CFC YOUTH FOR FAMILY AND LIFECFC YOUTH FOR FAMILY AND LIFE Crowd Circle CFC YFL Youth Camp Team Leaders Guide Description This manual was extracted from the general Youth Camp manual

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Page 1: CFC YOUTH FOR FAMILY AND LIFECFC YOUTH FOR FAMILY AND LIFE Crowd Circle CFC YFL Youth Camp Team Leaders Guide Description This manual was extracted from the general Youth Camp manual
Page 2: CFC YOUTH FOR FAMILY AND LIFECFC YOUTH FOR FAMILY AND LIFE Crowd Circle CFC YFL Youth Camp Team Leaders Guide Description This manual was extracted from the general Youth Camp manual


Crowd Circle

CFC YFL Youth Camp Team Leaders Guide


This manual was extracted from the general Youth Camp manual so that the team leader will have a

handy and ready reference during the actual Youth Camp.

This contains all of the team leader’s roles and responsibilities, general schedule of activities,

attitudes he should take, goals of the Youth Camp, etc.

I. General Schedule of Activities



5:00 - 5:30 Service team meeting

5:30 - 6:30 Arrival / registration

6:30 - 6:45 Gathering / Teaching of songs

6:45 - 7:00 Orientation of participants (by team leader)

Orientation of parents (by couple coordinators)

7:00 - 8:00 Dinner

8:00 - 8:30 Gathering of participants / Teaching of songs

8:30 - 8:35 Opening prayer

8:35 - 8:45 Icebreaker / Games

8:45 - 10:00 Session 1: GOD’S LOVE AND HIS PLAN FOR US

10:00 - 10:30 Discussion groups

10:30 - 10:35 Announcements / Closing song (if desired)

10:35 - 11:00 Informal fellowship

11:00 Lights out



6:00 - 6:30 Wake-up call

6:30 - 7:30 Breakfast

7:30 - 8:00 Common prayer time (include reflection)

8:00 - 8:15 Gathering participants

Opening song and prayer

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8:15 - 9:30 Session 2: WHO IS JESUS CHRIST TO ME?

9:30 - 10:00 Discussion groups

10:00 - 10:30 Break

10:30 - 10:45 Gathering of participants/

Opening song and short prayer


11:25 - 12:00 Activity and Confession

12:00 - 1:00 Lunch


1:00 - 5:30 One to ones / Letter writing to parents / Rest

5:30 - 6:30 Service team meeting with worship

6:30 - 7:30 Dinner

7:30 - 8:00 Gathering of participants / Opening prayer


8:45 - 9:00 Commitment to Christ Ceremony

9:00 - 10:00 Pray-over session

10:00 - 10:15 Group worship

10:15 - 10:30 Closing exhortation

10:30 - 11:00 Preparation for Entertainment Night

11:00 - 12:00 Entertainment Night

12:00 Informal Fellowship

Note: Participants may stay up, although they should respect those who want to sleep. Silence should be




7:00 - 8:00 Wake-up call

8:00 - 9:00 Breakfast

9:00 - 10:00 Common prayer time / Letter to parents writing activity

10:00- 12:00 Sports and Games

12:00- 1:00 Lunch


1:00 - 1:15 Gathering of participants / Teaching of songs

1:15 - 1:30 Worship

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1:30 - 2:00 Session 5: GROWING IN THE SPIRIT


2:00 - 2:15 Dedication

2:15 - 2:45 Dialogue with parents

2:45 - 3:00 Sharing from participants

3:00 - 3:10 Closing remarks/ songs

3:10 - 3:30 Preparation for Holy Mass

3:30 - 4:30 Holy Mass

4:30 - 5:00 Pack-up


DAY 3 - Alternate Schedule


7:00 - 8:00 Breakfast

8:00 - 9:00 Common prayer time / Letter to parents writing activity

9:00 - 9:15 Gathering / Teach of songs

9:15 - 9:30 Worship

9:30 - 10:10 Session 5: GROWING IN THE SPIRIT


10:10 - 10:40 Dialogue with parents

10:40 - 10:50 Sharing of participants

10:50 - 10:55 Final song

10:55 - 11:00 Preparation for Holy Mass

11:00 - 12:00 Holy Mass

12:00 - 1:00 Lunch (if available)

Note: The schedules written in this manual are guides for the Youth Camp service team. If circumstances call

for a different schedule, the service team should be flexible enough to follow as the Spirit leads.

