履修案内と科目概要 GENERAL INFORMATION AND COURSE DESCRIPTION (General Program) (Asia, Africa, and Pacific Rim Agricultural Sciences Course) 2017年度(平成29年度)4月および10月入学生用 For April & October 2017 Admissions (一般プログラム) アジア・アフリカ・環太平洋プログラム 愛媛大学大学院連合農学研究科 THE UNITED GRADUATE SCHOOL OF AGRICULTURAL SCIENCES EHIME UNIVERSITY 愛媛大学・香川大学・高知大学 Ehime University Kagawa University Kochi University

履修案内と科目概要seminar.rendai.agr.ehime-u.ac.jp/seminar/student/english/...履修案内と科目概要 GENERAL INFORMATION AND COURSE DESCRIPTION (General Program) (Asia,

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(General Program)(Asia, Africa, and Pacific Rim Agricultural Sciences Course)


For April & October 2017 Admissions(一般プログラム)





Ehime UniversityKagawa UniversityKochi University

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目 次Contents

Ⅰ.連合農学研究科の教育理念 ・・・・・・・・・・・・ 2Educational Principles

Ⅱ.修了に必要な単位および教育課程表 ・・・・・・・・・・・・ 3Required Course Credits for Completion and Curriculum

Ⅲ.授業科目の概要と履修上の注意点 ・・・・・・・・・・・・ 15Course Outline

Ⅳ.履修の手続き ・・・・・・・・・・・・ 19Registration Procedure

Ⅴ.社会人学生の履修について ・・・・・・・・・・・・ 21Course Completion for Working Students

Ⅵ.社会人短期修了制度について ・・・・・・・・・・・・ 21Short Term Study Program for Working Students

Ⅶ.成績について ・・・・・・・・・・・・ 21Assessment and Grading

Ⅷ.成績評価ガイドライン ・・・・・・・・・・・・ 23Evaluation Guidelines

Ⅸ.学位授与申請手続の概要 ・・・・・・・・・・・・ 25Application Procedure for the Conferment of Degree

Ⅹ.授業科目要覧(シラバス) ・・・・・・・・・・・・ 29Course Outline (Syllabus)

Ⅺ.愛媛大学大学院連合農学研究科 ・・・・・・・・・・・・ 48SUIJI ジョイント・プログラム・ドクター (SUIJI-JP-Dc)Guideline for the United Graduate School of Agricultural Sciences, Ehime UniversitySUIJI Joint Program Doctor(SUIJI-JP-Dc)

提出書類(様式) ・・・・・・・・・・・・ 50Forms

学生指導・教育課程に関する問い合わせ先 ・・・・・・・・・・・・ 66Contact Information for Student Guidance and Curriculum

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び高知大学総合人間自然科学研究科農学専攻が連携して, 21 世紀を担う優れた人材を育成することを目的とし,人間,社会,自然への深い洞察に基づく総合的判断力と高度な専門分野の学識と技能が身につく教育を






I. Educational Principles

The United Graduate School of Agricultural Sciences (UGAS), Ehime University links the strengths ofthree affiliated universities - Kagawa University, Kochi University and Ehime University - and aims tofoster and develop exceptional people for the 21st century. Our goal is to instill outstanding scholarship,skills and judgement based on a deep understanding of people, society and the environment.

Through farsighted, original research, we hope to train highly skilled, world-class researchers who willplay a central role in the regional development of their countries. We are actively accepting talentedstudents from all over the world with the ultimate objective of developing a sustainable society andcontributing to stability and coherence between people and the natural environment.

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II. Required Course Credits for Completion and Curriculum

The prescribed course credits must be completed before review of the doctoral dissertation. A minimumtwelve credits are required for completion: nine credits of required subjects, one or more credits of requiredelective subjects and two or more credits of elective subjects.

○ Bioresource Production Science (Plant Resource Production, Plant and Animal Production underStructure, Aquaculture and Livestock Production, Bioresource Economics)

Required Subjects

Category Subject Credits RequiredCredits

All majors Joint Seminar 1 1

Bioresource Production Science Seminar 1 1Bioresource Production Science Dissertation Research 6 6

Dissertation Tutorial 1 1

Required Elective Subjects (Choose one or two of the subjects below)

Category Subject Credits RequiredCredits

Comprehensive Agricultural Science I 1(Japanese)All majors 1Comprehensive Agricultural Science II 1


Elective Subjects (Choose two or more of the subjects below)

Category Subject Credits RequiredCredits

English for Scientific Writing andPresentations I 1

English for Scientific Writing andAll majors Presentations II 1

Research Project 1Internationalization Program 1Internship 1


Bioresource Production Science Bioresource Production Science 1Presentations

Applied Bioresource Science Seminar 1Other majors

Life Environment Conservation Science 1Seminar

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Curriculum (Bioresource Production Science)

InstructionSubject Recommended Credits Category Remarks


Joint Seminar 1 1 ★ ○ ○ Residential

Bioresource Production ScienceSeminar 1-2 1 ★ ○

Supervisor andDissertation Research 1-3 6 ★ ○ Co-supervisor

Dissertation Tutorial 1-3 1 ★ ○ Second Co-supervisor

Comprehensive Agricultural Jointly with 6 unitedScience I (Japanese) 1 1 ☆ ○ graduate schools

Comprehensive Agricultural Jointly with 6 unitedScience II (English) 1 1 ☆ ○ graduate schools

English for Scientific Writingand Presentations I 1 1 ○

English for Scientific Writingand Presentations II 1-2 1 ○

Research Project 1-2 1 ○

Internationalization Program 1-2 1 ○

Internship 1-2 1 ○

Bioresource Production SciencePresentations 1-2 1 ○

Applied Bioresource ScienceSeminar 1-2 1 ○

Life Environment ConservationScience Seminar 1-2 1 ○

Completion Prerequisites

Successful candidates must take the prescribed subjects, acquire a minimum 12 credits (9 credits of required subjects, 1 or morecredits of required elective subjects, and 2 or more credits of elective subjects), complete the dissertation interim presentation andhave their doctoral dissertation accepted for review.

Notes:1. ★ indicates a required subject,☆ indicates a required elective subject, and no symbol indicates an elective subject.2. Grades: Excellent (A) for 90 or more, Very Good (B) for 80-89, Good (C) for 70-79, Satisfactory (D) for 60-69 and Fail (E)

for less than 60. A minimum grade of Satisfactory (D) is required to pass. A Pass (P) or Fail (E) is awarded for the JointSeminar, Dissertation Tutorial, Research Project, Internationalization Program, Internship and the Bioresource ProductionScience Presentations.




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○ Applied Bioresource Science (Food Science, Bioresource Science for Manufacturing)

Required Subjects

Category Subject Credits RequiredCredits

All majors Joint Seminar 1 1

Applied Bioresource Science Seminar 1 1Applied Bioresource Science Dissertation Research 6 6

Dissertation Tutorial 1 1

Required Elective Subjects (Choose one or two of the subjects below)

Category Subject Credits RequiredCredits

Comprehensive Agricultural Science I 1(Japanese)All majors 1Comprehensive Agricultural Science II 1


Elective Subjects (Choose two or more of the subjects below)

Category Subject Credits RequiredCredits

English for Scientific Writing andPresentations I 1

English for Scientific Writing andAll majors Presentations II 1

Research Project 1Internationalization Program 1Internship 1

2Applied Bioresource Science 1Applied Bioresource Science Presentations

Bioresource Production Science Seminar 1Other majors

Life Environment Conservation Science 1Seminar

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Curriculum (Applied Bioresource Science)

InstructionSubject Recommended Credits Category Remarks


Joint Seminar 1 1 ★ ○ ○ Residential

Applied Bioresource ScienceSeminar 1-2 1 ★ ○

Supervisor andDissertation Research 1-3 6 ★ ○ Co-supervisor

Dissertation Tutorial 1-3 1 ★ ○ Second Co-supervisor

Comprehensive Agricultural Jointly with 6 unitedScience I (Japanese) 1 1 ☆ ○ graduate schools

Comprehensive Agricultural Jointly with 6 unitedScience II (English) 1 1 ☆ ○ graduate schools

English for Scientific Writingand Presentations I 1 1 ○

English for Scientific Writingand Presentations II 1-2 1 ○

Research Project 1-2 1 ○

Internationalization Program 1-2 1 ○

Internship 1-2 1 ○

Applied Bioresource SciencePresentations 1-2 1 ○

Bioresource Production ScienceSeminar 1-2 1 ○

Life Environment ConservationScience Seminar 1-2 1 ○

Completion Prerequisites

Successful candidates must take the prescribed subjects, acquire a minimum 12 credits (9 credits of required subjects, 1 or morecredits of required elective subjects, and 2 or more credits of elective subjects), complete the dissertation interim presentation andhave their doctoral dissertation accepted for review.

Notes:1. ★ indicates a required subject,☆ indicates a required elective subject, and no symbol indicates an elective subject.2. Grades: Excellent (A) for 90 or more, Very Good (B) for 80-89, Good (C) for 70-79, Satisfactory (D) for 60-69 and Fail (E)

for less than 60. A minimum grade of Satisfactory (D) is required to pass. A Pass (P) or Fail (E) is awarded for the JointSeminar, Dissertation Tutorial, Research Project, Internationalization Program, Internship and the Applied Bioresource SciencePresentations.




