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Cayley’s problem and Julia sets

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Cayley's Problem and Julia Sets H. O. Peitgen, D. Saupe, and F. v. Haeseler

Blindness to the aesthetic element in mathematics is wide- spread and can account for a feeling that mathematics is dry as dust, as exciting as a telephone book, as remote as the laws of infangthief of fifteenth century Scotland. Con- trariwise, appreciation of this element makes the subject live in a wonderful manner and burn as no other creation of the human mind seems to do.

P. J. Davis and R. Hersch

My work has always tried to unite the true with the beau- tiful and when I had to choose one or the other I usually chose the beautiful.

H. Weyl

Expe r imen t a l m a t h e m a t i c s will l ikely n e v e r be ac- cepted as "real" mathemat ics by most mathematicians. But for many enthusias ts it has become more than an engaging h o b b y - - i t is rather a passion. While such experiments will cont inue to enhance our mathemat- ical intuit ion in the future, they might also develop into a sophist icated art form.

When, in the spring of 1983, we made our first dis- coveries about Julia Sets in a compute r graphics lab, we were quite ignorant about the mathematical beauty

and the dep th of the subject. Since that t ime we have become addicted, and our addict ion has led us into a beautiful area of mathematics.

The goal of this exposi t ion is to give a flavor of the subject of Julia Sets which we trace back to a problem p o s e d b y A r t h u r Cay l ey in 1879. Our c o m p u t e r graphics not only illustrated the beauty that can be found in Julia sets, but they also provided us with insight that led us to some new results. In this expo- sition we can give only a short introduction; in fact, this is an excerpt f rom a longer article enti t led " N e w - ton 's Method and Julia Sets" which contains more of the background mathematics�9

Cayley ' s P r o b l e m

In 1879 A. Cayley [3] suggested the extension of wha t he called the Newton-Four ie r Method

N(~) := ~k+l = ~k -- P(~k)/P'(~k)

to complex roots of a polynomial p:

�9 . . In connexion herewith , throwing aside the re-

Dietmar Saupe, Heinz-Otto Peitgen, and Fritz v. Haeseler (left to right) at the

"Dynamical Systems Graphics Laboratory", University of Bremen.

THE MATHEMATICAL INTELLIGENCER VOL. 6, NO. 2 �9 1984 Springer-Verlag New York 11

Page 2: Cayley’s problem and Julia sets

st r ic t ions as to real i ty , we have w h a t I call the Newton-Four ier Imaginary Problem . . . .

Furthermore, he suggested that one should s tudy the problem globally:

�9 . . The problem is to determine the regions of the plane, such that P [initial point] being taken at plea- sure a n y w h e r e wi th in one region we arr ive ulti- mately at the point A [a root of the polynomial] . . . .

In two notes publ ished in 1879 [4] and 1890 [5] he took up the problem for p(z) = z 2 - 1 = 0 in C. More generally, if p(z) = a(z - Zl) �9 . . (z - z,), then each root z i of p is an attractive fixed point of the dynamical system N. Locally, near z i convergence is quadratic if z i is a simple root (i.e., p'(zi) ~ 0)�9 Let

A(Zi) = {z ~- C : Nn(z) ~ z i, n ~ ~}

be the i-th basin of attraction (N" = N ~ . . . ~ n- times). Then Cayley asked: What are the sets A(zk) and what is the b o u n d a r y 3A(Zk)?

It turns out to be worthwhi le to s tudy these ques- tions for the simple model p(z) = z 2 - 1. The reader may have guessed already that in this case

A ( + I ) = {z : Re(z) > 0}, A ( - 1 ) = {z : Re(z) ( 0 }

and that

aA( + I) = 3 A ( - 1 ) = : l ,

i.e., J is the imaginary axis. Note that

N(J) = J = N - l ( J ) ,

where N-1 (j) deno tes the set of preimages of ]. Thus, the restriction of N to J reduces to the 1 -d imens iona l dynamical sys tem

oi l(o The reader may w o n d e r if this peculiar behaviour is due to the simplicity of this particular p. The answer is no; if p is any polynomial of degree 2 then first by a change of coordinates we can reduce it to px(z) = z 2 - K and then it is easy to see that for the line Jx := {o~iV~ : o~ E R} we have that Nx(Jx ) = lx = Nxl( lx ) , where N x is Newton ' s Method applied to Px. Thus, we guess tha t J~ b o u n d s the two bas ins of a t t rac t ion , which, as we will see is the case.