II. Goals of the Youth Camp

The Youth camp should:

1. Introduce Jesus Christ to the participants

2. Encourage the participants to invite Jesus Christ into their lives

3. Invite the participants into the support environment of CFCYFL.

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III. How to Achieve These Goals

All YFL activities, most especially the Youth Camp, are defined by our YFL Culture. Our YFL culture

is our F.A.C.E. that we want people to see. Ensuring that such a culture is promoted in the Youth

Camp will help us in achieving its goals.

A. Fun

By enjoying the company of the participants in the Youth Camp; by always seeking to make them

comfortable; by always wearing a smile and being joyful in everything; by being the best example

for the participants in the Youth Camp will help encourage them to open up to God and to others


B. Acceptance

By making the participants feel welcome in the Youth Camp and not allowing them to feel left out

at any moment; by treating all the participants equally, regardless of how they look or act; and by

taking time to talk and listen to every participant will give them a sense of belongingness; all these

will make them feel secured in God’s love and give them the sense that they belong.

C. Christ-Centered

By showing the participants that Jesus Christ is at the center of everything we do in YFL; and by

letting them see that it is He who inspires and motivates us will allow them to accept Jesus Christ

as well into their lives later on.

D. Excellence

By giving the participants the best Youth Camp experience possible; by ensuring that everything is

done properly and punctuality; and by going the extra mile will make the participants feel that they

are important and loved by the YFL members, and above everyone else, by Jesus Christ.

IV. Attitudes of a Team Leader

A. The Team Leader should strive to be a man of vision.

1. He sees that the Youth Camp is not an end in itself but rather the beginning of a

process of growth for the participants.

2. He knows that follow up activities must be done after the camp, such as the Covenant

Recollection for the participants and Household Leaders Training for the Youth Camp

facilitators, and begins to make arrangements for this with the couple coordinators.

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Note: For new areas where there is no local YFL Chapter yet, the team leader makes

arrangements to set-up CFCYFL. The team leader therefore should always be ready with

training manuals, especially when out on mission.

3. He is always looking out for potential leaders and points them out to the couple

coordinators of the area.

B. The Team Leader should strive for clarity.

1. He makes sure that others see what he sees.

2. As the one who will be directly speaking to the participants, he clarifies and makes sure

that his assistant team leader, the couple coordinators and the service team have the

same understanding that he has about the circumstances during the Youth Camp.

3. He finds ways to make the participants relate to the sessions. This is done through

jokes, anecdotes, examples in current movies and music trends. He illustrates the

sessions in terms familiar to the participants.

C. The Team Leader should strive to have a heart for God and His people

1. He listens to God. The team leader prepares spiritually before the Youth Camp and he

constantly intercedes and prays to God throughout the Youth Camp.

2. He has a feel for the people. He mingles and relates with the service team. He mingles

and relates with the participants.

3. He loves the people he serves.

V. Roles and Responsibilities of a Team Leader

A. Every Youth Camp has a sole team leader; the team leader is always a brother, except in

special cases such as Youth Camps of exclusive all girls’ high schools, colleges and


1. The team leader leads the sessions.

a. He leads prayers and worship, and introduces the speakers.

b. He wraps up, summarizes, and emphasizes points for clarity.

c. While sessions are in progress, he should sit in front to listen.

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2. The team leader leads the service team.

a. Facilitates the service team meetings.

Listens to the inputs of the service team.

Gives instructions to the service team / receives instructions from the

couple coordinators.

Leads worship.

b. Makes sure that the service team knows what to do and ensures that they do it.

Runs through the regular activities of the Youth Camp with the service

team beforehand (e.g. one to ones, baptism).

Goes around during one to ones and baptism.

Regularly supports and instructs the camp servants.

c. Corrects the service team.

Corrects, if needed, the group as a whole or approaches individuals of the

service team for more personal matters.

Corrects the participants through their facilitators.

Note: In situations that are highly personal, correction is done one to one, with the help

of the assistant team leader; brother-to-brother, sister-to-sister. The couple coordinators

should course their corrections towards the youth through the team leader and the

assistant team leader.

d. Encourages the service team.

Exhorts them.

Takes every opportunity to affirm and commend them for doing well.

