CCA RATCN NEWJf Serving B«ea Raton and Deerfield Beach VOL. 1 NO. 12 Boca Raton, Florida, Friday, February 17, 1956 PRICE 10<fc Methodist Church Make Plans For $32,000 Building Fund The Rev. Elton G. Powell, pastor of the Community Metho- dist Church, has announced jdans for a $32,000 building fund campaign to be conducted Feb. 19 through March 12. The Boca Raton Methodist Church, which has been a part the community for 31 years, will seek funds to erect a new educational building in keeping with the present growth of the church and anticipated future needs. The membership roster now lists 150 persons and 200 aonstitutents. The leaders of a campaign task force of 40 are now being selected and the first meeting is being called for Sunday, Feb. 19, immediately after the wor- ^^hip service. The entire con- gregation is invited to attend services that mor ning. Rev. John M. Sikes, campaign director, will be present to apeak on the theme, "Keeping the Temple with the Times". He is pastor of the First Methodist Church of pompano B.each and has conducted several church building campaigns and, has par- ticipated in campaigns in chur- -Ohes of which he has been pas- tor. At the close of Sunday's meet- ing, the captains will begin en- listing four workers each to as- sist in the campaign work. The next meeting of the cam- paign will be Friday, Feb. 24, according to Fred C. Jungbluth, chair man of the building fund. Pioneer Boca Resident Dies Funeral services for William Perry Purdom, 87, S.W. First Ave., Boca Raton, were held Monday afternoon at the Boca Raton cemetery with Dr. T.E. Wortham, pastor of the First Baptist Church, Lake Worth, officiating. Mr. Purdom died Friday after- noon at a West palm Beach hos- pital, following an extended ill- ness. He was a retired farmer, coming to Boca Raton in 1905 from Volusia county. He was a member of the Baptist Church. Honorary pallbearers were J.M. Tanner, Lyle Prichard, , L.A. Zimmerman and Maurice Stokes. Survivors include his wife, Mrs. Florence Purdom, daughters Miss Audrey Purdom and Mrs. Eula Raulerson, Boca Raton; Mrs. Viola Poston, Miami; Mrs. Thelma- Barnes and Mrs. Ernes- tine Robinson, Lake Worth; sons, Harry Purdom, Delray Beach; and Cliff purdom, Texas; a sister, Mrs. Annie Raulerson, and a brother, Tom Purdom, of Seville, Pla.; ten grandchildren and nine great grandchildren. Mr . and Mrs. Purdom celebrat- ed their 63rd wedding anniversary in December. Council Calls Meeting to Review Conditions Caused by Inlet Stoppage Patronize the Home Town Merchants -- It Pays *Boca Raton Art Guild Exhibition at Club March 5 - 9 The sixth annual exhibition of the Boca Raton Ar t Guild will take place in the mezzanine gal- lery of the Boca Raton Club, March 5 through March 9. The place for the show is made pos- through the cooperation Mr, and Mrs. J. Myer Schine, Club owners. All proceeds of the exhibition will go toward the building fund of the proposed library and cul- tural arts center. Directing the many activities is the president, Mrs. Arnold MacSpadden. The jury of selec- tion will include Mrs. Joseph Shapiro and Mrs. A.K. Merrill who will be co-chairmen. Serv- ing on the committee will be -j|Kobert Kraeuter, Mrs. Francis Howard of Boca Raton and Herbert Kniffin of Ft. Lauder- dale. Exhibitors may enter as many as three works of art. The galle- ry holds some 200 paintings and 30 tables of crafts. Mrs. Frederick J. Matthews said the demand for craft tables has been great and registration -;^s now closed. Many interesting crafts will be on exhibition and for sale during the five-day show. Making plans for the craft , exhibit are Mrs. Anthony Moj- kowski, Mrs. John Spencer, Mrs. Paul Howard, Mrs. Charles Fr acker and Mr s. Edwin Baker. A preview cocktail party will be given by Mr. and Mrs. J. Myer Schine for members, patrons and the press, March 4, from 5 to 7 p.m. The program and catalog for the exhibit will be compiled by a committee with Mrs. Anthony Mojkowski, chairman. Serving also are Richard Pfieffer, local artist who is designing the cover, Edward J. Beck, Mrs. Beatrice Landry, Mrs. T.A. Sieferth and Mr s. William Maxfield. Mrs. Charles Spalsbury and her committee are making plans for the gala ball, March 9, which will conclude the art show. The event will also be held at the Club. Mrs. Edward j. Beck is now re- ceiving requests for painting reg- istration and rules for the ex- hibit from artists all over Flori- da. Registration of pictures will -be Wednesday, Feb. 29, at the Winfield Park Shopping Center on N. Federal Hwy. Many prominent artists are planning to exhibit and the jury of awards will be announced soon. Chairman of the hanging committee this year will be Aaron Smock, Delray artist. Other mem- bers will be announced later. Bank Directors Named Tuesday Directors of the Bank of Boca Raton elected Charles Spalsbury chairman of the boar d and Thom- as Fleming, president, following the organizational meeting of . stockholders, Tuesday after- noon, at the Town Hall. Other officers elected were: William M. Stowe, executive vice president, and Spencer E. Bo- wan, cashier. Directors elected by stockhold- ers, in addition to Spalsbury, Fleming and Stowe, were Frank P. Firer, Richard B. Mann, j. Myer Schine, W.W. Thomson, Robert D. Tylander, W. George Whitehouse and Louis A. Zim- merman. The meeting was called by Spalsbury, who has been serv- ing as chairman since the found- ing of the bank organization in the fall. Date for opening of the bank, now under construction, is de- pendent upon the delivery of some of the necessary equip- ment. It is anticipated that the opening will be some time next month. Services This Morning For William McCauley Graveside services will be held at 10:30 a.m. today, for William 1. McCauley, at the Boca Raton Cemetery, with Rev. Father John J. Kellaghan, of the St. Vincent Ferrer's Church, officiating. Mr. McCauley, 66,- passed away Tuesday afternoon at the Boca Raton Club where he has been employed since 1944. He was from Marlboro, Mass. He was a member of the St. Vincent Fer- rer's Church and has been resid- ing at the Closer Inn, on Pal- metto park Rd. Survivors include a brother, I.S. McCauley, of pointsmouth, N.H.; and one sister, Mrs. Anna Fanning, of Newton, Mass. Two Days Left To Get Auto Tag Mrs. Carl Douglas, local auto tag agent, reminds residents that only two days remain for buying 1956 auto tags. No ex- tension date has been authoriz- ed in securing tags. Mrs. Douglas's office is at Boca Raton Motor s. York Will Head Red Cross Campaign Otto Yark wilf head the local Red Cross fund drive. The campaign will take place in March and volunteers and other committee workers will be announced later, he said. How to open the Boca Raton Inlet so that water may flow. thr ough brought the town coun- cil, Town Engineer L.C. Prich- ard and a representative of Mur- phy Construction Co., together yesterday after noon. mecmoB Boca Raton Girl Wins Contest Dorothy Steiner, 19-year-old local beauty queen, once again claimed a royal title when she was chosen queen of the Florida Citrus Exposition in Winter Ha- ven, Wednesday night. Miss Steiner recently was named co-winner of the Ameri- can Bicycle contest at the Boca Raton Club, with Miss Carol Baldwin, of West Palm Beach, and along with many other titles, was chosen "Miss Dixie" seve- ral years ago. Miss Steiner, who was spon- sored by the Boca Raton Cham- ber of Commerce, is a 5 ft.7%in. brunette, and succeeds Iflas Sally Ardrey, of Bradenton, in her recent contest. Dianne Williams, of Gaines- ville, and a student at the Uni- versity of Miami; Durlene John- son, of Clearwater, and a stu- dent at Florida State University; Sherli Deas, of Ft. Myers, and Melinda Jones, of Daytona Beach, were chosen as Miss Steiher's maids of court. The new citrus queen will re- ceive an all-expense trip to Europe, a $5,000 complete ward- robe, and for the first time in history, will go under contract to the Florida Citrus Commission with a retainer fee of $200 a month. Mr. and Mrs. David Rausch, Crange, Conn., are staying at the Charles Holmes' residence in Deerfield Beach. The group viewed the inlet which has been closed for some months with water of the Intra- coastal Waterway backing up into Lake Boca Raton. Letters from Boca Raton resi- dents protesting the pollution of waters because of the clogged islet were read at the town council meeting Tuesday night. The letters asked that the inlet be opened immediately. The town council called the meeting yesterday afternoon so that the situation might be re- viewed and efforts made to re- lieve the present condition. Town Attorney Henry Lilien- thal pointed out that the inlet does not appear on county maps, but apparently it is the property at the Boca Raton Club. Later Prichard said that the inlet is not platted on county maps be- eause early" government maps tailed to show the inlet. The abbutting property and that under the water was sold by the government. Upon request of Councilman Andrew Brennan, the council appropriated $2,500 for tempo- rary clearing of the inlet. Councilman Melvin Schmitt was named the town's repre- sentative to confer with the State Road Department and the County Commission on highway and road needs of the area. The. council and civil service board set Tuesday for a meeting to consider job reclasslfication carrying a 10 percent pay In- crease for city workers. The council met yesterday af- ter noon to complete reading of the new comprehensive zoning ordinance and map before the public hearing to be held last night. $20,000 Auto Suit Filed A Boca Raton resident has filed a $20,000 suit against the National Trucking Co. for dam- ages- incurred in a collision, Oct. 20, on SR5, two miles north of Boca Raton. Avis Chenoweth, the local resident, alleges negligence on the part of Eugene Knott, driver of the other vehicle, in her suit filed in circuit court Wednesday. Tile complaint states that the plaintiff was thr own against the steering wheel of her car, injur- ing her chest, legs and back. The accident occurred when the trailer-truck, driven by Knott, was said to have run into the rear of the car in which Miss Chenoweth was r iding. George Mehlman is attorney for the plaintiff. Fashion Show Earns $475 The fashion show at the Ber- nard V. Sturz home, Thursday, brought the palm Beach County Heart Fund $475. More than 250 guests attended. _J

