Cambridge Business Certificates (BEC) overview

Certificates (BEC) overview Cambridge Business - Home - ONE ENGLISH · 2020. 8. 27. · BEC Preliminary is the Cambridge Business English exam equivalent to the (PET) Preliminary

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Page 1: Certificates (BEC) overview Cambridge Business - Home - ONE ENGLISH · 2020. 8. 27. · BEC Preliminary is the Cambridge Business English exam equivalent to the (PET) Preliminary

Cambridge BusinessCertificates (BEC) overview

Page 2: Certificates (BEC) overview Cambridge Business - Home - ONE ENGLISH · 2020. 8. 27. · BEC Preliminary is the Cambridge Business English exam equivalent to the (PET) Preliminary

BEC HigherBEC VantageBECPreliminary

BEC exams are Cambridge Business English exams. They test studentson their level of Business English. Business English exams are gainingmomentum worldwide,as a good knowledge of English is required to

succeed in the world of business. There are three levels:


B1 B2 C1

Page 3: Certificates (BEC) overview Cambridge Business - Home - ONE ENGLISH · 2020. 8. 27. · BEC Preliminary is the Cambridge Business English exam equivalent to the (PET) Preliminary


HOW CAN THE EXAM BE TAKEN?You have the choice

It takes two weeks toreceive results.

It takes four weeks toreceive results.

Page 4: Certificates (BEC) overview Cambridge Business - Home - ONE ENGLISH · 2020. 8. 27. · BEC Preliminary is the Cambridge Business English exam equivalent to the (PET) Preliminary

BEC Preliminary is theCambridge Business English

exam equivalent to the(PET) Preliminary. It tests

students on B1 skills.

Scores (Cambridge English scale score)Grade A 160-170 (Cambridge English scale score)Grade B 153-159 ( Cambridge English scale score)Grade C 140-152 (Cambridge English scale score)Fail A2 level 120-139 (Cambridge English scale score)

RegistrationBook at least three months in advance. Candidates havea choice between paper or computer-based.

What is BEC Preliminary (B1

Business Preliminary)?

Difficulty levelB1 / Independent user (CEFR level scale)

How many papers are there?There are three papers in the BEC Preliminary. The Readingand Writing paper is worth 50% and the listening andspeaking is worth 25% each.

Page 5: Certificates (BEC) overview Cambridge Business - Home - ONE ENGLISH · 2020. 8. 27. · BEC Preliminary is the Cambridge Business English exam equivalent to the (PET) Preliminary

BEC Preliminary translates as B1Independent user on the CEFR

level scale. This means candidateshave good knowledge how to use

practical, everyday BusinessEnglish.

How does BECPreliminary translate on

the CEFR level scale?


Page 6: Certificates (BEC) overview Cambridge Business - Home - ONE ENGLISH · 2020. 8. 27. · BEC Preliminary is the Cambridge Business English exam equivalent to the (PET) Preliminary

Reading part 1: Multiple choice (one mark for correct answer)Reading part 2: Matching (one mark for correct answer)Reading part 3: Matching (one mark for correct answer)Reading part 4: Right/wrong/doesn't say (one mark for correct answer)Reading part 5: Multiple choice (one mark for correct answer)Reading part 6: Multiple-choice cloze (one mark for correct answer)Reading part 7: Note completion (one mark for correct answer)Writing part 1: Write a note/memo/message/ email (30-40 words)Writing part 2: Write a letter/ fax or email (60-80 words)

There are seven parts in the Reading and two parts in the Writing.

How many parts are in the Reading and Writing?

Minimum score to passThe minimum Reading score is 30 points and the minimumWriting score is 20 points which corresponds to 140 (B1) onthe Cambridge English scale score

Reading andWriting90 minutes

Maximum scoreThe maximum Reading score is 45 points and the maximumWriting score is 30 points which corresponds to 170 (B2) onthe Cambridge English scale score

Both Reading and Writing are taken on the same paperbut are given two separate grades. Candidates aregiven 90 minutes to complete both parts.

Are Reading and Writing taken together?

