CBSE Sample Paper-01of complete awakening, keeps our emotions clean and pure. But many of us have forgotten what true human nature is, and so tend to get trapped in negative emotions

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Page 1: CBSE Sample Paper-01of complete awakening, keeps our emotions clean and pure. But many of us have forgotten what true human nature is, and so tend to get trapped in negative emotions
Page 2: CBSE Sample Paper-01of complete awakening, keeps our emotions clean and pure. But many of us have forgotten what true human nature is, and so tend to get trapped in negative emotions

CBSE Sample Paper-01


English Language and Literature

Class – IX

Time allowed: 3 hours Maximum Marks: 70

General Instructions:

(i) The Question paper is divided into three sections:

Section A - Reading 20 marks

Section B - Writing and Grammar 25 marks

Section C - Literature 25 marks

(ii) All questions are compulsory.

(iii) You may attempt any section at a time.

(iv) All questions of that particular section must be attempted in the correct order.

Section A

Reading (20 marks)

1. Read the passage given below and answer the questions that follow: (8)

People all over the world wash their hands with water. Using soap adds to the time spent in

washing, breaks down the grease and dirt that carry most germs b facilitating the rubbing

and friction that dislodge them and leaves hand smelling pleasant. Good hand washing

techniques include washing your hands with soap and water or using an alcohol based

sanitizer. It has been reported that washing with soap is one of the most effective ways to

prevent diarrhoeal diseases. It is also the cheapest way. In addition, hand effective ways to

prevent diarrhoeal transmission of respiratory disease, a killer of children under five. More

hand washing with soap would make a significant contribution to meeting the millennium

development goal of reducing death among children under the age of five by two-thirds by


Hand washing with soap is among the most effective and inexpensive ways to prevent

diarrhoeal diseases and pneumonia, which together are responsible for the majority of

child deaths. Every year, more than 3.5 million children do not live to celebrate their fifth

birthday because of diarrhea and pneumonia. Yet, despite its lifesaving potential, hand

washing with soap is seldom practiced and is not always easy to promote. On the other

hand, lack of education about hand washing with soap not only increases the risk of

diseases among children/people but also increases the number of deaths which is

occurring because of less knowledge about hand washing.

Acute respiratory infections like pneumonia are the leading causes of child death. Evidence

suggests that better hygiene practices like washing hands with soap after defecation and

before eating could cut the infection by about 25 percent. It seems pretty simple a step to

make such a big change in the lives of the people. The best time to get accustomed to this

habit is during childhood.

Answer the following questions briefly:

(a) To break down grease and dirt from the hands, one should _______________________

(b) The advantage of washing hands with soap is __________________

(c) The cheapest way to prevent diarrhoeal diseases is _____________________

(d) For better hygiene practices, we should wash hands ______________________

(e) The leading causes of child death are _____________________

(f) How can the risk of diseases and deaths among children be reduced?

Page 3: CBSE Sample Paper-01of complete awakening, keeps our emotions clean and pure. But many of us have forgotten what true human nature is, and so tend to get trapped in negative emotions

(g) Which is the best time to inculcate this habit?

(h) The word which means the same as ‘cause to pass on from one place, person or thing to

another’ is ____________________ (para 1)

2. Read the passage given below and answer the questions that follow: (12)

(1) With increasing incidents of violence and terror attacks, there is an urgent need to

bring to the fore the ‘humane-ness’ in us. This is where spiritual organizations and

masters need to step in, to give people the right direction. Towards this end, the

Faridabad-based Satyug Darshan Trust recently organized a seminar titled, Let’s adopt

a humane personality’ to discuss creating a society that can skillfully promote human

behavior in the next generation as well.

