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  • 8/14/2019 cc4.182part5+b.g7.9part1


    KKS 05/10/08KKS Lecture Transcript -Caitanya Caritamrita 4.182

    30th June 2002 parT 5+BHAGAVAD GITA7.9

    12TH MAY 1997 PART1

    CC4.182 PART 5

    The demigods they are veryintelligent, they have the mercy of

    Krishna, thats how he could

    know, he was not under

    yogamaya, but Nanda Maharaja,

    he was under the influence of

    yogamaya, he could not know.

    Even when he saw that, he was

    thinking well, I think Varuna is

    just bowing down to Krishna because He is so wonderful,

    anybody would bow down toKrishna. I bow down to Krishna

    too, He is so nicelike that.

    Prabhupada did give this teachings

    of Lord Chaitanya as a summary

    so to read in one time is ok to just

    understand that this is also a part

    of Krishna Consciousness. There

    is reading it once and there is

    really getting into it and reading itall the time and all the time

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    specifically the rasic sections, then

    you go overboard .but the initial

    books that are recommended to

    read are of course the Bhagavad

    Gita, Nectar of Instruction, SriIsopanisad, the first fourteen

    chapters of Nectar of Devotion,

    the first fourteen chapters are very

    very important, they are the basic

    outline of what we are doing, so

    one can read that and yes it is

    recommended to read Bhagavatam

    and generally the Chaitanya

    Caritamrita is read after one hasthoroughly studied Srimad


    Devotees asks question:..Is it goodto legalize drugs?

    Maharaja: You can come up withall kinds of material arrangements,

    you know, but why we have

    anything to do with that, its not a

    question for us.. is it good to

    legalize drugs or not? Thats for

    the government. Our answer is

    the only thing that is good in

    Holland is no gambling, no meat

    eating, fish or eggs, no

    intoxication and no illicit sex,

    thats our answer to that question.

    We dont give any other answers,

    we just have one. So Thanks verymuch. Srila Prabhupada Ki Jaya!

    Start of next lecture below


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    12TH MAY 1997PART1

    I am the original fragrance of

    the earth, and I am the heat in fire.Iam the life of all that lives, and I

    am the penances of all ascetics

    Maharaja reads the purport


    In the Chaitanya Caritamrita we

    find the introduction and in the

    introduction in the Chaitanya

    Caritamrita it is described that

    Chaitanya, the word Chaitanya

    means the living force and

    Caritamrita actually, amrita means

    the opposite of mrita or death so it

    means death less or that which is

    eternal and carita means the

    description so it is really the

    description of the living force inimmortality.

    That is the meaning of these

    particular words of these words, of

    these words Caitanya Caritamrita.

    So Srila Prabhupada then

    continues to explain and says in

    this world there is nothing that is

    alive in its self.

    Symptoms of life are symptoms of

    movement and ultimately the

    living being is that gives the

    movement to any particular thingtherefore without the living force

    there is no movement and the

    original movement within the

    material world is the living force

    of the Supreme Lord. Therefore

    the Supreme Lord He is known as

    all pervading. In the Srimad

    Bhagavatam it begins immediately

    to establish the nature of thesupreme Lord..sanskritwhichmeans that Lord Krishna is the

    origin of everything and anything

    that exists.

    Immediately the Srimad

    Bhagavatam in the very first verse

    explains the transcendental nature

    of the Supreme Lord who

    transforms Himself in differentenergies but He, the Original

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    Person remains the same

    although everything is finding its

    origin in Him, its separate from

    Him at the same time yet He

    remains with it as all pervadingand still inspite of that He is svarat

    independent He is not effected by


    So in this way we see immediately

    a description of the Supreme Lord

    how He is the life force of

    everything in the material worldand how its all His energy and He

    is fully conscious of it and He is

    separate from it at the same time.

    So this is the entire philosophy of

    Krishna Consciousness in a nut

    shell. And the living entitiies are

    also the energy of the Supreme

    Personality of Godhead and

    therefore they are also able to givelife to different forms of dead

    matter, but that life is not

    displaying immortality in this

    world because here at least

    seemingly we are subject to death.

    In the spiritual world we are

    eternally residing in an eternal

    body and there immortality is

    fully manifest of course the soul is

    always immortal ,anyway, theliving entity also in this world has

    its original nature but that original

    nature is now covered.

    The original nature of the living

    entity is called swarup or the

    original identity, so its very

    difficult to understand what ones

    original swarup maybe, because it

    maybe completely different from

    the nature that he has developed

    according to the modes of nature

    for example it might be that, wellwhat according to what we

    associate with that we will

    develop certain qualities just like

    when you get born in Italy you

    better get to love tomatoes or else

    you know theres not much

    chance for survival youll starve,

    in the same way if you start

    associating with sailors you willend up with tattoos , sooner or,GGLD:2003-47,GGLD:en%26sa%3DN
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    later you will have tattoos on your

    arm so according to who you are

    associating with you are

    developing a certain nature and a

    certain quality. So we might seefor an example that a sailor may

    be a really tough guy but theres

    absolute no guarantee that that

    toughness has got anything to do

    with his real nature, his real

    nature, his transcendental nature

    his swarup may be of a complete

    different nature infact he might be

    a gopi for all that matters in hiseternal swarup but in this material

    world walking around, this big

    heavy dude with anchors on him

    and too many male hormones due

    to association with the material

    energy so therefore it is very

    difficult to understand what that

    transcendental nature iswe will

    therefore also not dwell on in it

    too much -what would our

    transcendental nature be that

    would be too difficult actually we

    are simply engaging our

    conditioned nature, although it is a

    temporary nature ..but we engage

    that in the service of the Supreme


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