Let's give a simple a rgument for the case K = 1. It's easier to see wha t is happen ing if we make a change of variable�9 Let T be the linear (M6bius) t ransformation

T(z) - z - 1 wi th T_l(u) _ 1 + u z + l 1 - u '

which we consider in ~ = C U {~}. Then we obtain that

R(u) = u 2 w h e r e R ( u ) := T o N o T l(u).

Here is a list of interesting points

z +1 - 1 ~ 0 T(z) 0 ~ 1 - 1

The imaginary axis J cor responds to the unit circle S 1 under the t ransformation T. Thus, we have answered Cayley's question, because 0 and ~ are the attractors of R i.e., IR'(0)I < 1, and their basins of attraction are separated by S 1. For curiosity we may add in passing that we can interpret R(z) = z 2 as Newton ' s Method for the rational function f (z) = z / ( 1 - z).

In Cayley 's paper [5] the t ransformation T is also ment ioned , but he prefers a somewhat different rep- resentat ion of N with a certain hope in his mind:

J 'esp~re appliquer cette th6orie au cas d 'une 6qua- tion cubique, mais les calculs sont beaucoup plus difficiles.

Maybe he already knew that for the cubic case one cannot expect to have such an elegant global conju- gation as in the quadratic case. His hope was not ful- filled, and it took almost 30 years until Julia and Fatou deve loped their fascinating theory of the iteration of rational functions in the complex plane which explains w h y Cayley 's problem is such a hard one. Julia's work [10] was rewarded with the "G ran d Prix des Sciences m a t h 6 m a t i q u e s " by the A cad 6 m ie des Sciences de Paris�9

Before we state some of these classical results, we want to discuss a few of them for the model case R(z) = Z 2 and l = {z : Izl = 1}. Recall that 3A(O) = J = 3A(~ ) and note that if R"(z) = z 2n, then in A(0) (resp. A(oo)) the limit of R" exists and is the constant 0 (resp. ~). However , if z E J, then in any ne ighborhood of z nei ther a n nor any subsequence has an analytic limit. Sets wi th such abnormal proper t ies were the focus of at tent ion of Julia [10] and are n o w called Julia sets. A formal definit ion is this: Let R: ~ ~ ~ be a rational funct ion of degree greater or equal than two on the Riemannian sphere ~. We say that R is normal for a point z E ~, provided there exists a ne ighborhood U of z such that the sequence {RnlU}n~N of mappings from U to ~ is equicont inuous.

I The set J of points in ~ for which R is not normal I is called the Julia set of R. tl

For a discussion of normal families we refer to [1]. In the model case R(z) = z 2 it is clear that the Julia set J is the uni t circle S 1. Also we have again that J is com- pletely invariant, i.e., R(J) = ] = R-I(J). R as a m a p -

1 2 THE M A T H E M A T I C A L INTELL1GENCER VOL. 6, N O . 2, 1984

Page 3: Cayley’s problem and Julia sets

ping from ~ into itself has 3 fixed points , 0 and ~, which are attractors, and 1 E J, which is a repeller, i.e., IR'(1)] > 1. For the purpose of unders tand ing Julia sets it is the repeller, which is most crucial to under- stand. Two facts are immediate:

1. The set of the preimages of the repeller S = {z : Rn(z) = 1 for some n E N) = {exp(2"rrio 0 : c~ = k/ 2 n, k, n E N} is dense in J.

2. The set of periodic points in J P = {z E J : Rn(z) = z for some n E N} = {exp(2~ric~) : c~ = k/(2 n - 1), k, n E N} is dense in J.

