CEAV INSTITUTE Course Guide...CEAV Careers Counselling Australia provides career counselling services to the community and has a focus on those most in need of professional careers

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Page 1: CEAV INSTITUTE Course Guide...CEAV Careers Counselling Australia provides career counselling services to the community and has a focus on those most in need of professional careers

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Page 2: CEAV INSTITUTE Course Guide...CEAV Careers Counselling Australia provides career counselling services to the community and has a focus on those most in need of professional careers

The Career Education Association of Victoria Incorporated (CEAV) was formed in 1975 to provide services and support to industry and schools. CEAV is a not for profit, peak professional association, providing professional development and support to its members and quality career development services to the community. CEAV is also a founding member of the Career Industry Council of Australia (CICA). CICA is the national peak industry body for the career industry. CICA provides endorsement of training courses and has provided CEAV Institute with endorsement for CHC81315 Graduate Certificate in Career Development Practice and CHC41215 Certificate IV in Career Development.

In 2013, CEAV redeveloped its profile to be more reflective of its purpose and its increased capacity to provide a more holistic approach to career education services for its members and the broader community. In 2014, the association commenced trading as the Australian Centre for Career Education (ACCE). The ACCE supports its members and non-members to promote career development as a lifelong process. This is achieved through the development and delivery of ethical and professional career education programs and products. This occurs via workshops and seminars, conferences, special projects, email information distribution, telephone advice, a professional journal, in-house publications, resources via our online SHOP and specialist delivery of accredited training and professional development through its training division, CEAV Institute.

The membership base now represents a wide range of educational and industry groups and provides service to its members through three distinct divisions, CEAV; CEAV Institute; and CEAV Careers Counselling Australia.

The CEAV is the membership division, supporting members in their delivery of career development activities and programs.

CEAV Institute is our Registered Training Organisation (RTO 22523), which delivers accredited training in career development qualifications and professional development programs to members and the wider community.

CEAV Careers Counselling Australia provides career counselling services to the community and has a focus on those most in need of professional careers guidance services. CCCA achieved the status as a registered educational charity in 2015, supporting clients and those most disadvantaged within the broader community to access career education, quality career development services and products.

This guide has been prepared to outline the accredited training courses available through CEAV Institute. Information on fees and funding eligibility is available online at www.ceavinstitute.edu.au

For more information contact:

CEAV Institute(03) 9433 8000 [email protected]


Page 3: CEAV INSTITUTE Course Guide...CEAV Careers Counselling Australia provides career counselling services to the community and has a focus on those most in need of professional careers

CEAV Institute ________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 1

Which course is right for me? ________________________________________________________________________________ 2

CHC81315 Graduate Certificate in Career Development Practice ______________________ 3

Course Units _________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 5

Workshops _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 6

CHC41215 Certificate IV in Career Development ______________________________________________ 7

Course Units _________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 9

Workshops _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 10

Introduction to Career Development Practice (ICDP) __________________________________________ 12


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CEAV InstituteThe CEAV established CEAV Institute in response to the demand for formal qualifications in the career industry, driven by the CICA Professional Standards for Australian Career Development Practitioners. CEAV Institute has a rich history of providing professional learning for career practitioners and uses highly qualified and experienced career development professionals to deliver both accredited training and professional development.

CEAV Institute only offers courses and professional development related to the career industry. As a division of the professional association, our aim is to build the capacity of career practitioners to deliver quality, current career development services. This means that career practitioners need to meet the CICA professional standards, which require that career practitioners are appropriately qualified to deliver career services. To comply with these national standards, CEAV Institute offers two nationally accredited qualifications, providing ‘professional’ or ‘associate’ level qualifications:

• CHC81315 Graduate Certificate in Career Development Practice (CICA Endorsed)

• CHC41215 Certificate IV in Career Development (CICA Endorsed)

CEAV Institute acknowledges that individuals learn differently and each person has their own learning style and preferences. Responsive to the needs of adult learners, our trainers provide a collaborative, flexible and supportive approach to training. Our experienced trainers are very accessible, approachable and skilled in the implementation of a range of learning strategies to build the capacity of all learners in our courses.