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○ Life Environment Conservation Science (Land Conservation and Irrigation Engineering,Environmental Science)

Required Subjects

Category Subject Credits RequiredCredits

All majors Joint Seminar 1 1

Life Environment Life Environment Conservation Science 1 1Conservation Science Seminar

Dissertation Research 6 6Dissertation Tutorial 1 1

Required Elective Subjects (Choose one or two of the subjects below)

Category Subject Credits RequiredCredits

Comprehensive Agricultural Science I 1(Japanese)All majors 1Comprehensive Agricultural Science II 1


Elective Subjects (Choose two or more of the subjects below)

Category Subject Credits RequiredCredits

English for Scientific Writing andPresentations I 1

English for Scientific Writing andAll majors Presentations II 1

Research Project 1Internationalization Program 1Internship 1 2

Life Environment Life Environment Conservation 1Conervaton Science Science Presentations

Bioresource Production Science Seminar 1Other majors

Applied Bioresource Science Seminar 1

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Curriculum (Life Environment Conservation Science)

InstructionSubject Recommended Credits Category Remarks


Joint Seminar 1 1 ★ ○ ○ Residential

Life Environment ConservationScience Seminar 1-2 1 ★ ○

Supervisor andDissertation Research 1-3 6 ★ ○ Co-supervisor

Dissertation Tutorial 1-3 1 ★ ○ Second Co-supervisor

Comprehensive Agricultural Jointly with 6 unitedScience I (Japanese) 1 1 ☆ ○ graduate schools

Comprehensive Agricultural Jointly with 6 unitedScience II (English) 1 1 ☆ ○ graduate schools

English for Scientific Writingand Presentations I 1 1 ○

English for Scientific Writingand Presentations II 1-2 1 ○

Research Project 1-2 1 ○

Internationalization Program 1-2 1 ○

Internship 1-2 1 ○

Life Environment ConservationScience Presentations 1-2 1 ○

Bioresource Production ScienceSeminar 1-2 1 ○

Applied Bioresource ScienceSeminar 1-2 1 ○

Completion Prerequisites

Successful candidates must take the prescribed subjects, acquire a minimum 12 credits (9 credits of required subjects, 1 or morecredits of required elective subjects, and 2 or more credits of elective subjects), complete the dissertation interim presentation andhave their doctoral dissertation accepted for review.

Notes:1. ★ indicates a required subject,☆ indicates a required elective subject, and no symbol indicates an elective subject.2. Grades: Excellent (A) for 90 or more, Very Good (B) for 80-89, Good (C) for 70-79, Satisfactory (D) for 60-69 and Fail (E)

for less than 60. A minimum grade of Satisfactory (D) is required to pass. A Pass (P) or Fail (E) is awarded for the JointSeminar, Dissertation Tutorial, Research Project, Internationalization Program, Internship and the Life EnvironmentConservation Science Presentations.




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III. Course Outline

Joint Seminar 【 Required Subject 】

The Joint Seminar is a residential seminar conducted in English over three days in August or September andmust, in principle, be taken in the first year. The seminar covers the basics through lectures and group work toenable students to conduct research, and includes sessions on dissertation writing, presentation skills,communication in English as well as providing a place for students and faculty from different constituentschools to mix and interact.

Bioresource Production Science, Applied Bioresource Science and Life Environment Conservation ScienceSeminars 【 Required Subject for your major/Elective Subject for other majors 】

This series of lectures, mainly in English, can be taken at each constituent school through the videoconferencing system. One lecture (90 minutes) is given for each unit in each field (2-5 units per field).Required credit is awarded for taking 5 or more lectures from units in your own major. An elective creditis awarded for taking 5 or more lectures from units in another major. Further, the 5 or more lecture mustbe in the one major. The 5 or more lectures can be taken at anytime during a student’s enrollment.The Associate Dean determines the awarding of credits and a higher grade can be achieved by attendingmore than 5 lectures. Registration for the lectures is made via the Online Course Registration System.

Dissertation Research 【 Required Subject 】

Students are evaluated on the overall program up to the preparation of the doctoral dissertation. The programincludes conducting research, giving conference presentations and interim dissertation presentations, andpreparing papers under the guidance of a supervisor and co-supervisor. The supervisor awards six credits.

Dissertation Tutorial 【 Required Subject 】

Students are awarded a credit by their second co-supervisor for receiving instruction from the secondco-supervisor on doctoral dissertation research at least once a year for a total of at least 3 times in a three-yearperiod. Travel expenses are reimbursed by UGAS.

Comprehensive Agricultural Science I and II 【 Required Elective Subjects 】

Comprehensive Agricultural Science I and II are lectures conducted in partnership with six united graduateschools of agricultural science throughout the country using a video conferencing system. The intensive seriesof twelve lectures (90 minutes each) is held over three days in June (Comprehensive Agricultural Science Igiven in Japanese) and November (Comprehensive Agricultural Science II given in English) at The UnitedGraduate School of Agricultural Sciences, Ehime University. Students are required to take one of the twocourses (required elective). A credit is awarded for attending five or more lectures of the selected course. TheAssociate Dean determines the awarding of credits and a higher grade can be achieved by attending morethan 5 lectures. The 5 or more lectures can be taken at anytime during a student’s enrollment. Registration forthe lectures is made via the Online Course Registration System.

English for Scientific Writing and Presentations I and II 【 Elective Subjects 】

English for Scientific Writing and Presentations consists of two courses of lectures conducted by a nativeEnglish-speaking lecturer and can be taken at each constituent school through the video conferencingsystem. English for Scientific Writing and Presentations I reviews the basics while English for ScientificWriting and Presentations II expands on the basics in which students will learn practical science-orientedEnglish skills to help them write papers and prepare presentations. One credit is given for each 15-week course.Registration for the lectures is made via the Online Course Registration System.

Research Project 【 Elective Subject 】

Students serve as research project leaders selected through the UGAS Student Research Project CreationSupport Program or external funding. One credit is given for submitting a report and giving a presentation onthe project at the following year's Joint Seminar.

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Internationalization Program 【 Elective Subject 】

One credit is given for presenting at an international academic conference held in Japan or overseas that has arequisite level of content and scope (such as an academic scientific society's annual conference) and submittinga report about the presentation. Students should apply for a credit for the Internationalization Programregardless of whether they have applied for and been accepted or rejected for the UGAS Support Program forParticipation at International Conferences.

Internship 【 Elective Subject 】

One credit is given for training of two or more weeks at an advanced research site or institution. After thetraining, students must submit a report outlining the results and give a presentation (or submit the presentationmaterials containing the results data).

One credit is given to working students for submitting a detailed report* related to their current workassignment.* Such as a detailed description of the assigned work, the relationship to the research at UGAS, and futuredirection after completion of the PhD.

Bioresource Production Science, Applied Bioresource Science and Life Environment Conservation SciencePresentations 【 Elective Subject 】

These presentations constitute a supplementary subject in which a credit is given if two credits cannot begained from the above elective subjects. One credit is given for attending at least two Doctoral DissertationPresentations held in February and August, and at least two Interim Doctoral Dissertation Presentationsconducted in any of the specialist fields in your major, for a total of at least four presentations.

Ÿ Doctoral Dissertation PresentationsIn principle, you should attend all the Doctoral Dissertation Presentations in your own field and if there is

only one presenter in your field, you should attend the presentations in other fields. You should activelyparticipate in the question and answer period. It is also acceptable to attend the Doctoral DissertationPresentations in other fields that you think are necessary when those presentations are held at the same time aspresentations in your own field. You must get the chairperson of each presentation you attended to sign or affixtheir seal on the form Attendance at Doctoral Dissertation Presentations.

Ÿ Interim Doctoral Dissertation PresentationsYou can attend the presentations in any or all the fields within your major. In principle, you must attend

ALL the presentations in the field you selected and actively participate in the question and answer period.You must get the person responsible for holding the presentation or the facilitating professor to sign or affix

their seal on the form Attendance at Interim Presentations for each presentation you attend. If that is notpossible because you attended a video-conference presentation, you should get your supervising professor tosign or affix their seal. As the number of Interim Doctoral Dissertation Presentations held over a three-yearperiod differs depending on the field, you should try to attend presentations in your own field from your firstyear as a student. Even if you attend more than one presentation in a semester, it will only be counted as oneattendance. You must then attend another presentation in a later semester.

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IV. Registration ProcedureSubmit the Course Registration Plan to the UGAS Team within one week after the Orientation following the

Entrance Ceremony. Refer to the notes below when completing the form. From the second year on, submit theform Annual Progress Status Report (provided from UGAS) to the designated office by the specified date eachyear.

* Designated Office:Ehime University: UGAS TeamKagawa University: General Affairs SectionKochi University: Academic Affairs Department

1. Notes on Completing the Form

Form 1-1 (Bioresource Production Science)Date:Course Registration Plan

Enrolled (month/year) / Student I.D. NumberStudent NameAffiliated University University SupervisorCo-supervisor (University)

First Co-supervisor ( University)Second Co-supervisor ( University)Assistant Supervisor ( University)

I hereby apply for the subjects indicated below.

