C h i r o p r a c t i c B i o P h y s i c s Chi r opr a c t i c Bi oP h y si c s G e n e r a l C e r t i f i c a t i o n PROUDLY PRESENTED TO President, CBP Technique & Seminars For successful completion of 7 courses covering 90 hours of material Current and legitimate CBP certification standing requires a minimum of one 12 hour CBP course biannually Date of Certification

CBP Gen Cert

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Chiropractic BioPhysicsChiropractic BioPhysics

General CertificationP R O U D LY P R E S E N T E D T O

President, CBP Technique & Seminars

For successful completion of 7 courses covering 90 hours of material

Current and legitimate CBP certification standing requires a minimum of one 12 hour CBP course biannually

Date of Certification