CFC Mediterranean Basin Review, 06 March 2012

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    C I V I L - M I L I T A R Y F U S I O N C E N T R E

    Mediterranean Review

    In Focus 1Horn of Africa:Land & Sea 2North Africa 4Northeast Africa 6Syria 8

    The Civil-Military Fusion Centre

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    This document provides an overview of developments in the Mediterranean Basin and other regions of

    interest from 29 FebruaryMarch 05, with hyperlinks to source material highlighted and underlined in

    the text. For more information on the topics below or other issues pertaining to the region, please contact

    the members of the Med Basin Team, or visit our website at

    06 March 2012

    In Focus: The Trial of NGO Workers in EgyptBy Angelia Sanders

    Amnesty International (AI) reports that on 29 December, Egyptian authorities launched surprise

    raidson 17 offices used by local and foreign civil societyorganisations in the country. The raids

    were part of an investigation into foreign funding, as Egypts leadership has maintained it will not

    tolerate foreign interferencein the countrys internal affairs, reportsReuters. Two of the 17 groups

    targeted in the investigation were prominent US-based,pro-democracy groups, the National Dem-

    ocratic Institute (NDI) and the International Republican Institute (IRI), the latter of which has been

    implicated in a number of attempted coups dtatabroad since the 1990s, according to Inter Press

    Service (IPS). During the raids, documents, machines and laptops were confiscated by Egyptian

    authorities. Voice of America (VOA) reportz that on 08 February, Egypt filed formal criminal

    chargesagainst 43 foreign and local activists for working in Egypt without a license and for re-ceiving illegal foreign funding. A travel ban was also put in place to prevent the charged foreign

    nationals from leaving the country. Egypt claims that the United States, the European Union (EU)

    and some Arab countries have been illegally funding non-governmental organisations (NGOs) in

    Egypt. Additionally, Egypt claims that security forces found evidence that some NGOs were col-

    lecting information on locations of Egyptian military units which officials felt posed a threat to

    Egypts national security.

    The official trialof NGO workers began on 26 February with the reading of the charges and was

    subsequently adjourned until 26 April, reports BBC. According to a court official, all three judges

    in the trial of the NGO workers removed themselves from the case, forcing a postponement until a

    new panel of judges is appointed, reports al Jazeera. The lead judge, Mohammed Shoukry, said

    that the court felt uneasiness in handling the case. (continued on page 9)
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    C I V I L - M I L I T A R Y F U S I O N C E N T R E P R E S E N T S

    Horn of Africa: Land & SeaBritta Rinehard [email protected]

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    06 March 2012

    EritreaState-run news service Shabaitsays new solar panelswill be installed at Adiquala hospital. According to the hospitals director, Mr.

    Sirak Debas, the solar energy will be used to ensure that the hospital can continue its work in the event of an electrical outage. Mben-

    di informs that photovoltaic (solar energy) is used throughout the country and many clinicsare using solar energy; meanwhile, al-

    most 80% of the Eritrean population does not have access to electricity.

    EthiopiaThe firstEthiopia-South Sudan Joint Ministerial Committee meeting was hosted by South Sudan 27 February to 02 March in Juba,

    according to Sudan Tribune. The two countries signed eightmemorandums of understanding (MOU) in an effort to improve their

    diplomatic and economic ties. At the conclusion of the meetings, Ethiopia and South Sudan signed a joint strategic partnership to

    promote development, peace, security and stability in the region and the whole of Africa. According to the article, South Sudanese

    Foreign Minister Nhial Deng Nhial praised Ethiopia for its role during the South Sudan cessation from Sudan and its continued in-

    volvement to help resolve remaining issues between the two countries.

    The 2012 World Economic Forum (WEF) on Africa will be hostedby Ethiopia from 09 to 11 May in Addis Ababa. According to

    event organisers, over the last 10 years, Africa has become home to six of the worlds 10 fastest growingeconomies. Improved

    macroeconomic and political stability are seen as factors contributing to the continents 2012 projected growth rate of six percent.

    Indio-Asian-News Service (IANS) further reports that approximately 700 attendeesare expected to participate in the forum which will

    focus on strengthening leadership, accelerating investments and scaling up innovations in Africa.

    Associated Press (AP) reports that ousted Yemeni President Ali Abdullah Saleh may go into exile in Ethiopia. According to his

    aides, Saleh and some of his family members could leave the country at any time due to increasing internal pressure. In the past,

    Oman and the United Arab Emirates were mentioned as possible destinations for his exile. According to AP, a diplomat in Sana said

    that a visa was issued for Saleh to go to Ethiopia and his belongings have been shipped. However, Bikya Masrreports that the Ethio-

    pian government is not awareof these plans, since they have not received a request for a residency permit or asylum.

