2/25/2016 Registered Master Builders Association https://images.mobilizemail.com/masterbuild/landing/february16/southern.html 1/11 CENTRAL OTAGO OTAGO GORE SOUTHLAND NATIONAL NEWS SOUTHERN REGIONAL NEWS February 2016 Central Otago Branch Launch Ongoing growth in the construction industry around Central Otago has prompted the establishment of the first ever local branch of the Registered Master Builders Association. The Central Otago Branch met for the first time in Cromwell on Tuesday February 9 at The Highlands Motorsport Park Museum, and newly appointed local President Allister Saville of AJ Saville Builder said the move was "very timely" for the organisation. "There's a real desire amongst local members to feel we're all part of a Branch that meets regularly, shares ideas and knowledge and creates a real collaborative network of Registered Master Builders that represents the brand locally." The inaugural meeting was attended by Registered Master Builders Association President John Macdonald, Director Kerry Archer and via skype CEO David Kelly, and attendees were entertained by guest speaker Jim Boult. Jim has been associated with the tourism industry for the past 33 years and has extensive business interests in many fields. He was a made an Officer of the NZ Order of Merit in the 2015 Honours List, recognising his contribution to the tourism industry and to the community. The new Central Branch has an Executive Committee made up of Registered Master Builders members Sonja Gavin, Peter Campbell, Glen Cayless, Stu Clark, John Mansfield, John Herbert, Darryn Wilkie and Russell Hall. See more photos here... 2016 Inspirational Quote "Clients do not come first. Employees come first. If you take care of your employees, they will take care of the clients".

CENTRAL OTAGO OTAGO GORE SOUTHLAND ......Definitions of Workplace Bullying Worksafe NZ According to Worksafe NZ, workplace bullying is "repeated and unreasonable behavior directed

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Page 1: CENTRAL OTAGO OTAGO GORE SOUTHLAND ......Definitions of Workplace Bullying Worksafe NZ According to Worksafe NZ, workplace bullying is "repeated and unreasonable behavior directed

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Central Otago Branch Launch Ongoing growth in the construction industry around Central Otago has prompted the establishment of thefirst ever local branch of the Registered Master Builders Association.

The Central Otago Branch met for the first time in Cromwell on Tuesday February 9 at The HighlandsMotorsport Park Museum, and newly appointed local President Allister Saville of AJ Saville Builder said themove was "very timely" for the organisation.

"There's a real desire amongst local members to feel we're all part of a Branch that meets regularly, sharesideas and knowledge and creates a real collaborative network of Registered Master Builders thatrepresents the brand locally."

The inaugural meeting was attended by Registered Master Builders Association President JohnMacdonald, Director Kerry Archer and via skype CEO David Kelly, and attendees were entertained byguest speaker Jim Boult.

Jim has been associated with the tourism industry for the past 33 years and has extensive businessinterests in many fields. He was a made an Officer of the NZ Order of Merit in the 2015 Honours List,recognising his contribution to the tourism industry and to the community.

The new Central Branch has an Executive Committee made up of Registered Master Builders membersSonja Gavin, Peter Campbell, Glen Cayless, Stu Clark, John Mansfield, John Herbert, Darryn Wilkie andRussell Hall.

See more photos here...

2016 Inspirational Quote

"Clients do not come first. Employees come first.If you take care of your employees, they will take care of the clients".

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Richard Branson

Workplace Bullying ­ Worksafe NZ

Definitions of Workplace BullyingWorksafe NZAccording to Worksafe NZ, workplace bullying is "repeated andunreasonable behavior directed towards a worker or a group of workers thatcreates a risk to health and safety."

This is a surprising definition because it does not require the "victim" toprove that the "bully" intended to bully them. It is surprising because for thelast ten years, employment case law has required the victim to prove thatthe bully "intended to cause fear and distress".

