Entry Level Life Skills Portfolio Progress Tracking Record Entry Level 3 Unit 1: Home Management Candidate Name: ___________________________________ Candidate Number: _________________________________ Learning Outcomes Assessment Criteria Evidence - referenced to portfolio work submitted/task Further notes & comments Criteria met Date met The learner will: The learner can: 1. Be able to use a domestic appliance 1.1 list three different electrical appliances and describe how to use them safely 1.2 demonstrate how to sort laundry into categories in preparation for washing 1.3 identify two different labels and their instructions for washing or drying 1.4follow instructions to use a washing machine 1.5 follow instructions to dry laundry 1.6 follow instructions to fold and store three clean

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Entry Level Life Skills

Portfolio Progress Tracking RecordEntry Level 3 Unit 1: Home Management

Candidate Name: ___________________________________

Candidate Number: _________________________________

Learning Outcomes

Assessment Criteria Evidence - referenced to portfolio work submitted/task assessments

Further notes & comments

Criteria met

Date met

The learner will:

The learner can:

1. Be able to use a domestic appliance

1.1 list three different electrical appliances and describe how to use them safely

1.2 demonstrate how to sort laundry into categories in preparation for washing

1.3 identify two different labels and their instructions for washing or drying

1.4 follow instructions to use a washing machine

1.5 follow instructions to dry laundry

1.6 follow instructions to fold and store three clean items of clothing

2. Be able to participate in completing household tasks

2.1 list what is needed to make a hot drink and a snack

2.2 demonstrate how to make and serve a hot drink and a snack

2.3 demonstrate how to wash, dry and put away items

Entry Level Life Skills

2.4 identify three areas of a house that need cleaning2.5 demonstrate how to safely use cleaning products in three different areas of a house

Entry Level Life Skills

Entry Level 3Learning Outcomes

Assessment Criteria Evidence - referenced to portfolio work submitted/task assessments

Further notes & comments

Criteria met

Date met

The learner will:

The learner can:

3.Know how to be safe in the home

3.1 outline three safety hazards in

the kitchen3.2 demonstrate two safe

practices in the kitchen, for example, knife skills or handling food safely

Unit 1: Home Management (cont.) UNIT EVALUATION (please tick)



Entry Level Life Skills

Entry Level 3 Unit 2: Using Shopping FacilitiesCandidate Name: ___________________________________

Candidate Number: _______

Learning Outcomes

Assessment Criteria Evidence - referenced to portfolio work submitted/

Further notes & comments

Criteria met

Date met

The learner will:

The learner can:

1. Know what types of shops are available

1.1 list at least 3 different types of shops in their local area

1.2 describe what is sold in each shop

1.3 compare three shop branded items with three non-shop branded items, identify their price and calculate the difference in price

1.4 choose which of these items they would purchase and give a reason for their choice

2. Be able to participate in a shopping trip

2.1 create a shopping list for a snack or a meal

2.2 estimate the amount of money needed for the shopping trip

2.3 locate and compare the prices of at least four items in a local shop with the same four

Entry Level Life Skills

items in a supermarket and estimate the difference in price 2.4 approach and ask a member of the shop’s staff for help in locating an

item from 2.3

Entry Level 3 Unit 2: Using Shopping Facilities

Learning Outcomes

Assessment Criteria Evidence - referenced to portfolio work submitted/

Further notes & comments

Criteria met

Date met

2. Be able to participate in a shopping trip (cont.)

2.5 demonstrate how to make a payment in a shop

2.6 compare the actual cost of the

shopping trip against their estimate in

UNIT EVALUATION (please tick)



Entry Level Life Skills

Entry Level 3 Unit 3: Basic Food Preparation

Candidate Name: ___________________________________

Candidate Number: _________________________________

Learning Outcomes

Assessment Criteria Evidence - referenced to portfolio work submitted/task

Further notes & comments

Criteria met

Date met

The learner will:

The learner can:

1. Know the basic hygiene rules of the

1.1 identify four personal hygiene rules;

1.2 identify four ways of

Entry Level Life Skills

kitchen handling food safely;

1.3 clean work areas and equipment safely and hygienically during and after food preparation;

2. Know how to use basic equipment safely

2.1 choose and use the correct equipment for a practical task safely and hygienically

3. Be able to prepare a range of ingredients

3.1 demonstrate four skills in preparing ingredients;

Entry Level Life Skills

Entry Level 3

Unit 3: Basic Food Preparation (Cont.)

Learning Outcomes

Assessment Criteria Evidence - referenced to portfolio work submitted/task

Further notes & comments

Criteria met

Date met

The learner will:

The learner can:

4. Be able to select and prepare ingredients to make a simple dish.

4.1 select and prepare the ingredients for four simple dishes, for example apple tart or cupcakes;

4.2 evaluate their chosen recipe and practical activity and make suggestions for improvements.