Moreover , note that each of the periodic points Rn(z) = z E P is a periodic repeller (i.e., I(Rn)'(z)I = 2 n > 1), and again the set of preimages of such a periodic re- peller is dense in J. We remark that the dynamics of R on J is much more delicate (see [14]), e.g. , R is ergodic, i.e., "mos t " orbits are dense.

Some Basic Facts about Julia Sets

It is surprising that most of the propert ies which we discovered in our digression on the map R(z) = z 2 are characteristic proper t ies of Julia sets as such. Let R be any rational funct ion on ~, then (see [2],[6],[7],[8],[10]) if J denotes the Julia set we have


Concern ing interior points it should be ment ioned that in 1918 Latt6s [11] gave a striking example for J = X : The ra t iona l f unc t i on is the m a p R(z) = (z2+ 1)2/ 4z(z 2 - 1 ) , which turns out to be not quite as innocent as it looks at first g lance. E.g. , it sat isf ies P(2z) = R(P(z)), where P is a Weierstrass P-function.

A Coloring ProblemmWhat Was Cayley's Conjecture?

Let us n o w take the step f rom p(z) = z 2 - 1 to p(z) = z 3 - 1 , which was the step Cayley had in mind. N o w Newton ' s Method yields the rational function

N ( z ) = z Z 3 - - 1 2Z, 3 + 1

3Z 2 3Z 2

We recall that for p(z) = z 2 - 1 we had a basic sym- met ry with respect to the imaginary axis, which de- f ined the basins of attraction. Naturally, one would hope that a similar idea would work here, too. Let us


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st r ic t ions as to real i ty , we have w h a t I call the Newton-Four ier Imaginary Problem . . . .

Furthermore, he suggested that one should s tudy the problem globally:

�9 . . The problem is to determine the regions of the plane, such that P [initial point] being taken at plea- sure a n y w h e r e wi th in one region we arr ive ulti- mately at the point A [a root of the polynomial] . . . .

In two notes publ ished in 1879 [4] and 1890 [5] he took up the problem for p(z) = z 2 - 1 = 0 in C. More generally, if p(z) = a(z - Zl) �9 . . (z - z,), then each root z i of p is an attractive fixed point of the dynamical system N. Locally, near z i convergence is quadratic if z i is a simple root (i.e., p'(zi) ~ 0)�9 Let

A(Zi) = {z ~- C : Nn(z) ~ z i, n ~ ~}

be the i-th basin of attraction (N" = N ~ . . . ~ n- times). Then Cayley asked: What are the sets A(zk) and what is the b o u n d a r y 3A(Zk)?

It turns out to be worthwhi le to s tudy these ques- tions for the simple model p(z) = z 2 - 1. The reader may have guessed already that in this case

A ( + I ) = {z : Re(z) > 0}, A ( - 1 ) = {z : Re(z) ( 0 }

and that

aA( + I) = 3 A ( - 1 ) = : l ,

i.e., J is the imaginary axis. Note that

N(J) = J = N - l ( J ) ,

where N-1 (j) deno tes the set of preimages of ]. Thus, the restriction of N to J reduces to the 1 -d imens iona l dynamical sys tem

oi l(o The reader may w o n d e r if this peculiar behaviour is due to the simplicity of this particular p. The answer is no; if p is any polynomial of degree 2 then first by a change of coordinates we can reduce it to px(z) = z 2 - K and then it is easy to see that for the line Jx := {o~iV~ : o~ E R} we have that Nx(Jx ) = lx = Nxl( lx ) , where N x is Newton ' s Method applied to Px. Thus, we guess tha t J~ b o u n d s the two bas ins of a t t rac t ion , which, as we will see is the case.

Let's give a simple a rgument for the case K = 1. It's easier to see wha t is happen ing if we make a change of variable�9 Let T be the linear (M6bius) t ransformation

T(z) - z - 1 wi th T_l(u) _ 1 + u z + l 1 - u '

which we consider in ~ = C U {~}. Then we obtain that

R(u) = u 2 w h e r e R ( u ) := T o N o T l(u).