(2) Addressing the gathering, Satyug Darshan’s chief mentor Sajanji said, “A humane

personality symbolizes the skill of adopting decent human practices which suit

humanity. Such people have clear understanding of the core elements of humanity,

namely having control over their senses and being compassionate and forgiving.” He

said that the knowledge of Brahmn the Universal Consciousness, or being in the state

of complete awakening, keeps our emotions clean and pure. But many of us have

forgotten what true human nature is, and so tend to get trapped in negative emotions

like lust, anger, greed, delusion and pride. Swami Shantatmananda, head of

Ramakrishna Mission, Delhi, said that there has always been a mix of good and bad in

the world; there was a time when there was only good or only bad, but our goal has

always been to evolve and mukt – be free. And for this we strive to know our true


(3) When we evolve and move closer to our true nature, we experience ananda or bliss. Our

true nature is Brahma-swaroop, atma-swaroop, and chaitanya-swaroop. According to

what has been established time and again by saints and philosophers, our true nature

is boundless, limitless, depthless; it is eternal, peaceful, and in a state of constant

ananda. When we realize this from the heart we become ajar amar ananda swaroop-

non decaying, eternal and blissful form – so do other beings. We should never be cruel

to them or behave badly with them.

(4) According to Geshe Damdul, head of Tibet House, New Delhi, it is important for all

religious leaders to raise their voices in unison against terrorism and man-made

disasters. The only way to teach the world peace and compassion is by offering

conditional love. He cited the example of Bhai Kanhaiya, a devotee of Guru Gobind

Singh, who would serve water to dying his unconditional love and compassion. The

monk said if more people followed Bhai Kanhaiya’s example, there would be no room

for terrorism.

Answer the following questions:

(a) According to the spiritual organisations, what is the need of the hour?

(b) What would happen if we leave our true human nature?

(c) What does our peaceful human nature teach us?

(d) How can we eradicate terrorism from the face of our planet?

(e) Find a word in Para 2 which means the same as ‘sympathetic’.

(f) Which word in Para 2 means ‘illusion’?

(g) Find the antonym of the word ‘confined’ in Para 3.

(h) Which word in Para 3 means the same as ‘delighted’?

Page 4: CBSE Sample Paper-01of complete awakening, keeps our emotions clean and pure. But many of us have forgotten what true human nature is, and so tend to get trapped in negative emotions

Section B

Writing (25 marks)

3. You are Anita. You came to know that some of your friends skip breakfast to reduce their

weight/or they do not have time for it in the morning. Stressing the consequences of

skipping breakfast, write an article – ‘Breakfast, the most important meal of the Day’ about

100 to 120 words. (5)

4. Complete the story with the following beginning in about 150-200 words. Also give it a

suitable title. (10)

An old man was very sad. He was sitting on the banks of a river looking into the deep water

and was planning to ………………..

5. Read the passage given below. Fill in the blanks by choosing the most appropriate words

from the given options. (3)

The first ever manned airplane that can fly (a) _______________ day or night (b) _____________

solar power alone, landed in the dark (c) ________________ a major south-western US airport.

(a) (i) in (ii) through (iii) by (iv) over

(b) (i) in (ii) with (iii) on (iv) through

(c) (i) in (ii) at (iii) on (iv) through

6. The following passage has not been edited. There is one error in each line. Identify the

wrong word and write it with the correction in the spaces given. (4)

Incorrect Correct

Plants appeared to help each other grow (a) ___________ __________

with soothing microscopic sounds the new (b) ___________ __________

study had found. It showed that sprouting (c) ___________ __________

chilli plants grew more successfully near (d) ___________ __________

to a friendly neighbor.

7. Rearrange the following words and phrases to form meaningful sentences. (3)

(a) biters / mosquitoes / that / all / are / we / the / think

(b) male / eat / mosquitoes / plant / nectar

(c) to live / need / and they / this blood / and produce eggs

Section C

Literature Textbook and Long Reading Text (25 marks)

8. Read the extracts given below and answer the questions that follow. (3)

And both that morning equally lay

In leaves no step had trodden black.

Oh, I kept the first for another day!

Yet knowing how way leads on to way,

I doubted if I should ever come back.

Answer the following questions:

(a) Which road does the poet choose?

(b) Why was the poet doubtful about the first road?

(c) Find a word from the extract that means ‘crushed’.


