Delivered by Jersey Post to 19,000 homes and businesses every month. Designed and produced by MailMate Publishing Jersey in partnership with the Parish of St Helier. Macy Garrett Celebrating Liberation 70 in St Helier Our young ambassadors for 2015 are chosen ‘Spring is sprung’ in the Parish allotments The Town Crier stirs memories of the SS Vega The Town Hall hosts parliament and a fashion show Constable’s comment on parking

Celebrating Liberation 70 in St Helier - St Helier Town Hall · The St Helier Town Crier is published by the Parish of St Helier in association with MailMate. Parish of St Helier:

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Page 1: Celebrating Liberation 70 in St Helier - St Helier Town Hall · The St Helier Town Crier is published by the Parish of St Helier in association with MailMate. Parish of St Helier:

Delivered by Jersey Post to 19,000 homes and businesses every month.Designed and produced by MailMate Publishing Jersey in partnership with the Parish of St Helier.

Macy Garrett

Celebrating Liberation 70 in St Helier • Our young ambassadors for 2015 are chosen

‘Spring is sprung’ in the Parish allotments • The Town Crier stirs memories of the SS Vega

The Town Hall hosts parliament and a fashion show • Constable’s comment on parking

Page 2: Celebrating Liberation 70 in St Helier - St Helier Town Hall · The St Helier Town Crier is published by the Parish of St Helier in association with MailMate. Parish of St Helier:
Page 3: Celebrating Liberation 70 in St Helier - St Helier Town Hall · The St Helier Town Crier is published by the Parish of St Helier in association with MailMate. Parish of St Helier:


Welcometo the May edition of the Town Crier

and a month in which our focus, quite

rightly, is on the liberation of our Island

70 years ago. As well as the Island-wide events taking

place in our Parish, in particular, ceremonies in Liberation

Square, People’s Park and Westmount, the Parish is

organising several events for parishioners: we have three

of the top historians giving a lecture in the Town Hall on

Wednesday 6th May, a Liberation Tea Party for around

1,000 parishioners in Liberation Square and the

Weighbridge on Sunday 10th May, and a Liberation

Concert by the Musical Originals Singers in the Town

Hall on Friday 15th May. This month also sees an

important ‘planning weekend’ when members of the

public and representatives of business and government

will share ideas for ‘Future St Helier’. It is hoped that this

consultation will feed into the work on improving

St Helier which the Council of Ministers has made one

of its strategic aims for the next three years. Details of

how to get involved are in this month’s magazine. The

Parish’s Community in Bloom campaign was launched

last month and our teams of gardeners, refuse collectors,

stone masons and street cleaners, assisted by

volunteers, will be working hard to ensure the Parish

looks its best as Spring turns into Summer. With the

NatWest Island Games just round the corner there will

be several thousand extra visitors to impress with the

cleanliness, attractiveness and welcoming nature of our

Parish, and we can all play our part in achieving that.



















Parish matters

St Helier Battle of Flowers – join the team!

Your adaptable Town Hall

Constable’s Comment

Pitcher & Le Quesne – new private ambulance

Occupation Registration Cards

The Town Crier stirs memories of the SS Vega

Liberation 70 – detailed timetable

Liberation 70 – the official programme

Liberation 70 – main events in the Parish

‘Spring is sprung’ in the Parish allotments

St Helier schools

News from the Parish homes and nurseries

Parish Notice Board

Parish contacts

Organisations in St Helier

Dates for your Diary

The St Helier Gazette


The St Helier Town Crier is published by the Parish of St Helier in association with MailMate.

Parish of St Helier: Town Hall, PO Box 50, York Street, St Helier, Jersey, JE4 8PA www.sthelier.je

Editorial contact: Annie Le Noury T: (01534) 811821 E: [email protected]

MailMate: Le Quai Bisson, Le Boulevard, St Aubin, Jersey, JE3 8JT. E: [email protected]. If you like the look of our magazine and think it would be the right place for your company toadvertise please contact Phil Osborne on 01534 493300 or email [email protected]

Copyright notice: 2015©Parish of St Helier. The entire content of this magazine is protected bycopyright. All rights are reserved. No part of this magazine may be reproduced, stored in a retrievalsystem, or transmitted in any form or by any means electronic, mechanical, photocopying,recording or otherwise with prior written consent of the copyright owner.

Reprint details: Reprints of articles can be obtained by contacting the publishers.

Disclaimer: While the Parish of St Helier and their contributors to The St Helier Town Crier haveprovided the information contained in this magazine in good faith, they accept no responsibility,financial or otherwise, for any action taken by any other party as a result of the information provided.Independent and appropriate advice should always be sought on such matters. The viewsexpressed written in this magazine are those of the authors and do not necessarily represent theviews of the Parish of St Helier or MailMate. Whilst every effort is taken to ensure accuracy, theParish of St Helier and MailMate accept no responsibility for errors or omissions that may occur.

PLEASE NOTEThere will be no Parish Assembly on Monday 11 May.The next one will be on Wednesday 27 May at 7pm.

The Marine Lake – St Helier’s very own infinitypool – looked most inviting in the recent springsunshine

Page 4: Celebrating Liberation 70 in St Helier - St Helier Town Hall · The St Helier Town Crier is published by the Parish of St Helier in association with MailMate. Parish of St Helier:


PARISH MATTERSA round-up of the latest news and events from the Town Hall, Parish of St Helier

St Patrick’s Day FormerHonorary Consul for Ireland,Pamela O’Neil, was joined bymembers of the Irish communityin Jersey for a reception in theTown Hall on St Patrick’s Day,after which a memorial tree wasplanted in Parade Gardens toremember past members of thecommunity. Deacon IainMacFirbhisigh blessed the tree,which is an Irish ash.


to our coaching staff and the parents of the players for theirconsiderable support. Thanks also to all those involved in theorganisation of this tour, in particular Maderian FA representativeHumberto Fernandes and Luis Viera from Estrela Travel. Theseopportunities are so important in player development and theboys performed very well both on and off the pitch – we lookforward to attending again next year’.

Members of the Irish communityin Jersey in Parade Gardens

Brian Oliver, Football Development Officer of the JerseyFootball Association, reports on a recent trip which wassponsored by the St Helier Youth Committee.The group included St Helier residents Bradley Hibbs, Oscar LeSelleur, Deon Pallett, Ben Prince and Tommy Ward. On arrivalthe squad travelled to the picturesque town of Machico wherethey enjoyed excellent hospitality, food and leisure activities atthe Dom Pedro Baia Hotel where they were based for the durationof their stay.

This was the sixth time the tournament has been held, withmatches taking from 27th to 31st March at three different venuesaround the Island.

Results and goal scorers in our three matches were as follows:

1–3 v Madeira FA Select (Josh Coutanche)0–0 v CS Camera de Lobos2–1 v AD Machico (Josh Coutanche, Adam Baluchi)

Jersey FA Football Development Manager Brian Oliver said‘The hospitality we received from our Madeira hosts and theprofessional clubs we visited (CD Nacional and CS Maritimo)was first class; the whole squad has had a wonderful experience.Many thanks to our sponsors, Capita and the Parish of St Helier,

national competition runby the RHS and theParish also encourageslocal businesses to joinin the various categories in the St Heliercompetition, such as Best Bank, Best AlFresco Area, and so on. The Communityin Bloom Group is always on the lookoutfor enthusiastic and green-fingered newmembers – for more information see thelist of ‘Parish Groups’.

