tor the pla nt- Council and other city oUicia ls. ot Huntington Beac-h to deter and malntenan~ of 25.000.000 find by thl time he couldn' t buy ~era wo\lld nan .erlous r.... in&- Artist Rex Brandt. another mine the zonln<> of this land and Red soldiers throu <>hout the eut - mor~ than a sandwich a month

I -- If •"-' ould 1 .... l After some 2 hours of conver- • • ·· "'th ·t ... _ 1 __, IJ\lUry n u.u.uc "~:! w property owner n u.at aree, a so of the pro~rty n~arby . ern hemlAphere will make the .,., I . ,,... po ntoru out. run alter a tennla ball tha t had baa aueed to m.ake donatioDs for sation. there wa.s no difficul ty In Other salt' possibilities are 5 United States spend ltwlt Into Hl11 answer to any dedsion to bMn knOcked out of the court. the beauUDcatlon. al"f'Hin& that the 11\08t urge nt ac-res at the BUAhard St. pwnp- cata~trophe b)' then. try to revoke the Unl~ States' • CLVDOOI& IVGGEITD e JQ.ZT STEft nHd wu enlargement of the po· ing statton ; 9 lot'l 1ma.t of thl"m That Is the tl~ table of the part1clpatlon In the ltOaians'

R.tett.ard Abemlltby, PBR dJreoc- Dr. J . a. Lor\i.M>r. pree.ldent ot 11~ bu lldlne . And the most like doublf' 11ize lot'! I in the RJver Sovit't govt'mment fei'Tl'ted out Umetable wu prlma.rUy to re-tor tor the Qt)' of Newport Beach , the Clvie Aun., rema:rttect. "This ~lern:t~~t!. '~r;~isla~~e S«tion o f West Ne-wport . 0.8:2 by l:nlted States mllJtary me-n. "tore the traditional faith of the •tel tbere would be ample apace looks like a ~ idea .

0 1 acrf'S at the- forme-r locat1on of ' rad1o and teh~\1slon comment& I people in C~om.

tor a eenl« dtlan clubhou.w ln Wha t's the next lltep!" f the num~rous surp us par tht' City Water Ofopt on Newport tor Wendell Noble told t~ New-~ Ht> ~ua&Hted. " Aak )"'WWl.t the Bayside Dr. area euterly of Mr. Shelton aald u.at U. Park ~Is, the choiCt" ~rns to retrt. on Blvd. port Harbor £xt-hange C'Jub at everytl~ the fOV!!m n»nt often the Goldenrod Ave. brldae. Commllalon ahould act oftlclaUy !: :,C:,:h~~~~e AS:~e~~. ~ The 1 ~6 at're" fronting on Bal the Newport Harbor Yat>ht Club l to do 80melhlna for you 'CaD 1

He al8o ~ other a ctiv· on the propoeed lm~nt. • boe Blvd. aclta~nt to the city last Thursday noon. do this for rn,y8elt _ l1 It is nee-Itt-. tudl as honeah~ ~ a nd then It mould be retftftd to the Santa Ana River. in tbe City trailer park. wert' mentioned. but And the United Statt"ll b tu.l - essary at all':''" ah\lftleboard courta and tabla the Planning ~on l or a of Huntlnaton ~c~~-ls lsh~~ the C'OUncilmen believe that this filltne Its part of the timetable ltemem~r t~ • •••on• ot tor card8 and dMdtera. But he recommendation. sJte ol City water __...,. w pro!)\"rt\ should not be MJd Po.- ~ said c- and .. _ _ ....... _ ___.

_ _. ... _. __ _.._ •- deU are no lonif('r In Wit", a nd wh ich. -.. k T 1 ... _ UnJ _.. s ·~'~"' """'"""• ..... --· ''-" envbluua~~ ... ......_ .. ..., a """"" "b there &1\Y lepJ prob~m accotdina to Public Wotb Dl slb le uses suK,-est ..... \Wre a par axes n u"" torv tat• are Tbe J'O'ftrnmeTita ~ IN'W and type of beautl!kation benn!en concemJna the a cxea road!" Dt. and ~ rround for c~ntral New - ~ht-r than In a ny ot.Mr country pew a nd 11""' t.a1dna Oftl' GohleDrod ~ft. and Camation Lonl ley a.sked. port, al.a for expansion of th~ today. ta.r uCMdln& thOllt" of and more f~ ot the.,_. Aft-. wtth un\ll\l&l plantinp and Mrs. Burton . wbo La an attor· ••• , .... lftlr trailn park Ruaia.. tw aaJd. And ftftdom la until lb. whole countrtee l"'l• mea.ncSerln1 path~ ney, replied. "U both lldel of the A SSO.OOO expansion of t~ po bri~ •c:rificlod for the luxulia laJ*d o1 the ~laM of t 10'1·

11\e proposed dntiopment. area a re ma lnta.lned u TOAd- ...... 11~ bUildJn& was propowd at tM t hat ~ always ~ina paJd tw e~nts 00 the • .,_ 1 of the drawn up b7 11ett W b.._ pobUc waya. 1 aee no Jep.1 problftl'l... D1M'tlft1. City Man&.l\"1" SMlton "'tomorrow." people worb 41nctar, aDII Mr. AbeT· Allan Banks. 18, cbtwr ot an will ron!er with at<'hllect ~ The national debt of the United ·-------nethy, alao lJld OM follow· II I I!L.. II ... automobll• tl'l.at stdd4fod SJO feet Und. who prtpend t~ plans for Statn La now man tha.n the val· iDa fHlU,_ : (1) ralJanmtnt 0( .... OD Coast Hwy. GPS*St4t ltYtDP ttw $J 000 projtc1 that was ~· lue of all the ~ In the CatMUOn A..., ~ to U.. Twrrac:oe S.pt. 8. cUed Jut Ttlwa· Ceated In the Aprll bond \"lf'ctl<m. natlcn. and lllCft than tbe C"'O'D· bluff; (2) ~t of the A J .way raee the Job aa dq ln lloal a.ptta.L Be IWWl' Mr. Und wlU be ubd to revt. bln«'d national cldtt of all ftrDJeel ramp at _,.... Or. tD J'llth DlltriC.'t C'08»t7 ~ ~-. pla.rw dGwn to 000. A ..._. na~ Ln Uae wor bt aiel. i.Mn EII the edtt;p bJ maldq 1t a.ppe&Nd a ~tJ u peUtklna Be tad bla J ~ pmchue plan Ia an alt.mat• We .,. clet _,.. a npt a.ftlle ~; (I) ae- ....,. ftled b ao, M n1llnd 01\l)' nor .,.. medMid ot ft.D.aftd.nl. U \M n«· ab&re of 0.. _. ,... aJolll o. Wd. ,aral· au.. ...._ and ._ &am u. usa ftW_.. -.t7 ,_.. c.lmlt '- ,..u.d ta a.. Nllllla WIDC ..,....br,. tt ....... .eo DledJIDt Ia ...... ,.. CJ'INQ). at a_, IMctL b.- el d17 In tdd.q •


Page 2: CGil iD Your Adl NOW10~ ORiole 3-0550archive.newportbeachlibrary.org/NBPL/0/edoc/1156340/1958-09-18... · LOCATING THE SPOT to install ... port Chamber will a pa ne Committee should

Sec-' claw ,..tat• ,.w at c..- 4el -...,, c.lif. """'•'4 ...W,, • T'"-fey, lAc-- tiel M.r, l11 tM 0ty .f.__,.,. a..dl, C.flf. OHiee ... p;-Httl"f ,l.11t 1ft ttl. ~ WW!ftt . ...... ~ 2110 L C..tt ....._ wey, Cwona 4al Mer, C.~f. Tala,._.., OlWe J.OUO.


The N£WPOIT HAJitiOA ENSIGN wet aoliu4 ...... M a ......,_,_ .f ... erel cirala+lon ~ covrt 4ouoo No. A20171 of tllo Su,-,JOf Cowf kl S.11t. Aile al\4 lty rNIOII tharoof Ia qualifiaol to pultlkll aN pubtte IIOtko:t !'e41ilft.o4 by law,


................. " ............. - ... Owner a!MI ,IIWithar .............. ···- ···- ·- ·---~lata ~ltw.

..... No-. IXIItor . Aol,..rtblftt Ma~~a9ar

Offko Ma11•9•r

SUBSCRIPTION ltATES '" +... Newport Herbor Aree: o,.. ,.., - $].00; two ,.art S.S.OO Oubide of the Herb04' Ar .. : o ... y••• - J-4.00; two 'J'••" f7.00

b~ Hop

e DON'T SAW OFF THE LIMB BEHIND YOU W "th eyes wide open, petit ion promoters t~re invit ing fint~ncit~l

c~oos by cMrying on their compt~ ign ogeinst the tresh 11nd gerbege co' e :toon chorges t~pproved by the Newport Bet~ch C ity Council. T~ot s quote a responsib iloly for these petitooners to t11ke on the ir shculje rs. It s l1ke blowing up the only bridge into to wn becouse of 11

sq ... 11bble ove r the method o f pt~ying for it . There is much merit in 11 suggestion by the mt~yor t~nd city men·

ager lht~t the collection charge be given t~ foir tr iol period of ot le11st o ye11r, with ll mutu11l ogreement th,t " public vote would then be held if desired. The members of the protesting T c!1xp11yers C ommit· le 11 ow" thot much consideration for the welft~re of their ci ty, which. of•er oil, includes themse lves.


It s f me to siMI mekong up your mind l!bout the mo,y issues c:;m"ng up on the Nov. ~ bollot. You might jot the se items d own m ~-:.~' memory · VOTE NO O"~ Proposit ion I b and ~eep our pn vote ~:ro ... oL to• e~empt. becouse they t~re to~ing e tremend ous burden off C- ' publo \Chools . VO TE NO on 17 , " frightful \Cheme th,t could c.., ... ~e fin~ncto l end econom•c d•soster by o shorp tncreose in •ncome t .•e e nd o reduct.on on the soles to.t ... VOTE YES e n 18. for freedom c : choice to toin or not to to•n o union . . . VOTE YES on th, c•ty s r ew ~iv"l se rvice ord;n t~nce wh ch ·\ o poinsto~ ing overh t~ul o f our pres· e · • .. .,w.e ldy ordononce . MARK _X ~fte_r ti--e n11me o f Roy_ May J:C e b r county upervosor for tne Fo· th Dos troct . .A.nd most tmpor 1 )'·of oil. be sure to VOTE!

LeHen-Edr tor of the Ensign : gated areas become fertile soil

The Ensign of August 21st for delinquency, crime and other printed a Jetter whk h claims associated problem11 which in · that Negroes Intend to '"Invade" volve the entire community. the beach dUes and buy property 'nlere Is no easy or simple SO· In " UlY whJte" neighborhoods. lut:lon t o thla matUr of racial lt also states that a Nepo family d~tlqo.. It .eema l ntteM· bouJht a hOUM In N~ inllY appatent. ~er. that the Helehta. but your newspaper re· only force wbk:h ean break down futes this a lleeatJon by reporting preludJce a nd Introduce us Into that thla pl'Operty has befll sub· a ~nt, clvtllz.ed brotherhood of leased to a CUban citizen who man is the ability to eet our eyes has a Negro chauffeur. clearly on the Individual, el~

Concerning the widely held him his chance to stand on the opinion up~ in this letter basil ot hls personal merit re· that property values dKrease gardless of any collectlve group when member s ol minority to which he may belong, th~n to groups buy homes In all white judee and treat him a ccording to neighborhoods the report of a tnla principle. three-year s tudy being ls.sued by What this Involves regarding the Commission on Race and the sales of homes to members of Housi ng through the auspices of minority groups Is illustrated by the Fund tor the Republic Is of Joseph L. Eichler. a leading interest. Focusing on 20 sections American h~me builder, who in San Francisco, Oakland and strongly dentes that prices for Philadelphia which had bet>n all· tract homes are depressed by white pnor to this st udy. It traces sales to lndrvld uals belonging to thf' priC'e behavior pattern from a <'Oiored race, and whose own l!H3 through 1955 of ~lngle - tam · company draws no racial line In ·1v owner·occupled homes in selling Its homes. Mr. Eichler :h~c;e now racia lly mixed neigh · says, "The only standard we Ull(.'

t>orhoods as compa red to proper · to quality a person for a home tv prrcf'S In nonmlxerl areas of Is tha_t he has the financial qua l · c.omparahle e<>onomic values. lficatlons and that. in our opln ·

0 1 5.417 sa les encompassed by l ion, .. he will make a good neigh · thrs study. 41 per cent s howed bor .... "no c;igniCIC'ant di ffprf'n('(' '" In Thrs IS not only one l'Xprc~lon property valul'c;, hut 44 per ('{'nt of c;>Ur democratiC' heritage as a of c;a lf'c; prices In thl'<~t' racially natr~n or every raC'e and color. mrxPrl area!! incrpac;ed by ::; to Z7 but 1n t~ese days of struggle to J)E'r rf'nt and 15 per ('{'nt ranli(~d win men s m inds the world round rlownwa~d by 5 to 9 per cent. this principle of judging lndlvtd · Whil(' th~ fl gurPS a pply only to uals a ccording to their own three among all the communities worth and character Is no at'ntl · of our country, one wonders if mentality. It Is reaUam. For u many of them might not show Joseph C. Harsch writes In The romparable results If a ·similar Cbrt.ltlaD ~ MOGit. ol Sep· st udy were made of them. tember 3rd. every l.saue lnvolv·

To quote from the Jetter In lng race Is a warning that we your newspaper, "we all know had best begin thlnkJne before 1 !liegrOl'll) have to have a place the s hape of the future 18 laid too t~ live." a fact that Introduces dangerously In our time.'' otht>r consideration~ than proper· Charles Clare Blauvelt ty values though the latter are 604 Seawa rd Rd. not to be Ignored. for Instances of Corona HJrhlands df'crea sed p roperty values In rae · Ially mixed area do, of course, O<'<'U r. ... Crtu .... . , ....... , ..... ,. But neither are human values to be Ignored, such as the harm· ful t>Ue<-ts u pon thoae who. as members of minority grou ps, are compelled to live In segregated parts of a community because other aectloM are cl~d to them. Wh~n. u eometlmes happens. such restrictions re~ult In a con· gested population, th~ segre·

Volunteer workers are belne sought by the Red Cr08S In a 3 · day drive next week. Volunteers shou ld go to the office or the Southern Orange County Chapter ot the American Red Crou at 1104 W. 8th St, Santa Ana. or telephone Kimberly 2-1137.

Well. tor the put few days we've all had a purty food Idea ot what ole I,.ucl.ter b.u In atore tot hls An&eli Here on tM Cout where u,. weat.hef' Sa u nne u the Cbambel' ol. Commetee can INU It - lt hM been darned bot ..• rut • lf tt pta any • botw, wby 1'1111 ....,. look Into UIJI B ........ .,._ln Al..., .... T'hj ............ '1\m ... WoiNSW't .. _,._.....,_. ftU.ftl UWa ........

... 4 A W&Dbfel C. •&liiiOWi c:olfectlon ot ~ and p.tbap

It wtll proba~ be ta--u--. b)" tht db'. 'nwy are actina In .:;~.;.;;..iiiiiii=-:i=-:i;;;;;;iiiiiiiiiiiiiii!i; to tbe JIIOI)lt wbo haw llantd the tace ol the facta that ln l95f 111 petjtlom '• a.n,y of a.. s a.plr· the people ~ ~% to 1 to .u.a· anta for ~rvt.or (I'll call tbem taln the law on tht boob and at asplranta until theJ tvm in to the NIIM Urn. not to add the ec.t the eount;y clerk tbe nee: 1 ry of thla aervlc. to the pneraJ number ol QUAUJ't!:D vote~ fund rate. namet to quallbt ~~ tiM ballot) The pnera.l acM.ory COf'Mllt· that 1t 11 a ~to lip • ~ ~ lmprovementa vot· 2 petltiona tor tbe ... Galee, ., a .. J 1Ut year to recommend and tturt the aeeond ~t:Ule lll a ~ cbarp u the J\'MIIt

• IIVCKO IUM.. Georp, well' known hereabouta. point ot tfme " void. AJ.o tot the .... ble WAf Gl ~)'1~ tor ttlll So far, tJ\18 aeaaon, I've worn out An uncounted number eot 2, or tnt ormation of .am. of the car· MIYI~ A afled.al tledlon Will

halt a d~ rabblta' feet, have a one. ~d, l haaten to add, a Jot rlers, )'OUJ' Unt that "Wa o.lc. to OQit the ~1'1 OYflt ~ • permaneftt kink In aeveral fin · of boata mu.t have come back algn anot,her petition" 11 a tat.e ~ 11 no NUOO to belwve that eers from croaJne them ao much, with empty cockplta. statement 2,700 voters have chan1td tbelr

REA$7 • ..,,.._ .......... -J ,...,.... ......... _ ..

and have the lawn JookJng a.s It's a eood thlnel wasn't there. Don't let the tact that you may oalnd In f yeara. bare u "Doc" Cash 'a head. look· I'U elve you ju.st one eueu In be getting 10 much per name ret Do the.e people want the man lftiiL o...e ___ , lrie tor 4 ·1eaf cloven. but Nar which boat category, abo~. I'd t he slener Into mt.ehlef, You ate ownlnJ the mo.t bJJh)y ..... uect c... M .,_ ONE SINGLE MARLIN baa ao bave found rny luckleaa aelf. u k lna him to sJ,-n ln vlolatJon of hom. to help 6ay tor tn.tr aerv· ,.._.,

0 .. s.aao

m uch u rtven any ol 11\Y Oylne • lEST TEAll the ttrst paee ot the petition you Ice, whJch amounta to Jfl88 U\an ':::::::==:=;::;;;;;;;~~ fish the sllah test look - or not AJ had more solid statistics: are carrytne, on whlch 1t aays "I 5 cents a day! Do you thlnk that -;; that I know of. 1950 wu their beat year, In the have not •lined the nomination 95 per cent of the cttles In Call·

