CCFLT 2013 Kendra Omlid, Kelley Parkhurst, and Molly Sederberg Thompson School District Loveland, CO February 22, 2013

CCFLT 2013 Kendra Omlid, Kelley Parkhurst, and Molly Sederberg Thompson School District Loveland, CO February 22, 2013

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Page 1: CCFLT 2013 Kendra Omlid, Kelley Parkhurst, and Molly Sederberg Thompson School District Loveland, CO February 22, 2013

CCFLT 2013Kendra Omlid, Kelley Parkhurst, and Molly


Thompson School DistrictLoveland, CO

February 22, 2013

Page 2: CCFLT 2013 Kendra Omlid, Kelley Parkhurst, and Molly Sederberg Thompson School District Loveland, CO February 22, 2013

Practical Preparation for Student Success on Performance-

Based Assessments

Page 3: CCFLT 2013 Kendra Omlid, Kelley Parkhurst, and Molly Sederberg Thompson School District Loveland, CO February 22, 2013

Thompson School District Rubrics

Page 4: CCFLT 2013 Kendra Omlid, Kelley Parkhurst, and Molly Sederberg Thompson School District Loveland, CO February 22, 2013

Interpersonal and Presentational Rubrics Categories on Rubrics:

ALL: task, comprehensibility, vocabulary use, language control, communication strategies

Interpersonal Speaking and Writing: Comprehension Presentational Speaking: Impact Interpersonal and Presentational Writing: Mechanics

Exceeds, Meets, Approaches, Below Expectations (1-8)

Wording: student friendly, bulleted, from ACTFL proficiency guidelines and other rubrics


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Page 6: CCFLT 2013 Kendra Omlid, Kelley Parkhurst, and Molly Sederberg Thompson School District Loveland, CO February 22, 2013

Assessment Examples

Page 7: CCFLT 2013 Kendra Omlid, Kelley Parkhurst, and Molly Sederberg Thompson School District Loveland, CO February 22, 2013

Your new neighbors just moved here from Dortmund, Germany and they have a daughter your age. You and she have started hanging out a little and today you are showing each other some of your family photos. You are asking and answering questions about each others’ family members:

1) Tell your neighbor about several of your family members, including:

their names and ages; their appearance; things they like (or don’t like) to do; 2) Ask questions about the family members of your new neighbor! 3) Comment on or ask about a furniture item

Feel free to share anything else about your family that you can already say in German to see if you or your families have anything in common.

Interpersonal Speaking

Novice Mid – Novice High

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PreparationNovice Mid – Novice High

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PreparationNovice Mid – Novice High

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PreparationNovice Mid – Novice High

Quick Chats aka Speed Dating• Timed• Peer Rating/Feedback Sheet

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PreparationNovice Mid – Novice High

Page 12: CCFLT 2013 Kendra Omlid, Kelley Parkhurst, and Molly Sederberg Thompson School District Loveland, CO February 22, 2013

You and your friend are talking about what you do to stay healthy. You discover that your friend is not living a very healthy lifestyle. Discuss the following things with your friend:Person 1:

tell your friend what you do to stay healthy ask questions about your friend’s health answer/respond to your friend’s questions give advice about what he/she should do to be more healthy

Person 2: tell your friend what you do/want to do to stay healthy ask questions about your friend’s health answer/respond to your friend’s questions give advice about what he/she should do to be more healthy

Interpersonal Speaking

Novice High - Intermediate Low

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PreparationNovice High - Intermediate Low

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PreparationNovice High - Intermediate Low

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PreparationNovice High - Intermediate Low

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A friend from Germany has written you a message asking for input on

his lifestyle. Read the message and compose a thorough response in

German. Your response should be between 100 and 150 words. You will

want to be sure and include:

Approval and disapproval of some of his habits Suggestions for ways to feel better Tell him how you feel Explain some of your own health habits, both healthy

and unhealthy Things you should do to feel better

Interpersonal Writing

Novice Mid – Novice High

Page 17: CCFLT 2013 Kendra Omlid, Kelley Parkhurst, and Molly Sederberg Thompson School District Loveland, CO February 22, 2013