The Jersey Lilies performing outside theTown Hall at the start of the event

Community in Bloom campaign2015 St Helier’s campaign to createclean, environmentally-friendly andbeautiful surroundings was launched lastmonth, with dancing by the Jersey Lilies.They were joined by sponsors of theParish’s Garden Awards and members ofthe Committee, and displays were onview showing the range of projects thatwill be undertaken in the comingmonths. St Helier is a finalist in the

Under 14 team of Jersey footballers takepart in the annual four team ‘Tourneio

Madeira Jovem Fuetbol’

Page 5: Celebrating Liberation 70 in St Helier - St Helier Town Hall · The St Helier Town Crier is published by the Parish of St Helier in association with MailMate. Parish of St Helier:

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Clear investment. Pur

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Page 7: Celebrating Liberation 70 in St Helier - St Helier Town Hall · The St Helier Town Crier is published by the Parish of St Helier in association with MailMate. Parish of St Helier:



St Helier chooses young ambassadors for 2015St Helier has once again found three young people to representthe Parish at the variety of events and functions which go onthroughout the year. At a dinner organised by our Battle ofFlowers Committee the 2014 Miss St Helier (Anya Skinner),Junior Miss St Helier (Samantha Sekorsky) and Mr St Helier(Michael Branca) took their final bows, while a panel of fivejudges selected the new representatives. The Parish congratulatesElla Blampied, Natasha O’Sullivan and Conrad Duckworth, andlooks forward to their appearances in the busy months ahead.

Above: Mr St Helier has his first dance with his Mum

Left: Ella, Natasha and Conrad

New Community Association for the West of Townwants to know residents’ priorities A new CommunityAssociation has been set up for the West of Town to bringtogether residents and businesses from the Vingtaine du RougeBouillon (which includes Cheapside, Rouge Bouillon, TheParade, Gloucester Street, St John’s Road and adjacent areas), tobetter understand their needs and voice their issues.

During a very successful first meeting, which saw theelection of a Committee to lead the Association, it was agreedthat all residents of the area would be asked to give theiropinions on what issues the Committee should focus on, toachieve meaningful improvements for the area. The Committeehas produced a questionnaire in English, Polish and Portugueselanguage versions on issues such as road safety, parking,policing, and community involvement.

The Association’s Chairman, Christian May, said ‘We arekeen to ensure that we are dealing with the issues that are mostimportant to residents, and would like to get as many responsesto the questionnaire as possible.’

Residents can complete the questionnaire in a variety of ways:complete it online at http://westoftownjsy.wordpress.com;download and print a copy, which can then be returned to theTown Hall; or, for those without access to internet facilities,collect a copy from the Town Hall. Copies will also be distributedin residential care homes and schools in the area. Finally, if anyelderly or disabled residents are unable to collect or print a copy,the Chairman will deliver one to them on request by telephoning07797 894780. Responses are requested by Friday 26th June 2015.

More information on the West of Town CommunityAssociation can be found on the website above, by [email protected] or by visiting the followingSocial Media sites; Facebook: westoftownjsy, Twitter:@westoftownjsy.

Progress towards a First World War Memorial inSt Helier As reported in previous issues of the Town Crier,the Parish of St Helier is the only one of the Island’s parisheslacking a memorial to the fallen in the Great War. The RoadsCommittee is undertaking an exercise to commission a suitablework of public art to form part of such a memorial and nowlocal historian, Ian Ronayne, has completed a research projectto find out the names of those parishioners who gave their livesa century ago. Ian has found just over 600 names, which will bemade available in booklet form as well as online once his workhas been completed.

Local historian, Ian Ronayne

Page 8: Celebrating Liberation 70 in St Helier - St Helier Town Hall · The St Helier Town Crier is published by the Parish of St Helier in association with MailMate. Parish of St Helier:


Your adaptableTOWN HALLtransformed into the States’ Chamberone day, a fashion show the next!

Main picture: Marek(left) takes a bowwith the final modelof the show

Above left: Graffitiartists at work in theTown Hall

Left: Representativesof the StrokeAssociation on handto explain thecharity’s work

For the first time in living memory –and perhaps for the first time ever –Jersey’s parliament, the States’

Assembly, was forced to evacuate theRoyal Court building during the lastsitting of the States before the Easterbreak. With a major debate only justbegun, and assurances from the FireService that it was not a false alarm butan electrical fire requiring the building tobe vacated for the rest of the day,Constable Len Norman, presiding overthe debate, asked the Constable ofSt Helier if proceedings could be moveddown to the Town Hall. The AssemblyRoom is used for an increasing number ofevents by both businesses and charitiesbut luckily it was free that day andthanks to the herculean efforts of theStates of Jersey IT Department it wastransformed into a debating chamber by2.30pm, complete with recording andbroadcasting functions. Three 19thcentury constables (Perrot, Le Sueur andGodfray) looked down as the meeting gotunderway, and States’ members adaptedquickly to their new surroundings.

The following day the AssemblyRoom hosted ‘The Art of Fashion’,devised by the Retail DevelopmentGroup and organised by Daphne East,Town Centre Manager, assisted by MarekJurczyk (featured on the cover of theMarch Town Crier.) The event raisedover £1,000 for the Stroke Association.Lots of St Helier clothing retailers tookpart, including De Gruchy’s, Eclectic,Ellis Collections, Esprit, George, Mango,Metamorphosis, More than Sport,Murphy’s Clothing, Rachel’s TextilesStudio, Tib Street, Up and Above, andVoisin’s. Thanks were also given to thesponsors and other supporters of theevent, including Lanique, JerseyEntertainments, Paul Wright(photography) and Delta.

What made the evening particularlymemorable was that before, during andafter the models took to the catwalk, awork of graffiti art was created on largeboards (donated by Normans) by BenRoberts and Vince Talcone fromFreshprints. The curtain raiser was aperformance by Total Mayhembreakdance crew, which included someamazing hip hop dancing to entertain the150 strong crowd. Ashlea Tracey fromBBC Radio Jersey was the compère,bringing a lot of sparkle and glamour tothe event. This was another first for theAssembly Room with urban street artand dance mixed with high streetfashion from a plethora of retailers,raising money for a good cause.

Page 9: Celebrating Liberation 70 in St Helier - St Helier Town Hall · The St Helier Town Crier is published by the Parish of St Helier in association with MailMate. Parish of St Helier:


The States have been talking recently of the need to put upparking charges above the cost of inflation in order todiscourage car use. As St Helier parishioners will know by

now, this is not a policy I can support as it impacts adversely ontown dwellers. Indeed in recent years I have successfullyamended both the Island Plan and the Sustainable TransportPolicy to make sure that the States doesn’t starve the town ofthe affordable and convenient parking facilities which are anessential part of maintaining our quality of life and the vibrancyof our town. Of course we need to take steps to reduce thecongestion in the town centre and to give pedestrians (i.e.residents on their way to work or to school, shoppers, visitors,etc.) a safer and more pleasant experience than happens atpresent in places like Bath Street, Beresford Street, HalkettPlace and Conway Street. But putting up the cost of parkinggives out of town shops and restaurants an extra advantage thatI, for one, don’t want them to have.

It is also important that alternatives to using the car for someof our journeys are put in place before any hike in the cost ofparking is considered: we are still waiting for a town bus service,

linking places like the harbours,the hospital, Pier Road Car Park (whichcould offer cheaper parking to encourage people to make use ofdozens of empty spaces all year round); we also need saferpavements and crossing points, and safe cycling routes, to assistpeople who would happily leave their cars at home if walking orcycling to work or school was a realistic option.

If I don’t support making town parking more expensive,why have I agreed to raise the cost of residents’ parking permitsby 10%? As was explained at last month’s Parish Assembly, theParish has always tried to cover the cost of running its threeRPZs from the income from permits. Reducing the cost of apermit would mean employing fewer staff to administer thescheme which in turn would mean that the illegal use of RPZspaces would be even harder to control than it is at present. Thefinal decision rests with St Helier ratepayers, however; if youare concerned about what the Parish charges for any of itsservices, please put the date of the annual Rates Assembly inyour diaries: Wednesday 15th July at 7pm.

Constable Simon Crowcroft


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Free entry with retiring collection in aid of the RNLI

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Pitcher & Le Quesne has been serving the Island communityfor over 100 years, arranging funerals for Jersey residentswho have passed away either on the Island or abroad. They

provide an unparalleled level of care and understanding in whatare always difficult times for the families and loved ones of therecently passed. They are contactable 24 hours a day, seven daysa week, all year round, and provide a complete service from aperson’s passing until they are laid to rest.

