含油率および油滴径の異なる粉末化脂質の表面油率 誌名 誌名 日本食品工学会誌 = Japan journal of food engineering ISSN ISSN 13457942 著者 著者 菊池, 耕士 山本, 修一 四日, 洋和 吉井, 英文 安達, 修二 巻/号 巻/号 14巻4号 掲載ページ 掲載ページ p. 169-175 発行年月 発行年月 2013年12月 農林水産省 農林水産技術会議事務局筑波産学連携支援センター Tsukuba Business-Academia Cooperation Support Center, Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries Research Council Secretariat

含油率および油滴径の異なる粉末化脂質の表面油率含油率および油滴径の異なる粉末化脂質の表面油率 誌名 日本食品工学会誌 = Japan journal

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  • 含油率および油滴径の異なる粉末化脂質の表面油率

    誌名誌名 日本食品工学会誌 = Japan journal of food engineering

    ISSNISSN 13457942


    菊池, 耕士山本, 修一四日, 洋和吉井, 英文安達, 修二

    巻/号巻/号 14巻4号

    掲載ページ掲載ページ p. 169-175

    発行年月発行年月 2013年12月

    農林水産省 農林水産技術会議事務局筑波産学連携支援センターTsukuba Business-Academia Cooperation Support Center, Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries Research CouncilSecretariat

  • ]apan ]ournal of Food Engineering, Vol. 14, No. 4, pp. 169 -173, Dec. 2013

    く〉く>く>Original paperく〉く〉く>

    Surface Oil Content of Microcapsules Containing Various Oil Fractions

    and Oil-Droplet Sizes

    Kohshi KIKUCHl1, Shuichi Y品 tIAMOTO¥ Hir叫mzuSHIGA2,

    Hidefumi YOSHII2, and Sh吋iADACHI3,t

    1Department 01 Applied Molecular Bioscience, Graduate School 01 Medicine, 均 mα:guchiUniversity, 2-16-1 Tokiwadai, Ube 755-8611,JIαpan

    2Department 01 ApPlied Biological Science, Faculか01Agriculture Kagawa University, 2393 Ikenobe, Miki-cho, Kita-gun, Kag,αωa 761-0795, Japan

    3Division 01 Food Science and Biotechnology, Graduate School 01 Agriculture, 母'otoUniversiか"Sakyo-ku,めloto606-8502, Japan

    Effects of oil fractions and oil-droplet sizes within microcapsules produced by dehydrating oil-in-

    water (O/i町 emulsionson the surface oil content were examined by simulating the two-and three-dimensional models of percolation, depicted by square and cubic models, respectively. The square

    and cubic models were divided into NoxNo and NoXNoXN日equallattices,respectively, where N,占wasthe number by which a side of the models was divided. A random number ranging from 0 to 1 was

    generated for each lattice. When the number was smaller than a volumetric oil fraction, the lattice

    was considered to be occupied by oil. The oil in the lattices connected with the surface lattice on a

    side or a plane in the two-and three-dimensional models was assumed to be extractable. In both the

    models, the surface oil content was lower when the oil content was lower in the solid microcapsules, especially when the No values are larger (smaller oil droplets). The simulation suggested that the

    smaller droplets were more favorable for the production of microcapsules wherein the oil was hardly

    oxidized.τbe effect of the formation of central voids in the microcapsules on the surface oil content

    was also examined. The formation of larger voids made the content larger, although this effect was not

    significant. Key words: surface oil, microencapsulation, oil-droplet size, percolation

    1. Introduction

    Much attention has been paid to the physiological

    functions of polyunsaturated fatty acids such as docosa-

    hexaenoic and eicosapentaenoic acids, and their health-

    ful benefits [1]. However, they are prone to oxidation

    because of the high degree of unsaturation. The oxida-

    tion causes rancidity, and in certain cases, the oxidation

    products are harmful to the human health [2]. One of the

    methods used for suppressing or retarding the oxidation

    is the microencapsulation of oil within the dehydrated

    wall materials. Microencapsulation involves two steps: i)

    emulsification of oil with a dense solution of a wall mate-

    rial to produce oil-in-water (O/i町 emulsion;and ii)

    dehydration of the resultant O/W emulsion to prepare

    microcapsules. In the latter step, spray drying is com-

    monly used.

