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  • 7/27/2019 CellPwptnotes.doc


    Name: _______________Hr: ____

    Cell Unit PacketEgg Demo

    Initial observations:

    Date Circumference Shape Texture

    Liquid #1: _____________________

    Hypothesis: (What so you think will happen and why?)

    Day 2 observations:

    Date Circumference Shape Texture

    Liquid #2: _____________________

    Hypothesis: (What so you think will happen and why?)

    Day 3 observations:

    Date Circumference Shape Texture

    Liquid #3: _____________________

    Hypothesis: (What so you think will happen and why?)

    Final observations:

    Date Circumference Shape Texture

    What was this experiment demonstrating?

  • 7/27/2019 CellPwptnotes.doc


    Cell Organelles

    Name oforganelle

    Function (Job) Location (plantanimal or both)

  • 7/27/2019 CellPwptnotes.doc


    Cell Theory NotesCell Dudes from Long Ago

    Antonie van Leeuwenhoek lived from 1632 to 1723:His contribution to science:

    Robert Hooke lived From 1635 to 1703:His contribution to science:

    Robert Brown lived from 1773 to 1858:His contribution to science:

    Matthais Schleiden lived from 1804 to 1881:

    His contribution to science:

    Schwann lived from 1810 until 1882:His contribution to science:

    Rudolf Virchow lived from 1821 until 1902:His contribution to science:

  • 7/27/2019 CellPwptnotes.doc


    Together, Schleiden, Schwann and Virchow are given most of the credit forcoming up with the ______________ ________________which states:




    1930s- Electron Microscopes

    What is it?

    What are the two different types?

    The two different categories of cells:

    __________________ = no nucleus (bacteria)

    __________________ = with nucleus (animal & plant)

    Cell Organelle Notes

    Cell (nuclear) Membrane:

    Surrounds the cell, like the ________ of the cell.

    Regulates what __________ and _______________ the cell and

    provided _______________ and ________________ for the cell.

    The cell membrane has __________ layers.


    a thick liquid inside all cells aka __________ _____________

    ______________ all cell organelles.

  • 7/27/2019 CellPwptnotes.doc


    Endoplasmic Reticulum:

    The endoplasmic reticulum (______) is a series of _______ that

    _____________ materials.

    The ER is made up of _________ and _____________ regions.


    Rough Endoplasmic Reticulum:

    Rough = with ________________

    Transports _______________

    Smooth Endoplasmic Reticulum:

    Smooth = _______ ribosomes

    Transports ________________


    Assembles small __________ parts

    Located on the surface of the ______________________________

    or free floating.

    Golgi Bodies:

    The Golgi is in charge of ________________ of chemicals.

    Substances arrive there and are changed Then they are _______________ and sent other places in the cell.

    Sometimes substances are ___________ ___________ of the cell.


    cells' ____________ _______________ system

    contain ________________ that break apart nearly all cell


    digest worn out _____________ parts

    If the lysosome breaks, it can destroy the cell!

    The Nucleus:

    The nucleus is the _____________ for DNA and ___________ of

    the cell.

  • 7/27/2019 CellPwptnotes.doc


    The nucleus is surrounded by the ___________ _____________


    DNA makes up ___________________________, which carry the

    genetic code for a cell.


    Mitochondria are the ________________ production centers of the


    Mitochondria convert ______________ and ___________ into



    Many found in muscle cells.

    Vacuoles: Thevacuoleis a ______________ filled organelle that stores

    amino acids, _____________, water and _______________.

    Much larger in _________________.


    found only in _______________ cells

    involved in cell _____________________

    Plant cells contain additional organelles that are absent from animal cells!

    Cell Wall:

    The cell wall is a ________________ layer that ______________

    a cell and gives it shape.


    The chloroplast is a special organelle necessary to carry out


    Chloroplasts contain certain pigments that give leaves the color

    they contain.

    They belong to a group of organelles called _______________.

    They all contain pigments and starch.

  • 7/27/2019 CellPwptnotes.doc


    Cell Membranes & Transport

    Membranes are made of 2 layers called _________________.

    Draw a cell membrane here:

    Cell membranes are ________________________.

    It acts like a _______________ by letting some chemicals _______ &

    ______________ others.

    It is the __________ of the cell.

    The membrane stops things because of how it is built:

    The ______________ of the membrane is _________________. It

    ___________ water.

    The ______________ of the membrane is _______________. It______________ water.

    These water loving and water hating parts of the membrane tend to keep

    some things away from the membrane.

    The membrane is _______- _________________ It has holes. Some thingsget through. This is how

    Diffusion: The random movement of particles from a ____________ to a

    ____________________ concentration. Uses _____________ energy. A molecule will slide through themembrane only if it will fit.

  • 7/27/2019 CellPwptnotes.doc



    Osmosis is the diffusion of ______________. Only the small _____________________ (the water) can get through.

    Facilitated Diffusion: The molecules that are too big to get through the membrane use ________. Requires no energy!

    There are different types of proteins: ______________ and ____________.

    To review Simple Diffusion, Osmosis, and Facilitated Diffusion Use _____ energy (Passive Transport) Move particles from ___________ to a ________________concentration

    Active Transport: A process that ______________ energy Proteins move molecules across the membrane from ______________to _______________ concentration. Except for the above two points, it is the same as facilitated diffusion.