量子力学と統計力学を駆使して 物性物理学 物質の力で世界を変革していく 求 幸年 東京大学大学院 工学系研究科 物理工学専攻 物質の中に広がる 量子力学の世界

物性物理学 - 東京大学 · 2017. 6. 23. · 物性物理学がターゲットとするスケール 世界の階層構造:長さスケール 10-15 m 1 1021 1Å 10-6 1μm 10-10

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  • 量子力学と統計力学を駆使して


    物質の力で世界を変革していく求 幸年

    東京大学大学院 工学系研究科 物理工学専攻


  • 物性物理学がターゲットとするスケール



    1 1021






    103 1011








    原子核 結晶中の原子間距離 地球の直径 銀河の直径生物PM2.5赤血球





  • 研究の対象物質科学(マテリアルサイエンス)





  • 共通する普遍的な側面非常に多く(アボガドロ数程度~1023)の原子核と電子相互作用する多粒子系 = 多体問題

    More is different.by P. W. Anderson (1972)

    reductionism vs. constructionism(還元主義 vs. 構成主義)

    intensive vs. extensive(集約的な vs. 広範な)

  • 対称性の破れ









  • 全ての物質は高々100種類程度の元素の組み合わせで出来ている

  • 無限の可能性





    Tc = 134K = -139℃


  • 物性物理学が目指すもの





  • 世界を変革する物質・機能






    高い磁気抵抗効果をもつ物質: 高密度記憶デバイス


  • では,どうやって革新を探求するのか?

    物質は原子核と電子で出来ている物質の性質を決める主役 = 電子

    電子や原子核 ➡ 量子力学に従って運動する


    ➡ 量子統計力学による取り扱い

  • 古典力学 → 量子力学

    ラプラスの悪魔 ー決定論的世界観ーもしもある瞬間における全ての物質の力学的状態と力を知ることができ、かつもしもそれらのデータを解析できるだけの能力の知性が存在するとすれば、この知性にとっては、不確実なことは何もなくなり、その目には未来も(過去同様に)全て見えているであろう。(Pierre-Simon Laplace, 1812)


    �F = m�a = md2�rdt2


    ラプラスの悪魔 ー決定論的世界観ーもしもある瞬間における全ての物質の力学的状態と力を知ることができ、かつもしもそれらのデータを解析できるだけの能力の知性が存在するとすれば、この知性にとっては、不確実なことは何もなくなり、その目には未来も(過去同様に)全て見えているであろう。(Pierre-Simon Laplace, 1812)

  • 古典力学 → 量子力学



    i� ��t

    �(�r, t) = Ĥ�(�r, t)� = h2� h:プランク定数

    �(�r, t):波動関数 Ĥ:ハミルトニアン演算子

    |�(�r, t)|2:量子的な粒子が時刻 , 位置 に存在する確率t �r粒子の運動を決定論的に追いかけることは原理的に出来ない



    �x�p � �2量子的な粒子の位置 と運動量 を同時に 以上の精度で測定することは原理的に出来ない

    x p�2

  • 量子統計力学統計力学:多数の粒子からなる系の巨視的な性質を統計的(確率的)な視点から記述量子統計力学:量子力学に従う多数の粒子に対する統計力学



    ボース粒子 フェルミ粒子ひとつの量子力学的な状態には粒子をひとつずつしか詰めることが出来ない

    光子, ヒッグス粒子, 4He, etc. 電子, 陽子, 中性子, ニュートリノ, etc.

    エネルギー エネルギー

  • 研究の最先端 [1]


    190 J.G. Bednorz and K.A. Miiller: B a - L a - C u - O System

    show strong Jahn-Teller (J.T.) effects [13]. While SrFe(VI)O3 is distorted perovskite insulator, LaNi(III)O3 is a J.T. undistorted metal in which the transfer energy b~ of the J.T. eg electrons is sufficiently large [14] to quench the J.T. distortion. In analogy to Chakraverty's phase diagram, a J.T.-type polaron formation may therefore be expected at the border- line of the metal-insulator transition in mixed perovs- kites, a subject on which we have recently carried out a series of investigations [15]. Here, we report on the synthesis and electrical measurements of com- pounds within the B a - L a - C u - O system. This sys- tem exhibits a number of oxygen-deficient phases with mixed-valent copper constituents [16], i.e., with itinerant electronic states between the non-J.T. Cu a + and the J.T. Cu z+ ions, and thus was expected to have considerable electron-phonon coupling and me- tallic conductivity.

    lI. Experimental

    1. Sample Preparation and Characterization

    Samples were prepared by a coprecipitation method from aqueous solutions [17] of Ba-, La- and Cu-ni- trate (SPECPURE JMC) in their appropriate ratios. When added to an aqueous solution of oxalic acid as the precipitant, an intimate mixture of the corre- sponding oxalates was formed. The decomposition of the precipitate and the solid-state reaction were performed by heating at 900 ~ for 5 h. The product was pressed into pellets at 4 kbar, and reheated to 900 ~ for sintering.

