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'ZOUAIMIA LARBI SLMGR - REARM ' Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.'' Windows Software Licensing Management Tool.'' Script Name: slmgr.vbs'Option ExplicitDim g_objWMIService, g_strComputer, g_strUserName, g_strPasswordg_strComputer = "."Dim g_serviceConnectedg_serviceConnected = Falsedim g_EchoStringg_EchoString = ""dim g_objRegistryDim g_resourceDictionary, g_resourcesLoadedSet g_resourceDictionary = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")g_resourcesLoaded = FalseDim g_DeterminedDisplayFlagsg_DeterminedDisplayFlags = FalseDim g_ShowKmsInfoDim g_ShowKmsClientInfoDim g_ShowTkaClientInfoDim g_ShowTBLInfoDim g_ShowPhoneInfog_ShowKmsInfo = Falseg_ShowKmsClientInfo = falseg_ShowTBLInfo = Falseg_ShowPhoneInfo = False' Messages'Global optionsprivate const L_optInstallProductKey = "ipk"private const L_optInstallProductKeyUsage = "Install product key (replaces existing key)"private const L_optUninstallProductKey = "upk"private const L_optUninstallProductKeyUsage = "Uninstall product key"private const L_optActivateProduct = "ato"private const L_optActivateProductUsage = "Activate Windows"private const L_optDisplayInformation = "dli"private const L_optDisplayInformationUsage = "Display license information (default: current license)"private const L_optDisplayInformationVerbose = "dlv"private const L_optDisplayInformationUsageVerbose = "Display detailed license information (default: current license)"private const L_optExpirationDatime = "xpr"private const L_optExpirationDatimeUsage = "Expiration date for current license state"'Advanced optionsprivate const L_optClearPKeyFromRegistry = "cpky"private const L_optClearPKeyFromRegistryUsage = "Clear product key from the registry (prevents disclosure attacks)"private const L_optInstallLicense = "ilc"private const L_optInstallLicenseUsage = "Install license"private const L_optReinstallLicenses = "rilc"private const L_optReinstallLicensesUsage = "Re-install system license files"private const L_optDisplayIID = "dti"private const L_optDisplayIIDUsage = "Display Installation ID for offline activation"private const L_optPhoneActivateProduct = "atp"private const L_optPhoneActivateProductUsage = "Activate product with user-provided Confirmation ID"private const L_optReArmWindows = "rearm"private const L_optReArmWindowsUsage = "Reset the licensing status of the machine"'KMS optionsprivate const L_optSetKmsName = "skms"private const L_optSetKmsNameUsage = "Set the name and/or the port for the KMS computer this machine will use. IPv6 address must be specified in the format [hostname]:port"private const L_optClearKmsName = "ckms"private const L_optClearKmsNameUsage = "Clear name of KMS computer used (sets the port to the default)"private const L_optSetKmsHostCaching = "skhc"private const L_optSetKmsHostCachingUsage = "Enable KMS host caching"private const L_optClearKmsHostCaching = "ckhc"private const L_optClearKmsHostCachingUsage = "Disable KMS host caching"private const L_optSetActivationInterval = "sai"private const L_optSetActivationIntervalUsage = "Set interval (minutes) for unactivated clients to attempt KMS connection. The activation interval must be between 15 minutes (min) and 30 days (max) although the default (2 hours) is recommended."private const L_optSetRenewalInterval = "sri"private const L_optSetRenewalIntervalUsage = "Set renewal interval (minutes) for activated clients to attempt KMS connection. The renewal interval must be between 15 minutes (min) and 30 days (max) although the default (7 days) is recommended."private const L_optSetKmsListenPort = "sprt"private const L_optSetKmsListenPortUsage = "Set TCP port KMS will use to communicate with clients"private const L_optSetDNS = "sdns"private const L_optSetDNSUsage = "Enable DNS publishing by KMS (default)"private const L_optClearDNS = "cdns"private const L_optClearDNSUsage = "Disable DNS publishing by KMS"private const L_optSetNormalPriority = "spri"private const L_optSetNormalPriorityUsage = "Set KMS priority to normal (default)"private const L_optClearNormalPriority = "cpri"private const L_optClearNormalPriorityUsage = "Set KMS priority to low"' Token-based Activation optionsprivate const L_optListInstalledILs = "lil"private const L_optListInstalledILsUsage = "List installed Token-based Activation Issuance Licenses"private const L_optRemoveInstalledIL = "ril"private const L_optRemoveInstalledILUsage = "Remove installed Token-based Activation Issuance License"private const L_optClearTkaOnly = "ctao"private const L_optClearTkaOnlyUsage = "Clear Token-based Activation Only flag (default)"private const L_optSetTkaOnly = "stao"private const L_optSetTkaOnlyUsage = "Set Token-based Activation Only flag"private const L_optListTkaCerts = "ltc"private const L_optListTkaCertsUsage = "List Token-based Activation Certificates"private const L_optForceTkaActivation = "fta"private const L_optForceTkaActivationUsage = "Force Token-based Activation"' Option parametersprivate const L_ParamsActivationID = ""private const L_ParamsActivationIDOptional = "[Activation ID]"private const L_ParamsActIDOptional = "[Activation ID | All]"private const L_ParamsProductKey = ""private const L_ParamsLicenseFile = ""private const L_ParamsPhoneActivate = ""private const L_ParamsSetKms = " [Activation ID]"private const L_ParamsSetListenKmsPort = ""private const L_ParamsSetActivationInterval = ""private const L_ParamsSetRenewalInterval = ""private const L_ParamsRemoveInstalledIL = " "private const L_ParamsForceTkaActivation = " []"' Miscellaneous messagesprivate const L_MsgHelp_1 = "Windows Software Licensing Management Tool"private const L_MsgHelp_2 = "Usage: slmgr.vbs [MachineName [User Password]] []"private const L_MsgHelp_3 = "MachineName: Name of remote machine (default is local machine)"private const L_MsgHelp_4 = "User: Account with required privilege on remote machine"private const L_MsgHelp_5 = "Password: password for the previous account"private const L_MsgGlobalOptions = "Global Options:"private const L_MsgAdvancedOptions = "Advanced Options:"private const L_MsgKmsClientOptions = "Volume Licensing: Key Management Service (KMS) Client Options:"private const L_MsgKmsOptions = "Volume Licensing: Key Management Service (KMS) Options:"private const L_MsgTkaClientOptions = "Volume Licensing: Token-based Activation Options:"private const L_MsgInvalidOptions = "Invalid combination of command parameters."private const L_MsgUnrecognizedOption = "Unrecognized option: "private const L_MsgErrorProductNotFound = "Error: product not found."private const L_MsgClearedPKey = "Product key from registry cleared successfully."private const L_MsgInstalledPKey = "Installed product key %PKEY% successfully."private const L_MsgUninstalledPKey = "Uninstalled product key successfully."private const L_MsgErrorPKey = "Error: product key not found."private const L_MsgInstallationID = "Installation ID: "private const L_MsgPhoneNumbers = "Product activation telephone numbers can be obtained by searching the phone.inf file for the appropriate phone number for your location/country. You can open the phone.inf file from a Command Prompt or the Start Menu by running: notepad %systemroot%\system32\sppui\phone.inf"private const L_MsgActivating = "Activating %PRODUCTNAME% (%PRODUCTID%) ..."private const L_MsgActivated = "Product activated successfully."private const L_MsgActivated_Failed = "Error: Product activation failed."private const L_MsgConfID = "Confirmation ID for product %ACTID% deposited successfully."private const L_MsgErrorDescription = "Error description: "private const L_MsgErrorConnection = "Error 0x%ERRCODE% occurred in connecting to server %COMPUTERNAME%."private const L_MsgInfoRemoteConnection = "Connected to server %COMPUTERNAME%."private const L_MsgErrorConnectionRegistry = "Error 0x%ERRCODE% occurred in connecting to the registry on server %COMPUTERNAME%."private const L_MsgErrorImpersonation = "Error 0x%ERRCODE% occurred in setting impersonation level."private const L_MsgErrorAuthenticationLevel = "Error 0x%ERRCODE% occurred in setting authentication level."private const L_MsgErrorWMI = "Error 0x%ERRCODE% occurred in creating a locator object."private const L_MsgErrorText_6 = "On a computer running Microsoft Windows non-core edition, run 'slui.exe 0x2a 0x%ERRCODE%' to display the error text."private const L_MsgErrorText_8 = "Error: "private const L_MsgErrorText_9 = "Error: option %OPTION% needs %PARAM%"private const L_MsgErrorText_11 = "The machine is running within the non-genuine grace period. Run 'slui.exe' to go online and make the machine genuine."private const L_MsgErrorText_12 = "Windows is running within the non-genuine notification period. Run 'slui.exe' to go online and validate Windows."private const L_MsgLicenseFile = "License file %LICENSEFILE% installed successfully."private const L_MsgKmsPriSetToLow = "KMS priority set to Low"private const L_MsgKmsPriSetToNormal = "KMS priority set to Normal"private const L_MsgWarningKmsPri = "Warning: Priority can only be set on a KMS machine that is also activated."private const L_MsgKmsDnsPublishingDisabled = "DNS publishing disabled"private const L_MsgKmsDnsPublishingEnabled = "DNS publishing enabled"private const L_MsgKmsDnsPublishingWarning = "Warning: DNS Publishing can only be set on a KMS machine that is also activated."private const L_MsgKmsPortSet = "KMS port set to %PORT% successfully."private const L_MsgWarningKmsReboot = "Warning: a KMS reboot is needed for this setting to take effect."private const L_MsgWarningKmsPort = "Warning: KMS port can only be set on a KMS machine that is also activated."private const L_MsgRenewalSet = "Volume renewal interval set to %RENEWAL% minutes successfully."private const L_MsgWarningRenewal = "Warning: Volume renewal interval can only be set on a KMS machine that is also activated."private const L_MsgActivationSet = "Volume activation interval set to %ACTIVATION% minutes successfully."private const L_MsgWarningActivation = "Warning: Volume activation interval can only be set on a KMS machine that is also activated."private const L_MsgKmsNameSet = "Key Management Service machine name set to %KMS% successfully."private const L_MsgKmsNameCleared = "Key Management Service machine name cleared successfully."private const L_MsgKmsHostCachingDisabled = "KMS host caching is disabled"private const L_MsgKmsHostCachingEnabled = "KMS host caching is enabled"private const L_MsgErrorActivationID = "Error: Activation ID (%ActID%) not found."private const L_MsgRearm_1 = "Command completed successfully."private const L_MsgRearm_2 = "Please restart the system for the changes to take effect."private const L_MsgRemainingWindowsRearmCount = "Remaining Windows rearm count: %COUNT%"' Used for xprprivate const L_MsgLicenseStatusUnlicensed = "Unlicensed"private const L_MsgLicenseStatusVL = "Volume activation will expire %ENDDATE%"private const L_MsgLicenseStatusTBL = "Timebased activation will expire %ENDDATE%"private const L_MsgLicenseStatusLicensed = "The machine is permanently activated."private const L_MsgLicenseStatusInitialGrace = "Initial grace period ends %ENDDATE%"private const L_MsgLicenseStatusAdditionalGrace = "Additional grace period ends %ENDDATE%"private const L_MsgLicenseStatusNonGenuineGrace = "Non-genuine grace period ends %ENDDATE%"private const L_MsgLicenseStatusNotification = "Windows is in Notification mode"private const L_MsgLicenseStatusExtendedGrace = "Extended grace period ends %ENDDATE%"' Used for dli/dlvprivate const L_MsgLicenseStatusUnlicensed_1 = "License Status: Unlicensed"private const L_MsgLicenseStatusLicensed_1 = "License Status: Licensed"private const L_MsgLicenseStatusVL_1 = "Volume activation expiration: %MINUTE% minute(s) (%DAY% day(s))"private const L_MsgLicenseStatusTBL_1 = "Timebased activation expiration: %MINUTE% minute(s) (%DAY% day(s))"private const L_MsgLicenseStatusInitialGrace_1 = "License Status: Initial grace period"private const L_MsgLicenseStatusAdditionalGrace_1 = "License Status: Additional grace period (KMS license expired or hardware out of tolerance)"private const L_MsgLicenseStatusNonGenuineGrace_1 = "License Status: Non-genuine grace period."private const L_MsgLicenseStatusNotification_1 = "License Status: Notification"private const L_MsgLicenseStatusExtendedGrace_1 = "License Status: Extended grace period"private const L_MsgNotificationErrorReasonNonGenuine = "Notification Reason: 0x%ERRCODE% (non-genuine)."private const L_MsgNotificationErrorReasonExpiration = "Notification Reason: 0x%ERRCODE% (grace time expired)."private const L_MsgNotificationErrorReasonOther = "Notification Reason: 0x%ERRCODE%."private const L_MsgLicenseStatusTimeRemaining = "Time remaining: %MINUTE% minute(s) (%DAY% day(s))"private const L_MsgLicenseStatusUnknown = "License Status: Unknown"private const L_MsgLicenseStatusEvalEndData = "Evaluation End Date: "private const L_MsgReinstallingLicenses = "Re-installing license files ..."private const L_MsgLicensesReinstalled = "License files re-installed successfully."private const L_MsgServiceVersion = "Software licensing service version: "private const L_MsgProductName = "Name: "private const L_MsgProductDesc = "Description: "private const L_MsgActID = "Activation ID: "private const L_MsgAppID = "Application ID: "private const L_MsgPID4 = "Extended PID: "private const L_MsgProcessorCertUrl = "Processor Certificate URL: "private const L_MsgMachineCertUrl = "Machine Certificate URL: "private const L_MsgUseLicenseCertUrl = "Use License URL: "private const L_MsgPKeyCertUrl = "Product Key Certificate URL: "private const L_MsgPartialPKey = "Partial Product Key: "private const L_MsgErrorLicenseNotInUse = "This license is not in use."private const L_MsgKmsInfo = "Key Management Service client information"private const L_MsgCmid = "Client Machine ID (CMID): "private const L_MsgRegisteredKmsName = "Registered KMS machine name: "private const L_MsgKmsFromDnsUnavailable = "DNS auto-discovery: KMS name not available"private const L_MsgKmsFromDns = "KMS machine name from DNS: "private const L_MsgKmsPID4 = "KMS machine extended PID: "private const L_MsgActivationInterval = "Activation interval: %INTERVAL% minutes"private const L_MsgRenewalInterval = "Renewal interval: %INTERVAL% minutes"private const L_MsgKmsEnabled = "Key Management Service is enabled on this machine"private const L_MsgKmsCurrentCount = "Current count: "private const L_MsgKmsListeningOnPort = "Listening on Port: "private const L_MsgKmsPriNormal = "KMS priority: Normal"private const L_MsgKmsPriLow = "KMS priority: Low"private const L_MsgInvalidDataError = "Error: The data is invalid"private const L_MsgUndeterminedPrimaryKey = "Warning: SLMGR was not able to validate the current product key for Windows. Please upgrade to the latest service pack."private const L_MsgUndeterminedPrimaryKeyOperation = "Warning: This operation may affect more than one target license. Please verify the results."private const L_MsgUndeterminedOperationFormat = "Processing the license for %PRODUCTDESCRIPTION% (%PRODUCTID%)."private const L_MsgPleaseActivateRefreshKMSInfo = "Please use slmgr.vbs /ato to activate and update KMS client information in order to update values."private const L_MsgKmsCumulativeRequestsFromClients = "Key Management Service cumulative requests received from clients"private const L_MsgKmsTotalRequestsRecieved = "Total requests received: "private const L_MsgKmsFailedRequestsReceived = "Failed requests received: "private const L_MsgKmsRequestsWithStatusUnlicensed = "Requests with License Status Unlicensed: "private const L_MsgKmsRequestsWithStatusLicensed = "Requests with License Status Licensed: "private const L_MsgKmsRequestsWithStatusInitialGrace = "Requests with License Status Initial grace period: "private const L_MsgKmsRequestsWithStatusLicenseExpiredOrHwidOot = "Requests with License Status License expired or Hardware out of tolerance: "private const L_MsgKmsRequestsWithStatusNonGenuineGrace = "Requests with License Status Non-genuine grace period: "private const L_MsgKmsRequestsWithStatusNotification = "Requests with License Status Notification: "private const L_MsgRemoteWmiVersionMismatch = "The remote machine does not support this version of SLMgr.vbs"'' Token-based Activation issuance licenses'private const L_MsgTkaLicenses = "Token-based Activation Issuance Licenses:"private const L_MsgTkaLicenseHeader = "%ILID% %ILVID%"private const L_MsgTkaLicenseILID = "License ID (ILID): %ILID%"private const L_MsgTkaLicenseILVID = "Version ID (ILvID): %ILVID%"private const L_MsgTkaLicenseExpiration = "Valid to: %TODATE%"private const L_MsgTkaLicenseAdditionalInfo = "Additional Information: %MOREINFO%"private const L_MsgTkaLicenseAuthZStatus = "Error: 0x%ERRCODE%"private const L_MsgTkaLicenseDescr = "Description: %DESC%"private const L_MsgTkaLicenseNone = "No licenses found."private const L_MsgTkaRemoving = "Removing Token-based Activation License ..."private const L_MsgTkaRemovedItem = "Removed license with SLID=%SLID%."private const L_MsgTkaRemovedNone = "No licenses found."private const L_MsgTkaInfoAdditionalInfo = "Additional Information: %MOREINFO%" private const L_MsgTkaInfo = "Token-based Activation information"private const L_MsgTkaInfoILID = "License ID (ILID): %ILID%"private const L_MsgTkaInfoILVID = "Version ID (ILvID): %ILVID%"private const L_MsgTkaInfoGrantNo = "Grant Number: %GRANTNO%"private const L_MsgTkaInfoThumbprint = "Certificate Thumbprint: %THUMBPRINT%"private const L_MsgTkaTaoSet = "The machine will activate via Token-based Activation only"private const L_MsgTkaTaoClear = "The machine will activate via KMS and Token-based Activation"private const L_MsgTkaCertThumbprint = "Thumbprint: %THUMBPRINT%"private const L_MsgTkaCertSubject = "Subject: %SUBJECT%"private const L_MsgTkaCertIssuer = "Issuer: %ISSUER%"private const L_MsgTkaCertValidFrom = "Valid from: %FROMDATE%"private const L_MsgTkaCertValidTo = "Valid to: %TODATE%"private const L_MsgCurrentTrustedTime = "Trusted time: "private const NoPrimaryKeyFound = "NoPrimaryKeyFound"private const TblPrimaryKey = "TblPrimaryKey"private const NotSpecialCasePrimaryKey = "NotSpecialCasePrimaryKey"private const IndeterminatePrimaryKeyFound = "IndeterminatePrimaryKey"private const L_MsgError_C004C001 = "The activation server determined the specified product key is invalid"private const L_MsgError_C004C003 = "The activation server determined the specified product key is blocked"private const L_MsgError_C004C017 = "The activation server determined the