As well as the traditional hearse, Pitcher & Le Quesne canprovide alternative transport for the deceased in the form of ahorse-drawn or even a motorcycle hearse. And Funeral DirectorPaul Battrick MBE and his fellow directors Andy Errington-Rennell and Gareth John have now provided another level ofservice and dignity to their business by adding a new privateambulance to their fleet of vehicles. As Paul explains, “Peopleare used to seeing a hearse on the way to a funeral. However, thefirst part of our duty as funeral directors is to collect the recentlypassed from a residence, hospital or care facility.

We felt that, by acquiring and adapting a vehicle into abespoke private ambulance for Jersey we could offer an even morerespectful, dignified and discreet service.” Paul continues “Wecontinually reappraise how we conduct our business. In theimmediate aftermath of a passing we are called upon to performour duty. We know from experience that bringing a much lovedrelative or friend who has just passed into our care is as importantto the family, if not more so, than the day of the funeral.

The vehicle is a brand new black Ford Galaxy, which hasbeen adapted and equipped with the most modern specialisedequipment to facilitate transportation to the Chapel of Rest atPitcher & Le Quesne. Subtle lettering on the vehicle is the onlyreference to the company, which enhances the discreetness ofthe service.

Paul says “We are very pleased to have acquired this privateambulance at Pitcher & Le Quesne and, in the short time sincewe have had the vehicle, families have commented favourablyon the extra care we have provided. That alone more thanjustifies its purchase.”

Pitcher &Le QuesneNew Private Ambulance offersdiscretion, dignity and respect.

Caring,Personal & Professional


caring personal professional


Funeral Directors:

A Jersey companyserving our Islandfor over 100 years

A Jersey companyserving our Islandfor over 100 years





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Page 12: Celebrating Liberation 70 in St Helier - St Helier Town Hall · The St Helier Town Crier is published by the Parish of St Helier in association with MailMate. Parish of St Helier:


In March 2015 Jersey Heritage launchedits new Archives and CollectionsOnline Catalogue. For the first time,

the catalogue includes images of morethan 31,000 Occupation RegistrationCards that were created during theGerman Occupation of Jersey during theSecond World War.

The cards have been available toview at Jersey Archive for many yearsbut they can now be downloaded on apay per view basis or as part of anannual subscription to the Archives andCollections Online resource –http://catalogue.jerseyheritage.org/.

The Occupation Registration Cardsare a set of unique documents that showthe faces, backgrounds and communitiesof the people of Jersey who lived underthe German Occupation.

Wishing to control the movements ofthe civil population, the Germanauthorities made it compulsory foreverybody to be registered under theRegistration and Identification of Persons(Jersey) Order, 1940. This registrationprocess required the collation of personaldetails concerning everyone within the

Island. Every Islander was then issuedwith his or her identity card whilst theGerman authorities kept an official setwhich is now at Jersey Archive.

The specific information collectedincludes name, maiden name, address,date and place of birth, occupation, anymilitia experience and distinguishingfeatures. Children under the age offourteen were recorded on the back oftheir father’s card. As a result, a set ofcards was created which includes a greatdeal of personal information togetherwith a photograph of each adult.

The cards were updated regularlywith details added if people moved orhad more children and as soon aschildren reached the age of fourteen theywere issued with their own card.

The Occupation Registration Cardsform a pictorial census of the Islanderswho were occupied and their

The stories behind the


Secret Weapons

Occupation Tapestry Gallery

Saturday 2 May +Sunday 3 May 7pm

Optimistic Voices

Friday 8 May 1.05pm

The Wizard of Oz

Monday 11 May 2pm

Anton Dressler +Ingrid Fliter

Amici Artium

Tuesday 12 May 8pm

Box Office: 700444www.artscentre.je

Page 13: Celebrating Liberation 70 in St Helier - St Helier Town Hall · The St Helier Town Crier is published by the Parish of St Helier in association with MailMate. Parish of St Helier:


Thursday 14 May +

Friday 15 May 8pm

Much Ado About Nothing

Blue Apple Theatre

Tuesday 19 May 7.30pm

Coull String Quartet

A Channel IslandsMusic Council Tour

Thursday 21 May 8pm

Idil Biret

Tuesday 26 May 8pm

Box Office: 700444www.artscentre.je 13

experiences and memories have shapedthe views of the local community. Thecards have no direct equal but Guernseydoes hold similar material registering thepopulation of Jersey’s sister island.

The cards reflect the most studied,written about and most well-known partof Jersey’s history. They also reflect themost controversial part of Jersey’s recentpast – within the faces of the individualswho have been registered we see thosewho became local heroes. Such as AlbertBedane, who hid a Jersey Jewish womanfrom the German authorities and washonoured by the State of Israel as‘Righteous Amongst the Nations’, orLouisa Gould, a woman who sheltered aRussian prisoner of war and, after beingconvicted by the German Courts forspreading news and listening towirelesses, died in RavensbruckConcentration Camp.

We also see so called collaborators,such as the infamous AlexandrineBaudains who informed on her fellowIslanders and, after Liberation, wasimprisoned and subsequently left theIsland for fear of reprisal.

The cards also show us the faces ofour own relatives and those who haveOccupation stories to tell that are lesswell-known.

Izett Croad was a member of the Croadfamily who ran a successful undertakers’business from their shop at 46 Colomberiefrom the 1840s–1930s. Number 46 was oneof the houses on the site of the present dayState Street office block.

In 1930, the business was movedacross the road to 39 Colomberie, andwas still there when the Island wasoccupied by German forces in 1941.

George Croad and his grown-upchildren, Edward and Izett, lived on thepremises, as can be seen from Izett’sOccupation Registration Card. Izett kepta diary of her occupation experiences,part of which was later published by thePresbyterian Church. The originalmanuscript is held at the Archive.

She wrote neatly on vertical ‘reporter’style notepads until the end of 1942,when it is presumed she ran out of paper.Her account of the early German air raidson the Island includes a description of anunusual impromptu air raid shelter:

‘At about 12:45, the siren went againand Ford came in to say that theworkshop was full of people, so I toldhim to send the women in to me, whichhe did. And put the men in the mortuary,a cheerful place to use as an air raidshelter. At least one is ready for allcontingencies!’

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The cover of the February issue ofthe Town Crier showed Islanderscollecting their supplies from the

SS Vega’s last voyage. A few of thepeople in that photo just so happen tobe very close relatives of Rose Marshall,a Waitrose employee in St Helier. TheVega was a Red Cross ship that broughtsupplies including clothing, soaps andfood into the Channel Islands towardsthe end of the Occupation. The lastvoyage docked on 11th May 1945, justtwo days after the Islands were freedfrom Nazi rule.

‘One of my brothers saw the TownCrier and he was the one who told me,’Rose says. ‘In the photo there’s mymum, my aunties and my two brothers.’Rose’s mother, Dorothy ‘Dolly’ Dolbel,resided on the mainland until the war,but soon decided it was time to leave.‘My mum originated from London, andwhen the war began her and her twosisters moved over here for a quieterlife.’ However, with curfews and regulations to obey, life was notas peaceful as she may have hoped. After the D-Day landings inJune 1944, supplies were cut off from France, which wasoccupied by Germany. Hence the importance of the SS Vega:

The TOWN CRIERstirs memories ofthe SS VEGABy Dani Noble-Devenney

‘The food parcels, as well as themedicine and clothing – my family andmany others were incredibly grateful forthem’ Rose recalls.

For the 50th anniversary of theIslands’ liberation, Mrs Dolbel was partof something a little different. ‘She’sactually in the Occupation Tapestry!’Rose says with pride. ‘She even put astitch in herself.’ The tapestry is ondisplay at the Maritime Museum, andfeatures the very same image, takensoon after Liberation. This year, Roseplans to celebrate the Liberation withloved ones. ‘My husband is in the army,so I’ll be at the commemorationsupporting him with his regiment. It’salways a wonderful, enjoyable event.’