CCA RATCN NEWJf - DigiFind-ItCCA RATCN NEWJf Serving B«ea Raton and Deerfield Beach VOL. 1 NO. 12 Boca Raton, Florida, Friday, February 17, 1956 PRICE 10

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Page 1: CCA RATCN NEWJf - DigiFind-ItCCA RATCN NEWJf Serving B«ea Raton and Deerfield Beach VOL. 1 NO. 12 Boca Raton, Florida, Friday, February 17, 1956 PRICE 10

CCA RATCN NEWJfServing B«ea Raton and Deerfield Beach

VOL. 1 NO. 12 Boca Raton, Florida, Friday, February 17, 1956 PRICE 10<fc

Methodist Church Make PlansFor $32,000 Building FundThe Rev. Elton G. Powell,

pastor of the Community Metho-dist Church, has announcedjdans for a $32,000 buildingfund campaign to be conductedFeb. 19 through March 12.

The Boca Raton MethodistChurch, which has been a part

the community for 31 years,will seek funds to erect a neweducational building in keepingwith the present growth of thechurch and anticipated futureneeds. The membership rosternow lists 150 persons and 200aonstitutents.

The leaders of a campaigntask force of 40 are now beingselected and the first meetingis being called for Sunday, Feb.19, immediately after the wor-

^ ^ h i p service. The entire con-gregation is invited to attendservices that mor ning.

Rev. John M. Sikes, campaigndirector, will be present toapeak on the theme, "Keepingthe Temple with the Times". Heis pastor of the First MethodistChurch of pompano B.each andhas conducted several churchbuilding campaigns and, has par-ticipated in campaigns in chur-

-Ohes of which he has been pas-tor.

At the close of Sunday's meet-ing, the captains will begin en-listing four workers each to as-sist in the campaign work.

The next meeting of the cam-paign will be Friday, Feb. 24,according to Fred C. Jungbluth,chair man of the building fund.

Pioneer BocaResident Dies

Funeral services for WilliamPerry Purdom, 87, S.W. FirstAve., Boca Raton, were heldMonday afternoon at the BocaRaton cemetery with Dr. T.E.Wortham, pastor of the FirstBaptist Church, Lake Worth,officiating.

Mr. Purdom died Friday after-noon at a West palm Beach hos-pital, following an extended ill-ness. He was a retired farmer,coming to Boca Raton in 1905from Volusia county. He was amember of the Baptist Church.

Honorary pallbearers were J.M.Tanner, Lyle Prichard, , L.A.Zimmerman and Maurice Stokes.

Survivors include his wife,Mrs. Florence Purdom, daughtersMiss Audrey Purdom and Mrs.Eula Raulerson, Boca Raton;Mrs. Viola Poston, Miami; Mrs.Thelma- Barnes and Mrs. Ernes-tine Robinson, Lake Worth;sons, Harry Purdom, DelrayBeach; and Cliff purdom, Texas;a sister, Mrs. Annie Raulerson,and a brother, Tom Purdom, ofSeville, Pla.; ten grandchildrenand nine great grandchildren.

Mr . and Mrs. Purdom celebrat-ed their 63rd wedding anniversaryin December.

Council Calls Meeting to ReviewConditions Caused by Inlet Stoppage

Patronize the Home TownMerchants -- It Pays

*Boca Raton Art GuildExhibition at Club March 5 - 9The sixth annual exhibition

of the Boca Raton Ar t Guild willtake place in the mezzanine gal-lery of the Boca Raton Club,March 5 through March 9. Theplace for the show is made pos-

through the cooperationMr, and Mrs. J. Myer Schine,

Club owners.All proceeds of the exhibition

will go toward the building fundof the proposed library and cul-tural arts center.

Directing the many activitiesis the president, Mrs. ArnoldMacSpadden. The jury of selec-tion will include Mrs. JosephShapiro and Mrs. A.K. Merrillwho will be co-chairmen. Serv-ing on the committee will be

-j|Kobert Kraeuter, Mrs. FrancisHoward of Boca Raton andHerbert Kniffin of Ft. Lauder-dale.

Exhibitors may enter as manyas three works of art. The galle-ry holds some 200 paintings and30 tables of crafts.

Mrs. Frederick J. Matthewssaid the demand for craft tableshas been great and registration

-;^s now closed. Many interestingcrafts will be on exhibition andfor sale during the five-dayshow. Making plans for the craft

, exhibit are Mrs. Anthony Moj-kowski, Mrs. John Spencer, Mrs.

Paul Howard, Mrs. CharlesFr acker and Mr s. Edwin Baker.

A preview cocktail party willbe given by Mr. and Mrs. J. MyerSchine for members, patrons andthe press, March 4, from 5 to 7p.m.

The program and catalog forthe exhibit will be compiled bya committee with Mrs. AnthonyMojkowski, chairman. Servingalso are Richard Pfieffer, localartist who is designing the cover,Edward J. Beck, Mrs. BeatriceLandry, Mrs. T.A. Sieferth andMr s. William Maxfield.

Mrs. Charles Spalsbury andher committee are making plansfor the gala ball, March 9, whichwill conclude the art show. Theevent will also be held at theClub.

Mrs. Edward j . Beck is now re-ceiving requests for painting reg-istration and rules for the ex-hibit from artists all over Flori-da. Registration of pictures will

-be Wednesday, Feb. 29, at theWinfield Park Shopping Centeron N. Federal Hwy.

Many prominent artists areplanning to exhibit and the juryof awards will be announcedsoon. Chairman of the hangingcommittee this year will be AaronSmock, Delray artist. Other mem-bers will be announced later.

Bank DirectorsNamed Tuesday

Directors of the Bank of BocaRaton elected Charles Spalsburychairman of the boar d and Thom-as Fleming, president, followingthe organizational meeting of .stockholders, Tuesday after-noon, at the Town Hall.

Other officers elected were:William M. Stowe, executive vicepresident, and Spencer E. Bo-wan, cashier.

Directors elected by stockhold-ers, in addition to Spalsbury,Fleming and Stowe, were FrankP. Firer, Richard B. Mann, j .Myer Schine, W.W. Thomson,Robert D. Tylander, W. GeorgeWhitehouse and Louis A. Zim-merman.

The meeting was called bySpalsbury, who has been serv-ing as chairman since the found-ing of the bank organization inthe fall.

Date for opening of the bank,now under construction, i s de-pendent upon the delivery ofsome of the necessary equip-ment. It is anticipated that theopening will be some time nextmonth.

Services This MorningFor William McCauley

Graveside services will beheld at 10:30 a.m. today, forWilliam 1. McCauley, at theBoca Raton Cemetery, with Rev.Father John J. Kellaghan, of theSt. Vincent Ferrer's Church,officiating.

Mr. McCauley, 66,- passed awayTuesday afternoon at the BocaRaton Club where he has beenemployed since 1944. He wasfrom Marlboro, Mass. He was amember of the St. Vincent Fer-rer's Church and has been resid-ing at the Closer Inn, on Pal-metto park Rd.

Survivors include a brother,I.S. McCauley, of pointsmouth,N.H.; and one sister, Mrs. AnnaFanning, of Newton, Mass.

Two Days LeftTo Get Auto Tag

Mrs. Carl Douglas, local autotag agent, reminds residentsthat only two days remain forbuying 1956 auto tags. No ex-tension date has been authoriz-ed in securing tags.

Mrs. Douglas's office is atBoca Raton Motor s.

York Will HeadRed Cross Campaign

Otto Yark wilf head the localRed Cross fund drive.

The campaign will take placein March and volunteers andother committee workers will beannounced later, he said.

How to open the Boca RatonInlet so that water may flow.thr ough brought the town coun-cil, Town Engineer L.C. Prich-ard and a representative of Mur-phy Construction Co., togetheryesterday after noon.