UNIT EVALUATION (please tick)



Entry Level Life Skills

Entry Level 3 Unit 4 Managing My Money

Candidate Name: ___________________________________

Candidate Number: _________________________________

Learning Outcomes

Assessment Criteria Evidence - referenced to portfolio work submitted/task

Further notes & comments

Criteria met

Date met

The learner will:

The learner can:

1. Understand the importance of managing money effectively

1.1 explain three reasons why it is important to manage their money;

1.2 define the word ‘budget’;

2. Know the terms income and expenditure

2.1 identify three sources of income;

2.2 identify six examples of common expenditures;

3. Know the difference between needs and wants

3.1 explain with examples the difference between needs and wants;

3.2 prioritise a personal list of six needs and wants;

Entry Level Life Skills

4. Know ways to save money.

4.1 identify and explain four ways to save money when shopping; and

4.2 identify and explain four ways to save money in the home.

Entry Level 3 Unit 5: Travelling in My Community

Candidate Name: ___________________________________

Candidate Number: _________________________________

UNIT EVALUATION (please tick)



Entry Level Life Skills

Learning Outcomes

Assessment Criteria Evidence - referenced to portfolio work submitted/task assessments

Further notes & comments

Criteria met

Date met

The learner will:

The learner can:

1. Be able to recognise modes of transport in the local area

1.1 outline three modes of transport in Northern Ireland and include examples of providers of each transport and contact details;

1.2 identify from the three modes of transport which is the most appropriate to use for two given situations;

2. Be able to recognise safe travel for pedestrians

2.1 identify three safe behaviours in relation to different vehicles;

2.2 identify three safe behaviours a pedestrian should use;

2.3 list the stages in the Green Cross Code;

2.4 demonstrate and use two appropriate ways to cross a road;

2.5 explain the importance of wearing suitable clothing as a pedestrian and give examples of items to

Entry Level Life Skills

be worn;

Entry Level 3Unit 5: Travelling in My Community (cont.)

Entry Level Life Skills

Learning Outcomes

Assessment Criteria Evidence - referenced to portfolio work submitted/task assessments

Further notes & comments

Criteria met

Date met

The learner will:

The learner can:

3. Travel within their local community.

3.1 list various modes of transport they could personally use for four different journeys;

3.2 identify the route for two journeys and the transport they will choose;

3.3 locate information needed to make two journeys;

3.4 calculate the cost of each journey; and

3.5 independently undertake one local journey using one of the modes of transport listed in 3.2.

Entry Level Life Skills

Entry Level 3 Unit 6: Representing Myself

Candidate Name: ___________________________________

Candidate Number: _________________________________

UNIT EVALUATION (please tick)



Entry Level Life Skills

Learning Outcomes

Assessment Criteria Evidence - referenced to portfolio work submitted/task

Further notes & comments

Criteria met

Date met

The learner will:

The learner can:

1. Be able to make

an opinion known

1.1 demonstrate 2 ways of getting someone’s attention to ask a question

1.2 identify two people who can help them and a method for requesting their help in each of the areas below:a) at school or collegeb) at home: andc) in the community

1.3 identify two situations in which they may need to make their opinion known

1.4 demonstrate three ways of giving an opinion

2.Develop anawareness of localgovernment andvoting

2.1 identify a local council and four of its areas of responsibility

2.2 give three examples of services a local council provides

Entry Level 3

Entry Level Life Skills

Unit 6: Representing Myself (cont.)

Learning Outcomes

Assessment Criteria Evidence - referenced to portfolio work submitted/task

Further notes & comments

Criteria met

Date met

The learner will:

The learner can:

Entry Level Life Skills

2. Develop anawareness of localgovernment andvoting (cont.)

2.3 give three examples of how to cast a vote and match each example to an appropriate situation

2.4 participate in a class or school vote and record the result

2.5 identify the steps needed to vote in local election

Entry Level 3 Unit 7: Healthy, Active Lifestyle

Candidate Name: ___________________________________

Candidate Number: _________________________________

UNIT EVALUATION (please tick)



Entry Level Life Skills

Learning Outcomes

Assessment Criteria Evidence - referenced to portfolio work submitted/task assessments

Further notes & comments

Criteria met

Date met

The learner will:

The learner can:

1. Understand the components of a healthy, active lifestyle

1.1 identify all four of the following influences on a healthy, active lifestyle:(a)balanced diet;(b)physical activity;(c)personal hygiene;

and(d)the effects of

smoking, alcohol and drugs (SAD);

1.2 complete three tasks (each from a different influence) to raise awareness of the importance of a healthy, active lifestyle, including for example a PowerPoint presentation, leaflet, poster and/or photographic portfolio

Entry Level Life Skills

Entry Level 3Unit 7: Healthy, Active Lifestyle (cont.)

