CDFI Coverage Map User Guide The CDFI Coverage Map is an interactive geographic representation of CDFI activity across the United States. By mapping individual loans and CDFI headquarter and branch locations, it will help measure CDFI coverage - where they are providing financing and other services, which financing sectors they are serving, and how these change over time. The CDFI Coverage Map is an important part of OFN's commitment to helping CDFIs expand their geographic reach so that all communities have access to the type of affordable, responsible financial products and services they need. It is built on the PolicyMap platform, a powerful mapping software created by Reinvestment Fund, an OFN Member CDFI. This user guide is designed to help individuals learn how to navigate and use the CDFI Coverage Map to its fullest potential. It covers how to display loan and headquarter sites, socioeconomic data layers, and geographic boundaries, as well as how to print a final product. At the end is a step by step guide of displaying a single CDFI's loans in a specific geographic area. To access the CDFI Coverage Map, please click here 1 . Questions? Feedback? Want to join the CDFI Coverage Map? Email Lance Loethen at [email protected] or call 215-320-4343. 1 http://ofn.org/cdfi-coverage-map

CDFI Coverage Map User Guide - Opportunity finance · 2018-06-06 · CDFI Coverage Map User Guide The CDFI Coverage Map is an ... 23 - The Map will now only show Reinvestment Fund's

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Page 1: CDFI Coverage Map User Guide - Opportunity finance · 2018-06-06 · CDFI Coverage Map User Guide The CDFI Coverage Map is an ... 23 - The Map will now only show Reinvestment Fund's

CDFI Coverage Map User Guide

The CDFI Coverage Map is an interactive geographic representation of CDFI activity across the United

States. By mapping individual loans and CDFI headquarter and branch locations, it will help measure

CDFI coverage - where they are providing financing and other services, which financing sectors they are

serving, and how these change over time.

The CDFI Coverage Map is an important part of OFN's commitment to helping CDFIs expand their

geographic reach so that all communities have access to the type of affordable, responsible financial

products and services they need. It is built on the PolicyMap platform, a powerful mapping software

created by Reinvestment Fund, an OFN Member CDFI.

This user guide is designed to help individuals learn how to navigate and use the CDFI Coverage Map to

its fullest potential. It covers how to display loan and headquarter sites, socioeconomic data layers, and

geographic boundaries, as well as how to print a final product. At the end is a step by step guide of

displaying a single CDFI's loans in a specific geographic area.

To access the CDFI Coverage Map, please click here1.

Questions? Feedback? Want to join the CDFI Coverage Map? Email Lance Loethen at [email protected]

or call 215-320-4343.


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User Guide Contents

This guide contains the following sections. To navigate, scroll down. Some sections contain a slideshow

of related images. Press the > icon in each slideshow viewer to move to the next image.

1. Location Search Bar and Navigating the Map

2. Selecting a Single Loan or CDFI

3. Add Data Layers

4. Add Data Points

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5. Add Geographic Boundaries

6. Printing the CDFI Coverage Map

7. Example: Displaying Reinvestment Fund's Housing to Organizations lending in Philadelphia by

Congressional District boundaries with Median Household Income data layer

Location Search Bar and Navigating the Map

• Above the Map, use the Search Bar to find a specific area by entering an address, city, zip code,

FIPS code (for census tracts and block groups), congressional district, school district, and more.

- As you type, suggested searches will appear.

• Selecting a search location will highlight and zoom in towards it.

• Click and drag your mouse to pan the Map, and use the plus (+) and minus (-) scale on the left

side to zoom in and out.

- Double clicking an area will also zoom in and center on the targeted location.

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1 - Searching for Denver provides multiple results.

Selecting a Single Loan or CDFI

2 - Close-up of Puerto Rico and selecting a single loan.

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3 - Selecting a single OFN Member location, Idaho Nevada CDFI.

4 - OFN Member Profile

• One of the CDFI Coverage Map's strengths is viewing where CDFI loans are impacting

communities, in addition to CDFI headquarter and branch locations. These features are called

points, and their menus are located under the "Add Data" menu.

• Click on any point icon (loan, branch, headquarter, etc.) to see information on that option.

- Selecting a single loan will show the CDFI Name, Year Closed, Sector, and Transaction

Amount Range information on that specific loan.

- Selecting a single OFN Member will show the CDFI Name, website, HQ or Branch

Location, and Areas Served.