Boca Raton GirlWins ContestDorothy Steiner, 19-year-old

local beauty queen, once againclaimed a royal title when shewas chosen queen of the FloridaCitrus Exposition in Winter Ha-ven, Wednesday night.

Miss Steiner recently wasnamed co-winner of the Ameri-can Bicycle contest at the BocaRaton Club, with Miss CarolBaldwin, of West Palm Beach,and along with many other titles,was chosen "Miss Dixie" seve-ral years ago.

Miss Steiner, who was spon-sored by the Boca Raton Cham-ber of Commerce, is a 5 ft.7%in.brunette, and succeeds IflasSally Ardrey, of Bradenton, inher recent contest.

Dianne Williams, of Gaines-ville, and a student at the Uni-versity of Miami; Durlene John-son, of Clearwater, and a stu-dent at Florida State University;Sherli Deas, of Ft . Myers, andMelinda Jones, of DaytonaBeach, were chosen as MissSteiher's maids of court.

The new citrus queen will re-ceive an all-expense trip toEurope, a $5,000 complete ward-robe, and for the first time inhistory, will go under contractto the Florida Citrus Commissionwith a retainer fee of $200 amonth.

Mr. and Mrs. David Rausch,Crange, Conn., are staying atthe Charles Holmes' residencein Deerfield Beach.

The group viewed the inletwhich has been closed for somemonths with water of the Intra-coastal Waterway backing upinto Lake Boca Raton.

Letters from Boca Raton resi-dents protesting the pollution ofwaters because of the cloggedislet were read at the towncouncil meeting Tuesday night.The letters asked that the inletbe opened immediately.

The town council called themeeting yesterday afternoon sothat the situation might be re-viewed and efforts made to re-lieve the present condition.

Town Attorney Henry Lilien-thal pointed out that the inletdoes not appear on county maps,but apparently it is the propertyat the Boca Raton Club. LaterPrichard said that the inlet isnot platted on county maps be-eause early" government mapstailed to show the inlet. Theabbutting property and thatunder the water was sold by thegovernment.

Upon request of CouncilmanAndrew Brennan, the councilappropriated $2,500 for tempo-rary clearing of the inlet.

Councilman Melvin Schmittwas named the town's repre-sentative to confer with theState Road Department and theCounty Commission on highwayand road needs of the area.

The. council and civil serviceboard set Tuesday for a meetingto consider job reclasslficationcarrying a 10 percent pay In-crease for city workers.The council met yesterday af-

ter noon to complete reading ofthe new comprehensive zoningordinance and map before thepublic hearing to be held lastnight.

$20,000 AutoSuit FiledA Boca Raton resident has

filed a $20,000 suit against theNational Trucking Co. for dam-ages- incurred in a collision,Oct. 20, on SR5, two milesnorth of Boca Raton.

Avis Chenoweth, the localresident, alleges negligence onthe part of Eugene Knott, driverof the other vehicle, in her suitfiled in circuit court Wednesday.

Tile complaint states that theplaintiff was thr own against thesteering wheel of her car, injur-ing her chest, legs and back.

The accident occurred whenthe trailer-truck, driven by Knott,was said to have run into therear of the car in which MissChenoweth was r iding.

George Mehlman is attorneyfor the plaintiff.

Fashion Show

Earns $475

The fashion show at the Ber-nard V. Sturz home, Thursday,brought the palm Beach CountyHeart Fund $475. More than 250guests attended.


Page 2: CCA RATCN NEWJf - DigiFind-ItCCA RATCN NEWJf Serving B«ea Raton and Deerfield Beach VOL. 1 NO. 12 Boca Raton, Florida, Friday, February 17, 1956 PRICE 10

Editorial PagePage 2 THE BOCA RATON NEWS Friday, February 17, 1956

Impa't as much as you can of your spiritual being to those who areon the road with you, and accept as something precious what comesback to you from them.—Albert Schweitzer

Boy Scouts

..Friday, February 17, 1956 THE BOCA RATON NEWS Page 3,

Forty six years ago a great youth move-ment was founded and this week the countrypays tribute to the Boy Scouts of America.

Of the countless weeks set aside to callattention to everything from pickles to free-dom, we cannot think of one more deservingof sincere commendation than Boy ScoutWeek.

More than 3% million boys belong to this'fine organization which has gained a reputa-tion for being the best safeguard against ju-venile delinquency this country has.

A favorite story of ours was related by aBoy Scout leader, who said that during WorldWar II, no man with a Boy Scout backgroundwas ever jailed on one of the largest Armyposts in the country. This is significant be-cause parents can be assured that while theirchildren are pursuing the Scout program ofhandcrafts and outdoor living, they are also

building strong character.During this Boy Scout Week there should

be more than praises for the work of the or-ganization. It should also be a time foradults to ask themselves if they are able tohelp with Scouting.

Rev. Marvin Murphy, West Palm Beach min-ister, says that leadership for youth is need-ed; that money contributions alone are notenough. He emphasizes that adults shouldwork with youth organizations like the BoyScouts as well as their own children.

It would be a fine thing if this nationalobservance of Boy Scout Week would instill adesire in many men, whether they have sonsor not, to take part in the Boy Scout work.They will feel deeply rewarded for their ef-forts, especially when they can look backover die years and realize that they had ashare in shaping a boy's character and life.

Church Building FundBoca Raton Methodists will begin a cam-

paign next week to raise funds for erectingan educational building. The $32,000 whichthe church hopes to secure during the com-ing campaign will be used toward the pro-posed $50,000 educational building.

The Methodist congregation has • been apart of this community since 1925 and it isgood to see the group grow as it has donein recent years.

Churches are a 'bulwark of this nation'sfreedom. The right to choose the church inwhich one wants to worship is a privilege

enjoyed by people in few other countries.The work the churches do in making a God-loving people is recognized by most peoplewhether they are affiliated with churches ornot.

The effort of the local Methodists in build-ing additional church facilities is part ofthose of Christian churches everywherewhich build a strong foundation so that com-munism and other such ideologies do notgrow in this country where freedom of wor-ship is basic.

Patronize the Home TownMerchants -- It Pays

Our ReadersBoca Raton News:

I wish it were possible for us

Ricitard Porter of Delray Beach, formerly of Boca Raton, scored8 hole-in-one recently on the golf course of the Boca Raton Cluband Hotel. Porter hit his first ace from the 14th tee of the famouslinks, the ball dropping into the cup after a 126-yard drive.—SyPox photo

Boca Raton NewsPublished on Friday

Robert L. and Lora s . Britt,

SUBSCRIPTION RATES: 1 year - S3; 2 years - $5

to personally express our appre-ciation for your terrific interestand enthusiasm for the recentFlorida Products Festival, it wasa resounding success by everystandard and in every phase ofits activity.

Because of your interest,hundreds of our Florida citizensMe better acquainted with Flori-da goods, products and services.There is no doubt that in the fu-ture, if we can retain this enthu-siasm, that many economic bene-fits will accrue.

Already, we are planning thesecond annual Festival. We in-vite your suggestions, commentsand your personal help.

Again our thanks for your par-ticipation in the first annualFestival.

With best wishes, I am

Sincerely,B.R. Fuller, Jr.Executive Director

Boca Raton News:Your newspaper has been ex-

ceedingly generous in givingpublicity to the French FlowerMart of the Boca Raton GardenClub.

Its members are most appre-ciative as am I, the publicitychairman.

Yours most sincerely,Ethel FrackerMrs. Charles S. FrackerBoca Raton

Mr. and Mrs. Edmond j . spenceand daughter Sue were guestslast Wednesday night of Mr. andMrs. Don L. Jordan, Roanoke,Va., and Mr. Francis O'Connorat the Boca Raton Hotel andClub. Mr. Jordan is president ofJohnsoa-Carper Furniture Com-pany of Roanoke.

Jti^tBy LoraS. Britt

All Boca Raton will join incongratulating Dorothy Steinerupon winning the title of CitrusQueen at Winter Haven Wednes-day night.

Of course there was never anydoubt in our minds about whoshould bring home the title.Dorothy is not only a beautifulgirl, but she is charming,

Perhaps the first to "dis-cover" Dorothy was Photograph-er Hank Cohen.

Like other press photographers,he sees many lovely young girlswhile making pictures for thenumerous beauty contests whichpop up in every city and hamletthese days.

It was when Dorothy was a15-year-old Seacrest high schoolstudent that she entered theGladioli Festival's queen con-test. Hank predicted .even beforethe night of the exciting eventthat the "little girl from BocaRaton'' would be the win-ner. And she was. Ever since,Hank has not missed an oppor-tunity to photograph her.

Dorothy went on to -win otherbeauty contests and received thecoveted "Miss Dixie" titleseveral years ago. She recentlywas named co-queen of the Amer-ican Bicycle Association.

To mention so many titles thatDorothy has achieved might makeone think that she does nothingbut think of beauty contests.Quite the contrary. She has beengetting an education during thepast few years and is majoringin music at college.