Here is a list of interesting points

z +1 - 1 ~ 0 T(z) 0 ~ 1 - 1

The imaginary axis J cor responds to the unit circle S 1 under the t ransformation T. Thus, we have answered Cayley's question, because 0 and ~ are the attractors of R i.e., IR'(0)I < 1, and their basins of attraction are separated by S 1. For curiosity we may add in passing that we can interpret R(z) = z 2 as Newton ' s Method for the rational function f (z) = z / ( 1 - z).

In Cayley 's paper [5] the t ransformation T is also ment ioned , but he prefers a somewhat different rep- resentat ion of N with a certain hope in his mind:

J 'esp~re appliquer cette th6orie au cas d 'une 6qua- tion cubique, mais les calculs sont beaucoup plus difficiles.

Maybe he already knew that for the cubic case one cannot expect to have such an elegant global conju- gation as in the quadratic case. His hope was not ful- filled, and it took almost 30 years until Julia and Fatou deve loped their fascinating theory of the iteration of rational functions in the complex plane which explains w h y Cayley 's problem is such a hard one. Julia's work [10] was rewarded with the "Grand Prix des Sciences m a t h 6 m a t i q u e s " by the Acad6mie des Sciences de Paris�9

Before we state some of these classical results, we want to discuss a few of them for the model case R(z) = Z 2 and l = {z : Izl = 1}. Recall that 3A(O) = J = 3A(~ ) and note that if R"(z) = z 2n, then in A(0) (resp. A(oo)) the limit of R" exists and is the constant 0 (resp. ~). However , if z E J, then in any ne ighborhood of z nei ther a n nor any subsequence has an analytic limit. Sets wi th such abnormal proper t ies were the focus of at tent ion of Julia [10] and are n o w called Julia sets. A formal definition is this: Let R: ~ ~ ~ be a rational funct ion of degree greater or equal than two on the Riemannian sphere ~. We say that R is normal for a point z E ~, provided there exists a ne ighborhood U of z such that the sequence {RnlU}n~N of mappings from U to ~ is equicont inuous.

I The set J of points in ~ for which R is not normal I is called the Julia set of R. tl

For a discussion of normal families we refer to [1]. In the model case R(z) = z 2 it is clear that the Julia set J is the uni t circle S 1. Also we have again that J is com- pletely invariant, i.e., R(J) = ] = R-I(J). R as a m a p -

1 2 THE M A T H E M A T I C A L INTELL1GENCER VOL. 6, NO. 2, 1984

Page 5: Cayley’s problem and Julia sets

see, however . As wi th the quadratic we expect a sym- me t ry f rom the roots of unity. Indeed , one computes that

N ( z ) = D o N o D l(z) (2)

where D(z) = e x p ( 2 w i / 3 ) z . Moreover , we have learned that we should look for the fixed points of N

Fix(N) = {z 0 = 1, z 1 = ( - 1 + X/3i ) /2 , z 2 = ( - 1 - X /3 i ) /


the first three poin ts be ing attractors and the last one be ing a repeller. Also note that we have the snap back points 0 and O~k:

Thus, all these poin ts ~, 0, a0,~,o~ 2 are in the Julia set J. Fur thermore , one observes that the three lines de- t e rmined by 0 and any of the oL k are invar iant unde r N, a si tuation comple te ly analogous to the case of p(z)

= z 2 - 1. There N(0) = % 0 has the two pre images _+ i and J is the imag ina ry axis. Therefore, it appears to be reasonable to guess that here J is g iven by the set S s h o w n in f igure 1.

The s u r p r i s e is t h a t this g u e s s is f u n d a m e n t a l l y wrong, and it is likely that Cayley had suspec ted some of the complexi ty s h o w n in the front cover and figure 2, which is a ve ry coarse approx imat ion to J. If we would have recalled one of the earlier basic proper t ies of J, which is that

l = OA(zo) = 3A(Zl ) = 3A(z2) , (3)

then we wou ld have never been misled. Proper ty (3)

Figure 1. Is the Julia set of N(z) = (2z 3 + 1) /3z 2 given by the three rays through the snap back points C,k?