Our TrainersOur trainers are well-qualified and experienced career development professionals, who are leaders in the field and are currently working in the career industry. Learners are well supported by their trainers, who are very accessible and supportive, ensuring consistent communication and providing individual assistance as needed. You can read more about our trainers at http://www.ceavinstitute.edu.au/trainers

CICA Quality Assurance Framework


CICA ProfessionalStandards

The Australian Blueprint for

Career Development

Guiding Principles for

Career Development Services and


Page 5: CEAV INSTITUTE Course Guide...CEAV Careers Counselling Australia provides career counselling services to the community and has a focus on those most in need of professional careers

RTO 22523


Career Development

Practitioner (Associate) Associate level career development practitioners

work in a supportive role. They conduct career interviews and may provide some career advice, which is limited to

helping with the interpretation of career information and with meeting needs already clearly understood by the client. They offer

services such as: • Providing career information • Assisting clients to engage in

self-exploration • Assisting clients to engage in self-assessment activities to identify their skills and motivations • Assisting clients to explore education, training and occupational options • Assisting clients to develop job search skills • Referral to career guidance or

career counselling.

QualificationsThe CHC41215 Certificate IV in Career Development

provides the qualification for career practitioners at the ‘Associate’ level according to the CICA

professional standards (www.cica.org.au).

Career Development

Practitioner (Professional) Professional level career development practitioners have

the competencies to provide the full range of career services. Career development practitioners at the ‘professional’ level work in

a supervisory role, coordinating a team or as a sole practitioner. They offer services such as:

• providing in-depth career counselling • helping clients to explore a range of options and relate information to their own needs and circumstances

• assisting clients to make decisions about their career options, which may include a range of career assessment tools • helping clients interpret and personalise vocational assessment results • assisting clients to overcome

barriers to career decision making.

The ‘Professional’ level practitioner is able to offer career counselling and career guidance and is qualified to work with clients with barriers to

employment, low career readiness and/or complex needs.

QualificationsCareer counselling and guidance involves a higher level of

expertise, requiring a ‘Professional’ level qualification of CHC81315 Graduate Certificate in Career Development Practice, or higher, according

to the CICA professional standards (www.cica.org.au).

Which course is right for me?


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CHC81315 Graduate Certificate in Career Development PracticeThe Career Industry Council of Australia (CICA) has endorsed the CHC81315 Graduate Certificate in Career Development Practice delivered by CEAV Institute as meeting the Professional Standards for Australian Career Development Practitioners and as meeting the qualification requirements for ‘Professional’ level career practitioners (www.cica.org.au).

The CHC81315 Graduate Certificate in Career Development Practice is designed to assist practitioners to further develop the knowledge and skills to lead career development programs and services in their chosen work environment. The added value of choosing this course with CEAV Institute, is that it has been designed by professional, experienced career practitioners practising in the field.

‘This qualification reflects the role of career development practitioner. Practitioners at this level make high level, independent, complex judgements in the context of providing guidance in career development. Their role involves the full responsibility and accountability of all aspects of their work. Practitioners may work independently or in larger organisations.’ (www.cshisc.com.au)

This course provides expertise in career development and features an appropriate balance between career development theory and its practical application. The assessment methods reflect this balance, providing learners with current and in-depth understandings to manage a career service and support their work with clients in career planning. Learners are equipped with the skills to research the context of career development services, apply new understandings of best practice, develop advanced micro skills in careers counselling and manage legal and ethical compliance in all their undertakings.

Delivery ModeThe CHC81315 Graduate Certificate in Career Development Practice is delivered over 52 weeks and clustered into four parts comprising a total of 7 units of competency.

This course uses a blended delivery model. This means that all course materials are accessed online and a range of technologies is used to ensure an engaging and interactive learning experience. The training is supported by workshops, learner support webinars, discussion forums, mentoring, video demonstrations and presentations from career development experts.

Learners unable to attend the face-to-face workshops may access them in the virtual learning environment.

Entry RequirementsThis qualification is open to individuals who hold:

• A qualification at diploma level or higher in a discipline related to career development or counselling work


• Significant previous experience working in a role involving the self-directed application of knowledge with substantial depth in some areas and the exercise of independent judgement and decision making.


Candidates must have appropriate language, literacy and numeracy levels to undertake this course and have access to a computer with reliable Internet access.

Candidates will be expected to be currently employed in a career related field or have regular access to a work environment in the career industry.

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Assessment MethodsAssessments will consist of a combination of written assignments, workplace tasks, practical exercises, case studies and Third Party Reports.