Waitrose's St Helier branch are onceagain supporting the SS Vega afternoontea in aid of the Red Cross on Sunday24th May, while the SS Vega has beenchosen by the St Helier Battle ofFlowers Committee as the theme of this

year’s float in the Battle of Flowers on 13th August.

Above: Rose with the February Town Crier

Below: The panel from the Occupation Tapestry

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Featured choirs, featured music,featured readings, Heads of Faith involved

1900HrsIsland Service of Thanksgivingand Remembrance

Town Church

SATURDAY 9TH MAY 20151130Hrs Slave Workers Memorial Service Westmount


LIBERATION 70 Detailed timetable of events

From 1300Hrs Guests/ParishGroups/public startassembling alongParade Route and inPeople’s Park.

Parades assemblein/around LiberationSquare/WeighbridgePlace/Royal Square

Pre-event bandmusic/displays inLiberation Square,Weighbridge Placeand Royal Square.

Footage to‘big screens’ inPeople’s Park.

Parade 1: Scout BandScoutsBrowniesGirl Guides249HQ Sqdn BandParish/School groupsParish Standards

Parade 2: Jersey Military Vehicle ClubJersey Old Motorcar Club

Parade 3: Band of Island JerseyCadets

Parade 4: Royal Marine BandFlag Contingent/StandardsHMS Iron DukeJersey Field SquadronPWRR




Grand LiberationParade of Parades

Route: Liberation SquareConway StreetBroad StreetYork StreetThe ParadePeople’s Park

1430/1440Hrs Liberation SquareFlag re-enactment at Liberation Square involving Parade 4,Harbours, Army cadets, Deputy Bailiff/Connétable of St Helier– Old Harbour Office, Pomme d’Or, Fort Regent.

Liberation Ceremony People’s Park• States meeting• Freedom Ceremony• Creative Production• Flag Ceremony and Act of Remembrance• Royal Gun Salute• National Anthem• Fly past of period planes• Tea Party and entertainment

Formalities to conclude approx. 1700/1730Hrs with departure ofHE/Bailiff/Chief Minister.

People’s Park until 2130Hrs approx. Public Food Fayre and further entertainment.

2100Hrs Evening formal arrangements followed bynight-time finale at 2200Hrs, St. Aubin’s Bay

People’s Park and St. Aubin’s Bay

Page 16: Celebrating Liberation 70 in St Helier - St Helier Town Hall · The St Helier Town Crier is published by the Parish of St Helier in association with MailMate. Parish of St Helier:

LIBERATION 70 THE OFFICIAL PROGRAMMEThe programming of arrangements for the 70th Anniversary of the Liberation ofJersey has been agreed by the Bailiff’s Consultative Panel and approved by the RoyalHousehold ahead of HRH The Countess of Wessex’s attendance at the celebrationson 9th May 2015. Taking into account the concerns that have been raised by someOccupation veterans, the official Liberation programme and timings are as follows:



Service of thanksgiving in

celebration of the 70th

anniversary of the Liberation

led by the Dean of Jersey

All welcome. Seats to be taken by 1845Hrs please


ParadeApproximately 1,000 people willtake part in the parade whichwill be screened in People’s Park


Liberation Ceremonyin the presence of HRH The Countessof Wessex, including a message fromHer Majesty The Queen, a meeting of

the States’ Assembly, a FreedomCeremony, a Flag Ceremony andAct of Remembrance, creative

performances, a fly past of periodaeroplanes and a tea party withRoyal Walkabout. Entertainmentand food available until 2145Hrs


Slaveworkers’Memorial Service

All welcome


Liberation Beacon

and Firework Display


People’s ParkGates open for ticket holders and

the public with food and

refreshments and entertainment


Re-enactment of theLiberation

including a gun salute by HMS Iron Duke,music by the Band of the Island of Jersey, and

‘Beautiful Jersey’ sung by Sadie Rennard.All welcome. Seating available from 1030Hrs

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1900 HrsAssembly Room, Town Hall. Free lecture and panel discussion on ‘Protest,Defiance and Resistance in the Channel Islands’ with Dr Gilly Carr(Senior Lecturer and Academic Director in Archaeology, University ofCambridge Institute of Continuing Education, Fellow and Director of Studies inHSPS, St Catharine's College), Dr Paul Sanders author of ‘The UltimateSacrifice’ 1998, and ‘The British Channel Islands under German Occupation’,2005) and Dr Louise Wilmot (Principal History Lecturer and ProgrammeLeader, Manchester Metropolitan University)

0900 Hrs – 1100 Hrs: Liberation Day BreakfastAssembly Room, Town Hall. Sponsored by Waitrose, St Helier.For tickets please contact Leo Harris, tel. 745821 or email:[email protected]





LIBERATION 70 Main events organised by the Parish of St Helier

1400 Hrs – 1700 Hrs: Liberation Tea for St Helier ParishionersLiberation Square and the WeighbridgeFor tickets please contact Jane Skelhorn, tel. 811823 or email:[email protected]

1900 HrsAssembly Room, Town Hall. Free concert by the Musical OriginalsSingers with a retiring collection in aid of the John Lobb Trust


At the recent SS Vega tea partyparishioner John Pasturel brought aphoto of the crowds in Liberation

Square on 9th May 1945 and pointedhimself out, a small boy with his mum inthe foreground. Similarly the photographof Islanders with their SS Vega parcelswhich was the cover picture of the TownCrier in February prompted people to getin touch as they recognised their relativesor even themselves in the picture. Staffand helpers at the Parish’s Liberationevents such as the Liberation DayBreakfast and the Afternoon Tea find thatthis is one of the most rewardingexperiences, meeting people who arewilling to share their memories of whatit was like to be part of the firstLiberation Day.

Below: The Musical Originals Singers willbe performing on Liberation Day as well asgiving a free concert in the Town Hall onFriday 15th May

John Pasturel remembers Liberation Day

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Parish Allotments


flourishing and seeds starting to emergeon many sites. Plans are afoot to providean honesty stall for the group to sharetheir surplus seedling and plants.

This year has seen increasedprovision of allotments forparishioners of St Helier. After

looking at many potential locations thefirst area for allotments was developed in2011on a Parish-owned field alongsideSurville Cemetery. Advice was gainedfrom various States’ departmentsregarding land use and conditionsnecessary for successful allotments,while JALGA (The Jersey Allotment andLeisure Gardening Association) acted asthe umbrella organisation and helped inthe delivery of the first 34 allotments.

During 2013 the Parks Departmentmoved their outdoor growing area to afield that had previously been rentedout, which gave the opportunity todeliver a further 28 allotments at Survillein an adjoining field.

Allotment members pay an annualfee which covers rental, insurance andset up costs. The average fee is around£100 per annum with the majority ofsites being between 60 and 70 squaremetres. This year has seen an amazingamount of activity with new potatoes

Above: Even on a cold damp day the sitehas a bright and inviting feel to it

Right: Two new members working on thefamily allotment

Below: ‘Upcycling’ plastic bottles toprovide ballast when filled with water tohold things in place.

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With the spotlight on Dementia Week starting on Monday 18th May, Claire Kingham, Senior Associate at Viberts, examines from a legal perspective what options

someone affected by mental incapacity has when it comes to managing their assets.

Sadly most of us have either known someone affected by mental incapacity or will be touched by this issue in the future either in terms of an elderly relative or a friend, or indeed personally.

Whilst we all have the right to look after our own affairs, incapacitating illnesses such as Alzheimer’s, senile dementia or a stroke may decease our ability to carry out day-to-day tasks which were previously second nature. Writing cheques, dealing with the mail or maintaining the home may become insurmountable tasks.