    2. X-Ray Analysis

    X-ray powder diffract 9 (System D 500 SIE- MENS) revealed three individual crystallographic phases. Within a range of 10 ~ to 80 ~ (20), 17 lines could be identified to correspond to a layer-type per- ovskite-like phase, related to the K2NiF, structure ( a=3 .79~ and c=13.21 ~) [16]. The second phase is most probably a cubic one, whose presence depends on the Ba concentration, as the line intensity de- creases for smaller x(Ba). The amount of the third phase (volume fraction > 30% from the x-ray intensi- ties) seems to be independent of the starting composi- tion, and shows thermal stability up to 1,000 ~ For higher temperatures, this phase disappears progres- sively, giving rise to the formation of an oxygen-defi- cient perovskite (La3Ba3Cu601,) as described by Mi- chel and Raveau [16].


    0 .05

    0 . 0 4

    o 0 . 0 3


    0 .02

    oO 0 . 0 2 0

    o 9 ~ 9 ~ o x*

    og t~ ~ ~176176 " !2" 0 .016 a 9 e~x

    9 o 9 x 9 9 o ~176 eex x 9 o ~ 9 x

    ~ o e 9 x 9 o o x

    9 % o o ~ x 9 0 % o o e~ 9 1 4 9 1 4 9 x 9 9 ooo~ o 9149 x x

    9 9 . 9 , x 0 .012

    x x o x x

    o x ~'~Kxxxxxxxxxxxxx~'~ 0 . 0 0 8 o..

    x x o 0 . 2 5 A / c m 2 Ox

    ~,~ 9 0 . 5 0 A / c m 2

    ,x x 0 . 5 0 A / c m 2 ~ . 0 . 0 0 4 OOl -~:

    t I I I o 0 100 2 0 0 3 0 (

    T (K )

    Fig. 1. Temperature dependence ofresistivityin Ba~Las _=Cu505 (a y) for samples with x ( B a ) = 1 (upper curves, left scale) and x ( B a ) = 0.75 (lower curve, right scale). The first two cases also show the influence of current density

    3. Conductivity Measurements

    The dc conductivity was measured by the four-point method. Rectangular-shaped samples, cut from the sintered pellets, were provided with gold electrodes and contacted by In wires. Our measurements be- tween 300 and 4.2 K were performed in a continuous- flow cryostat (Leybold-Hereaus) incorporated in a computer-controlled (IBM-PC) fully-automatic sys- tem for temperature variation, data acquisition and processing.

    For samples with x(Ba)_90%) occurs, which for higher currents becomes partially suppressed (Fig. 1 : upper curves, left scale), This characteristic drop has been studied as a function of annealing conditions, i.e., temperature and 02 partial pressure (Fig. 2). For samples annealed in air, the transition from itinerant to localized behaviour, as indicated by the minimum in resistivity in the 80 K range, is not very pro- nounced. Annealing in a slightly reducing atmo- sphere, however, leads to an increase in resistivity and a more pronounced localization effect. At the same time, the onset of the resistivity drop is shifted

    J. G. Bednorz and K. A. Muller (1986)1987年 ノーベル物理学賞




    Tc = 134K = -139℃(月面の夜間気温 -170℃)

  • 研究の最先端 [1]




    前野 悦輝 教授(京都大学)Sr2RuO4

    秋光 純 教授(青山学院大学)


    細野 秀雄 教授(東京工業大学)LaTMPnO

  • VOI vM+ $5s +vMQ&R PHYSIC:AI. REVIEW LETTERS 11 AvGvsY 1980

    ew et od for High-Accuracy Determination f th F -So e ine- tructure ConstantBased on Quantized Hall Resistance

    K. v. KlitzingHsysikalisches Institut der Universitat Wurzburg, D-8700 ~iirgburg, Federal Re bIIochfeld-Ma gn etlabor des Max-Planck -Ins titut

    urgburg, I'ederal Republic of Germany, andx- anc - nstituts pier PestkorPerforsckung, P 38048-Grenoble, Prance