specified product key has been blocked for this geographic location."private const L_MsgError_C004B100 = "The activation server determined that the computer could not be activated"private const L_MsgError_C004C008 = "The activation server determined that the specified product key could not be used"private const L_MsgError_C004C020 = "The activation server reported that the Multiple Activation Key has exceeded its limit"private const L_MsgError_C004C021 = "The activation server reported that the Multiple Activation Key extension limit has been exceeded"private const L_MsgError_C004D307 = "The maximum allowed number of re-arms has been exceeded. You must re-install the OS before trying to re-arm again"private const L_MsgError_C004F009 = "The software Licensing Service reported that the grace period expired"private const L_MsgError_C004F00F = "The Software Licensing Server reported that the hardware ID binding is beyond level of tolerance"private const L_MsgError_C004F014 = "The Software Licensing Service reported that the product key is not available"private const L_MsgError_C004F025 = "Access denied: the requested action requires elevated privileges"private const L_MsgError_C004F02C = "The software Licensing Service reported that the format for the offline activation data is incorrect"private const L_MsgError_C004F035 = "The software Licensing Service reported that the computer could not be activated with a Volume license product key. Volume licensed systems require upgrading from a qualified operating system. Please contact your system administrator or use a different type of key"private const L_MsgError_C004F038 = "The software Licensing Service reported that the computer could not be activated. The count reported by your Key Management Service (KMS) is insufficient. Please contact your system administrator"private const L_MsgError_C004F039 = "The software Licensing Service reported that the computer could not be activated. The Key Management Service (KMS) is not enabled"private const L_MsgError_C004F041 = "The software Licensing Service determined that the Key Management Server (KMS) is not activated. KMS needs to be activated"private const L_MsgError_C004F042 = "The software Licensing Service determined that the specified Key Management Service (KMS) cannot be used"private const L_MsgError_C004F050 = "The Software Licensing Service reported that the product key is invalid"private const L_MsgError_C004F051 = "The software Licensing Service reported that the product key is blocked"private const L_MsgError_C004F064 = "The software Licensing Service reported that the non-Genuine grace period expired"private const L_MsgError_C004F065 = "The software Licensing Service reported that the application is running within the valid non-genuine period"private const L_MsgError_C004F066 = "The Software Licensing Service reported that the product SKU is not found"private const L_MsgError_C004F06B = "The software Licensing Service determined that it is running in a virtual machine. The Key Management Service (KMS) is not supported in this mode"private const L_MsgError_C004F074 = "The Software Licensing Service reported that the computer could not be activated. The Key Management Service (KMS) is unavailable"private const L_MsgError_C004F075 = "The Software Licensing Service reported that the operation cannot be completed because the service is stopping"private const L_MsgError_C004F304 = "The Software Licensing Service reported that required license could not be found."private const L_MsgError_C004F305 = "The Software Licensing Service reported that there are no certificates found in the system that could activate the product."private const L_MsgError_C004F30A = "The Software Licensing Service reported that the computer could not be activated. The certificate does not match the conditions in the license."private const L_MsgError_C004F30D = "The Software Licensing Service reported that the computer could not be activated. The thumbprint is invalid."private const L_MsgError_C004F30E = "The Software Licensing Service reported that the computer could not be activated. A certificate for the thumbprint could not be found."private const L_MsgError_C004F30F = "The Software Licensing Service reported that the computer could not be activated. The certificate does not match the criteria specified in the issuance license."private const L_MsgError_C004F310 = "The Software Licensing Service reported that the computer could not be activated. The certificate does not match the trust point identifier (TPID) specified in the issuance license."private const L_MsgError_C004F311 = "The Software Licensing Service reported that the computer could not be activated. A soft token cannot be used for activation."private const L_MsgError_C004F312 = "The Software Licensing Service reported that the computer could not be activated. The certificate cannot be used because its private key is exportable."private const L_MsgError_5 = "Access denied: the requested action requires elevated privileges"private const L_MsgError_80070005 = "Access denied: the requested action requires elevated privileges"private const L_MsgError_80070057 = "The parameter is incorrect"private const L_MsgError_8007232A = "DNS server failure"private const L_MsgError_8007232B = "DNS name does not exist"private const L_MsgError_800706BA = "The RPC server is unavailable"private const L_MsgError_8007251D = "No records found for DNS query"' Registry constantsprivate const HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE = &H80000002private const HKEY_NETWORK_SERVICE = &H80000003private const DefaultPort = "1688"private const intKnownOption = 0private const intUnknownOption = 1private const SLKeyPath = "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\SoftwareProtectionPlatform"private const SLKeyPath32 = "SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\SoftwareProtectionPlatform"private const NSKeyPath = "S-1-5-20\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\SoftwareProtectionPlatform"private const HR_S_OK = 0private const HR_ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND = &H80070002private const HR_SL_E_GRACE_TIME_EXPIRED = &HC004F009private const HR_SL_E_NOT_GENUINE = &HC004F200' WMI class namesprivate const ServiceClass = "SoftwareLicensingService"private const ProductClass = "SoftwareLicensingProduct"private const TkaLicenseClass = "SoftwareLicensingTokenActivationLicense"private const WindowsAppId = "55c92734-d682-4d71-983e-d6ec3f16059f"private const ProductIsPrimarySkuSelectClause = "ID, ApplicationId, PartialProductKey, LicenseIsAddon, Description, Name"private const PartialProductKeyNonNullWhereClause = "PartialProductKey null"private const EmptyWhereClause = ""private const wbemImpersonationLevelImpersonate = 3private const wbemAuthenticationLevelPktPrivacy = 6Call ExecCommandLine()ExitScript 0Private Sub DisplayUsage () LineOut GetResource("L_MsgHelp_1") LineOut GetResource("L_MsgHelp_2") LineOut " " & GetResource("L_MsgHelp_3") LineOut " " & GetResource("L_MsgHelp_4") LineOut " " & GetResource("L_MsgHelp_5") LineOut "" LineOut GetResource("L_MsgGlobalOptions") OptLine GetResource("L_optInstallProductKey"), GetResource("L_ParamsProductKey"), GetResource("L_optInstallProductKeyUsage") OptLine GetResource("L_optActivateProduct"), GetResource("L_ParamsActivationIDOptional"), GetResource("L_optActivateProductUsage") OptLine GetResource("L_optDisplayInformation"), GetResource("L_ParamsActIDOptional"), GetResource("L_optDisplayInformationUsage") OptLine GetResource("L_optDisplayInformationVerbose"), GetResource("L_ParamsActIDOptional"), GetResource("L_optDisplayInformationUsageVerbose") OptLine GetResource("L_optExpirationDatime"), GetResource("L_ParamsActivationIDOptional"), GetResource("L_optExpirationDatimeUsage") LineFlush "" LineOut GetResource("L_MsgAdvancedOptions") OptLine GetResource("L_optClearPKeyFromRegistry"), "", GetResource("L_optClearPKeyFromRegistryUsage") OptLine GetResource("L_optInstallLicense"), GetResource("L_ParamsLicenseFile"), GetResource("L_optInstallLicenseUsage") OptLine GetResource("L_optReinstallLicenses"), "", GetResource("L_optReinstallLicensesUsage") OptLine GetResource("L_optReArmWindows"), "", GetResource("L_optReArmWindowsUsage") OptLine GetResource("L_optUninstallProductKey"), GetResource("L_ParamsActivationIDOptional"), GetResource("L_optUninstallProductKeyUsage") LineOut "" OptLine GetResource("L_optDisplayIID"), GetResource("L_ParamsActivationIDOptional"), GetResource("L_optDisplayIIDUsage") OptLine2 GetResource("L_optPhoneActivateProduct"), GetResource("L_ParamsPhoneActivate"), GetResource("L_ParamsActivationIDOptional"), GetResource("L_optPhoneActivateProductUsage") LineOut "" LineOut GetResource("L_MsgKmsClientOptions") OptLine2 GetResource("L_optSetKmsName"), GetResource("L_ParamsSetKms"), GetResource("L_ParamsActivationIDOptional"), GetResource("L_optSetKmsNameUsage") OptLine GetResource("L_optClearKmsName"), GetResource("L_ParamsActivationIDOptional"), GetResource("L_optClearKmsNameUsage") OptLine GetResource("L_optSetKmsHostCaching"), "", GetResource("L_optSetKmsHostCachingUsage") OptLine GetResource("L_optClearKmsHostCaching"), "", GetResource("L_optClearKmsHostCachingUsage") LineFlush "" LineOut