    KenyaAccording to al Jazeera, on 02 March, Ethiopia, Kenya and South Sudan launcheda USD 25 billion development project near Lamu,

    Kenya to build a port, oil refinery and rail network. The railway will connect Kenya with South Sudan and Ethiopia while the new oil

    pipeline will stretch from Juba, South Sudan to Lamu. The costs will be shared by all three countries with a possible contribution

    from China. Lamu is a United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) world heritage site and its

    coastline offers one of the worlds richest marine ecologies. Citizens, who are highly dependent on fishing and tourism, took to the

    streets to protest against the building projects in Lamu, reports al Jazeera. They are concerned about the negative impact these plans

    might have on their livelihoods. Security is also a concern, as Lamu is located close to the Somali border and bandits in northern

    Kenya and al Shabaab fighters could threaten the portproject.

    Kenya has signed a bilateralpower purchasedeal with Ethiopia, which allows Kenya to import 400 megawatts (MW) annually from

    Ethiopia, reports the Star. In an effort to address Kenyas high power demand, Kenyan Energy Minister Kiraitu Murungi Kiraitu

    says the government has been heavily investing in geothermal energy production and Kenya is expected to produce about 5,000 MW

    of power by 2020 from geothermal production alone. Kenya expressed interest in future collaboration with Ethiopia on geothermal


    SomaliaIntegrated Regional Information Networks(IRIN) warns that over the next three months, drought is likely to return to the Horn of

    Africa (HoA). Poor and erratic rains in the region have been forecasted by the Climate Prediction and Applications Centre ( ICPAC).

    While the drought in Somalia and parts of the HoA is not expected to reach 2011 levels, the regional coordinator of the UN Interna-

    tional Strategy for Disaster Reduction (ISDR), Youcef Ait Chellouche, plans to meet with several disaster risk managers and agen-

    cies to develop an early action plan, since the response to the forecast of the drought in the HoA in 2010 -2011 has been criticised for

    being too slow. These findings were the outcome of the 30th Greater Horn of Africa Climate Outlook Forum (GHACOF30), which

    wasbackedby the United Nations (UN) and took place in Kigali, Rwanda.

    The African Union Mission in Somalia (AMISOM) and Transitional Federal Government (TFG) troops seized an al Shabaab base in

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    Page 3

    06 March 2012

    Have a question on the Horn of Africa: Land & Sea?Submit an RFI or recommend a topic for future In Focus coverage.

    Contact us at [email protected] visit us online

    We look forward to hearing from you!

    northern Mogadishu. Maslah base was used to launch attacks on the capital and served as a training camp for rebels. According to

    Reuters, the base is now under the controlof AMISOM and TFG forces and the main road connecting Mogadishu to the central part

    of the country is now accessible.

    On 01 March, Garowe reports that al Shabaab insurgents allegedly attackedGarbarharey. The town is located in the Gedo region

    and was once controlled by al Shabaab. The town now serves as base for Ahlu Sunna Wal Jamaa ( ASWJ) and TFG troops. Accord-

    ing to the article, part of the local hospital was destroyed by mortar, with at least 30 people injured and more than 15 killed.

    Despite al Shabaabs withdrawal from Mogadishu, security remains fragile for civilians in the capital, reportsIRIN. On 28 February,

    director of the private Somaliweyn Radio station, Abukar Hassan Kadaf, was killed in frontof his home. Only a few days prior, five children were killed when a bomb exploded. Am-

    nesty International deputy director, Michelle Kagari, said that unless the people who are

    responsible for attacks are held accountable, the security situation will not improve. While the

    same article states numerous al Shabaab defectors have now been recruited by the TFG and

    could be perpetrating the current wave of insecurity, these claims are dismissed by govern-

    ment security forces.

    ABBCarticle from 05 March saidthat a Somalia journalist, Ali Ahmed Abdi, was shotdead

    by gunmen in Galkayo, the capital of Mudug region. He is the third Somali journalist killed

    this year and the 30th journalist in Somalia to be killed since 2007. Garowe reports that Mr.

    Abdi had been workingat Radio Galkayo for the past six years.

    PiracyThe Panama

    -flagged, chemical oil product tanker MT Royal Grace and its crew of 22 have

    been hijackedby pirates according to Somalia Report. They are now on their way to the So-

    mali coast. The vessels ship-owner is based in Dubai, United Arab Emirates and last had

    contact with his vessel on 04 March.

    The Seychelles agreed to accept and prosecute15 suspected pirates, who are currently in the

    custody of the US military, reports AP. The Seychelles have plans to hand-over19 convicted Somali pirates to a prison located in

    northern Somalia, according to anotherAParticle.

    The Contact Group on Piracy off the Coast of Somalia (CGPCS)Working Group 3 (WG3) met on 28 Februaryin Washington DC.

    The agenda included the review of the preliminary guidelinesfor private maritime security companies (PMSC), which are close to

    being finalised, according to the Danish Maritime Authority. The completion of the guidelines will be important, as currently there

    are no international guidelines or standards for security companies offering armed protection of ships. The chairmanship for WG3,

    which until now has been held by the United States, will transfer to South Korea.

    On 28 February, an Allied Maritime Command HQ Northwood press release announced that HDMS ABSALON, part of NATOs

    Operation Ocean Shield, was able to successfullydisrupt a pirate mothership at an undisclosed location and detained the ships 17

    pirates. Two of the ships crew members were found wounded and subsequently died; the others were released. In further NATO-

    related news, the NATO Shipping Centre (NSC) reported during 23-29 February, in separate incidents, one dhow was hijacked, one

    merchant vessel approached and one attacked.