Selection Subject Category Credits Year

○ Joint Seminar Required Subject 1 1

○ Bioresource Production Science Seminar Required Subject 1 1-2

○ Dissertation Research Required Subject 1 1-3

○ Dissertation Tutorial Required Subject 1 1-3

○ Comprehensive Agricultural Science I (Japanese) Required Elective Subject 1 1

○ Comprehensive Agricultural Science II (English) Required Elective Subject 1 1

○ English for Scientific Writing and Presentations I Elective Subject 1 1

○ English for Scientific Writing and Presentations II Elective Subject 1 1

Research Project Elective Subject 1 1-2

○ Internationalization Program Elective Subject 1 1-2

Internship Elective Subject 1 1-2

○ Bioresource Production Science Presentations Elective Subject 1 1-2

○ Applied Bioresource Science Seminar Elective Subject 1 1-2

Life Environment Conservation Science Seminar Elective Subject 1 1-2

Notes: 1). A minimum 12 credits are required for completion: required subjects (9), required elective subjects (1 or more) and electivesubjects (2 or more).

2). In the Selection column, mark the subjects you intend to take with a ○.3). In the Year column enter the year in which you intend to take the subject.

2. Online Course Registration System GuideDownload from the URL below:http://rendai.agr.ehime-u.ac.jp/english/student/index2.html* Use the ID and password given to you at orientation.

Check with yoursupervisor.

Enter yearyou intendto take thesubject.

Mark subjects youintend to take witha ○.

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V. Course Completion for Working Students

Working adults and general students alike must acquire a minimum 12 credits (required subjects 9 credits,required electives 1 or more credits, electives 2 or more credits). However, for Dissertation Research andDissertation Tutorial, it is possible for working students to receive after-hours instruction. Accordingly,arrange your research plan and schedule with your supervisor beforehand (Article 14 of the Standards forEstablishment of Graduate Schools: Appropriate education to facilitate teaching and/or guidance may beimplemented in the evening or other times or periods if deemed especially necessary for educationalpurposes within any postgraduate course).

If completion of the program within three years would be difficult due to work commitments, it is possibleto formulate a completion plan to acquire the necessary credits over a maximum of five years through theLong Term Study Program.

VI. Short Term Study Program for Working Students

Working Students who have the prescribed research work before entering UGAS and have been approved forthe Short Term Study Program for Working Students can complete their study in two years if they meet therequirements.

VII. Assessment and Grading

・ Students are assessed and awarded one of five grades: Excellent (A) for 90 and above, Very Good (B) for80-89, Good (C) for 70-79, Satisfactory (D) for 60-69 and Fail (E) for less than 60.

・ A credit is given for the passing grades Excellent (A) to Satisfactory (D). A credit is not given for a Fail(E).

・ For the Joint Seminar, Dissertation Tutorial, Research Project, Internationalization Program, Internship, andthe Bioresource Production Science, Applied Bioresource Science, and Life Environment ConservationScience Presentations, a grade of Pass (P) or Fail (E) is awarded.

・ Grades are posted by the supervisor at the end of March and the end of September.

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VIII. Evaluation Guidelines

The following guidelines have been set for student evaluation for attending lectures, etc.

1. Evaluation for lecture courses other than for the Joint Seminar, Dissertation Research, Dissertation Tutorial,and the Bioresource Production Science, Applied Bioresource Science and Life Environment ConservationScience Presentations is by a written examination or report. Research Project and Internship also require apresentation.

2. Grades for written examinations are awarded as follows:

Excellent (A): 90 or above, Very Good (B): 80-89, Good (C): 70-79, Satisfactory (D): 60-69,Fail (E): less than 60

3. A five-grade evaluation is given for reports only and is broadly based on the following criteria:

Excellent: The report fully answers the topic set by the lecturer and exceeds the details required, displayssuperior logical reasoning derived from the given topic, and describes new insights.

Very Good: The report fully answers the topic set by the lecturer.

Good: The report for the most part answers the topic set by the lecturer or it doesn't quite fully answer thetopic, but it is recognized that a certain amount of effort went into creating the report.

Satisfactory: The report does not fully answer the topic set by the lecturer, but it includes adequate answers.

Fail: The report does not adequately answer the topic set by the lecturer.

4. For evaluations other than by a written examination or report, a student's attitude during lectures andattendance may be used as supplementary scoring at the discretion of the lecturer. However, a grade ofExcellent will be awarded only when the criteria for Excellent are satisfied as stated in points 2 and 3 above.

5. The Joint Seminar is a residential seminar for the purpose of learning basic skills and knowledge for carryingout research and cultivating broad perspectives through interaction with students from different constituentschools. A Pass (P) grade is awarded for full participation during the residential (lectures, group work, tasksand other activities).

6. A grade of Pass (P) or Fail (E) is awarded for the Joint Seminar, Dissertation Tutorial, Research Project, theInternationalization Program, Internship, and the Bioresource Production Science, Applied BioresourceScience, and Life Environment Conservation Science Presentations.

7. For Dissertation Research, the academic supervisor awards one of five grades based on a student's progresson the research for their dissertation and the results obtained.

8. For Dissertation Tutorial, the academic co-supervisor provides practical instruction for a student's researchtopic. A Pass (P) grade is awarded for taking a tutorial once a year for three years.

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IX. Application Procedure for the Conferment of Degree

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Application Procedure for Conferment of Degree

Main Papers: academic papers that form basis of dissertation

Requirements: Read guidelines carefully for details Submit two or more academic papers

(published in an academic journal orequivalent)

One paper based on researchconducted while enrolled at UGAS(excluding conference proceedings)(A paper presented at an internationalconference and included in conferenceproceedings may be considered to fulfillthe requirement for one publishedpaper)

At least one paper must have applicantas sole author or first author

For co-authored papers, co-authors mustnot have used the paper as part of adegree application and must consent notto do so in the future

If a paper is not yet published at thetime of degree submission, provide aletter of acceptance or contract

* Proceed in close consultation with theacademic supervisor

Preparation of main papers

Documents to be submitted: ・Application for Entry in Repository

(Form 9) *If main paper will not be published・Dissertation abstract (Style 5)

Acceptance/rejection decision Voted on after review by General Academic Staff Committee

Presentations for receiving general guidance before degree application When: Up until 6 months before degree application deadline in final year of enrollment Credit: Awarded by academic supervisor’s department

Interim presentations

When: About 2 months before degree application deadline Details: schedule and preparing documents for degree application Distribution: Guidelines for Submission of Degree Application

Dissertation briefing

Before submitting degree application, application documents and application eligibility are reviewed by faculty (other than student’s academic supervisor) from student’s major When: About 2 weeks before degree application submission date Documents to be submitted (copies):

(1) List of academic papers (2) Main papers (3) Curriculum Vitae (4) Abstracts of co-authored papers (5) Letter(s) of consent (6) Letter of acceptance for publication or contract

Review of degree

application eligibility

When: March completion: early January When: September completion: early July Submit to: UGAS Documents to be submitted:

(1) Degree application 1 copy (2) List of academic papers 6 copies (3) Dissertation (temporarily bound for review) 5 copies (4) Dissertation abstract 60 copies (including 1 original) (5) Main papers (copy) 6 copies each (6) Curriculum Vitae 1 copy

* If main paper not yet published:(7) Letter of acceptance for publication or contract 1 copy each

* If main paper is co-authored:(8) Abstracts of co-authored papers 6 copies each (9) Letter(s) of consent 1 copy from each co-author

Degree application (submission

of dissertation)

When: March completion: early February When: September completion: early August Location: February: Ehime University Location: August: Kagawa University or Kochi University Format: 30-minute presentation followed by 10-minute Q&A Reviewed by: Dissertation Review Committee (Principal reviewer: academic supervisor; 4 co-reviewers) * Final examination is held at the same time

Dissertation presentation

When: One week before the conferment ceremony Submission: Dissertation in electronic form Submit to: UGAS

Submission of dissertation

Held at Ehime University in March and September Conferment ceremony

Take prescribed subjects and acquire minimum 12 credits * Applies to students enrolled from 2009

Acquire credits

*in electronic form・Dissertation ・Dissertation abstract (Form 3) ・List of academic papers

When: March completion: mid-January When: September completion: mid-July Submit to: UGAS Documents to be submitted:

Application for Entry in Repository, (dissertation abstract)

Repository application

Acceptance or rejection of dissertation Determined by Representative Committee

*If main paper will be publishedDocuments to be submitted: ・Publish the dissertation after awarding of

the degree (Style 6) Submit to: UGAS

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Ⅹ.授業科目要覧(シラバス) Course Outline (Syllabus)

共通セミナー Joint Seminar

担当教員 Instructor/Coordinator 副研究科長 Associate Dean

単位数 Credits 1単位 1 Credit

必修・選択 Required/Elective 必修 Required subject

標準履修年次 Recommended Year 1年次 First year

開講場所 Place 別途通知 To be advised

成績判定 Assessment 出席すれば合格「 P 」を与える。Pass (P) awarded for attendance.

概要 Course Outline




These are residential seminars held over three days during the first year. Through lectures, researchpresentations by students, group discussions and exchanges, they cover the basics to enable students to carryout research. They also help to cultivate a broader perspective through interacting with students from otheruniversities.