Gives advice to the members of the service team.

B. Supporting the team leader in every Youth Camp is the assistant team leader. The

assistant team leader is always a sister.

1. The assistant team leader is there to respond to the needs of the sisters and to provide

inputs in planning and conducting the Youth Camp.

2. The assistant team leader always stays in front so she can remind the team leader of

the things that should be said and coordinates with him on practical and pastoral


3. The assistant team leader oversees the registration on the first day of the Youth Camp.

4. The assistant team leader assigns and reminds the whole service team to be prayer

warriors during the Youth Camp.

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Note: In the same way, there are also two camp servants; one for the brothers and the other for the

sisters. Have one camp servant sit near the team leader for more effective coordination. The other

camp servant should be at the back, ready to bring input from the couple coordinators.

Other Roles and Responsibilities

A. The team leader and the assistant team leader work in consultation with each other for unity

and they provide focus on the service team.

B. Both the team leader and assistant team leader should be prepared to give any of the five


C. Both the team leader and the assistant team leader make sure that the Youth Camp schedule

is followed (ensures that the sessions start and end on time).

D. The team leader and the assistant team leader give inputs regularly regarding practical and

pastoral matters of the Youth Camp to the couple coordinators.

E. Both the team leader and the assistant team leader, together with the couple coordinators

intercede for the Youth Camp.

F. The team leader and the assistant team leader assist the speakers

1. Make sure that the speakers get to the Youth Camp venue on time.

2. Help the speakers in preparing for their sessions.

3. Help the speakers monitor the time to make sure the sessions do not take too long.

G. The team leader and the assistant team leader ensure that the culture of YFL is promoted and

followed during the whole Youth Camp.

H. The team leader and the assistant team leader make sure that the 10-Minute Rule is applied

during the Youth Camp. The 10-Minute Rule states that the set-up and preparations should be

done 10 minutes before the first participant or member arrives, thus allowing the service team

to greet and welcome all the participants as they come in.

VI. Practical Matters to Attend to

Pre Youth Camp

A. Conduct initial meetings between youth servants and couple coordinators.

1. Set expectations for the Youth Camp.

2. Make suggestions for Youth Camp assignments.

3. Set target number of participants for the Youth Camp.

B. The team leader and the assistant team leader, couple coordinators, and the administrators of

the Youth Camp venue should clarify and agree on the Youth Camp regulations. (E.g. curfews,

sports and entertainment activities, bonfire, types of prayers like Baptism or Pray over session,

noise level etc.)

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C. Plan follow-up activities for the Youth Camp.

Make sure that you will be able to announce at least one follow up activity to the participants

after the Youth Camp, e.g., Covenant Recollection and Household Servants Training.

D. Decide on the service team assignments (E.g. facilitators, speakers, sharers, etc.).

E. Set a Service Team meeting to:

1. Exhort / encourage the service team to prepare both physically & spiritually;

2. Go through the schedule of the Youth Camp;

3. Give out service team assignments (you may ask for volunteers)

a. In deciding on who the facilitators of the Youth Camp should be, it is important

that all those considered should have undergone the Household Servants

Training already as they will become the Household Heads of the participants

after the Youth Camp.

b. Don’t forget to assign someone to document the Youth Camp.

4. Go to confession.

Note: One of these initial service team meetings may be used for Youth Camp Training if the couple

coordinators and/or team leader feel that it is necessary. The couple coordinators should set the time

and place for these service team meetings.

Youth Camp Proper

A. General Pattern of the Sessions

1. Gathering / Teaching of songs

2. Worship or Short prayer

3. Introduction / Connection of sessions

4. Session proper

5. Sharing

6. Wrap-up / Summary

7. Discussion Groups / Activity

B. The Sessions and their Purpose

1. Orientation Session (Participants and Parents)

a. Sets the tone for the Youth Camp.

b. Clarifies the expectations and house rules of the Youth Camp.

2. Session 1: God’s Love and His Plan for Us

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a. Makes the participants aware of the truth that God loves us immensely and that

He has a great plan for all of us. The session also leaves them with the challenge

to respond to this love.

3. Common prayer time

a. Allows the participants to experience what having a personal prayer time is like.

b. After a brief explanation of this activity, one or two songs may be sung to help

make the participants see the importance of singing in giving worship to God.

c. For reflection, the participants may be asked to read scripture readings that will

help them recall the first session. (E.g. John 3:16, Psalm 139, Jeremiah 6:16).