Wherever Dorothy appears,she captivates those who meether by her wholesome ladylikemanner.

Boca Raton can well be proudof her. We know she will bringthis community much goodwill.

ing the drive and fervor thathave been hers in working for thelibrary, the Art Guild and otherorganizations.If the sale of the Club is con-

summated, and Hildegarde nolonger considers Boca Ratonwinter home, impetus given tocommunity endeavors by her en-thusiasm and efforts will longbe remembered.

Probably the biggest story ofthe week for South Florida isthe possibility that J, MyerSchine will sell his beautifulBoca Raton Club to ArthurVining Davis.

As one far on the outer ring ofactivities emanating from theClub, my reaction is only one ofsober reflection upon how closethe Schines have become asso-ciated with this community. Par-ticularly, ray thoughts turn toHildegarde Schine, a splendidwoman of dynamic energy whohas gladly lent her help in pro-moting some fine civic pro-jects.

"Lent her help" i s actually avery inadequate way of express-

Chamber BoardWill MeetNext Thursday

By RUTH E. LAWSON %•Chamber Executive Secretary

At this writing our DorothySteiner is on her way to the Cit-rus Queen contest, however, weare sure today's papers willcarry the results which we haveso anxiously awaited.

The Florida power and lightCompany has announced thatthey are bringing the famedtraveling exhibition of the HenryFord Museum and the Encyclo-pedia Americana to the F lo r ida^East Coast Railway Station inWest Palm Beach, Track 36,starting Wednesday, Feb. 15through Monday, Feb. 20, 2 to 8p.m. We hope everyone can seethis famous exhibit, particularlythe children.

BULLETIN: February 13-29,1956, is "Eat More FloridaGrapefruit" campaign, as pro-claimed by Governor Collins.Let's all do our best to stimu- ^late the sale and use within W~the State of fresh grapefruit. Dur-ing these same dates a cam-paign will also be launchedthroughout the Nation.

Remember our new phonenumber 86381

We are pleased to hear of themany members who plan to at-tend our next board of directorsluncheon meeting which will beFeb. 23. All members will havebeen advised prior to that dateof the time and place. ^

Ocean Front TractBought by Hoysgaards

William and Carl Hoysgaard,of Ft. Lauderdale, purchased an100-foot tract of land, extendingfrom the ocean to the intracoas-tal Waterway in Redlhamraersubdivision north of Boca Ra-ton, for $28,500, it was reportedthis week.

Janet and N.R. Field were thesellers of the property.




First In War

First in Peace

First in the.Hearts of HisCountry Men


First in Savings

First in Boca

" f t

Coming Events

Sat., Feb. 18, Book Review, 8 P.m., at the home of Mr. andMrs. Thomas F. Fleming, Jr., 434 N.E. 9th St.

Sun., Feb. 19, Community Methodist Church CampaignMeeting - after Church Services.

Thurs., Feb. 23, Newcomers, Dinner and Meeting, Sun CoveRestaurant, 6:30 p.m.

This is to Announce

The Opening of Cherrie'sCOFFEE SHOP

Saturday Morning at 7 a.m.Meals Daily 7 a.m. - 8:30 p.m.

A1A - DeerfieSd Beach

FIRST East Of FEDERALOn Palmelto Park Road

Where "Thousands" Save "Mi l l ions"

and Every Account is Insured Up To


Current |jf Dividend

Come in and Watch Your Savings Grow

Total Assets

More Than

$7 Million



§ 99 East Palmetto Park RoadDelray Beach Office 645 E. Atlantic Ave.

Save to Plan

Plan to-Build

Build to Prosper

Page 3: CCA RATCN NEWJf - DigiFind-ItCCA RATCN NEWJf Serving B«ea Raton and Deerfield Beach VOL. 1 NO. 12 Boca Raton, Florida, Friday, February 17, 1956 PRICE 10

THE BOCA RATON NEWS. Friday, February 17._1956-

Woman's "Page

Second Annual Sidewalk ArtSnow Successful Dispite Weather

BPW CharterPresentationFebruary 29Charter presentation ceremonies

for the Business and ProfessionalWoman's Club will take placeFeb. 29. Mrs. Eleanor Beboutand her committee will selectthe place for the meeting.

The club made plans for theevent and the men's fashionshow at a meeting, Mondaynight, at the Bebout Bldg. withMrs. Eve Pence conducting the*business session.

The men's fashion show willbe the first fund raising projectof the club and will be heldnext month.Mis. Jean Pence's resigna-

tion as chairman of the financecommittee was received. Thelub made plans for a large

;.'.elegation to attend the biennialconvention at Miami Beach,June 30-July 6, in Miami Beach.

got* &Ufot


Phone 8561

The second annual sidewalkart show of the Boca Raton ArtGuild was successful and color-ful in spite of the bad weather .

The show was continuedthrough Sunday when many guestsvisited the displays of watercolor, oil and lacquor paintings,drawings and textile paintings.

The paintings, donated by JeanMaxwell and William Corbett,both of Ft. Lauderdale, weregiven to Mrs. Leon Lewis andWilliam Morgan both of BocaRaton. Artists sent pictures fromalong the coast.

The committee expressed itsapBecjiation to John Spencer forhis' contribution of the woodenpanels on which paintings weredisplayed and to Mr. Pr endergastand John Loughery who helpedto Bet up the poles for the clothes-line show.

Floral and art exhibits at theFrench Flower Mart, Saturdaydrew visitors from nearby townstogether with many motorists whowere attracted by the color -andholiday atmosphere.

A mid-afternoon turn in theweather interrupted progressbriefly,, but the sale was resum-ed and continued until earlyevening and was re-opened Sun-day morning.

This was the second yearlypresentation of the Boca RatonGarden Club. Mrs. Anthony Moj-kowski was general chairmanand Mrs. Charles Spalsbury,assistant chairman.



Mrs. H.B. Faitn, MIS. Josepn Shapiro andMrs. Arnold MacSpadden at the "clotheslineshow" and French Flower Mart, Saturday, in

Sanborn Square park, before a background -„.the Town Hall.—Hank Cohen photo

Mr. and Mrs. James Caldwell,Banyan Rd., returned recentlyafter spending several days inthe Keys fishing.

Open at Noon

For Lunch

Full Course

Dinners and

a la Carte


10 P.M.

A 1 A O N T H E O C E A N I N B O C A R A T O N

Art Guild NamesBall Chairmen

Committee chairmen have beenappointed for the first annualArt Guild Ball, to be held March9 at the Boca Raton Club.

Meeting at the home of Mrs.Charles Spalsbury, generalchairman of the event", BocaRaton Art Guild members namedto head committees includedMrs. James Caldwell, tickets;Mrs. Reginald Nefzger and Mrs.Freddy Martin, decorations;Honorary Guild President Mrs. J.Myer Schine, door prizes; Mrs.Thomas Fleming and Mrs. Rich-ard Mann, special menus; Mrs.H. Jamison Steinbaugh, tablefavors; Mrs. William Lamb, res-ervations; and Mrs. G. MooreLapham, publicity.

The gala Ball will culminatethe annual Gnlld arts and craftsexhibition which opens thisyear on March 5.

Valentine BallHeld Saturday

Several members of Beta SigmaPhi and their husbands attendedthe Valentine Sweetheart BallSaturday night, Feb. 11, givenby the Beta Sigma Phi Chapterin Fort Lauderdale at the BahiaMar.

Mrs. Gloria Turner and Mrs.Jean Liberty represented theBoca Raton Chapter as contes-tants for the Queen of the Ballcontest. ''jGWSf.. placed secondand third-respectively. A memberof the Fort Lauderdale Chapterwon first place. As winners, thegirls received some lovely giftsincluding evening purses, per-fume, dinner tickets, jerseysweater and gift certificates.

BIG SALEFor the Small Suspender Set

Close-out complete stock, two shops, infants,and children's wear, little boys' and littlegirls up to size six. Darling items through-out including very fashionable swim and sunstyles. All drastically reduced for clearance.


111 E. Palmetto Park


Catholic Women'sParty Successful

About 200 persons attendedthe Catholic Women's Valentineparty Saturday at the jalfcertLaboratory. The hall was deco-rated with palms and valentines <and a buffet supper was servedfollowing dancing and games.

The-next regular meeting of theclub will be held March 6, at thehome of Mrs. Jetzen, 1255 N.E.Fourth Court. A rummage isplanned for March.

Keep Florida Green

Young Jimmy Morris in thecowboy suit sent by an auntftora Albuquerque, N.M., forhis birthday on Valentine Day.

Jimmy Morris TwoOn Valentine's

Jimmy Morris, son of Mr. andMrs. James Morris, N.W. FirstSt., celebrated his second birth-day, Tuesday, at the home of hisgrandparents, Mr. and Mrs. L.A.Zimmerman, S. Federal Hwy.