They turned the pages, which were yellow and crinkly, and it was awfully funny to read

words that stood still instead of moving the way they were supposed to – on a screen, you

know. And then when they turned back to the page before, it had the same words on it that

it had when read it the first time.

9. Answer the following questions in about 30-40 words each. (8)

Page 5: CBSE Sample Paper-01of complete awakening, keeps our emotions clean and pure. But many of us have forgotten what true human nature is, and so tend to get trapped in negative emotions

(a) Why did Margie hate school?

(b) Where did Bismillah Khan play the shehnai on 15th August 1947? Why was the event


(c) What all things does the lost child in the fair want? Why did he move without getting an


(d) Toto was a pretty monkey. Support your answer.

10. Answer one of the following questions in about 80-100 words: (4)

Kezia in the story “The Little Girl” was afraid of her father because he never communicated

with her. Imagine you are parenting counsellor. Based on your reading of the story, write a

paragraph advising the parents to make communication with their children a priority.


In a letter Einstein wrote to President Roosevelt: “A single bomb of this type … exploded in

a port, might very well destroy the whole port together with some of the surrounding

territory.” Based on the statement write a paragraph on the topic: “War cannot Establish

Peace in the World’.

11. Answer one of the following questions in about 100-120 words:

What conclusion did the king of Brobdingnag draw about Gulliver’s homeland after what he

had told the king about England? (10)


Write a character sketch of the farmer, Gulliver’s master in Brobdingang.


The ‘Three Men In a Boat’ is basically a travelogue. Yet it has a universal appeal. Explain.



Why did the narrator decided to visit the doctor and what did the doctor prescribe?

Page 6: CBSE Sample Paper-01of complete awakening, keeps our emotions clean and pure. But many of us have forgotten what true human nature is, and so tend to get trapped in negative emotions

CBSE Sample Paper-01


English Language and Literature

Class – IX

Time allowed: 3 hours Maximum Marks: 70

Section A

Reading (20 marks)

1. (a) wash hands with soap

(b) that most germs are dislodged by the rubbing and friction

(c) washing hands with soap

(d) with soap

(e) diarrhoeal diseases and pneumonia

(f) The risk of diseases and deaths among children can be reduced by developing habits of

better hygiene practices like washing hands with soaps after defecation and before


(g) The best time to inculcate this habit is in childhood.

(h) ‘transmission’

2. (a) According to the spiritual organizations the need of the hour is to bring to the before

the ‘humaneness’ in us.

(b) If we leave our true human nature we get trapped in negative emotions like lust, anger,

greed, delusion and pride.

(c) Our peaceful human nature teaches us not to be cruel to other beings or behave badly

with them.

(d) We can eradicate terrorism from the face of our planet by offering un-conditional love

like Bhai-Kanhaiya, a devotee of Guru Gobind Singh.

(e) ‘compassionate’

(f) ‘delusion’

(g) ‘boundless’

(h) ‘ananda’

Section B

Writing (25 marks)

3. Breakfast the most important suitable Meal of the Day

It is rightly said ‘Eat breakfast like a King; Lunch like a Prince and dinner like a pauper. This

common quote is a great way to remember how to eat throughout the day. You should start

the morning by eating a full, balanced and healthy diet. As the day progresses, you should

start to eat light and eat less carbohydrates, in the evening. This helps your metabolism. As

a result of which one can sleep comfortably without feeling too full. Your body will be ready

in the morning for the cycle again. Thus it is not right to skip breakfast. It is the most

important meal of the day. Moreover, by skipping breakfast you feel hungry by launch time

making you eat more as well as take snacks in between. Thus the whole purpose of weight

loss is lost.