There may be a family member or friend who deals with a person’s finances either informally on the basis of a third party mandate on their bank account or more formally by way of a power of attorney. It is important to understand however that loss of mental capacity automatically revokes a power of attorney. Unfortunately, there is no equivalent in Jersey to the English concept of a Lasting Power of Attorney, which is a power of attorney that continues to be effective despite mental

incapacity. Furthermore, there may come a point where financial decisions have to be made which fall outside the remit of a third party mandate. In such situations it is essential that a formal arrangement be put in place so that someone bears the legal responsibility for making financial decisions.

If this describes a situation you are familiar with then you should consider obtaining legal advice. It may be necessary for a Curator to be appointed. A Curator is a person appointed by the Royal Court to manage and administer the property and finances of a person who is incapable of managing their own affairs.

The procedure involves a Mental Incapacity Report being completed by a doctor or psychiatrist and sent to the Solicitor General’s office. The Solicitor General investigates the matter and will consider the proposed Curator’s suitability to the appointment. This may be a member of the person’s family, a friend or indeed a professional Curator. A professional Curator provides an impartial solution where there are family disputes, the possibility of disputes in the future or where there is no family in the Island. A professional is also appropriate where there are legal or financial matters requiring specialist knowledge. The Curator must file an inventory of the person’s assets to the court within 90 days of the appointment and must then file accounts

annually showing the income and expenditure over the past year. In addition, the permission of the court is required for capital expenditure over a certain amount.

Dealing with another person’s finances and assets as well as your own can prove time consuming, daunting and stressful. Whilst it is possible for a Curator to resign, lay Curators often find this a difficult decision due to the feeling of moral obligation. Taking legal advice on these issues gives you the freedom of choice to make an informed decision as to whether you wish to act as Curator. At Viberts we administer a number of curatorships and are extremely experienced in this area of the law. We also assist lay curators in administering the curatorships themselves.

Who will manage my affairs if I become incapable?

For expert legal advice or more information on the subject of Curatorships, please contact Claire at Viberts on:

01534 888666

[email protected]


Please note: This is intended to be a general guide only. It is not to be taken as legal advice and no responsibility can be accepted for any steps taken in reliance upon it.

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St Helier Schools

Digital Learning Day is coming up onFriday 22nd May for Year 9 students atHaute Vallée. Different companies willbe sharing their knowledge so that otherscan gain an insight into their exciting,ground-breaking digital work. Thestudents are very keen to see how use ofdigital technology could enhanceeducation, and the Day will be primarilyabout using technology to strengthen thestudents’ learning experience. It willprovide access to challenging content,feedback through assessment,opportunities for learning anytime andanywhere, creating an opportunity forstudents to fulfil potential and ability tosucceed. Digital Learning Day is proudlysponsored by Sure, who will beproviding the equipment necessary forthe event to take place. Digital LearningDay has the necessary tools to empower

Haute Valléewritten by Tom Hughes

teachers and students, including onlinecourses; exciting ways to learn withdigital content and resources. Throughaccess to educational opportunities,teachers can also welcome and value theopportunity to learn more about howdigital technologies can be used in theclassroom. The day will be a team effortled by myself, Tom Hughes, and fellowstudents from The 'Digital Leader Team'.Thanks also go to Louise Burrows fromSure, Emma McCartan, Head of ICT, andDave Roworth, Headteacher. Finally,thanks go to the presenting companieswho will be leading theworkshops to enable thestudents to experiencea different way oflearning. It’s hopedthe day will evolveinto a yearly event.

D’Auvergne School“We have been learning all about animals in our Nursery. To celebrate the end of ourtopic we went for a visit to Durrell Wildlife Park. We got to see so many differentanimals and learn about the foods they eat and where they live in the world. It was anexciting day out”.

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There are lots of opportunities for parishioners to get involved in thevariety of activities organised in St Helier. For anyone interested inbecoming involved in these groups, a brief overview and contactdetails are shown below.

ST HELIER IN BLOOMThe Community in Bloom Group encourages community planting andenvironmental initiatives, with artistic flourishes.Contact Tony Andrews on 811700or email [email protected]/Poshbloomgroup

ST HELIER’S HONORARY POLICEThe Honorary Police are an integral part of the Parish, working closelywith the States Police to provide a service unique in the British Isles. Contact the Honorary Police Co-ordinator on 811890or email [email protected]

ST HELIER – AVRANCHES JUMELAGEThe Jumelage Committee facilitates school group exchanges, andcultural and sporting links with Avranches in Normandy.Contact Annabelle Bishop on 07797 762008or email [email protected]

ST HELIER – BAD WURZACH PARTNERSCHAFTSt Helier twinned with Bad Wurzach, where many Islanders wereinterned during the Second World War, in 2002. The PartnerschaftCommittee promotes cultural links between the two towns.Contact Clive Armstrong on 854152or email clive.partnerschaft@outlook.comwww.sthelierbadwurzachpartnerschaft.com

ST HELIER – FUNCHAL GEMINAÇÃOThe Committee supports activities celebrating the Portuguese language,music, food and national days, following the twinning with Funchal in 2012.Contact Simon Crowcroft on 811821or email [email protected] page: Comité de Geminição St Helier-Funchal

ST HELIER POLISH SOCIETYA new group to promote Polish culture locally.Contact Magda Chmielewska on 07700 811719or [email protected]

ST HELIER – YOUTH COMMITTEEThe St Helier Youth Committee gives financial support to youthprojects throughout the Parish. It is also responsible for allocatinggrants to groups and individuals who live in the Parish.Application forms available from our website: www.sthelier.jeContact Sarah Richardson on 07797 732901or email [email protected]

ST HELIER – BATTLE OF FLOWERS ASSOCIATIONThe St Helier Battle of Flowers Association is a welcoming group keento create a community atmosphere. All Islanders are welcome to join in.Alain Baudains on 07797 832597 or email [email protected]

ST HELIER PÉTANQUE GROUPThe ‘POSH Pétanquers’ meet on Fridays at 2pm in the MillenniumTown Park. Newcomers are welcome and coaching is provided. Contact Tony Allchurch on 767593 or email [email protected]

ST HELIER COMMUNITY SERVICES TEAMWhen the administration of welfare was moved to Income Support theParish retained some of its staff skilled in supporting the community,assisted by volunteers. New members are always welcome. Contact Julie Garrod on 811856 or email [email protected]

ST HELIER SOCIAL COMMITTEEThe Parish’s Social Committee makes possible activities like the LiberationCream Tea and the Christmas Lunches. New members welcome. Contact Jane Skelhorn on 811823or email [email protected]


Residents at both of our Homes enjoy a varietyof activities and pictured here are St Ewold’s residents ChrissieWakeham, Alan Luce and Audrey Nicolle enjoying a drawingclass in the Hobbies Room.

His Excellency, the Lieutenant Governor, Sir John McColland Lady McColl, together with the Constable of St Helier,visited St Helier House recently to present a birthday card tocentenarian, Mrs Edna Holme.

Children from the Forget Me Not Room atAvranches Day Nursery visited St Ewold’s residentslast month to show off their beautiful homemade Easterbonnets, with some of the residents becoming willing models!


Page 23: Celebrating Liberation 70 in St Helier - St Helier Town Hall · The St Helier Town Crier is published by the Parish of St Helier in association with MailMate. Parish of St Helier:

Piaf: the SongsSaturday 6 June 8pm

Eve Loiseau sings the songs of Edith Piaf with Fiona Barrow on violin and MurrayGrainger on accordion.

Eve Loiseau’s passion for Piaf developed at a young age, around the dining table inSouth East France. Coming from a French family of singers, long summer meals wereoften rounded off with French chansons.

Since her debut at the Royal Festival Hall in February 2002, Eve Loiseau has givenrecitals in England, New York and France and has featured on BBC R3, WNYC Radio,PMW Music and the BBC production, The Roman Mysteries. Eve performs withCanteve Vocale and the baroque ensemble, Duo Dolcetini.

“all of Piaf’s best-loved songs, each performed impeccably and with genuineemotion” — Broadway Baby.