Thanks to Ken Holbrook. I put. That season's total was ~ paper for any othe.r candJdate for fornla and In the U. S. ate spent Saturday aboard his Dusty marlin. AI. of Saturday night, the the same omce." You are being wl'l)na! Too. dragelne balta around the 1958 8COre was 724. The~·s atlll dishonest and unfair It you do 'lltl.l charae is not an 1ncreaae East End and points between a lot of good fishing days left. thla. knowtne that he hu al· In the charae of Uvina here. It Ia there a nd the Jetty. The day was too. Maybe they'll break the ready signed one tor the same almply the ahlftlna of the ec.t a success. I saw a marUn! This thousand mark In 1958! Good office. from the tax to the UK{. where one was alteady spoken for. luck, down there! Alao you mu.t algn a deputy'• It belonp, thereby red~lna the Somewhat later, I saw It being Further Interest. for me, was In I aWdavlt that all stenatutes on tax a Uke amount. Tbele 11 noth · holsted at the Balboa Angling the wide spread of llze of the your sheet "were made ln my lnl fairer than a aervlce charce. Club. Gordy Green and the Jere· marlin. Al said that never before presence." It's eonoa take some whether It be your IU. elect:rlcl · mar Ill were helplne the lucky had there ~n 10 many small stretchJne for the llttlt! baldhead· ty, euoUne or aupr. a ntleT weigh It ln. marlin taken. Lots of 'em were In ed man w&o ten a petition In a nOCI.AKATIORI ISiuD • OOOE'S OOOKJKG the 50 . 60 . 70 . 8> · 90-pound market Sunday and came back Mayor Jamet Stoddard of the

There waa a j &lr amount of ac- brackets. Th1

e smallest weighed later and picked It up w!.th 5 City of Newport Beach laaued 2 tlon over around the Slide tne 42 pounds . names on It to &len that aUI · proclame.Uons this week. deale· Avalon Bank, In mld·channel. Looks 1~ good business for davy." natil\1 Sunday, Oct. u . u and around the 14-mlle bank th is our local ~. George Lee, up at In carrying a petition for Claire "Grandmothers' Day," and the past week·end. Amigo Viejo Dee his taxlde~y headquarters In Nelson. ex -mayor 'Of Costa Me.a. week of Sept. 17 through 23 u Cook, of Johnnie's Liquors in Co· Costa Mea nglers just natUr· and getting over 250 qualJtled ''Constitution Week." rona del Mar, supplied some ot ally want ave those "chlqul. signers, I have learned a few .. ---------~--. the subject matter for discussion tu" mount~. Just call George, things that m ight be of Interest over the air. Midway 6·3 1. as the eJection approaches: One,

Dee and h is good wife Flo were From t ha dny 42 pounder, the that Mr. Nelson 11 a ~~quare Ill


TB.E COASTAL DEA Uae McMahona Euler Tenna

testing out their new diesel pow. weights soar up to a big 292~ shooter, conadentlows. qulet, de · ered Flo· Dee V. and a very fine pounds. Al was 50 excited that he termlned, sober, God-fearing. sta· looking C'raft It Is. It must be a didn' t know who boated that one. ble businessman whose lnteerlty good marlin boat, too. Early Sat· Live sardines were the baits over a period of many years Is urday, Dee had 2 voracious mar· that were taking ·em on Satur · not and cannot be successfully lin attack his baits. What hap· day. One "almost" tale nearly challenged ln thls campaign. I pened Is a.falrly delicate subject made history. Local angler Hen· even had the good fortune to ap· In the Cook family. Dee aUowed ry Brent on hls Blue Chip. hook· proach Mrs. Bessie Stoner of 710 that Flo had forgotten that their ed one 'on 3· th~ad. which, for Poinsettia Ave., Corona del Mar. new boat had a 24·1nch propel · marlin, 1a cobweb that 's sup~ who. when 1 stated my mlulon, SJI w. lt'l'll ST. RNol the &!sit" ,...t.rfy. Lec.l lor : the old one was bu t a 16· to test 9 pounds. It usually testa said, "Claire Nelson~ I su re will COSTA IIDA _ 10 11141 alMctip+iCMt oN., Sl • Y"'• S5 fOf 2 lncher. A$ the line ~nt under a lot Jess. Henry had one on this sign his nomination papers. I ·~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!...' .. ="":._o::••:..:o:.:LE=-.:.l.oHO:..=:..· ----­the boat Cso It was whlaperedl, for 4 hours and 40 minutes and hav~ known him since his boy· ·• Flo didn't allow tor that extra had it up to gafl when the thin hood In a amall town In Neb.~· : • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •! 8 lnC'hes! wlsp parted. Tough, Henry! Next ka. A fine boy. A fi ne man. •

A n y how. t hey had a ct ion. time you'll do lt. and be the fi rst Now, chums. If there remalna •

WIUW'S~ That's more than l can sa.y for to take a 3 .thread marlin In any question about whom I am myS('If. The last local marllno th~ waters. Good luck! for In thl1l supervisorial lw~w!.l that t'ame my way was back In • WBTT raC't' In the Fifth District. I don t 1954. And my skipper was Dee Last year there was much en · know what I can do to dispel Cook. on another Flo·Dee. Any thualum for tagging and releas· said doubt.. • wonder l refer to hlm a.s an old • friend ? I 'm looking tor another lng unwanted, healthy marlin. • o•- s£Aio•

The habit h u aorta slipped this ...., one, like hlm, with a lucky horse· year. With all thew acore. belne Dear Ben: Well. bub, you, who aboe l.n h1a ~t. · • made, lookl like there should be ha~e been uainl the power and e II'&WS ..._ "'tD CAI'I'I'OL freedom of the pra8 (Newa·Prtsa.

Al Pe~, San ~ fire ~ f"M,_ that ill wtth )'OW' add pen chi,.~ be .____ t.be aJ We're rul proud to salute, here. aeal-- ....,.p•- who could not

..... tter IUIVWII u m n a quartet of eood local anelers ... , -- ..,. sparkplue ot the MarU.n Club of who releaaed those 4 lut Satur· shoot back a t you beeauae you that fair elty. has alw~a con· day at San Dleco. A atar tor the would not print their letters have tended San Diego 1s the "m ar· crowns of Ruth and BIU DeLamar opened up the shootine season lin capitol" ot the West Coast He of th~ Lady Lamar, who rel~ued on yourself by seeking public of· phoned me Su nday morning to 2. and one more each.. courtny flee. You are now fair game. I add more beana to hla already of 316 ex~rts Bill Pier and Don hope now to have the ha ndle heavy bac of arguments. Thls Locke. Congratulatlona, all of (chance) to publish a letter time, It seemed, San Diego mAr· you. for being good aportamen, whl~h t su bmitted to you and llnltes had really hit the jackpot. ! and for having the courage to do you refwled to print In defense What he told me sounded not what you believe 11 t~ right of the service and ex -service men only as good as Mex:Jco: It thing to do! and women following one of your sounded bett~r ! ' lboa arm -waving outbursts In me City

Mark last Saturday .. Sept. 13. P. S. Lee Jonas, at the Ba ul . Council chambe111 when l was a 1958. as a · golden day In West Angling Club, hu taeJing eq P Council member. Coas t marlin fl shine history. On ment. So do I. Call Oriole 5·0493. • • • that single day. the S. D. Marli n e WilT TBE ftOTEST? Club weighed In 74 mArli n! To GUESTS rBOM !iOU.'fWOOD l can't cet the rea.sonlne of the boot at least 4 more were re·l Reci>nt house guest. of Mr. and people behind the pl'otest petl· lea~d. for a grand total of 78! , Mrs. Benjamin Douglau of 2609 tlons on the charge placed on the John Tanner on his Twtn B got Cove St. In China Cove. Corona 4 marlin. Five other boats got 3. 1 del Mar, were Mr. and Mrs. Lynn Ont' of these was the Real Briggs of Hollywood.

BT BtnfSTE.B aEELT believe that our Internal problem CUE.LT GETI NA.D _ 1 tuned of lnter· raclal relations 1a being

my TV set recently to a national handled In the beat pouJble broadC'ut to hear Chet Huntley manner. but I a m convinced that open his proeram to say aome· the estimates of thoee altuationa, thing like, '7 onlght we wiU fo. and aJI others, muat come to rue cu.s on the effectB of our deterior· from people who.e qualltlcatlona aUng National foreign policy, are published, and who.e own and we wiU also take a look at ~lltlcal leanlnp are cataloaed the confusion we have created In and are publJc knowleqe. the problem of aegreeation·· . . . Too much American opinion is This may not be an exact quote. being formed by people about bu t. by Jlmmlny, It 18 oecrtalnly whom we know nothlna ... may. clo.t> enough to his precis. mean· be t hat Ia tnae bec:auae our broad· I casters have too little ln the way ng. ll h ot p e r s o n a I accomp 1 menta,

The thine that s hocked me was and certal .. '• wouldn't pay to

Catalina Island Lady

IWl7 ,,_ Newport Beach ..

a sudden realization of the ''Y

countless hundrecb ot thousands :•jdiveirtiilaeiiilniaicleqiiiuiadiiaii. iiiiii.iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~ throughout the country, who 1 were hearlne the same words, and nobody, except rn~ chal· Jenglng h is authority ... no one else saying. " Who la thla guy, how much does h~ know about the subject he is apoutJne oU about, and how far dld he co In what echool, and who 11 paylne him?"

Heck. If I sit In a Doctor'a of· flee llatenlna to hlm u he tella me that my ann Ia not broken but only bnal.-d, r ean look over hla head and aee the allfW!d cer· tl!lcate whleh says that he hu bem taueht to tell the dlttel"enC'e betwMn a bi"'Qn and a bru._ artn, and I can take taJth In what he aaya.

But our .,..ve NaUonal atral,. are dJJc\.alltd b1 ....,. fal.10W wh~ tlnt qaalltseetJon for 1\111 Job ... dlat be ,had a pJMilu1 volce, . PNM"ntable ·~ and OGIIUillled to do wbat ,.,.. ............ tOciO.

r ... _. ._., c..--. tlilet ouiiOMip~ll ...... . . .. .......... .. ..... 1

• • U u JC*r otttta or • nt1Dtolt ttw,./ramn I : ................................ ........... ---·--- . - ........ -........ _._,.,......-.... , .. , . _.._.,.

r;,,._.,.,S.Jw~l c...,._, T,.....__. ...,._., .................... _ ................................

• • • • •

~ DOING~ • • • T. M. Hambroc*, JQUr Teteplaone Man~aer In Newport Btleh. • • • •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••

..... ..,. """"' • DO telling wwe you'll ftDd t:raflat. ton, thoM mtpty mite. developed by phone people. They've been whlrlfDJ throqh apace iD.aide U.S. aateJ. Uta, belp!Dc to radio !Qformation back to earth. A!ld. clown btre, they're helping to bring you good pbone .,-,. Ice. The IJ*lal t:ran•lator held by the pboDe man &bove, for m.tuace, hel.-~ out..ot-town c:alla. P.or Jt auto­matically picb the f..-.- voice path~ to the town you're eawn,. Oil top of that. lt ea.a.,._ more uad more (olb tv dial their own Joac diAulce e&I1L TruaiUton are~ a whcO ho.t ol tm,y. 8J*Mt.\'fal puta we ... to tJrotq better llei'Y'Ice to you.

Page 3: CGil iD Your Adl NOW10~ ORiole 3-0550archive.newportbeachlibrary.org/NBPL/0/edoc/1156340/1958-09-18... · LOCATING THE SPOT to install ... port Chamber will a pa ne Committee should

1111111'1 Llll IIIlEY


Education of Hanaicapped Being Studied

NEWS OF I 0 YEARS The Cotol\11 del Mar architec-

• l&ft'DOU 11. •• and old traJ.lll ••• CWt Qut.l, tural aJIJance t1l P)ecef', BJu. The l mnie s. Cruteher Fou.nda- who owne the ... t -.,.rtJMnt roek, Houean, I:Uetbn»lc and

t1on. beaded bJ akbard Crutcher, In canDOft'l Pood 118ft, Corona 8odJden, wbo d81ped the Har­h.u pw~hued 58~ acre. trom del Mu, •u Inducted .. a new bor RJ1hJanda School. .._ re­

Jnter.ctJ.trtet coo~Uon ln the the Irvine Beach and County member of the a.Jboe •Y Uona ta.lned lut week to deai.tn a • · echaeaUOn of ban41eapped dUI· Club r.ta• at a price reported Club •.• Badc·IO-Ictlool picture room addJtJon to the Newpor1 drtn w bel"- explored by Supt. to be 11.11.000. and wW develop on paae one llhowM a t .. rful R@Jcbta School. Boy A.ndenen of the N'ewport a lS).home wbdJvlllon to be youn1 ma., I&I'MIU. Catherine Supt. Roy Ande~Wn Mid that elft'tlenbn')' ~oola. known u Corona HJahlanda; or- MU.ler, daulh ter ot Mr. and Mrt. althourh the &!Gcn of tbe room~

n.....,. ll&llfltt' .. .t.ber• 11. ·-~ ~ ..... J

COM Youth Center Lists Weekly Activity Schedule

New activities at the Corona 9 • 11 a.m; women'• eym ct._, del Mar Community Youth Cen- 9 • 10 a.m.; women'a ~nnt.a tv include handicraft cluae. for clus. 10 - 11 a.m.; cirla' tennla children un~ 11, flttb and a1xth cl.a.u, 3 · 4 p.m.; boya' football. &rade dandnc with lnatructlon, 3:30 · 5 p.JrL; Youth Cen~r board a junior hJah procra-m. and a meetlna (flm) 7:30 · 10 p .m. drama club for boya and lfrla. Weclneeda7- Handlcratt c1ua.

Hb acUon wu lrwt11ated Jut IJinaJ plan for the •tt• wu the Monnan KllJft of 121 M&J'lne 1a f!8Wntlally the u.me tn botJl w.k at • Board of ~ estabU.hment of a 10u coww Ave.. Balboa bland, reluctantly .ehoola, many cbanea Will haw meeuoc. In Wbldllt wu rewale:d and clu bhotue ••. MO\Iie actor enc.rtna nrat ..,acle at tlw Corona to be made to nt mte require­that the d lltrlct wm probably WUJJam Powell wu nabbed by del Mar School. and betne com - menta becau.e of terrain dJUer-

"Fllp the bacon to me, lllch· have to undertab wlthln a few auto,rapher aeekers at Hamp- torted by Mrt. J'ra.nl Woodllnd enoa. ard'a, 1 4juat won nu'Mlt a prlu years the educatJon of retarded ton'• Harbor Drup In Corona del of Newport H~

1 ... "Like to play l&mHf We've chJldren now attendlnl the ooun. Mar. • s l: n

The tun achedule Ia u follows : 11 yean and over, 3:30 . 4:30 Monday-&nlor Cltiuons {first p.m. ; boya' football, 3 :30 . 5 p.m .

and third ' 10:30 a .m . · 3:30p.m.: Thuraday-Pre.8dJoo1 prorram. handicraft cl&ae~, 3:30 · 4 :30 9 • 11 a.m.; women'a gym cJus. p.m .; boye' football . 3:30 · 5 p.m.; 9 • 11 a.m.; boya' football, 3:30 . fifth and slxth rrade dance In · 5 p.m.; Girla' Adventure Cl ub, structlon (aecond and fourth I 7 · 3:30 . 5 p.m.

aot a toodle and it eoea tbl.a -.y ty-matntatned Greeley School In Jfewport ..... City Coa..u 5 y" R .. s. A~o cnoo me . . . In the lobby la a Jarae.cl\eclt· Santa Ana. ....., .. .,.._, • fllll·tbM \:7 G J • er board hanatna on the wall The dlatrlct at praent hu only .. .._..to CMdt - ......, et nvrte s with 100 cardS on 1t that can be abou t 13 to 14 "Point One" cbU- Of'd'P•Illt ~ aftiH ... turned over and peeked under. dren, Mr. Andersen told the ~ e a11a:rp1y ......s.cs lett. e I KPI'&IOD 17, la3

9 p.m .; Cheea Club, 7 · 10 p.m . Friday_ Boys' football 3 :30 . Tuesday- Pre-school proeram, 5 p.JrL; junior blch ~. 7 .

There are twenty·ntne Jud(y board. However, wlthln a few troaa tJae la1boa Ia1cmd Jm. Tom rro.t of Newpor1 and Fred squarea on the board. You plek years, the number will be ao proveuwat AaQ. Schenck of L.aeuna won the In-your *IU&.re. If you tup ewer a Jarre the county w1ll not be able Preparation or a muter plan temaUonaJ Snipe Jtecatla at San

Paaalty Club PresJdent Wemer carlaon Invited the Newport Beach Elementary School board of trustees to meet with the Southern Sectlon of the C.U!om.la Teachers A.od.atlon In a camp

Mesa Author Talks Tonight lucky OM you aee it you w1n • • • to handle them. tor city development and a 15· RA!!mo, Italy ... Both the New-

a pound ol bacon or eottee, bap At that tJme. he aald, lndJv1d· cent reduction In the general tax port Beach and eo.ta Mesa City of erocerl~ three pouAda ot ual cluaes would be ao amall u rate ctrorn $1.00 down to 85 Councils were u:ked to Initiate shor1eaJna. tive pou nd& ot Oour to be uneconomical. He proposed cents) were authorized by the a study of J)C*Jble merger or the or perba~» tbe erand prize of the dl.atrlct mtaht then band to- City Coun<'ll ... The city hired 2 clUes .• . Open houa.e wu held dinner for two ln the ratau.rant eetber with lAcuna Beach, San the Burllneame firm of Hahn, at the new branch library of Co· of your choice. Iuan captatrano and San Cle· campbell and Aasoclates a1 plan - rona del Mar, at the f~r

• • • mente tor mme economical oper· nine consultanta for a ree of $16,· school caretaker'• houae at 501 atlon. · 000; completion of the muter DahUa Ave ... Iohn Upson, act ·

plan was .cheduJed for 1951 . . . lng chJd of pollee a1noe the res­"The doe .ttuatlon on Balboa Is- lgnaUon ot R. R. Hodckl,_, In land Ia fut becoming a health March, wu appointed chief by menace;• complained the Balboa Newport City llanaaer John laland Improvement Assn. In a Sailors ... Mrt. Julla Harnnrton letter to Newport City Council - purchased the Burcer Cove at 414 men, who decided that a commit· Coast Blvd.. Corona del Mar. tee of dog owners will be ap- from Mr. and Mrs. Ed Jones · . · pointed to eee what they can do Pete Malorca opened Pete's Bar­about the dot J:::'on. ber Shop at 914~ Glast Blvd.,

near San Semardlno Sept. 21-28 Mra. Eather Dendel, Cotta Mesa to ll'tudy auch aub)ect8 u merit author, wtll speak at the mqnth· lncreues, aalarta and public re- ly ~tlng of the Wom~n of the latlona. Church at 7:30 , .m . today

Mllo Laey, board president. !Thursday l in the pari.th house who wu alleen1, wu nomlnat~ ot the N~wport Harbor Lutheran u a delqat.. Chureh. Newport Hel1hts.