Employment Relations AuthorityDuring a 2005 case in the Employment Relations Authority (Evans v Gen­i Limited) held that bullying is:

"Behaviors that are repeated and carried out with a desire to exert dominance and an intention to causefear and distress. The behaviors usually include elements of personal denigration and disdain of the personsubject to it. It is intended to control the behavior or actions of its target in particular ways."

Full article here

HOY ­ Southern Region 2016

Entries for the 2016 competition close on the 29th of February.

Is this your first time considering an entry? Southern Region have Executivemembers available to mentor you with your HOY entry or answer anyquestions you may have about the competition.

If you are having any difficulty entering give Jenny a call and she will talk you through your entry which isonline via the HOY website. We are looking forward to holding the HOY Award Gala on 9th July 2016 at theDunedin Town Hall. More details to follow.

Hon Craig Foss ­ Minister for Small Business

We know the more time businesses spend on compliance and regulation,the less time they have to spend on running their business. That is why theGovernment is proposing a number of initiatives to get rid of redundantlegislation and reduce loopy rules.

Read more

Crowe Horwath

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An article released this month suggested payment costs to merchantsare expected to rise substantially. What's driving this increase?

The construction sector is facing spot­checking by Inland Revenueregarding undeclared cash jobs. Don't get caught out!

Read Crowe Horwath's articles in full here

Want To Print Out This Issue Of Assemble? Some members like to print a copy of this newsletter for their Staff. And because everyone has differentweb browser and print settings we always make a PDF copy available for you which has been set to printas best possible. You can access the PDF of the newsletter and back issues on this webpage.

WELCOME TO OUR NEW MEMBERS Anchorage Construction T/A Latitude Homes South Island Kurt Laurie


What's coming up for members in 2016 Southern Region House Of Year Gala Awards ­ 9th July 2016 Dunedin Town HallSouthern Region Apprentice of Year Finals ­ 19th August 2016 Venue TBC Coastal Otago:25th February 2016: Wine Tasting & TourMarch/April: AOY Heads UpMay/June: Members Night ­ Rugby Forsyth Barr StadiumAugust/September: Breweries Site Visit

Central Otago:February: Central Otago Branch LaunchMarch: Fishing HaweaApril: AOY ­ Heads UpMay: LBP registration day Queenstown morning/Cromwell afternoonJune: Testing & Tagging courseSeptember: CurlingOctober: Winery TourNovember: Golf Day

Gore: Monthly: Members Meeting ­ Gore RSA 5.30pmFebruary: HOY RefresherJune/July: Gore vs Southland Branch Competition ­ Curling/BowlingMarch/April: AOY Heads Up (Find out more about entering AOY)

Southland:February: 10 Star/HOY UpdateMarch: Fishing (Te Anau)April: Seminar (Southern Quantity Surveyors)April/May: AOY Heads Up (Find out more about entering AOY)May: Annual Members MeetingJune: Southland vs Gore Branch Competition Curling/BowlingOctober: Men’s Health DayNovember: Golf

Meeting and Training dates in 2016:

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You can view our regions events here by clicking on Southern. It would be great to see youat our events ­ come along and join in, wherever you are in the Southern Region.

If you are interested in First Aid Comprehensive and/or Validation training visit Offsite andcheck out our training.

Several courses available in Gore, Invercargill, Te Anau, Stewart Island Oamaru, Dunedin,Gore, Southland, Alexandra, Queenstown and Dunedin.


See who is on the Central Otago Executive Committee here.

Central Otago News ­ President Allister Saville

Welcome to the first newsletter for the newly formed Central Otago Branchof the Registered Master Builders.

In November 2014 a number of us attended the Otago AGM & SGMmeeting in Dunedin, where it was voted to support the new nationalstructure. We also openly discussed our desire to form a local CentralOtago Branch, and in May 2015 we sent a formal letter to Association toestablish a new Central Otago Branch of the RMBA. And here we are todayhaving achieved the launch of our own branch earlier this month atHighlands Motorsport Park in Cromwell.