Tickets: £17 (£11 students) Members: £14.45 (£9.35 students)

Box Office: 700444 www.artscentre.je

A Channel Islands Music Council Tour

TLast year a total of 1898 persons were reported for a range ofoffences and attended a Parish Hall Enquiry – a drop of some17% on 2013. St Helier's Centeniers charged persons on 762

occasions for their subsequent appearance at Court. In addition, atotal of 104 Summonses for Court were issued to those who chosenot to attend a Parish Hall Enquiry. The total of first courtappearances, 866, is slightly down on the 2013 figure of 869.

Following the inception of the Island’s first PoliceAuthority, it was agreed that the Honorary Police of each Parishwould publish an annual policing plan and this was completedin January this year. It can be viewed on the Parish websiteunder the Honorary Police section. The plan complements theaims of the Island’s enforcement agencies.

During the first quarter of 2015 the Honorary Police havecontinued to conduct Parish Hall Enquiries on most week-dayevenings, with the volume of persons attending remainingconstant and requiring significant resources. Nevertheless, thisis an established part of the Island’s unique criminal justicesystem and helps alleviate pressure on the courts.

As with any other year policing public events has been fairlyquiet; however, the planning and preparation that goes on behindthe scenes for the forthcoming spring / summer events hascontinued unabated. This year will be particularly busy because,in addition to all normal events such as the Boat Show, LiberationDay, Festival of Motoring etc., there is a full programme of eventsassociated with the Island Games. The planning required for theseevents, in conjunction with partner agencies, to ensure publicsafety is another significant task and my thanks goes to all theteam involved but particularly to Vingtenier Mitch Couriard MBEwho is responsible for planning and organising.

Despite a successful recruitment campaign in late 2014 /early 2015 there still exists a number of vacancies within theHonorary Police. Anyone resident in St Helier who is interestedin joining the team is asked to contact the Honorary PoliceAdministrator, Kevin Molloy on 811890 or [email protected].

QUARTERLYHonorary PoliceREPORT By Centenier Danny Scaife,

Chef de Police



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The Jersey Bowling Club atWestmount is always on the lookout fornew bowling members, all ages welcome.Anyone interested please contact JeanLowery on 07797 776790.

The Jersey Centre forSeparated Familieshas now moved and they are based at9 Burlington House, St Saviour’s Road,St Helier, JE2 4LA. Tel: 07797 798192

As well as the Mont àl’Abbé School Art Clubstill wanting any spare old style bicyclewheels you may have, plus large pramwheels and go-kart wheels, off-cuts ofmaterial, rope, wool and raffia, they arealso looking for used postage stamps fora forthcoming art project. If you can helpplease drop off to the School marked ‘ArtClub’. Thank you.

Hats4Headway Day:22nd May 2015 Headway Jerseyis asking Islanders to help raise vitalfunds by taking part in Hats for HeadwayDay and donning a hat for a day. Thecharity received fantastic support lastyear and is hoping even more Islanderswill get involved this year. All themoney raised will go towards continuingto support local people affected by braininjury, so please get involved. For moreinformation contact Headway on 505937.


St John Ambulance isoffering free carers’support sessions a freeprogramme for anyone helping a friend,neighbour or relative. The programme isnow in its 10th year and, led, developedand delivered by experienced registerednurses, offers guidance on the carer’srole, looking after your back with regardto lifting etc, stress management, benefits,safety in the home and first aid. Caringisn’t easy, and this programme offershelpful, information and easilyunderstood advice. For more informationplease contact Lynn Bouchard, CareProgramme Leader, on 735611 or [email protected].

Murder Muck and Mayhemreturns to St Helier This reallyinformative walk takes place with tourguide Tom Bunting every Tuesdayevening from 12th May to 15thSeptember, leaving the Royal Square at7.30pm. No need to book. Cost is £10 peradult, with accompanied children free.Also taking place every Tuesday morningfrom 14th April to 27th October is the‘Living With the Enemy’ guided walk -delve into life in Jersey when it wasoccupied in World War II. For moreinformation telephone Tom on 482822 oremail [email protected].

Another two guided walkstaking place this summerare ‘A Taste of St Helier’, which takesplace on a Monday, leaving fromLiberation Square at 10.30am, and‘Everything that you wanted to knowabout Jersey – but were afraid to ask!’,which also takes place on a Monday,leaving from the George V statue inHoward Davis Park at 2pm. Both walksare guided by Arthur Lamy and placesneed to be booked – telephone 853525.


GeneralALL SAINTS CHURCHParade, St HelierContact Rev. David on 768323


CHRISTIAN PORTUGUESE MISSIONSt Paul’s Centre, St HelierTel: 522480

IMMANUEL CHRISTIAN CENTRE(Freedom Church), Victoria Street, St HelierTel: 768957

JERSEY BAPTIST CHURCHVauxhall Street, St Helier Tel: 879611

ST ANDREW’S CHURCHLe Mont Cochon, St Heliervisit www.standrewschurch.org.je,www.facebook.com/StAndrewsChurchJersey, telephone 734582 or [email protected]

ST COLUMBA’SMidvale Road, St Helier Tel: 733220

ST HELIER METHODIST CENTREHalkett Place, St Heliercontact Sarah Keenan-Fox on 877517

ST MARK’S CHURCHSt Mark’s Road, St Heliervisit www.stmarksjersey.org or contactMonika Le Seelleur on 720595

ST MARY’S AND ST PETER’S CHURCHWellington Road, St HelierTel: 720235, www.catholicchurch.org.je

ST PAUL’S CHURCHNew Street, St HelierContact the Church Office on 887887or visit www.stpaulsjersey.org.

ST THOMAS’ CHURCHVal Plaisant, St HelierTel: 720235, www.catholicchurch.org.je

THE SALVATION ARMYMinden Place, St Helier Tel: 723336

TOWN CHURCHChurch Street, St Heliercontact the Town Church on 736734or visit www.townchurch.org.je

Have you something to share with fellow parishioners? Is there an event or activity coming up that you want to tell St Helierabout? Let us know at the Town Crier and we can include on the monthly Parish Notice Board. Email short news items andassociated photos to [email protected] or call Annie Le Noury on 811821.


Page 25: Celebrating Liberation 70 in St Helier - St Helier Town Hall · The St Helier Town Crier is published by the Parish of St Helier in association with MailMate. Parish of St Helier:


DO YOU WANTYOUR BUSINESSTO BE NOTICED?The St Helier Town Crier is a great way to promote your businessand maximise your exposure. With a monthly circulation of 19,000copies reliably distributed by Jersey Post to every household andbusiness in St Helier it offers unrivalled access to your potentialcustomers.

We have advertising space ranging from trade cardsto full page A4 and can offer flexible insertion schedules.Prices start from as little as £75 so please email Cliff: [email protected] orNeil: [email protected] to arrange an advertising package to suit your needs.

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Marc’s Walk This year will be thefifth annual walk in memory of MarcNieuwburg who died of cancer in 2006,and will be the best! So far the walkhas raised £75,000 for the followingcharities: Teenage Cancer Trust(Jersey), CLIC Sargent (Jersey), Mont àl'Abbé School and the children's wardat the hospital/Antoine Trust, and theroute changes each year!

The walk takes place on Sunday 9thAugust and there’s a choice of three starts:14 miles: starting at Plémont, 7 miles: starting at the Val de laMare Reservoir and 3 miles: starting at the Waterfront.

Everyone can walk, even if it's only a small part, and well-behaved dogs and other pets are welcomed. Any questionsplease email [email protected], telephone 07797 773765or visit www/facebook.com/marcswalk.

Grand Vaux Youth Centre’s CommunityOpen Day held on 28th March proved very successful, withmany people visiting to help raise funds for a minibus. Staff andYoung Members gave up their Saturday to help run the event,which raised just over £500, and thanks go to all those whoparticipated.

PARISH CONTACTSConnétable:Simon Crowcroft

Tel: 811821 Fax: 619146 Email: [email protected] Hall: PO Box 50, St Helier, Jersey, JE4 8PA

Town Hall Opening Hours: 9am to 5pm Monday to Friday

Parish Meetings: Notices of Parish meeting are published on our website:www.sthelier.je, in The St Helier Town Crier and the Jersey Evening Post.