    (Received 20 Aug. 2013: accepted 24 Oct. 2013)

    十F昭:+81ー75-753-6285,E-mail: [email protected]

    The oxidative stability of the microencapsulated oil is

    affected by several factors, including the type of wall

    material used [3,4] and drying method [5,6]. The surface

    oil content, defined as the fraction of oil exposed on the

    surface of a microcapsule to the entire oil within the

    microcapsule, is related to the susceptibility of the micro-

    encapsulated oil to oxidation [7,8]. We also reported that

    the oil content was an indication of such susceptibility

    [9,10]. The surface oil content was lower for microcap-

    sules with smaller oil droplets [11,12]. We examined the

    effect of the volumetric fraction of oil to wall material on

    the fraction of easily oxidized oil during the relatively

    short storage period based on the two-and three-dimen-

    sional models of percolation [13].

    In this study, the models of percolation theory [14]

    were adopted to examine the effects of the oil-droplet size

    and oil fraction within microcapsules on the surface oil

    content. Depending on the drying conditions, hollow parti-

    cles with central voids were formed [15]. The effect of the

    void size on the surface oil content was also examined.

  • 170

    2. Theoretical Considerations

    kohshi K1KUCH1. Shuichi YAMAMOTO. Hirokazu SH1GA. Hidefumi YOSHll. and Shuji ADACHl

    Simple square and cubic models were used as the two-

    and three-dimensional models of percolation, respec-

    tively. for the surface oil content. The square and cube

    models were divided into NoXNo and NoXNoXNo equal

    lattices, where No was the number by which a side of the

    square and cube was divided. The larger No corre-

    sponded to the smaller oil-droplet size in the microcap-

    sule. A random number within the range 0-1 was gener-

    ated for a lattice. When the number was smaller than the

    oil fraction in a microcapsule, the lattice was considered

    to be occupied by the oil.

    In the two-and three-dimensional models, the oil was

    extracted from all the four sides of a square and all the

    six faces of a cube, respectively. The oil in the lattices,

    which were connected to the surface lattices on either

    one side or one plane, was considered to be extractable

    in the two-and three-dimensional models. Figure 1

    shows examples of the two-dimensional model for the oil

    fraction 0.35. One side of the square was divided into 10

    and 50 parts, shown in Figs. l(a) and l(b), respectively.

    The lattices shaded in black and gray were occupied by

    oil. The oil in the lattices shaded in black was extractable

    because the lattices were connected to one of the four

    sides of the square via the lattice side; on the other hand,

    the oil in the lattices shaded in gray was isolated, i.e., it

    was not connected to the lattices, and hence, was not

    extractable. The surface oil content of the microcapsules

    was defined as the ratio of the number of lattices shaded

    in black to those shaded in both black and gray.

    For a hollow microcapsule, a small square or cube was

    considered to li巴 insidethe square or cube. Figure 2

    illustrates an example of the two-dimensional model for

    the hollow microcapsule. One side of the inner square or


    薗で 司 直




    Fig. 1 Schematic of two-dimensional model. One side of the

    square is divided into (a) 10 and (b) 50 parts. Lattices shaded

    in black and gray indicate extractable and nonextractable oils. respectively.

    cube was divided into N; parts. The number of lattices in

    the hollow microcapsule was the same as that in the solid

    microcapsule when the No value was increased. In other

    words, the number of lattices was the same for both solid

    and hollow microcapsules. The oil was assumed to be

    extracted from both the outer and inner sides or faces in

    the two-and three-dimensional models.

    The surface oil content was calculated at least 50 times

    with a specific condition of the oil fraction and No value.

    The averaged values were shown through symbols

    together with the standard deviation using bars.