Helping the young man cele-brate on his "Valentine birthday"were Cindy and Stevie Coggin,Eileen Troxell, Judy Shryock,Arlene Brittain and Mrs. TomCoggin, Mrs. Earl Troxell andMrs. John Olsson.


Leo Durochers At3oca Raton Club

Leo Durocher of baseball fameand his wife, Larraine Day, ar-rived Tuesday from BeverlyHills, Calif., for a visit at theBoca Raton Club.

Among other prominent guestsat the club recently were Mr.and Mrs. Pierre S. duPont 3rd,Wilmington, Del.; Magda Gabor,New York City; Jeannette Davis,New York City; Prince and prin-cess Martin Lubomirski;, PoliceCommissioner James Nolan andMrs. Nolan, New York City.




His "SingingSaxophone" and


Yours to enjoythroughout theseason. An incom-parable cuisine,c o m b i n e d withdancing to Mar-tin's music at BocaRaton will high-light your holidayin FloridaTelephone Brunofor reservations —Boca Raton 8561

Tnininy Armour and FredPfrry welcome you tothe world famous BecaRaton Hotel golf courseand. tennis courts

Few Steps from Post Office


Fluff -Dry and Folded

Personally Speaking


Mr. and Mrs. Newell Wallaceentertained 60 friends at theLauderdale Beach Club Thurs-day night. Guests were fromColumbus, Ohio, Boca Raton,Delray Beach and Port Lauder-dale.

Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Cohan,Nelson Howe and Mrs. RichardJ^ann attended the races atviialeah this week.

Mr. and Mrs. Thorkil Asche-houg of Mamroneck, N.Y., havereturned after visiting Mr. andMrs. Richard Mann.

Mr. and Mrs. R.A. porter havereturned from New York after at-tending the graduation of theirdaughter, Carol, at the AmericanAcademy of Dramatic Art where

H.D. Gates• Realtor

Phone 9812South Federal Highway

At 3rd St.

= ,



When your health seems underpar, don't take chances. Seeyour doctor and follow his in-structions carefully, complete-ly. If he prescribes, let us fillyour prescription. You- may besure only the finest, purest,

' most effective pharmaceuti-cals will be used. In drugs asin health, only the best will do.


Phone 9491

she had the lead in "The Bar-retts of Wirapole Street."

Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Howe anddaughter, Sallie, have returnedto St. Louis, Mo., after visitingMr. and. Mrs. James Howe. Mr.and Mrs. William Dooley havearrived to be guests at theHowe home.

Mr. and Mrs. "E.R. Luedtke ofDelray Beach had as their din-ner guests Wednesday night atthe Driftwood Club Mrs. MarthaSteinbaugh, Mrs. G. Jamisonand Miss Mary Jamison.

Dr. H. Valentine Wildman, Jr.,professor of psychiatry at NewYork Medical College, and Mrs.Wildman are en route to Havana,Cuba. On their way they willvisit his brother, Capt. Cyril K.Wildman, and Mrs. Wildman inBoca ^taton. Present houseguestsof the Wildmans are Mr. and Mrs.William JJ.. Chesebrough of North-port, L.I.

Mr. and Mrs. Robert Kraeuterhave as their house guests Mrs.Ff&nk Behrle of West Orange,N.J., who is en route to Mexicoon a painting trip. Mrs. Behrleis the New Jersey president ofthe National Artists ProfessionalLeague.

Mr. and Mrs. Henry Frey ofBaltimore, Md., are houseguests of Mr. and Mrs. A. Neal,Palmetto park Rd.

Mrs. Richard Lockeby and hertwo daughters, Kathy and Debbie,who have been visiting Mrs.Lockeby's mother, Mrs. KatherineKisselle page of DeerfieldBeach, returned Sunday to theirformer home at Turner Air ForceBase, Atlanta, Ga.

Newcomers To TownListed by Hostess

Mrs. Nicky Babb, WelcomeWagon hostess, announces thefollowing newcomers to BocaRaton:

Mr. and Mrs. Howard Mills ofNiles, Ohio, in Ocean Heights;Mr. and Mrs. Frank Slaherty ofWisconsin, in Boca Villas; Mr.and Mrs. Herbert Chittenden, ofColumbus, Ohio,, in Riveria; Mr.and Mrs. Alvin Bossenberry ofGrand Bend Ontario, Can., inHomorama; and Mr. and Mrs.William James of Louisville,Ky., at N.E. Second Ave.

LAWN and GARDENDesigning - Planting - Maintenance

Bring your Garden Problems to us without obligationTRAINED and EXPERIENCED PERSONNEL


Tropical Trees and Plants Fertilizers - Insecticides


ieA, ^Inncorpora980 NO. FEDERAL HWAY.

P. 0. Box 145 - Telephone 8017



Mrs. MitcliellBeta Hostess

Epsilon Pi Chapter of BetaSigma Phi held their first so-cial meeting Wednesday, Feb. 8,at the home of Mrs. William Mit-chell.

Mrs. Jean Johnson of the Del-ray Beach Chapter gave a talkand practical demonstration oninterior decoration. With a minia-ture room, it was shown how thearrangement of furniture and com-binations of colors, textures andpatterns affected a room. Mrs.Johnson also brought with hersome samples of work she haddone with shell and dried arrange-ments on wall placks.

Guests included Mrs. JohnLunger, director of Epsilon Pi,Mrs. Joseph. Shapiro, sponsor,Mrs. CO. Beery of the DelrayBeach Chapter and Miss NormaBeery. Mrs. Harold Turner,sponsor, was unable to attend,jftttefreshments were served

afterwards.The next meeting will be held

Wednesday, Feb. 22, at- thehome of Mrs. Dora Lunger.

_Friday, February 17.1956 THE BOCA RATON NEWS Page 5

Ann Richard'sEn^a^ementTola by Parents

Dr. and Mrs. Donald ClarkRichards of "Richlands," Eaa-ton, Pa.; and Deerfield Beach,have announced the engagementof their daughter, Ann ConverseRichards, to Douglas NevinCook, son of Mrs. Nevin JohnCook of Bethleherrii Pa.

The bride-elect is a graduateof St. Mary's Hall, Burlington,N.J., and is a senior at VassarCollege, Poughkeepsie, N.Y.

Her fiance is a graduate ofLehigh University and is a mem-ber of Theta Delta Chi. He ison leave from Bell TelephoneCo. of Pennsylvania while serv-ing in the Army.

A June wedding in Easton isplanned.

St. Vincent'sFashion Snow

Countess d'Oultremont andMrs. Guy Pinner are assistingwith plans for a fashion showand tea to be given by St. Vin-cent Ferrer's Catholic Church,Feb. 28, at the Boca RatonClub.

Mrs. N.W. Jeran, N. OceanBlvd., is general chairman ofthe affair, with Mrs. MargaretStump in charge of tickets. Fas-hions modeled by prominent wo-men of the area will be featuredat the benefit. Also to be shownis a luxurious bridal gown do-nated by Mrs. Jeran, which willbe given away as a prize duringthe afternoon festivities.

The public is invited and res-ervations are being accepted byMrs. Allen Sstabrook, telephoneDelray 7358, Countess d'Oultre-mont at 9387 and Mrs. HarrietW. Cada, pompano Beach 3-1897.

For Classified Ads, Call Boca 9005

>l C M 1 S I F ) T S " ^ n d bl°cked fltodu skirtsL£ND)N6 LIBRARY an"S B A T I K SKIRTSA l A (OPP- DR/FTWOO0 CLUB) BOCA RATON

Mr. and Mis. Pierre S. du Pont in'of Rockland, Del., attend aCocktail party at the Boca Raton Club. Mr. and Mrs. du Pont areregular winter season guests at the Club.-Sy Fox photo

BirthsMr. and Mrs. Clifton R. Good of

'almetto park Ed. announce thebirth of a daughter, Feb. 14, atBrowaid General Hospital. Theour pound, seven ounce girl hasieen named Karen Marie..

Cub Scouts Thank

PTA for Donation

Gubmaster Paul Bebout, Jr.,announced that a letter, of thankshad been sent to the ParentTeacher's Association for i tsdonation of $25 to the Cub Scouts,at the Cub meeting, last Wednes-day.

Den flags have been receivedand the pack flags have beenordered, he reported. _ _

Sports Wear






Next to Post Office

OCEANAIREConstruction Co.Free Estimates — No obligationAll types of General Contracting

Offices 165 E. Palmetto Park

Phone 8345 PO Box 6 1 1


Servedon aFlamingSivord





Our Famous

L1M1Seafood 4

PIEChar-BroiledSteak Dinner


SUN COVEOne of the Gold Coast's Nenest and Mncst Kestaarants

Parry and Catering FacilitiesMacFeggan'i (former owner of Tuna Gdrdens)

Phone Boca RMCO. SO83

Cocktail Lounge Package Store3 Blocks S. of Deerfield Traffic Light en U.S. 1

i i

Page 4: CCA RATCN NEWJf - DigiFind-ItCCA RATCN NEWJf Serving B«ea Raton and Deerfield Beach VOL. 1 NO. 12 Boca Raton, Florida, Friday, February 17, 1956 PRICE 10

THEJ1OCA BATON jmday, February 17, 1956g j y , F r u a r y 17, 1956

Hospital BallPlans ReadiedThe Bethesda Hospital Ball,

Feb. 28, at the Boca Raton Clubwill be the first major fund rais-ing event for the proposed hos-pital, to be erected betweenDelray Beach and Boynton Beach.