Figure 2. The Julia set of Newton's Method for z 3 - 1 = 0. Here the plane C of complex numbers is identified with the sphere: The South pole corresponds to 0, the North pole to % and the equator corresponds to all points z with Izl = 1. The center branch of crabs really is on the back side of the sphere, and it has been included in the picture for complete- ness.

Figure 3. How the coloring problem can be solved by New- ton's Method.

can be i l lustrated by the fol lowing amazing problem: Using 3 colors try to comple te ly color a given square, such that whe reve r two of the colors meet , all of t h e m meet . After a few a t t empts wi th pencils and pape r it seems that this coloring p rob lem is not solvable. But (3) is precisely a solution to that problem.

Let us give a short a r g u m e n t for (3), start ing f rom the fact that

J = cl {z : Nn(z ) = 0 for some n E N}. (4)


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Figure 4. The complete basin of attraction belonging to the root + 1 of Z 3 - - 1 = 0 is shown in figure 4a in white (the region again is [ - 1,1] x [ - 1,1]). In b) and c) successive closeups are given revealing that the basin splits into infinitely many components. More- over, we note the self-similarity in the pic- tures: The crab-like structures seem to repeat on each scale. Indeed, this is a characteristic property of Julia sets (see the last statement in (1)).

Let z C J and let U be an arbitrarily small ne ighborhood of z. Due to (4) we find ~ ~ U, such that Nk(7,) = 0 for some k ~ N. Note that (Nk)'(~) ~ 0 (indeed, the only points z with N'(z) = 0 are the fixed points of N, i.e., the roots of p), and therefore N k is invertible in a small ne ighborhood of ~ (see figure 3).

Hence, we find a ne ighborhood V of ~ and an e-ball B,(0) a round 0, such that N k is 1-1 and onto f rom V to Bt(0 ). Let I t be the interval I t = (0,~) C R. Then it is easy to see (look at the g raph of p(x)=x 3 - 1 , x C R) that I t C A ( + 1), and by s y m m e t r y (D as in (2)) we have D (It) C A(z2) and D2(I~)C A(z3), which proves that the three basins of attraction have points in U.

The q u e s t i o n r e m a i n s , w h a t is w r o n g w i t h the

ana logy to the case p(z) = z 2 - 1 ? In fact N(S) = S. H o w - ever, as the reader has guessed already, N-I(S) ~ S, i.e., S is not comple te ly invariant.

Some Computer Graphical Experiments

Given a nonl inear rational funct ion R: ~ --* ~L with an attractor (attractive fixed point) z a we k n o w that J = 3A(za). Given also the fact that the dynamics of R on J is ex t remely complicated the ques t ion arises h o w these features are inheri ted to A(za). In this context we in- t roduce a decompos i t ion into level sets of equal attraction Lk(Za):


Page 7: Cayley’s problem and Julia sets

As an example we have that for R(z) = z 2 the level sets are concentric annuli , and in an obvious sense we have that aL k --~ J as k ~ o0. Most of the pictures dis- played in this article are based on photographs taken from so-cal led raster graphic devices. One image typ- ically consists of a matrix of about 500 by 500 dots (so called picture elements or pixels) each of which has a well def ined color. For our purposes we ident i fy a pixel with a point z in a rectangular region of interest in the complex plane. For each pixel we perform the iteration of an a priori selected rational function R until we have identified the basin of attraction to which the point z, resp. the pixel belongs. At the same time we determine to which level set L k that particular pixel belongs. The remaining task is to display the pixel in an appropriate color identifying its level set.

F igures 4 a n d 5 dea l wi th N e w t o n ' s M e t h o d for z 3 - 1 , in the following figure 6 we take the step to z 4 - 1 , and in plate la we go on to z 5 - 1 and color. In the last named picture we have 5 basins of attraction, one for each of the fifth roots of unity. In each basin we show a certain number of level sets L o to L n in colors of our choice, whereas L k, k > n remains black.