Miss Rouhier Is Bride of John A. Petta

At an early mornlnr mua held at Ou r lAdy of Mt. Carmel Church MLia Paula Iene Rouhler of NeWport became the bride of I ohn J\nthony Petta ot Freeport, Ill. Th~ brlde t.a the dau&Jt~r ol Donald RouhleT or l24 43rd St. Newport, and Mrt. Elmer N. Tru · ax of Long Beach. Father Stephen K.Jley read the double rlnr serv­ice on Saturday, Aug. 23.

Tbe wltole board and Su•· Sh~ will 1peak on Africa. whe-re lnVndmt -., ADderRJt ...,. , she lived for a number of )'e&rt. detepted to atwDcl • ~ One of her books. ' 'New Sonra In convention of edtool a~- Stranee Landa," wu on the best tors and tl\15tees In San Dle1o seller list. Oct. 14 · 18. Hostesses will be Mrs. Melvin

T..,...... as..- of. Corona del Mar ... Bill Kenny t.nd by ..... ..,,. •• , -o,. opened a men'a wear .shop at 519 Mrs. c. v. TUrner of Costa Mesa ,..... .a 114u _ ~ yoa aJ. Coast Blvd., Corona lei Mar · · · was Installed as president of the •

Erlck-~n and Mrs. Robert Sud ­dendort. Tlwrne for the devo. tions will be ''To Witness Chris­tian Faith Throuah Worka," to be presentt'd by Mrs. James Jtog. ney.

waya .... a oa," bec:aue of Mrs. Harvey Pease, president, Women's Auxiliary to the Or- IACJ[ n OM CIIVJSE ... qstac~y bw.a ICWule , • . opened the first boUd m~tlng ange c 0 u n t y Pharmaceutical WUilam T. McCartney , ma ­lin. A. A. ~ .. IIDd Mn. of the newly .formed Corona del Assn. at a noon lun<'heon meet· chlnlst 'a mat" third class, USN, Jolu:a Meadow ..... --.! eo. Mar PTA .. · The fourth son of lng yesterday In the Villa Ma - son of Mr. and Mrs. Roy L.. Mc ­cha:inaMa for ~ to be lMld the Tom Hetfernans, given tht> rina Restaurant. C.rtney of 3302 W. Ocean Front. by u.. .,.._., ~ of monicker of Patrick. \lo'as born Other otfl~rs are Mrs. Paul ~wport Beach , hu ~turned to U. c.n.a del Mar c-.u.atey on tht> third birthday annivt>r Calhoun of Tustin, first vi~- Long Beadl aboard the Oeet oiler CJuuda. sary of his younrest brother.


president; Mrs. Humphrey Mur. USS Caliente after a five -month Seventy . five . year· old A. A. Aug. 22 ... Lester Jones and Kay phy of Newport. .econd vice-pres- cruise Willi ~ U. S. Seventh

9 p.m. Saturday - llo7s' football. 8 .

11 a.m.; boyw' and lf.rU' drama club, 9 • 11 a.m.

Further lnfonna.tlon can lie ob­lalned by t.el4!ptonl• lhe Youth Center at ORiola 5..-rm.

,..,. ..... .... uyWt, ... ....

,.Ill NIEIIU ..

The bride was given In mar­rlace by her father. She wore a ballerina length satin gown cov­ered witb Chantilly lace It had long aleeves that made a point at her wrist She &arried a white aaUn and lace prayer book with

Stafford of 514 Marigold Ave .. Phelps wert> named co-chairmen •dent: Mrs. Harry Paine of Santa FlM't In the Far Eut. Durlna the Corona del Mar, has publlsh~ for the fifth annual Corona del Ana. recording secretary ; Mrs. c:ru~ the oiler visited Hone 2 articles In '"The Pony Express. Mar Lobster Bake, to b4.' ht>ld 1 William Pherrln of Anaheim. cor- Kong, the Phlllpp•nes and Iapan. <'hronlder of stories of plon~rs Oct. 17 and 18. responding JK"C~tary ; Mrs. Lester -......:..-----------....;:::=========~