GetResource("L_MsgTkaClientOptions") OptLine GetResource("L_optListInstalledILs"), "", GetResource("L_optListInstalledILsUsage") OptLine GetResource("L_optRemoveInstalledIL"), GetResource("L_ParamsRemoveInstalledIL"), GetResource("L_optRemoveInstalledILUsage") OptLine GetResource("L_optClearTkaOnly"), "", GetResource("L_optClearTkaOnlyUsage") OptLine GetResource("L_optSetTkaOnly"), "", GetResource("L_optSetTkaOnlyUsage") OptLine GetResource("L_optListTkaCerts"), "", GetResource("L_optListTkaCertsUsage") OptLine GetResource("L_optForceTkaActivation"), GetResource("L_ParamsForceTkaActivation"), GetResource("L_optForceTkaActivationUsage") LineFlush "" LineOut GetResource("L_MsgKmsOptions") OptLine GetResource("L_optSetKmsListenPort"), GetResource("L_ParamsSetListenKmsPort"), GetResource("L_optSetKmsListenPortUsage") OptLine GetResource("L_optSetActivationInterval"), GetResource("L_ParamsSetActivationInterval"), GetResource("L_optSetActivationIntervalUsage") OptLine GetResource("L_optSetRenewalInterval"), GetResource("L_ParamsSetRenewalInterval"), GetResource("L_optSetRenewalIntervalUsage") OptLine GetResource("L_optSetDNS"), "", GetResource("L_optSetDNSUsage") OptLine GetResource("L_optClearDNS"), "", GetResource("L_optClearDNSUsage") OptLine GetResource("L_optSetNormalPriority"), "", GetResource("L_optSetNormalPriorityUsage") OptLine GetResource("L_optClearNormalPriority"), "", GetResource("L_optClearNormalPriorityUsage") ExitScript 1End SubPrivate Sub OptLine(strOption, strParams, strUsage) LineOut "/" & strOption & " " & strParams LineOut " " & strUsageEnd SubPrivate Sub OptLine2(strOption, strParam1, strParam2, strUsage) LineOut "/" & strOption & " " & strParam1 & " " & strParam2 LineOut " " & strUsageEnd SubPrivate Sub ExecCommandLine Dim intOption, indexOption Dim strOption, chOpt Dim remoteInfo(3) ' ' First three parameters before "/" or "-" may be remote connection info ' remoteInfo(0) = "." intOption = intUnknownOption For indexOption = 0 To 3 If indexOption >= WScript.Arguments.Count Then Exit For End If strOption = WScript.Arguments.Item(indexOption) chOpt = Left(strOption, 1) If chOpt = "/" Or chOpt = "-" Then intOption = intKnownOption Exit For End If remoteInfo(indexOption) = strOption Next ' ' Connect to remote only if syntax is reasonably good ' If intUnknownOption = intOption Or 2 = indexOption Then g_strComputer = "." intOption = intUnknownOption Else g_strComputer = remoteInfo(0) g_strUserName = remoteInfo(1) g_strPassword = remoteInfo(2) End If If Not booleanConnect() Then ExitScript 1 End If If intUnknownOption = intOption Then LineOut GetResource("L_MsgInvalidOptions") LineOut "" Call DisplayUsage() End If intOption = ParseCommandLine(indexOption) If intUnknownOption = intOption Then LineOut GetResource("L_MsgUnrecognizedOption") & WScript.Arguments.Item(indexOption) LineOut "" Call DisplayUsage() End IfEnd SubPrivate Function ParseCommandLine(index) Dim strOption, chOpt ParseCommandLine = intKnownOption strOption = LCase(WScript.Arguments.Item(index)) chOpt = Left(strOption, 1) If (chOpt "-") And (chOpt "/") Then ParseCommandLine = intUnknownOption Exit Function End If strOption = Right(strOption, Len(strOption) - 1) If strOption = GetResource("L_optInstallLicense") Then If HandleOptionParam(index+1, True, GetResource("L_optInstallLicense"), GetResource("L_ParamsLicenseFile")) Then InstallLicense WScript.Arguments.Item(index+1) End If ElseIf strOption = GetResource("L_optInstallProductKey") Then If HandleOptionParam(index+1, True, GetResource("L_optInstallProductKey"), GetResource("L_ParamsProductKey")) Then InstallProductKey WScript.Arguments.Item(index+1) End If ElseIf strOption = GetResource("L_optUninstallProductKey") Then If HandleOptionParam(index+1, False, GetResource("L_optUninstallProductKey"), GetResource("L_ParamsActivationIDOptional")) Then UninstallProductKey WScript.Arguments.Item(index+1) Else UninstallProductKey "" End If ElseIf strOption = GetResource("L_optDisplayIID") Then If HandleOptionParam(index+1, False, GetResource("L_optDisplayIID"), GetResource("L_ParamsActivationIDOptional")) Then DisplayIID WScript.Arguments.Item(index+1) Else DisplayIID "" End If ElseIf strOption = GetResource("L_optActivateProduct") Then If HandleOptionParam(index+1, False, GetResource("L_optActivateProduct"), GetResource("L_ParamsActivationIDOptional")) Then ActivateProduct WScript.Arguments.Item(index+1) Else ActivateProduct "" End If ElseIf strOption = GetResource("L_optPhoneActivateProduct") Then If HandleOptionParam(index+1, True, GetResource("L_optPhoneActivateProduct"), GetResource("L_ParamsPhoneActivate")) Then If HandleOptionParam(index+2, False, GetResource("L_optPhoneActivateProduct"), GetResource("L_ParamsActivationIDOptional")) Then PhoneActivateProduct WScript.Arguments.Item(index+1), WScript.Arguments.Item(index+2) Else PhoneActivateProduct WScript.Arguments.Item(index+1), "" End If End If ElseIf strOption = GetResource("L_optDisplayInformation") Then If HandleOptionParam(index+1, False, GetResource("L_optDisplayInformation"), "") Then DisplayAllInformation WScript.Arguments.Item(index+1), False Else DisplayAllInformation "", False End If ElseIf strOption = GetResource("L_optDisplayInformationVerbose") Then If HandleOptionParam(index+1, False, GetResource("L_optDisplayInformationVerbose"), "") Then DisplayAllInformation WScript.Arguments.Item(index+1), True Else DisplayAllInformation "", True End If ElseIf strOption = GetResource("L_optClearPKeyFromRegistry") Then ClearPKeyFromRegistry ElseIf strOption = GetResource("L_optReinstallLicenses") Then ReinstallLicenses ElseIf strOption = GetResource("L_optReArmWindows") Then ReArmWindows() ElseIf strOption = GetResource("L_optExpirationDatime") Then If HandleOptionParam(index+1, False, GetResource("L_optExpirationDatime"), GetResource("L_ParamsActivationIDOptional")) Then ExpirationDatime WScript.Arguments.Item(index+1) Else ExpirationDatime "" End If ElseIf strOption = GetResource("L_optSetKmsName") Then If HandleOptionParam(index+1, True, GetResource("L_optSetKmsName"), GetResource("L_ParamsSetKms")) Then If HandleOptionParam(index+2, False, GetResource("L_optSetKmsName"), GetResource("L_ParamsActivationIDOptional")) Then SetKmsMachineName WScript.Arguments.Item(index+1), WScript.Arguments.Item(index+2) Else SetKmsMachineName WScript.Arguments.Item(index+1), "" End If End If ElseIf strOption = GetResource("L_optClearKmsName") Then If HandleOptionParam(index+1, False, GetResource("L_optClearKmsName"), GetResource("L_ParamsActivationIDOptional")) Then ClearKms WScript.Arguments.Item(index+1) Else ClearKms "" End If ElseIf strOption = GetResource("L_optSetKmsHostCaching") Then SetHostCachingDisable(False) ElseIf strOption = GetResource("L_optClearKmsHostCaching") Then SetHostCachingDisable(True) ElseIf strOption = GetResource("L_optSetActivationInterval") Then If HandleOptionParam(index+1, True, GetResource("L_optSetActivationInterval"), GetResource("L_ParamsSetActivationInterval")) Then SetActivationInterval WScript.Arguments.Item(index+1) End If ElseIf strOption = GetResource("L_optSetRenewalInterval") Then If HandleOptionParam(index+1, True, GetResource("L_optSetRenewalInterval"), GetResource("L_ParamsSetRenewalInterval")) Then SetRenewalInterval WScript.Arguments.Item(index+1) End If ElseIf strOption = GetResource("L_optSetKmsListenPort") Then If HandleOptionParam(index+1, True, GetResource("L_optSetKmsListenPort"), GetResource("L_ParamsSetListenKmsPort")) Then SetKmsListenPort WScript.Arguments.Item(index+1) End If ElseIf strOption = GetResource("L_optSetDNS") Then SetDnsPublishingDisabled(False) ElseIf strOption = GetResource("L_optClearDNS") Then SetDnsPublishingDisabled(True) ElseIf strOption = GetResource("L_optSetNormalPriority") Then SetKmsLowPriority(False) ElseIf strOption = GetResource("L_optClearNormalPriority") Then SetKmsLowPriority(True) ElseIf strOption = GetResource("L_optListInstalledILs") Then TkaListILs ElseIf strOption = GetResource("L_optRemoveInstalledIL") Then If HandleOptionParam(index+2, True, GetResource("L_optRemoveInstalledIL"), GetResource("L_ParamsRemoveInstalledIL")) Then TkaRemoveIL WScript.Arguments.Item(index+1), WScript.Arguments.Item(index+2) End If ElseIf strOption = GetResource("L_optClearTkaOnly") Then TkaSetTokenActivationOnly False ElseIf strOption = GetResource("L_optSetTkaOnly") Then TkaSetTokenActivationOnly True ElseIf strOption = GetResource("L_optListTkaCerts") Then TkaListCerts ElseIf strOption = GetResource("L_optForceTkaActivation") Then If HandleOptionParam(index+2, False, GetResource("L_optForceTkaActivation"), GetResource("L_ParamsForceTkaActivation")) Then TkaActivate WScript.Arguments.Item(index+1), WScript.Arguments.Item(index+2) ElseIf HandleOptionParam(index+1, True, GetResource("L_optForceTkaActivation"), GetResource("L_ParamsForceTkaActivation")) Then TkaActivate WScript.Arguments.Item(index+1), "" End If Else ParseCommandLine = intUnknownOption End IfEnd Function' global optionsPrivate Function CheckProductForCommand(objProduct, strActivationID) Dim bCheckProductForCommand bCheckProductForCommand = False If (strActivationID = "" And LCase(objProduct.ApplicationId) = WindowsAppId And (objProduct.LicenseIsAddon = False)) Then bCheckProductForCommand = True End If If (LCase(objProduct.ID) = strActivationID) Then