Time management can be a challenging factor of theBEC Preliminary exam. Candidates have approx. 6minutes to complete each Reading part and 20 minutesto do each Writing part.

How much time do candidates have tocomplete each Reading and Writing part?


Page 7: Certificates (BEC) overview Cambridge Business - Home - ONE ENGLISH · 2020. 8. 27. · BEC Preliminary is the Cambridge Business English exam equivalent to the (PET) Preliminary

How many parts are in the Listening?

Listening part 1: Multiple choice (one mark for each correct answer)Listening part 2: Note taking (one mark for each correct answer)Listening part 3: Note taking (one mark for each correct answer)Listening part 4: Multiple choice (one mark for each correct answer)

There are four parts in the Listening.

Candidates hear the Listening twice. Students can take notesduring the Listening.

How many times do candidates hear theListening track?

The maximum Listening score is 30 points whichcorresponds to 170 (B2) on Cambridge English scalescore.

Maximum score

Minimum scoreThe minimum Listening score is 20 points which correspondsto 140 (B1) on the Cambridge English scale score

Headphones are provided for computer-based examsand a CD player is provided for paper-based exams.

What Listening equipment is provided?

Listening40 minutes including

transfer time

Do candidates get extra time to transfer theiranswers?Candidates get extra time at the end of the exam to transfer theiranswers to the answer sheet. Candidates should only transfer theiranswers to their answer sheet when advised by the examiner.


Page 8: Certificates (BEC) overview Cambridge Business - Home - ONE ENGLISH · 2020. 8. 27. · BEC Preliminary is the Cambridge Business English exam equivalent to the (PET) Preliminary

How many Speaking parts are there?There are three speaking parts.Speaking part 1: Interview (approx. 2 minutes)Speaking part 2: Mini presentation about a business related topic(approx. 5 minutes)Speaking part 3: Collaborative task with partner (approx. 5 minutes)

Candidates do the speaking exam with twoexaminers and a partner. Some parts of the exam aredone alone and other parts involve your speakingpartner.

Who takes part in the Speaking exam?

Minimum score to passThe minimum Speaking score is 18 points which corresponds to140 (B1) on the Cambridge English scale score

The maximum Speaking score is 30 points which correspondsto 170 (B2) on the Cambridge English scale score.

Maximum score

Candidates are allowed to choose their partner,provided their partner is taking the same exam on thesame date in the same place.

Can candidates choose their partner?

Speaking12 minutes (per

pair of candidates)

This depends on the exam event that you register for.Thisinformation is usually given to candidates before they register.

Are the Writing and Speaking exam on the sameday?


Page 9: Certificates (BEC) overview Cambridge Business - Home - ONE ENGLISH · 2020. 8. 27. · BEC Preliminary is the Cambridge Business English exam equivalent to the (PET) Preliminary

Price 250CHF



Exam typeComputerSt. Alban-Anlage 25

4052 Basel / BS Switzerland













B1 B





Upcoming examdates in Basel

There are three upcomingexam events in Basel.

Price 245 CHF

Price 245CHF

Exam typePaper

Exam typePaper

St. Alban-Anlage 25 4052 Basel / BS



St. Alban-Anlage 25 4052 Basel / BS



Page 10: Certificates (BEC) overview Cambridge Business - Home - ONE ENGLISH · 2020. 8. 27. · BEC Preliminary is the Cambridge Business English exam equivalent to the (PET) Preliminary

Scores (Cambridge English scale score)Grade A 180-190 (Cambridge English scale score)Grade B 173-179 ( Cambridge English scale score)Grade C 160-172 (Cambridge English scale score)Fail B1 level 140-159 (Cambridge English scale score)

What is BEC Vantage(B2 Business Vantage)?

BEC Vantage is theCambridge Business

English exam equivalent tothe (FCE) First. It testsstudents on B2 skills.

Number of papersThere are four papers. Each paper is worth 25%.

Difficulty levelB2 / Independent user (CEFR level scale)

RegistrationBook at least three months in advance. Candidates havea choice between paper or computer-based.