- Clicking on an OFN Member's name will open a new tab in your browser with a PDF of

their OFN Member Profile (if available).

◦ To update or create your OFN Member Profile, please contact Nick Burstein at

[email protected] (available to OFN Members only).

• Only one point's information can be displayed at a single time.

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Add Data Layers

5 - Expanding "Add Data" menu.

6 - Selecting "Income" under the "Add Data" menu.

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7 - Adding Median Household Income data layer.

8 - Editor and legend options on a data layer.

• Adding a Data Layer will display data on a specific indicator's data by geography (e.g., county,

ZIP code, congressional district, Census tract).

• To view available data layers and sites, click the "Add Data" button in the top left of the Map.

- Multiple data options will display. Click a topic to see the specific data layers and points

that can be added to the Map.

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• For example, selecting the "Income" will display two data layers, "Median Household Income"

and "Tract MFI %".

- Clicking the "Median Household Income" sub-menu option will add "Estimated typical

(median) income of a household between 2011-2015" to the Map.

• The data layer's Legend for the data layer will appear on the right hand side of the Map.

• A brief description of the data layer appears directly above the Map. Click the "i" button at the

data layer's title at the Map to learn more about how the data is measured.

- Also, change the geographic area on which the color ramp is based (e.g.; county, ZIP

code, congressional district, Census tract) by clicking the drop down menu. For some

data layers, users must zoom in to select smaller geographic areas.

• Use the legend to interpret color ramps. To adjust the legend, click the "Edit Data" button. In the

legend, you can also:

- Change the data year.

- Change the variable's calculation (e.g., for Median Household Income you can choose to

show the data by dollar amount or by percent change between 2000 and the most

recent data year)

- Remove a data layer by clicking the "X" button next to each data layer or site name title.

Add Data Points

9 - Opening the data menu and selecting "Banks and Credit Union Branches"

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10 - Selecting "Credit Union Branches"

11 - Credit Union branches displayed and "Edit Data" menu opened.

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12 - Available filters for "Credit Union Branches"

13 - Filtering "Credit Union Branches" by only low-income designated credit unions.

• Points are individual sites displayed on the Map, such as loans and CDFI locations. After opening

the "Add Data" menu, select desired data points to view all of the sub-menu option.

• To view credit union locations, first select "Bank and Credit Union Branches" from the "Add

Data" menu and then select "Credit Union Branches" from the sub-menu. All Credit Union

locations will be added to the Map.

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• To filter by only low-income designated credit unions, open the "Edit Data" menu and click the

"Filter" button under "Credit Union Branches". Select "Low-Income Credit Union", and finally

select "Low-Income Credit Union".

- To Color Code between low-income credit unions and all credit unions, choose the

"Color Code All" option instead of the final "Low-Income Credit Union" option above.

• To remove points, click the "X" icon next to each data title in the "Edit Data" menu.

Add Geographic Boundaries

14 - Opening the "Add Data" Menu and selecting "Boundaries"

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15 - Available geographic boundary options. Grayed out options are unavailable to be added at the current map distance - zoom in further on the Map to add these boundaries.

16 - View boundary names and remove boundaries under the "Edit Data" menu.

• There are multiple options for geographic boundaries that can be displayed on the Map. To view,

select the "Boundary" sub-menu under "Add Data".

• Select the boundaries to display. If a boundary's box is grayed out, zoom in further on the Map

until they are available.

- There is no limit to how many boundaries can be added at a single time.

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• Remove boundaries under the "Edit Data" menu by clicking the individual "X" buttons next to

each boundary title.

Printing the CDFI Coverage Map

• Print! Once you have finished choosing your data layers, sites, and geographic boundaries,

select the "Print" option from the three dot menu button on the top right of the map export a

PDF file of your customized map, or to print on paper.

- For best results, zoom in slightly further than the image you want to capture for better


- The PDF can then be saved as an image file. Please note, the file size can be large and

may take a few seconds to download from the website.

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Example: Displaying Reinvestment Fund's Housing to Organization

lending in Philadelphia by Congressional District and Median Household


• Clear the Coverage Map display and selecting a location

• Zoom in on a specific city

• Display a CDFI's loans

• Display loans from a single financing sector

• Add the "Median Household Income" data layer

• Add the "Congressional Districts (114th)" Geographic Boundaries

• Select a single CDFI loan and printing the Map

Each section contains a slideshow of related images. Press the > icon in each slideshow viewer to move

to the next image.