bCheckProductForCommand = True End If CheckProductForCommand = bCheckProductForCommandEnd FunctionPrivate Sub UninstallProductKey(strActivationID) Dim objService, objProduct Dim lRet, strVersion, strDescription Dim kmsServerFound, uninstallDone Dim iIsPrimaryWindowsSku, bPrimaryWindowsSkuKeyUninstalled Dim bCheckProductForCommand On Error Resume Next strActivationID = LCase(strActivationID) kmsServerFound = False uninstallDone = False set objService = GetServiceObject("Version") strVersion = objService.Version For Each objProduct in GetProductCollection(ProductIsPrimarySkuSelectClause & ", ProductKeyID", PartialProductKeyNonNullWhereClause) strDescription = objProduct.Description bCheckProductForCommand = CheckProductForCommand(objProduct, strActivationID) If (bCheckProductForCommand) Then iIsPrimaryWindowsSku = GetIsPrimaryWindowsSKU(objProduct) If (strActivationID = "") And (iIsPrimaryWindowsSku = 2) Then OutputIndeterminateOperationWarning(objProduct) End If objProduct.UninstallProductKey() QuitIfError() ' Uninstalling a product key could change Windows licensing state. ' Since the service determines if it can shut down and when is the next start time ' based on the licensing state we should reconsume the licenses here. objService.RefreshLicenseStatus() ' For Windows (i.e. if no activationID specified), always ' ensure that product-key for primary SKU is uninstalled If (strActivationID "") Or (iIsPrimaryWindowsSku = 1) Then uninstallDone = True End If LineOut GetResource("L_MsgUninstalledPKey") ' Check whether a ActID belongs to KMS server. ' Do this for all ActID other than one whose pkey is being uninstalled ElseIf IsKmsServer(strDescription) Then kmsServerFound = True End If If (kmsServerFound = True) And (uninstallDone = True) Then Exit For End If Next If kmsServerFound = True Then ' Set the KMS version in the registry (both 64 and 32 bit locations) lRet = SetRegistryStr(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, SLKeyPath, "KeyManagementServiceVersion", strVersion) If (lRet 0) Then QuitWithError Hex(lRet) End If lRet = SetRegistryStr(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, SLKeyPath32, "KeyManagementServiceVersion", strVersion) If (lRet 0) Then QuitWithError Hex(lRet) End If Else ' Clear the KMS version from the registry (both 64 and 32 bit locations) lRet = DeleteRegistryValue(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, SLKeyPath, "KeyManagementServiceVersion") If (lRet 0 And lRet 2) Then QuitWithError Hex(lRet) End If lRet = DeleteRegistryValue(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, SLKeyPath32, "KeyManagementServiceVersion") If (lRet 0 And lRet 2) Then QuitWithError Hex(lRet) End If End If If uninstallDone = False Then LineOut GetResource("L_MsgErrorPKey") End IfEnd SubPrivate Sub DisplayIID(strActivationID) Dim objProduct Dim iIsPrimaryWindowsSku, bFoundAtLeastOneKey Dim bCheckProductForCommand strActivationID = LCase(strActivationID) bFoundAtLeastOneKey = False For Each objProduct in GetProductCollection(ProductIsPrimarySkuSelectClause & ", OfflineInstallationId", PartialProductKeyNonNullWhereClause) bCheckProductForCommand = CheckProductForCommand(objProduct, strActivationID) If (bCheckProductForCommand) Then iIsPrimaryWindowsSku = GetIsPrimaryWindowsSKU(objProduct) If (strActivationID = "") And (iIsPrimaryWindowsSku = 2) Then OutputIndeterminateOperationWarning(objProduct) End If LineOut GetResource("L_MsgInstallationID") & objProduct.OfflineInstallationId bFoundAtLeastOneKey = True If (strActivationID "") Or (iIsPrimaryWindowsSku = 1) Then Exit Sub End If End If Next If (bFoundAtLeastOneKey = TRUE) Then LineOut "" LineOut GetResource("L_MsgPhoneNumbers") Else LineOut GetResource("L_MsgErrorProductNotFound") End IfEnd SubPrivate Sub DisplayActivatingSku(objProduct) Dim strOutput strOutput = Replace(GetResource("L_MsgActivating"), "%PRODUCTNAME%", objProduct.Name) strOutput = Replace(strOutput, "%PRODUCTID%", objProduct.ID) LineFlush strOutputEnd SubPrivate Sub DisplayActivatedStatus(objProduct) If (objProduct.LicenseStatus = 1) Then LineOut GetResource("L_MsgActivated") ElseIf (objProduct.LicenseStatus = 4) Then LineOut GetResource("L_MsgErrorText_8") & GetResource("L_MsgErrorText_11") ElseIf ((objProduct.LicenseStatus = 5) And (objProduct.LicenseStatusReason = HR_SL_E_NOT_GENUINE)) Then LineOut GetResource("L_MsgErrorText_8") & GetResource("L_MsgErrorText_12") ElseIf (objProduct.LicenseStatus = 6) Then LineOut GetResource("L_MsgActivated") LineOut GetResource("L_MsgLicenseStatusExtendedGrace_1") Else LineOut GetResource("L_MsgActivated_Failed") End IfEnd SubPrivate Sub ActivateProduct(strActivationID) Dim objService, objProduct Dim iIsPrimaryWindowsSku, bFoundAtLeastOneKey Dim strOutput Dim bCheckProductForCommand strActivationID = LCase(strActivationID) bFoundAtLeastOneKey = False set objService = GetServiceObject("Version") For Each objProduct in GetProductCollection(ProductIsPrimarySkuSelectClause & ", LicenseStatus", PartialProductKeyNonNullWhereClause) bCheckProductForCommand = CheckProductForCommand(objProduct, strActivationID) If (bCheckProductForCommand) Then iIsPrimaryWindowsSku = GetIsPrimaryWindowsSKU(objProduct) If (strActivationID = "") And (iIsPrimaryWindowsSku = 2) Then OutputIndeterminateOperationWarning(objProduct) End If strOutput = Replace(GetResource("L_MsgActivating"), "%PRODUCTNAME%", objProduct.Name) strOutput = Replace(strOutput, "%PRODUCTID%", objProduct.ID) LineOut strOutput On Error Resume Next objProduct.Activate() QuitIfError() objService.RefreshLicenseStatus() objProduct.refresh_ DisplayActivatedStatus objProduct bFoundAtLeastOneKey = True If (strActivationID "") Or (iIsPrimaryWindowsSku = 1) Then Exit Sub End If End If Next If (bFoundAtLeastOneKey = True) Then Exit Sub End If LineOut GetResource("L_MsgErrorProductNotFound")End SubPrivate Sub PhoneActivateProduct(strCID, strActivationID) Dim objService, objProduct Dim iIsPrimaryWindowsSku, bFoundAtLeastOneKey Dim strOutput Dim bCheckProductForCommand strActivationID = LCase(strActivationID) bFoundAtLeastOneKey = False set objService = GetServiceObject("Version") For Each objProduct in GetProductCollection(ProductIsPrimarySkuSelectClause & ", OfflineInstallationId, LicenseStatus, LicenseStatusReason", PartialProductKeyNonNullWhereClause) bCheckProductForCommand = CheckProductForCommand(objProduct, strActivationID) If (bCheckProductForCommand) Then iIsPrimaryWindowsSku = GetIsPrimaryWindowsSKU(objProduct) If (strActivationID = "") And (iIsPrimaryWindowsSku = 2) Then OutputIndeterminateOperationWarning(objProduct) End If On Error Resume Next objProduct.DepositOfflineConfirmationId objProduct.OfflineInstallationId, strCID QuitIfError() objService.RefreshLicenseStatus() objProduct.refresh_ If (objProduct.LicenseStatus = 1) Then strOutput = Replace(GetResource("L_MsgConfID"), "%ACTID%", objProduct.ID) LineOut strOutput ElseIf (objProduct.LicenseStatus = 4) Then LineOut GetResource("L_MsgErrorText_8") & GetResource("L_MsgErrorText_11") ElseIf ((objProduct.LicenseStatus = 5) And (objProduct.LicenseStatusReason = HR_SL_E_NOT_GENUINE)) Then LineOut GetResource("L_MsgErrorText_8") & GetResource("L_MsgErrorText_12") ElseIf (objProduct.LicenseStatus = 6) Then LineOut GetResource("L_MsgActivated") LineOut GetResource("L_MsgLicenseStatusExtendedGrace_1") Else LineOut GetResource("L_MsgActivated_Failed") End If bFoundAtLeastOneKey = True If (strActivationID "") Or (iIsPrimaryWindowsSku = 1) Then Exit Sub End If End If Next If (bFoundAtLeastOneKey = True) Then Exit Sub End If LineOut GetResource("L_MsgErrorProductNotFound")End SubPrivate Sub DisplayKMSInformation(objService, objProduct) Dim dwValue Dim boolValue Dim KeyManagementServiceTotalRequests Dim objProductKMSValues set objProductKMSValues = GetProductObject( _ "IsKeyManagementServiceMachine, KeyManagementServiceCurrentCount, " & _ "KeyManagementServiceTotalRequests, KeyManagementServiceFailedRequests, " & _ "KeyManagementServiceUnlicensedRequests, KeyManagementServiceLicensedRequests, " & _ "KeyManagementServiceOOBGraceRequests, KeyManagementServiceOOTGraceRequests, " & _ "KeyManagementServiceNonGenuineGraceRequests, KeyManagementServiceNotificationRequests", _ "id = '" & objProduct.ID & "'") If objProductKMSValues.IsKeyManagementServiceMachine > 0 Then LineOut "" LineOut GetResource("L_MsgKmsEnabled") LineOut " " & GetResource("L_MsgKmsCurrentCount") & objProductKMSValues.KeyManagementServiceCurrentCount dwValue = objService.KeyManagementServiceListeningPort If 0 = dwValue Then LineOut " " & GetResource("L_MsgKmsListeningOnPort") & DefaultPort Else LineOut " " & GetResource("L_MsgKmsListeningOnPort") & dwValue End If boolValue = objService.KeyManagementServiceDnsPublishing If true = boolValue Then LineOut " " & GetResource("L_MsgKmsDnsPublishingEnabled") Else LineOut " " & GetResource("L_MsgKmsDnsPublishingDisabled") End If boolValue = objService.KeyManagementServiceLowPriority If false = boolValue Then LineOut " " & GetResource("L_MsgKmsPriNormal") Else LineOut " " & GetResource("L_MsgKmsPriLow") End If On Error Resume Next KeyManagementServiceTotalRequests = objProductKMSValues.KeyManagementServiceTotalRequests If (Not(IsNull(KeyManagementServiceTotalRequests))) And (Not(IsEmpty(KeyManagementServiceTotalRequests))) Then