    3. Results and Discussion

    3.1 Surface oil content of solid microcapsules

    Figure 3 shows the effect of the oil fraction in a solid

    microcapsule on the surface oil content. One side of the

    . 回

    • • •

    Fig.2 Schematic of two-dimensional model for hollow

    microcapsule. Outer and inner sides are dividecl into No ancl N; parts. respectively. Lattices shaded in black and gray

    inclicate extractable and nonextractable oils, respectively.

    oo --


    ω 恒

    z 。u

    'o 0.5 ω ι, 目、圃

    = 凶

    。。 0.2 0.4 Oil fraction

    0.6 0.8

    Fig. 3 Surface oil content of solid microcapsules with various

    oil fractions. No indicates the clivisor of a side of the square

    or cube in two-or three-dimensional moclel. Open and

    closed symbols indicate two-and three-climensional models,


  • 171

    ratios were 0, 0.4, and 0.8, and the numbers of lattices

    were 1000x1000 and 250x250X250 for the two-and

    three-dimensional models, respectively. The microcap-

    sule with N/No=O had no voids. Although the surface oil

    content was higher for the microcapsules with larger

    voids, this tendency was not remarkable. This indicated

    that the formation of the central voids was not a crucial

    S,urface oil content of microcapsules

    factor in increasing the surface oil content.

    The effect of the size of the central voids on the sur-

    face oil content was examined in detail with the oil frac-

    tions 0.3, 0.5, and 0.7 for the two-dimensional model and

    with the fractions 0.3, 0.4, and 0.6 for the three-dimen-

    sional model (Fig. 6). The numbers oflattices were 250x

    250 and 250 x 250 x 250 for the two-and three-dimen-

    sional models, respectively, at any NJNo ratio. As men-

    tioned above, it was confirmed that the N/ No ratio did

    not largely affect the content, except at extremely large


    square was divided into No=25, 250, and 2500 parts, co子

    responding to 625, 6.25 x 10¥ and 6.25 x 106 lattices in the

    two-dimensional model. In the three-di凶ensionalmodel,

    one side of the cube was divided into 25, 250, and 1000

    parts.羽市enone side of the cube was divided into 2500

    parts, the number of lattices became so huge that the

    memory of a personal computer was inadequate.

    Irrespective of the number of lattices, the surface oil con-

    tent was higher in the three-dimensional model than in

    the two-dimensional one at any oil fraction. Both in the

    two-and three-dimensional models, the surface oil con-

    tent increased markedly at higher oil fractions. This ten-

    dency was remarkable for the larger No, i.e., for the

    smal1er oil droplet. The large standard deviation of the

    surface oil content for the middle content indicated that

    the oil content had uneven value in every experiment,































    z .. ... E 。u

    宮0.5ω u e虫、.L噌E E色

    even in the absence of any technical error.

    The surface oil content was estimated at different No

    values for the oil fractions 0.10, 0.35, and 0.60 (Fig. 4).

    The content largely depended on the No value, and was

    significantly lower at the smal1er 1/ No• This indicated

    that the decreasing the oil-droplet size in the O/W emul-

    sion was effective in decreasing the surface oil content of

    the microcapsule. However, undue downsizing of the oil

    droplet was unnecessary because the content hardly

    changed when the 1/ No values were sufficiently smal1.




    Fig. 5 Surface oil content of hollow microcapsules at various

    oil仕actions.No and Nj indicate the divisor of outer and inner

    sides, respectively, of square and cube in two-and three-

    dimensional models. Symbols are the same as in Fig. 3.

    0.6 0.4

    Oil fraction 0.2

    3.2 Surface oil content ofhollow microcapsules

    The hol1ow microcapsules are commonly prepared by

    spray drying. The oil in the lattices connected with the

    inner surface of the microcapsules was assumed to be

    extractable. Figure 5 shows the surface oil content of

    hol1ow microcapsules at various oil fractions. The N/ N。


    1.0 ... ..A-ー&ー『邑ー-A--""・ー企斗百二l;:!._-A__.6-A,

    Vo;I~O.4 制

    = ω もd

    E 。u -.o 0.5 ω U 圏、圃』



    -E ω 割

    目。u -.o 0.5 .. U 偲、同』

    E 1J1


    Fig. 6 Effect of the size of central voids on the surface oil

    content of microcapsules with various oil fractions (にρ.




    Fig.4 Effect of oil-droplet size, expressed by l/No, on the

    surface oil content of solid microcapsule.九iIindicates the oil fraction in microcapsule. Symbols are the same as in Fig. 3.