Learning Outcomes

Assessment Criteria Evidence - referenced to portfolio work submitted/task

Further notes & comments

Criteria met

Date met

The learner will:

The learner can:

2. Be able to show how they can apply their knowledge to their own lifestyle.

2.1 participate in three of the following activities that improve the quality of their lifestyle:(a)eating a balanced diet;(b)engaging in physical

activity;(c)adopting appropriate

personal hygiene habits; and

(d)appreciating the negative effects of smoking, alcohol and drugs (SAD);

2.2 describe how participation in activities can contribute to a healthy, active lifestyle;

3. Evaluate performanc

3.1 identify good practice in maintaining a healthy,

Entry Level Life Skills

e active lifestyle; 3.2 suggest how to improve

some aspects of their own performance.

UNIT EVALUATION (please tick)



Entry Level Life Skills

Entry Level 3 Unit 8: Developing My Self-Management Skills

Candidate Name: ___________________________________

Candidate Number: _________________________________

Learning Outcomes

Assessment Criteria Evidence - referenced to portfolio work submitted/task assessments

Further notes & comments

Criteria met

Date met

The learner will:

The learner can:

1. Be able to recognise what they are good at and in what areas they could make improvements

1.1 review and classify their learning and everyday life in relation to skills and qualities into strengths and weaknesses;

1.2 work with a peer or adult to review their learning and everyday life and agree changes if required;

1.3 select two areas to improve on;

2. Be able to set a personal improvement target

2.1 choose two targets to help them improve their performance in relation to learning and everyday life;

Entry Level Life Skills

Entry Level 3Unit 8: Developing My Self-Management Skills (cont.)Learning Outcomes

Assessment Criteria Evidence - referenced to portfolio work submitted/task assessments

Further notes & comments

Criteria met

Date met

The learner will:

The learner can:

3. Be able to recognise what they could do to achieve their target.

3.1produce an action plan which includes information about:(a) actions needed;(b) who will take the

action;(c) dates for

completion; and(d) date for review;

3.2 evaluate, with two strengths and two weaknesses, what they did in the action planning process; and

Entry Level Life Skills

Learning Outcomes

Assessment Criteria Evidence - referenced to portfolio work submitted/task assessments

Further notes & comments

Criteria met

Date met

3.3 outline three things that they have learned from the action planning process.

UNIT EVALUATION (please tick)



Entry Level Life Skills

Entry Level 3 Unit 9: Relationships and Sexuality

Candidate Name: ___________________________________

Candidate Number: _________________________________

Learning Outcomes

Assessment Criteria Evidence - referenced to portfolio work submitted/task assessments

Further notes & comments

Criteria met

Date met

The learner will:

The learner can:

1. Know aboutdifferent types ofrelationships

1.1 outline three differences between:

a) a family relationship and a friendship; and

b) a friendship and a more intimate relationship

1.2 outline three qualities they would value in a friend and three qualities they would value in a boyfriend or girlfriend

1.3 demonstrate appropriate greetings and body space in the following three situations:

Entry Level Life Skills

(a)with a friend;(b)with a familiar

professional person, for example, a doctor or teacher; and

(c) with an unfamiliar person, for example, a visitor at school

Entry Level 3Unit 9: Relationships and Sexuality (cont.)

Entry Level Life Skills

Learning Outcomes

Assessment Criteria Evidence - referenced to portfolio work submitted/task assessments

Further notes & comments

Criteria met

Date met

The learner will:

The learner can:

2. Know about the

physical aspects ofpuberty and sexualrelationships

2.1 outline ways that a more intimate relationship differs from relationships with friends and family

2.2 recognise three differences between public and private body parts

2.3 outline the body changes that occur during puberty for males and females

2.4 outline the importance of good personal hygiene associated with these body changes.

Entry Level Life Skills

Entry Level 3Unit 9: Relationships and Sexuality (cont.)

Entry Level Life Skills

Learning Outcomes

Assessment Criteria Evidence - referenced to portfolio work submitted/task assessments

Further notes & comments

Criteria met

Date met

3. Know how to seek advice on sex and relationships

3.1 list three ways to get help if they have a problem with a relationship

3.2 participate in a group activity to explore two safety issues, for example, contraception, the age and meaning of consent, inappropriate sexual relationships or respect for privacy.