Hallo! Ich hoffe, dir geht es gut. Mir geht es leider schlecht. Ich fühle mich nicht sehr wohl. Ich fahre jeden Tag Rad und jogge zweimal in der Woche, aber ich habe immer wenig Energie. Ich esse jeden Tag bei McDonalds und trinke viel Limo und Cola. Ich rauche vielleicht fünf Zigaretten am Tag auch. Jede Nacht schlafe ich 8 Stunden. Ich möchte gesunder leben und mich besser fühlen. Was soll ich tun? Wie fühlstt du dich? Was machst du für deine Gesundheit? Sollst du mehr für deine Gesundheit machen? Ich hoffe, du kannst mir helfen!Tschüß! Dein Roland

PreparationNovice Mid – Novice High

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PreparationNovice Mid – Novice High

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PART 1: You’ve recently been having problems in your relationships in your life. You have decided to write a letter (125-150 words) to the well-know columnist Abby, in order to get some advice from an outside, knowledgeable source. Include the following information in your letter:describe the problem(s) in detailexplain why you are having the problem(s) you are havingexplain how you feel about the problem (Es triste que… Me enoja que… etc.)ask for Abby’s advicesign your letter in a creative way to reflect the theme of your problemFeel free to include any other information in Spanish that you would like.

PART 2: You will now read a letter written to Abby from a classmate. Once you get the letter from the student seeking advice, reply to it to give them as much good advice as you can. Include the following:75-100 wordsyour thoughts and opinions about the problemseveral different pieces of advice that make sense for the problem

Interpersonal Writing

Novice High - Intermediate Low

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PreparationNovice High - Intermediate Low

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PreparationNovice High - Intermediate Low

Page 22: CCFLT 2013 Kendra Omlid, Kelley Parkhurst, and Molly Sederberg Thompson School District Loveland, CO February 22, 2013

Blog #2: Los desafíos globales: si yo fuera el/la Presidente/a de EE.UU. (favor de exponer tu entrada para el martes, 18 de septiembre a las 12AM)

El tema de nuestra primera unidad en Español IV este año se titula "Los desafíos globales." Imagina que tú eres el/la Presidente/a de EE.UU. En tu opinión, ¿cuál es el desafío global más crítico en este momento, y qué harías tú para ayudar a solucionarlo si fueras el/la Presidente/a de este país? ¿Cuáles serían los obstáculos más difíciles?

Usa una variedad de las siguientes formas gramaticales--no hay un número específico para este blog:Favor de usar: 1. el tiempo condicional (= "would"-- por ejemplo:  "Para mí como Presidente/a sería muy difícil escoger el desafío global más crítico.") 2. las cláusulas con si + el imperfecto del subjuntivo + el tiempo condicional (= "Si yo pudiera, fundaría una organización para investigar las causas de la contaminación medioambiental y unas soluciones razonables para mejorarla.....") 3. el tiempo futuro 4. otros tiempos verbales necesarios.

Presentational Writing

Intermediate Low – Intermediate Mid

Page 23: CCFLT 2013 Kendra Omlid, Kelley Parkhurst, and Molly Sederberg Thompson School District Loveland, CO February 22, 2013

Students can call in to Google Voice….record their response to the following prompt:Presentational Speaking Task Prompt: Vas a hablar por 2-3 minutos en español sobre el siguiente tema:Imagina que eres miembro de un grupo de jóvenes que representa a EE.UU en una Cumbre de Asuntos Medioambientales en Santiago, Chile.Te seleccionaron para dar un informe a todos los participantes sobre el siguiente tema: describir cuál es, en tu opinión, el desafío global medioambiental más crítico en este momento. En tu informe, debes incluir:

a. el desafío global medioambiental y por qué lo consideras un asunto muy crítico

b. plantear 3 hipótesis sobre soluciones posibles para resolver el problema c. describir lo que pasaría si no se resolviera el problema (= describe what

would happen if the problem is not resolved) d. justificar y apoyar tus opiniones/soluciones que propones e. vocabulario de la Unidad 1 (la hoja verde de vocabulario de Imagina) f. 5 palabras de transición (= beyond simply "también," "pero," etc.!!) g. varios usos del modo imperativo (= mandatos con nosotros), tiempo

futuro, el tiempo condicional, y cláusulas con si + el imperfecto del subjuntivo + el condicional