Page 11: Certificates (BEC) overview Cambridge Business - Home - ONE ENGLISH · 2020. 8. 27. · BEC Preliminary is the Cambridge Business English exam equivalent to the (PET) Preliminary

How does BEC Vantagetranslate on the CEFR

level scale?

BEC Vantage translates as B2Independent user on the CEFR level

scale. This means candidates canstart working in international

business. What's more, it's beneficialwhen it comes to career

development e.g. applying for jobs,getting a promotion.


Page 12: Certificates (BEC) overview Cambridge Business - Home - ONE ENGLISH · 2020. 8. 27. · BEC Preliminary is the Cambridge Business English exam equivalent to the (PET) Preliminary

Reading part 1: Matching (one mark for each correct answer)Reading part 2: Matching (one mark for each correct answer)Reading part 3: Multiple choice (one mark for each correct answer)Reading part 4: Multiple-choice cloze (one mark for each correct answer)Reading part 5: Proofreading (one mark for each correct answer)

There are five parts in the reading section.

How many parts are in the Reading?

The maximum Reading score is 45 points which correspondsto 190 (C1) on the Cambridge English scale score.

Maximum score

Informational texts,articles,reports,advertisements and brochures.

What are the text types?

Reading 60 minutes

Time management can be a challenging factor of theBEC Vantage exam.Candidates have approx. 12 minutesfor each Reading part.

How much time do candidates have tocomplete each part?

Minimum score to passThe minimum Reading score is 27 points which corresponds to160 (B2) on the Cambridge English scale score

Page 13: Certificates (BEC) overview Cambridge Business - Home - ONE ENGLISH · 2020. 8. 27. · BEC Preliminary is the Cambridge Business English exam equivalent to the (PET) Preliminary

This depends on the exam type. Students have a choicebetween paper-based and computer-based. It's importantfor candidates to research this before registering.

Do candidates type or write their texts?

Writing part 1: Write a message, memo or email (40-50 words)Writing part 2: Write a short report or proposal (120-140 words)

There are two parts in the writing.

How many parts are in the Writing?

Candidates with unclear handwriting should considerregistering for the computer-based exam.If an examinercannot read a candidates' text, marks will be deducted.

What happens if the examiner cannot read myhandwriting ?

The maximum Writing score is 30 points whichcorresponds to 190 (C1) on the Cambridge Englishscale score.

Maximum score

Minimum score to passThe minimum Writing score is 18 points which corresponds to160 (B2) on the Cambridge English scale score.

Writing45 minutes

Examiners give 0-5 marks (0: lowest,5: highest) for thefollowing criteria: : Grammar and Vocabulary; DiscourseManagement; Pronunciation; and Interactive Communication.Examiners can also award half marks.

How is the Writing graded?

Page 14: Certificates (BEC) overview Cambridge Business - Home - ONE ENGLISH · 2020. 8. 27. · BEC Preliminary is the Cambridge Business English exam equivalent to the (PET) Preliminary

This depends on the exam type. Candidates who do thecomputer-based will be provided with headphones whereascandidates who do paper-based listen to a CD player.

What Listening equipment is provided?

Listening part 1: Note completion (one mark for each correct answer)Listening part 2: Matching (one mark for each correct answer)Listening part 3: Multiple choice (one mark for each correct answer)

There are three parts in the Listening section.

How many parts are in the Listening?

Candidates hear the Listening twice. Students can take notesduring the Listening.

How many times do candidates hear theListening track?

Do candidates get extra time to transfertheir answers?Candidates get extra time at the end of the exam to transferthe answers to the answer sheet. Candidates should onlytransfer their answers to their answer sheet when advised bythe examiner.

The maximum Listening score is 30 points which correspondsto 190 (C1) on the Cambridge English scale score.

Maximum score

Minimum score to passThe minimum Listening score is 19 points which correspondsto 160 (B2) on the Cambridge English scale score

Listening40 minutesincluding

transfer time

Page 15: Certificates (BEC) overview Cambridge Business - Home - ONE ENGLISH · 2020. 8. 27. · BEC Preliminary is the Cambridge Business English exam equivalent to the (PET) Preliminary

Speaking part 1: Interview (3 minutes)Speaking part 2: Mini presentation on business topic (approx. 6 minutes)Speaking part 3: Collaborative task with partner (5 minutes)

There are three parts in the Speaking section. How many parts are in the Speaking?