Ask the participants to write down their reflections.

d. It is during this time that the idea of using a daily devotional or prayer journal to

aid in one’s personal prayer time is introduced.

4. Session 2: Who is Jesus Christ to me?

a. Makes the participants aware that Jesus Christ is alive in our lives, that He is

someone we can know in a personal way, that He is closer to us than we think

and that He is inviting us to have a personal relationship with Him.

5. Session 3: Repentance, Faith, Forgiveness and Healing.

a. Helps the participants become aware that sins and hurts in our lives become

obstacles for us to experience God’s love. The session helps the participants

realize that a personal relationship with Jesus Christ can only happen when we

first admit and become sorry for our sins, repent and forgive those who have hurt


b. Note: The participants should confess to a priest after the activity. Also, after they

have confessed, the participants are asked to write a letter to their parents.

6. The service team meeting

a. The team leader leads the service team in worship and intercession, gives

feedback, gives inputs for the Baptism activity, Leads prayer for empowerment

7. Session 4: Receiving the Power of the Holy Spirit.

a. Impresses the need for the Holy Spirit to strengthen and guide our lives and

clarifies how we can experience this power personally during the pray-over


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b. There is no need for unnecessary dramatic effects during the Baptism / Pray-

over session. Participants need not be in white. There is no need to turn the

lights of the session hall off; in fact the pray-over session must be conducted in a

well-lighted area. Crucifixes, rosaries and candles need not be placed in Pray-

over stations, but a crucifix can be placed in the session hall.

c. During the evening worship, the worship leader should not be the team leader.

8. Entertainment night

a. The Entertainment night is used as a time of celebration after the participants

have received the Holy Spirit. This also becomes a good venue for building

strong and lasting friendships among the youth

b. The participants and service team are both to prepare presentation numbers that

are brief and wholesome. For this evening, the curfew is often set to a later time.

9. Common prayer time on the third day

a. Reiterates the importance that the prayer time must be made into a daily habit.

b. The reflection activity for this prayer time may be used to finish the participants’

letters to their parents.

10. Session 5: Growing in the Spirit

a. Equips the participants with the knowledge of how to grow in their relationship

with God in terms of the different aspects of their lives.

b. The session also talks about Mother Mary and her importance. It also states the

importance of praying the rosary.

c. The session should be conducted in a prayer meeting format (There should be

full worship before the session). This further imparts the YFL culture to the

participants in showing what an assembly is like. It is in this session that the

participants are asked to join CFC YFL.

d. The session concludes the Youth Camp.

e. Note: The Dedication ceremony should be done by the team leader.

Post Youth Camp

A. Conduct leader’s trainings, such as Household Servants’ Trainings, especially for new areas

where structures are not yet in place.

B. Make sure that there are scheduled activities immediately after the Youth Camp that the

participants can look forward to (e.g. Covenant Recollection, household meetings, fellowships,

assemblies etc.)

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C. Prepare the Youth Camp facilitators to become the Household Servants of the members of

their Youth Camp discussion group, by conducting a Household Servants’ Training. (Refer to

Household Servants’ Training Manual)

D. Set a post-Youth Camp service team meeting with all the service team and couple

coordinators to evaluate the Youth Camp.

E. Make sure that a Youth Camp completion report is filled out and submitted to the next level

YFL couple coordinators and the area’s CFC FFL head. (see appendices of the Youth Camp


VII. Orientation Session Outlines

A. Orientation for participants

B. Orientation for parents

C. Parents forum

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CFC YFL Youth Camp Team Leaders Guide

Youth Camp Orientation for Participants

Note: This talk should be given by the Couple Coordinator of the area conducting the camp.

I. Welcome the Participants

A. Make the atmosphere light and joyful. Give jokes as an icebreaker.

B. Make it your goal to help everyone build friendships by the end of the Youth Camp. You may

ask the participants to mingle for a minute or two for them to get to know one another.

C. Welcoming Remarks:

1. Introduce yourself as the Youth Camp team leader.

2. Introduce all the service team and couple coordinators.

3. Explanation: What are they getting into? What is YFL? What is a Youth Camp?

II. Participants’ Expectations

A. What the participant may expect in the Youth Camp

1. Meet new friends.

2. Have fun.

3. Know more about God and grow closer to Him.

Note: Give a general picture of what the Youth Camp will be like.