4. God’s Gift

An old man was very sad. He was sitting on the banks of a river looking into the deep water

and was planning to leave, when we felt something pulled at his fishing net. His face lit up;

there was no doubt that the fish was a big one. The old man pulled with all his might and

Page 7: CBSE Sample Paper-01of complete awakening, keeps our emotions clean and pure. But many of us have forgotten what true human nature is, and so tend to get trapped in negative emotions

out came the net. He fell back with the effort of pulling the net out. Slight bruised. He

struggled to get back on his feet. He saw that a big fish was trapped in the net. He jumped

with delight, the fish would last him for a few days. His wife would be so happy. Now they

could enjoy a hearty meal. He took the fish home and gave it to his wife to cook. When the

old woman cut the fish she came across something hard in its stomach. She, out of curiosity,

pulled it out and washed it with water. To her surprise it was a gold coin. She ran to her

husband with it. He too, could not believe his eyes. He took the coin to a jeweler who gave

him a handsome amount for it. He had mortgaged his boat for a thousand rupees and now

he could get it back. He realized that god has His own ways of helping the poor and the


5. (a) (i) in

(b) (iii) on

(c) (ii) at

6. Incorrect Correct

(a) appeared appear

(b) the a

(c) had has

(d) grew grow

7. (a) We think that all the mosquitoes are biters.

(b) Male mosquitoes eat plant nectar.

(c) And they need this blood to live and produce eggs.

Section C

Literature Textbook and Long Reading Text (25 marks)

8. (a) The poet chooses the second one which was not trodden.

(b) The poet was doubtful about the first road because it was trodden black.

(c) Trodden.


(a) The pages of the ‘real book’ were yellow and crinkly.

(b) She found the book ‘funny’ as the words in it remained at the same place.

(c) Crinkly.

9. (a) Margie’s school was a mechanical one. It was a pre-designed computer programme. It

taught through instructions flashing on the screen. It gave home work and tests. It checked

them in seconds. It never worked according to her. So, she hated her school.

(b) Bismillah Khan played the shehnai at Red Fort on 15th August 1947. The event was

historic because it was the nation’s Independence Day.

(c) The child wanted so many things in the fair such as toy, his favourite burfi, garlands of

Gulmohur, colourful balloons, flute etc. but he did not ask his parents for all of them. He

knew that his parents would refuse for everything.

(d) Toto was a little red monkey. He had bright eyes and white teeth. His fingers were

quick and wicked. His tail added to his good looks and was very useful. All these things

show that Toto was pretty monkey.

10. Parents can’t expect children to do everything simply because they, as parents, “say so”.

Children want and deserve explanations as much as adults do. If you don’t take time to

explain, children will begin to wonder about your values and motives and doubt whether

they have any basis. Parents who reason with their children allow them to understand and

learn in a non-judgmental way. Make your expectations clear. If there is a problem,

describe it to your child, express your feelings about it and invite your child to work on a

Page 8: CBSE Sample Paper-01of complete awakening, keeps our emotions clean and pure. But many of us have forgotten what true human nature is, and so tend to get trapped in negative emotions

solution with you. Be sure to include consequences. Make suggestions and offer choice. Be

open to your child’s suggestions as well. Interact with them. Children who participate in

decisions are more motivated to carry them out.


War cannot Establish Peach in the World

Every year trillions of dollars are spent by various countries on defence purchases. They

have a good reason for it. They say all these arms and ammunition are bought so that peace

is established in the world. It is rather ironic that very often we need to fight war under the

disguise of establishing peace in the world. No war has so far been beneficial to mankind.

Wars have only destroyed civilizations, but not contributed anything useful to mankind.

Those who claim they are seeking to establish peace through war are the biggest liars in

history. If this much money is spent on poverty alleviation and creating employment, our

world would have been much more developed and advanced that what it is today. Let us

hope that there will come a day when all weapons are turned into pens for the betterment

of mankind.

11. The king was a learned man, well versed in philosophy. He was not at all convinced about

what Gulliver told him about England. He concluded that his country was full of

conspiracies, rebellions, murderers, and revolutions. The English people were full of

avarice, hypocrisy, cruelty, rage, madness, hatred, envy, lust and so on. The king was highly

critical of wars and instruments of destruction. He rejected Gulliver’s suggestion of

teaching him the technique of making gun powder. The king too was not very much

impressed by the large number of books written on governance. According to him honesty,

reason and justice were needed for good governance.