Those buying tickets may earmark their contribution to thebuilding- fund or for general ex-penses. Mrs. J.R. Nieder ischairman of the ticket commit-tee.

Thousands of gladioli will beused in decorating the PatioRoyale of the club, under thedirection of B : c Lawson of Del-ray Beach. Local chairmen as-sisting with the decorating axeMrs. Low.ell Kern of DelrayBeach and Mrs. Clarence Jonesof Boca Raton.

Special table arrangements forindividuals wishing to join largergroups are being made by Mrs.Karl Snyder of Delr ay Beach andMrs. William O'Donnell of BocaBaton. Reservations may beBade, by phoning Boca Raton

Plans for Uie March 27 hospital election are made by membersof the Southeast Palm Beach County Hospital District and DeWittUpthegrove, County registrar. L. to r. are Col. A.L. Fabens,commissioner, Delray; Paul Mercer, commissioner, Boynton Beach;Emory Barrow, commissioner chairman, Delray; Upthegrove, andMrs. Charles Spalsbury, commissioner, Boca Raton.—Hank Cohenphoto

8561.Honorary chairmen of the gala

benefit will be Mr. and Mrs. War-ren Grimes of Delray Beach.

Use Telephone to Obtain TaxInformation Says Director

SpecialTMs Week


Free AntennaInstallation With

any RCA orDumont 2]-inch

set. SEE

Use of the telephone early inthe, filing period to obtain taxInformation was suggested todayby District Director Laurie W.Tomlinson of the,Internal Reve-nue Service to taxpayers whofind themselves with one or twoproblems in preparing their 1955Federal income tax returns. Thetelephone number to be called bytaxpayers of this area is TEmple2-8669, the West palm Beachfield office.

"Most taxpayers", Tomlinsonsaid, "should be able to com-plete preparation of their ownreturns with careful study ofthe tax forms and accompanyingbooklet instruction. In those in-stances, however, where inter-pretation of regulations is com-plicated by special conditions,the district office will gladlyprovide assistance", he said.

IVM i{ \ M

"Taxpayers who begin prepara-tion of their returns now will beable to obtain needed informa-tion more easily than if theywait until the closing days ofthe filing period. They wiXHalsofind it possible to prepare amore accurate return, and onewhich will permit them to com-pute all possible deductions,"Mr. Tomlinson said. He pointedout that the instruction bookletreceived by Florida taxpayerswith their 1955 forms is as sim-ple as writing on a complicatedsubject can be.

NAM Calls ForLegislation ToPrevent Abuse

Opposite City Hall

Telephone 9530

J. DAYV'. i \ < V

BOCA ELECTRICFor Quick Service Phone

GEO.BIEGLER, 9 9 8 5

GEARHART DAY SCHOOLDelray Beach - ntb, year in Florida


LABORATORY - LANGUAGES - SCIENCESSmall Groups . . . Private Tutoring

"Home School" Books . . . .State Curriculum



701 N. Federal Hwy.

The National Association ofManufacturers, Friday, calledtot legislation to prevent "grossabases of power" by laborunions.

Meeting in the Boca EatonHotel, the NAM board of direc-tors unanimously agreed that thepublic interest requires appro-priate legislation to protect em-ployers and the general publicfrom these abuses.

The NAM said employees mustbe protected in their right to joinunions if they choose, but italso said employees should notbe required to join unions to get,or keep their jobs.

Furthermore, the NAM boardsaid, both employees and em-ployers should be protectedfrom coercion by violence, re-taliation, threats or boycotts.

It also mentioned work limita-tions, featherbedding, misuse ofunion funds for political pur-poses and dictation of • labor-management relations on an in-dustry wide basis through con-trol of the labor supply.

The NAM held a week-longconvention at the Boca RatonHotel and Club.

W.P.Always As Represented


Associated withDr. W. D. Jackson, Dentist

Brownies HoldValentine Party

Brownies held their annualValentine party Tuesday, underthe leadership of Mrs. FrancisBrittino, assisted by Mrs. EthelTaylor.

Prizes in the game3 were wonby Lucille Morandes, Linda St.John, Susan plungus and JoanManning.

Refreshments were served anda Valentine cake was donatedby Mrs. Clifford St. John. Therewere 30 present including guests.

Mr. and Mrs. John JosephMalone of the Cove in DeerfieldBeach are entertaining Lieut,and Mrs. LeRoy Emanuelson ofOrange, Conn., for the week-end.

Opposite Driftwood Otsb

^County RegistrarComing Today

DeWitt Upthegrove, palm BeachCounty registrar, will be in BocaRaton at the City Hall today andtomorrow, Monday and Tuesday,to take registrations, in order toqualify registrants must havelived in the state for one year;six months in the county and 30days in the precinct,

' HI The Democr atlc primary willbe May 8.


Doors Open 6:45Monday - Friday

Continuous Showsfrom 3:00 Sat. fit Sun.

Last Day - Thursday, FeB."I6Humphrey Bogart - Gene Tierney"THE LEFT HAND OF GOD"


The Rldgeton, cooperative apartments, which H.B. Ebert ofBoca Raton will construct at McCormick Mile, Ocean Ridge.Ebert announced plans for the enterprise this week.

Friday - Saturday, Feb. 17-18Richard Kgan - Dana Wynter

COLOR by _ . _ , 3. DELUXE C I N E M A S C O P E a§

Sunday-Tuesday, Feb. 19*20-21


Approx. 200 Acres,Close lit, Boca Ratost.

$1000. Per Acre of29% Down

Balance 3 yrs. of 5%

Wednesday - Thursday, Feb. 22-23

SECRETARIALtelephone answeringpublic stenographer addressingmiraeogr«>hing a n d

notary public mailingclub-or ganization wor k


U L L ! A N ABBOTT 165 E . Palmetto Park


" M o o n l i g h t on the W a t e r "

J a c k Lfnton a t the Hammond

Cocktails on the DockSaturday Matinee

Luncheon 1 2 - 2Dinner 5 - 10

Sun. & Hoi. 3 - 9

Continental Cuisine ByChef Andy Anderson From

In Miami

Mr. & Mrs, Carl E, Hedlund, Vow Hosts Phone Boca878®



Ebert PlansNew Cooperative

H.B. Ebert of Boca Raton hasannounced plans for the con-struction of a group of coopera-tive apartments at McCormichMile in Ocean Ridge. The newenterprise will be known as theRidgeton.

Ebert has recently completedtwo cooperatives here, the firstin Boca Raton.

The Ridgeton will consist of16 apartments and two penthousesand will be located 400 yardssouth of the Boynton Beach in-let.

Designed by Henry Harding,Palm Beach architect, everyapartment will have an oceanview. Private parking areasand private cabanas will be in-cluded. A swimming pool withraised • cabana deck will be aninnovation of the Ridgeton.

DR. THOMAS M. SHOAFOptometrist

204 East Atlantic Ave. Delray Beach Phone .6672

UiaLLan.H O M E C O O K I N G


Wonderful Submarine Sandwichesin two sizes - 654 anc l $1-00

Pizza - Macaroni Dishes - Sandwiches of all KindsWhite aad Bed Chianti. Other Wines and Beer.


PHONE 9 7 8 7

Scientific Swedish MASSAGESGUARANTEED Finest

Good Health Is an Asset -- Poor Health a Liability

Nude-SunbathingColonic Irrigation

Cabinet 3athsScotch Douche

Avoid painful sunburn on the. beachget suntanned IJI our Solarium

LINDEN'S HEALTH CLUBFor Your Health's Sake, Call Ken Linden

Reasonable Prices Boca Raton Hotel Phone 8561

"Can't Take ItWith You" PlavsThrough Saturday

The play "You Can't Take ItWith You1' is being presentedthis week at the Delray BeachPlayhouse.

Major Ranulf Compton has thelead as Grandpa Vanderhof, themerry old zany who rules theSycamore family. Betsy Weekesas Penelope, the mother, whohas taken up playwriting as aresult of the typewriter which•was delivered by mistake, doesa wonderful job. So does flankCohen; a newcomer on the 3tage,in his part as Boris the balletteacher. Jane Geary and PercPrazer portray the part of Aliceand Tony who add a lot of ex-citement to both the Kir by andSycamore families.

Other important roles are play-ed by Joseph Coutu as the partof Ed, Arthur Jensen as Mr.De Pinna, Dave Shernick in therole of Donald and StellaReeves in the part of Easie.