A lot of people have different expectations about this Youth Camp. Some expect to cry or have an

emotional experience while some may have no expectations at all. Others may expect to come to great

revelations or may expect to be helped in making big decisions. Although, these may happen, these

are not the goals that we are aiming for. Rather, if they come out of this Camp being able to say that

they know God a little bit more, that they are closer to Him even more...then, we have reached the goal

of the Youth Camp.

B. Attitudes to take during the Youth Camp

1. God brought you here.

Whatever reasons you have for being here, it was God who brought you here. He wants to

do something in your life during the Youth Camp.

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2. Make the most out of the Youth Camp.

How much you give of yourselves in this Youth Camp is how much you will receive.

3. Participate, Don't anticipate.

Don't keep thinking of what might happen next. But rather, participate in the present

activity. Pray, when it's time to pray. Sing, when it's time to sing. Rest, when it's time to rest.

4. Don't analyze or criticize. Be open to new things.

5. Expect God to work.

If we truly desire Him and seek Him, we shall find Him. This is God's promise.

C. What They Should Know

Note: At this point, the team leader may pass on the microphone to the brother camp servant, as one who

is being trained for leadership, for the following information.

1. Give the Youth Camp house rules and other related important information such as the

time of wake-up call, off limits areas etc.

2. Whom to approach, if the participants need anything.

a. Practicalities (e.g. bed sheets, phones, toothpaste)

b. Emergencies (First Aid)

3. Reminder to always bring a pen, paper/notebook, and a Bible with them during the


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CFC YFL Youth Camp Team Leaders Guide

Parents Orientation

Note: This talk should be given by the Couple Coordinator of the area conducting the camp.

I. Welcome the Parents of the Participants

A. Make the atmosphere light and joyful. Give jokes as an icebreaker.

B. Make it your goal to help everyone feel comfortable with leaving their children at the Youth

Camp. You may mingle for a minute or two with the parents for them to get to know you


C. Welcoming Remarks

1. Introduce yourself as the Youth Camp Couple Coordinator.

2. Introduce all the CFC support team and other couple coordinators in the


3. Explain what their children are getting into. Explain to them what CFC YFL

is and what a Youth Camp is.

CFC YFL stands for CFC Youth for Family and Life, it is the youth ministry of Couples for

Christ Foundation for Family and Life (CFC-FFL) for ALL young people from 13-21 years

old. The Youth Camp is a three days and two nights retreat where young people can

hear and experience God through various talks, prayers and fun activities.

II. Expectations

A. What the parents may expect their children to experience in the Youth Camp

1. Meet new friends.

2. Have fun.

3. Know more about God and grow closer to Him.

B. General Overview of the Youth Camp

Run through the program of activities / schedule of the camp and give them an overview of all the

talks and activities in the Youth Camp

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C. Our Posture for this Youth Camp should be

1. God brought you and your children here.

Whatever reasons you or your children may have for being here, it was God who brought

you and your children here. He wants to do something in your children and with your

family life during this Youth Camp.

2. Trust

Don't worry of what might happen to your children in the camp. We ask you to trust us with

the care of your children and we assure you that they are in good hands for the next few

days with us. This Youth Camp is also a good opportunity for us to show our children that

we trust them by not continuously keeping an eye on them.

3. Expect God to work.

If we truly desire Him and seek Him, we shall find Him. This is God's promise to every one of

us here, and it is also God’s promise to you and to your children. I believe that through this

camp God is doing something great in your family life!

III. What They Should Know

A. For the success of this Youth Camp, we ask you not to visit your children until the last

day of the camp. This will help your children to reflect more about their life and their

relationships with you and their siblings. Hence, during the next three days I will be standing as

the second parent of all participants in the camp. I will stay in this venue together with your

children for the whole duration of the camp. In case you need to communicate or visit your

children please don’t hesitate to contact me.

Note: Please give your contact details to them.

B. Give the Youth Camp house rules that their children will need to follow inside the camp

(ex. No smoking and drinking) and other related important information such as the time of

wake-up call, off limits areas etc.