PROCUREURS AND PARISH MANAGEMENT BOARDProcureurs du Bien Public:Clive Barton MBE and Peter Pearce Tel: (CB) 880088Email: [email protected] andTel: (PP) 639533 Email: [email protected], Finance: Andrew Pemberton Tel: 811829 Email: [email protected], Parks, Gardens & Open Spaces: Anthony AndrewsTel: 811700 Email: [email protected], Human Resources: Martin RobertsTel: 811824 Email: [email protected], Municipal Services: Debra D'OrleansTel: 811703 Email: [email protected], Technical & Environment Services:John Stievenard Tel: 811845 Email: [email protected]


Deputy Judy Martin Tel: 780641 Email: [email protected] Russell Labey Tel: 481083 Email:[email protected] Scott Wickenden Tel: 07797 717766 Email: [email protected]


Deputy Rod Bryans Tel: 737236 Email: [email protected] Geoff Southern Tel: 728231 Email: [email protected] Sam Mézec Tel: 07797 811130 Email: [email protected]


Deputy Jackie Hilton Tel: 07797 713293 Email: [email protected] Mike Higgins Tel: 873956 Email: [email protected] Richard Rondel Tel: 07797 711537 Email: [email protected] Andrew Lewis Tel: 862663 Email: [email protected]

OTHER PARISH CONTACTSConstable’s PA: Annie Le NouryTel: 811821 Email: [email protected] Services Manager: Daryn CleworthTel: 811870 Email: [email protected] Support Helpline: Tel: 811866RPZ Helpline Tel: 811811 Email: [email protected] Depot: Tel: 811708Duty Centenier: Tel: 07797 722227Registrar: Tel: 811088Town Centre Manager: Daphne East Tel: 07797 824843 Email: [email protected]

PARISH NURSERIES AND HOMESAvranches and Westmount Nurseries:Tel: (Avranches) Carole Luce 811719Tel: (Westmount) Jane Snodgrass 811718 St Helier House: Jacqueline Jolley Tel: 811715Email: [email protected] Ewold’s: Ann Mclean Tel: 811716 Email: [email protected]

ST HELIER ROADS COMMITTEENigel Blake Tel: 875339 Email: [email protected] Jennings Tel: 280778 Email: [email protected] Very Rev. Bob Key Tel: 720001 Email: [email protected] Le Brocq Tel: 743606 Email: [email protected] Wade Tel: 875663 Email: [email protected] Manning Tel: 07700 356438 Email: [email protected]

Page 27: Celebrating Liberation 70 in St Helier - St Helier Town Hall · The St Helier Town Crier is published by the Parish of St Helier in association with MailMate. Parish of St Helier:




St Peters Academy & Tour BusSt Peters Academy & Tour Bus


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Tour BBusBus




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ORGANISATIONS IN ST HELIERAGE CONCERN JERSEY Home cooked lunches every week day at 12 noon(excluding bank holidays), and bingo every Wednesday at 1.30pm.Computer courses for every level on Mondays, Thursdays and Fridays.Telephone 758922 or Freephone 0800 7350345. Frozen meal delivery –please contact Chris on 870354

REGENT BOWLS CLUB Fort Regent: Indoor bowling takes place on Monday,Wednesday and Friday mornings from 9.30am to 12 noon, with free tuitiongiven to new members. For more information contact Harold Noel on617926

GOOD COMPANIONS CLUB Hosting various events for the Island’s over 50s,and based at Le Marais, St Clement, more information on The GoodCompanions Club can be obtained by contacting Manager Angela Falla [email protected]

JERSEY ALZHEIMER’S ASSOCIATION Hilgrove Street: The office anddrop-in centre are open from 10am to 1pm Monday to Thursday.Call in for information and advice, telephone 723519 or [email protected]. Website: www.jerseyalzheimers.com.Helpline: 443075

JERSEY CODERS (computer coding club for teenagers): Meets weekly ona Wednesday at JT premises in St Helier. For further information pleasecontact Gwyn Garfield-Bennett on 715411 or 07797 715560 or [email protected]

JERSEY BUMPS & BABIES GROUP Meets on the first Thursday of eachmonth, 11am to 1pm, at the Café at St Helier Methodist Centre, HalkettStreet. Contact Viki Lucas at [email protected] or 07700 362022

JERSEY MS THERAPY CENTRE at Rope Walk, St Helier. Open from 11am to6pm on Tuesdays and Wednesdays, the Centre offers complementarytherapies, meditation / relaxation, and oxygen therapy in the Barochamberwhich is available to anyone. For more information please telephone737297, email [email protected] or visit www.jerseymstc.co.uk

COMMUNITY SAVINGS LTD. offers account facilities, budgeting advice andin certain cases emergency funding to Islanders. Drop into the Seale Streetoffice Tues-Fri 9.30am-12.30pm or call 737555. Information also available atwww.communitysavings.org.je

SCOTTISH COUNTRY DANCING an opportunity to get fit and learn a newskill. For beginners, with no partners required, just come along. EveryThursday from 7.30–8.45pm at First Tower School, £4 per person. ContactJoy on 862205 or Alan on 484375.

THE JERSEY JUDO CLUB MEETS AT FORT REGENT every Wednesdayevening. The 6–15 years session starts at 6.30pm, and older students from7.30pm. Call 07797 850370 for details.

THE WORDS AND NUMBERS MATTER group meets every Tuesday at 5pmat the Central Library. All welcome. Call 887208 or [email protected] for details.

THE JERSEY BRAIN TUMOUR CHARITY meets on the 3rd Thursday of eachmonth at 10.30am at St Paul's Centre, Lower Hall, for the Brainy BuddiesNetwork meetings. Meetings are for anyone affected by a brain tumourdiagnosis – be that patient, partner, family or friend, regardless of when thediagnosis was made. New members always welcome. Tel 510867 for moreinformation.

JERSEY CITIZENS’ ADVICE BUREAU a free, impartial and confidentialadvice service. Open from 10am to 3pm Monday to Friday. Tel: 724942 or0800 7350249 (free). Email: [email protected]. Web: www.cab.org.je.

This section of the Crier is devoted to the many voluntaryclubs and groups run throughout St Helier. If you would like topromote your organisation or a planned special event, or justto include contact details, please telephone 811821 or [email protected].

WOMEN’S INSTITUTE There are four meetings in St Helier as follows:St Helier Sirens WI:1st Thursday of each month at Church House (oppositeChambers) at 8pm. Contact Helen Asplet on 483000 or [email protected]. La Pouquelaye WI: 2nd Wednesday of each month at theLa Pouquelaye Community Centre (the old La Pouquelaye School) at 7.30pm.Contact Gill James on 722467 or [email protected]. Hel’s Belles WI:2nd Tuesday of each month at 8pm at Kensington Chambers, KensingtonPlace. Contact Sue Bone on 636977 or email [email protected] Tower & Millbrook WI: 2nd Wednesday of each month at theSt Andrew’s Church Hall at 7.30pm. Contact Joan Cadoret on 735534

MOBILE LIBRARY George V Cottage Homes: Mondays, 9.20–9.45amClos du Paradis: Tuesdays, 9.15–9.45am B&Q, Queen’s Road: Tuesdays,9.50–10.30am

BEAVERS, CUBS AND SCOUTS 14th Jersey (St Helier) Scout Group:Salvation Army Hall, Minden Place. Beavers and Cubs: Monday evenings.Scouts: Wednesday evenings. Contact Mary Roberts, Island Secretary, on486935. or email: [email protected]