  • 172 Kohshi KIKUCHI, Shuichi YAMAMOTO, Hirokazu SHIGA, Hidefumi YOSHII, and Shuji ADACHI

    The effect of the oil-droplet size, which reflected in

    the 1/ No value, on the surface oil content was examined

    with the N/ No ratios 0, 0.4, and 0.8, and with the oil frac-

    tion 0.3 for both the two-and three-dimensional models

    (Fig. 7). The number of lattices was the same as that in

    Fig. 6. The content was lower for the smaller 1/ No values

    of the hollow microcapsules, indicating the effectiveness

    of downsizing the oil droplet for fabricating microcap-

    sules with low surface oil content.

    Coumans et al. [16] proposed a simpler model to esti-

    mate the effects of the oil fraction and oil-droplet size on

    the surface oil content by assuming the homogeneous

    distribution of oil droplets in the shell of a hollow parti-

    cle. They considered a thin layer on the outer surface

    and assumed that the fat located in the layer was extract-

    able. Our abovementioned results, obtained under a ran-

    dom distribution of oil droplets, were identical to those

    obtained by Coumans et al.

    Two-and three-dimensional models of the percolation

    were used for examining the effects of the oil fraction

    and oil-droplet size on the surface oil content. It was

    reported previously that the relationship between the

    fraction of unoxidizable oil within 15 days and the oil

    fraction could be better expressed by two-dimensional

    model than by three-dimensional one [13], although

    microcapsules are three-dimensional materials.

    However, it is difficult to conclude whether is more ade-

    quate to estimate the effects on the surface oil content,

    two-and three-dimensional models because experimen-

    tal results are still insufficient.

    ー・同。ω CJ 圏、同』




    ‘=: 0.5 = 。


    '" 』...

    0 10-3 10-2


    Fig. 7 Effect of oil-droplet size, expressed by 1/ No, on the

    surface oil content of hollow microcapsules. Oil fraction was

    fIxed at 0.3. No and Ni are indicated in Fig. 5; symbols are the same as in Fig. 3.

    4. Conclusions

    The simulation on the surface oil content of solid and

    hollow microcapsules, based on the percolation theory,

    indicated that the downsizing of oil droplets in an O/W

    emulsion was effective in decreasing the content of both

    the solid and hollow microcapsules. The oil fraction was

    also an important factor that affected the surface oil con-

    tent; the content was lower at lower fractions. The forma-

    tion of central voids hardly influenced the surface oil


    5. Acknowledgements

    This study was performed under the project of The

    Creation of Innovative Technology for Marine Products

    Industry, Program for Revitalization Promotion, ]apan

    Science and Technology Agency aST).


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  • 「日本食品工学会誌J,Vol. 14, No. 4, p. 175, Dec. 2013



    菊池耕士 1,山本修一 l,四日洋和 2,吉井英文 2,安達修二 3,t






    得られた O/Wエマルションを噴霧乾燥などにより急速









    が実質的に停止する未酸化率が高く [9],また油滴が微

    細なほど表面油率が低いことが報告されている [121.


    試みられている [91. 近年,油滴の微細化技術が進展し


    及ぼす影響を傾向的に知るため, 2次元または 3次元の





    の一辺をそれぞれN。分割し,No2または N03個の格子

    (受付2013年 8月20日,受理2013年 10月24日)

    1干755-8611 山口県宇都市常盤台2丁目 16-1

    2干761-0795 香川県木田郡三木町池戸 2393

    3干606-8502 京都市左京区北白川追分町

    十F田 075-753-6285,E-mail: [email protected]



    定した, 2次元および3次元モデルではそれぞれ,表面





    の分割数が Niの正方形または立方体を考え,その比




    する粉末中の脂質の体積分率の閲値が存在し, 2次元モ

    デルより 3次元モデルの方がその値は小さかったまた,

    中空粒子では,NJN,。が大きい(中空が大き p)ほど,表面油率が大きくなった.外辺の分割数 Noの逆数 (1/

    No) は,油滴の大きさに対応する, 2次元および3次元モデルともに,Noが大きいほど,すなわち油滴が小