    Allied Command Operations (ACO) reports that in late February, Rear Admiral (LH) Sinan Azmi TOSUN, Commander of OOS,

    visitedKenya and Tanzania where he met with the Kenyan Chief of Navy as well as the Tanzanian Chief of Navy. The discussion

    included an overview of OOS as well as the importance of the regional countries support to counter piracy activities in ensuring

    the safe transit of the merchant vessels.

    European Union Naval Force (EU NAVFOR) Somalia - Operation ATALANTA reports that on 28 February, the German warship

    FGS BERLIN disrupteda Pirate Action Group in the Gulf of Aden, which resulted in the release of the pirated Indian-flagged dhow

    and its crew of 25 Indians.

    Somali Reportinforms that the Puntland Marine Police Force (PMPF) dispatched a unitto Eyl to construct an airstrip, perform water

    drilling and establish a base for future anti - piracy operations. Last week, pirates anchored the hijacked MV Leila off the coastal

    town of Eyl, but the mayor and residents were able to force the pirates to relocate the vessel, which is now said to be heading to-

    wards Hobyo. Until last week, Eyl had been free of piracy since 2010.



    Source: US State Department

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    C I V I L - M I L I T A R Y F U S I O N C E N T R E P R E S E N T S

    North AfricaErin Foster [email protected]

    AlgeriaAlgerian Prime Minister Ahmed Ouyahia told reporters the government is committed to eradicating terrorismin the country follow-ing an attack on a police station in Tamanrasset, a remote desert area 1,800 km (1,100 miles) south of Algiers, according to Middle

    East Online. The attack was reportedly carried out by a splinter groupof Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb (AQIM) called the Jamat

    Tawhid Wal Jihad Fi Garbi Afriqqiya or Movement for Unity and Jihad in West Africa (MUJWA). Tamanrasset is home to a region-

    al security task force which aims to counter AQIM, with participation from Algeria, Mali, Mauritania and Niger. MUJWA gained

    international attention following its abduction of foreign aid workers in October 2011. Agence France-Presse (AFP) reports that the

    group has demanded a ransomof USD 39 million for one Italian and two Spanish aid workers taken hostage last year. The hostages

    were kidnapped from a refugee camp in western Algeria run by the Polisario Frontwhich seeks independence for Western Sahara.

    The AQIM splinter group seeks to spread jihadto West Africa and not confine its activities to the Maghreb or Sahel regions. In re-

    lated news, Algerian President Abdelaziz Boutefilka has signed a new terror finance lawwhich requires banks in the country to mon-

    itor transactions that are suspicious, says Magharebia. Benkhalfa told reporters banks have a responsibility to manage, control and

    balance all cross-border flows of capital into and out of Algeria.

    Algerian opposition partyFront of Socialist Forces (FFS) has announced it will participate in the May parliamentary elections break-

    ing its 15-year boycott of elections, according toReuters. FFS officials say their decision was prompted by the recent announcement

    of foreign election monitors and that the newly elected parliament will work to rewrite the countrys constitution.

    LibyaPrime Minister Abdurrahim el Keeb appeared on Libyas state-run television programme, Meet the Minister, reports Tripoli Post.

    El Keeb emphasised the importance of a united Libya free from chaos and pseudo -revolutionaries. He cautioned against the push

    for a federal system, explaining that a decentralised process was still in development and government offices would soon be estab-

    lished in Benghazi and Sabha to meet the needs of local citizens. Leaders from the eastern region of Cyrenaica are hosting the first

    ever Congress of the People of Cyrenaica near Benghazi on Tuesday 06 March, reports Reuters. Five thousand people are ex-

    pected to attend the Congress which will debate proposals for a decentralised form of government in Libya. Libya had a federal form

    of government for its first 10 years as an independent State, prior to the Gaddafi regime.

    On 02 March, the United NationsInternational Commission of Inquiryon Libya reported its findings regarding the probe into hu-man rights abusesin Libya. The Commission says crimes against humanity and war crimes were carried out against the civilian

    population by both pro-Gaddafi and rebel forces. Breaches of international human rights law continue to be carried out by militias,

    with targeted attacks noted against Tawargha and other communities suspected of supporting Gaddafi. The Commission called on

    Libyan authorities to break with the Gaddafi legacy by enforcing the law equally, investigating all abuses irrespective of the per-

    petrator []. Further, the Commission on Libya says it did not have enough information from NATOto determine if proper pro-

    cedure was followed to avoid civilian causalitieswhich occurred during five of 20 airstrikes investigated, reports New York Times.

    However, the Commission did find that NATO utilised a highly precise campaign as part of efforts to avoid civilian causalities.