UNIT EVALUATION (please tick)



Entry Level Life Skills

Entry Level 3 Unit 10: Looking After My Mental Health

Candidate Name: ___________________________________

Candidate Number: _________________________________

Learning Outcomes

Assessment Criteria Evidence - referenced to portfolio work submitted/task assessments

Further notes & comments

Criteria met

Date met

The learner will:

The learner can:

1. Be able to identify emotions and how to manage them

1.1 describe three emotions;

1.2 give three examples of what can happen when someone is feeling low

1.3 identify three ways of getting help when someone feels low

1.4 make a plan to manage their own emotions that includes three emotions, their associated changes and one positive way to manage them

Entry Level Life Skills

1.5 select appropriate choices in two given stressful situations

Entry Level 3Unit 10: Looking After My Mental Health (cont.)

Learning Outcomes

Assessment Criteria Evidence - referenced to portfolio work submitted/task assessments

Further notes & comments

Criteria met

Date met

The learner will:

The learner can:

2. Know how to look after their mental health

2.1 outline four things they can do to look after their mental health

2.2 (a) participate in two different activities for relaxation for example yoga, mindfulness, meditation or massage

(b)evaluate their effectiveness

Entry Level Life Skills

2.3 give an example of one organisation that can help people with their mental health and how they can be contacted

Entry Level 3 Unit 11: Personal Safety

Candidate Name: ___________________________________

Candidate Number: _________________________________

UNIT EVALUATION (please tick)



Entry Level Life Skills

Learning Outcomes

Assessment Criteria Evidence - referenced to portfolio work submitted/task assessments

Further notes & comments

Criteria met

Date met

The learner will:

The learner can:

1. Investigate ways of keeping themselves safe

1.1 list situations when they would feel safe and unsafe;

1.2 outline what they would do in 3 unsafe situations

1.3 identify 3 situations when it is appropriate to say no and indicate how they would do so

1.4 demonstrate 2 different ways of saying no and indicate 2 situations when this would be appropriate

2. Investigate ways of keeping moneysafe

2.1 outline safe and unsafe places where they can keep their money:a) in the home; andb) when they are out

2.2 identify a bank and outline 3 services the bank provides for personal customers

2.3 demonstrate or role-play how to access their money safely from a bank e.g. using a cash machine or withdrawing money in a branch.

2.4 state why it is important to check their bank balance or

Entry Level Life Skills

Entry Level 3Unit 11: Personal Safety (cont.)

Learning Outcomes

Assessment Criteria Evidence - referenced to portfolio work submitted/task assessments

Further notes & comments

Criteria met

Date met

The learner will:

The learner can:

3. Be able torecognise bullyingor harassment andhow to get help

3.1 identify two organisations that gives advice on personal safety and how they can be contacted

3.2 identify examples of bullying or harassment by the following and outline what to do in each situation:(a) familiar people;

and(b)unfamiliar people

3.3 outline two ways to get help for bullying or harassment

3.4 list three things to do if someone experiences

Entry Level Life Skills

Learning Outcomes

Assessment Criteria Evidence - referenced to portfolio work submitted/task assessments

Further notes & comments

Criteria met

Date met

harassment or hate crime

UNIT EVALUATION (please tick)



Entry Level Life Skills

Entry Level 3 Unit 12: Participating in a Community Project

Candidate Name: ___________________________________

Candidate Number: _________________________________

Learning Outcomes

Assessment Criteria Evidence - referenced to portfolio work submitted/task assessments

Further notes & comments

Criteria met

Date met

The learner will:

The learner can:

1 Be able tocontribute toplanning acommunity


1.1 give at least two examples of projects that would benefit the local community and select one, for example a recycling initiative, park clean up or fundraising activity

1.2 outline why the project was chosen and state two potential benefits to the local community

1.3 identify the tasks associated with the project and their own responsibilities

1.4 list the materials and associated costs of the project

2. Be able to 2.1 participate in group tasks

Entry Level Life Skills

participate in acommunity


2.2 complete their allocated tasks

Entry Level Life Skills

Entry Level 3Unit 12: Participating in a Community Project (cont.)

Learning Outcomes

Assessment Criteria Evidence - referenced to portfolio work submitted/task assessments

Further notes & comments

Criteria met

Date met

The learner will:

The learner can:

3. Be able to reflecton the communityproject

3.1 discuss and record what they have learned about the local community and how they might participate further in the local community, for example, a local facility they can use, a group they can join, or contacts they have made

3.2 outline three skills they have developed during the community project

3.3 evaluate their own performance in the project and the project’s success.