履修上の注意 Notes





Detailed information to be announced.English is mainly used during the residential, so students who are not native speakers of English should

practice their self-introduction and everyday English before the residential.Students are required to attend the entire three-day program.

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Bioresource Production Science Seminar

担当教員 Instructor/Coordinator 講義担当教員 Professor(単位管理者 Credits awarded by) (副研究科長 Associate Dean)

単位数 Credits 1単位 1 Credit

必修・選択 Required/Elective 自専攻:必修 Required subject for students in BioresourceProduction Science

他専攻:選択 Elective subject for students in Applied BioresourceScience and Life Environment Conservation Science

標準履修年次 Recommended Year 1~2年次 Years 1-2

開講場所 Place 各大学のテレビ会議室

Video conference room at each university

成績判定 Assessment 講義ごとに課されるレポートの内容により合否を判定し,合格レポー


8以上= A ,7= B ,6= C ,5= DA pass or fail is awarded for the report required for each lecture.Final assessment is based on the number of accepted reports as

follows:A = 8 or more, B = 7, C = 6, D = 5

概要 Course Outline



This series of lectures is conducted mainly in English and held throughout the year in each major. Studentsregister on the Online Course Registration System for their desired subject at the beginning of theacademic year.

履修上の注意 Notes







Reports must be submitted by the deadline (within two weeks after each lecture) announced by eachlecturer.

A required credit is given to students in Bioresource Production Science for attending five or more lecturesand writing the required number of accepted reports.

An elective credit is given to students in Applied Bioresource Science and Life Environment ConservationScience for attending at least five lectures and writing the required number of accepted reports.

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Applied Bioresource Science Seminar

担当教員 Instructor/Coordinator 講義担当教員 Professor(単位管理者 Credits awarded by) (副研究科長 Associate Dean)

単位数 Credits 1単位 1 Credit

必修・選択 Required/Elective 自専攻:必修 Required subject for students in Applied BioresourceScience

他専攻:選択 Elective subject for students in BioresourceProduction Science and Life Environment Conservation Science

標準履修年次 Recommended Year 1~2年次 Years 1-2

開講場所 Place 各大学のテレビ会議室

Video conference room at each university

成績判定 Assessment 講義ごとに課されるレポートの内容により合否を判定し,合格レポー


8以上= A ,7= B ,6= C ,5= DA pass or fail is awarded for the report required for each lecture.

Final assessment is based on the number of accepted reports asfollows:

A = 8 or more, B = 7, C = 6, D = 5

概要 Course Outline



This series of lectures is conducted mainly in English and held throughout the year in each major. Studentsregister on the Online Course Registration System for their desired subject at the beginning of theacademic year.

履修上の注意 Notes







Reports must be submitted by the deadline (within two weeks after each lecture) announced by eachlecturer.

A required credit is given to students in Applied Bioresource Science for attending five or more lecturesand writing the required number of accepted reports.

An elective credit is given to students in Bioresource Production Science and Life EnvironmentConservation Science for attending at least five lectures and writing the required number of accepted reports.

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Life Environment Conservation Science Seminar

担当教員 Instructor/Coordinator 講義担当教員 Professor(単位管理者 Credits awarded by) (副研究科長 Associate Dean)

単位数 Credits 1単位 1 Credit

必修・選択 Required/Elective 自専攻:必修 Required subject for students in Life EnvironmentConservation Science

他専攻:選択 Elective subject for students in BioresourceProduction Science and Applied Bioresource Science

標準履修年次 Recommended Year 1~2年次 Years 1-2

開講場所 Place 各大学のテレビ会議室

Video conference room at each university

成績判定 Assessment 講義ごとに課されるレポートの内容により合否を判定し,合格レポー


8以上= A ,7= B ,6= C ,5= DA pass or fail is awarded for the report required for each lecture.

Final assessment is based on the number of accepted reports asfollows:

A = 8 or more, B = 7, C = 6, D = 5

概要 Course Outline



This series of lectures is conducted mainly in English and held throughout the year in each major. Studentsregister on the Online Course Registration System for their desired subject at the beginning of theacademic year.

履修上の注意 Notes







Reports must be submitted by the deadline (within two weeks after each lecture) announced by eachlecturer.

A required credit is given to students in Life Environment Conservation Science for attending five or morelectures and writing the required number of accepted reports.

An elective credit is given to students in Bioresource Production Science and Applied Bioresource Sciencefor attending at least five lectures and writing the required number of accepted reports.

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Dissertation Research

担当教員 Instructor/Coordinator 主指導教員 Academic Supervisor

単位数 Credits 6単位 6 Credit

必修・選択 Required/Elective 必修 Required subject

標準履修年次 Recommended Year 1~3年次 Years 1-3

開講場所 Place 各研究室 Research departments

成績判定 Assessment 論文作成に当たっての取り組み状況,得られた研究成果等を総合し

て A~ Eの段階評価で評価する。A grade from A to E is awarded based on research findings and

effort in producing research papers.

概要 Course Outline



Practical instruction is provided for the purpose of writing research papers in a specialist field byundertaking experiments, studies and analyses related to assigned research topics under the guidance of theacademic supervisor and co-supervisor.

履修上の注意 Notes


Students must undertake research work under the supervision of their academic supervisor andco-supervisor.

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Dissertation Tutorial

担当教員 Instructor/Coordinator 第二副指導教員 Second Co-supervisor

単位数 Credits 1単位 1 Credit

必修・選択 Required/Elective 必修 Required subject

標準履修年次 Recommended Year 1~3年次 Years 1-3

開講場所 Place 第二副指導教員の研究室

Second Co-supervisor's research department

成績判定 Assessment 1年次から,毎年1回以上,合計3回以上の指導を受けることにより

単位を付与し,合格「 P 」の評価を与える。Credit is given based on receiving instruction at least once a year

starting in the first year of enrollment for a total of at least threetimes. A passing grade of P is awarded.

概要 Course Outline





Students receive required instruction from the second co-supervisor in research methods, scientificinformation and dissertation writing related to one's own research topic.

Travel expenses to your second co-supervisor's affiliated university are reimbursed. Submit a travelexpense form and a bank transfer form to your affiliated university.

履修上の注意 Notes



Students must travel to the second co-supervisor's affiliated university and receive direct instruction at leastonce a year starting in the first year of enrollment. A report on each visit must be submitted to the UGASTeam. Use Form 6 (Dissertation Tutorial Trip Report).

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総合農学概論Ⅰ(日本語) Comprehensive Agricultural Science I (Japanese)

担当教員 Instructor/Coordinator 開講予定表を参照

Refer to the course schedule.

単位数 Credits 1単位 1 Credit

必修・選択 Required/Elective 選択必修 Required elective subject

標準履修年次 Recommended Year 1年次 First year

開講場所 Place 各大学のテレビ会議室

Video conference room at each university

成績判定 Assessment 講義ごとに課されるレポートの内容により,合否判定を副研究科長


8以上= A ,7= B ,6= C ,5= DThe Associate Dean awards a pass or fail for the report required for

each lecture. Final assessment is based on the number of acceptedreports as follows:

A = 8 or more, B = 7, C = 6, D = 5.

概要 Course Outline


る。講義は日本語で行う。講義時間は1講義 90 分で,6月中旬に3日間の集中講義形式により 12 講義を開講する。遠隔講義システムで,全国6大学院連合農学研究科( 18構成大学)に於いて同時に開講する。

This course is a series of lectures on the broad spectrum of agricultural science, covering each major fieldwithin the United Graduate School of Agricultural Sciences. The intensive series of twelve 90-minutelectures in Japanese is held over three days in mid-June and conducted simultaneously at six united graduateschools of agriculture (18 constituent universities) throughout the country via a video conferencing system.

履修上の注意 Notes



れの講義毎に出される課題について書く。出席表により出・欠をとる。 10 分以上の遅刻は,出席と認めない。

Registration and schedule to be advised.A 1-page report must be submitted for each lecture (on the theme of each lecture) to the UGAS Team

within two weeks after the lecture. Attendance is taken. Students more than 10 minutes late are recorded asabsent.

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総合農学概論Ⅱ(英語) Comprehensive Agricultural Science II (English)

担当教員 Instructor/Coordinator 開講予定表を参照

Refer to the course schedule.

単位数 Credits 1単位 1 Credit

必修・選択 Required/Elective 選択必修 Required elective subject

標準履修年次 Recommended Year 1年次 First year

開講場所 Place 各大学のテレビ会議室

Video conference room at each university

成績判定 Assessment 講義ごとに課されるレポートの内容により,合否判定を副研究科長


8以上= A ,7= B ,6= C ,5= DThe Associate Dean awards a pass or fail for the report required for

each lecture. Final assessment is based on the number of acceptedreports as follows:

A = 8 or more, B = 7, C = 6, D = 5.