    NATOs spokeswoman Oana Lungescu told reporters that an internal review process was performed and has confirmed that the

    targets struck by NATO were legitimate military targets selected consistently with the UN mandate, []. In other news, Libyan

    officials say they have unearthed the largest mass grave siteto date in Bin Jawwad eastern Libya containing 157 bodies of rebels and

    citizens, reportsAssociated Press (AP). Eighty bodies have been identified, with the remaining DNA samples being sent to Libyas

    Ministry of Martyrs, Wounded and Missing Persons registry which currently lists 7,000 missing persons.

    The Muslim Brotherhood has announced the formationof the Justice and Development Party in Libya led by Mohamed Sowan ofMisrata, reportsAP. According to its spokesman, Mohamed Gaair, the group has operated in Libya since 1949 but was persecuted by

    Moammar Gaddafis regime, with leaders such as Sowan imprisoned. The Muslim Brotherhood is thought to be the most highly -

    organised movement nationwide with representation in 18 cities.

    Libyas interior ministry officials say they have given a deadline to militias in the country to hand over control of border crossings

    by 05 March, saysBBC. However, many of the border points, in addition to the Tripoli International Airport, are under the control of

    rebel fighters who are unwilling to join the national defence force and see their role to protect vital entry points from climbers or

    profiteers and opportunists.

    According to al Jazeera, the National Transitional Council (NTC) in Libya has condemned the destruction of more than 200 head-

    stonesof British and Italian soldiers at the Benghazi War Cemetery and Benghazi British Military Cemetery by a group of armed

    men. The NTC says this isolated incident is not in keeping with Islam or Libyan public opinion and perpetrators will be pursued.

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    Reuters reports that the NTC has approved its budgetfor 2012 in the amount USD 52.7 billion which includes estimated reconstruc-

    tion costs. NTC officials also told Reuters that Libya will provide the Syrian National Council (SNC), the main opposition group in

    Syria, USD 100 million in humanitarian aid. Meanwhile, Libyas Land Ownership Committee has announced a two-phased plan to

    return lands and buildingsexpropriated by Moammar Gaddafi, reports Bloomberg. Under the first phase unused lands, empty shops,

    buildings and villas taken by Gaddafi and rebels will be restored to their rightful owners within a matter of weeks. The second phase

    will likely take a few years and involves the relocation of families residing in buildings on expropriated land.

    MaliReuters reports that the Malian army has been unable to reachthe town of Tessalit that has been under attack from Tuareg


    led Na-tional Movement for the Liberation of Azawad (MNLA) fighters for weeks. Tessalit is a strategic town near the Algerian border and

    officials say they will have to regroup their efforts to reach hundreds of soldiers and civilians trapped by the MNLA. Meanwhile, the

    International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) continues its efforts to monitor the detentionof those held by the MNLA in north-

    ern Mali. Following its last visit, three men were released and messages from others were delivered to family members.

    The United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) says that Malians continue to fleenorthern Mali fearing they may

    be caught in the fighting between Government soldiers and Tuareg rebels. Current estimates are that 80,000 Malians have fled to

    neighbouring countries including Burkina Faso, Mauritania and Niger while an additional 81,000 Malians are now displaced within

    their country. Officials of Burkina Faso told the Integrated Regional Information Networks (IRIN) they need assistanceto meet the

    needs of the nearly 20,000 Malians who have sought refuge in the country. An estimated 800 Malians are arriving daily and local

    authorities say they have exhausted their resources and capacity to respond. Medecins Sans Frontieres (MSF) says more than 28,000

    Malians are seeking refugein a border region of Mauritania. Aid officials warn that the closest hospital is 124 miles (200 kilometres)

    away or some six hours by road, creating an emergency health situation in addition to general food insecurity for the Malians and

    local community.

    MoroccoMoroccan officials from nine ministries have developed a road map for Moroccos National Platform for Disaster Risk Reduction,

    joining 78 other countries working tobuild resiliencein the event of a natural disaster, saysPreventionWeb. A forecasting and flood

    warning system has already been developed in the country with a geographic information system GIS -Risk in the planning stages.

    The Ministers of Interior for Morocco and Spain have agreed to enhance bi-lateral security cooperationfocused on fighting organ-

    ised crime, smuggling, terrorism, and illegal immigration,Magharebia reports. Joint police centres will be built in Tangier and Alge-

    ciras to improve intelligence-sharing between the countries.

    NigeriaNigerian immigration officials say that nearly 11,000 foreigners from Niger and Chad have been repatriatedin the past six months,

    reports AFP. According to authorities, Boko Haram militants recruit foreign fighters from neighbouring countries and this repatria-tion programme is aimed to undermine militant efforts. Meanwhile, according to the International Organization for Migration ( IOM),

    nearly 800 Chadian returneesfrom Nigeria are living without basic necessities in a remote area of the Chad -Nigeria border after flee-

    ing clashes between Boko Haram and the Nigerian military. A large number of those stranded are unaccompanied minors between

    the ages of 6 and 14, thought to have been sent by Chadian parents to study in Nigerian Koranic schools.

    Daily Trustreports that at least 12 public and private schools have been attacked by Boko Haramin Maiduguri since late February.

    Boko Haram has reportedly carried out the attacks in retaliation for raids on Islamic schools allegedly conducted by Nigerian securi-

    ty forces. At least 10,000 children are now forced to remain home with nearly all classrooms destroyed in the area.