Entry Level Life Skills

Entry Level 3 Unit 13: Developing Communication Skills

Candidate Name: ___________________________________

Candidate Number: _________________________________

Learning Outcomes

Assessment Criteria

Evidence - referenced to portfolio work

Further notes & comments

Criteria met

Date met

The learner will:

The learner can:

1. Be able to use a

range ofstrategies to read

1.1 a) read two simple texts for everyday life, e.g. an appointment letter, a weather report or a newspaper

UNIT EVALUATION (please tick)



Entry Level Life Skills

simple texts article

b) outline the meaning conveyed in the two simple texts

1.2 read two simple texts to find three pieces of specific information e.g. the entry requirements for a course, the instructions on how to use an item or the information on a food label

2 Be able to listen

to and participatein discussions ina real-life context

2.1 participate in a conversation demonstrating the ability to take turns and use language appropriate to the listener

Entry Level 3Unit 13: Developing Communication Skills (cont.)

Learning Outcomes

Assessment Criteria Evidence - referenced to portfolio work submitted/task assessments

Further notes & comments

Criteria met

Date met

The learner The learner can:

Entry Level Life Skills


3. Be able to listen

to and participatein discussions ina real-life context(cont.)

2.2 communicate clearly to a familiar audience three points about one personal experience, for example a place they have visited, people they have met or a special occasion;

2.3 demonstrate or role play asking three questions and giving three answers in two different real-life contexts, e.g. in a restaurant, making an appointment or at the leisure centre

Entry Level 3 Unit 14: English Through Experience

UNIT EVALUATION (please tick)



Entry Level Life Skills

Candidate Name: ___________________________________

Candidate Number: _________________________________

Learning Outcomes

Assessment Criteria Evidence - referenced to portfolio work submitted/task

Further notes & comments

Criteria met

Date met

The learner will:

The learner can:


Communicate personal information and ideas

1.1 select a planning method and plan the writing

1.2 structure writing in an appropriate form

1.3 provide supporting detail using an expanding vocabulary


Communicate information on a topic of interest.

2.1 gather appropriate information on a topic of interest from at least two sources

2.2 highlight key words and phrases from at least two sources

2.3 write appropriately using language which provides further explanation and description, making writing more informative and interesting

2.4 redraft to improve

Entry Level Life Skills

workUNIT EVALUATION (please tick)



Entry Level 3 Unit 15: Digital Skills for Everyday Life

Candidate Name: ___________________________________

Candidate Number: _________________________________

Learning Outcomes

Assessment Criteria Evidence - referenced to portfolio work submitted/task

Further notes & comments

Criteria met

Date met

The learner will:

The learner can:

1. Be familiar with

how to safely use

digital devices that

have internetaccess

1.1 outline three benefits of using the internet

1.2 demonstrate how to safely start up and shut down two digital devices that have internet access using authentication e.g. a computer, tablet or smartphone

1.3 identify three features of a digitaldevice and demonstrate their use

1.4 demonstrate how to enter

Entry Level Life Skills

data into an online form e.g. making travel bookings

2. Be able to use

digital devices to

send and receive


3.1 demonstrate how to open, close and minimise messaging software, for example text message, email or group chat

2.2 demonstrate how to:a) create and send a message;b) open and reply to a

message;c) forward a message; andd) attach a file to a message and send

Entry Level 3

Unit 15: Digital Skills for Everyday Life (cont.)

Learning Outcomes

Assessment Criteria Evidence - referenced to portfolio work submitted/task

Further notes & comments

Criteria met

Date met

The learner will:

The learner can:

3. Be able to search for and find information

3.1 use a search engine to find information for three given search criteria

Entry Level Life Skills

safely3.2 locate and save

three pieces of information on a website that meets given search criteria

3.3 outline two ways to keep information secure on a digital device, for example, passwords or saving work

UNIT EVALUATION (please tick)



Entry Level 3 Unit 16: Using Social Media Safely

Candidate Name: ___________________________________

Candidate Number: _________________________________

Entry Level Life Skills

Learning Outcomes

Assessment Criteria Evidence - referenced to portfolio work submitted/task

Further notes & comments

Criteria met

Date met

The learner will:

The learner can:

1. Know how to use

social networks


1.1 describe three safety procedures to follow when creating a safe social media profile

1.2 identify three examples of an inappropriate post and three examples of an appropriate post to share on social media, for example photo, status or comment

1.3 create a post that would be appropriate to publish on social media

1.4 outline two advantages and one disadvantage of using social media

Entry Level Life Skills

Entry Level 3 Unit 16: Using Social Media Safely (cont.)