The farmer is Gulliver’s first master in Brobdingnag. He is a man of huge size but very kind

and gentle. The farmer speaks to Gulliver gently but he was very scared of him. The farmer

takes Gulliver to his house and soon his other family members too became very fond of

him. They used to feed him with food, took care of all his needs, but the farmer takes

advantage of Gulliver. He puts Gulliver on display around Brobdingag, made a lot of money

from these exhibitions. His exploitation of Gulliver as a labourer, which nearly staves

Gulliver to death, seems less cruel than seen. Generally, the farmer represents the average

Brobdingnagian of no great gifts or intelligence, wielding an extraordinary power over

Gulliver simply by virtue of his immense size.


The novel ‘Three Men in a Boat (To say nothing of the Dog)’ was published in 1889. It is a

humorous account by Jerome K. Jerome of a boating holiday on the Thames between

Kingston and Oxford. The book was initially intended to be a serious travel guide, with

accounts of local history along the route, but the humorous elements took over to the point

where the serious and somewhat sentimental passages seem a distraction of the comic

novel. One of the most praised things about ‘Three Men in a Boat’ is how undated it appears

to modern readers-the jokes seem fresh and witty even today. One reason for the abiding

appeal of the book is Jerome’s use of what today we would call ‘situation comedy’. One

Page 9: CBSE Sample Paper-01of complete awakening, keeps our emotions clean and pure. But many of us have forgotten what true human nature is, and so tend to get trapped in negative emotions

example is an account of trying to open a tin of pineapple. The book includes classic

comedy set-pieces, such as the story of two drunken men who slide into the same bed in

the dark, the plaster of paris trout in chapter-17 and the “Irish stew” in chapter-14 made by

mixing most of the leftovers in the party’s food hamper. The humour used in the narration

takes book out of its time-line and readers of all ages can enjoy reading it.


After reading various medical journals and narrator concluded that he had most of those

ailments. Then he decided to visit the doctor. When the doctor asked him about problem he

told about the library and the medical book he had read. The doctor checked the narrator’s

pulse and listened to his heart beat. He checked his mouth and looked at his tongue. He

understood the narrator was very healthy and all his diseases were imagined on account of

his reading too much of a medical journal. He prescribed him to take three good meals a

day, and go for one mile walk every morning and sleep at ten in the night. Finally he asked

him not to read any more medical books.

Page 10: CBSE Sample Paper-01of complete awakening, keeps our emotions clean and pure. But many of us have forgotten what true human nature is, and so tend to get trapped in negative emotions

CBSE Sample Paper-02


English Language and Literature

Class – IX

Time allowed: 3 hours Maximum Marks: 70

General Instructions:

(i) The Question paper is divided into three sections:

Section A - Reading 20 marks

Section B - Writing and Grammar 25 marks

Section C - Literature 25 marks

(ii) All questions are compulsory.

(iii) You may attempt any section at a time.

(iv) All questions of that particular section must be attempted in the correct order.

Section A

Reading (20 marks)

1. Read the passage given below and answer the questions that follow: (8)

For several centuries, two towns near the Olympic site, Elis and Pisa fought for the prestige

and power of controlling the games. In the fourth century BC, the dispute broke into open

warfare, and there was a battle during the pentathlon. But winning meant everything to the

ancient Greeks and they only understood success. There were no awards for second and

third place in the ancient Olympics. Awards were given only for the first place. The longest

race in the early games was only about five kilometers. The race we call the Marathon

wasn’t created until some 2500 years later. It was part of the programme of the first

modern Olympics held in Athens in 1896 and commemorated that ancient run.

The first Olympic marathons from Athens in 1896 to Antwerp in 1920 were run at varying

lengths, ranging from 39,996 to 42,750 metres. The men’s marathon event was a special

race invented as part of the Athletics at the 1896 Summer Olympics programme. Michel

Breal legend of Phedippides. The first such marathon race was a Greek national

competition that served as a qualifier for the Olympic marathon; the qualifier was won by

Kharilaos Vasilakos. The length of the marathon in 1896 was 40 kilometres (26 mi). it

wasn’t until the 1924 games in Paris that it was decided to adopt the standard distance of

42,195 meters used at the London Games in 1908, the exact distance from the start at

Windsor Castle to the White City Stadium.