    TunisiaTunisian officials toldReuters that the government is ready in principle to grantpolitical asylumto Syrian President Bashar al As-

    sad and his family if it results in the end to violence in that country. Tunisia maintains it is against military intervention in Syria and

    hosted the recent Friends of Syria conference on 24 February to find a peaceful solution to the current conflict (see 29 FebruaryMediterranean Review).

    The African Development Bank (AfDB) has signed a USD 42.9 million loan with Tunisian officials and the National Sanitation Au-

    thority for the rehabilitationof 30 waste water treatment facilities nation-wide and the promotion of irrigation techniques. The pro-

    ject is expected to benefit four million rural and urban residents and 4,000 farmers.

    Page 5

    06 March 2012

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    EgyptMuslim Brotherhood deputy Ahmed Fahmy has been chosen as speakerof Egypts Islamist-led upper house of parliament, reports

    Reuters. The Washington Postreports that election officials announced on 29 February that presidential electionswill begin on 23

    May and a new president will be named by 21 June. A final list of presidential candidates will be released on 26 April and cam-

    paigning will formally begin 30 April. In apress release, the European Union (EU) has called for free and fair elections in Egypt and

    has offered electoral support. Additionally the EU has expressed concern regarding the deterioration of [the] economic situation in

    Egypt. TheNew York Times reports thatbillions of dollarsin financial aid have been offered to Egypt on condition that democracy

    improves and human rights are protected. The African Development Bank ( AfDB), International Monetary Fund (IMF), World

    Bank, EU, US and Japanese governments have all begun talks to provide low-interest loans. The approval of the USD 3.2 billion

    IMF loan is seen as vital before other institutions and governments provide their respective loans, since additional funding is contin-

    gent on Egypt first securing the IMF loan. The article further states that the violence in the country has affected tourism, a main

    source of foreign currency, and therefore Egypt is in desperate need of the foreign currency the loans will bring. As foreign currency

    reserves drop, it becomes more difficult for Egypt to pay for imported goods. Bikya Masrreports that the United Arab Emirates

    (UAE) has increased investmentinto Egypt to USD 5.5 billion in the sectors of agriculture, telecommunications, real estate, infor-mation technology and banking services.

    According to the Washington Post, Egyptian authorities mistakenly announced they had arrested a manthought to be Saif al-Adel, a

    former security chief for Osama bin Laden and wanted in connection with the 1998 US embassy bombings in Kenya and Tanzania.

    However it soon became apparent that the wrong man was arrested. A USD 5 million reward is still offered for the arrest of Saif al -

    Adel, who remains a senior member of al Qaeda. In a separate incident, 12 Egyptian citizenswere detained in Qatar following a

    football match in the Qatari capital, Doha, reports Bikya Masr. The fans allegedly were carrying banners that condemned the Febru-

    ary Port Said violence in which 75 fans were killed (see 07 February Mediterranean Review).

    The BBCreports that morale is low within the Egyptian police forceas a result of the publics lack of respect for the police. In a

    BBCinterview, retired police brigadier Mahmoud Qutri detailed torture methods commonly used by officers. The ensuing security

    vacuum that has resulted after the fall of former President Hosni Mubarak has led to an increase in serious crimes and petty theft.

    South SudanIntegrated Regional Information Networks (IRIN) reports that the UN and several analysts have

    warned that South Sudans plans to begin collecting 20,000 weapons from civilians in Jonglei

    state in March is likely to worsen the security situationin the region. Almost 10,000 members

    of the South Sudan Army (SPLA) and police have been deployed to Jonglei for the disarma-

    ment operation. The operation will be conducted voluntarily and simultaneously between rival

    communities, but the government has stated that they will use force if necessary. These condi-

    tions will likely complicate the delivery of humanitarian assistance to the 140,000 people in

    Jonglei that have been affected by recent violence. IRIN further reports that the Danish

    Demining Group (DDG), the Small Arms Survey (SAS) and PACT issued a joint statement

    urging the government to avoid human rights abuses during the disarmament operation. The

    BBCreports that government authorities declared Jonglei a national disaster area following

    recent clashesthat left what is believed to be hundreds dead, villages burned to the ground and

    some 80,000 heads of cattle taken. According to the Sudan Tribune, South Sudan Vice Presi-dent Riek Machar urged the diaspora to stop spreading false informationabout disarmament

    activities. Machar was speaking to thousands of South Sudanese at Minnesota University in the

    United States.

    The UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs ( OCHA) warned in their Weekly Humanitarian Bulletinthat more than

    half of South Sudans 10 states will experience severe food shortages this year. The hunger season is expected to begin two months

    early in March and extend until September. The severity of the hunger season is expected to be further intensified by volatile food

    supplies and poor diets.