Other members in the cast in-clude Elvira Seely, Nelson Free-land, Robert Blake, PrancesLehnbeuter, Prances Preeland,Lindsay Claiborne, Dudley Re-mus, Andrew Elkanick and Char-les Wick.

J. Stuart Warrington directs theplay with Harry Graf as produc-tion manager. Tickets for theplay may be purchased at thebox office before curtain timeeach night including Saturday.Curtain time is 8:4O.-S.S.

Newcomers AnnounceNext Meeting Date

Mrs. George Elmore, presidentof the Newcomers Club, announc-ed that prior to dinner a businessmeeting will be held at the SunCove Restaurant in Deerfield.

The club has tried to find aplace to hold their dinners at alocal restaur ant but they havefound that restaurants haveneither the space nor room toaccommodate the members, offi-cers said.

Next meeting will be held onThursday, Feb. 23, at 6:30 p.m.

Reservations may be made bycalling Mrs. Leroy Leach at8305-

Keep Florida Green



PHONE 8111

Friday, February 17, 1956 THE BOCA RATON NEWS Page 7-

Wife of Boca Buisness ManDies of Auto Crash InjuriesMrs. C.W. Scott, 38, N.E. 48th

.Ct., Pompano Beach, was fatallyinjured in an automobile acci-dent, which-occurred at 8 P.m.on U.S. 1, Saturday night.

According to report by Con-stable Bruce Wheeler, Mrs.

Mrs. BeuthelTo Give Review

Members of the Women's So-ciety of Christian Service of theCommunity Methodist Church aremaking plans for a book reviewto be given Saturday eveningFeb. 18, at the home of Mrs.Thomas Fleming, 434 N.E.Ninth St.

The book, "A Hungry Man'sDream," by Maxjorie Rienbeck,has been chosen for the reviewto be presented by Mrs. LloydN. Beuthel of Cleveland, Ohio,and New York where she gives100 reviews annually.

This will be Mrs. Beuthel'ssecond review in Boca Ratonand those who heard - her someyears ago will not want to missher second appearance here.

.Mrs. Beuthel has requestedthat the proceeds from the reviewbe donated to the building fundof the Community— MethodistChurch.

Scott was .traveling at highspeed south In the east lane ofthe north bound traffic laneon the divided highway, whenher car struck the soft shoulderof the road, skidded for 96 feetand hit the Htllsborough CanalBridge, then was thrown for 60more feet.

Mrs. Scott died at the HolyCross Hospital at 10 p.m., Sat-urday.Mrs. Scott came here in 1948

from Philadelphia. She was bornin Lake Butler, Fla., and was amember of the Baptist Church.She was the owner of Cherries'Snack Bar at Deer field Beach.

Survivors include her hus-band, Cecil W. Scott, Boca Ra-ton business man; a sister, Mrs.Veia E . Oakes of ponte Vedra;two brothers, Charles T. Nettlesof Lake Butler and Allen Z.Nettles of Jacksonville.

Services were held In Jackson-ville Wednesday morning at theSeashole Funeral Chapel. Rev.George Hodges officiated withburial in Riverside MemorialCemetery, Jacksonville.

" I t Pays to Look Well"Two Barbers Union Shop


65 Se. Fed. Hwy. - Phone 9628


STREETS-- PARKING LOTS -- DRIVESPhone Delray -- 4567


House arid Garden Supplies for Every NeedPerfection Oil Heater* - KeysMade - Super Kemtone andLucas Paints - Sta-Drl MasonryPaint- Barnes Water Pumps •Bloom Aid Fertilizers-GardenTool a. C Revere Ware - GriswoldEnamelware • Pyre* * Proctor


Steam Irons - Dazey Can OpenersWlss Shears - Wearever Aluminum.Marshall Town Trowels- GatesOar den Hose - Lufkln Tools -Vilspar Varnishes • Yale andTowne-Stanley Tools - Plumband Many Others,


Boca Raton Road W. of Federal Phone 8034

Do . It . Yourself

SPRINKLING SYSTEMSWe plan and furnish ail materials — you

install yourself and save money.


60 N. Old Dixie Boca P.Q, Box J023

DENTISTYear 'Round in Boca Raton

H. A. SorensonAnnounces the opening of his offices

February 6

For the Practice of Dentistry at

110 Palmetto Park Rd.In the Bocade

Hours:9 -12 1 - 5 Phone 8020

Page 5: CCA RATCN NEWJf - DigiFind-ItCCA RATCN NEWJf Serving B«ea Raton and Deerfield Beach VOL. 1 NO. 12 Boca Raton, Florida, Friday, February 17, 1956 PRICE 10

.Paee 8 THE ttnriA RATON NEWS Friday. February 17, 1956.-



BAPTIST CHURCH: Palmettopark Road, one block west ofrailroad. Rev. A.C. Pairotte,pastor. Sunday School, 10 a.m.;Morning Worship, 7:30 p.m.; Mid-week prayer service and Biblemeditation, Wednesday, 7:30 p.m.Nursery open for all church ser-vices.

COMMUNITY METHODi .CHURCH: Royal Palm Road.Rev. Elton G. Powell, pastor.Men's Breakfast, 8 a.m.; ChurchService, 8:45 a.m.; Churctr School,9:45 a.m.; Church Service, 11a,m. Nursery available for child-ren during 11 o'clock service.Choir rehearsal, Thursday, 7:3Cp.m.

WINPIELD PARK CHURCH:11 a.m. service. Pastor, Rev.Eastman, Sunday School, 9:45a.m. Children and Adult class-es . Cordial welcome awaits you.

ST. GREGORY'S EPISCOPALCHURCH: Nty. 20th.& 4th Aye,Rev. E.R. Clpssofl, vicar. Sun-1

day service arid/Holy Eucharist,9 a.m.; Churc^School, 10 a.m.;Morning Prater, 11 a.m.; HolyCommunion; 9 and 11 a.m. firstSunday of month; Holy EucharistWednesday, 10 a.m.

BIBLE CONFERENCEGROUNDS. N.W. 4th Ave. IraLee Eshleman Director. SundaySchool, 10 a.m.; other SundayServices at 11 a.m., 3 P.m. and7:30 P.m. Weekday Services 10a.m. and 7:30 p.m. Prayer Meet-ing Wed. 7:30 p.m. Nursery avail-able for children during allchurch services.

CATHOLIC Services at theBoca Raton Club. Mass at 7:15a.m., Sunday. Masses in Delrayat 8:30 a.m. and 10 a.m. at St.Vincent Ferrer's Church.

Film in Color is Non-denominational

Passion Play To be Shown HereThe Religious Education As-

sociation will' show the motionpicture, "Oberammergau andthe Passion Play" in Boca Ra-ton, Feb; 27, at 8 P.m. at the

BLOETSCHERFine Smoked Meats

Pure Porlc Bulk SautageMade Fw.hD.ily

613 S, Federal, Delray Beach



.Established 1923

PHONE 9816

Memorial Park Baseball Field.The picture is non-denomina-

tional and has been acclaimedby both Protestants and Catho-lics. The script of the world-renowned play was brought tothis country and filmed in Eng-lish dialogue and is done incolor. It has a musical back-gr ound furnished by a 65-Piecesymphony orchestra and a chorusof 1 00 voices. It is a reverentpresentation of the story of theSavior from Manhood to the As-cension.

The picture supplements thework done by the churches tobring closer to the lives of menthe profound and touching careerof Jesus and how it affectseveryone who cpraes under itsInfluence.

The film is presented so thatit may reach countless hundredswho, otherwise, may not feel theinspiration of the Biblical word.

The movie will be shown freeof charge to the public.

One quarter-million in dia-monds will be worn by one model,Feb. 28, at the Boca BatonClub. The Donna Beatrice deHolquin (above) will show gemsfrom the Leonard Taylor collec-tion during; the annual RosaryAltar Society tea in the Club'sPatio Royale.—Hank Cohen photo

AC&VBE ROOFING CO.Residential . . Commercial


1305 N. E. 5th Avenue Boca Raton 8130

formerly of Haley's Restaurant,Fort Lauderdale

now at the


Breakfast, Luncheon, Dinner

BUFFET DINNERSSaturday, 5 'til 9 P. M.






lor Reservations Phone Maitre d'Holel Charley Holmesat Boca Raton B571


Troup 27 HaveParents Night

The Boca Raton Scout Hut wasthe scene of the activity formore than 70 of the Boy Scoutsof Troop 27, their parents andScout Committeemen and theirwives, last Wednesday.

Upon their arrival, was inspec-tion by parents and committee-men of the Scout hut, displaysand exhibits of the boys. Rev.Elton Powell gave the invoca-tion and the group joined insinging. A potluck supper fol-lowed. The committee in chargeof the food arrangement wasMrs. George Seamann, chairman,Mrs. Ray Hillegass, Mrs. MelvinSchmitt and Mrs. William John-son.

After the dinner, the committee-men, the "men behind the boys,"were introduced.