Answer the following questions given below:

(a) Why did the towns of Elis and Pisa resort to war?

(b) ‘Greeks only understood success’ means _______________

(c) Who originated the idea of a race from the city of Marathon to Athens?

(d) Where was the standard distance for marathon decided?

(e) In which year was it decided to adopt the standard distance for the run?

(f) Who won the qualifier for the Olympic marathon?

(g) ‘Commemorate’ means ____________________

(h) What was the length of the longest race in the early games?

2. Read the passage given below and answer the questions that follow: (12)

Page 11: CBSE Sample Paper-01of complete awakening, keeps our emotions clean and pure. But many of us have forgotten what true human nature is, and so tend to get trapped in negative emotions

Being eco-friendly is in vogue. Whether on the ramp or at home, a large number of people

are emphasizing the use of eco-friendly products, thereby doing their bit to protect the

environment. “Eco-friendly products are those products that inflict minimal or no harm to

the environment. Made of natural elements, these products are not only safe but also add

an artistic dimension to one’s home”, explains C.K. Nair of Home stop.

The products are made of environment sensitive material such as recycled wood, dead

wood, recycled paper, bamboo, jute natural fiber and natural or organic cotton. “Grasses

like sabai grass and vetiver can be woven to make mats, screens, bags and baskets. Old

textiles can be used to make recycled paper, which can be used for packaging, lampshades,

notebooks and other stationery. Recycled plastic can be used for containers and furniture,

says Minhazz Majumdar of the Bamboo store.

Though there’s been a lot of awareness about using eco-friendly products, it is still not the

first thing that people look for when buying things for their homes. Eco-friendly products

not only stand out in their looks, their durability is also high. “The life cycle of these

products can be up to fifty years”, say Majumdar.

There are many other benefits of using eco-friendly products; by using these products, you

can help decrease pollution, the destruction of forest and other ecosystems, and the

amount of waste sent to landfills.

In addition to this, eco-friendly products are better for your health, as they don’t contain

any harmful chemicals that can irritate skin or eyes. Another benefit of using green

products is the peace of mind that you’re helping keep the planet a clean and safe place to

live not only for your generation, but for generation to come!

Answer the following questions:

(a) What are eco-friendly products?

(b) What are the benefits of using eco-friendly products?

(c) Why eco-friendly products are considered environment friendly?

(d) How are these products good for our health?

(e) What is meant by ‘vogue’? (Para 1)

(f) What is meant by ‘inflict’? (Para 1)

(g) Find the word opposite in meaning to ‘artificial’ (Para 2)

(h) Find the word opposite in meaning to ‘soothe’. (Para 5)

Section B

Writing (25 marks)

3. We have been polluting our lakes and rivers with no concern for the flora and fauna they

harbor. A few organizations like the Environmentalist Foundation of India have been

fighting against odds to clean up cities and metros. Write an article on the need for more

environmental activity to save the county from further environmental degradation. You are

Ram/ Reema. (100-120 words) (5)

4. Complete the story with the following beginning in about 150-200 words. Also give it a

suitable title. (10)

‘Oh, Ma’am let me enjoy my holidays! No more Homework please……….’

5. Read the passage given below. Fill in the blanks by choosing the most appropriate words

from the given options. (3)

Page 12: CBSE Sample Paper-01of complete awakening, keeps our emotions clean and pure. But many of us have forgotten what true human nature is, and so tend to get trapped in negative emotions

There are various ways one can go (a) __________________ building one’s career in the social

media. It is (b) _________________ you to choose (c) ________________ way you want to go.