From the material in [14] we have chosen two more exper iments to be inc luded here. The first one de- scribes the parameter dependence of the Julia and the level sets. As a parameter we used the relaxation pa- rameter )~ in Newton ' s method

Nr(z ) = z - hp(z) /p '(z) .

This parameter is often employed to enlarge the do- mains in the basins of attraction which contain the u n k n o w n roots and to improve the rate of convergence at multiple roots, two objectives which may be offset- ting each other (see [18]). In figure 7 and in plate 2 we show pictures for the overrelaxed me thod (h = 3/2, top figures), the original me thod (h = 1, center figures) and the underrelaxed me thod (~ = 1/2, bottom). The poly- nomial is again z 3 - 1 .

Two observat ions are no tewor thy : As ), increases one observes that the Julia sets Jr become more and more complex. We would conjecture that the Haus- dorff d imension of Jr increases as k is varied from 0.5 to 1.5. Moreover, ~ = 1 is a singular parameter in the sense, that only for that choice the rate of convergence is quadratic near the roots. For example for the root +1 this means that:N'r(1 ) = 1 - k = 0 for k = 1. Another way to look at this is to consider N r ( z ) - 1 = 0. For k = 1 we have the solutions {1,1, -1/2}, i.e., 1 is a double root. For k # 1 the double root 1 splits (bifurcates) into two different roots and this is visual-

Figure 5. The clown. Allowing our phantasy to construct associations for the computer images, we may find fairy tale figures, animals or landscapes in the pictures. The above "clown" is in this spirit. Note, that in his face we can find even more clowns. It is the result of coloring the level sets in figure 4b alternating black and white and turning the pic- ture sidewards up.

ized in the figures where one observes that the basins of attraction show additional structure for ~ = 0.5 and k = 1.5. While, e.g., in the central domain shown in plate 2 (center) there is only one point ~ such that Nkl(z) = 1, k ~ N, which i sZ = -1/2 f o r k = 1, the other figures indicate that for )t = 1.5 and ~ = 0.5 there are infinitely m a n y such points (find the "moun- tain tops").

Finally, it is no tewor thy that the image data in each row of plate 2 is absolutely the same. The only differ- ence is in the color of level sets.

The last experiment in this paper introduces a fur- ther decomposi t ion of the level sets.

B i n a r y decomposit ions and partial conjugation

As before, let z a be an attractor for the rational map R, and let L k, k = 0,1 . . . . be corresponding level sets. Their binary decomposition is defined in the following way:


Page 8: Cayley’s problem and Julia sets

Figure 6. Newton's Method for z 4 - 1 = 0. In b) and c) only the upper right branch is shown.

Thus, we have subdivided each level set into two subsets. As an example we choose for R(z) = z 2 Loo(Za) = {7, ~ Lo(za) : Imag (z) < O} and Lol(Za) = Lo(za)VLoo(Za) where z a = 0,~ (see figure 8). l a THE MATHEMATICAL INTELLIGENCER VOL. 6, NO. 2, 1984

For o ther maps R we can choose other binary de- composi t ions of the generat ing level sets L o. E.g., in the N e w t o n Method for p(z) = z 3 - 1 we split Lo(zo) as for R(z) = z 2 into the parts above and below the real line and use the under ly ing symmet ry D (2) to define the binary decomposi t ion of the other level sets Lol(Zm), l = 0,1, m = 1,2:

Lol(Zm) = Dm(Lol(Zo)).

As results with colors " t aken at p leasure" we obtain the f ront cover picture for the region [0,1] 2 C C and plate lb for the region [ - 0.88, - 0.05] x [ - 0.91, 0.06]. The second picture has been selected by ACM/SIG- GRAPH for inclusion in the SIGGRAPH' 83 Art Show.