Ll!vle of Carden Grove, treasu~r. and Mrs. L. (. Perrell of Ana ·

• • •

~~~::11 °~11~ 1~b%.~he valley United Givers Seek to Raise helm, parliamentarian.

Miss Dee Shanahahn of Bal- II f Ch •t• ~/~ru'::1~!rihnoano;o:aor:n~ Half Mi ion or art les ht. 1111 IIIII , ... earned red roses. Bridesmaid With the or•anlzatlon of a Robert Rothwen, also of Corona rr•llc II lrlillery . Mia Donna Cocks of Nt>wport • h t. n ld ta wore a blue ballerina gown and board of directors headed by Su - del Mar, w o e ~praen · Army Pvt . . William K. Kuhn. earned white rosea. perlor Iudge Robert Gardner of tlve, said the orcanlzatlon ex · son of W. K. Kuhn Sr., 1511 Mira

Ilm R. Petta of Freepor1, Jden- Corona del Mar, the AID-United pect1l to collect 10me $500,000 mar Dr., Balboa, recently com -Givers of Orange County are out from lnd1vlduala and firma In In- pleted 8 weeks of advanced ar­

tJcal twin brother of the groom, to more than double their prevt - dua1ry tor dutrlbutlon to • auch tUiery training at Fort Chaffee, aerved- u b la best man. Darwin oua $118.000 record of handling oreanJ.zaUona u the Red Croa, Ark. n~rt:!ect ~t ~~=: ot ettta to oreanlzed cbariUes. American Cancer Society, City of Pvt. Kuhn. :n. entered the Ar·

..... ·- ~ Arthritla and llbeatna~ my ln Apdl .. aad eo~W,.._. ton ... u 11MH. T'be croom·• Foundation. crtpplte' CI\Uctftn • bulc ecabat traln.lna at Fort

PalnUnp and ~ &lui ...,_,.... .... (»om llllnoU to ~.:elyn L,uc'-er Sodety, Heart .bm., Unit~ CeT· Ord C&llt He wu rradaated .... ...._. ......... ...- attad the weclllnl. I:Y It •-- ...... YMCA and · by ~Jma Paddoek llepe The bride wm eraduat• mid· ebal Pa-.r ·-·-. from Newpor1 Harbor Union Rllb Maravene Cal~et . • • rtcbt aem.e.ter from Paramount Hieh o• t 69 ComnlunJty Chest&. School in 1954 and attended th~ acroea the atreet from here, •pon· School. The groom attended Free· I e s a Mr. 'Rothwell aaJd neptiaUons University of Callforn.la. Re "' a aored by the Newport Harbor port .chools. FoUowlne a honey- are planned to coordinate the member of Tau Kappa Epsilon Zonta Club tor the benefit of the moon near Lake Arro\fhead, the Mrs. Evelyn Lucker, 69. died work of AID with the Newpor1 fraternity. tl

"'-•- Bulldlne n- h "'-pt. 10 In h•r ho-- at 2038 Harbor United Fund, which ~- -------Adult Recrea on .....,...,..,... couple w111 Jive In Lona ucac · ~ "' """" S3 000 r AJD fund ... Thelma la aucUonlna ~an Ft .• Balboa, following a celved more than , rom •OTA.aY TO SEA..- SCBOOUIAJI ot1 one of beT palntJnp for SOc nth long Illness. sources last Y1~·

1 , _ A geles Mu Ruaell. superlntenct.nt of

a throw. M • .. ~ She wu born In Brooklyn, N. AID. organ «ocV n ~ n the Newport Harbor Union High US f C rvJC) Y., and had lived In Balboa 3 County. has been operating In & hool District. will be the speak-

d Orange County t~rough small er at the Sept. 23 meeting or the IS Observe ye:e~lces we~ held Thursday In chapters since 1955, and has been Rotary Club of Newport.Balboa * * * LAGUNA IIACH • HYATT 4-"*1

'" rile An CnttcT ra aglow& a ...... ......,,_ 80 cMar to tiM ~ a.-tea• beart • •. DO drtp Cllld they bwD cmd b u na • . • an tcdi1D9 OD W'et9bt • • • Kew Glamow c:bubb ... . • • two ladMa 01' ODe cmd 0 fi\Mirl*r IAebee aa.~ . .. ao IDCIDJ 1u­doua ~ ••• StaDdalda an 8 cmd 11 IDchee bigb. bat did you 1mow yoa oaa Gl'der • beenrax ~ Ia Clllf '-lt!a you wa:at ... .... lou feet •• • a.•twax caactt. an e1ltnadld. Dot made Ia IDelda lib npJa:r ecmdl.M ••• So tMy ... be .. buded cmd eab cadad tW Get COQ}d Ugb t ap JOU wbo&e bcJl yard.

Melodies will be empJ\ulud at next Monday's social meeting of the American Legion Awdll · ary, Unlt 291. because September hu been deslcnated as music month.

Baltz Mortuary Coeta Mesa Chap- organized separatt>ly now to pro- in Irvine Coa.st Country Club.

vide mort> complett> roveragt> of ---------- ------=-..----------___,..,._ ___ ------el with the RA!!v. Harry Butman the growing Industries ot the of the Church ot the Messiah

* • *

"Becoming familiar with na Uonal anthems, folk mus ic ot other lands. we feel and under· stand the natures. hopes. Ideal$ and ideas of oUter people." says Mrs. Tom Mills, president of Unit ~1.

The Awdllary ls planning a Halloween dance to be held Sat· urd-.y evening, Oct. 25. at the Newport Harbor Lealon Hall. All pi"'ceeda w11J 10 toward the re· habUitaUon program of the Aux · lllaty. Kra. Ralph Bond.a is chair· man. and she 1s auilted by Mrs. Wallace Jb'an. decoratlona : Mrs.

Color without words · · · Blue Robert Brtcp. tlclteta. and Mrs.

Congreratlon officiating. Grave. co~g~cts as a distributing agen · side services and burial were d b scheduled In Brooklyn. cy for funds contribute Y em

She leaves 2 daughters. Mrs. ployes to organized charities, d giving them Immunity from fur ·

Margaret Gross or Riverside an ther soll<'itatlon at work or at Mrs. Harriet Gongwer of Wt>st· home through dis play or ldentl · chester; and 2 grandchildren. tying stickers. Mr. Rothwell said J

, •• , .. c •• ..., SIDEll lOTS I RACB I Gerald Dingle. 16. or Pomona I

Is n •• If ···- was treat~ at Hoag Hospital Saturday for injuries sutfert>d

A Joint m~Ung with the theme when water skis he was riding of " Know Your Community Bet · behind a motorboat piloted by ter" II being planned by tlle 3ackle McGee or PQmona, s truck l Woman's Civic Ll!ague and the the beach in Upper Bay Community Volunteer Bureau for ~C-:-~ .ds. OR l-4650. TUesday, Oct. 21. u .. _, ..

There wtll be apeech• by May· ;:::.===========i or James Stoddard, WUllam Spur- Largest ond Most Compl.t. geon Ill or the Irvine Co., and Furniture Store in the ArM. Walter Lonemoor, chalnnan of the City Plannlna Commlsslon. An optional bay tour la &lao on the pro~ram.

Gate'a ''Inspiration" . · · Off beat Fred l oyner, publtclty; and Mrs. tlnta without a name • • • Not Freda Walla~. Mrs. Adrten Noel. blue or areen but lnbetween. not Mra. Walter Matthews. Mrs.. Kt>n · purple or red but with t he m,.- neth Markham and Mrt. Gilbert t~rtous flavor of each, not orance Opel u reneral commlttee mem ·

or rose but the two blended to- bena. EIEU. ITA8TS ..oaaA.II B G ~ get her •to elow Uchtly - .. '1n· Arlene Harris. lon,Ume radlo Ins' • a r D I aplratlons" taper from a three· ... 1 11'111 ........ and televlalon entertainer, wlll t, II t, Inch bue to nothlne after aolnl l open t he fall MUOn for the 'I'VM· Fvmilhings for homes, up for 9, 12 or 1S Inches · · • Of II II ..a ••••• day Club of Newport Harbor dub$, yachts.


Llb.tty 1-SSII

a tranaparent. translucent tex· 4IJII • Sept. 23.. Mrs. Alex Schvan. a t JOI 7 w. eo-t H19

h_ y ture that the aun would aeem to Dana Carr Morrta ot Udo lale ORiole 3-:1028, 1a In charp ot ~ IMdt

shine throueb. wu a mone pacluat. recelvJ.ne n~~rva~~tl~o~n.t~·=======~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * Nche.lor of art1 deJrea at Po· ~ * * mona Collqe tbta 1\lllllnef. Be k a 80ft of Mr. and Mra.

&ftrett Mont.. of 81.1 Udo Soud, and,.,.. ,..... .... Dom a..w Bllb SchOOL Wore enr.rtna Po­mona he ant'*d Plintrldp Ptep&tatoq 8ctMol fer 11oy1, rna· jodftl l_o mUIIe. ........

Page 4: CGil iD Your Adl NOW10~ ORiole 3-0550archive.newportbeachlibrary.org/NBPL/0/edoc/1156340/1958-09-18... · LOCATING THE SPOT to install ... port Chamber will a pa ne Committee should

GIIIL POa JDCIIOU.S An l·~ftd. I·OU~ &ttl wu

born to Bubua and Ed Nlcholt. at 514 )larauertte Ave.. ~a tkl MaJ', In Boae llo.pltal Wed· needay. Sept. a.

Professional Directory


Priendb Rel&tlborbood !5entce


1 10 Broadway U I-MII 6 S.MM o.ta .....

Giles Brown lo Spealc at COM Church

Dr. CUea Brown, chairman of the Dtvi.slon of Social Sdence~ at Orange Cout Collqe, wUl 8peU at the 11nt taU luncheon meetine of the Women's Fellowahl_p ol the Corona del Mar Community Church.

The meeting wUl be held Wed· nesday, Sept 24, in the Fellow· ship Hall of the Church. beeln· nine at noon. Reservations should be made by Monday by calllnc ORiole 34000 or 3·9328.

Dr. Brown hu Just returned from a summer toUJ' abN)&d wtth first band information about the Middle East. He wUl show hlB color &lldes and etve hlB com­ments on the exist1ng conditions.

COifFJU(ATJOK ftACIIDG Conflrmatlon trwtructlon wUl

becln Saturday, Sept 30, from 9:30 to 11:45 a.m., at the Newport Harbor Lutheran Church, New· port Heights, and will be held at the same tJtne and date there· after.

E.DW AJmS BA VE DAUGJITEJI A &· pound 7 ·ounce dauchter

was born to Betty and William ___ .....;;,;:;;;;;;.;;;;:;;.;;;.;.;;;;;;.;;. ___ _, Edwards of »a 44th Sl, Newport



For all your

Prtntlnc Needs

THE ENSIGN Publishing Co.

olllole s.osSo 2850 E. Cout Hlpwa:r

Corona del Mar

Beach. Tuesday, Sept 2, In Hoag Hospital.


you're ln the mood good food. remember always tlnd'tt here. Lunc llii:U'n, and dinner prepared In

clean kitchen, served to you

atmosphere reasonable prices. 2S2S EAST COAST BJGBW A

coaoKA DEL MD Otiole S·237'0




'Los Carambelos' Oubt.ndinCJ Trio

nom MelieO

1510 w. eo.t Hwy .. !"-..,_. INch

La Posta It's the Best ~~o


OpeD 5 p.m. to 1:30 p.m. - ClOMd J(oadays

2588 NEWPORT BLVD., COSTA MESA (Jut loada eli Salata ADa Coaatry Clab)

-- -- - ~-- -- -~ -- -

Ao 80-rear-old oamec1 McGee Dri•es • ju:zy suau B~t •oa. McCee•atauy, it's true. Allld llae car rtml Uke MW t

"I deJD&ad RoJal Tritott•" •1• '-e.

~? Y-. thllt'atbe word ror the pur-pk peopie-pe..r named R~ TritOil mocor oil. Catfl beat It for ~ ~ cWI tnllM ... jult .. JOG CM'l bat Mllll&lc Joian ..-rice. SU, at Uoioa OU lltatiaDa for both.

.. •MIIend ue 1 u.eridt about .,_ {a verite UDioD Oil prodact • wYiel. lllt'• • winMt, .... PIJ JUG 125 CID pabllcatlon, Wnt. to: 11 Llmlridll. UnJOD Oil. Boa 1100. IM~M.c.lf.

OR. GILES BROWN, Orange Coest College instructor and lecturer. is p ictured he re at right beinq greeted by Solem DaHe~ in Old JeruS41em d uring his t rip arou"d the world this summer. Dr. Bro wn resumed his le cture series T ue sd" y e ve ning , a nd will continue the se talks each Tuesday fro m 7:30 to 9 :30 p .m. in Room 3 o f the OCC Music Building .

Prizes Offered at Breakfast

'Spook . Spree' Party Planoed For Oct. 25 in Lido Clubhouse

'nle "Spook SprM"- tM bJI vaUona, Mr. and Mra. C. E. Van· party of tbe year tor the lJdo detvort and Mr. and lira. Robert Iak Woman'a Club - wW be a e r vat a : atand·by cammtttee, beld Satu~Qy, Oct. zs. In the IJ. Capt. and Mra. Robert BonMr do Clubhou.ee. and Mr. and Mra. B. N. O"Brten;

Plana betnc made tor the party maetc potion., Mr. and Mia. Don· i~;;;~~;~~~!~~l wve deacrlbed by Mra. C.ne JtA.. ald H&.rt; door prtu.. Mr. and at the tlrst tall meet.tne of the Mra. Harold Aldenon: .upper, !£T club, held laat week. She an· Mrs. ~oe Ptelnln,er and Mrs. WU· ~ nonu~ the followlnl eommtttee ltam Cluiatenaen. ••a•n leaders: Deeoratlona. Mra. Harold Introduced u new memben ot RIJP, ...Uted by Mr. Rlcp, Mr. the Woman'a Club at lut week's (ItO ,..., and Mra. Dan Wedman: photoe~ meetlne were Mmes. Joeeph .,....._ ... ....,. ...._ raphy, Gene Roa: prlntlne, Mr. Colnworthy, Frank Brlck ~ohn WIDGD OII'LY II OZ. pend Mrs. Keith Cordrey; reser· Emerson, Joeeph Ayton, Wllllam ... ...., ........ w.-Horace Ensign Daughter Dies In Los Angeles

Funeral services were held Sat· urday for Mrs. Marjorie Ensl1n Cou~n. 40, of Los Anceles In the Utter-McKinley Funeral Home at 3719 w. Lawson St, Los Anaelea.

She died Sept 9 In a Los An· aelea ho.pital foUowtnc a brief Illness.

She was a daughter of the late Horace Enslen. former auperln· tendent of the Newport Beach Elementary School D'-trlct.

She was born in Newport Beach and lived here until her marrlaae 15 yean~ ago.

Janea aild J. E. Fulton. A If.., Concept ln PenoDal The procram wu ctven by Mr. lla41o. E.u Pbdbe and Ctn7·

Bronte of ~o Lon'a Beauty Shop, Inc Que Optional, l:xtrL,

who demonstrated the fine points IIVIS-IIIWI •• of hair styling and said that "the u a.iaf mo.t beautiful women In the •• ....._ ...._ 0111111 .._

world are right here." -=======:E;;:;:::;:=;~ A. the audience watched, he ; pve Mra. Robert Bonner a pace MAT T BE S 8 E S tluU hair re.styllnc and Mrs. RKW aDVILDIIJQ Norman Watson an Italian cut. • .;-_ ....._

Mra. Frank Austin, proeram ~ SbaPIII chairman, announced that Dr. Inn ..... - ..,...._ Gllea Brown ot Orance Coast Col · COSTA WESA WATTIISS CO. Ieee. will present a travel·lecture l 2110 ~ 11¥-4. Ut1ettr ~~­at the October meetlne.





She is survived by her hus· band, Harry; and 2 sons.. Larry and Jimmy, all of Loa Angeles; her mother. Mrs. Helen Ensign of Santa Ana; 2 sisters, Mrs. Cath · erlne C()(lgrove of Santa Ana and Mrs. Dorothy Stilwell of Costa Mesa ; and 2 brothers, Don En · ~~;;;;~~;;;;~~;;;~~;;;~~~~~;;;;;;;~~;;;~~~ sign of Costa Mesa and Eueene ,::.


Ensign, of Eueene, Ore.

To Be Put on by Local YMCA Tw• Clc•ta .._. For • .._ .. lie Fires

Be the brightest little girls in school in one of Miss Muffett's darling cotton dresses - a group carefully selected and inexpensive too! Two youth t<ampershlps to a "Family YMCA" proeram recent ·

trip In the High Sierras will be ly inaugurated. awarded as door prizes at the Following committees for the fourth annual YMCA breakfast. breakfast were a nnounced th ls which will be held Saturday week : Hugh Mynatt, food supply morning, Sept. 'IT, In the patio and location · Vernon Peck dOOr of Richard's Lido Markel prizes ; Leon~rd Loesdon and El ·

The High Sierra trip wlll be a eanor Meister, food preparations, one·week Y Caravan project next representing the Newport Beach summer for junior high and hlah Y's Men's and Y's Menettes serv· school boys . Ice clubs ; AI Loveln. Bud Over·

Also to be a warded as prizes ma n and Mike VIdal, In charge will be 2 camperships tor young · of physical set· UP and equip· er boys or girls a t next s ummer's ment ; William Huscrott. Y board Little Indians Day Camp. president, and Allee Fox, Y girls

Money raised from the break· director, in charge of entertain· fast wtll go toward the expanded ment ;•Bruce Martin, Dr. Dick Du·

....... J' ...... Fire ••••• ....

Throwinc ea.sollne on a beach fire at Newport Dunes Saturday evening made the tire burn brighter on the beach and all over h im, Howard Barkley, 34. ot West Covina. told lifegua rds.

He was taken to Hoag Hospita l sutferlng serond and third de · gree burns on h is ba ck , neck. chest a nd arms.

Alolller *D' lrriYII Fer the lal Flllks

Ruth and Mal Fink of 608 Be· eonla Ave .. picked another "0 " name tor their fourth child, Di · ana who checked In at Hoag Hospital at 7 pounds. 3 ounces. on Saturday, Sept. 6. Mr. Fink. who Is the skipper of the ' 'EX· plorer," said they got started in the D's whe n they named their fi rst child Daniel. He's now 7. Then came David, 5, and Dawn, 4

AJfOTBEJI .OT AT BILLS It 's a boy again for the Peter

Hills of 21616 Bayshore Dr., Bay Shores. Daniel Thomu jolned the tamJly Wednesday, Sept. 3. welehtne In at 6 pounds, 8 ounc· es at Hoac Ho.pital He joins Peter, 8, Gary, 5, and Nancy, 7.

aAn' ...,, .... AUlVES ~ana 'Ibap.rd. 3. ot 720 Hello·

trope Ave., Corona del Mar, bas a new baby brother, Robert. who wu bom to hG' parenta. Carol and Wllllam 'Ibap.rd. in Hoac Ho.pltal, Tuesday, Sept. 2.

MOVI.&? ,.... ........ . ............. .......

Mouchel, Or. Ed Riessen, Bob Waybourne and Lou Hurwitz, In cbarp of tkketl to local .ervice clu'-f Ka~ Hu.eroft and the community 1' clut..:.. In char~e of cleartnc tables; KOn Blrtcher, ticket sales ; Mac McKinney, Paul Brown and Paul Nluen. publlcl · ty; Harmon Windham, po.ters a nd handbills; Dick Richard. community relations a nd faclll · ties of the site.

Clgaret.a were blamed tor 2 automobile tires in Newport Beach.

One caused a $50 tire that de· stroyed the front seat of a car owned by Jack Barcus, 407 E. Bal · boa Blvd., Balboa. Saturday af. ternoon.

Another caused $30 damace to the rear seat of a car owned by Dale BudJone. which was parked at hls home at 328 Amethyst Ave., Balboa uland, last Thurs. day.

lfEW lfEILSU AUJVES Joyce and Alyn Nellaen of lB

W.' Bay Ave., Balboa, became Ute pareota of a &-pound, 9·ounce eon In Hoa.c Ra.pttal Satu~. Sept. 6. Mr. Neilsen Ia operator of the Bal ·Boat Rentala. The new arrival, named WUUam, wu \ftl · corned by sister Gretchen and brother Alyn.

Fw ell .,_ p.Mti119 11eed1, ul the &..;g .. , .,Wi.J.i.., c... o~. 1450.



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gives you all the

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atways wanted-pfus 3 rnot"el

Page 5: CGil iD Your Adl NOW10~ ORiole 3-0550archive.newportbeachlibrary.org/NBPL/0/edoc/1156340/1958-09-18... · LOCATING THE SPOT to install ... port Chamber will a pa ne Committee should

PROPER STANCE for playing the English Mtional game of cridet i• like this, according to Barbara Lil ienth.,l. who found it necess.,ry ,,, retreat to & closed car at a cricket m&tch so she could s&fety c;uve vent to her Amencan e nthusiasm with sidelene ye lls. The English !pecta tors barely murmur " good show·· if e nythinq et ell to kee p from d istracting the pl&yers. she s4id. jEnsign photol

English Are Not Reserved-Just Not os Noisy s We Are

.,. lOa LB&6oM travela the P1UJnp family took HConM on Jesua! .. "Cood ahow, her on, from their country hom.,

Jesu!" ' "The Moon," outside Lucllow, an Barbara LUJenthal of CUff andent stronabolcl a few miles