Learning Outcom

Assessment Criteria

Evidence - referenced to portfolio

Further notes & comments

Criteria met

Date metThe

learner will:

The learner can:

2. Know how to

communicate on

social media safely

2.1 identify two appropriate and two inappropriate people to engage with on a video call and give one reason why

2.2 identify two appropriate and two inappropriate behaviour

UNIT EVALUATION (please tick)



Entry Level Life Skills

when on a video call and give one reason why

2.3 list at least three pieces of personal information that should not be shared on social media and give one reason why

3. Know how to deal

with a problem on

social media

3.1 state three ways of getting help if they have a problem on social media;

3.2 state how to block and report a user on social media and give examples of why a user could be blocked

3.3 create a list of rules for staying safe on social media

Entry Level 3 Unit 17: Working with Whole Numbers

Candidate Name: ___________________________________

Candidate Number: _________________________________

Learning Outcomes

Assessment Criteria Evidence - referenced to portfolio work submitted/task assessments

Further notes & comments

Criteria met

Date met

Entry Level Life Skills

Entry Level 3Unit 17: Working with Whole Numbers (cont.)

Learning Outcomes

Assessment Criteria Evidence - referenced to portfolio work submitted/task assessments

Further notes & comments

Criteria met

Date met

The learner will:

The learner can:

3. Be able to understand addition and subtraction facts

3.1 use quick recall of number facts up to 20;

3.2 mentally add and subtract two-digit numbers within 100;

4. Be able to understand multiplication facts

4.1 know 2, 3, 4, 5 and 10 multiplication facts (calculator must not be used);

4.2 demonstrate that multiplication is commutative, for example that 3×2 is the same as 2×3;

Entry Level Life Skills

Learning Outcomes

Assessment Criteria Evidence - referenced to portfolio work submitted/task assessments

Further notes & comments

Criteria met

Date met

The learner will:

The learner can:

5. Be able to round numbers

5.1 approximate whole numbers (up to 1000) to the nearest 10 or 100;

6. Be able to use four operators when dealing with whole numbers in real-life situations.

6.1 add three-digit whole numbers in everyday situations;

6.2 subtract three-digit whole numbers in everyday situations;

6.3 multiply single-digit and two-digit whole numbers by a single-digit whole number in everyday situations;

6.4 divide single-digit and two-digit whole numbers by a single-digit whole number with or without a remainder in practical situations

7. Be able to identify common fractions.

7.1 record unit fractions as one part of the whole (for example ½, ¼, ¾ and 1/10); and

7.2 record non-unit fractions as several equal parts of a whole.

Entry Level Life Skills

Entry Level 3Unit 17: Working with Whole Numbers (cont.

UNIT EVALUATION (please tick)



Entry Level 3 Unit 18: Working with Time and Measures

Candidate Name: ___________________________________

Candidate Number: _________________________________

Learning Outcomes

Assessment Criteria Evidence - referenced to portfolio work submitted/task assessments

Further notes & comments

Criteria met

Date met

The learner will:

The learner can:

1. Be able to use standard units of measurement

1.1 identify appropriate metric units for measurements of:(a) length/height;(b)weight;(c) capacity;(d)temperature; and(e)area;

2. Be able to estimate using standard

2.1 use the most commonly known metric units of measurement to

Entry Level Life Skills

units of measurement in everyday situations

estimate the following:(a) length/height; (b) weight; and(c) capacity;

3. Be able to estimate and measure using standard units

3.1 use an appropriate measuring instrument to measure:(a) length/height;(b) weight;(c) volume; and(d) temperature;

3.2 read scales to the nearest labelled division;

Entry Level 3Unit 18: Working with Time and Measures (cont.)

Learning Outcomes

Assessment Criteria Evidence - referenced to portfolio work submitted/task assessments

Further notes & comments

Criteria met

Date met

The learner will:

The learner can:

3. Be able to estimate and measure using standard units


3.3 find the area of a shape using whole and half squares;

3.4 compare estimated and actual measurements;

Entry Level Life Skills

4. Be able to understand standard units of time.

4.1 read digital and analogue clock displays;

4.2 match 24 hour clock times to the relevant 12 hour am/pm times;

4.3 read and interpret information from a calendar; and

4.4 extract information from a simplified timetable, for example a bus/train/flight timetable.

Entry Level 3 Unit 19: Using Money

UNIT EVALUATION (please tick)



Entry Level Life Skills

Candidate Name: ___________________________________

Candidate Number: _________________________________

Learning Outcomes

Assessment Criteria Evidence - referenced to portfolio work submitted/task assessments

Further notes & comments

Criteria met

Date met

The learner will:

The learner can:

1. Be able to choose coins and notes to make amounts of money

1.1 identify different sums of money using coins and notes;

1.2 read, write and understand decimals up to 2 decimal places in the context of money;

2. Be able to add sums of money to calculate a total

2.1 use number skills in the context of money;

2.2 calculate the total cost of different items;

3. Be able to estimate and calculate change

3.1 estimate change due after paying for a single item (pounds and pence);

3.2 calculate change due when paying for more than one item;

4. Be able to work with percentage amounts of money.

4.1 identify 10%, 25%, 50% and 75% of suitable amounts; and

4.2 identify the best rate of interest on a loan from a

Entry Level Life Skills

given range of suitable examples.