(a) (i) over (ii) about (iii) around (iv) near

(b) (i) into (ii) with (iii) up to (iv) in

(c) (i) that (ii) whose (iii) what (iv) which

6. The following passage has not been edited. There is one error in each line. Identify the

wrong word and write it with the correction in the spaces given. (4)

Incorrect Correct

It is bad to has food stuck between your teeth e.g., has have

for a long time.

This is because food attract germs and (a) ___________ __________

germs produce acid, this hurts our teeth and gums. (b) ___________ __________

Floss helps to remove the food that gets stucked (c) ___________ __________

between the teeths. (d) ___________ __________

This explains how flossing helped to (e) ___________ __________

keep your mouth health (f) ___________ __________

but some doctor say that flossing can (g) ___________ __________

be also good for out heart. (f) ___________ __________

7. Rearrange the following words and phrases to form meaningful sentences. (3)

(a) car / safe / is / and / this / fuel / efficient

(b) available / next / cars / the / will / driverless / be

(c) sounds / dream / like / it / true / a / come

Section C

Literature Textbook and Long Reading Text (25 marks)

8. Read the extracts given below and answer the questions that follow. (3)

The wind God winnows and crushes them all.

He won’t do what you tell him.

So, come, let’s build strong homes,

Let’s joint the doors firmly.

Answer the following questions:

(a) How does the wind God come?

(b) What does the phrase ‘winnows and crushes them all’ mean?

(c) Why does the poet want to join the doors firmly?


She never stuttered with other people – had quite given it up – but only with Father,

because then she was trying so hard to say the words properly.

(a) What did ‘she’ do only before her father and not with other people?

(b) Did she ever stutter? How can you say?

(c) Find the word from the passage which mean ‘stopped doing’.

9. Answer the following questions in about 30-40 words each. (8)

(a) What did the County Inspector do to improve Margie’s performance in Geography?

(b) Why did the people choose the guru and the disciple as their king and minister?

(c) Bismillah Khan loved India and Benaras the most. Justify it by giving two instances from

the text.

(d) Why did the leaden heart of the statue of the Happy Prince break into two parts?

10. Mostly children don’t like homework. They find it very tedious and boring. Based on your

reading of the story, write a paragraph on the topic: ‘Disadvantages of Homework’. (4)

Page 13: CBSE Sample Paper-01of complete awakening, keeps our emotions clean and pure. But many of us have forgotten what true human nature is, and so tend to get trapped in negative emotions


The lives of Ustad Bismillah Khan and Evelyn are sagas of great struggle. Based on your

reading of the story, write a paragraph on the topic: ‘Importance of Hard work in life’.

11. Give a brief character sketch of the Emperor of Lilliput. (10)


Two of the king’s officers searched Gulliver’s pockets. Give a brief account of their

inventory in about 150-200 words.


How was one of Jerome’s holidays completely ruined by a weather forecast?


‘The sight of those notice boards arouses every evil instinct in my nature.’ What does the

above line reveal about the character of the narrator in ‘Three Men in a Boat’?

Page 14: CBSE Sample Paper-01of complete awakening, keeps our emotions clean and pure. But many of us have forgotten what true human nature is, and so tend to get trapped in negative emotions

CBSE Sample Paper-02


English Language and Literature

Class – IX

Time allowed: 3 hours Maximum Marks: 70

Section A

Reading (20 marks)

1. (a) They fought for the prestige and power of controlling the games.

(b) winning meant everything to them

(c) Michel Breal originated the idea of a race from the city of Marathon to Athens.

(d) The standard distance for Marathon was decided in Paris.

(e) In the year 1924 the standard distance was decided.

(f) The qualifier for the Olympic marathon was won by Kharilaos Vasilakos.

(g) in the memory of

(h) The length of the longest race in the early games was about five kilometers.

2. (a) Eco-friendly products are those products that inflict minimal or no harm to the


(b) The benefits of using Eco-friendly products are that they are made of natural elements

and are safe.

(c) They are considered environment friendly because they decrease pollution, the

destruction of forests and other ecosystems, and the amount of waste sent to landfills.

(d) These products are good for our health because they don’t contain any harmful

chemicals that can irritate our skin or eyes.