概要 Course Outline


る。講義は,英語で行う。講義時間は1講義 90 分で 11 月中旬に,3日間の集中講義形式により 12 講義を開講する。遠隔講義システムで,全国6大学院連合農学研究科( 18構成大学)に於いて同時に開講する。

This course is a series of lectures on the broad spectrum of agricultural science, covering each major fieldwithin the United Graduate School of Agricultural Sciences. The intensive series of twelve 90-minutelectures in English is held over three days in mid-November and conducted simultaneously at six unitedgraduate schools of agriculture (18 constituent universities) throughout the country via a video conferencingsystem.

履修上の注意 Notes



れの講義毎に出される課題について書く。出席表により出・欠をとる。 10 分以上の遅刻は,出席と認めない。

Registration and schedule to be advised.A 1-page report must be submitted for each lecture (on the theme of each lecture) to the UGAS Team

within two weeks after the lecture. Attendance is taken. Students more than 10 minutes late are recorded asabsent.

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科学英語Ⅰ English for Scientific Writing and Presentations I

担当教員 Instructor/Coordinator デニス・マーフィ Dennis Murphy

単位数 Credits 1単位 1 Credit

必修・選択 Required/Elective 選択 Elective subject

標準履修年次 Recommended Year 1年次 First year

開講場所 Place 各大学のテレビ会議室

Video conference room at each university

授業のキーワード Keywords 文法,用法,句読点,論文執筆,科学文書,引用文献,文書様式

grammar; usage; punctuation; writing; scientific document; citation;format

成績判定 Assessment 授業の筆記試験の内容により次のように評価する。 A=90点以上,B=80点~90点未満, C=70点~80点未満, D=60点~70点未満。

注:出席表により,出欠をとる。単位付与のため, 15 講義中 10 講義以上の出席が必要。

A course grade is awarded based on a written take-home test asfollows:A=90 and above, B=80-89, C=70-79, D=60-69.

Note: Attendance is taken. Students must attend a minimum of 10of the 15 scheduled lectures to be eligible for a grade.

概要 Course Outline

科学英語による論文作成の実用技術を身に付ける。授業では,科学英語による詳しい基礎練習(文章,パラグラフ,句読点,文法,用法, 接続単語,および一般的な間違いを防ぐなど), 研究データ報告・発表のための言語,スタイル,イラストの利用,科学論文の構造およびスタイルについて学ぶ。この授業ではタスク形式授業とペアワークといったアクティブラーニングの手法を用いて,積極的に意見交換を行う。

This course provides students with practical skills to improve their use of English for communicationin scientific papers and reports. The lectures cover a detailed review of the basics (sentences,paragraphs, punctuation, grammar, usage, connecting words, and avoiding common mistakes), thelanguage, style, and illustrations used in reporting data, and the structure and style of scientificdocuments. The course uses the active learning techniques of in-class exercises and pair work duringwhich discussion is encouraged.

授業の目的 Course Objectives


1. 文章とパラグラフの基礎や句読点と接続単語の正しい使用法について理解できる2. 一般的な誤りを防ぐことができる3. 研究データを効果的に報告・発表できる4. 科学論文の構成を徹底的に理解できる5. 研究の過程を効果的に科学論文上で報告・発表できる

The purpose of this course is to1. Help students understand the basics of English sentences and paragraphs, and the correct use

of punctuation and connecting words(次頁に続く)

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2. Help students to avoid common writing mistakes3. Guide students to effectively report experimental data4. Provide students with a thorough understanding of the sections of a scientific document5. Assist students to effectively present results, arguments, and hypotheses in a scientific document

授業の到達目標 Course Outcomes


1. 明確かつ文法的に正しい文書を書くことができる2. 適当な接続単語(接続詞等)を使ってパラグラフを構成できる3. 研究データを発表するため,最も適当な方法を選ぶことができる4. 効果的な科学論文題目を作ることができる5. 研究の過程を効果的に科学論文上で表現できる6. 科学論文を正しい書式で執筆し,正しく引用文献ができる

At the end of this course, students should be able to1. Write clear, grammatically correct sentences2. Construct paragraphs using appropriate connecting words3. Select the most appropriate way to present experimental data4. Create effective titles for scientific documents5. Effectively present results, arguments and hypotheses in scientific documents6. Correctly format scientific documents and cite references

ディプロマ・ポリシー(卒業時の到達目標) / 共通教育の理念・教育方針に関わる項目Diploma Policy (expected learning outcomes at graduation) / Shared principles of education andeducational policy


Required skills and power of expression to write a scientific document in English (basic skills)Required specialist knowledge in developing diversified perspectives (specialist skills)

授業のスケジュール Course Schedule

1. オリエンテーション・イントロダクション / 基礎:文章 / 基礎:パラグラフ2. 基礎:パラグラフ(続き) / 基礎:句読点3. 基礎:句読点(続き)

4. 基礎:句読点(続き)

5. 基礎:接続単語(接続詞等) / 基礎:一般的な間違いを防ぐ6. 基礎:一般的な間違いを防ぐ(続き)

7. 基礎:一般的な間違いを防ぐ(続き)

8. 基礎:研究データ報告・発表

9. 基礎:文法と用法

10. 基礎:文法と用法(続き)11. 基礎:文法と用法(続き)12. 科学文書構造 I13. 科学文書構造 I (続き)14. 科学文書構造 II15. 科学文書様式 / 科学文書の引用文献

1. Orientation and Introduction / The Basics-Sentences / The Basics-Paragraphs2. The Basics-Paragraphs (cont.) / The Basics-Punctuation3. The Basics-Punctuation (cont.)


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4. The Basics-Punctuation (cont.)5. The Basics-Connecting Words / The Basics-Avoiding Common Mistakes6. The Basics-Avoiding Common Mistakes (cont.)7. The Basics-Avoiding Common Mistakes (cont.)8. The Basics-Reporting Data9. The Basics-Grammar and Usage10. The Basics-Grammar and Usage (cont.)11. The Basics-Grammar and Usage (cont.)12. The Structure of Scientific Documents I13. The Structure of Scientific Documents I (cont.)14. The Structure of Scientific Documents II15. Formatting Scientific Documents / Referencing in Scientific Documents

受講条件 Prerequisites



There are no prerequisites. However, lectures are conducted in English and all in-class exercises are inEnglish, so students should have an intermediate level of English communication skill. Second-yearstudents are also welcome to take this course.

参考書 (購入する必要はないが,講義資料として使用するため,参考になる図書)

Reference Books (purchase not required but the lecture materials are largely based on these books, sothey may serve as a useful reference)

1. The Craft of Scientific Writing by Michael Alley (Third Edition). Springer. ISBN: 978-03879476622. The Craft of Editing: A Guide for Managers, Scientists, and Engineers by Michael Alley. Springer.

ISBN: 978-03879896483. Successful Scientific Writing: A Step-by-Step Guide for the Biological and Medical Sciences by

Janice R. Matthews and Robert W. Matthews (Fourth Edition). Cambridge University Press. ISBN:978-1107691933

4. Enjoy Writing Your Science Thesis or Dissertation! by Daniel Holtom and Elizabeth Fisher(Second Edition). Imperial College Press. ISBN: 978-1783264216

履修上の注意 Notes




Lecture time: Thursday, 10:00-11:30Lectures are conducted at The United Graduate School of Agricultural Sciences, Ehime University(Tarumi campus) and broadcast simultaneously to Kagawa and Kochi universities via avideo-conferencing system. The classes are interactive with the lecture material shown using MicrosoftPowerPoint.

オフィスアワー Office Hours

午前9時~午後5時(月~金)連合農学研究科 2F 205号(テレビ会議室の反対側)

Monday to Friday, 09:00-17:00Room 205, Second Floor, The United Graduate School of Agricultural Sciences, Ehime University(Tarumi campus) (opposite the video conference room)

E メールアドレス Email Address [email protected]

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科学英語Ⅱ English for Scientific Writing and Presentations II

担当教員 Instructor/Coordinator デニス・マーフィ Dennis Murphy

単位数 Credits 1単位 1 Credit

必修・選択 Required/Elective 選択 Elective subject

標準履修年次 Recommended Year 1~2年次 Years 1-2

開講場所 Place 各大学のテレビ会議室

Video conference room at each university

授業のキーワード Keywords 文法,用法,イラスト,論文執筆,文書,文書様式,プレゼンテーシ

ョ ン

language; usage; illustration; writing; correspondence; scientificdocumtent; presentation

成績判定 Assesment 授業の筆記試験の内容(求職のための履歴書とカバーレター作

成)により次のように評価する。 A=90 点以上, B=80 点~90 点未満, C=70点~80点未満, D=60点~70点未満。注:出席表により,出欠をとる。単位付与のため, 15 講義中 10 講義以上の出席が必要。

A course grade is awarded based on a written take-homeassignment (creating a CV and cover letter for an assigned jobapplication) as follows: A=90 and above, B=80-89, C=70-79,D=60-69.Note: Attendance is taken. Students must attend a minimum of 10of the 15 scheduled lectures to be eligible for a grade.

概要 Course Outline

科学英語Ⅰに引き続き,論文作成とプレゼンテーションの実用技術を身に付ける。 授業では,





This course is a continuation of English for Scientific Writing and Presentations I, providing students withpractical skills to improve their use of English for communication in scientific papers, reports, andpresentations. The lectures cover the general use of English, specific uses of language, illustrations, andavoiding logical fallacies in scientific documents, plus correspondence (such as letters, email, and CVs)and presentations (in particular, the introduction of a more effective type of slide design). The course usesthe active learning techniques of in-class exercises and pair work during which discussion is encouraged.