UNIT EVALUATION (please tick)



Entry Level 3 Unit 20: Applying for Jobs and Courses

Candidate Name: ___________________________________

Candidate Number: _________________________________

Learning Outcomes

Assessment Criteria Evidence - referenced to portfolio work submitted/task

Further notes & comments

Criteria met

Date met

The learner will:

The learner can:

1. Be aware of jobs or courses in their local area

1.1 give examples of two courses/jobs in their local area;

2. Be aware of how to apply for a job or a course

2.1 outline two ways that they can apply for a job or a course;

3. Be able to complete a

3.1 identify three pieces of information to be included on a basic

Entry Level Life Skills

basic application form

application form;

3.2 complete a basic application form using information identified in 3.1;

Entry Level 3Unit 20: Applying for Jobs and Courses (cont.)

Entry Level Life Skills

Learning Outcomes

Assessment Criteria Evidence - referenced to portfolio work submitted/task assessments

Further notes & comments

Criteria met

Date met

The learner will:

The learner can:

4. Understand the skills and qualities necessary for jobs and courses.

4.1 recognise three skills or qualities that could be stated in an application form;

4.2 explain why skills and qualities are important for employers or further education; and

4.3 give two of their personal skills or qualities they could use on an application form.

UNIT EVALUATION (please tick)



Entry Level Life Skills

Entry Level 3 Unit 21: Appropriate Behaviour and Practices at Work

Candidate Name: ___________________________________

Candidate Number: _________________________________

Learning Outcomes

Assessment Criteria Evidence - referenced to portfolio work submitted/task assessments

Further notes & comments

Criteria met

Date met

The learner will:

The learner can:

1. Know how toprepare for

goingto work

1.1 state the name and address of the workplace and the nature of its business

1.2 identify two options for travelling to and from the workplace and chose the most appropriate

1.3 outline a travel plan to and from work to arrive on time, including the leaving time, travelling time and estimated time of arrival

1.4 list the appropriate clothing and personal

Entry Level Life Skills

presentation for a work environment and outline why these are important

2. Know how toprepare for beingat work

2.1 describe four skills or qualities of a good employee;

Entry Level 3Unit 21: Appropriate Behaviour and Practices at Work (cont.)

Learning Outcomes

Assessment Criteria Evidence - referenced to portfolio work submitted/task assessments

Further notes & comments

Criteria met

Date met

The learner will:

The learner can:

2. Know how toprepare for beingat work (cont.)

2.2 list the items they may need to bring to work, for example money, food or a taxi company telephone number

2.3 identify three difficult situations at work and outline how they would deal with them

2.4 give three examples of appropriate behaviours at work

Entry Level Life Skills

and outline why it is important that employees demonstrate them

Entry Level 3 Unit 22: Workplace Learning

Candidate Name: ___________________________________

Candidate Number: _________________________________

Learning Outcomes

Assessment Criteria Evidence - referenced to portfolio work submitted/task assessments

Further notes & comments

Criteria met

Date met

UNIT EVALUATION (please tick)



Entry Level Life Skills

The learner will:

The learner can:

1. Be able to recognise careers in the wider community

1.1identify three career choices they have chosen and three tasks they will undertake in their careers;

1.2 list one skill, quality and achievement and match these to one chosen career;

2. Be able to participate in work-related learning

2.1give one work experience option and outline the nature of the provider’s business;

2.2 identify a person to whom they will report whilst on work experience;

2.3 list activities carried out in the workplace;

2.4 follow instructions in order to complete tasks in the workplace;

2.5outline three safety rules and procedures in order to keep safe in their workplace;

Entry Level Life Skills

Entry Level 3 Unit 22: Workplace Learning (cont.)

Learning Outcomes

Assessment Criteria Evidence - referenced to portfolio work submitted/task assessments

Further notes & comments

Criteria met

Date met

The learner will:

The learner can:

3. Be able to evaluate their experience.

3.1 explain the benefits of work experience; and

3.2 list the skills or qualities they have developed on work experience and identify one skill they would like to develop further.

UNIT EVALUATION (please tick)



Entry Level Life Skills

Entry Level 3 Unit 23: Working on a Creative Group Project

Candidate Name: ___________________________________

Candidate Number: _________________________________

Learning Outcomes

Assessment Criteria Evidence - referenced to portfolio work submitted/task assessments

Further notes & comments

Criteria met

Date met

The learner will:

The learner can:

1. Be able toparticipate in planning acreative groupproject

1.1 demonstrate working with others to research ideas for a creative group project, for example, animation, short film, musical composition or designing and creating a school or college garden and record their findings

1.2 select a creative group project to undertake and outline why it was

Entry Level Life Skills


1.3 outline the tasks required, their role and plan their contribution to the creative group project;

2. Be able toparticipate in acreative groupproject

2.1 contribute to the creative group project in their role.