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Clearing the Map display and selecting a location

To start, let's clear the CDFI Coverage Map display of all loans to get a blank map. To do so, open the

"Edit Data" menu on the top left side of the Map and click the X icon to the right of "CDFI Loans (OFN)"

title in the editor. The Map will show a blank map of the United States.

In our example, we want to show Reinvestment Fund's loans, a regional CDFI based in Philadelphia, PA.

Either pan and zoom to Philadelphia using your mouse or Zoom functions on the left hand side of the

Map, or search and select "Philadelphia, PA (City)" in the search bar.

17 - Here we have the default CDFI Coverage Map view. To clear the display of all loans, open the "Edit Data" menu and click the X icon to the right of the "CDFI Loans (OFN)" title in the editor.

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18 - The Map will be clear of all loans and will show a blank map of the United States.

19 - To search for Philadelphia, zoom in using your mouse, use the plus (+) and minus (-) buttons on the left side of the map, or search for Philadelphia in the search bar at the top of the Map. Here, "Philadelphia, PA (City)" was selected from the

search results.

Displaying Reinvestment Fund's loans and displaying only Housing to

Organizations loans

With our map display clear of all loans and zoomed in on Philadelphia, we next want to display the loans

of a single CDFI, Reinvestment Fund. To do so, open the "Add Data" menu, select "CDFI Loans (OFN)",

and then "CDFI Loans" data point to populate the Map with all CDFI loans.

The Map will now be populated with every loan OFN has currently mapped. To select a single CDFI, open

the "Edit Data" menu, click the "Filter" option under "CDFI Loans", select "CDFI", and choose

"Reinvestment Fund" from the list.

To select only Housing the Organizations loans, return to the "Filter" option under "CDFI Loans", select

"Sector", and choose "Housing to Organizations" from the list.

**If you want to color code all loan sectors, click the "Color Code All" option in the filter menu


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20 - Open the "Add Data" menu, select "CDFI Loans (OFN)", and then "CDFI Loans" data point to populate the Map with all CDFI loans.

21 - The Map will then show all CDFI loans in a single color.

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22 - To display only Reinvestment Fund's loan, open the "Edit Data" menu, click the "Filter" option under "CDFI Loans", select "CDFI", and choose "Reinvestment Fund" from the list.

23 - The Map will now only show Reinvestment Fund's loans.

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24 - To display only Reinvestment Fund's Housing to Organization loans, return to the "Filter" option under "CDFI Loans", select "Sector", and choose "Housing to Organizations" from the list.

25 - The Map will now display only Reinvestment Fund's Housing to Organization's loans.

Adding the "Median Household Income" Data Layer and adding the

"Congressional Districts (114th)" Geographic Boundaries

Now that our map is showing only Reinvestment Fund's Housing to Organizations loans, let's add the

"Median Household Income" data layer and the "Congressional Districts (114th)" geographic boundary.

First, we want to zoom in further on Philadelphia to better focus on Center City and West Philadelphia.

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Next, select "Income" from the "Add Data" menu on the left side of the Map, and select "Median

Household Income" from the sub-menu that appears. The Map will now display the Median Household

Income data layer and the data layer's legend will appear.

To add congressional district boundaries, return to the "Add Data" menu, scroll down and select to

"Boundaries", and select "Congressional Districts" from the sub-menu. Bold black lines will appear on

the Map, indicating the boundaries. Labels for the district number will also appear.

26 - Zoom in on Center City and University to better see the the sites.

27 - To add the "Median Household Income" data layer, select it under the "Income" menu in the "Add Data" menu on the left side of the Map.

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28 - The Map will now be shaded and the data layer's Legend will appear.

29 - To add congressional district boundaries, return to the "Add Data" menu, scroll down and select to "Boundaries", and select "Congressional Districts" from the sub-menu.

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30 - Bold black lines will appear delineating the congressional boundaries, and labels for the district number will appear.

Selecting a loan site and Printing the Map

And we're finished! We can now print our Map by selecting the "Print" option below the Map on the left

hand side. We can also select a single loan to display the CDFI who closed the loan, the year it closed in,

the lending sector, the transaction amount range, and whether it is outstanding or completed. If a loan

or CDFI location is selected, it will appear on the printed Map.

When Printing, you can create a PDF file of your customized map, or to print on paper. Files can be large

- please provide a few seconds for it to download to your computer.

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31 - Selecting a single site will display it's specific information.

32 - The Print option will print your current screen, including site information.