(e) trendy

(f) deliver

(g) natural

(h) irritate

Section B

Writing (25 marks)

3. Environment Degradation

Our lakes and rivers hardly look like water bodies. We have transformed them into drains

and ditches. The beautiful Dal Lake, is full of weeds and garbage. The Yamuna in Delhi, is a

glorified drain. There is little concern for the flora and fauna they harbor. The

Environmentalist Foundation of India has been fighting against odds to clean up the cities

and metros but political will is totally lacking. Land Mafia in connivance with the political

bosses is systematically cutting down trees, flattening hills, turning land masses into

jungles of concrete. The fragile ecosystem, in India, is at the verge of collapsing.

Unprecedented floods, earthquakes, droughts are all a result of this exploitation of natural

resources. Our clock cannot be turned back but with further degradation under check can

make us buy some more time for our country.

4. No Homework Vacation!

‘Oh, Ma’am let me enjoy my holidays! No more Homework please’, I whined as my English

teacher kept dictating holiday homework. I can never understand the concept of holidays if

we have to spend most of it finishing our homework! But, much to our dismay she went on

Page 15: CBSE Sample Paper-01of complete awakening, keeps our emotions clean and pure. But many of us have forgotten what true human nature is, and so tend to get trapped in negative emotions

dictating. The next period was that of our Math class. Sir is a jovial man and we were sure

he wouldn’t bother giving us any work. He always said, ‘Math is fun! We don’t learn things

by heart. We learn the logic!’ His teaching strategy always involved games and fun

exercises! The moment he entered the classroom, we all shouted, ‘Please don’t give us

homework! We want to enjoy our vacation!’ And he smiled at us. That trademark smile he

gave every time he had a surprise to us! All of us sat up straight and listened to him. ‘This

summer vacation I want you to spend time and find out two reasons why we should have

mathematics in our academic life.’ ‘This is going to be fun’, I told Sheetal, my friend. Sheetal

nodded in agreement and we all clapped and thanked Sir for making it a No Homework

Vacation as far as Mathematics was concerned!

5. (a) (ii) about

(b) (iii) up to

(c) (iv) which

6. Incorrect Correct

(a) attract attracts

(b) this that

(c) stucked stuck

(d) teeths teeth

(e) helped helps

(f) health healthy

(g) doctor doctors

(h) our your

7. (a) This car is safe and fuel efficient.

(b) The next cars available will be driverless.

(c) It sounds like a dream come true.

Section C

Literature Textbook and Long Reading Text (25 marks)

8. (a) The wind God appears supernaturally.

(b) It means that the supernaturally formed wind has destroyed everything.

(c) The poet wants to do so to be safe from the wind.


(a) She used to stutter before her father only and not before anyone else.

(b) Yes, she used to stutter earlier. The words – “had quite given it up….” Suggest this.

(c) given up.

9. (a) The County Inspector opened up the mechanical teacher i.e., the computer and slowed

down its Geography section to an average ten-year old’s level. He assured her mother and

also boosted up Margie’s morale to improve Margie’s performance in Geography.

(b) After the death of the king of Fools Kingdom and the minister, the people wanted to

correct things in which they were helped by the Guru and his disciple. People believed

that these two persons can set everything right again.

(c) Bismillah Khan turned down one of his student’s offer to head a shehani school in the

USA. He spent all his life playing shehnai show at the banks of the Ganga and the

temples of Balaji and Mangala Maiya. These instances sow his great love for India and


(d) The swallow had stayed in the cold for too long. It affected his health. The swallow died

at the feet of the Happy Prince. The leaden heart of the statue of the Happy Prince

broke into two parts due to grief and shock.

Page 16: CBSE Sample Paper-01of complete awakening, keeps our emotions clean and pure. But many of us have forgotten what true human nature is, and so tend to get trapped in negative emotions

CBSE Sample Question Papers WithSolution SA I For English Language

And Literature Class 9

Publisher : Faculty Notes Author : Panel Of Experts

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