With the spread of our members in Central Otago, we intend to hold monthly meetings in the four majorcentres being Alexandra, Cromwell, Wanaka and Queenstown depending on the support. Although thepresent Executive is made up of mainly Queenstown members, let me make it clear this is not aQueenstown Branch and we invite like­minded members from throughout Central Otago to join theExecutive to help form a branch people will look up to, support and an organisation builders will want to bea member of through training, support and the sharing of knowledge for the better of all.

Thank you to everyone who came along to our Branch Launch. You can view photographs from the branchlaunch here.


Central Otago fishing day out will be held at Lake Hawea. A great locationfor brown and rainbow trout, come along with your family, friends andcolleagues and make it a fantastic day out.

Further information to follow.Register your interest now with Jenny.


Southern Region House Of The Year Gala Awards ­ 9th July 2016 Dunedin Town HallSouthern Region Apprentice of Year Finals ­ 19th August 2016 Venue TBC

February: Branch LaunchMarch: Fishing HaweaApril: AOY ­ Heads UpMay: LBP registration day Queenstown morning/Cromwell afternoon

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June: Testing & Tagging courseSeptember: CurlingOctober: Winery TourNovember: Golf Day



See who is on the Otago Executive Committee here.

Otago News ­ President Steve Jory

Welcome to our first newsletter of the year. I hope that you all had anenjoyable Christmas and New Year and were able to spend some timerelaxing and recharging your batteries for the year to come.

We have yet to have our first executive meeting of the year but at the end oflast year we decided we wanted to bring some social events to members sothat we can get to meet other master builders in our area, so I encourageyou to attend these events in the months to come. More information will be

sent to you and you should have probably already have received some information prior to reading thisnewsletter.

On Tuesday, 9 February there was a function at the Highland Motor Sport Park at Cromwell. This was theofficial opening of the Central Otago branch of Registered Master Builders. I wish Alistair Saville and hisexecutive all the best and encourage all Central Otago members to participate in the activities that Alistairand his committee will be offering.

On the local scene I'm still receiving comments regarding the Dunedin City Council building control inregard to the time it takes to receive a permit and delays in getting inspections. Should you be havingproblems in this regard it would be good to know. It would also be helpful if you documented your concernsas we have been speaking to the council and we can do so again but it would be helpful if we had specificand documented information to give to them. We have in the past discussed whether it would be a goodidea for a representative to attend a meeting and talk to members if this is what you wish to happen Isuggest you contact me and I will see what sort of response we get.

House of the Year entries are also open should you have any questions or any problems filling in the entryform please contact Jenny she is there to help in this regard. The Southern Region House of the Year galadinner is being held at the Dunedin town Hall this year and gives local builders the opportunity to attend thisquality function. You may also wish to bring along one of your subcontractors and treat them to a superbnight out. This is usually a very high class and well­run event and even if you have not got an entry in orhave never entered before it would be really great to see you there. It is really quite inspirational the worksome of our members put out.

See you next time cheers.

Cheers Stephen Jory


A fantastic night out was had by all at the Freedom Wines along with aninformative tour of the site. Members who attended were fascinated with themany wines available. Paul talked everyone through the basics of wines andaccompany food. Thank you Wine Freedom for a great night. View the

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photos here very soon.


Reinforce ­ December 2015 | Issue 1

Welcome to the first addition of Reinforce, an informative newsletterpublished by Dunedin City Council's Building Services department. In theirnewsletter you will find useful building related information and be kept up todate with what is happening in the department. Please let them know whatinterests you as they welcome your feedback about their newsletter. [email protected] or phone: 03 4774 000.

Sign up now to receive regular updates from the Dunedin City Council Building Services team.

Explore the full publication


Southern Region House Of The Year Gala Awards ­ 9th July 2016 Dunedin Town HallSouthern Region Apprentice of Year Finals ­ 19th August 2016 Venue TBC

25th February 2016: Wine Tasting & TourMarch/April: AOY Heads UpMay: Members Night ­ Rugby Forsyth Barr StadiumAugust/September: Breweries Site Visit



See who is on the Gore Executive Committee here.