LineOut "" LineOut GetResource("L_MsgKmsCumulativeRequestsFromClients") LineOut " " & GetResource("L_MsgKmsTotalRequestsRecieved") & objProductKMSValues.KeyManagementServiceTotalRequests LineOut " " & GetResource("L_MsgKmsFailedRequestsReceived") & objProductKMSValues.KeyManagementServiceFailedRequests LineOut " " & GetResource("L_MsgKmsRequestsWithStatusUnlicensed") & objProductKMSValues.KeyManagementServiceUnlicensedRequests LineOut " " & GetResource("L_MsgKmsRequestsWithStatusLicensed") & objProductKMSValues.KeyManagementServiceLicensedRequests LineOut " " & GetResource("L_MsgKmsRequestsWithStatusInitialGrace") & objProductKMSValues.KeyManagementServiceOOBGraceRequests LineOut " " & GetResource("L_MsgKmsRequestsWithStatusLicenseExpiredOrHwidOot") & objProductKMSValues.KeyManagementServiceOOTGraceRequests LineOut " " & GetResource("L_MsgKmsRequestsWithStatusNonGenuineGrace") & objProductKMSValues.KeyManagementServiceNonGenuineGraceRequests LineOut " " & GetResource("L_MsgKmsRequestsWithStatusNotification") & objProductKMSValues.KeyManagementServiceNotificationRequests End If End IfEnd SubPrivate Sub DisplayTkaClientInformation(objService, objProduct) LineOut "" LineOut GetResource("L_MsgTkaInfo") LineOut " " & Replace(GetResource("L_MsgTkaInfoILID" ), "%ILID%" , objProduct.TokenActivationILID) LineOut " " & Replace(GetResource("L_MsgTkaInfoILVID" ), "%ILVID%" , objProduct.TokenActivationILVID) LineOut " " & Replace(GetResource("L_MsgTkaInfoGrantNo" ), "%GRANTNO%" , objProduct.TokenActivationGrantNumber) LineOut " " & Replace(GetResource("L_MsgTkaInfoThumbprint"), "%THUMBPRINT%", objProduct.TokenActivationCertificateThumbprint)End SubPrivate Sub DisplayKMSClientInformation(objService, objProduct) Dim strKms, strPort, strOutput Dim iVLRenewalInterval, iVLActivationInterval iVLRenewalInterval = objProduct.VLRenewalInterval iVLActivationInterval = objProduct.VLActivationInterval LineOut "" LineOut GetResource("L_MsgKmsInfo") LineOut " " & GetResource("L_MsgCmid") & objService.ClientMachineID strKms = objProduct.KeyManagementServiceMachine if strKms "" And Not IsNull(strKms) Then strPort = objProduct.KeyManagementServicePort If (strPort = 0) Then strPort = DefaultPort End If LineOut " " & GetResource("L_MsgRegisteredKmsName") & strKms & ":" & strPort Else strKms = objProduct.DiscoveredKeyManagementServiceMachineName strPort = objProduct.DiscoveredKeyManagementServiceMachinePort If IsNull(strKms) Or (strKms = "") Or IsNull(strPort) Or (strPort = 0) Then LineOut " " & GetResource("L_MsgKmsFromDnsUnavailable") Else LineOut " " & GetResource("L_MsgKmsFromDns") & strKms & ":" & strPort End If End If LineOut " " & GetResource("L_MsgKmsPID4") & objProduct.KeyManagementServiceProductKeyID strOutput = Replace(GetResource("L_MsgActivationInterval"), "%INTERVAL%", iVLActivationInterval) LineOut " " & strOutput strOutput = Replace(GetResource("L_MsgRenewalInterval"), "%INTERVAL%", iVLRenewalInterval) LineOut " " & strOutput if (objService.KeyManagementServiceHostCaching = True) Then LineOut " " & GetResource("L_MsgKmsHostCachingEnabled") Else LineOut " " & GetResource("L_MsgKmsHostCachingDisabled") End IfEnd Sub'' Display all information for /dlv and /dli' If you add need to access new properties through WMI you must add them to the ' queries for service/object. Be sure to check that the object properties in DisplayAllInformation()' are requested for function/methods such as GetIsPrimaryWindowsSKU() and DisplayKMSClientInformation().'Private Sub DisplayAllInformation(strParm, bVerbose) Dim objService, objProduct Dim strServiceSelectClause Dim strDescription, bKmsClient, strSLActID, bKmsServer, bTBL Dim ls, gpMin, gpDay, displayDate Dim strOutput Dim bShowSkuInformation Dim iIsPrimaryWindowsSku, bUseDefault Dim productKeyFound Dim strErr strParm = LCase(strParm) productKeyFound = False strServiceSelectClause = "KeyManagementServiceListeningPort, KeyManagementServiceDnsPublishing, " & _ "KeyManagementServiceLowPriority, ClientMachineId, KeyManagementServiceHostCaching, " & _ "Version" If bVerbose Then strServiceSelectClause = "RemainingWindowsReArmCount, " & strServiceSelectClause End If set objService = GetServiceObject(strServiceSelectClause) If bVerbose Then LineOut GetResource("L_MsgServiceVersion") & objService.Version End If For Each objProduct in GetProductCollection(ProductIsPrimarySkuSelectClause & ", " & _ "ProductKeyID, OfflineInstallationId, " & _ "ProcessorURL, MachineURL, UseLicenseURL, ProductKeyURL, " & _ "GracePeriodRemaining, LicenseStatus, LicenseStatusReason, EvaluationEndDate, " & _ "VLRenewalInterval, VLActivationInterval, KeyManagementServiceMachine, " & _ "KeyManagementServicePort, DiscoveredKeyManagementServiceMachineName, " & _ "DiscoveredKeyManagementServiceMachinePort, KeyManagementServiceProductKeyID," & _ "TokenActivationILID, TokenActivationILVID, TokenActivationGrantNumber," & _ "TokenActivationCertificateThumbprint, TokenActivationAdditionalInfo, TrustedTime", _ EmptyWhereClause) strSLActID = objProduct.ID ' Display information if: ' parm = "all" or ' ActID = parm or ' default to current ActID (parm = "" and IsPrimaryWindowsSKU is 1 or 2) iIsPrimaryWindowsSku = GetIsPrimaryWindowsSKU(objProduct) bUseDefault = False bShowSkuInformation = False If (strParm = "" And ((iIsPrimaryWindowsSku = 1) Or (iIsPrimaryWindowsSku = 2))) Then bUseDefault = True bShowSkuInformation = True End If If (strParm = "" And (objProduct.LicenseIsAddon And objProduct.PartialProductKey "")) Then bShowSkuInformation = True End If If (strParm = "all") Then bShowSkuInformation = True End If If (strParm = LCase(strSLActID)) Then bShowSkuInformation = True End If If (bShowSkuInformation) Then strDescription = objProduct.Description 'If the user didn't specify anything and we are showing the default case, warn them ' if this can't be verified as the primary SKU If ((bUseDefault = True) And (iIsPrimaryWindowsSku = 2)) Then OutputIndeterminateOperationWarning(objProduct) End IF productKeyFound = True LineOut "" LineOut GetResource("L_MsgProductName") & objProduct.Name LineOut GetResource("L_MsgProductDesc") & strDescription If objProduct.TokenActivationAdditionalInfo "" Then LineOut Replace( _ GetResource("L_MsgTkaInfoAdditionalInfo"), _ "%MOREINFO%", _ objProduct.TokenActivationAdditionalInfo _ ) End If bKmsServer = IsKmsServer(strDescription) bKmsClient = IsKmsClient(strDescription) bTBL = IsTBL(strDescription) If bVerbose Then LineOut GetResource("L_MsgActID") & strSLActID LineOut GetResource("L_MsgAppID") & objProduct.ApplicationID LineOut GetResource("L_MsgPID4") & objProduct.ProductKeyID LineOut GetResource("L_MsgInstallationID") & objProduct.OfflineInstallationId If NOT bKmsClient Then LineOut GetResource("L_MsgProcessorCertUrl") & objProduct.ProcessorURL LineOut GetResource("L_MsgMachineCertUrl") & objProduct.MachineURL LineOut GetResource("L_MsgUseLicenseCertUrl") & objProduct.UseLicenseURL LineOut GetResource("L_MsgPKeyCertUrl") & objProduct.ProductKeyURL End If End If If objProduct.PartialProductKey "" Then LineOut GetResource("L_MsgPartialPKey") & objProduct.PartialProductKey Else LineOut GetResource("L_MsgErrorLicenseNotInUse") End If ls = objProduct.LicenseStatus If ls = 0 Then LineOut GetResource("L_MsgLicenseStatusUnlicensed_1") ElseIf ls = 1 Then LineOut GetResource("L_MsgLicenseStatusLicensed_1") gpMin = objProduct.GracePeriodRemaining If (gpMin 0) Then gpDay = Int(gpMin / (24 * 60)) If (bTBL) Then strOutput = Replace(GetResource("L_MsgLicenseStatusTBL_1"), "%MINUTE%", gpMin) Else strOutput = Replace(GetResource("L_MsgLicenseStatusVL_1"), "%MINUTE%", gpMin) End If strOutput = Replace(strOutput, "%DAY%", gpDay) LineOut strOutput End If ElseIf ls = 2 Then LineOut GetResource("L_MsgLicenseStatusInitialGrace_1") gpMin = objProduct.GracePeriodRemaining gpDay = Int(gpMin / (24 * 60)) strOutput = Replace(GetResource("L_MsgLicenseStatusTimeRemaining"), "%MINUTE%", gpMin) strOutput = Replace(strOutput, "%DAY%", gpDay) LineOut strOutput ElseIf ls = 3 Then LineOut GetResource("L_MsgLicenseStatusAdditionalGrace_1") gpMin = objProduct.GracePeriodRemaining gpDay = Int(gpMin / (24 * 60)) strOutput = Replace(GetResource("L_MsgLicenseStatusTimeRemaining"), "%MINUTE%", gpMin) strOutput = Replace(strOutput, "%DAY%", gpDay) LineOut strOutput ElseIf ls = 4 Then LineOut GetResource("L_MsgLicenseStatusNonGenuineGrace_1") gpMin = objProduct.GracePeriodRemaining gpDay = Int(gpMin / (24 * 60)) strOutput = Replace(GetResource("L_MsgLicenseStatusTimeRemaining"), "%MINUTE%", gpMin) strOutput = Replace(strOutput, "%DAY%", gpDay) LineOut strOutput ElseIf ls = 5 Then LineOut GetResource("L_MsgLicenseStatusNotification_1") strErr = CStr(Hex(objProduct.LicenseStatusReason)) if (objProduct.LicenseStatusReason = HR_SL_E_NOT_GENUINE) Then strOutput = Replace(GetResource("L_MsgNotificationErrorReasonNonGenuine"), "%ERRCODE%", strErr) ElseIf (objProduct.LicenseStatusReason = HR_SL_E_GRACE_TIME_EXPIRED) Then strOutput = Replace(GetResource("L_MsgNotificationErrorReasonExpiration"), "%ERRCODE%", strErr) Else strOutput = Replace(GetResource("L_MsgNotificationErrorReasonOther"), "%ERRCODE%", strErr) End If LineOut strOutput ElseIf ls = 6 Then LineOut GetResource("L_MsgLicenseStatusExtendedGrace_1") gpMin = objProduct.GracePeriodRemaining gpDay = Int(gpMin / (24 * 60)) strOutput = Replace(GetResource("L_MsgLicenseStatusTimeRemaining"), "%MINUTE%", gpMin) strOutput = Replace(strOutput, "%DAY%", gpDay) LineOut strOutput Else LineOut GetResource("L_MsgLicenseStatusUnknown") End If If (ls 0 And bVerbose) Then Set displayDate = CreateObject("WBemScripting.SWbemDateTime") displayDate.Value = objProduct.EvaluationEndDate If (displayDate.GetFileTime(false) 0) Then LineOut GetResource("L_MsgLicenseStatusEvalEndData") & displayDate.GetVarDate End If End If If (bVerbose) Then LineOut Replace(GetResource("L_MsgRemainingWindowsRearmCount"), "%COUNT%", objService.RemainingWindowsReArmCount) Set displayDate = CreateObject("WBemScripting.SWbemDateTime") displayDate.Value = objProduct.TrustedTime If (displayDate.GetFileTime(false) 0) Then LineOut GetResource("L_MsgCurrentTrustedTime") & displayDate.GetVarDate End If End If ' ' KMS client properties ' If bKmsClient Then If IsTokenActivated(objProduct) Then DisplayTkaClientInformation objService, objProduct ElseIf ls 1 Then LineOut GetResource("L_MsgPleaseActivateRefreshKMSInfo") Else DisplayKMSClientInformation objService, objProduct End If End If If (bKmsServer Or (iIsPrimaryWindowsSku = 1) Or (iIsPrimaryWindowsSku = 2)) Then DisplayKMSInformation objService, objProduct End If 'We should stop processing if we aren't processing All and either we were told to process a single 'entry only or we found the primary SKU If strParm "all" Then If (strParm = LCase(strSLActID)) Then Exit For 'no need to continue End If End If LineOut "" End If Next If productKeyFound = False Then LineOut GetResource("L_MsgErrorPKey") End IfEnd SubPrivate Sub InstallProductKey(strProductKey) Dim objService, objProduct Dim lRet, strDescription, strOutput, strVersion Dim iIsPrimaryWindowsSku, bIsKMS bIsKMS = False On Error Resume Next set objService = GetServiceObject("Version") strVersion = objService.Version objService.InstallProductKey(strProductKey) QuitIfError() ' Installing a product key could change Windows licensing state. ' Since the service determines if it can shut down and when is the next start time ' based on the licensing state we should reconsume the licenses here. objService.RefreshLicenseStatus() For Each objProduct in GetProductCollection(ProductIsPrimarySkuSelectClause, PartialProductKeyNonNullWhereClause) strDescription = objProduct.Description iIsPrimaryWindowsSku = GetIsPrimaryWindowsSKU(objProduct) If (iIsPrimaryWindowsSku = 2) Then OutputIndeterminateOperationWarning(objProduct) End If If IsKmsServer(strDescription) Then bIsKMS = True Exit For End If Next If (bIsKMS = True) Then ' Set the KMS version in the registry (64 and 32 bit versions) lRet = SetRegistryStr(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, SLKeyPath, "KeyManagementServiceVersion", strVersion) If (lRet 0) Then QuitWithError Hex(lRet) End If If ExistsRegistryKey(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, SLKeyPath32) Then lRet = SetRegistryStr(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, SLKeyPath32, "KeyManagementServiceVersion", strVersion) If (lRet 0) Then QuitWithError Hex(lRet) End If End If Else ' Clear the KMS version in the registry (64 and 32 bit versions) lRet = DeleteRegistryValue(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, SLKeyPath, "KeyManagementServiceVersion") If (lRet 0 And lRet 2 And lRet 5) Then QuitWithError Hex(lRet) End If lRet = DeleteRegistryValue(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, SLKeyPath32, "KeyManagementServiceVersion") If (lRet 0 And lRet 2 And lRet 5) Then QuitWithError Hex(lRet) End If End If strOutput = Replace(GetResource("L_MsgInstalledPKey"), "%PKEY%", strProductKey) LineOut strOutputEnd SubPrivate Sub OutputIndeterminateOperationWarning(objProduct) Dim strOutput LineOut GetResource("L_MsgUndeterminedPrimaryKeyOperation") strOutput = Replace(GetResource("L_MsgUndeterminedOperationFormat"), "%PRODUCTDESCRIPTION%", objProduct.Description) strOutput = Replace(strOutput, "%PRODUCTID%", objProduct.ID) LineOut strOutputEnd SubPrivate Sub ClearPKeyFromRegistry() Dim objService On Error Resume Next set objService = GetServiceObject("Version") QuitIfError() objService.ClearProductKeyFromRegistry() QuitIfError() LineOut GetResource("L_MsgClearedPKey")End SubPrivate Sub InstallLicenseFiles (strParentDirectory, fso) Dim file, files, folder, subFolder Set folder = fso.GetFolder(strParentDirectory) Set files = folder.Files ' Install all license files in folder For Each file In files If Right(file.Name, 7) = ".xrm-ms" Then InstallLicense strParentDirectory & "\" & file.Name End If Next For Each subFolder in folder.SubFolders InstallLicenseFiles subFolder, fso NextEnd SubPrivate Sub ReinstallLicenses() Dim shell, fso, strOemFolder Dim strSppTokensFolder, folder, subFolder Set shell = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell") Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") strOemFolder = shell.ExpandEnvironmentStrings("%SystemRoot%") & "\system32\oem" strSppTokensFolder = shell.ExpandEnvironmentStrings("%SystemRoot%") & "\system32\spp\tokens" LineOut GetResource("L_MsgReinstallingLicenses") Set folder = fso.GetFolder(strSppTokensFolder) For Each subFolder in folder.SubFolders InstallLicenseFiles subFolder, fso Next If (fso.FolderExists(strOemFolder)) Then InstallLicenseFiles strOemFolder, fso End If LineOut GetResource("L_MsgLicensesReinstalled")End SubPrivate Sub ReArmWindows Dim objService set objService = GetServiceObject("Version") On Error Resume Next objService.ReArmWindows() QuitIfError() LineOut GetResource("L_MsgRearm_1") LineOut GetResource("L_MsgRearm_2")End SubPrivate Sub ExpirationDatime(strActivationID) Dim objProduct Dim strSLActID, ls, graceRemaining, strEnds Dim strOutput Dim strDescription, bTBL Dim iIsPrimaryWindowsSku Dim bFound strActivationID = LCase(strActivationID) bFound = False For Each objProduct in GetProductCollection(ProductIsPrimarySkuSelectClause & ", LicenseStatus, GracePeriodRemaining", EmptyWhereClause) If ((strActivationID = "" And LCase(objProduct.ApplicationId) = WindowsAppId) Or LCase(objProduct.ID) = strActivationID) And (objProduct.PartialProductKey "") Then strSLActID = objProduct.ID ls = objProduct.LicenseStatus graceRemaining = objProduct.GracePeriodRemaining strEnds = DateAdd("n", graceRemaining, Now) bFound = True iIsPrimaryWindowsSku = GetIsPrimaryWindowsSKU(objProduct) If (strActivationID = "") And (iIsPrimaryWindowsSku = 2) Then OutputIndeterminateOperationWarning(objProduct) End If strOutput = "" If ls = 0 Then strOutput = GetResource("L_MsgLicenseStatusUnlicensed") ElseIf ls = 1 Then If graceRemaining 0 Then strDescription = objProduct.Description bTBL = IsTBL(strDescription) If bTBL Then strOutput = Replace(GetResource("L_MsgLicenseStatusTBL"), "%ENDDATE%", strEnds) Else strOutput = Replace(GetResource("L_MsgLicenseStatusVL"), "%ENDDATE%", strEnds) End If Else strOutput = GetResource("L_MsgLicenseStatusLicensed") End If ElseIf ls = 2 Then strOutput = Replace(GetResource("L_MsgLicenseStatusInitialGrace"), "%ENDDATE%", strEnds) ElseIf ls = 3 Then strOutput = Replace(GetResource("L_MsgLicenseStatusAdditionalGrace"), "%ENDDATE%", strEnds) ElseIf ls = 4 Then strOutput = Replace(GetResource("L_MsgLicenseStatusNonGenuineGrace"), "%ENDDATE%", strEnds) ElseIf ls = 5 Then strOutput = GetResource("L_MsgLicenseStatusNotification") ElseIf ls = 6 Then strOutput = Replace(GetResource("L_MsgLicenseStatusExtendedGrace"), "%ENDDATE%", strEnds) End If If strOutput "" Then LineOut objProduct.Name & ":" Lineout " " & strOutput End If End If Next If True bFound Then LineOut GetResource("L_MsgErrorPKey") End IfEnd Sub' volume license service/client managementPrivate Sub QuitIfErrorRestoreKmsName(obj, strKmsName) Dim errNum If Err.Number 0 Then errNum = Err.Number If strKmsName = "" Then obj.ClearKeyManagementServiceMachine() Else obj.SetKeyManagementServiceMachine(strKmsName) End If ShowErrorNum GetResource("L_MsgErrorText_8"), CStr(Hex(errNum)) ExitScript errNum End IfEnd SubPrivate Sub SetKmsMachineName(strKmsNamePort, strActivationID) Dim objService, objProduct Dim nColon, strKmsName, strKmsNamePrev, strKmsPort, lRet, strOutput, nBracketEnd Dim nKmsPort Dim activationIDFound nBracketEnd = InStr(StrKmsNamePort, "]") If InStr(strKmsNamePort, "[") = 1 And nBracketEnd > 1 Then ' IPV6 Address If Len(StrKmsNamePort) = nBracketEnd Then 'No Port Number strKmsName = strKmsNamePort strKmsPort = "" Else strKmsName = Left(strKmsNamePort, nBracketEnd) strKmsPort = Right(strKmsNamePort, Len(strKmsNamePort) - nBracketEnd - 1) End If Else ' IPV4 Address nColon = InStr(1, strKmsNamePort, ":") If nColon 0 Then strKmsName = Left(strKmsNamePort, nColon - 1) strKmsPort = Right(strKmsNamePort, Len(strKmsNamePort) - nColon) Else strKmsName = strKmsNamePort strKmsPort = "" End If End If strActivationID = LCase(strActivationID) set objService = GetServiceObject("Version, KeyManagementServiceMachine") On Error Resume Next If (strActivationID = "") Then strKmsNamePrev = objService.KeyManagementServiceMachine If strKmsName "" Then objService.SetKeyManagementServiceMachine(strKmsName) QuitIfError() End If If strKmsPort "" Then nKmsPort = CLng(strKmsPort) QuitIfErrorRestoreKmsName objService, strKmsNamePrev objService.SetKeyManagementServicePort(nKmsPort) QuitIfErrorRestoreKmsName