Haven beeame quietly ltysterleal trom the Walah bOrder. at Cambrtdp, Enaland, wh-., ahe e UDfD a tor ClOMI~ the poM.Ibilltla of .,t rained a.J.m.a.t all the Ume " aucb a team ~ll tor a rowSnt or lhe •ld. "We only •w the a~n aoc:eer team 11tben ahe .canned 5 days. But the Ena)t.h tanored tu Dame~~ of the dozen and more lt. We went bathlftl at Brlehton eoU.,_ JrOUped about the ata!d t.ach Jn the rain. We dJdn't lle Endab -tOwn thla aummer. on the beach thoullt. It wu all

One eoUep wu named Jau.a. pebbla ' anotiler JClna, and others for the "My ;aliter' Jeulca (3 montht 1ymbola under which the eoll~ older than Barbara) rode boraea ~ founded 80 many yean qo. much of the Ume, and we ex· But lt wu the combination ot chanled 1.-ona ln rock •n roll team yell and sacred word that and their version of It called alma.ttave her blecupa trylnt to Jive." 'nd.a kept clown the welJht sttlle ber h,ylterlca. she mStht have p1Ded trom the

And there 'were many other In· 4 rneaJ. a day M!e learn~ to eon,-rultJa that appealed to her appreciate

• • • of sodal

Ellie Folk of Corona del Mar ls alao vacatlontnr ln Ha waii 'j and eonvaleednJ. That'a the state to be ln ... not quJte well

American ae.nae ot humor durlnr But ahe ·alto want. to tell too the aJ.mo.t 3 months she wu of ~ ahe learned a~one awa)" tram her home at 306 Snur the otheT American students who Harbor Rd., on a coveted Amerl- s~nd the summer abroad under can Field ~Ice vtslt to • tor- the American Field Service pro· 1•1• Clllz"'-• elgn home. gram which has brought 2 stu · -

But the 16-year-old girl, w ho dent.a to Harbor Hirh School from •- peii...L Di•111 her ho.t. retlred Royal Navy Sweden and Holland lor thlS I r-... ..... r Commander A. M. PUllnr. said school year. I The Senior CIUzen.s of the Har· wa.a more mature and Intelligent "About 25 of us had a discus · bor Area wUI have a potluck din · than h ls own older dau1hters. sion on the sports deck of the ner at 6 p.m . Monday, Sept. 29. came back even more mature as ship one nlrht." she said. "Some In the Community Youth Center a result of her first-hand vtew ot were from Callfomla the Mid -l in Corona del Mar. Enrland. west. the South, New York and I All residents over 50 are in • WOT aESEBVED other places Of course we Call - vlted to attend and bring their

"l know now," ahe said. ''that lornlans ga~e all the others a favorite hot dish and table serv · the rumors of English reserve bad time about how much bet i~. Coff~ will ~ served. aren't true. They are no more re· ter our weather Ls than theirs. The proJT&m wlll Include com served than Americans. They are • TALKED OP' Dr.'ECilATIOK mu nlty slng1ng an.,d an lllust rat just not as noisy. They were more 1 ed travel report on Europt> than friendly to me." " But we talked most_ly about ~gular 10 a m . 3 p m meet

Of course Barbara's st>nior lnter~tlon . We Callformans ~ ho ings at the Youth Center will tx> classmJtes at Harbor High School haven t experienced much ming · 1 Oct 6 would attest that It would be I ling of races under Southern rir- g n _·_· ------hard for anyone to ~ r~rved curn.stances were hot for integra DAB TO MEET around anyone so outgoing as tion. of course. The Midw~f'rn Or Da vid Nie1S4:'n will talk "On Barbara. ers had their viewpoint, too. But Be<-omlng an Am€'rican Clti7en"

That Is one of the reasons she 1

we listened nard tQ the South before the Harbor Area Oaugh · was picked as one of the 800 1 emers and 1 think we learned ters of the American ~volution American high school atudents they have a serious problem. at 12:30 p.m. next Wednt>Sdav in who represented the United "I want to continue to work the Newport Harbor Yacht Club. States a broad this summer under with , the American FiPid Sc.>rv American Fleld Servi~ sponsor .. ; ace," she said. "Perhaps 1n a few ship. years we can send some top stu


Corona del Ma r,


W1 ~ .._35

1 lb. box •

$270 2 lb. box

REWJOft ~· DUQII I T1aunday. Ssp' bw lL 1151

The flne•t. freshest candle• you can buy ...

Exclusively Ounsl

Oe lictOV$ Russe ll Stover C4ndi~ are famous every· where for their sup e rb quality and freshn~s .. . they're deltvered to vs fresh weekly.

COROIA DEL 1111 PHAIIIACY -rDP11 ......... ••

am&. eoc.t ...,_- J ..._ c:.... cW-OJDOLE I-Illi CHURCHES

She told Friend!! of the Library dents over there lor the school yesterday at Irvine Coast Country year as they send thears over Club of the lessons she learned here. And maybe In a lew years In understanding the ways of we can send some colored stu other peopl~. and she is eaeer to dents over there to tell their own talk to all the groupe who helped story. The only reason they raise the $700 that paid her haven't been sent so far. appar

A branch of The Mother Church, ~~~~~~~O~PEJf~~E~t~U~ .. ~c:;s~TJLL~~~~~:JO~P~.K.~~~~·~~~~ The First Church of Christ, Sci· r

ST. AJmU:WI 1 COII1CVIflTT METHODIST enttst, In Boston, Mass.

Sunday School . .......... 9:15 a .m . '"The Unrecornlzed Christ" will ' Sunday will be rally day In the be the sermon topic of the Rev. Ccmmunlty Church Methodis t, of James Stewart at the 8, 9:30 and Balboa Island, both in the wor· 11 a .m . Sunday aervlcn of St. ship aervtce and Church School. Andrews Pre!!byterlan Church at The sermon topic of the Rev. 600 St. Andrews Rd .• Cliff Haven. Henry Rasmu. Jr .. will be '11\e Mr. Stewart will begin a Su nday Sure Foundation." Church School evenlnr series of talks on ht. re- will be at 9:30 a .m . Worship serv· cent trip to Europe and the Mld· Ice~ wlU be a t 9:30 and 11 a .m.

transportation there and back. ently, 1.! because of the feeling e LIKES TO TB.AVEL tamllles over t here might not ac Su nday Services .......... 11 :00 a .m. She wants to tell them how ~pt them. Their color line Is al Wed. Eve. Meetings .... 8 :00 p.m.


dle Eut. at 7:30 p.m. Sunday In the Anetuary. The talks, open to the pubUe. will be Ulustrated wttb ~ be took there.


her concept of tTavel has most as s trong over there as ours The public ls cordially Invited to changed. She always did want to Is here." I attend the church services. travel. she said. But now she wants to meet more familia!~ like the P1Ulnp In other Ianda and hopes to tlnd some way of tul·

CJnraCB OP JIASTEJI fillln& her immediate ambition. "Tbe Lord of Life" la the ..,. The trlp alto Intensified her

mon UU. o6 tbe aw. John IJDd· des.1ft to jotn the farelan .me:. strom. putor of the Lutheran of the United States State ~pat't· Church of the Master, at 2912 E. ment. Already lhe bu applled Coast Rwy .• Corqna del 1-far, at for admlaalon to tbe new School the 8 and 11 a .m. services Sun · of International Service at the day. Church School meets at 9:30 American University In Washing· a .m . with claues for both chll · ton, D. c .. created for career stu-

PUSS & .c>orS--1 lh. CaD




PboDe Oalole 3-2100

a:aaa.a DEL ll&a

"The Goal of Chris tia n Educa · t lo)'t" wlll be the .ennon topic of the Rev. John Pa rke a t the 11 a .m. Sunday aervlce at St. James E pIsco p a 1 Church . Newport Beach .


dren and adults. dents. CBJUSTlA.Jf SCIEJrCE CBOBCJI She wants to tell Harbor Area

resident.a 1\ow well spent their "Turn ye not unto ra ols, no~ 1 money was In sending her and

make yourselves molten .. gods. 1 others to Europe on Intercultural I am tlhe Lo(rd yLeourt Gl od. C 1T9~41sl exchange. and how vahsable a admon lion rom v t CWI • year spent In Mlll valley, Calif .,

CAT FOOD • • • 2 for 25c CLAM CHOWDER • " What Should the Middle East

Crlala Teach Us!" ls the question · whlcb Dr. Charles Clare Blauvelt

will consider In h ls sermon a t the 11 a.m. aervlce Sunday of the Unlvenallst Community Fellow· ship 1n the Friday Afternoon Clubhou.ae. 18th and Anaheim st.a.. CO.ta Mesa. The openlnr session of the church acllool will conveoe at the same time.

ICIItJ ...... ...... II IC

ls the Golden Text of the Lesson · 2 wa.s for Joanna Pil· Sennon on "Matter" to ~ read years ago in the Newport Beach Christian ling. now 19, under the sam~ Science Church on Sunday. John's I ~ro:;:'mow CRAKCED account ot the walking on .the The ~ldest daughter of th• Pil · sea by Chmt Jesu. (John 6 .16·1 11 h said hA.~ chanted her 21 1 la Included In the Scriptural ll~egs~~b~tlon ~nd Is now plan · aelection.s. nlng to teach children In rural CIIJUITIIAS COIOXG school~ b«au.se she feels they

Chrt.atmu ta ju.at around the don't get the same educational corner vocally fot members of the advantages ch Udren of the dtle!! junior Junior RJgh Cttolr of S t. and upper class Britons rec:etve. Andrewa Presbyterlan Church. In England, Barbara sald. bet·

Gerald EJ.Ua, enalneerlnl ln· The 5th and 6th vade boys and ter education ta usually raerved struetar at Orant• Cout Cdllep. Jlrla wtll becln rehearatng yule· for the upper cluaes. and Jo. has beet\ &lec:t*l president of tlde 110np In their 3:45 p.m. Fri · anna learned 1\ere that other the Faculty Club. Oe day pnctice ~~eSSlons In the choir children can contribute. too - ll

Other omcers are Thomas · room of the church Friday Sept. they are educateci borne. v1ce-presldent; ShlrleJ a, ' She hopes to t~ll. too, of the

aroou. ~bUY: John G~ ~============================================; treasurer: Lloyd SmJth, rep,...n· tatlve-at -larae : aft d Canelan Thompson, reprantatJve ol the California Teachers' AAano

•.•. ,. , ..... All motheors of MCOncl ~fade

glrla in the Harbor .U. are t. lnJ tnvtted to an "tDvttaUon to Scoutlnl'' proanm at 9:30' a.m. Tueeday ln the Girl Scout HOUM at 1700 w. Balboa Blvd., Newport Beach.

Speakers wUl be Mrs. William Spuraeon, v o 1 u n t •• r traineR: )ha. Wayne Crowl, tralnlnt e b al rm an; and Mra. Wlldan 1'bomAS. executive dlrector of the Newport Beach Coundl of Girl Scuott.

BrownJe crafts of former yean will be dllplayed. Coffee and re· rreah.menb will be eerved cturtn1 the 2·bOW' _.on. ·,., .. ,.., .................. ...

...... ,.. ..... c... oaw. ,__



Your Stauffer System salon can 1ft you fret once and for all from unwanted tncbes that threaten to

get o.t of band. Why DOt call today and learn

more. abour Srauffer System's (OJDpl~~. •uperviscd r~ucing popana aDd what it ean do (or p?

ccecWIA DIL 11M 0.,.. ..........

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MODESS TAMPONS--lle9. or Super





5 ... ,~ s~


Chuck Roast55l

Page 6: CGil iD Your Adl NOW10~ ORiole 3-0550archive.newportbeachlibrary.org/NBPL/0/edoc/1156340/1958-09-18... · LOCATING THE SPOT to install ... port Chamber will a pa ne Committee should

• at Reinert's


FILL llii · WMID I. A 8J)eelal clua tor women otteri~ I"'UP pmU,

•wtmmJnc. phyatcal (allm and trim) eondlUonlnc. To beJin W~,_.y, Septem~• 24.

n. SwtmmJn1 ln.ltructton adulb and children. Spe· ctal lMtructton fOt toddler.. frlvate and claa leMON. ..

v~l T·A M I r.·s THE HOSTS.at a silver wedding e nniversery cele. bretion, Mr. end Mrs. Dean Bredford of Irvine T errece (at left) congratulete the honored couple,

Mr. end Mrs. Donald Herwood of Shore Cliffs. Assisting the hosts at the p.1rty were Mr. and Mrs. Rola nd lagerlof. Cliff Heven. (Boris photo) B Kal sh D 3-6C57 310 So. Mtdll J G Since 1924 Scmta f..D~ Ccdlf.

A.1Jio 121 E. 7th st., Lona Beach

Nelson, Maypole Make Bid 1'111 llrera .. ,.

For Votes at League Meeting ~.~.~.-=~o•••• the replacement ot Joel Oele u bride of 50 years ago received a county counsel. " His advice as a multitude of friends late Tuesday businessman Is so bad that he Is a fternoon In their Harbor Hleh · useless." lands home ln honor of their

Oranee County needs profes· slonal management.

VITAM IN SPECIAUSTS: ConcfYCting mudt of tM ot9n.l Nteerch in vi+amins, Kala.h has oHered many proclucn for tM use of th. doctor, ..,_ hotpih•l and tfte public: for over



Style No. 770 I $12.98

Th~ WONDAMERE cardigan has everything - superb fur-blended yam, fufl.fashioned , ~ deeves, beautiful waffle ~nit panel front end baa, pert dub collar, plunge neckline, and tfte most exciting end most llottttwing Autumn colo" we ever saw; siies 36 to 40.

We give SlrH Green Stamps



That was the strongest point made by former Costa Mesa may· or and F il th Dis trict supervisor· ia l candidate Claire Nelson In a brief appearance with Roy May­pole, another candidate, before the Woman's Civic League Tues . day.

Mr. Maypole made his strong· es t bid for support by the 70 women who gathered In the Co­rona del Mar Community Youth Center on the need for an oi l comm1sslon for the county.

Both agrM?d that the present oil t idelands scandal points up a net>d for change in county gov· ernment.

Mr Maypole said his previous urging resulted In the appoint · ment of a county fiscal agent. He said the county Is 4 years behind 1n rt'assessment of property val · u~>s and sh ould be brought up to date. He also urged early estab · llshment of an honor farm. rec · ommended by the past 6 grand juries.

Mr. Nelson said the threat of oil t>llght Is the No. 1 present problem of the county. First step In correcting the present sltua· tton he aaid would be to cancel the· county's contracts wtth the American Marine Exploration Co. and camden-Dayton tor oU ex· ploratlon rlchta aton1 the ClOWlty coastline .

Second step. he aald. should be

W. P~ FULLER & CO. '\





Your New Fuller Dealer Is


Corona del Mar

Hundreds of modem colors CJYailable through the

Fuller Jewel Caae. Hundreds mor-to match any

Kheme - through their e~rt color·matcbi.ng


Mr. Nelson, in maklne his bid arolden wedding anniversary. for s upport In the Nov. 4 election, Many or their guests were ear· pointed to his record as mayor Jy residents of thla area who of Costa Mesa In helping build have ta ken an active part with what he called one of the most ex-pu blisher Sam and Mrs. Mey. effi ciently run cities In the s tate. er In the development of the City

Newport Beach Recreation Dl · of Newport Beach . One of the rector Richard Abernethy eave a guests was the Rev. Perry talk on recreation and showed a Schrock. first minister of the Co· color movie he has made on tee · rona del Mar Commu nity Ch urch reation. where the Meyers are members.

laku Bigest .,I Frank Soule. the NE'wport Har·

bor realtor who Is called the " Peppermint K1ng" becau~~e of his habit of girt ing every woman he meets with a Pf'ppermlnt, has broken the re<'Ord for the largest multiple listing sale In the Har· bor Area.

BOIIIfS WIIf The Harbor Boys' Club Robin,: a lped the California India ns of

Los Angel~ 16 . 3 la'11 Sunday In Costa Mesa Park. They will face deLars Sausage at 1 p .m. this Sunday.

JlETUJUfS FmN TOUB Mr. and Mrs. Carl Anderberg of

422 Haul Dr., Corona del Mar, have returned from a trip north. They visited San Franclaco, the redwood trees, Oregon. Washing. ton, VIctoria and Vancouver, Brit· Is h Columbia.

3o..,. ... OR OP 1'BK PDIIT lfAKU Dl

VITAJOII aEI&AaCII For 34 year. W. C. JCaluh, B.Sc. h u dedleat~ ht. We to nutrl· tlonal betterment.



for all the Family WJTB 3 MCC OP CJITST AL1.JJfZ 1 -12

2 TABt.ETS SUPPLY Maeneslum .. S m1 Iron ...... . 15 me

A ... 10,000 USP Units Iodine .. 0.2 me C .100 m1 C.lclum . . 75 mg D . .. . 1500 USP Units Potualum 5 me

"l:i11ii~ E . ...... ..... 4 Int. Unlta Phosphorua :59.5 m1 1!1 B· l .. ····-.. ················· . 6 mg Manranne . S m1

B·2 . . ........ S mg ZJnc . 0.2 m1 l~~ B-6 ...... ··-··· ......... 1 m1 Cobalt . .. 0.2 mr

I ~ W' B· U ············- ·-· 3 Mlcrogm Copper . 0.750 m1 \ ~ ~-- ~ Niacinamide . .. ...... 40 me Yeut .. .. ... 64 me • lilliU~ Calciu m Pantothenate S mg Uver .. . 64 m1

Plua other members of the 8 -complex from natural aou rces.

1 00--2.25 200--«.25 (Family Sizes) 500--9.50 1000-17.75 C.tsdntng tM bcllwD ..... tlal VJTAKDIS cmd MDfDALI .. .......... tb.la to- ooe ol the...., beet,_..._......_ l4eel •• call the fCIIIll1t - 1 tablet dally few cb1ldleD - a- f• ada.lb.

And he did It by handling a dt'al for 2 other rea ltors. He trad ­ed a $165.300 San Diego County ranch owned by one realtor, for a Laguna ~ach trailer park owned by another realtor. He Is affiliated with Waldron Realty on Balboa Jsla nd. AFBICA.Jf SAP'A.BI TOLD ORDER BY PHONE OR BY MAIL- WE PAY ALL POSTAGE

Mr. and Mra. Elgin Gates re· Pleue Add 4'H. Sales Tax


Glimpses 1

It AlfW

We take a veat deal of pride 1n the fashions and Individual selections that we are ahowlnt you, our nice cuatomers. t.h1a fall . We have paid particular at· tentlon to coordination or ltema from separate sections ... We have just the ha t that will look t he best wit h each dreu and auU, or coat ... We have chosen the most fashionable, not the faddl · est. of the new fashions, alwaya with an eye to eood taste ... We a re showing a comprehensive 8e· lection in each group a nd type of items.

Bemem..bM . .. baft your abe ••• be It Jv.alow ..... Idle 5. or Oil t.hroa91l the balf abe ra:D4Je throuvll tiP/a • . • cmd of • COUJM the ..... u... cmd proportiooed abee ·- the vtrl UDder S f eet 4.. All M1ecUoea ba.e beea --. with em Ia· dJYidual tllaafbt to our cu­tomen, cmd U.. way ol We ia oar area.

We are terribly exlcted about some new hats that have arrlv~ thJs w~k. a nd we know you will be too when you see younell ln one of them! A.1Jio aome ot the loveliest puraes we have ever had are here now tor your 8electlon ... The new Romantlque flnt.h by Ronay ls a Jove .. . Or If you want a bae ror that 1peclal ew· nln1. let one of our "mlaea" show you Juat the rJcht one. We have another new ltem that you have been ukJ"- u. for . • • lovely leat her clovee by Superb ... Be sure a nd tee the caraaldn (the poll1hed look ot kld wttb LanoUn for euler wuhlnl).