Gore News ­ President Shane Knapp

Well we are into 2016 and already January has disappeared as membersenjoyed a well­earned break over Christmas and New Year and are nowstruggling to get back into work mode, especially with some of the hotweather we are having.

We had a good turnout to our first meeting for the year, where we heard ofsome interesting facts, local problems and on a lighter note some holidaymishaps. Some of the local issues that were discussed are Worksafe's aimat onsite dust and reducing the so called silicosis problem that New Zealandhas. We heard from some members that "banning onsite brooms" has been

heard of, we also spoke on ways to reduce dust onsite but getting zero dust is near impossible.

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We are also very happy to have received a well­crafted challenge trophy from Southland Association, asolid piece of timber that looks the part, we look forward to defending our title later in the year.


Members meeting 7th March 2016 at Gore RSA ­ Upstairs 5.30pm

John Frampton will speak about both the legislative requirements for Healthand Safety compliance and an overview of the benefits of Bware softwarebased system.


Southern Region House Of The Year Gala Awards ­ 9th July 2016 Dunedin Town HallSouthern Region Apprentice of Year Finals ­ 19th August 2016 Venue TBC

Monthly: Members Meeting ­ Gore RSA 5.30pmFebruary: HOY RefresherMarch/April: AOY Heads UpJune/July: Gore vs Southland Branch Competition ­ Curling/Bowling



See who is on the Southland Executive Committee here.

Southland President ­ Colin Kelland

Hi All, I hope everybody has had a well earned break and spent someleisure time with family and friends. So now back to the grindstone and workfor another year.

Upcoming events to put into your calendar­:Fishing Trip ­ the annual fishing weekend is scheduled for March 11th­13th,for yourselves and partners. This is a great weekend, and your own boat isnot required. A very nice lunch is provided on the beach, and drinks as well.

House of the Year ­ entries are now open. Please let Jenny know if you need any assistance with yourentry. This year's function is planned at the Dunedin Town Hall on the 9th July 2016.

Another event we are planning during this year is Health Day. The last one was very well patronised, sokeep an eye for dates. A test and tag, and first aid refresher courses are also on the planning agenda.

As usual guest speakers are organised for our general meetings, and these speakers provide a lot ofinformation. I encourage you all to come along and support these meetings.

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You are now required to book online for functions through the Master Builders website. You will notice ithas been updated and please make yourself familiar. This facility is a learning curve for some, and we doneed to start using it now and in the future.

Kind Regards,Colin Kelland


Keep up to date with the local building rules and regulations withsubscribing to the ICC ­ Building Sector News. Southlanders are extremelylucky to have Simon Tonkin ­ Manager Building Regulation Services,producing a regular monthly newsletter.

This month: Builders Pocket Guide ­ Practical Advice on managingworksites & the environment; Legionnaires Disease, Consumer Guide toBuilding & Renovating; BRANZ on Bottom Plate Anchors, Fixing of Wall Top

Plates, Free Standing Timber Decks.

Read the latest monthly newsletter here. Phone now 03 2111 777 to subscribe. December, January andFebruary


Southern Region House Of The Year Gala Awards ­ 9th July 2016 Dunedin Town HallSouthern Region Apprentice of Year Finals ­ 19th August 2016 Venue TBC

February: 10 Star/HOY UpdateMarch: Fishing (Te Anau)April: Seminar (Southern Quantity Surveyors)April/May: AOY Heads UpMay: Annual Members MeetingJune: Southland vs Gore Branch Competition Curling/BowlingOctober: Men’s Health DayNovember: Golf



Asbestos rules change 4 April

A new set of regulations governing all work involving asbestoswill come in on 4 April 2016.

The new regulations will help to protect workers fromasbestos exposure ­ which is good news for the constructionindustry as construction workers currently make up three­quarters of those with asbestos­related diseases.

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A number of changes are coming, including the introduction ofa new asbestos removal licensing system.

Please note that the asbestos regulations form part of theHealth and Safety at Work Act 2015 and are still to befinalised by Cabinet.