C. In the last session / talk of the youth camp (most likely to be a Sunday) we ask you

to please be here at 10:00 am with a love letter for your children. Your presence and your

letters are very important part of the session.

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D. End the orientation by thanking the parents for giving you the opportunity to bring

the youth closer to God.

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CFC YFL Youth Camp Team Leaders Guide

Parents Forum

Note: This talk should be given by the Couple Coordinator of the area conducting the camp. This is a 20-30

min forum given to all of the parents before the parent and the child pray over and dialogue. This talk is given

simultaneously with the participants’ Talk 5: Growing in the Spirit.

I. Welcome all the Parents

A. Make the atmosphere light and joyful. Give jokes as an icebreaker. You may mingle for a

minute or two with the parents for them to get to know you better.

B. Honor the parents for allowing their children to attend the youth camp and for giving their time

in this very important last day of the youth camp. Thank the parents for entrusting you with

their children during the duration of the Camp.

II. Welcoming Remarks

Introduce yourself as the Youth Camp Couple Coordinator and all the CFC support team and other

couple coordinators in the camp. Again explain briefly what YFL is and what a Youth Camp is.

Considering some of the parents might not have attended the parents’ orientation at the start of the

Youth Camp.

CFC YFL stands for CFC Youth for Family and Life. It is the youth ministry of Couples for Christ

Foundation for Family and Life for ALL young people from 13-21 years old.

The Youth Camp is a three days and two nights retreat where young people can hear and experience

God through various talks, prayers and fun activities. This is the entry point for a youth to be a

member of CFC Youth for Family and life.

A. Explain what happened to their children during the youth camp.

1. They had just finished listening to 5 Sessions namely: God’s Love and His plans for us;

Who Jesus Christ is to me; Repentance, faith, forgiveness and healing; Receiving the

power of the Holy Spirit and Growing in the Holy Spirit.

2. They were taught the basics of prayer and worship.

3. They met new friends from both participants and service team.

4. Some of them have shared their talents such as singing, dancing and playing musical


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5. They had the sacrament of confession.

6. Note: A YFL Service Team member could give a 3-5min sharing about the current

Youth Camp Experience with the participants. It should highlight what the participants

have been up to inside the camp. The YFL Service Team member should also share

his or her personal youth camp experience and how God change him or her for the

better through the CFC YFL Community.

B. Explain what will happened after the youth camp

The Youth Camp is not an end but just the beginning of our personal walk with the Lord. As we

continue to help your children nurture their new found relationship with God, we would like to ask

for your support in achieving this by allowing your children to:

1. Attend Their Households.

All YFL members belong to smaller and more intimate groups that we call ‘Households’.

These Households regularly meet. At the end of this Youth Camp, your children will be

assigned to a Household.

2. Attend Their Assemblies

All YFL members attends a monthly chapter assembly that give teachings to your children

in living out their renewed conviction and love for God

3. Attend Activities

By allowing them to attend official CFC YFL Activities your children can sustain and

develop the friendships that they established during the Youth Camp. They will also be

given opportunities to develop their talents and create a desire in them to use such gifts in

serving the Lord. They will also be led back to the Church because our activities allow them

to serve in their respective parishes.

Hopefully, the positive experience of the Youth Camp will remain a special memory that your

children may look back to and draw strength from throughout their lives.

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C. Important reminders

1. It is important for all the parents to understand that the renewal process of their children

doesn’t end in the youth camp but a life-long process.

2. As parents, they are still the prime movers in their children’s spiritual renewal and so we

encourage them to be a source of encouragement to their children in this process of


3. It is important that they support their children in being an active member of CFC Youth

for Family and Life.

D. Invite the parents who are non-community members to join Couples for Christ

Foundation for Family and Life.

1. Announce the important details regarding the upcoming local Christian Life Seminar.

(CLS) Note: Make sure that the local CFC FFL will have all the contact details of all the

non-CFC FFL Members for evangelization purposes.

E. Explain the process of parent and child pray over and dialogue

1. After our forum the team leader will give the go signal for all the parents to their child.

2. The couple coordinator will be leading all the parents to pray over their child.

3. The youth team leader will be leading all the participants to pray over their parents.

4. The parent and child will be given 30 minutes to have their dialogue at any comfortable

place inside or outside the session hall. They could start the conversation by reading

each other’s love letters.

5. Everyone is expected to go back at the session hall for the next activity.