We'ft bMa • ..St.d WU.. .,... ................... .... .. ..__ ........ , IMyw ............. ......... _...._ ........... .., a...u. ... e.y,•ddl.·a .. .,. II .. 119 .... .......


cently entertained the travel &ee· Valuable Guide Book Sent with Each Order tlon or the Tuesday Club In lhelr ~~==~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~:!:::!:!:!:~~ home at ~ S.~hore Or.. Bay Shores_ With colored nwVIes d1 their ~nt Alrlcan aatart.




SIZES 12 to 20

YOU. lEI'S SIZES 36 to 40


napped this string YOUR CAfiACITV 1'0111 T8NSION


new dry.gless method et/et:tiuely reliet-es tension

How do,.. ........ "'*' ~·.,...... PaciiPCiftkat N .. lrc:h 1ft ..... ~ COUfttMI tiM -=s .. IY of e 'lfttW __..of

a.a ........ .-. .... ,... . ..... ,... wiD -~ ...., Painters' J ools • Ught II• clw•e




• i-1114


...... ,..._ ...... ..

......... ~I, ... .

-"'· ~,. thet ..,.,.~....,. ............ ..,..and .. 01,..,. ...,.,,

No lide .tt.da tNt......__. ...... flit ..... , ,.,.. tM ...... 1 U.ltll " ............... WI ............... .., ..... -.

~-. L..m ....... .. . "-.............. QJ-. 'tl .I ...

MfHU. eoontiY ftiiiL C. .... ........ ... ,.. ... ,..., ......... .......

Page 7: CGil iD Your Adl NOW10~ ORiole 3-0550archive.newportbeachlibrary.org/NBPL/0/edoc/1156340/1958-09-18... · LOCATING THE SPOT to install ... port Chamber will a pa ne Committee should

---- - - ~ -=

Sh.uHie BUs System Protested by Parents KJWAIOI1'0 a.zcr SICOD. WO FlU! W&WIOWt .....,_ DIIGII f The prestdent, 2 vice preal· A ahort Cll"('ult In a transformer ~. 1111 .._ 1& ••

dent., muurv and • directors In a hi II ~t In the home of of the Newport Harbor Kiwanis Rua.sell Craig, 2600 Cove. St., Co· 12:19 yesterday for ftrei'N!n. No Club wlll ~ eleded at their rona del Mar, r a\hlf'd a lot of damaee was done ~t to the Parents of Harbor and Costa appe~red before the board of

Mna Hlah School studen~ are truatees Monday to protest the waxtna pretty unhappy about the fact that chUdMJ\ u. delivered current ahuttle system of trana- to Harbor Hl•h School u much portlna studenta, started with the u 50 mJnutee before cl~ ltart operation of Costa Mesa Hlah In the momlna. School Jut week. Another complaint received by

Harold Caldwell, ot 223 Eve· the tnutee. waa baaed on the n ine Canyon Rd., Shore CIW., fact that freshmen attendlna Co·


Patio & Window AWNINGS

We are not advertising large discoun~But let us give you a FREE ESTIMATE and you will find our p{jces are in line with so-called discount prices.



No Down Payment-36 Months to Pay

Call Us Now Phone XL 2-3545



1626 So. Main St. SANTA ANA ()pea Koe. & P1t. ·w I P .II.

. - ' ,.... ,.

I ~.

ala ~~~- Hlfh Scl\ool have to to save dupllc:atlnf bua runs to noon meeuna next Thursday. smoke and an exr ltlng run at transformer. w~at~~m~um~u~~u~r~~~n~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~===~=~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~=~ an hour &Dd 1.5 mlnvtel tn the tendlna Harbot Htah School and a• a1tftDoon, awaJunr buees to take the freshmen of the dlatrlct, wbo lMtll borne to a.y Sbora. are all attendlnr COIIta Mesa

Max RuDell, dlatrlct au~rtn· High School UU. year. tendent, promt.ed Mr. CaJctweU At praent all bu.es headed tor that he would study the bua eo.ta Mesa Hllh School In the shuttle aystem to see it aome mornJna drop off upper c1 ... chana• could be made. students at Harbor Hiah before

'l'ru.ltM Don Dunpn aaJd he la ~nvinced tbe ahuttle service proeeedlna to eo.ta Mesa HIJ,h. lan't neceuary. - Th.e procea La revenloed In the

The shuttle l)'atem wu dev!Jied aftef)'\oon.

It'll Be 'Hello' Tomorrow At Dance at Harbor High

H' WAJICT iBOOTEJI With new students sUll comlna

In, Harbor Union Hlah School opened Jut week with an en· rollment of 2,038, a considerable drop frotr} last 'year's 2,412 stu· dents. The drop In enrollment, due to the new Costa Mesa High School, means that there will be no freshman class at Harbor thls year.

Amona all the old familiar races •~ 2 new ones. They are Ela De ConJnah and Cam.ter Ar· vaa. our 2 forelan exchanae stu· dents. Ela la trom Holland and will be staytna at the R. H. Bur­nett residence, at 500 E . 15th St.,

CJiff Haven. Chrbter comes from Sweden and Is residing at the Porter Sinclair residence at 2761 Circle Drive In Bay Shores .

The scbool wtll conduc-t a wei · come campaign for new students. The proeram will Include aeveral Welcome Assemblies for the new atuden~ and a .. Hello" dance to. morrow <Friday). The students are lookJna forward to a aala evenlna at the dance, which will be held In the Social Hall. ThJs welcome campalan was a bla s uccess last year and for thls ~ason ls belne repeated for a second time.

La Habra Provides First Test for Harbor Gridders

..,JATCOOKB Bob Johnson, popular student

body president, who ls currently Drat strlne cenw and middle ruard, and Dave Roberson, fieet fullback and safety man of the ftrst team, were elected captains for the comina " new look" season at Harbor High School. Both are aenlors and extremely well liked by their teammates.

La Habra prlvldes the first test for the Harbor High tomorrow 1 Friday I .

George Hunter w ill get a chance to see how hla Varsity and Junior Varsity players react to aame pressure wtth their new ottenae and defense.

The aarne ty{Mt scrimmage will bealn at 3 p.m . on Davidson Field with La Habra's first team tak · tne the ball on the 50 yard liM and runnlne 8 co~utlve playa. Each touchdown will count one point. Harbor's first team then goes on offenM. Arter that the second: third and Junior Varsity teams will have a <-ra<-k at earh other.

This scrlmmagp takes tht' pla<'t' for thls year at least of the an nual Blue-Gray rame. wht <-h may be dlscontinuf:'d permanent· ly. For, as Coach Hunter aald, "We would rather knock the heck out of somebody elae than our own euys."


,,...., ,,.... MEG MYLES ShowiA9 Xi9bUy (~ ICoaday) w1Ul





* ll :30 AM. to 2:30 P.M.

5 P.M. to 11 P.M.


PHONE ORiole 3-4170

• AT AVOCADO ••• CORONA DEL NAB a.a:.t.. Qlaaped1D - Ill 75 • • Toey IC__.Jew*i -~

ICcra.rtc. Calle - a.t




., \


r \

Page 8: CGil iD Your Adl NOW10~ ORiole 3-0550archive.newportbeachlibrary.org/NBPL/0/edoc/1156340/1958-09-18... · LOCATING THE SPOT to install ... port Chamber will a pa ne Committee should

011 .....a EI:OIIER

e JIC*DAT, l&ft I Pollee trted to help an anoQY·

mau~ wcmu who abowed up ln the emerrency room o1 Boac Hoe· pltal with a broken arm, but abe said ahe ha4 no complaints and didn't want to d1acu&s it . . . An Alukan plane created a mild eensatton when it landed on the back bay and the pilot taxied up to the shore for minor repairs ... Mrs. Everett Palmer, 1000 W. Ocean Ft. Balboa, reported she lost a purse containing S25 In Richard's Market ... Irvine Chaf· tee reported hearing a gun shot near bls home at 434 San Bemar· dlno Ave. Newport Heights, but police detennlned It was a tire· cracker thrown from a passing car. e TUESDAY, SEPT. 9

The telephone company report· ed a telephone call for medical aid at 307 Coronado St., Balboa. but answering pollee found the house vacant . . . John Ramsey of Pasadena complained that a man jumped from a car and kissed his girl, then. jumped back in the car and drove away; no report was made whether the girl complained.

e WEDNESDAY. SEPT 10 Bill Anderson. 15. o.f Glendale,

caujht himself while fishing In the ha rbor ; a fish hook was re· moved from his scalp . .. Law· renee Covert, 315 El Modena Ave .. Newport Height, reported hubcap theft from h1s car.

e TBtJJtSDAY. SEPT. 11 Mrs. Bruce Tyler. 1501 E. Bay

Ft., Balboa, reported her Children ate her moth balls . . . Lewis Whitney. 1120 E. Balboa Blvd., Balboa, reported a sick seal on the beach but the animal swam away before the pollee arrived .

e F'JUDAY, SEPT. 12 Pollee helped Helen Torey of

223 Agate Ave., Balboa Is land. get back In bed after she fell out; she was unable to maneuver by herself because of the cast on her broken leg ... Mrs. Lucia Nosen· zo reported a prowler around her home at 416 Marguerite Ave .. Co· rona del Mar, at 12:55 a .m ...• Mrs. Charles Trout of 525 El Mo· dena, Newport Heights, report~d 'possum trouble - solved by po · lice . . . Tom Woodward. assistant superintendent of Newport Beach Elementary School District, re ­ported someone climbed light standards at Hora c e Ensign School, removed bulbs and threw them on the parking lot ... Mrs. Sylvia Darnell of 205 Via Koron, LJdo Isle, told pollee a turquolM kitten came to her home and she would hold It for Its owner.

e SATtJJU)AY, SEPT 13 Robert Hippe reported theft of

$1 .200 nng from his home at 2661 Cres tview Dr., Bay Shores . . . Roger Zeiger of 616 Begonia Ave., Corona del Ma r, reported a $45 bicycle s tolen from the All -Amer· ican Ma rket ... Jane Richey. 34. of Su nland. suffered a cut on her IPg when s he bumped Into a damaged bumper on a ca r parked on Via Oporto at Via Lido; Frank Lindsay, of Burbank, owner of the ca r, was cited for tllegal parking. e StnfDAY. SEPT. 14

E. F. Jackson reported 3 styro· foam logs va lued at $30 stolen from ya rd of home at 4102 River Ave .. Newport Beach ... The boat "Same 2 U" sank off 29th St. and Lafayette while she watched It, Mrs. Karl MacDougall of 1535 Su · J>"nor. Costa Mesa. told police . . . Lars Lavagnlno reported a prowler in h is home a t 1536 Ser· enade Ter., Irvine Terrace . . . Arthur Jones. 332 Evening Can· yon Rd . Shore Clltfs. reported theft of his b I a c k Cadlllac from Balboa Blvd. between 9th and lOth St.! .. Balboa, while he, was attending the Christ Churc h by the Sea loyalty dinner at th~ Newport Harbor Yacht Club.

tn ffle Lido Shoppi"9 Are•

For. 1M9e s.a.ct~on of YARDAGE -"- LINENS








Iri. the Growth and D~veloprneflt of . .

Visit our Special Wine Cellar

Fancy Party Food

Ice Cubes


Corona del Mar


ORiole 3-0111

JOD anu

*Free Delivery

* Delica­tessen



Sun thru HhUI"8day 9 - 12 P.M.

Friday & Saturday 9 A.M. to 2 A.M.


571 hdr Drtn - U 1-5114 1- e>naat- Aft. - U I-41N

eo.ta ....... Calif.

e CONTRACTOR e PICk Ce111ra..,1 II.



C. L Clff 3U now. lt.

eo.ta .... c.w. U I-IIII

e Stm e ............. •

1 .. lllpel'loc A.-.. eo.ta ....._CaW.. LJ 1-5511

e ELECI'BIC.AL e ,,.,...... Ellclrlcll c .......

e SIGNS e lips ., 1111111 •• 810C1dway. C.ta ...._ C.W., Lt I-Jlf7

ao Slat St. •...-t -..ch Oaiolei·II7D

NEON SIGNS ......... LAGGIIA -"' ~ .., ....

CUJIIIaM. •...-tleellla . oa,...,..

e LUMBER • -••• 111'11 J' II 1 ••r C..

~o..e ..... ., •...-t .....



• ....

Page 9: CGil iD Your Adl NOW10~ ORiole 3-0550archive.newportbeachlibrary.org/NBPL/0/edoc/1156340/1958-09-18... · LOCATING THE SPOT to install ... port Chamber will a pa ne Committee should


U:OAL .O"''JCa OaDlN.Uct; !tO. 8:SCS

AN ORDlNAftcE OF 'J'R.E CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH REPEAUNG SEC110NS 5.20L 5203. Dn.1. ~. 520&. an. 5D. 5208.1, 5208.2, 5210, 5211, 5212 AND ~12.1 OF 11fE NEWPORT BUCH MUNICI­PAL CODE, AMENDING SI:C· "nON ~ AND ADDING CHAPTER f TO AltTICLE V OF SAID CODE RELA11NG TO REFUSE, GARBAGE AND CU'iTJNGS. The City Cou ncil of the City

of Newport Beach doea ordain u follows :

SECTION 1. Sectlon.a 5201. 5200. 5203.1. 5204, 5206, 520'7, 5208, 5208.1, 5208.2, 5210, 5211, 5212 and 5212.1 of the Newport Beach Mu · nlclpal Code are repealed.

SECTION 2. Section 5202 of the Newport Beach Municipal Code Ia amended to read :

"SECTION 5202. ·aeach' Includes all the shore of the Pacific Ocean lying souther­ly of the most southerly llne ot the public street nearest and parallel to said ocean and all the shore of the har­bor and any bay or channel In the City." SECTION 3. Chapter 4 is add ·

ed to Article V of the Newport Beach Municipal Code to read:



tiou. For the purpose of this Chapter, certain word.ol and phrues are defined and certain provlslona shall ~ construed u herein ~t forth. unless It Is apparent from the context that a dUferent meaning ls Intended.

SECI10N 5401. •Garbage' Includes all animal and vegetable refuse Incident to preparation or handline of food .

SEC"nON !W02. 'Refuse' in­cludes any dlacarded cloth or articles of clothing, paper, paper bag. cardboard, fiber, metal, glass., carton, contain· er, box, bottle, or jar, or any part of such carton. contain­er, box, bottle. or jar. uhes and feathers.

SECTION 5403. 'CuttJnes' Include trlmmlnas from trees or shrubs, planta, rrua cut­tin&"•. or removed or dla­carded trees, bra n c he s. shrubs or plants.

SECTION 5404. 'Ret!lden-t lal unit' means a ~parate dwelllng unit wtth kitchen fadlltles.

SEC'110N 5405. 'Buainesa unit' meana a bulldlne. tt wholly occupied by a slnale bualrleu, an oftlce. a room or rooms wtthln a buJldlne or a apace. ~n or encJOIIed. uaed or uuble for the operation ot a aJna!e bualnaa or en­,.,.,_,

SEC'nON 5486. ••hwre DedaNd. The accumulation and exiatence of aarbaae. refuse or cuttlnp on any private preml.le., on, In, or upon any beach, at:reet. a lley or other public place within the Clty la hereby dedared to be a nulaance. No person who owna, controls or occu . pies any premlaes In the City shall cau~. permJt or allow any such nuisance to exist thereon.

SECl10N 540'7. PrfteDtloD ol JfuiiiCIDCO • c:c.ta. (a) rt Is the pollcy of the City to prevent the existence and ac· cumulation of garbage. ref· use or cuttinp upon any prl· vate premises or In any pub­lic place. In order to promote sanitary conditions In the City. which Is necessary for the health, safety and gener­al welfare of the residents, the City will provide a serv· le-e consistJn& ot the collec· tlon of earbage, nfu..e and cuttings where a similar service Is not provided by another governmental agen­cy. It is the further policy of the City that s uch service be seU-supportlne and that It be paid for by tba.e benefited.

(b) The service shall be city-wide except for thOM areu that are In the aanJ ­tary district to whJch the l'ft· idf'nu are paylna a property tax or other charees or fees for a similar service unless s p e c I a I arran,ements are made for service by the City within auch dJstrlct.

SECnON 5408. ....._ to Baal GadMip. ..,.... - Cat· tiDp. No person other than contract aaents or employees of the Clt;y or a aanltary db· trlct actina In the .cope of thelr agency or employment and private colledon havln& a llcenae to do 80 trom the City Coundl sb&ll remove from any place or pre,m.L8es In the City or transport over the publl~ street. thereOf any prbace. ret'\lle « cunlnp. Th11 M!dlon doee not pNWnt U) a person ~ aatbertq and removtna mu.e or cut­tlnp&am ~ ....... tult of ~ land· ~l.q « aaldenlna -~ wbn the arne h.u not been ..t out ror mlltc:Uon by t.be cscr. the 411t1td tW. private C!OUcctor. (2) a pmon tram reJ'DO'Itna 1:n b.ll OW1l whlcM ~ ,.,_. « cuttlnp wbldl hu been I'MI'atiad Oil ........ OWMcl «Clift~ ., 1\bQ, Cll' (3) the llniiMCiia .. ~ • .., ..-. ol ......... ,.,_ • cvttinp

which 11 found by the Health otOcer, rw Marahal or BuUdlna and Safety Director to eonatltute a dan••r to tho public health, safety or aen· eral welfare.

SECTION 5409. •rita. tied Oa rbat o a Jh ~. ,.,..., oL. Every owner or pemcm o c c u p y I n I or In charae of every ra:ldenee where earbaae accumuJate. ahaU provtdA! and keep at INch residence a receptacle or receptacles, each not to exceed elaht <8> aallon. capacity, con.tructed of met· al or other waterti1ht mater­ial, tn Whlch shall ~ placed aU auch aar.,_,., .Ul r~p­tacles shall be tuml.abed and provided with a cover auftlcl· ent to prevent any odor from escaplna the receptacle and flies and other Insecta from reaching or comlna In con · tact with the aarbage.

SEC'nON 5410. a-kJeDUal a.taM ~. Type of. Every owner or person oc­cupyln& or In charae of every residence where refuae ac­cumulates shall provide and keep at auch residence a re· ceptacle or receptacles, each not to exceed forty -live I 45J gallons capacity nor fifty 150) pounc:U weight (contents and container), constructed of met~! or other watertight material, In which shall ~ placed such refuse. All such receptacles s h a II be fur · nlshed and provided wtth a cover su(flcient to prevent any odor from eKaplna, the contents from being blown away and rain from entering such receptacle.

SECTION 5411. Beaideetial Cutttoga Beceptuc:M, Type ot. Every owner or person oc­cupyJng or In charae of every residence where cuttings a c· cumulate shall provide at such residence a receptacle or receptacles, each not to exceed forty.flve (451 aal · Ions capacity nor fifty (50) pounc:U weight when filled. In which to place cuttings. Cuttings may be plaoed for collection ln the receptacles or ln aecwely tled bundles not to exceed fifty (50) pounds ln welaht Dor four ( 4) ~ In length.

SEC110N 5412. ~ '- c.uoctl4la ~ No pet80n wbo owns. controa or occupies any premises shall permit garbaae to accumu­late for a period In excess of one calendar week or refuse or cutttnp to accumulate tor a period ln excess of one calenda.r month or !all, re· fwle or nealect to place INCh prba,e and INCh re~ and cuttlnp for collection In ac­cordance with ae.he<tules es­tabllabed tMrdor, the provt ­..... of tJtJa Cbapter and rulee and ~ stab· l1ahed p u r • u a n t hereto. Nelthel' tbe City nor Ita eon• tract qents &hall be required to coll«t aarba"te. retUR or cuttlnp not place for co~lec ­tlon In accordance with this Chapter and said rules and reauJatlont.