授業の目的 Course Objectivesこの授業の目的は学生が

1. 正確,明確,容易,端的,簡潔,円滑な英語の書き方を理解できる2. 態(ボイス:能動・受動)と人称(一,二,三),人々に言及する言語,専門用語の適切な利用を理解できる

3. イラスト(表と図)の利用を効果的に理解できる4. 論理的な誤りを理解できる5. 文書(特にカバーレターと履歴書)を確実に理解できる6. 効果的なプレゼンテーションとパワーポイントスライドの作り方を理解できる


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The purpose of this course is to1. Help students to write English that is precise, clear, familiar, forthright, concise, and fluid2. Help students to understand the appropriate use of voice and person, the language used to refer to

people, and jargon3. Help students to effectively use illustrations (tables and figures)4. Provide students with an understanding of logical fallacies5. Provide students with a thorough understanding of correspondence and, in particular, how to create an

effective cover letter and CV6. Assist students in creating effective scientific presentations and presentation slides

授業の到達目標 Course Outcomes


1. 正確,明快,容易,端的,簡潔,円滑に英語を書くことができる2. 態(ボイス:能動・受動)と人称(一,二,三),人々に言及する言語,専門用語を適切に利用できる

3. 研究データを発表するため,イラスト(表と図)を効果的に利用できる4. 論理的な誤りを防ぐことができる5. 文書(特にカバーレターと履歴書)を正確に作成できる6. プレゼンテーションとパワーポイントスライドを効果的に作成できる

At the end of this course, students should be able to1. Write, precise, clear, familiar, forthright, concise, and fluid English2. Appropriately use voice and person, language when referring to people, and jargon3. Effectively use illustrations (tables and figures) to present experimental data4. Avoid logical fallacies5. Create an effective cover letter and CV for a job application6. Create effective scientific presentations and presentation slides using Microsoft PowerPoint

ディプロマ・ポリシー(卒業時の到達目標) / 共通教育の理念・教育方針に関わる項目Diploma Policy (expected learning outcomes at graduation) / Shared principles of education andeducational policy


Required skills and power of expression to write a scientific document in English (basic skills)Required specialist knowledge in developing diversified perspectives (specialist skills)

授業のスケジュール Course Schedule

1. オリエンテーション / イントロダクション / 言語 I (言語を正確に運用する)2. 言語 I (言語を正確に運用する)(続き) / 言語 II (言語を明確に運用する)3. 言語 II (言語を明確に運用する)(続き)4. 言語 II (言語を明確に運用する)(続き) / 言語 III (言語を端的に運用する)5. 言語 IV (言語を容易に運用する)6. 言語 V (言語を簡潔に運用する)7. 言語 VI (言語を円滑に運用する)8. 学名を利用する / 英語の一般的な利用9. 英語の一般的な利用(続き)10. 英語の一般的な利用(続き)11. 様々な訂正の学習 / 論理的な誤りを防ぐ12. 文書(手紙やメール,履歴書など)を効果的に利用する13. イラスト:適切な選択と最適なデザインの作成14. 科学的なプレゼンテーション15. 科学的なプレゼンテーション(続き)


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1. Orientation / Introduction / Language I (Being Precise)2. Language I (Being Precise) (cont.) / Language II (Being Clear)3. Language II (Being Clear) (cont.)4. Language II (Being Clear) (cont.) / Language III (Being Forthright)5. Language IV (Being Familiar)6. Language V (Being Concise)7. Language VI (Being Fluid)8. Handling Scientific Names / General Use of English9. General Use of English (cont.)10. General Use of English (cont.)11. Making Mixed Corrections / Avoiding Logical Fallacies12. Using Correspondence Effectively (Letters, Memos, Emails, CVs, and Résumés)13. Illustrations: Making the Right Choices and Creating the Best Designs14. Scientific Presentations15. Scientific Presentations (cont.)

受講条件 Prerequisites



There are no prerequisites. However, lectures are conducted in English and all in-class exercises are inEnglish, so students should have an intermediate level of English communication skill.

参考書 (購入する必要はないが,講義資料として使用するため,参考になる図書)

Reference Books (purchase not required but the lecture materials are largely based on these books, sothey may serve as a useful reference)

1. The Craft of Scientific Writing by Michael Alley (Third Edition). Springer. ISBN: 978-03879476622. The Craft of Editing: A Guide for Managers, Scientists, and Engineers by Michael Alley. Springer.

ISBN: 978-03879896483. The Craft of Scientific Presentations by Michael Alley (Second Edition). Springer. ISBN:

978-14419827804. Successful Scientific Writing: A Step-by-Step Guide for the Biological and Medical Sciences by Janice

R. Matthews and Robert W. Matthews (Fourth Edition). Cambridge University Press. ISBN:978-1107691933

5. Enjoy Writing Your Science Thesis or Dissertation! by Daniel Holtom and Elizabeth Fisher (SecondEdition). Imperial College Press. ISBN: 978-1783264216

履修上の注意 Notes毎週木曜日の午後1時半から90分授業で実施する。講義は愛媛大学大学院連合農学研究科で



Lecture time: Thursday, 13:30-15:00Lectures are conducted at The United Graduate School of Agricultural Sciences, Ehime University(Tarumi campus) and broadcast simultaneously to Kagawa and Kochi universities via avideo-conferencing system. The classes are interactive with the lecture material shown using MicrosoftPowerPoint.English for Scientific Writing and Presentations II can be taken only after passing English for ScientificWriting and Presentations I.

オフィスアワー Office Hours午前9時~午後5時(月~金)連合農学研究科 2F 205号(テレビ会議室の反対側)Monday to Friday, 09:00-17:00Room 205, Second Floor, The United Graduate School of Agricultural Sciences, Ehime University(Tarumi campus) (opposite the video conference room)E メールアドレス Email Address [email protected]

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プロジェクト型研究科目 Research Project

担当教員 Instructor/Coordinator 副研究科長 Associate Dean

単位数 Credits 1単位 1 Credit

必修・選択 Required/Elective 選択 Elective subject

標準履修年次 Recommended Year 1~2年次 Years 1-2

開講場所 Place 指定なし None specified

成績判定 Assessment 研究成果報告書と発表の内容により合否を判定する。

Assessment is based on a written report and presentation of researchresults.

概要 Course Outline




The purpose of this elective is to help students develop independent task development and problemresolution skills as well as to contribute to fostering leadership through the experience of organizing andrunning their own research project and project team.

After a project is completed, students are expected to prepare a report on the results of the research andpresent those results at the Joint Seminar the following year.

履修上の注意 Notes






Students should apply for the Student Research Project Creation Support Program or obtain externalfunding.

Two advisors are assigned to promote, manage and provide advice on the research.Students assume the role of research project leader and submit a report after the project has been

completed. Students are required to give a presentation (in English) at the Joint Seminar the followingyear.

For details, refer to the application announcement sent each year in early May.

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国際化プログラム科目 Internationalization Program

担当教員 Instructor/Coordinator 教育研究コーディネーター・副研究科長

Education Research Coordinator and Associate Dean

単位数 Credits 1単位 1 Credit

必修・選択 Required/Elective 選択 Elective subject

標準履修年次 Recommended Year 1~2年次 Years 1-2

開講場所 Place 指定なし None specified

成績判定 Assessment 報告書の内容により合否を判定する。

Assessment is based on a written report.

概要 Course Outline



The purpose of the Internationalization Program is to help students actively participate in internationalconferences, foster internationalization through presenting research papers, and to stimulate exchange withoverseas researchers as well as stimulate research.

履修上の注意 Notes









※ 集会の名称が国際セミナー・国際シンポジウム等であっても,たとえば交流協定校間での合同研究発



※ 発表者の連名に入っているだけでは,対象とならない。

(4)帰国後,原則として2週間以内に以下のものを連合農学研究科チームに提出すること。① 集会の名称と申請者の発表日程が分かるプログラムまたは講演要旨集の原本。該当ページを付箋等

で示すこと。 ※ 原本は,確認終了後に返却する。

② 学会参加申込み時に提出したアブストラクト(要旨)等 ※ 発表内容が分かる資料(写し可)。

③ レポート 2 ・ 3枚(様式 2 「学生レポート用紙」を用いる)記載内容: 発表・質疑の内容,および参加して得た成果など



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Students can apply for a credit for presenting at an international conference by applying for the SupportProgram for Participation at International Conferences (application in May each year for support fortravel expenses) or securing external funding or using their own funds. Regardless of whether you havebeen selected for the Support Program for Participation at International Conferences, you must apply inadvance for a credit for the Internationalization Program. Once you have decided to present at aninternational conference and apply for the Internationalization Program credit, please submit the Form 7(Application for a Credit for the Internationalization Program) to the UGAS Team.

○ Conditions for Granting of Credit(1)The conference must be an international conference or a jointly sponsored conference, or a scientific

meeting of equivalent or higher status.(2)The conference must be an international conference with participants from several countries.

Specifically, even if the conference is restricted to certain participating groups, the presentations anddiscussion must be at a level expected of an international conference.