    G. DordaForschungslaboratorien der Siemens AG, D-8000 Mun0 uncken, Pedera/ RePublic of Germany


    M. PepperCavendish Laboratory, Cambridge CB30HZ Unoted Kingdom

    (Received 30 May 1980)Measurements of the Hall voltage of a two-di ' 1 I

    ~ ] 0 ~ ~wo- imensiona electron gas, realized with a

    si icon metal-oxide-semiconductor field-effect transistor, show that the Hall resiat particular, experimentall well-d

    ow a e a resistance

    which de end only we - e ined surface carrier concentrations h f' d

    p y on the fine-structure constant and speed of li ht d 'as ixe va ues

    the come trg ry of the device. Preliminary data are reported.~ ~ ~o ig, an is insensitive to

    PACS numbers: 73.25.+i, 06.20.Jr, 72.20.My, 73.40.QvIn this paper we report a new, potentially high-

    accuracy method for determining the fine-struc-ture constant, n. The new approach is based onthe fact that the degenerate electron gas in the in-version layer of a MOSFET (metal-oxide-semi-conductor field-effect transistor) is fully cluan-tized when the transistor is operated at heliumtemperatures and in a strong magnetic field oforder 15 T.' The inset in Fig. 1 shows a schem-atic diagram of a typical MOSFET device used inthis work. The electric field perpendicular to thesurface (gate field) produces subbands for the mo-tion normal to the semiconductor-oxide interface,and the magnetic field produces Landau quantiza-tion of motion parallel to the interface. The den-sity of states D(E) consists of broadened 5 func-tions'; minimal overlap is achieved if the mag-netic field is sufficiently high. The number ofstates, NL, within each Landau level is given byV„=ea/I, (&)

    UHI Nli

    25 -2.5



    10 -1.0



    Upp lmVp-SUBSTRATE


    10 15 20




    25where we exclude the spin and valley degenera-cies. If the density of states at the Fermi ener-gy, N(EF), is zero, an inversion layer carriercannot be scattered. , and the center of the cyclo-tron orbit drifts in the direction perpendicular tothe electric and magnetic field. If N(FF) is finitebut small, an arbitrarily small rate of scatteringcannot occur and localization produced b th llxf t

    y e onge arne is the same as a zero scattering rate,

    i.e., the same absence of current-carrying statesoccurs. ' Thus, when the Fermi level is between

    n=Q -n=l n=2= Vg/V

    FIG. l. Recordings of the Hall voltage U and thvol

    H, an e

    ftage drop between the potential prob Uo es, &&, asa

    unction of the gate voltage V at T = 1.5 K. The con-stant magnetic field {B) is 18 T and the source draincurrent, l, is 1 A.p, . The inset shows a top view of thedevice with a length of I =400 pm, a width of 8' =50 pm,and a distance between the potential probes f Ip,m.

    es o && =130


    研究の最先端 [2]

    量子ホール効果K. von Klitzing et al. (1980)1985年 ノーベル物理学賞



    ➡ 日常のスケールで量子力学の世界が現れた


  • 研究の最先端 [2]


    RH =1n


    e2ホール抵抗: (nは整数)



    RK =h

    e2= 25.812804434(84) k� 10桁の精度!

    強い磁場のもとで電子の運動が量子化 ➡ 離散的なエネルギー準位(ランダウ準位)の形成




    量子化 (整数化):系のもつトポロジカルな性質に強く関連トポロジ― (位相幾何学):連続変形によるカタチの分類法

  • 研究の最先端 [3]

    トポロジカル絶縁体C. L. Kane and E. J. Mele (2005)20XX年 ノーベル物理学賞?






    arise due to a perpendicular electric field or interactionwith a substrate. The fourth term is a staggered sublatticepotential (!i ! "1), which we include to describe thetransition between the QSH phase and the simple insulator.This term violates the symmetry under twofold rotations inthe plane.H is diagonalized by writing "s#R$ #d% !

    u#s#k%eik&R. Here s is spin and R is a bravais lattice vectorbuilt from primitive vectors a1;2 ! #a=2%#