    The UN peacekeeping mission in South Sudan (UNMISS) provided a three-day training on human rights, democracy and the rule of

    law to South Sudanese army officers. The training was conducted in Western Equatoria state and will be carried out in all 10 states

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    C I V I L - M I L I T A R Y F U S I O N C E N T R E P R E S E N T S

    Northeast AfricaAngelia Sanders [email protected]


    Jonglei State - South Sudan,41796,41796[email protected]:[email protected]://[email protected]://,41796
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    of the country. South Sudan government spokesman Barnaba Marial Benjamin announced that the South Sudanese Democratic

    Movement rebel group, the largest in the country, has agreed to accept an amnesty offeredby South Sudan President Salva Kiir, re-

    ports Voice of America(VOA). Several senior rebel leaders will be granted positions in the government, while some of the groups

    1,800 rebel members will be absorbed into the national army. The rebel group was originally formed in 2010 by a renegade general

    in Jonglei state who was killed last year.

    According to the Sudan Tribune, the governments of South Sudan and Sudan will meet on 06 March to begin a new round of talks

    on the oil dispute (see In Focus section in 07 February Mediterranean Review). It is unknown if China will participate in the nego-

    tiations. Al Jazeera reports that political leaders from Ethiopia, Kenya, and South Sudan gathered in Kenyas mainland Lamu district

    on 02 March to launch a USD 25 billion project to build a port, oil refinery and rail network near the island of Lamu. It is expectedthat a pipeline will deliver South Sudanese oil to the new refinery (see Horn of Africa, page 2-3).

    SudanThe International Organization for Migration (IOM) released a press briefing on the first trainto transport South Sudanese from Su-

    dan to South Sudan since an agreement was signed between the two countries to repatriate South Sudanese living in Sudan. Most of

    the 1,400 on board the train had been waiting for government assistance to travel back to South Sudan. IOM reports that they have

    been supporting the Sudanese government in facilitating the voluntary movement of stranded and vulnerable South Sudanese. The

    large amount of possessions the returnees are bringing with them has been identified as a major challenge in transporting the return-

    ees who plan to rebuild their lives in South Sudan. Human Rights Watch ( HRW) has called on Sudan to not strip Sudanese nation-

    als of southern origin of theirSudanese citizenshipif they are unable or unwilling to acquire South Sudanese citizenship.

    News sourceFrance 24 reports that tensions are rising between South Sudan and Sudan as each country blames the other of support-

    ing rebelsin each others territory. According to the Washington Post, South Sudan has accused Sudan ofdropping six bombsalong

    the north-south border, causing damage to at least one oil well and polluting drinking water. Sudan has also been accused of amass-

    ing ground forces along the border.Al Jazeera reports that the Sudanese Foreign Ministry released a statement saying that the gov-

    ernment would file a complaintwith the UN Security Council (UNSC) and the African Union (AU) against South Sudan in regards

    to a rebel attack along the border during which the SPLA-N attacked a government base, killing 150 soldiers. Sudan has accused

    South Sudan of supporting the rebels, something South Sudan denies.

    On 01 March, the International Criminal Court (ICC) issued an arrest warrantagainst Sudanese Defence Minister Abdel Raheem

    Muhammad Hussein for crimes against humanity. Hussein is accused of 20 counts of crimes against humanity and 21 counts of war

    crimes committed in West Darfur state between August 2003 and March 2004. The Sudan News Agency (SUNA) reports that Sudan

    is not concernedwith the ICC arrest warrants. An unidentified gunman ambushed a United Nations -African Union Mission in Darfur

    (UNAMID) patrol on 29 February, killing one peacekeeperand wounding three others, reports the UN News Centre. To date, at least

    36 UNAMID peacekeepers have been killed as a result of hostile actions since the operation began in 2008. UNAMID announced

    that the Doha Document for Peace in Darfur (DDPD) was officially launchedon 04 March. The DDPD represents a peace agreement

    between the Sudanese government and the Liberation and Justice Movement (LJM).

    The Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs (FMPRC) reports that Chinese Vice PresidentXi Jinping met with visiting Sudanese For-

    eign Minister Ali Ahmed Karti on 28 February. The Ministry stated that both countries have maintained frequent high -level contacts

    and that China hopes to strengthen ties with Sudan. The diplomats further discussed Sudans ability to ensure the safety of Chinese

    citizens working in the country, and the on-going oil dispute between Sudan and South Sudan.

    In an effort to reduce dependency on food imports, Sudan plans to launch a new sugar plantthat will allow a 450,000 tonne increase

    in annual production of sugar, reports Ahram. Sudan is currently the third largest producer of sugar in Africa after South Africa and

    Egypt. In partnership with China and India, Sudan hopes to build four more plants that will increase production to 2 million tonnes

    annually by 2016.

    Page 7

    06 March 2012

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    GovernanceThe United Nations Human Rights Council (HRC) March Session began on 27 February in Geneva, with the escalating situation in

    Syria taking centre stage, reports the International Service for Human Rights (ISHR). Following an urgent debate on Syria, held

    by members of the HRC, the council issued a resolutionon 29 February condemning the continued widespread and systematic vio-

    lations of human rights and fundamental freedoms by the Syrian authorities and calls on the government to immediately put an

    end to all human rights violations and attacks against civilians.

    UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon met withthe Joint Special Envoy of the United Nations (UN) and the Arab Leaguefor Syria,

    Kofi Annan, on 29 February at UN headquarters in New York to discuss the way forward on ending the crisis in Syria, according to

    the UN News Service. Following a visit to Cairo on 07 March, Annan is expected to travel to Damascusfor his first official visit to

    the country. Palestinian diplomat Nasser al-Kidwa was appointed deputy special envoy for Syria after consultation with Ban Ki -

    moon and Kofi Annan on 05 February and is expected to join Kofi Annan as he travels to Syria on 10 March.

    China has also announced that it will send an envoyto Syria for a two-

    day visit meant to promote a six-

    point plan that Beijing hopeswill bring an end to the violence (see Chinas Statement here). Chinas former ambassador to Syria, Li Huaxin, is set to visit the

    country on 06 March. As stated by Foreign Ministry Spokesman Liu Weimin, China still maintains that a political solution offers

    the fundamental escape from the Syrian crisis, however, China believes that based on recent developments and changes in Syria, it

    is necessary for us to further explain our policies and proposals.

    SecuritySyrian government forces reportedly overran the cityof Homs on 01 March, as rebel fighters pulled out of the Baba Amr district in a

    tactical move, saysAgence France-Presse (AFP). Soldiers of the elite Fourth Armoured Division stormed the city on 29 February,

    following 27 days of continuous shelling by government forces. A Syrian security official maintained that the Syrian army was now

    in complete control of the neighbourhood, while anti-government sources continued to report barbaric operations against civilians

    by the Syrian forces.

    According to CNN, Syrian government forces have now turned their attentionto other cities that are sheltering rebel forces across

    the country. Opposition activists claim that raids and arrests have increased, with hundreds of civilians being detained over the

    weekend. Meanwhile, UN Under-Secretary-General for political affairs, Lynn Pascoe, told the UN Security Council on 28 February

    that deaths as a result of the Syria uprising are now well over 7,500 people.

    The Syrian National Council (SNC) announced on 01 March that it has established a Military Bureaucomposed of military and ci-

    vilian personnel to coordinate opposition groups on the ground. According to an SNC statement, the Military Bureau will track

    armed opposition groups, as well as organise and unify their ranks. The statement also explains that the SNC will work to provide

    the Free Syrian Army (FSA) with the support it needs to completely fulfil its defence responsibilities.

    Humanitarian AffairsFollowing apress statementissued by the UN Security Council calling on the Syrian authorities to grant immediate, full and unim-

    peded access of humanitarian personnel to all populations in need of assistance, UN Under-Secretary for Humanitarian Affairs and

    Emergency Relief Coordinator Valerie Amos is expected to travel to Syriaon 07 March. In a statement, Amos said my aim is to

    urge all parties to allow unhindered access for humanitarian relief workers so that they can evacuate the wounded and deliver essen-tial supplies. State-run Syrian Arab News Agency (SANA) reported that Amos will meet withForeign Minister Walid al-Moallem

    and pay visits to some areas in Syria.

    The second Humanitarian Conference on Syriawas held in Cairo on 04 March, organised by the Arab League, Organisation of Is-

    lamic Cooperation (OIC) and The Humanitarian Forum. The conference brought together humanitarian organisations from more

    than 70 countries. Participants offered ten recommendations for the humanitarian response in Syria, some of these include: neigh-

    bouring countries facilitating access and delivery of aid to affected people inside and outside of Syria; utilising all available opportu-

    nities to increase humanitarian access through diplomacy; developing accountable and transparent mechanisms to collaborate and

    channel aid through existing organisations in Syria; promoting collaboration between humanitarian agencies; improving coordina-

    tion mechanisms and partnership with private sector, civil society organisations and government agencies; and mobilising the role of

    the Arab League and OIC as the leading humanitarian coordination bodies in the region.

    Page 8

    06 March 2012

    C I V I L - M I L I T A R Y F U S I O N C E N T R E P R E S E N T S

    SyriaAmber Ramsey [email protected]!ut/p/c5/04_SB8K8xLLM9MSSzPy8xBz9CP0os3gXy8CgMJMgYwOLYFdLA08jF09_X28jIwN_E6B8JG55C3MCuoNT8_TDQXbiNwMkb4ADOBro-3nk56bqF-RGVHjqOioCAKQoUKM!/dl3/d3/L2dBISEvZ0FBIS9nQSEh/!ut/p/c5/04_SB8K8xLLM9MSSzPy8xBz9CP0os3gXy8CgMJMgYwOLYFdLA08jF09_X28jIwN_E6B8JG55C3MCuoNT8_TDQXbiNwMkb4ADOBro-3nk56bqF-RGVHjqOioCAKQoUKM!/dl3/d3/L2dBISEvZ0FBIS9nQSEh/[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]://!ut/p/c5/04_SB8K8xLLM9MSSzPy8xBz9CP0os3gXy8CgMJMgYwOLYFdLA08jF09_X28jIwN_E6B8JG55C3MCuoNT8_TDQXbiNwMkb4ADOBro-3nk56bqF-RGVHjqOioCAKQoUKM!/dl3/d3/L2dBISEvZ0FBIS9nQSEh/
  • 8/2/2019 CFC Mediterranean Basin Review, 06 March 2012


    Spokesman for the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees ( UNHCR) in Beirut, Dana Suleiman, says more than 2,000

    Syrian refugees have arrived in Lebanon from the Syrian province of Homs since 04 March following growing levels of violence.