* Although the conference may be called an international seminar or international symposium,small gatherings of participants restricted to a certain field or country do not qualify (forexample, a joint presentation with an international affiliated university).

(3)Although both oral presentations and poster presentations are accepted, the applicant must be apresenter or poster presenter.

* An applicant who is a joint participant must give a presentation.(4)The following documents must be submitted to the UGAS Team within two weeks of returning to

Japan.① The original program or presentation summary (not a copy) showing the name of the conference and

the schedule of presentations. Please indicate the appropriate page in the program with a label or thelike.* The original document will be returned after it has been checked.② The abstract you submitted with the application to the conference

* A document showing the details of the presentation (a copy is acceptable)③ A 2-3 page report on your presentation, any questions and answers, what you achieved by

presenting, and any other relevant information. Use Form 2 (Student Report Form).(5)For details, refer to the application announcement sent each year.

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インターンシップ科目 Internship

担当教員 Instructor/Coordinator 副研究科長 Associate Dean

単位数 Credits 1単位 1 Credit

必修・選択 Required/Elective 選択 Elective subject

標準履修年次 Recommended Year 1~2年次 Years 1-2

開講場所 Place 指定なし None specified

成績判定 Assessment 報告書の提出および成果発表(または発表資料の提出)により合否


A pass or fail assessment is based on a report and final presentation(or submitting presentation materials).

概要 Course Outline



Students build practical skills through on-site training at a UGAS accredited institution. Specifically, theyundergo on-the-job training for two or more weeks at a business organization or research institute wherethey acquire task research and problem resolution skills as well as enhance their abilities in oral and writtenexpression.

履修上の注意 Notes





* 職務内容の詳細,連合農学研究科における研究内容と職務との関連,修了後の将来展望など。

Students must decide where, when and what type of practical training to undertake in close consultationwith their academic supervisor.

An Internship Notification form must be submitted to the UGAS Team before the internship. After theinternship, a report and presentation materials must be submitted to the UGAS Team.

One credit is given to working students for submitting a detailed report* related to their current workassignment.* Such as a detailed description of the assigned work, the relationship to the research at UGAS, and futuredirection after completion of the PhD.

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Bioresource Production Science, Applied Bioresource Science andLife Environment Conservation Science Presentations

担当教員 Instructor/Coordinator 主指導教員 Academic Supervisor

単位数 Credits 1単位 1 Credit

必修・選択 Required/Elective 選択 Elective subject

標準履修年次 Recommended Year 1~2年次 Years 1-2

開講場所 Place 別途通知 To be advised

成績判定 Assessment 年に2回ずつ開催される公開審査会および中間発表会のそれぞれ2回以上の参加により単位を付与し,合格「P」の評価を与える。

Credit is given for attending two or more Doctoral DissertationPresentations and two or more Interim Doctoral DissertationPresentations, both of which are held twice a year. A Pass (P) gradeis awarded.

概要 Course Outline学位論文公開審査会や中間発表会に参加することによって,先端的な研究を理解する。事情により,他の選択科目から2単位が修得できない場合に,補完的に1単位を認めるための授業科目。

Attending dissertation presentations and interim presentations helps students gain an understanding of advanced research.These presentations constitute a supplementary subject in which a credit is given if two credits cannot be gained from otherelective subjects.




・学位論文公開審査会: 自分野の発表は原則としてすべて視聴すること。なお,自分野の発表者が複数名いない場合は他




・学位論文中間発表会: 自専攻のいずれの分野が開催した中間発表会も対象となる。参加した発表会の原則すべての発表





Students must attend at least two Doctoral Dissertation Presentations, held in February and August, and at least two InterimDoctoral Dissertation Presentations, held twice a year in any field within your major, for a total of at least four presentations.A report on each presentation attended must be submitted to the UGAS Team. Please refer to the UGAS website for theschedule of presentations.Doctoral Dissertation Presentations: In principle, you should attend all the Doctoral Dissertation Presentations in your ownfield and if there is only one presenter in your field, you should attend the presentations in other fields. You should activelyparticipate in the question and answer period. It is also acceptable to attend the Doctoral Dissertation Presentations in otherfields that you think are necessary when those presentations are held at the same time as presentations in your own field. Youmust get the chairperson of each presentation you attended to sign or affix their seal on the form Attendance at DoctoralDissertation Presentations.Interim Doctoral Dissertation Presentations: You can attend the presentations in any or all the fields within your major. Inprinciple, you must attend ALL the presentations in the field you selected and actively participate in the question and answerperiod. You must get the person responsible for holding the presentation or the facilitating professor to sign or affix their sealon the form Attendance at Interim Presentations for each presentation you attend. If that is not possible because you attendeda video-conference presentation, you should get your supervising professor to sign or affix their seal. As the number ofInterim Doctoral Dissertation Presentations held over a three-year period differs depending on the field, you should try toattend presentations in your own field from your first year as a student. Even if you attend more than one presentation in asemester, it will only be counted as one attendance. You must then attend another presentation in a later semester.

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XI Guideline for the United Graduate School of Agricultural Sciences, Ehime UniversitySUIJI Joint Program Doctor (SUIJI-JP-Dc)

A student registered for SUIJI-JP-Dc (Program-student) will be deemed to have completed the program and adegree will be awarded by UGAS by meeting the requirements of UGAS, completing the Joint EducationalProgram conducted by the host university, and writing a dissertation under the joint supervision of UGAS andthe host university.* Host university is one of three universities in Indonesia: Universitas Gadjah Mada, Bogor Agricultural University, HasanuddinUniversity** SUIJI: Six-University Initiative Japan Indonesia

(1) Schedule outlineA Program-student, in principle, will first take classes at UGAS (hereafter referred to a ‘home university ’) for 6 to 12 months, then take classes (including the Joint EducationalProgram) at the host university for 6 to 12 months, and return to the home university for theremaining period of study.

(2) Study and research support systemA Program-student will study and conduct research under the direction of supervisors fromboth the home and host universities.

(3) Joint Educational ProgramThe Joint Educational Program will be provided to a Program-student in English at the hostuniversity. The program consists of the subjects listed below.

Joint Educational Program

Subject Required / Elective Credits

Dissertation Tutorial Required 1

Seminar Required 1

Comprehensive Agricultural Science Ⅱ Elective 1Required number of credits to complete the Joint Education Program 2 or more

(4) Curriculum and Required Credits for CompletionThe Program-student must obtain 2 credits from the required subjects of the JointEducational Program at the host university for completion of the SUIJI-JP-Dc. TheProgram-student can add two more credits from the elective subjects (1 or 2 credits) providedfrom the host university, including the ‘ Comprehensive Agricultural Science II ’ (1 credit).Up to 4 of the 12 required credits for completion of the doctoral course of UGAS can beobtained at the host university. The Program-student must submit the list of elective subjects,which is not listed in the table of the Joint Education Program, to the dean in advance bynecessary procedures.

(5) DissertationThe Program-student will write a dissertation under the joint supervision of both the homeand host universities.The Program-students must select a supervisor at the host university at the time ofapplication to the program.

(6) Applicants studentThe students registered to UGAS, and possess Japanese citizenship or have permanentresidence status, are eligible for this program.

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様式1 履修計画届 (履修予定科目の申請に用いる)

※ 入学式のオリエンテーション後一週間以内に提出する

様式1-1 同上 生物資源生産学専攻用

様式1-2 同上 生物資源利用学専攻用

様式1-3 同上 生物環境保全学専攻用

Form 1 Course Registration Plan (Use for selecting course subjects)* Given out after Orientation (within 1 week)

Form 1-1 Bioresource Production ScienceForm 1-2 Applied Bioresource ScienceForm 1-3 Life Environment Conservation Science

様式2 学生レポート用紙 (下記授業科目の単位申請時に用いる)





・インターンシップ科目 (実施後の報告書として)

Form 2 Student Report Form (Use to apply for credit for the subjects below)・ Bioresource Production Science Seminar・ Applied Bioresource Science Seminar・ Life Environment Conservation Science Seminar・ Internationalization Program・ Internship (for reports on completion of an internship)

様式3 インターンシップ実施届 (インターンシップ科目の単位申請に用いる)

※ インターンシップ実施前に提出する

※ 社会人学生は提出不要

Form 3 Internship Notification (Use to apply for credit for the Internship program)* Submit before the internship starts* Working students need not submit

様式4 学位論文公開審査会出席報告書 (生物資源生産学/生物資源利用学/生物環境保全学専


Form 4 Attendance at Doctoral Dissertation Presentations (Use to apply for credit for the BioresourceProduction Science, Applied Bioresource Science, and Life Environment Conservation SciencePresentations)

様式5 学位論文中間発表会出席報告書 (同上)

Form 5 Attendance at Interim Presentations (As above)

様式6 報告書(学位論文演習) (学位論文演習の単位申請に用いる)


Form 6 Dissertation Tutorial Trip Report (Use to apply for credit for Dissertation Tutorial)* Submit after the tutorial with the second co-supervisor.