Candidates do the speaking exam with twoexaminers and a partner. Some parts of the examare done alone and other parts involve yourspeaking partner.

Who takes part in the Speaking exam?

Candidates are allowed to choose their partner,provided their partner is taking the same exam on thesame date in the same place.

Can candidates choose their partner?

The maximum Speaking score is 30 points which correspondsto 190 (C1) on the Cambridge English scale score.

Maximum score

This depends on the exam event that you register for. Thisinformation is usually given to candidates before they register.

Are the Writing and Speaking exam on the same day?

Minimum score to passThe minimum Speaking score is 18 points which corresponds to160 (B2) on the Cambridge English scale score.

Speaking14 minutes


Page 16: Certificates (BEC) overview Cambridge Business - Home - ONE ENGLISH · 2020. 8. 27. · BEC Preliminary is the Cambridge Business English exam equivalent to the (PET) Preliminary

Price 390CHF



Exam typePaper








St. Alban-Anlage 254052 Basel / BS





Upcoming examdates in Basel

There are three upcomingexam events in Basel.






St. Alban-Anlage 254052 Basel / BS


Location St. Alban-Anlage 25

4052 Basel / BS Switzerland

Location Exam typePaper

Exam typeComputer

Price 395CHF


Price 390CHF

Page 17: Certificates (BEC) overview Cambridge Business - Home - ONE ENGLISH · 2020. 8. 27. · BEC Preliminary is the Cambridge Business English exam equivalent to the (PET) Preliminary

Scores (Cambridge English scale score)Grade A 200-210 (Cambridge English scale score)Grade B 193-199 ( Cambridge English scale score)Grade C 180-192 (Cambridge English scale score)Fail B2 level 160-179 (Cambridge English scale score)

RegistrationBook at least three months in advance. Candidates have achoice between paper or computer-based.

What is BEC Higher (C1Business Higher)?

BEC Higher is theCambridge Business English

exam equivalent to the(CAE) Advanced. It tests

students on C1 skills.

Difficulty levelC1 / Proficient user (CEFR level scale)

Number of papersThere are four papers. Each paper is worth 25%.

Page 18: Certificates (BEC) overview Cambridge Business - Home - ONE ENGLISH · 2020. 8. 27. · BEC Preliminary is the Cambridge Business English exam equivalent to the (PET) Preliminary

How does BEC Highertranslate on the CEFR

level scale?

BEC Higher translates as C1Proficient user on the CEFR level

scale. This means candidates havean advanced level of Business



Page 19: Certificates (BEC) overview Cambridge Business - Home - ONE ENGLISH · 2020. 8. 27. · BEC Preliminary is the Cambridge Business English exam equivalent to the (PET) Preliminary

Reading part 1: Matching (one mark for each correct answer)Reading part 2: Matching (one mark for each correct answer)Reading part 3: Multiple choice (one mark for each correct answer)Reading part 4: Multiple-choice cloze (one mark for each correct answer)Reading part 5: Open cloze (one mark for each correct answer)Readin part 6: Proofreading (one mark for each correct answer)

There are six parts in the Reading section.

How many parts are in the Reading?

The maximum Reading score is 52 points which correspondsto 210 (C2) on the Cambridge English scale score.

Maximum score

Informational textsarticles reports

What are the text types?

Minimum score to passThe minimum Reading score is 32 points which corresponds to180 (C1) on the Cambridge English scale score

Time management can be a challenging factor of theexam. Candidates have approx. 10 minutes for eachReading part.

How much time do candidates have tocomplete each part?

Reading 60 minutes


Page 20: Certificates (BEC) overview Cambridge Business - Home - ONE ENGLISH · 2020. 8. 27. · BEC Preliminary is the Cambridge Business English exam equivalent to the (PET) Preliminary

Writing part 1: Write a short report (120-140 words)Writing part 2: Write a report, proposal or businesscorrespondence (200-250 words)

There are two parts in the writing.How many parts are in the Writing?