Recognition of Prior LearningRecognition of Prior Learning (RPL) is the acknowledgement of skills and knowledge previously attained through formal training, work experience and/or life experience. Candidates may be eligible for credit in unit/s based on relevant prior learning and/or experience. RPL may be granted where appropriate and sufficient evidence is provided to demonstrate that learning outcomes or competencies have been previously attained, and have been retained, by the candidate.

Course FeesPlease check website (www.ceavinsitute.edu.au) for current course fees.For course fee payment options please contact the RTO Administrator on Ph: 03 9433 8000

Application Procedure/Pre Training ReviewTo apply simply submit the course enquiry form on the CEAV Institute website at www.ceavinstitute.edu.au or for more information contact the RTO Administrator at [email protected]

Entry Requirements

Diploma qualification or above

OR Previous managerial


Professional Level

Career Industry Council of Australia

Career Outcomes • Career Counsellor

• Career Coordinator • Vocational Counsellor

• Vocational Guidance Officer • Pathway Planning

Coordinator • Transition

CHC81315 Graduate

Certificate in Career Development



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Course UnitsCHC81315 Graduate Certificate in Career Development PracticeConsists of 7 units of competency, 5 Core and 2 Electives


1Context of Career

Development Services(Research)

BSBLED809 Identify and communicate trends in career development (E)

CHCPRP006 Lead own professional development (C)

2Career Service Delivery


BSBLED807 Establish career development services (C)

CHCECD011 Manage quality in career development practice (C)

3Career Counselling

(Micro Skills)

BSBLED808 Conduct a career development session (C)

CHCCSL002 Apply specialist interpersonal and counselling interview skills (E)

4Legal & Ethical Practice CHCLEG003 Manage legal and ethical compliance (C)

What our students say about our training…“.. thanks (to CEAV Institute)

for all the support and encouragement you provided… and for the professional, well-organised manner in which the

course was run.”

– Claire Hart (Graduate)


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WorkshopsWorkshops are delivered online and face to face.

Career Development Theory Career Practitioners aim to equip clients with the skills to self-manage their own careers to enable them to weather the impact of chance events and the changeable labour market. But it is worth noting that the major career development theorists of the past have influenced and continue to impact on current understandings of ‘Career’ and ‘Career Development’. Therefore, it is important to understand and acknowledge their wise contributions. This session begins to explore an understanding of career development theory and forms part of the first assessment task required for the qualification.

Strategic Planning for Career Services Professional Practice involves an ongoing review of professional effectiveness, feedback from clients and responsive strategic planning for careers services. These elements are the focus of the Strategic Planning for Careers Services Workshop. This 1-day workshop focuses on the importance of quality career development services and the processes and strategies needed to adjust work practice to improve client outcomes.

Participants in this workshop will learn about maintaining quality career development services and how to improve professional practice through:

Professional reflection of professional and personal goals and values, professional standards and code of ethics;

A systematic review and audit of all elements in the careers service.

The workshop provides some of the tools and strategies needed to maintain professional well-being and sustain professional effectiveness.

Managing Quality Career ServicesProfessional Career Development Practitioners seek to ensure high quality practice for the benefit of all clients. This workshop addresses the question: What constitutes best practice in career services?

Some of the topics include:

• The research linking career development services to positive outcomes• Labour market issues impacting clients’ successful career transitions • The Australian Qualifications Framework (Education and Training Pathways)• Meeting the needs of diverse clients • Evaluating your careers service (the process, tools and effective use evaluation data)

Advanced Careers CounsellingThe Australian Standards for Australian Career Development Practitioners identifies the need for professional practitioners to possess the competency 6.3.3 Advanced communication skills, which includes the specialisation – counselling skills.

“Counselling is fundamental to the work of many career development practitioners”. (CICA 2006).

In the intensive 2-day Advanced Careers Counselling workshop students undetake some highly relevant professional reading and role play that will equip them with the specialised techniques needed for assisting clients who have barriers that impact on their career decision making ability.

In undertaking the Advanced Careers Counselling workshop, students will address the following competencies:

• Communicate effectively in counselling practice• Use specialist communication skills in counselling interviews• Apply appropriate career development theory• Conduct career development sessions• Assist individuals to make informed career choices• Communicate professionally to promote career development outcomes• Use resources and technology to support career development session.