SEC'MON 5413. AcbD1Dlat1a· Uoe el CoUooctioa Sorriee. The Clt;y Manaeer, or his author· iud repreeentatlve under his direction, ahall administer the provisions of this Chap· ter. In tb11 connection he shall:

(a) Esta.bllah the routes, hours and days of collection and may change the same as he deems necessary and shall give notice of s uch routes, hours, days and changes as seems advisable.

(b) Establish rules and regulations consistent with this Chapter pertaining to the content of refuse. the seg­regation of refuse, cuttings and aarbage, the suitability of containers and the place· ment of containers for collec· tton. The rules may permit spedal containers or bins when the quantity or the na ­ture of the material to be col­lected 80 requires.

(c) Establish additional rule. and reaulatlons con · alatent wtth this Chapter as may be nec:essuy, reasonable and propel' to effect the ex­pedient. economical and effl· dent collection, removal and ctt.poul of aarbage, refuse and cutttnas.

SEC110N ~4. r... few c:.uoct~ea 11f City. (a) Per· aona Uable: 1'be City Council f1nc1s that cc:illeetJna ~n<l ma.Jdna tJae aervloe or tollet't· Ina~. retu..e and C'Ut· tJnp available to all places and prem18es ln the areas ot tbe City where .ervlce ls prov1Md beMfit. all OCCU• pant. and all pet80ns wtth the rlJ,ht of immediate OCCU · pancy of any pla~ or prem· .... ln aaid are&l of the Clty and. tbcttfore. all aucb oc­cupanw and peDON are made llabM few the teea ea­tabUINd pw"'\\Ut to this .. ChapCier.

(b) ,.._ ,.. City Cou.Dcll ~ball. ~ .-olut!on. eatab· u.h mllrtmum f« min· IIDWD lllil'fb for •ch IDCIGth tW f:rac:Uon t.beniol for rat. c1ent1al, ...... ,_ and any any ~ tne ol OCCQp&nef

&D4 MdltSoaal .... - ..... UCiftl.l ...nee -~ tDptbtr wUl l"t't11m to • QtJ u --.r1.J u pnu:ticeblt the . ........ QIIIINIIdatllcl .. u.

ally to provide the eervle.. Any le-e may be ~haqed when lt appears It la too hlah or too low In relaUon to other feet~ or the ovcr·all COlt.

C c) Bfttrlcted UN ot f\lnd.a. All money collected under the prov1alont of thla Chapter ahall be placed ln a a~peclal tund which 11 hereby created and entitled Befu. Service Fund and ahall be \&ted only tor the purpo.e o1 provldlne the collectlon eervlce : provld· ed, however. that any aurplu.s ln th.la fund at the end of any ft.cal year may be ueed to retmburae the general fund for any money that hu been advanced to thla funti ln any current or prior f1aeal year.

(cU Collection of fees. hr­son.a with the right of Lmme · dlate O<"CUpancy, O<"CUpanta. persona In charge or control of any plac-e or premises ln the areas where the service is provided and pert10ns who are billed for water service to any place or premises In such areas are each Indi ­vidually liable for the f~s established pursuant to this Chapter. Such fees are a dvll debt owing to the City and the liability of each of the above persona ahall continue until the fees are pald. The City Council authorlus and directs that act Ions be brought agalnat any persons liable therefor to col~t de­linquent fees. In cases where the premises contain more than one residential unit or buslneM unit or both. the landlord or person to whom water 18 bllled shall collect such f~s from the occupant" or persons with the right of OC'<'Upancy and transmit the same to the City. A receipt shall be lASUed to such O<'CU· pant or person upon request. 1f the landlord or person to whom the water Is bllled falls to collect such fees from any such OC'<'Upant or person and transmit them to the City, said landlord and per­son to whom the water Is billed each shall ~ liable to the City for the payment of such fees. The llablllty shall continue until the fees are paid to the City.

(e ) Exemptions. On the premises w he r e water ls served by the ctty and the servtce ls provided. no fee shaH be charged to the per­sons liable therefor lf no water has been used on the premises during the period ot time between the dates water meters are read. On p~mlses where the service Is provided and water is not .erved by the City. this exemption shaU apply only lf tlv penon to whom the fees are blUed .ub· mit. •u.taetor1 ~ that there .U no ~DC:7 durtna the bUllnJ pe:rtod..

SEC'11:0M S4l5. 8 l I l l • .. The lees Lmpoeed pUrsuant to this Chapt~r may be added to any bUl rendered by the City and are payable on the first day of the month fol · lowlna the date shown on the- bill. In lieu of billing by by the City, the City may contract with any agency, public or private. to include the tees on any bill and col­l('('t said fees and transrnlt them to the City.

Bills may be sent month· ly. bimonthly or quarterly at the discretion of the City Manager. When quantities \n exres.s of the maximum per­mitted for the minimum tees are- regularly aC('umulated, bills may be sent and pay · ment required bimonthly or quarterly In advance. Such advance payments shall be adjusted on the basis of per· lodlc surveys of average quantities collected." SECTION 4. This Ordinance

and the fees Imposed pursuant hereto are ne<'e5&8ry to pay the usual current expenses of the City being lnC'U.Il'ed to provide the collection ~rvlce In order to prevent the nulsance herein de­clared.

SECTION 5. This Ordinance shaJl ~ published once ln the Newport Harbor Ensl~. a news­paper of general dreulatlon, printed and publlshed In the City of Newport Beach. and the same s hall be e1fective 30 days after the date of lts adoption.

This Ordinance wu Introduced at a regular meetJne ot the Cit;y Council of the City of Newport Beach held on tbe 2Sth d~ ot Auaust. 1958. and was adopted on the 8th d~ ot Septembel',

Boating Class Scheduled by Coast Guard


Cl..- In boeUna. pUCCJna and ~amanthlp, '~":red by the Pennlta for 31 mOR dwellings at 113 Jade to replace dwelllnc United States Guard and In Harbor Hilhlanda. totaUng demollahed at rear of lot, $18.· conducted by the United States more than three-quarters of a 000. Coast Guard Awdllary, will be· million dollara, were taken out • IIVDfE TZUACE eln at 7 :30 p.m. Monday at the thla week by Walter Mellott of Mrs. Elizabeth Granvllle, awlm· Balboa Yacht Club and will con- the South Cout ConltructJon Co. mlng pool. 1821 Galatea. $2,500. Unue for 12 sesalon.a. The dwelllncs. with permit e LJl)() ISLE

nte course wtll cover boat se- values ranJ!na from $1.8.150 to Lido 111e Community Assn., lectlon. nautical language, eJe . 130.900. will be constructed In the wall and planters. $990. mentary ~amanthlp, ltnots and area between the present Harbor • 8AL80A splices. aids to navigation, pilot- Highlands houses and Westcllff F. E. Powt>ll, sign. 1230 w. Bal-Ing, rules of the road and safety This big project boosted the boa Blvd., $200; Pat Knowles, re· In boaUng. September permits close to Sl. · model, 501 Edgewater, $350; Hay·

For those who wish to take the , 000,000, and brought the year's den Jones, addition, 1743 Mlra· final test (not compulsory ! the total past $12.T70.000. This easily mar. $1.200 Cout Guard wlll Issue a cert lfl · topped the total for all of last e lfEWI'OBT cate of completion. oyear. and ls juat a IIC&nt $200.000 C E. Wu hbon, 2 unit, 2 s tory

Dr. Irv1ng E . Laby of Balboa of break1ng the all -time yearly dwelling, 1829 w. Balboa Blvd., will ~rve as chairman of the In · record o1 $12.m.sl2, set ln 1956 $20,330; Ralph Mas key, parking structlon staff. Others on the Follow1n1 permits were Issued lot. 510 Clubhouse. $600; Johnson teaching stalf are Harbor Mas ter durin• tht' past week : It So sl 900 w Coast H AI Oberg Frank Wood, Worth- .. n. gn, · wy .• lngton LM Cyrus Tucker Mal e tJPPEJl L\1' AHA $185; Frf'<l Myers, alteratioru, Fink, Hele~ Chiodo. Elme~ Chi· South Coa.at Construction Co .. 4008 Ma rcus, $5,000; Fred Plepen· odo Jane Evans James Evans 31 permlta for dwellinp In Har· brink, cabana at r lty trailer park. and Daniel Mand'ell. bor Hlghland.ol. ranging from $18, IT70 W Balboa Blvd .. S2.900.

These classes are free to the 150 to $30.900. total value of public. Tha.e Interested In fur · $T78.100. ther Information may call ORiole • 8AL80A ISLAlfl) 3 ·3010. Harry Sykes, 2·story dwell ing

They Think They're Involved In Burglary at College Inn

Neither one remembers much from then on at the Avocado about lt, but both Lester Hater Ave. address until Aug. 7 when and Catherine Smith told pollee Milman uked her to cash 3 they thought lt Ls pos.!!lble that checks algned by Robert Black · they were Involved In the Aug. 7 well, owner of the College Inn. II burglary of the College Inn at The checks were made out to 100 Palm Ave., Balboa. her so she cashed them 1n a

Mr. Hafer, a 38-year·old fry Costa Mesa bank and a couple or cook at the cafe until then, told liquor stores and eave him the pollee when they caught up with money, she said, thinking he was 1

him ln San Otero this week. that part owner of the cafe. Then. she he had been drinking s teadily for said, Milman and hl.s friend H• · 5 days with another employee. fer sli pped out of the bar to Edward Milman, 33, with whom which he had taken her. leavi ng he shared an apartment at 350 her holdinc an empty beer glass Avocado Ave., Costa Mesa Hafer told police he went to

During that time they made sleep at the bar while talkinr to several pre-dawn vis1ts to the Miss SmHh and the next thine 1 cafe to aet food and beer. Hafer he knew he was In Indio. where said. And maybe he or hls friend I Milman told hun their car had 1 took lt. He thinks It might have broken down. They took a bu.s to been Milman because hl.s friend Calexico, where Milm~n sa1d he 1

kept paying for everything th(")' had another wlle. and between I bought to drink eon route to Ca drmks. met a man named Bill lexlco. who stayed drunk with them 5

Mlsa Smith, who lives at 3120 days until Milman stole- Bill 's I Broad St. Newport Heights p ickup truck. thinks she· may have been m ' Hafer said he i.s pretty vague volved In lt. too, she volunteered. about all of It, and so 1s Miss She went to the pollee station Smith. But Newport Beach poll<'t' several days aher the burglary are- sure ol one thing. They would to tell officers she had met Mil · now like to have a talk with Mil · man In a Santa Ana cafe 2 man. months before and went on a In the meantime, a preliminary drinking •P~ with him that hearing tor Hafer on a charae of I wound up ln njuana. buralarlz.lng the cafe of $52, a


RAY BIIWIIc C•lracllf

,..... E. COAST tfWY, COlONA DR .,.Al

Omot. S·051D

..... MQUU ____________ __

an ________________ _



• awJOWt IIADOII &UN~~ 1 1"'laaattry. Sep1 ,_ II. ~-











LAGUNA BEACH 222 Oc.. Ave.

PHONE HY 4-tln

SAN CLEMENTE 601 N. B <:.mino R..l

PHONE HY.u.th 2-1195 or HY .c:inth 2·1196

rCo. 0o the ~ We aald, MU- bundle of checlta and 2 boxes of man told her t ey were married. dpnt, wUJ ~ held In Newp«t but &he didn't know and had Juatke Court toda.y <Thursday l. so~ doubts.

LtJMIIER - BOJLDJI'fG MATEIIIALS However, she said. she and

Milman and his friend Hafer did quite a bit of drinking together

LECAL MOriCE NO. A -31682



NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN to the creditors of and all per· sons having claims against the sald decedent or said estate to tile them with the necessary vouchers ln the office of the Clerk of the Superior Court of the State of California. ln and for the County of Orange. or to present the same. with the necessary vouchers. to the underslened at his or her place of business, to· wit :

Harry J. ~llln, c/ o Harwood. HeUeman It Soden, 3355 VIa Lido, Newport Buch. California. w ith In slx months after the first pub­Ucation of this notice.

Dated &-ptember 10, 1958. HARRY J BELUN

Administrator of the Estate of said

dt'<'eden t . Publish : Sept. 18, 2S, Oct 2. 9.

in the Newport Harbor Ensign.

• ..... U.llil' New members of the Newport

Harbor Board ot Realtors are Florence Taylor. associate with Realtor Helen McKenzie. ' New port; Max Hoffenberg, a ct ive member, Costa Mesa : William Mitchell. associate wtth Tobias Realty. Costa Mesa: Marie Borg­man. associate, with Claire Van Hom, Newport; ~rge Spotts. associate. with Henry Vaughn, Costa Mesa.

Top salesman for August. with 6 sales. ls Harry (John ) Poole of the Vogel Co. Top lister l.s Realty Board Pre:sJdent Matt LaBorde of 1

Tobias Real ty, with 3 listinir-1 sold. ned for second pla<'t' were 1

Roy McCardle, Stan Smith a nd Fannie Price.

EXTEa CAL POL 1' AC(.'epted for e-ntrance at Call

fomla State Polytechmc College In San Luis Obispo is RJ C'hard Atkinson. ol 3225 O<'t'an Blvd . I Corona del Mar. j

lOT. I. Df)'VU:D 1.958, by the followtnc vote. to Robert Quinn. 6. of 420 ~lnat-wtt : Ln., Balboa, was treated at Hoag

AYES. COUNCILMEN: SOM- HospftaJ Saturday after he rode ~CS:2,,RSTOE NDZD, .. D':..TKll'l. SON. hls bicycle into a parked car at A&n ~· .ruuJ 424 SevUle Ave .. Balboa.






1'Jt a a ... & Ds 1 LD t a.c71J C I

.... ....-t ~c... ...

............ c... ....


J Ac:boa 7-ZDI IMI K_ Da ...._


~ 15'xl0' ~~

S~timming POOLS '2195c--...... .. w ... • .... P I ' sAC ,...,

• c a: •• nz - .,.._ eaacw-n see . ....... ...a,..

• Clel=e (~ .. C:W.) • • Wd ftn 2 a Ll!llll ..... c:..... ....... .... ....... , .. ....... -. ~.a~~~~w~ • •• •

Swtf,SUU!I~ D&YID--- R R' ....... .. 0 I o...itr .. l.,_

mz m+ML 1n & 1m1 sr . GA•CW 4 Oft COSTA MESA

l&ft - A* ..... o.o--..ne ...._~ l&ft

Page 10: CGil iD Your Adl NOW10~ ORiole 3-0550archive.newportbeachlibrary.org/NBPL/0/edoc/1156340/1958-09-18... · LOCATING THE SPOT to install ... port Chamber will a pa ne Committee should

. . • •• •• #

'~ .·<~ ~

\ . And nori oilr Nlnl/i ••• ·.A. •lw•ya In a growing family,

til,. newest addition Is our pride and joy

•.. exceeding oor fondest hopes and

dreams. We know you'l/.flke It, tool

Since t882 ••• In th• da~a of the Don's

•.. when California learned the art of gracious" leisure from the great haciendas

... spanning the years to today, when the ''California Way of Lj!e" is imitated

throughout the country . .. Desmond's has been a decisive influence . .. introducing

ideas, anticipating tren<b, laying the foundations of the increuingly popular

"California Look" in fash ion apparel • . . • • . And so, Desmond's comes to Orange

County ... happy to become part of Southern California's most progressive

area ... serving its residents in the California tradition.

,. ....

Opening September 17

In Fa.bulous Fashion Square

Here JOu'll find Southern California's best Jmown. most respected apparel and

accessories ..• baclted by Desmond' a 96-year repQtation for authoritative fashion,

truatworthy quality, pleui~ prices. Now you, too, ean depend on Desmond's

foy YOUI' family's apparel needs. Because now-at long Jut-we're your neiahbort

w ............ to ....... ,_. to Oratge eouner·· Largeat ..... .._ .................... women's, ...,.. ................ .

~ .,.,, ... ., . ,,.,..,.,.

fOil,..._ Fuhion Park., Kuppenheimer, 'lOwznray, '1breelome Suits • Arrow and GaiUihaU Shirts • Dobbe and 'lOwnway Hata • lohhltoll• )(vphy, lbtonian aDd 'lbwnster Shoes • POia woft•f' Malwill• Roeenblum • Jonathan J4an • Serbia • Gerry Gilden • Sasy Perette • Evan·Pieooe • Glaqo • 1.eJa...- • Vamq JPait • Ttifari • White St., • PendJeton • 1'01 80Ysa CompJete SelectioDI of Apparel ill oar BoJB' and Henley Hall Sho~&


Page 11: CGil iD Your Adl NOW10~ ORiole 3-0550archive.newportbeachlibrary.org/NBPL/0/edoc/1156340/1958-09-18... · LOCATING THE SPOT to install ... port Chamber will a pa ne Committee should


FOR SALE: Blaek male toy CH.AilMlNG fiVoio room, t'"iie. ROOM AND BOARD for older French poodle 5 mo. all ahot., place, furnace, pvt. bath, 2 MP· people. No pen.alonera. LE 9· pape111 pendJnaln N •• y Ke eJ arate entrances, near ocean, 6838. Club. OR a.~o att~ 4 p ~ winter or yearly. Ideal ror ------------

PIANO A 0 AN SALE, Stein· ~':l=an or woman. Phone ~MJICKI~~~·~·~·~·~O~O'S~-----way Grand Uke new bJg MV· FURN ROO - ...- RENT a Hammond Spinet Ofl&n ln1. 12 other tine uaed Granda · · M', outside entrance. tor 5 week.a, only $25 and cart· Chlckertnr Knabe J Doll B.eflned woman. Llrht houae· age, tneludea private le81ona. Wurlltur, ~tc. Priced trdm $395: keeping privileges. 619~ Mar· Sc:hmldt-PbJUJpe, 5lO No. Malo t48.'5, ~- 3 years to pay. auerlte. CDld. Phone OR 3·0636· at 6th, Santa Ana. Schmldt·Pbllll~. 520 N. Main, $145 YEARLY LEASE, Infant O.K. =p-=-u~y""'m=.:,E=-"OrBGAN=-=-=-=:--w-:-:tt""b-o-ut.,.....,.lea--Santa Ana, Stnee 1914. Untumlahed 2 bdrm. hou.e, 10ns • call today for tree home

PIANO 6 ORGAN SALE, Ham· stove, cHap.. larae cloeeta, fire · DEMONSTRATION of the HAM· mond Church model organ plaoe, flaptone patto, dble. MONO C H 0 R D 0 R G AN . priced to .ell. Schmldt·PIUUIPI, aaraae, 508 ~cacla, CDM. Schmldt-PhUUpe, 520 No. Main S20 No. Main at 6th, Santa Ana: FOR KENT: Untumlahed or part· at 6th, Santa Ana.

niE ULE 400/o to W/o Iff



ly tum. 2 bdrm. bouse, hard· SO PiANOS WANTED, pay hlah· wood floors, fireplace, fl25 mo. eat cuh price or awap for Or· Phone OR 3-3366. - aan, Spinet or Grand Piano.

BALBoA I SL A N 0 RENTALS: SchmJdt·Phllllps, 520 No. Main, Bachelor apt., yearly buts. $70. Santa Ana. Alao: 2 new bachelor apts., S80 lncludJng utll. and gara~e. . Waldron Realty, 308 Marine. B.L OR 3-1730.