Entry Level 3Unit 23: Working on a Creative Group Project (cont.)

Entry Level Life Skills

Learning Outcomes

Assessment Criteria Evidence - referenced to portfolio work submitted/task assessments

Further notes & comments

Criteria met

Date met

The learner will:

The learner can:

3. Be able to reflecton a creativegroup project

3.1 describe the final outcome of the creative group project

3.2 evaluate their contribution to the completed creative group project

3.3 outline the skills they have developed during the creative group project

UNIT EVALUATION (please tick)



Entry Level Life Skills

Entry Level 3 Unit 24: Performing Arts

Candidate Name: ___________________________________

Candidate Number: ________________________________

Learning Outcomes

Assessment Criteria Evidence - referenced to portfolio work submitted/task assessments

Further notes & comments

Criteria met

Date met

The learner will:

The learner can:

1. Be able toparticipate in thepreparation for aperformance

1.1 identify two of their own strengths and weaknesses related to performing arts and recognise how to improve a weakness

1.2 identify the skills required for their role in the performance

1.3 participate in a rehearsal for a performance in their role, for example acting, singing, lighting or front of house

1.4 demonstrate three safe working practices for a performance

2. Be able to 2.1 carry out their role in a performance for an

Entry Level Life Skills

participate in aperformance

audience2.2 evaluate their

performance and identify one area of improvement for a future performance

Entry Level 3 Unit 25: Leisure for Pleasure

Candidate Name: ___________________________________

Candidate Number: ________________________________

UNIT EVALUATION (please tick)



Entry Level Life Skills

Learning Outcomes

Assessment Criteria Evidence - referenced to portfolio work submitted/task assessments

Further notes & comments

Criteria met

Date met

The learner will:

The learner can:

1. Understand what leisure time means

1.1 explain what leisure time means;

1.2 identify at least four leisure activities;

1.3 explain the benefits of leisure activities;

2. Participate in a range of leisure activities

2.1 participate in three leisure activities, one of which should be new to the learner

3. Evaluate leisure activities in which they have participated.

3.1 select at least two leisure activities they like and explain why;

3.2 identify at least two leisure activities they dislike and explain why;

3.3 describe a leisure activity that they would like to continue to do and explain why.

UNIT EVALUATION (please tick)



Entry Level Life Skills

Entry Level 3 Unit 26: Adventurous Activities

Candidate Name: ___________________________________

Candidate Number: ________________________________

Learning Outcomes

Assessment Criteria Evidence - referenced to portfolio work submitted/task assessments

Further notes & comments

Criteria met

Date met

The learner will:

The learner can:

1. Be able to prepare safely for an activity

1.1 organise equipment needed to participate in a trip or activity safely with minimal supervision;

1.2 have good understanding of the terminology associated with that activity;

2. Be able to perform or coach an adventure activity safely

2.1 (a) perform activities and techniques with minimal supervision; OR

(b) understand the relevant coaching points relating to a particular activity;

Entry Level Life Skills

3. Be able to make correct decisions that bring about the successful completion of an activity.

3.1 consistently make appropriate decisions, under supervision, that lead to success;

Entry Level 3Unit 26: Adventurous Activities (cont.)

Learning Outcomes

Assessment Criteria Evidence - referenced to portfolio work submitted/task assessments

Further notes & comments

Criteria met

Date met

The learner will:

The learner can:

4. Evaluate performance

4.1 identify strengths in their own performance; and

4.2 suggest how to improve some aspects of their performance.

Entry Level Life Skills

Entry Level 3 Unit 27: Water Based Activities

Candidate Name: ___________________________________

Candidate Number: ________________________________

Learning Outcomes

Assessment Criteria Evidence - referenced to portfolio work submitted/task

Further notes & comments

Criteria met

Date met

The learner will:

The learner can:

1. Be able to prepare safely for a water based activity

1.1 competently select and use equipment needed for safe participation in the selected water based activity

1.2 display knowledge of the main risks associated with the selected activity

2. Be able to 2.1 (a)perform the activity using good technique with control; OR

UNIT EVALUATION (please tick)



Entry Level Life Skills

perform and make effective decisions as a performer or coach.

(b)suggest an appropriate skill for the participant to practise to develop technique with control;

2.2 (a)select and carry out an appropriate strategy for the chosen activity; OR

(b) select and suggest an appropriate strategy for the chosen activity

3. Evaluate performance

3.1 identify strengths in their own performance

3.2suggest how to improve some aspect of their performance

UNIT EVALUATION (please tick)