Licensing pamphlet and handy hints informationView the pamphlet about the licensing system and threehandy hints information sheets.

What you should know about working with asbestosDrilling holes in asbestos­containing boardRemoving asbestos­containing flooring

The handy hints sheets are designed for busy tradespeople who need easy practical ways of keepingthemselves safe from asbestos containing material at work.

You can also find these on the WorkSafe website, www.business.govt.nz/worksafe/asbestos

More WorkSafe guidance comingOnce the regulations are finalised, and industry consulted, WorkSafe will publish a detailed Code ofPractice on the new regulations, along with a number of fact sheets. The fact sheets will cover what thenew regulations mean for businesses and workers.

To receive asbestos update e­newsletters, please subscribe to the Worksafe email list


House of the Year Quality Mark Update This year we have added the regional event name to each of the HOY Quality Marks. This is to assistcompanies with multiple branches around the country ensure that their advertising and promotion carriesthe correct quality marks and only for those builders who have actually won the award in their area.


House of the Year Heads Up

National Events Manager Bev McKay and long­time regional and nationaljudge Paul Williams have been visiting branches around the countrypresenting on "How to Succeed with House of the Year". Response hasbeen great and it's been fantastic to see a lot of both new members and firsttime entrants coming along.

Andrea Lee, Fowler Homes Ashburton commented ­ "I found the House of Year Heads Up session reallyuseful. I found clarification on some of the points that 'do or don't' affect judging criteria extremelybeneficial. I'd recommend everyone considering entering House of Year to attend".

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Julie Willocks from Casa Construction said ­ "As a first timer at this event I found the evening extremelyinformative. Your speakers delivered their messages very well and in a concise way.

Whilst it seems a daunting task to complete the application (and I realise we don’t have a lot of time) I feellike there will be good support to guide me through the process."

N3 update for Business Members

n3 on Account Savings for you

Do you have accounts with Carters, CallPlus, Ideal Electrical, PlaceMakers,Resene or Bunnings? Through our group buying power with n3, thesesuppliers are now available. Note ­ if you already have better pricing withthese suppliers, then your pricing won't be affected by signing up.

Contact n3 on 0508 20 30 40

Spam email warning Spam email attacks are growing ever more sophisticated and harder to spot.

A reminder that when you receive email from someone new, which looks suspicious, think twice beforeopening it or, in particular clicking any links. The link could lead to your computer becoming infected with avirus. Also, always ensure you have virus software installed and kept up­to­date regularly.

Here are some things to look out for:

The 'from' email address may look strange,The phone number might be fake,The written english may be unusual,and, if they are asking you to click a link and you're unsure always err on the side of caution anddon't.

Where you have a phone number, it may pay to call them and confirm who they are and what they aresending.

We have recently had some more sophisticated spam attacks come via the Master Builders referrals Find aBuilder tool too ­ and are looking at increased security measures here.

If you wish us to check on a suspicious email for you, don't hesitate to forward it [email protected]

PrefabNZ CoLab Annual Conference PrefabNZ invite RMBA members to join PrefabNZ's CoLab, an annual conference, to learn aboutinnovative construction methods as the increasing use of prefabricated technology is changing the face ofconstruction in New Zealand. CoLab will focus on offsite/prefab projects brought to life by internationalexperts, local heroes, site visits, fun interactive and social events.

Join PrefabNZ at the PrefabNZ CoLab 2016 ­ see here for details. MEMBERSHIP

Changes to Individual Members fees RMBA has changed its fees structure for staff of business members to zero. The categories that areaffected are Apprentice, Student, Individual and Professional.

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This is because we'd like to encourage all our business members to include their staff in RMBA events,training and communications. Effectively staff members no longer need their own membership as they willbe members by association through their employers.

For 2016 fees we have discounted to $0 (no fee) those people who fall into those individual categoriesAND WHO work for our current members. For those individuals who do not work for our members, the feesremain at the current levels.

To have your staff added to your company record ­ contact your Regional Branch Manager with your staff'scontact details.


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