objService, strKmsNamePrev Else objService.ClearKeyManagementServicePort() QuitIfErrorRestoreKmsName objService, strKmsNamePrev End If Else activationIDFound = False For Each objProduct in GetProductCollection("ID, KeyManagementServiceMachine", EmptyWhereClause) If (LCase(objProduct.ID) = strActivationID) Then strKmsNamePrev = objProduct.KeyManagementServiceMachine If strKmsName "" Then objProduct.SetKeyManagementServiceMachine(strKmsName) QuitIfError() End If If strKmsPort "" Then nKmsPort = CLng(strKmsPort) QuitIfErrorRestoreKmsName objProduct, strKmsNamePrev objProduct.SetKeyManagementServicePort(nKmsPort) QuitIfErrorRestoreKmsName objProduct, strKmsNamePrev Else objProduct.ClearKeyManagementServicePort() QuitIfErrorRestoreKmsName objProduct, strKmsNamePrev End If activationIDFound = True Exit For End If Next if activationIDFound = False Then strOutput = Replace(GetResource("L_MsgErrorActivationID"), "%ActID%", strActivationID) Lineout strOutput End If End If QuitIfError() If (strActivationID = "") Or (activationIDFound = True) Then strOutput = Replace(GetResource("L_MsgKmsNameSet"), "%KMS%", strKmsNamePort) LineOut strOutput End IfEnd SubPrivate Sub SetHostCachingDisable(boolHostCaching) Dim objService On Error Resume Next set objService = GetServiceObject("Version") QuitIfError() objService.DisableKeyManagementServiceHostCaching(boolHostCaching) QuitIfError() If boolHostCaching Then LineOut GetResource("L_MsgKmsHostCachingDisabled") Else LineOut GetResource("L_MsgKmsHostCachingEnabled") End If End SubPrivate Sub ClearKms(strActivationID) Dim objService, objProduct Dim lRet Dim activationIDFound, strOutput strActivationID = LCase(strActivationID) On Error Resume Next set objService = GetServiceObject("Version") QuitIfError() If (strActivationID = "") Then objService.ClearKeyManagementServiceMachine() objService.ClearKeyManagementServicePort() Else activationIDFound = False For Each objProduct in GetProductCollection("ID", EmptyWhereClause) If (LCase(objProduct.ID) = strActivationID) Then objProduct.ClearKeyManagementServiceMachine() objProduct.ClearKeyManagementServicePort() activationIDFound = True Exit For End If Next if activationIDFound = False Then strOutput = Replace(GetResource("L_MsgErrorActivationID"), "%ActID%", strActivationID) Lineout strOutput End If End If If (strActivationID = "") Or (activationIDFound = True) Then LineOut GetResource("L_MsgKmsNameCleared") End IfEnd SubPrivate Sub SetActivationInterval(intInterval) Dim objService, objProduct Dim kmsFlag, strOutput If (intInterval < 0) Then LineOut GetResource("L_MsgInvalidDataError") Exit Sub End If On Error Resume Next set objService = GetServiceObject("Version") QuitIfError() For Each objProduct in GetProductCollection("ID, IsKeyManagementServiceMachine", PartialProductKeyNonNullWhereClause) kmsFlag = objProduct.IsKeyManagementServiceMachine If kmsFlag = 1 Then objService.SetVLActivationInterval(intInterval) QuitIfError() strOutput = Replace(GetResource("L_MsgActivationSet"), "%ACTIVATION%", intInterval) LineOut strOutput LineOut GetResource("L_MsgWarningKmsReboot") Exit For End If Next If kmsFlag 1 Then LineOut GetResource("L_MsgWarningActivation") End IfEnd SubPrivate Sub SetRenewalInterval(intInterval) Dim objService, objProduct Dim kmsFlag, strOutput If (intInterval < 0) Then LineOut GetResource("L_MsgInvalidDataError") Exit Sub End If On Error Resume Next set objService = GetServiceObject("Version") QuitIfError() For Each objProduct in GetProductCollection("ID, IsKeyManagementServiceMachine", PartialProductKeyNonNullWhereClause) kmsFlag = objProduct.IsKeyManagementServiceMachine If kmsFlag Then objService.SetVLRenewalInterval(intInterval) QuitIfError() strOutput = Replace(GetResource("L_MsgRenewalSet"), "%RENEWAL%", intInterval) LineOut strOutput LineOut GetResource("L_MsgWarningKmsReboot") Exit For End If Next If kmsFlag 1 Then LineOut GetResource("L_MsgWarningRenewal") End IfEnd SubPrivate Sub SetKmsListenPort(strPort) Dim objService, objProduct Dim kmsFlag, lRet, strOutput Dim nPort On Error Resume Next set objService = GetServiceObject("Version") QuitIfError() For Each objProduct in GetProductCollection("ID, IsKeyManagementServiceMachine", PartialProductKeyNonNullWhereClause) kmsFlag = objProduct.IsKeyManagementServiceMachine If kmsFlag Then nPort = CLng(strPort) objService.SetKeyManagementServiceListeningPort(nPort) QuitIfError() strOutput = Replace(GetResource("L_MsgKmsPortSet"), "%PORT%", strPort) LineOut strOutput LineOut GetResource("L_MsgWarningKmsReboot") Exit For End If Next If kmsFlag 1 Then LineOut GetResource("L_MsgWarningKmsPort") End IfEnd SubPrivate Sub SetDnsPublishingDisabled(bool) Dim objService, objProduct Dim kmsFlag, lRet, dwValue On Error Resume Next set objService = GetServiceObject("Version") QuitIfError() For Each objProduct in GetProductCollection("ID, IsKeyManagementServiceMachine", PartialProductKeyNonNullWhereClause) kmsFlag = objProduct.IsKeyManagementServiceMachine If kmsFlag Then objService.DisableKeyManagementServiceDnsPublishing(bool) QuitIfError() If bool Then LineOut GetResource("L_MsgKmsDnsPublishingDisabled") Else LineOut GetResource("L_MsgKmsDnsPublishingEnabled") End If LineOut GetResource("L_MsgWarningKmsReboot") Exit For End If Next If kmsFlag 1 Then LineOut GetResource("L_MsgKmsDnsPublishingWarning") End IfEnd SubPrivate Sub SetKmsLowPriority(bool) Dim objService, objProduct Dim kmsFlag, lRet, dwValue On Error Resume Next set objService = GetServiceObject("Version") QuitIfError() For Each objProduct in GetProductCollection("ID, IsKeyManagementServiceMachine", PartialProductKeyNonNullWhereClause) kmsFlag = objProduct.IsKeyManagementServiceMachine If kmsFlag Then objService.EnableKeyManagementServiceLowPriority(bool) QuitIfError() If bool Then LineOut GetResource("L_MsgKmsPriSetToLow") Else LineOut GetResource("L_MsgKmsPriSetToNormal") End If LineOut GetResource("L_MsgWarningKmsReboot") End If Exit For Next If kmsFlag 1 Then LineOut GetResource("L_MsgWarningKmsPri") End IfEnd Sub'''' Token-based Activation Commands''Private Function IsTokenActivated(objProduct) Dim nILVID On Error Resume Next nILVID = objProduct.TokenActivationILVID IsTokenActivated = ((Err.Number = 0) And (nILVID &HFFFFFFFF))End FunctionPrivate Sub TkaListILs Dim objLicense Dim strHeader Dim strError Dim strGuids Dim arrGuids Dim nListed Dim objWmiDate LineOut GetResource("L_MsgTkaLicenses") LineOut "" Set objWmiDate = CreateObject("WBemScripting.SWbemDateTime") nListed = 0 For Each objLicense in g_objWMIService.InstancesOf(TkaLicenseClass) strHeader = GetResource("L_MsgTkaLicenseHeader") strHeader = Replace(strHeader, "%ILID%" , objLicense.ILID ) strHeader = Replace(strHeader, "%ILVID%", objLicense.ILVID) LineOut strHeader LineOut " " & Replace(GetResource("L_MsgTkaLicenseILID"), "%ILID%", objLicense.ILID) LineOut " " & Replace(GetResource("L_MsgTkaLicenseILVID"), "%ILVID%", objLicense.ILVID) If Not IsNull(objLicense.ExpirationDate) Then objWmiDate.Value = objLicense.ExpirationDate If (objWmiDate.GetFileTime(false) 0) Then LineOut " " & Replace(GetResource("L_MsgTkaLicenseExpiration"), "%TODATE%", objWmiDate.GetVarDate) End If End If If Not IsNull(objLicense.AdditionalInfo) Then LineOut " " & Replace(GetResource("L_MsgTkaLicenseAdditionalInfo"), "%MOREINFO%", objLicense.AdditionalInfo) End If If Not IsNull(objLicense.AuthorizationStatus) And _ objLicense.AuthorizationStatus 0 _ Then strError = CStr(Hex(objLicense.AuthorizationStatus)) LineOut " " & Replace(GetResource("L_MsgTkaLicenseAuthZStatus"), "%ERRCODE%", strError) Else LineOut " " & Replace(GetResource("L_MsgTkaLicenseDescr"), "%DESC%", objLicense.Description) End If LineOut "" nListed = nListed + 1 Next if 0 = nListed Then LineOut GetResource("L_MsgTkaLicenseNone") End IfEnd SubPrivate Sub TkaRemoveIL(strILID, strILVID) Dim objLicense Dim strMsg Dim nRemoved Dim nILVID On Error Resume Next nILVID = CInt(strILVID) QuitIfError() LineOut GetResource("L_MsgTkaRemoving") LineOut "" nRemoved = 0 For Each objLicense in g_objWMIService.InstancesOf(TkaLicenseClass) If strILID = objLicense.ILID And nILVID = objLicense.ILVID Then strMsg = GetResource("L_MsgTkaRemovedItem") strMsg = Replace(strMsg, "%SLID%", objLicense.ID) On Error Resume Next objLicense.Uninstall QuitIfError() LineOut strMsg nRemoved = nRemoved + 1 End If Next If nRemoved = 0 Then LineOut GetResource("L_MsgTkaRemovedNone") End IfEnd SubPrivate Sub TkaSetTokenActivationOnly(bTao) Dim objService On Error Resume Next set objService = GetServiceObject("Version") QuitIfError() objService.DisableKeyManagementServiceActivation(bTao) QuitIfError() If bTao Then LineOut GetResource("L_MsgTkaTaoSet") Else LineOut GetResource("L_MsgTkaTaoClear") End IfEnd SubPrivate Sub TkaListCerts Dim objProduct Dim objSigner Dim iRet Dim arrGrants() Dim arrThumbprints Dim strThumbprint On Error Resume Next Set objSigner = TkaGetSigner() Set objProduct = TkaGetProduct() iRet = objProduct.GetTokenActivationGrants(arrGrants) QuitIfError() arrThumbprints = objSigner.GetCertificateThumbprints(arrGrants) QuitIfError() For Each strThumbprint in arrThumbprints TkaPrintCertificate strThumbprint NextEnd SubPrivate Sub TkaActivate(strThumbprint, strPin) Dim objService Dim objProduct Dim objSigner Dim iRet Dim strChallenge Dim strAuthInfo1 Dim strAu