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CHC41215 Certificate IV in Career Development The Career Industry Council of Australia (CICA) has endorsed the CHC41215 Certificate IV in Career Development delivered by CEAV Institute as meeting the Professional Standards for Australian Career Development Practitioners.

CEAV Institute is a quality provider of CHC41215 Certificate IV in Career Development. Learners who successfully complete this qualification will meet the requirements for ‘Associate’ status as an Australian Career Development Practitioner as described by CICA (www.cica.org.au ) This program has been designed to develop the entry-level skills and knowledge for individuals wanting to work in the career industry to support individuals and professional career practitioners in their career service.

‘This qualification reflects the role of individuals who provide programs and services to individuals and groups of clients and employers to support people in planning their career and/or locating, securing and maintaining suitable employment. They may work in career information and transition services or assist in career advisor roles in education, training, school or transition work environments. They may have limited supervisory responsibilities in contexts such as employment services.’ (www.cshisc.com.au).

Delivery ModelCHC41215 Certificate IV in Career Development is delivered over 52 weeks and clustered into 3 parts comprising a total of 13 units of competency.

This course uses a blended delivery model. This means that all course materials are accessed online and a range of technologies is used to ensure an engaging and interactive learning experience. The training is supported by workshops, learner support webinars, discussion forums, mentoring, video demonstrations and presentations from career development experts.

Learners unable to attend the face-to-face workshops may access them in the virtual learning environment.

Entry RequirementsCandidates must have appropriate language, literacy and numeracy levels to undertake this course and have access to a computer with reliable internet access. Candidates will be expected to be currently employed or have regular access to the career development or a related field.

There are no pre requisites.

Assessment MethodsAssessments will involve a combination of written assignments, online discussion forums, workplace tasks, practical exercises, case studies and Third Party Reports.

Recognition of Prior LearningRecognition of Prior Learning (RPL) is the acknowledgement of skills and knowledge previously attained through formal training, work experience and/or life experience. Candidates may be eligible for credit in unit/s based on relevant prior learning and/or experience. RPL may be granted where appropriate and sufficient evidence is provided to demonstrate that learning outcomes or competencies have been previously attained, and have been retained by the candidate.


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Course FeesPlease check website (www.ceavinsitute.edu.au) for current course fees.For course fee payment options please contact the RTO Administrator on Ph: 03 9433 8000.

Skills First FundingCandidates maybe eligible for Federal and State government funding. To check eligibility simply visit http://www.skills.vic.gov.au or contact us.

Application Procedure / Pre-Training ReviewTo apply simply submit the course enquiry form on the CEAV Institute website at www.ceavinstitute.edu.au or for further information contact our RTO Administrator at [email protected]

What our students say about our training…

The topics covered in the qualification provided a well-rounded introduction

to the area of career development- particularly the units focussing on career

interviewing and career planning for people with disabilities.

Mark Henderson, Education Coordinator


Entry Requirements

– None

Career Outcomes • Career Advisor • Career Coach

• Transition Support Worker

• Pathways planner

Associate Level

Career Industry Council of Australia

Skills First Funding

available for eligible students

www. skills.vic.gov.au

CHC41215 Certificate IV

in Career Development (Associate Level


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Course UnitsCHC41215 Certificate IV in Career DevelopmentConsists of 13 units of competency, 8 Core and 5 Electives


1Career Development


CHCECD008 Deliver services consistent with a career development framework (C)

CHCLEG001 Work legally and ethically (C)

2Facilitating Career


CHCECD001 Analyse and apply information that supports employment and career development (C)

CHCECD010 Provide support to people in career transition (C)

3Career Interviewing

CHCECD009 Conduct career guidance interviews (C)

CHCCOM002 Use communication to build relationships (C)

4Workplace Relationships

CHCPRP001 Develop and maintain networks and collaborative partnerships (C)

CHCPRP004 Promote and represent the service (E)


CHCDIV001 Work with diverse people (C)

CHCEDS016 Support learning for students with disabilities in a classroom environment (E)


CHCECD007 Maximise participation in work by people with disability (E)

6Programme Delivery

TAEDEL401A Plan, organise and deliver group-based learning (E)

TAEDEL301 Provide work skill instruction (E)

7Workplace Health

and Safety HLTWHS001 Participate in workplace health and safety (E)

“If you don’t go after what you want, you’ll

never have it. If you don’t ask, the answer is always

no. If you don’t step forward, you’re always in

the same place.”