The maximum Writing score is 30 points which correspondsto 210 (C2) on the Cambridge English scale score.

Maximum score

Minimum score to passThe minimum Writing score is 18 points which corresponds to180 on the Cambridge English scale score

Writing70 minutes

This depends on the exam type. Students have a choicebetween paper-based and computer-based. It's important forcandidates to research this before registering.

Do candidates type or write their texts?

Candidates with unclear handwriting should considerregistering for the computer-based exams. If an examinercannot read a candidates' text, marks will be deducted.

What happens if the examiner cannot read myhandwriting ?

Examiners give 0-5 marks(0: lowest,5: highest) for thefollowing criteria: : Grammar and Vocabulary; DiscourseManagement; Pronunciation; and InteractiveCommunication. Examiners can also award half marks.

How is the Writing graded?

Page 21: Certificates (BEC) overview Cambridge Business - Home - ONE ENGLISH · 2020. 8. 27. · BEC Preliminary is the Cambridge Business English exam equivalent to the (PET) Preliminary

This depends on the exam type. Candidates who do thecomputer-based will be provided with headphones whereascandidates who do paper-based listen to a CD player.

What listening equipment is provided?

Listening part 1: Note completion (one mark for each correct answer)Listening part 2: Matching (one mark for each correct answer)Listening part 3: Multiple choice (one mark for each correct answer)

There are three parts in the Listening section.

How many parts are in the Listening?

The maximum Listening score is 30 points whichcorresponds to 210 (C2) on Cambridge English scale score.

Maximum score

Minimum score to pass The minimum Listening score is 18 points which correspondsto 180 (C1) on the Cambridge English scale score

Listening40 minutesincluding

transfer time

Candidates hear the Listening twice. Students can takenotes during the Listening.

How many times do candidates hearthe Listening track?

Candidates get extra time at the end of the test to transfer their answersto the answer sheet. Candidates should only transfer their answers tothe answer sheet when advised by the examiner.

Do candidates get extra time to transfer theiranswers?


Page 22: Certificates (BEC) overview Cambridge Business - Home - ONE ENGLISH · 2020. 8. 27. · BEC Preliminary is the Cambridge Business English exam equivalent to the (PET) Preliminary

The maximum Speaking score is 75 points whichcorresponds to 210 (C2) on Cambridge English scalescore.

Maximum score

Speaking part 1: Interview (3 minutes)Speaking part 2: Mini presentation on business topic (approx. 6 minutes)Speaking part 3: Collaborative task with partner (approx. 7 minutes)

There are three parts in the Speaking section.

How many parts are in the Speaking?

Candidates do the speaking exam with two examinersand a partner. Some parts of the exam are done alone andother parts involve your speaking partner.

Who takes part in the Speaking?

This depends on the exam event that you register for. Thisinformation is usually given to candidates before theyregister for the exam.

Are the Writing and Speaking exam on the sameday?Candidates are allowed to choose their partner,

provided their partner is taking the same exam on thesame date in the same place.

Can candidates choose their partner?

Minimum score to passThe minimum Speaking score is 45 points which correspondsto 180 (C1) on the Cambridge English scale score

Speaking16 minutes


Page 23: Certificates (BEC) overview Cambridge Business - Home - ONE ENGLISH · 2020. 8. 27. · BEC Preliminary is the Cambridge Business English exam equivalent to the (PET) Preliminary

Upcoming exam dates in BaselThere are two upcoming exams in Basel





Exam typeComputer

Price 405CHF






C1 B




St. Alban-Anlage 254052 Basel / BSSwitzerland

LocationSt. Alban-Anlage 254052 Basel / BSSwitzerland

Location Exam typePaper

Price 400CHF

Page 24: Certificates (BEC) overview Cambridge Business - Home - ONE ENGLISH · 2020. 8. 27. · BEC Preliminary is the Cambridge Business English exam equivalent to the (PET) Preliminary