様式7 国際化プログラム科目単位認定申請書 (国際化プログラム科目の単位申請に用いる)


Form 7 Application for a credit for the Internationalization Program (Use to apply for credit for theInternationalization Program)* Submit once you have decided to attend an international conference and apply for theInternationalization Program credit

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Form 1-1 (Bioresource Production Science)Date:

Course Registration Plan

Enrolled (month/year) / Student I.D. NumberStudent NameAffiliated University SupervisorCo-supervisor (University)

First Co-supervisor ( University)Second Co-supervisor ( University)Assistant Supervisor ( University)

I hereby apply for the subjects indicated below.

Selection Subject Category Credits Year

○ Joint Seminar Required Subject 1

○ Bioresource Production Science Seminar Required Subject 1

○ Dissertation Research Required Subject 6

○ Dissertation Tutorial Required Subject 1

Comprehensive Agricultural Science I (Japanese) Required Elective 1Subject

Comprehensive Agricultural Science II (English) Required Elective 1Subject

English for Scientific Writing and Presentations I Elective Subject 1

English for Scientific Writing and Presentations II Elective Subject 1

Research Project Elective Subject 1

Internationalization Program Elective Subject 1

Internship Elective Subject 1

Bioresource Production Science Presentations Elective Subject 1

Applied Bioresource Science Seminar Elective Subject 1

Life Environment Conservation Science Seminar Elective Subject 1

Notes:1) A minimum 12 credits are required for completion: required subjects (9), required elective subjects (1 or

more) and elective subjects (2 or more).2) In the Selection column, mark the subjects you intend to take with a ○ .3) In the Year column enter the year in which you intend to take the subject.

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Form 1-2 (Applied Bioresource Science)Date:

Course Registration Plan

Enrolled (month/year) / Student I.D. NumberStudent NameAffiliated University SupervisorCo-supervisor (University)

First Co-supervisor ( University)Second Co-supervisor ( University)Assistant Supervisor ( University)

I hereby apply for the subjects indicated below.

Selection Subject Category Credits Year

○ Joint Seminar Required Subject 1

○ Applied Bioresource Science Seminar Required Subject 1

○ Dissertation Research Required Subject 6

○ Dissertation Tutorial Required Subject 1

Comprehensive Agricultural Science I (Japanese) Required Elective 1Subject

Comprehensive Agricultural Science II (English) Required Elective 1Subject

English for Scientific Writing and Presentations I Elective Subject 1

English for Scientific Writing and Presentations II Elective Subject 1

Research Project Elective Subject 1

Internationalization Program Elective Subject 1

Internship Elective Subject 1

Applied Bioresource Science Presentations Elective Subject 1

Bioresource Production Science Seminar Elective Subject 1

Life Environment Conservation Science Seminar Elective Subject 1

Notes:1) A minimum 12 credits are required for completion: required subjects (9), required elective subjects (1 or

more) and elective subjects (2 or more).2) In the Selection column, mark the subjects you intend to take with a ○ .3) In the Year column enter the year in which you intend to take the subject.

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Form 1-3 (Life Environment Conservation Science)Date:

Course Registration Plan

Enrolled (month/year) / Student I.D. NumberStudent NameAffiliated University SupervisorCo-supervisor (University)

First Co-supervisor ( University)Second Co-supervisor ( University)Assistant Supervisor ( University)

I hereby apply for the subjects indicated below.

Selection Subject Category Credits Year

○ Joint Seminar Required Subject 1

○ Life Environment Conservation Science Seminar Required Subject 1

○ Dissertation Research Required Subject 6

○ Dissertation Tutorial Required Subject 1

Comprehensive Agricultural Science I (Japanese) Required Elective 1Subject

Comprehensive Agricultural Science II (English) Required Elective 1Subject

English for Scientific Writing and Presentations I Elective Subject 1

English for Scientific Writing and Presentations II Elective Subject 1

Research Project Elective Subject 1

Internationalization Program Elective Subject 1

Internship Elective Subject 1

Life Environment Conservation Science Presentations Elective Subject 1

Bioresource Production Science Seminar Elective Subject 1

Applied Bioresource Science Seminar Elective Subject 1

Notes:1) A minimum 12 credits are required for completion: required subjects (9), required elective subjects (1 or

more) and elective subjects (2 or more).2) In the Selection column, mark the subjects you intend to take with a ○ .3) In the Year column enter the year in which you intend to take the subject.

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Form 2Student Report Form

Date: year month day

Name (Student Number) ( )


Affil iated Universi ty Supervisor

Subject:【 】

Lecturer's name (for lectures only): 【 】

Topic Title:【 】

【 Text 】

* This report is for all subjects. If this space is insufficient, add pages as needed. Please add the page number.

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Form 3

Internship Notification

Date: year month day

To the Dean, The United Graduate School of Agricultural Sciences, Ehime University

Year enrolled:

Student Name: Signature

Academic Supervisor: Signature

(Affiliated University: )

The internship training is to be conducted as follows:

1. Period (mm/dd/yyyy): -

2. Name of Organization:

3. Address of Organization:

4. Instructor Name: Position:

5. Supervisor Name:

Telephone: Fax:

Email address:

6. Internship Outline

(1) Training Project:

(2) Details:

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様式4( Form 4)

学位論文公開審査会出席報告書Attendance at Doctoral Dissertation Presentations

愛媛大学大学院連合農学研究科長 殿To the Dean, The United Graduate School of Agricultural Sciences, Ehime University

年 月 日

Year Month day

入学年度 西暦 年入学 大学

Year Enrolled University




This is to report that I attended the following doctoral dissertation presentations.

1.日時 年 月 日( ) : ~ :Date Year Month day time




Dissertation presentations attended※ 視聴した発表すべてについて,各発表の座長の押印またはサインを受けてください。

* Get seal or signature from the chairperson of each dissertation presentation you attended.

学位論文申請者(発表者)氏名 座長氏名 押印・サイン

Name of Degree Applicant (Presenter) Name of Chairperson Seal ・ Signature

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様式5( Form 5 )

学位論文中間発表会出席報告書Attendance at Interim Presentations

愛媛大学大学院連合農学研究科長 殿To the Dean, The United Graduate School of Agricultural Sciences, Ehime University

年 月 日

Year Month day

入学年度 西暦 年入学 大学

Year Enrolled University


Student Name


This is to report that I attended the following interim presentations.

1.日時 年 月 日( ) : ~ :Date Year Month day time




Interim presentations attended※ 視聴したすべての発表の押印・サイン欄に,その発表会( TV会議室)の座長(代議委員または世話人)または主指導教員の押印またはサインを受けてください。

* Get seal or signature for all interim presentations you attended from the chairperson (person responsible forholding the presentation or the facilitating professor) in the teleconference room or your supervising professor.

発表者氏名 座長(または主指導教員)氏名 押印・サイン

Name of Presenter Name of Chairperson Seal ・ Signature(or Supervising Professor)

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様式6( Form 6)

報告書(学位論文演習)Dissertation Tutorial Trip Report

愛媛大学大学院連合農学研究科長 殿To the Dean, The United Graduate School of Agricultural Sciences, Ehime University

年 月 日

Year Month day

入学年度 西暦 年入学 大学

Year Enrolled University


Student Name


Second Co-supervisor's Name Seal

下記のとおり, 第二副指導教員に研究指導をうけましたので, 報告いたします。Research guidance provided by the second co-supervisor is as follows.

1.日時 年 月 日( ) : ~ :Date Year Month day time



3.指導内容概要 Brief description of guidance※学生が記入すること *Students should fill out the following.

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Form 7

Application for a credit for the Internationalization Program

Date submitted: _____________________Student Name Year

enrolled April / October 20MainSupervisor (Seal or signature)Name ofConference

Dates ____________, ________________ - ____________, ________________(day) (month) (day) (month)

Host country Country:and city City:

Abstract ofpaper

* Title andoutline of paper(Attach copy ifpreferred)

Mode ofPresentation (Oral, poster or otherwise)

Submit to:Ehime University affiliated students: UGAS-EU OfficeKagawa University affiliated students: General Affairs Section, Faculty of AgricultureKochi University affiliated students: Academic Affairs Department, Monobe General Affairs Division

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〒 790-8566 愛媛県松山市樽味3-5-7TEL 089-946-9910 FAX 089-943-5242E-mail : [email protected]://rendai.agr.ehime-u.ac.jp/



〒 761-0795 香川県木田郡三木町池戸 2393TEL 087-891-3008 FAX 087-891-3021


〒 783-8502 高知県南国市物部乙 200TEL 088-864-5113 FAX 088-864-5134

Contact Information for Student Guidance and Curriculum

The United Graduate School of Agricultural Sciences Team, Ehime University3-5-7 Tarumi, Matsuyama, Ehime 790-8566, Japan.Tel: +81 89 946-9910 Fax: +81 89 943-5242Email: [email protected]: http://rendai.agr.ehime-u.ac.jp/

UGAS Support at Kagawa University and Kochi University

General Affairs Section, Faculty of Agriculture, Kagawa University2393 Ikenobe, Miki-cho, Kitagun, Kagawa 761-0795, Japan.Tel: +81 87 891-3008 Fax: +81 87 891-3021

Academic Affairs Department, Monobe General Affairs Division, Kochi University200 Monobe Otsu, Nankoku, Kochi 783-8502, Japan.Tel: +81 88 864-5113 Fax: +81 88 864-5134