RAINBOWS, BROWNIES AND GIRL GUIDES All Saints Church Hall group,The Parade: Thursday and Friday evenings. Contact: Daphne on 871199.La Pouquelaye group, La Pouquelaye Community Centre: Tuesdayevening. Contact Tina de la Cour on 07797 761746 or 877559.South Rainbow group, d’Auvergne School: Saturday morning. Contact:Jean on 509003/07797 719003. 5th St Mark’s Brownies group, All SaintsChurch Hall: Wednesday evening. Contact Vee on 789571 or 07797795587. 5th St Mark’s Guides group, La Pouquelaye Community Centre:Monday evening. Contact Pat on 481418. First Tower group, First TowerSchool: Monday evening. Contact Jayne on 723621

LITTLE MONKEYS GYMNASTICS Fort Regent. Various classes to suitchildren from 1 to 6 years. Phone or text Mel on 07797 731101 or [email protected]

REGENT GYMNASTICS CLUB Fort Regent.Visit: www.regentgymnastics.co.uk/

ROYAL BRITISH LEGION 2–4 Great Union Street. Tuesday to Friday from12pm and Saturday and Sunday from 11am

SUN BOWLS Starts mid-April, Opening times: 10.00am, 2.00pm and 6.00pm,leagues on Monday and Tuesday evenings and Thursday mornings. ContactTerry Bell on 734721

FIRST TOWER BILLIARDS & SNOOKER CLUB Open weekdays from 7pm to11pm and Sundays from 1pm to 6pm. Email [email protected]

JERSEY SCRABBLE CLUB Every Tuesday evening at 7pm. Contact Anne on730409 or email [email protected]

ST MARK’S SPARKS Thursdays during term-time from 10am to 11.30am atSt Mark’s Church. Contact Ian MacFeeters on 720595

THE CAESAREA QUILTERS Third Monday of every month. Contact SarahMatlock on 487883

SOROPTIMIST INTERNATIONAL OF JERSEY Ladies Service Club Everyfourth Wednesday of the month at 7.30pm at the Monterey Hotel. ContactMrs Jean Dale on 888882 or email [email protected]

JERSEY BOWLS CLUB Westmount Prospective new bowling members arewelcomed. Please contact Jean Lowery on 07797 776790

TOP (TRIUMPH OVER PHOBIA) Offers structured self-help for people withObsessive Compulsive Disorder and phobias. The Headway Centre onThursday evenings from 7–8.30pm. Contact Celia on 0800 735 0608 [email protected]

JERSEY ASSOCIATION OF RETIRED PERSONS A friendly club for the over50’s. Contact Mrs Annette Elliott on 742402

www.sthelier.je The Parish website is animportant way of keeping parishioners informedand updated. It doesn’t stand alone – we use adverts,circulars, press releases and of course this TownCrier to try and reach everyone. But the website helpsthose of us who want to interact with organisationsonline and at a time that suits us. Why not take a lookat what www.sthelier.je can offer you?

Page 29: Celebrating Liberation 70 in St Helier - St Helier Town Hall · The St Helier Town Crier is published by the Parish of St Helier in association with MailMate. Parish of St Helier:





‘Future St Helier’planning weekend

A weekend workshop to give interestedparishioners and Islanders a say

in planning St Helier’s [email protected] / 811813

or 07797 824843


Liberation DayFor details of Liberation Day events

in St Helier please see page 15

12 NOON WEDNESDAY 20TH MAY Opening of La Bantchette,Conway [email protected] / 811849

4TH–7TH JUNE, PEOPLE’S PARKJersey InternationalMotor Festivalincluding moonlight sprints on Victoria Avenuehttp://jimf.je/2015


Liberation Lecture:

‘Protest, defiance and

resistance in theChannel Islands’

by Dr Gilly Carr, Dr Paul Sanders

and Dr Louise Wilmot.

Town Hall

Free entry, all welcome


SS Vega afternoon tea

in aid of the Red Cross

Town Hall. Tickets from the British Red

Cross Shop, Queen Street.

[email protected] / 639895


Liberation Concert by theMusical Originals Singers

Town HallAll welcome. Free entry with retiring

collection in aid of the John Lobb Trust


Concert by One Voice Choir(Weymouth)

Town Hallorganised by the Jersey Evacuees Association

Free entry with a retiring collection

Page 30: Celebrating Liberation 70 in St Helier - St Helier Town Hall · The St Helier Town Crier is published by the Parish of St Helier in association with MailMate. Parish of St Helier:

Please note that the May meeting of this group of residents andtraders wishing to see Havre des Pas improved is being held at

6pm on Wednesday 6th May in the Ommaroo Hotel (notThursday 7th as stated in last month’s Town Crier).

Thursday 9th July and Thursday 16th July

Once again Constable Simon Crowcroft invites the Parish’s SeniorCitizens to enjoy one of the annual afternoon Island coach toursand cream teas at St Peter’s Garden Centre on one of the above

dates from 1.30–5pm.

The afternoon starts at 1.45pm from Gloucester Street, arrivingat the Garden Centre at around 3pm and finishing back in

St Helier at 5pm.

For further details please contact Jane Skelhorn on 811823.

The Notice of Assessments are due to be issuedto all St Helier ratepayers this month.

Please note this is not a demand for payment, but notificationof your property and land assessments for 2015.

This important notice provides all ratepayers with theopportunity to check and, if necessary, discuss their

assessment with the Assessment Committee.

The Assessment Committee will be in attendance at the Town Hall inJune, the dates and times of which will be publicised on the Parish

website at www.sthelier.je and in the Jersey Gazette shortly.



General Notices

Veterans and members of the public are invited to gatherat the Cenotaph from 10.45am. The short ceremony will start

at 11.00am and will be followed by a Vin d’Honneurin the Town Hall to which all are welcome.

Contact: Jane Skelhorn on 811823or email: [email protected]


To mark the 70th anniversary of the arrival of the SS Vega theParish is hosting an afternoon tea party for islanders who livedthrough the Occupation and received one of the parcels or who

have connections with the Red Cross.

Tickets are free and available from the British Red Cross Shop,Queen Street. As space is limited tickets will be allocated on a

first come first served basis. For information please contactBeverley Dallas-Chapman on 639895.

In accordance with the requirements of the Loi (1914)sur la Voirie, as amended, the first Visite du Branchage

of the year will take place in St Helier on Monday 6th July

The Loi requires occupiers of land bordering on the public roadsof the Parish to trim hedges and branches and to cut all

overhanging trees so as to give a clearance of 12 feet over mainroads and by-roads and of 8 feet over footpaths and to remove

any other encroachments on the public highway. A fine may be levied for each infraction.

The attention of occupiers of land is drawn to the need to ensurethat all cuttings and trimmings are removed from the roads and

footpaths after the branchage is completed.




A Parish Assembly will be held at the Town Hall on Monday11th May at 7pm. The agenda will include consideration of a

proposal by the Connétable, Procureurs du Bien Public and theRoads Committee to use some of the income received for the sale

of land for the construction of an electricity sub station inWestmount Gardens to fund the commissioning of a memorial atthe Union Street end of Parade Gardens for the fallen of St Helier

in the First World War.

A Parish Assembly for licensing applications and any otherbusiness will be held on Wednesday 27 May at 7pm.

A meeting of the St Helier Roads Committee will take place onWednesday 20th May at 9.30am at the Town Hall. Members of the

public are invited to attend part ‘A’ of the agenda. The meeting will befollowed by the opening of La Bantchette in Conway Street at noon.

Agendas for the above meetings will be published no fewer thanfive days in advance and will be available from the Town Hall or

the Parish website, www.sthelier.je.

A.S. Crowcroft Connétable




Parish Notices

The expiry date for Residents’ Parking Permitswas 30th April 2015.

If you are a member of the Scheme and have not alreadyrenewed your permit, then please contact the Customer

Services Team at the Town Hall without delay on 811811or email [email protected].


Page 31: Celebrating Liberation 70 in St Helier - St Helier Town Hall · The St Helier Town Crier is published by the Parish of St Helier in association with MailMate. Parish of St Helier:







Page 32: Celebrating Liberation 70 in St Helier - St Helier Town Hall · The St Helier Town Crier is published by the Parish of St Helier in association with MailMate. Parish of St Helier:

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