    Rebel fighters and government troops were reportedly fighting in the city of Rastan, between Homs and Hama, with the FSA indicat-

    ing that they withdrew from the area to save the peoples lives. According to Captain Ammar al-Wawi of the FSA, it was a tacti-

    cal withdrawal in order to create better circumstances and to get ready for the next step. Meanwhile, the FSA claims it has moved to

    an offensive stance in an effort toprotect Syrian civilians.

    Spokeswoman for the International Committee of the Red Cross ( ICRC) Carla Haddad Mardini announced on 05 March that the

    organisation was still unable to access the district of Baba Amr in Homs. The Syrian authorities had agreed to allowthe organisation

    access to the neighbourhood on 02 March; however, reports on 05 March indicate that the district is still cut offfrom aid shipments.

    ICRC spokesman Hicham Hassan told reporters that ICRC and Red Crescent teams have accessed two nearby neighbourhoods in

    Homs, al-Inshaat and al-Tawzi al-Ijbari, where they are distributing food, blankets and hygiene kits.

    Page 906 March 2012

    (In Focus continued from page 1)

    A reporter with al Jazeera stated that the judges may beuncomfortable handling something that is less to do with the law but with

    wider political and diplomatic issues. Of the 43 charged, all but 14 are foreign nationals and include Americans, Germans, Norwe-

    gians, Palestinians and Serbs. Sixteen of those charged are Americans working for pro -democracy organisations in Egypt; one of the

    accused is Sam LaHood, head of Egypt operations for IRI and the son of US Secretary of Transportation Ray Lahood, reports the

    BBC. Nine of the 16 Americans left Egypt before the travel ban was issued; however, the detainment of the remaining seven, who

    took refuge in the US Embassy, ignited tense diplomatic discussions between the United States and Egypt. Following the travel ban

    placed on the Americans by Egypt, the US government warned that its annual contribution of USD 1.3 billion in military aidand

    USD 250 million in economic assistance to Egypt could be cut, reports al Jazeera. According to Reuters, throughout the dispute,

    Egypts military rulers have stressed the importance of maintaining a good relationshipwith the United States.

    On 01 March, Egypt lifted the travel banon those charged if they agreed to pay USD 330,000 each for bail, reports Arab News. The

    Council of Foreign Relations (CFR) reports that aid organisations NDI and IRI paid over USD 4 million in bail feesto release their

    employees, while Germanys Konrad Adenauer Foundationposted USD 500,000 bail for its two staff members. All foreigners who

    posted bail have promised to return to Egypt in April when the case resumes. CFR proposes that the decision to allow foreigners to

    leave Egypt was a result of US President Barak Obamas implicit threat to block the International Monetary Fund from providing aid

    to Egypt, something Egypt desperately needs (see Northeast Africa section). However, the lifting of the travel ban has created po-

    litical tensions within Egypt. Presidential hopeful Hazem Abu Ismail has criticised the governments decisionto allow the release of

    foreign NGO workers, reportsAhram. Mohamed Saad al-Katatni, head of the parliamentary lower house, has stated that all possible

    measureswill be taken to determine the officials responsible for lifting the travel ban on the NGO workers, reports Aswat Masriya.

    Associated Press (AP) reports that the Muslim Brotherhood has accused military leaders of bowing to pressure from the United

    States.National Public Radio(NPR) reports that Egyptian Minister of Planning and International Cooperation, Faiza Aboul Naga, is

    the driving force behind the arrests of the aid workers. Aboul Naga, a member of former president Hosni Mubaraks regime, is

    viewed by many as a defender of Egypts honour and working to prevent foreign influences from shaping its internal politics. Ac-

    cording to a survey conducted by the University of Michigan, a solid majority of the Egyptian public distrustsAmerican foreign

    policy and this includes American democracy promotion activities in their country, reports IPS. A New York Times article states

    that Egyptian suspicions are based on the fact that many of the movements that eventually lead to revoltsin Egypt against former

    President Mubarak, including the April 6Youth Movement, had previously taken part in training provided by American groups.

    As the case progresses,IPSreports that the standoff between the United States and Egypt over the arrests could have significant re-

    percussions forthousands of NGOsoperating in Egypt, many of which rely on foreign donors for funding. Human Rights Watch

    (HRW) and other human rights organisations expressed their concern about reports of attacksagainst NGOs in Egypt. The groups

    believe the move against NGOs is being carried out by the Egyptian Supreme Council of the Armed Forces (SCAF) in an attempt to

    silence voices critical of on-going human rights violations. AI states that Egyptian authorities are trying to make human rights or-

    ganisations the scapegoats forsocial unrest while drafting new laws that would give authorities broad powers to decide whether

    an organisations activities are acceptable.

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