Presentational Speaking

Intermediate Low – Intermediate Mid

Page 24: CCFLT 2013 Kendra Omlid, Kelley Parkhurst, and Molly Sederberg Thompson School District Loveland, CO February 22, 2013

Question/answer practice—global challenges/issues Give a global challenges scenario: ask students to propose solutions by using “Let’s/Let’s

not” commands Create a “Voki” speaking avatar….give a scenario/students have to propose

solutions for a global challenge Español IV: Unidad 1, Los desafíos globales Situaciones hipotéticas + proponer soluciones

[cláusula con si + el imperfecto del subjuntivo] + [el condicional] [Si recicláramos más papel, vidrio y aluminio,] [no tendríamos que usar tantos

recursos para producir más productos.]

EXPRESA EN ESPAÑOL, POR FAVOR: (Usa la página 193/la hoja de voc) If we used less electricity, we would not need to use so much oil. If pollution got worse, people (= la gente) would have to drive less. If we developed less land in forests, there would be more for future

generations. If we protected animals in danger of extinction, we would not need to have

so many zoos If used less water, ……would…… If I didn’t waste ________, …….would….. If more people drove hybrid cars, we would use a less oil. If more forests disappeared, what would we do?

Preparation (Speaking & Writing) Intermediate Low – Intermediate


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Speaking Assessment Preparation Activities

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Question/answer practice Speed dating or inner/outer circles – students move every minute or designated time

you set to talk to as many people possible about the same topic Scaffolded sample conversations ( =templates to be filled in) Guided mini-conversations Surveys – students ask and write down other students’ answers to questions 1st person asks question, 2nd person answers, 1st person writes answer in 3rd person:

SAY: “What do you like to eat?” SAY: “I like pizza.” WRITE: He likes pizza. Create “Vokis”, use Google Voice, Blabberize, Wallwisher, Voxopop, and other online

resources Give the beginning of sentences and students finish the sentence w/a partner Self and/or peer assessment with the rubric for the assessment Group speaking or story telling – give a topic, the first person starts talking, the next

person continues, then the next person, etc. One student describes something another draws what they describe One student acts something out, another describes as they act Short, mini skits on a topic drawn out of a “hat” Describe in the target language what a word means without using the word and a

partner or class guesses what word it is – “Catch Phrase” Information gap partner activities (one student has the answers that the other student

needs) Peer rubrics/participation rubrics Storyboarding pictures as visual cues for speaking practice

General Speaking Activities

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Writing Assessment Preparation Activities

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Describing pictures (projected, laminated from magazines, self-drawn)  Pre-writing activities: Brainstorming, Word Webs, Wordle, etc. Graphic organizers: http://www.eduplace.com/graphicorganizer/spanish/ Fill-in-the-blank writing templates Dictations Peer and self editing checklists Reviewing student samples (names removed!) as a class Teacher produced samples Written summary as follow up from interviews Guided writing/class collaboration as example Sentence formation game in groups with small white boards Sentence formation activity with strips of paper Ongoing journals for regular practice Common mistakes seen in student writing samples projected or placed

around the room, and students correct the mistakes or go over them as a class

“Human Sentences” – class is divided into teams with each student having several words, and they must work together in teams to form sentences

“Telephone-Pictionary” – Students write a sentence in the language, pass it back, the next person draws a picture of the sentence, pass it back, next person writes a new sentence, and the game continues

Writing Activities

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