There is a striking similarity be tween these pictures and figure 8, the binary decomposi t ion for R(z) = z2: It seems as if the dynamics in each connected com- ponen t of A(Zk), k = 0,1,2 is equivalent to the dynamics of R(z) = z 2 a round 0. This is not so surprizing close to the fixed points z k since in sufficiently small neigh- borhoods of z k Newton ' s Me thod N(z) essentially re- duces to a quadratic map. But in fact, one can prove that there exists a conjugat ion be tween N and R in a more global sense:

Theorem Let N(z) = z2~(z) with ~q(0) = 1 be a rational func- tion, and let A*(0) be the maximal domain of nor- mality of N which contains 0. Assume that 0 is the only critical point of N in A*(0), i.e., N'(z) ~ 0 for all

Page 9: Cayley’s problem and Julia sets

Figure 7. Study of the relaxed Newton method N~ (z) = z - Kp(z)/p' (z) for p(z) = z 3 - 1 in [-1,1] x [-1,1]. We have K = 1.5 in a), ~ = 1.0 in b) and ~ = 0.5 in c) and alternating colors for the level sets.

z E A*(0)\{0}. Then there exists a conformal mapping T:A*(O) --* {z : Izl < 1}

such that R = T o N o T -1

where R(z) = z 2.

The existence of T is obtained locally near 0 by a m e t h o d of success ive a p p r o x i m a t i o n s ( N e w t o n method) , which in the limit satisfies (5). This is very much in the spirit of ideas developed by J. Moser [13] and H. Rtissman [16],[17] for the proof of the Twist Theorem. Then the extension of T to A*(O) is carried out in much the same fashion as in the construction of the binary decomposi t ion of A*(0).t

The theorem may be applied to Newton ' s Method for p(z) = z 3 - 1 where , e.g., z o = 1 takes the role of 0. Thus, we see that Cayley's problem for z 3 - 1 finds at least a partial solution. However , in the step from z 2 - 1 to z 3 - 1 we loose in two ways: 1. The conjugation to R(z) = z 2 works only in connected componen ts of the basins of attraction, and 2. the exact form of the conjugation T is not known, only the existence is ver- ified.

Let us remark that the binary decomposi t ion in the beginning was in t roduced only for aesthetical reasons. In a discussion with J. Hubbard we discovered an ap-

"1- Note added in proof: Using different methods the theorem had also been proved by Boettcher (1905) in the Bulletin of the Kasan Mathematical Society, vol. 14, p. 176.

propriate interpretat ion which eventual ly led to the theorem.

A last remark is in order . Natural ly there are many more fascinating features of Julia sets. Among them are the topological s tructures of Julia sets J (when is J c o n n e c t e d , to ta l ly d i s c o n n e c t e d , a Jo rdan curve?) , their (Hausdorff) d imens ion (see [15]) and their rela- tion to the KAM theory. An introduct ion into these aspects is given in [14]. For a survey we r ecommend


Page 10: Cayley’s problem and Julia sets

Figure 8. Binary decomposition of level sets of R(z) = z 2. The domain shown is [-3/2,3/2] x [-3/2,3/2].

the papers by H. Cremer [6], H. Brolin [2], J. Guck- enheimer [9] and A. Douady [7], the latter one, ex- plaining recent results of A. Douady, M. Herman, J. Hubbard, and D. Sullivan, clearly shows that the sub- ject has returned to the attention of present mathe- matics after almost 70 years. This revival has certainly been promoted by the findings of Mandelbrot [12].


Most of the figures in this paper were produced in the Computer Graphics Laboratory of the Department of Computer Science at the University of Utah in the spring of 1983, while the first author was a visiting professor and the second author was a research scholar sponsored by "Stiftung Volkswagenwerk" . The extensive computations were made possible by a research grant from the University of Utah. We ex- press our gratitude to F. Hoppensteadt and K. Schmitt from the Department of Mathematics and to L. Knapp and R. Riesenfeld from the Department of Computer Science for their generous support and indispensable advice.


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Fachbereich Mathematik Forschungsschwerpunkt Dynamische Systeme Universitf~t Bremen 2800 Bremen 33 West Germany