aosa:waa aarrAU 1·2·3· or 5 ROO,;..:::.;;,M;;..:..,O::-::F:::Fl""""CES=-o-r

aultea fer lea.ae. New MASTERS BLDG., COM. FA beat, carpet ­iDa and parking. .as Hello· trope. oa 3·4120.

CA&t&W a•t~AID

O.,eabt ....... , ... ,. ••Jobe,...a..dll

H. 0. DDEIIII l!K7 Fullerton Ave..


Blvd., Newport, ruUa~t of property lines. • AI(EJII)JCE.rrl

F\nt and final hearlna will ~ held on the PlannJ.na Com.mlulon rHOJuUon of Intention to ntab­llsh wtbac)ut In Tract 3357. Ca­meo Shores.

Con t rae tor and developer VIa Udo from' t~ DolpbJn Rea· e TZJn'AnvE ll.AP Georre Buccola of Udo lale will uurant la oompraed of Lata 1~ The Plannlnr ~pt. hu re­uk the Newport Beach Plannlnl[ and 1096. A awtmmJnr pool wtll celved a tentative map of Tract Conun.lalon th1a ewnlna ,Thura- be located near tbe point of the No. ~13, a propoeed aubd!vtalon day) tor a variance to construct trlanrle at the toot ot the Udo ot a portion of 1...ot 308 and Lot an 8-atory apal'tment bulldlnr I brtdre. 318 Into 19 Iota at Irvine Ave .. ~­fadna the channel near the Abo on the PlannJnr Commb· tween 22nd and 23rd streeta In mainland end of the Udo Isle aion arenda t.h1l evenJnr berln· the Upper Bay Area, above Bay-brtdre. nlng at 8 o'clock, are the' follow· crest.

Mr. Bucc:ola Ia uklng for a Ina lt.e11u: e COIU.E.SPOJfDDCE helaht variance to allow a height e VAJWUrCKS John Vorel hu requested per· of 83 feet above curb level. Set · Georae McNamara, Pacific Ea · mlulon to create «cul -de-sac on back variances alao are belna re·

1 tates, encroachment Into tront hla property on Maflfaret Dr. be·

quested. I yard and rear yard aetbacka. Lola twf'en Irvine Ave. and Tustin Each of the 8 stories will con- 1 through 8. Collins bland. Ave., NeWl)Ort Helehta.

taln · a alnale apartment , each A. 8. Bonnett, ~ l.sland Ave .• , with a terrace overlooking the Balboa, rec:on.atruction of 10 non· SB.A.IIOK E.KTEliS COLLEGE I bay. In the buement, partly un - ~ conformlne aaraees, which have Mr. and M'na. Wayne Crowl of derground, wUI be 2 levt>IB of oft· ~n condemned by the BulldJnr 301 Poppy Ave .. Corona del Mar, street parldnr for 18 cars. Dept. 1 drove to Santa Barbara last w~k I

The trtanrular parcel, across 1 Nita Badaer and G. A. Jonea. to entt>r tht"tr dauahter. Sharon, I 319 EvenJng Canyon Rd Shore In Santa Barbara CoUece. Sharon Cllrts, encroac~nt ol 5 'ieet ln· rraduated In June trom Newport to the required front yard set · llarbor Hlrh School. where she back of 20 teet to ~nnlt location wu an honor student.

Painting - Decorating of the aarare. ThJ.a Is the euterly pAftlt BANGING halt ot the former Kline lot, at

GEORGE BURKHARDT the Evening Canyon entran<'E', which wu aub-dlvlded after an

ftWIOft IIADOa DaG11 II Tbu.ndcry . .. ~ .... tl. ...

vum u. DDVD Miss Gertrude Wyman ot 241

Poppy Ave., Corona del Mar re­turned recently rrom ~n"er, Colo., where she visited her brother.

Wholesale prlce few Reta1) Cu.stomen

IIIE lYEII Costa Mesa, Callt.

Midway 6-3314 lf no an.wer call evenlnaa.

IJeenMd Contractor ap~ala court dect.lon reverwd 1.897 Oranp A-. eo.ta K et- the City Council decision denyinr I

Ubert:F 8-8628 the subdJvlslon. 701 E. UUOA ILYD .. aA.LaOA SUI ...... TUES. ALL TYPES OF R. S. Thurmond, ~ E. Bay ..._. 0& l-75'10 I


Avocado A ())ut HllhWQ' Corona del Mar

Next to JamaJca Inn ORiole 3-3320

........... Ac-IJ

Top Job opportun.IUe•-•11 fteldl. lien &D4 Women

UO TUatin-Newport Beach PIANO A ORGAN SALE, used

Hammond Spinet, an excellent (~ from All·Amerfc:an BUY. Schmldt-Phllll~, at 6th ___ ___:par~~:~q:..__..::..__lo_t_) ---and No. Main, Santa Ana, Ell· TOP OPPORTUNITIES tabllshed 1914.. DAILY

TIRES NEW .. ., ..


TRIIE II Yoar OW Watcll

On a new BamUtoo

Uberal allowance, see

Wallace CaltlerlaiH JEWELER

3123 E. OOAST HWY .. COM.


lull to .... BUSINESS


,. .... AI....... • .. ~ic s-.. lies I Ave., Balboa, a 6 -foot fence at SBOW ITAJrTS 7:00 P.M. .... -r rear property Une to create play · I • Fut Color Film Service. yard a nd storare area. KOW PLAYDfG TBJlOUGII SAT. • Movie Projectors for Rent. H. H. Cornelison, 213 Edeewa - Susan Hayward. ~ry Calhoun. e Model Allplane Suf.Piles. ter Balboa encroachment Into David Wayne, In the Jane

IEIIS Olllera ~- tro~t yarrd 'setback to const ruct "WlTHFromaAn st50oryN: G

balcony on second fioor. 1782 ~,r.rtU~ ~M-- James Gonrwer, 2034 E. Ocean IN MY HEARl'

Ft.. Balboa, zero rear yard set back, similar to adjolnlnr prop

MOVING? ertles.

Color; alao Walt Dlsn~y·s

..BAMBI" Color

The Irvlne Co., extension of roof overhanr or awnlnr 8 feet

ONE MAN A VAN S7-75 HR. Into front yard set~ck of 20 f~t -------------2 men A van at min. P.U.C. I to prevent sun damage In houses Stnf. - MOK. - TVES. rate o! $9~ Hr. within 30 to be built on Lots 1 throurh 20. Cary Cooper. D1ane Varsl. ml Time 1rtarta at your door. Tract 3283, !acing the channel Suzy Parker We deliver min. of 1000 lba. across !rom Unda Isle. "10 NORTH FREDERICK'" up to 60 miles same day lor e USE PE&MJT'S min. P.U.C. rate. No ex. cba. Lido Boat Club Inc., 3121 W. Rock Hudson. Lauren Bacall. for Sat. Call Newman U 8-2274 Coast Hwy . Mariners Mile, per· Robert~~~~ Malone

- A1.IO -





or U 8 ·&&30. 824 W. 19th St. mission to sell boats on thls ..-.nu 1c.n

Costa Mesa. Lowest atorace property. ~~~O~N~THE~~WIND~~~·~· ~~~~i~;;;a~ii~~ DAY WORK - Harbor Area. Kl Ha..a..-r 'I'L..ifl g..l 1 _ ___ _ r~a:..:.tea..::..:.._____ ____ Robert Stevens, 340 N. Newport Color 3 -5002. rw. •• • .,._ COIDI.ZT& LAJfDSCAPIXQ Blvd., Crossroads VIllage. to con · :• ' ' •:• ' ' ' ' ' '

LOtT AJfD POtnfD 3700 Newport - OR 3 -3700 aDVICE struct a single family residence

Shell Ete,.1., Else, THEI SEE US.

We will not be undersold.

LOST: "Chet," male yellow cat Newport Beach FREE ES'IlMATES 1 above an oftlce building. .... th ------------ SltH Green Slam.,.


Natun-'s Jewel Chest Inc., 3297 ,..., white chest and stomach, IEJIVICE.I - Newport Blvd., Newport. to con · 1 ~ years old, vicinity 702 Mar- =EXE=:-:R""'C:::IS:-:E=-""'C:::LASS,...,..,=-=--=-be- a""'t,_n-n-=-ln_g_ Free delivery duct llrht manu!act~re of gem· guerite, COM. OR 3·69'74. Ferol White, OR 3-Z799 or OR COROKA DEL MAR Nl1BSE1tY stone jewelry.

ICIIOOLa, llllftUC!'IO• 3-1357. ORiole 5-0160-2744 E. Coast Rwy. Buffalo Ranch, to renew permit JOKNS'('ONE'S for covere-d wagon sign at Mac-


PlAID •11Dm011 A•.d.•ll • Arthur Blvd. and Coast Hwy., RICHFIELD 1111 •• Wfllklrl .... 'IIIII Corona del Mar.

Accredited teacher hu time lett u-..a Auto-..- -- for driveways and parking lots. e B.ESuaJ)IVJS!OKS Oktole 3-9728 for new puplla. Yeana experience ...,... ..---. &&ROe Jerry Greer, to resubdlvlde 3

In te&cttl.q children. Mra. Wool· We Buy Can and 8c:np Maal For tree estlmatJon o! asphalt R-2 lots at 110 Sonora St.. ~a · Cout Blway It ~tUa Ave. ~ ~ Corona del Kar, OK UBERTY .. ~ pavine, cradlnr and rocking, call i shore Colony, to create :l R-2 lots.

<=- del Mar ., Placelda A-.... a.ta ... ORlo&. 3-«552 cw U 8-3.W. lL H. Holbrook. 2l!ln. W. BalbM

PIANO A ORGAN SALE, El~· iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii_. .... iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~iiiiiiiiiii tronlc Splnet <>raan.a; Lowery, Maple like new, many otbena, save more than halt price on AOme. Schmldt·PbJlUpa, North Main at 6th Santa Ana.

PIANO Accordions. 120 Bass. Big Bargains from S87. like new. Schmldt-Phtlllps. 6tb and Main, Santa Ana.

PIANO • ORG:::-AN:-::--::-SA7CI;-;.E,=-::6:-::~-a~uu~­ful Spinet Planos all perfect, Maple, Ebony, Cherry, Fr. Prov., Blonde; some repossessed, rent rt>turns, trade-Ina, 2 slightly damaged In ahlpplna. Save up to $275. 3 years to pay balance. Schmldt-Phllllps, 520 No. Main, Santa Ana.

PIANO lr ORGAN SALE, repoe· sessed Wurlltzer Spinet, hurry to see this. Rent new Spinet, ~l~t your finish . Schmidt· Phillips, 520 No. Main,. Santa Ana.


Fumlshed 2 bdrm. apt. winter rental, $100 mo. plus utll., 224~ Garnet Ave., Balboa Island. OR 3 -7586.

COM RENTA~2 bedrms., fenced patio, newly dec. So, of HWy. Unfurn. S87.50 plus utp. Wald · ron Realty, D Marine, 8. L OR 3-1730. •

CLEAN- AND- ATrRACTIVE un· furnished 2 bdrm. duplex wtth garage, &ardener, auto. washer, manrle, TV antenna. Slove, re· frlgerator and drapes avail· able. Adults, no pell, no leue, 620 Acacia, Corona ael Mar.

NICELY - FURNISHED 3 room bachelor apt. w1tb earage, utll· Illes paid, 325 Orchid, CorOna del Mar- OR 3-7097.

:------:.--:--, LA)lGE ATTRACTIVE wdl fur·

nlsht'd bedroom lneludlnl ~ bath for employ~ near ~ach. May get b ad· .-rencea required. Ot 8·28&9.

FURNISHED APAllTMEN'J'S -Good location, pleasant nt· roundlnp. 610"- M.,.uerlte Aw .. eorona del Mar.



SALE STARTS Thursday. September 18

S,.cill Sale Prices .... _. Lalltr I lat.ial

CLUB CHAIR aep~art, saoo

SOFA ReplariJ $140.10

10% DOWN


LENGTHS 44" To 36" _____ .$12.50

3Jl/s'' to 45" ·- 13.68 Ul/s'' to 54" _ 14.7& 54Vs" to 63" - 15.68 831/tu to 72" ...... 16.76 n.v.·· to ec·· _ 1a.oo

66" $22.50 u.oo 2(.68 27.00 28.50 30.34


nr 132" $25..00 27.26 29.34 31.26 33.28 35.75

$3S.OO S37.88 37.50 t0.78 CQ.2S «.00 42..50 46.16 '5.00 G.68 "-.26 SUI

Are Your Prlees • • • •

1S4" U1.SO

51.00 S'-7& 51..00 81.50 86.26

116 ••

$50.50 sus 58.68 P-26 66.26 71.76

'54 50 . ... .•• sar

1!W. $60.00

64.50 69.50 13..50 18.00 M.OO

$63..00 68.00 13.50 1UO 83JJO 89.50


C!1rii A-1 USM Cars ewe file C-0-0-L-E-S-T -!

1955 CHEVROLET Belair 4 door Mdcm with ~de, radio. heater. etc. ... $1395

1957 FORD Country Sedan with fordomatic. radio, heater, etc. .... _ ___ ..... -........ _.. _.$239S

1958 EnSEL Citation- Beautiful light grMu with full power. radio. heater, automatic trcms­misa.iou. Just like new! _.$2895

1957 FORD VS Ranchwagon with overdrive ra-dio, heater s2095

1950 tORD lJ.. Ton Pickup

1947 FORD lfz Ton Pickup VB

s 495

$ 395

1956 FORD Customline 2 door six cylinder with fordomatic. radio. beater .$1295

1951 CHEVROLET lfz Ton Pickup. real nice$ 595

1956 FORD CLUB SEDAN (two to see). HaYe radio, heater. Fordomatic trans. $1595

1948 INTERNATIONAL 11/2 Chaaaia -

Ton. Cab and s 395

1956 FORD-tou pickup with c:ustom ca.b. over-drive. radio. heater, perfect cond. $1195

1956 VOLESW AGEN with sun roof $1495

1957 CHEVROLET Bel Air ~oor hardtop with powerqlide. radio, heater $2295

Page 12: CGil iD Your Adl NOW10~ ORiole 3-0550archive.newportbeachlibrary.org/NBPL/0/edoc/1156340/1958-09-18... · LOCATING THE SPOT to install ... port Chamber will a pa ne Committee should

Cba.rmJa1 borne with 3 be4J'ooma, 2 batha. J'ulJ.y earpec.d. cuatorn dra;e.. dJ&hwaabe1 and dt.pouJ.. 1'7!10 eq. tt. ot deltahttuJ ta.mUy llvJna nea.r private beach.

Immediate possession.

. ... VII 1•1, llllttr


,_ l•sn'llss' ............ , .•. 3~~~'-~ · ben ....,..... and llqift8 l(ql • • cau _,. at Benry'a --.waat at 2530 W. Cout Hwy., Newport ... eb. ,_ tbe put lftOO&b, .,.. bema held over b a.DOtMt mcmth.

They are a1eo plaJmlq acme reeordtnca of tbelr maalc befon they law for Lu Veau at the tM of their Harbor eqqemenl

U QAI. lf'O'I'IC2 No. A·31SlS




1-2393 TUSTIN AVE. Back Bay View


2--30626 MAIUL YN OR., SOUTH LAGUNA · Ocean VJew



OPEN HOUSE DAILY - SUBMIT TRADES NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN to the credltora of and aU persona havlnt claims araJ.nat the said decedent or said estate to file ------------~·---------them with the necessary vouch · era In the office ot the Clerk of the Su~rlor Court of the State of CallfomJa, In and tor the County

JIM VNEL, IULT. 400 N. Newport Blvd. <Oppc»Jte Hoae Hospital} Newport Beach

Uberty 8·1617


ARMO . . 3034 E. Coast Hiahway Corona del Mar, Callt.

ORJole 3·7560

1880 Park Ave., Costa Mesa- M16·1875 of Orante, or to present the same, ---------------------­with the necuaary vouchers. to the underai6Jled at his or her phace of business, to·w1t:

Carnie! Januena, Executor, c/ o Harwood HeUeman It Soden. 3355 vta Lido, Newport Beach, CaUfomla within six months alter the first publication of this ;:==========================================, notlce. Dated September 11, 195&

3 bedroom home, hardwood floors, dining room and separate breakfast nook. Dble. garage, near transporta . tlon and markets. Individually built,

it pays for itseH the

exciting ne' v Citroen

STD. MODEL $2695


CAMIEL JANSSENS Executor of the Estate

ot said decedent. Harwood, Hetternan It

Soden Attorneys at Law

3355 Via Lido Newport Beac~all!.

ORJole 3·r.utU PubUsh : Sept. 18, 25, Oct. 2, 9.

In the Newport Harbor Ensign.

e Too Late to Classify

• $12,600! (WJ IJ need a pprox. $3.900 down)

P. S. It 's fu rnished, too.


WE ARE HU~NG for a couple ---------------------­who want a clean, well fur ·


nlshed apt. with harbor en · trance and ocean view. Quiet netehborhood. Yearly · no pets. Phone OR 3·3294, 209 Margue. rite, Corona del Mar.

BEST J:OcA TIO= N=-=-c=o:::-;;Mc;--- -,U'"n-.f;-u-r· nls hed 2 bdrm. house for rent. hdwd. floors. Accept 1 teen · ager, no pets, yr. lease, Owner 222 Heliotrope.

WANTED: IRONING In my home $1 .25 hr., Mabel Whitman, 607 Marguerfte, Corona del Mar, OR 3·Z174.

• UDO ISLE 1118111

Lots of living to be done In this roomy 3· bedroom with sleep· Ine porch and 3 baths.

The lar&e 52~ ·tt. wide patto Ia eo rteht tor Udo llvln • . Juat a atone's throw from the Lido Club· house beach, too.

~ Do you k "o~~~~~~"• ~~ow"~~ .easooable? t This won't last. Ours Exclusively, ~


t )·

l t


l•lll"r _. .... ,, ..,._ 21, Zl 3 Be4roem Hou.se on 4S.It Lot wlth South VJew

Two blocb from "LJttJe Corona., Beach

IIIIM IULTY Ill IIVEITIEIT Cl. Acrou from Security Bank

2828 E. COAST IDGHW AY, COM Phone ORiole 3·3TTO


Buy tor future expansion. Very nice, newly decorated

WJth extra laree llvlrtg room, dlnlna room and kltcheJl.


Plans tor earage, bedroom and bath Included.

. W. A. TOBIAS, Realtor MATI' LABORD&-Manaeer

"You'll Like Our Friendly Service"

220 E. 17th St. Costa Mesa U 8·11.39 (Acroa atreet 1rom Thrifty Drur Store}

EvenJnp Call Ml6·1050- OR 3·3507

SI .. ER'S UST Drhe Br •II C..pre Tllae


I.- Furnished beach cottaee . 514 Dahlia ........ .$13,750

2.-2 Bedrooms, 2~ baths. comfortable Uvtne-512 Jasmine ........................................ 16,750

3.-2 Bedrooms, like new condltlon-610 Larkspur ... - ................................ 16,930

4.-Corner lot, room to build another unlt-429 Orchid ........... - .................. -........... 1&950

5.-3 BedrooJN, fireplace, brk. patio-~ Fernleat ........... -.................... ..... 19,!100

THE VOGEL CO. Th is house Is not new and doesn't shine outwardly, but it has lots ot value as a basic tam · lly house, or as an Ideal vacation headquarters

TWO 1&10111111

1·2 LEm. LOTS

a1 E. Cout Hwy., Corona del Mar · ~RJole 3·2020 It ORiole 3·~

• -<::::::::::::> . recent economy . ..- ~ . winner with 37.9 ~~

. . . miles per gallon • . AI• OIL SUS~MSION MTIM • . tltllSD AT IS You're hlt rally IIOI!tnr on l ir' .. • • snos t11• COMPRESSED AIR1 You nevtr lttl 1 . bump ntvtr hu r a SG~~nd - t'ftil • NUSIT IISC HAm . on rou(htst roads' .

1 n.uct WIIEl1 IASl . . uti"" ~ C'Jt\~~- . . NION STUIIItl - _/ - •

--~'a ""tJ'~ -. YAIWU tWUIICl • . sw..uvn ••£ !};= .___ .

'-..... . OYEUIM .

F'JONT WNUL D•lvt • FOAM .... SUTS . World's most rts~sive, maneuve r· .

Hum•• • · able c~r' yet the safest ' . . V(JfTlUTIOI .

if;~ . IUUitiM sun . . CNIC rMISWf STYLHII .

. Lzt"'~ ~ . .

_.....~.... ,_.~ • All futures listed ltlovt • AIJTOMATIC IACliNI . ate standard equipmtnt -.

lutOIIIItic clutdl, powtf Pull • switcll under the dash. t ~e car . • stHfinc llld JIOWt ~~r•;na )Ids Itself up 1 You chance a ttre • wtthout phystcat eliot I' • available 011 tile OS rnodtl . . •

• • c ;:fRO EN


This chok e S2 12·ft . lot Is worth most of the $33.000 asking price. Only $9,500 down, It you wish. The balance on long term Sav· lng It Loan financing.

Present owners ar..e moving aoon and want to SELL, so tele· phone us NOW for appointment


$Jl- fer .... ., •• w. ~ ................ ....

3542-B E. COAST HWY., CORONA DEL MAR ORiole 3·5540

to see this bargain : ORiole 3 ·4400 --------=------------ ---­eves, ORiole 3 ·5336. ....... , .......

Newport Blvd. at 30th St.

Newport Beach


1647 SQUARE FT .



BUlLT IN KITCHEN ...... •• ., .. .. $17,410

f79S to $995 Down

WILIIT ... TIICT CorMr Santa Ana It Walnut PL



ATTENTION BROKERS WUl give open listing on 3729 Ocean Blvd., Corona del

Mar. Holdtne o~n holl5e dally 11 a .m. to 5 p.m . Price

redu~d to $112.000. For further lnfonnatlon caJJ Mrs.

Mayberry, ORJole J . 7696 .


WEST CLIFF Overlooklna the Upper Bay 1n Newport Beach



WESTCUFF often fuclnatJna lnnovaUona 1n a . tertor and Interior desfp, by the IDOit c:reaUve of our contemporary a.rcbJtecta. Every fad.JJty for tbe tuU enJO)'D)ent ot llY1~ Ia bere, (nan atmo.pbeN of dJpltjt and dwm. .....

Down Payment. I

~ toM,teO


UIE Pill ESTATES Exclusive Upper Bay Location In Newport Buch.

Situated on a FRESH WATER LAKE bl& enoueh for sailing of sma.U boats.

• • • All utilities underaround · Sidewalks In -

many lots have Back Bay VIew, too.

• • • ~rive out Irvine Ave.

Loti face on Irvine, Tustin, Santa Isabel and ' o chulve Heather Lane.

Salet otflce open dally 10 a.m. to 5:30 p.m •

.... IUI.UI, ..... u 8·7933

434 32nd St., Newport Beach ORiole 3·9m




• • • •