– Nora Roberts


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WorkshopsWorkshops are delivered online and face to face.

Career Development FrameworksThis session launches learners into the course with an understanding of the current career development context. The focus will be on the role of Australian Career Practitioners, the CICA Professional Standards for Australian Career development Practitioners and the frameworks within which they work, whilst also exploring some of the essential resources used in the career development field.

Facilitating Career DevelopmentThis workshop focusses on developing an understanding of current labour market information, factors influencing labour market trends and changes in the way we work.

Participants will develop the skills and understanding necessary to equip their clients to use labour market information, compete in the current world of work and develop the skills and credentials to make successful employment transitions. Participants will gain knowledge of education and training pathways, effective career decision making and practical self-marketing tools that assist clients to future proof their careers.

“It will help me improve my interview skills as a

career practitioner”

– Julia O’Connor

“It was a great 2-day session bringing together

everything we have studied to date.”

– Blackburn High School

‘The purpose of life is a life of purpose’

– Robert Byrne

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Career InterviewingThis 2-day Career Interviewing workshop assists students to develop the skills and knowledge required to help clients identify their career aspirations and develop career action plans. The workshop also defines the distinction between career counselling and career interviewing and covers the following topics:

• The difference between career interviewing and career counselling• Structuring the interview• Career influences• Career interviewing techniques• Identifying the clients’ level of career readiness• Keeping records.

Career Planning for Diverse ClientsThis workshop will improve your knowledge and skills in working with diverse clients.

Career Development Practitioners have a common goal – to ensure inclusive career development services that increase aspirations and impact on positive outcomes for all clients. Participants in this workshop will gain an understanding of: legal and ethical obligations; theories, strategies and resources that support diverse clients; networks and support services; the issues facing diverse clients, particularly those with disability; education, training and employment pathways; and career development strategies that empower diverse clients to achieve their career goals.

“Makes me more confident with students

who are not my mainstream clients particularly those

who struggle due to learning disabilities…”

– Sue White, Career Practitioner

“This (workshop) will help us review how we provide

coaching and cater to people with disabilities.”

– Karen Jacobson, Australia Post


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Introduction to Career Development Practice (ICDP)The Introduction to Career Development Practice (ICDP) workshop provides intensive pre-accredited training in all operational aspects of delivering a quality career development service in a range of settings. This 2-day workshop provides invaluable knowledge, understanding and resources for anyone working with clients to assist them with their career planning.

The program will provide training in:

• the role and responsibilities of career practitioners • career development theory and frameworks • career interviewing • labour market information • diversity • legal and ethical practice • designing careers programs • using resources for effective career development practice.

This workshop is vital for those new to careers service delivery. Presenters are experienced and practising professional level career development practitioners.

The ICDP has been customised for delivery in each of the following work settings – Industry, Higher Education, Employment Services, Learn Local organisations, Community Service organisations and Schools. It may be customised for workers assisting people in transition in any work environment.

This professional development 2-day workshop is structured to align with the Professional Standards for Australian Career Development Practitioners (CICA, 2006) and participants will contribute to 12 hours of CPD to meet their annual obligations for career practitioners.

This ICDP short course also has an online delivery option, which may be undertaken within a two month period. In undertaking the Introduction to Career Development Practice (ICDP), participants may contribute to the completion of some assessment tasks within the CHC41215 Certificate IV in Career Development.

It is strongly recommended that anyone working with people in career transition, gain the formal qualifications required by CICA (Career Industry Council of Australia), the national peak body for the careers industry (www.cica.org.au).

“It will consolidate my current knowledge and

help me to set up a strong space moving forward.”

– Corey Frost, Swan Hill College


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Career Education Association of VictoriaBuilding A61 Civic DriveGreensborough VIC 3088Ph: 03 9433 8000

www.ceavinstitute.edu.au www.ceav.vic.edu.au

ABN 168 802720 NFP A0013239A

Why Choose CEAV Institute:

3 Professional trainers with extensive experience and currently practising in the career industry

3 CICA endorsed courses

3 Engaging and supported training for a variety of learning styles

3 Training delivered on time, on budget and on target to meet your needs

3 Complimentary CEAV Student Membership

3 Courses are supported by video presentations from international experts

3 Federal and State funding available to eligible students