    ŷ " x̂%. # !0; 1 is the sublattice index with d ! aŷ=


    . For each k theBloch wave function is a four component eigenvectorju#k%i of the Bloch Hamiltonian matrix H #k%. The 16components of H #k% may be written in terms of theidentity matrix, 5 Dirac matrices !a and their 10 commu-tators !ab ! '!a;!b(=#2i% [9]. We choose the followingrepresentation of the Dirac matrices: !#1;2;3;4;5% !#$x ) I;$z ) I;$y ) sx;$y ) sy;$y ) sz%, where thePauli matrices $k and sk represent the sublattice and spinindices. This choice organizes the matrices according toT . The T operator is given by "jui * i#I ) sy%jui+. Thefive Dirac matrices are even under T , "!a",1 ! !awhile the 10 commutators are odd, "!ab",1 ! ,!ab.The Hamiltonian is thus

    H #k% !X5

    a!1da#k%!a $


    a 3

    !!!3p%SO the gap is domi-

    nated by %v, and the system is an insulator. 3!!!3p%SO > %v

    describes the QSH phase. Though the Rashba term violatesSz conservation, for %R < 2

    !!!3p%SO there is a finite region of

    the phase diagram in Fig. 1 that is adiabatically connectedto the QSH phase at %R ! 0. Figure 1 shows the energybands obtained by solving the lattice model in a zigzagstrip geometry [7] for representative points in the insulat-ing and QSH phases. Both phases have a bulk energy gapand edge states, but in the QSH phase the edge statestraverse the energy gap in pairs. At the transition betweenthe two phases, the energy gap closes, allowing the edgestates to ‘‘switch partners.’’

    The behavior of the edge states signals a clear differencebetween the two phases. In the QSH phase for each energy

    in the bulk gap there is a single time reversed pair ofeigenstates on each edge. Since T symmetry preventsthe mixing of Kramers’ doublets these edge states arerobust against small perturbations. The gapless statesthus persist even if the spatial symmetry is further reduced[for instance, by removing the C3 rotational symmetry in(1)]. Moreover, weak disorder will not lead to localizationof the edge states because single particle elastic backscat-tering is forbidden [7].

    In the insulating state the edge states do not traverse thegap. It is possible that for certain edge potentials the edgestates in Fig. 1(b) could dip below the band edge, reduc-ing—or even eliminating—the edge gap. However, this isstill distinct from the QSH phase because there will nec-essarily be an even number of Kramers’ pairs at eachenergy. This allows elastic backscattering, so that theseedge states will in general be localized by weak disorder.The QSH phase is thus distinguished from the simpleinsulator by the number of edge state pairs modulo 2.Recently two-dimensional versions [10] of the spin Hallinsulator models [11] have been introduced, which underconditions of high spatial symmetry exhibit gapless edgestates. These models, however, have an even number ofedge state pairs. We shall see below that they are topologi-cally equivalent to simple insulators.

    The QSH phase is not generally characterized by aquantized spin Hall conductivity. Consider the rate ofspin accumulation at the opposite edges of a cylinder ofcircumference L, which can be computed using Laughlin’sargument [12]. A weak circumferential electric field E canbe induced by adiabatically threading magnetic fluxthrough the cylinder. When the flux increases by h=eeach momentum eigenstate shifts by one unit: k! k$2&=L. In the insulating state [Fig. 1(b)] this has no effect,since the valence band is completely full. However, in theQSH state a particle-hole excitation is produced at theFermi energy EF. Since the particle and hole states donot have the same spin, spin accumulates at the edge.The rate of spin accumulation defines a spin Hall conduc-tance dhSzi=dt ! GsxyE, where

    TABLE I. The nonzero coefficients in Eq. (2) with x ! kxa=2and y !


    d1 t#1$ 2 cosx cosy% d12 ,2t cosx sinyd2 %v d15 %SO#2 sin2x, 4 sinx cosy%d3 %R#1, cosx cosy% d23 ,%R cosx sinyd4 ,

    !!!3p%R sinx siny d24

    !!!3p%R sinx cosy

    0 2π0 2π−1



    −5 0 5−5


    5 IQSH

    λ / λR

    λ / λv SO


    ka kaπ π

    (a) (b)

    FIG. 1 (color online). Energy bands for a one-dimensional‘‘zigzag’’ strip in the (a) QSH phase %v ! 0:1t and (b) theinsulating phase %v ! 0:4t. In both cases %SO ! :06t and %R !:05t. The edge states on a given edge cross at ka ! &. The insetshows the phase diagram as a function of %v and %R for 0<%SO - t.

    PRL 95, 146802 (2005) P H Y S I C A L R E V I E W L E T T E R Sweek ending

    30 SEPTEMBER 2005