"Some things about Scouting"was the theme of a talk by Scout-master Jim Vandermale and "Atroop Committeeman on ScoutFinances" was the subject of atalk by Committeeman Henry A.Warren. The Flaming Arrow pa-trol gave* a skit, "Bawkshaw,the Detective."

Scout movies on night campingwere enjoyed along with singingof "There's a Long, Long Trail".The tenderfoot investiture cere-mony concluded the program.

W. J. JessopServices in North

Funeral services for WilliamJohn Jessop, j r . , 83, N.W. ThirdCt., will be held in Patterson,N.J. He passed away Monday athis home after a long illness.

Mr. Jessop was a retired tex-tile mill owner and was.formerlyof Ridgewood, N.Ji He was or-ganist for the WestminsterChurch in Patterson.

Survivors are three daughtersMrs. R.R. Muller of Boca Ratonand Hawthorne, N.J., Mrs. C.WNorris of Hawthorne and Mrs.H.W. Atherton of Patterson;son, William Jessop, Jamaica,L.I.; a brother, Theodore Jessop,Patterson; five grandchildr enand sever al great gr andchildr en.

Scobee Funeral Home hadcharge of arrangements locally.

Women WillMeet Today

The Woman's Association ofthe Community PresbyterianChurch in Deerfield Beach, willmeet today at 1:30 p.m. in thechurch for business, followedby the World Day of Prayer ser-vice at 2:30. Dr. Frances Knight,devotional chairman, will con-duct the service, using the Na-tional Council theme, "OneFlock, One Shepherd". All wo-men of the community are invit-ed. Hostesses will be Mrs. Wil-liam Wagner and Mrs. LeslieCampbell.

The Men's Club will hold itsregular meeting tonight, with acovered dish supper at 6:30p.m. in the church.

On Sunday there will be twoworship services, the first at8:30 and the second at 11 a.m.with the minister, Rev. Arland V.Briggs, preaching at both. Themusic will be under the directionof Miss C. Ernestine Pierce, organist, assisted by Mrs. ArlandV. Briggs, pianist, and theMale Quartette.

The executive committee ofthe Men's Club will meet Mondayat 7:30 P.m. in the church.

The second in a series ofipecial Lenten services will beleld on "Wednesday from 7:30;o 8:15, followed by Male Quar-tette rehearsal.

Constable Called HomeDeputy Constable. C.A. .Mc-iutcheon, 454 N.E. Sixth Ave.,

left Tuesday morning for Wash-ington, • Pa., to attend funeralservices of his grandmother,Mrs. Sarah Long.


Cara "HPT"

FIED ADSFor Classified Ads Call Boca 9005

Keep Florida Green

Improved Litholine is a su-perior multi-purpose Grease.Used regularly (every 1,000miles) it stops squeaks, givesextra anti-wear protection —keeps your car "new" longer^


TERRAZZOFLOORS machine scrubbed,lealed and polished. Anti-slip,

I water proofs, enlivens colors,I stops dusting. EXPERT S&AL-pNG CURES SICK FLOQBS.I EARLEY SERVICESI Phone Delray 43838 Licensed Bonded Insured\ (15-5tfB)

For Salemiscellaneous

1 Full size Hotpoint range, $30;2 Reversible tweed green rugs,good condition. Size, 17x13 and18x15. Can be cut and bound.$65 for both. Phone Delray 5421after 3:30 P.m. (44-12P)



FOR SALE: 20-inch Englishbike. Oood condition. New tires.$20. 465 N.E. Fifth Street.Phone 9936. (48-12B)

Help Wanted


Federal Hiwayand

Boca Baton Rd.


For Classified AdsCall Boca 9005





BLASTER?.-d Ave, and 8th St.,

Phone 8375



Opposite PHONEPostO f f l c e

Woman or girl wanted for Restau-rant work. Apply Pizio's DriveIn Restaurant, N. Fed. Hwy.,Delray Beach. (43-12tfB)

Attractive, intelligent, unemcum-bered secretary as receptionistand to assist author. Phone 9946Boca after 5 p.m. (314-13B)

WANTED: Baby Sitter able totake children to beach and sitsome evenings. Phone BocaRaton 8208. (49-12B)


FOR SALE: Investment property,four units. One extra lot of land.Inquire 275 Royal Palm Road,10 a.m.-4 P.m. (45-12P)

For Classified AdsCall Boca 9005


John KerestlyLand Clearing and Bulldozing





Made inBoca

For Floridaror rioridaHomes

Large 24-InchCook-outCharcoal

BRAZIERThe thing forsteaks, ribs, franksand chicken. Easy-fold legs, lightweight. Regular$14.50 value. . .



P 0 Box 1211 Boynton Beach Phone 9527

Do It Yourself

PROJECT ?Let Us Experts Help

We cut and tailor to specifica-tions. We got suggestions,power machinery, short cuts,experience, know-how andfriendly advice. Tell us yourpresent ambition in life.

St**td<z*d Sx




Sprinkler Service



N.W. 13th Street Boca Raton Phone 8554j : ^9946



Boca RatonPhone 9946

PWday, gahrawy 1?. 19S6 THE BOCA RATON NEWS Pagp 9

leal EstateFor lent

FOR RENT, seasonal or yearlybasis. Two. beautiful completelyfurnished apartments, one effi-ciency, can be seen daily 10a.m. - 4 P.m. Dr. O.J.. Logue,275 Royal Palm Road. C46-12P)

Very attractive room In privatehome near center of town andbeach. Moderate rate. Phone8451. (47-12B)

Two bedroom apt. furnished —weekly, monthly or yearly basis.Reasonable. N.W. 3rd Ave. be-tween 40th & 45th Street, El MarApts. (50-I2B)

DistrictBasketballTourney Starts


The Class A, District 8, bas-ketball tournament gets underwayWednesday night at ths NorthMiami gyra. Doubleheaders areon tap for Wednesday, Thursday,and Friday nights with champion-ship finale at 8:15 P.m. Sat-urday evening. There will beno consolation, game this year.Opening games on the first threenights are set for 7 p.m. with thenightcap starting at 8:15 p.m.

On the.basis of season records,Seacreat was seeded first follow-ed by Pompano, ArchbishopCurley, and Belle Glade.

Seacre3t will tackle hostNorth Miami at 8:15 P.m. Wed-nesday night following the pom-pano-Central Catholic clash at7 p.m. Thursday evening BelleGlade will duel South. Dade at7 p.m. with Curley meetingi a k e Worth in the second game.' North Miami and Curley havebeen established as favoritesto reach the final round buy mayhave some rugged going to getthere. Seacrest isjtoe prime ob-stacle in the path, of NorthMiami. Tie winner of this gameshouldn't find the opposition ofthe Belle Glade-South Dade win-ner too much trouble in the Fri-day semi-final at 7 P.m. Curleymay find the way more rugged inits bracket with any of the otherteams capable of pulling an up-set. Central Catholic and Pom-pano have both been winningconsistently in the past fewweeks and Lake Worth is alsocapable of a surprise.

Only the winner "of the tourneywill be eligible for the • Statemeet in Gainesville on March8, 9, and 10.

International favoritea MaryRaye and Naldi will • appe ar atthe first annual Bethesda Hos-pital Ball, Feb. 28, at theBoca Raton Club. Dancing starsof the Waldorf Astoria andPlaza Hotels in New York, theteam has appeared at CommandPerformances for the EnglishRoyal Family and has been thefeatured attraction at the fa-mous Club's Polo Balls— ByFox photo

Patronize the Home TownMerchants -- It Pays

Mr. and Mrs. Herman Roxin,Nioolette, Minn., are houseguests of Mr. and Mrs. HenryColebank.

Your television aerial ke wind

Is the lots covetedby your insurance?

For tha answer to this, orany other tntvrtmta quaitlon

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Takes pleasure In announcing that it hasopened a Branch Office to serve South Palm

Beach County at

818 North FederalDelray Beach Phone 4219

WalletteThe out-of-sight, alwaybready, in-the-wall bed.Twin size, easily install-ed. Complete with matt-ress and hinges. Onlysix on hand. Regularly$59.50 value.

39 50


LUMBER and SUPPLY CO., INC.N.W. Second Avenue and Fourth Street

The dependable servicefor Boca and South Florida— with dependable gasappliances; Water heaters,ranges, space heaters.

Chilly Weather Comfortwith the Bryant Radiant-Panel Heater.

Quick radiant heat AND thecomfort of circulated warm all.


Telephone 9896




Page 6: CCA RATCN NEWJf - DigiFind-ItCCA RATCN NEWJf Serving B«ea Raton and Deerfield Beach VOL. 1 NO. 12 Boca Raton, Florida, Friday, February 17, 1956 PRICE 10

Pas if) TTTO "ROOA RATON NEWS Pridav. February 17 19Sfi


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Sale Starts Friday morning-February 17 th - ©pen Saturday TSU 9 P.M.


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