Causes of marriage fail Nowadays, people are tend to be marriage at older age or not marriage. One of the reason may be people no more believe in marriage, because they can get divorce easily. Unfortunely, based on the current statistics result had shown in United State, 50 per cent of first marriage, 67 per cent of second and 73 per cent of third marriage end in divorce. No matter how much a couple love each others, a marriage can fail for a number of reasons, at any time. There were several common reasons or causes of marriage fail, where are poor boundaries, selfishness and problem

Causes of Marriage Fail

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Causes of marriage fail

Nowadays, people are tend to be marriage at older age or not marriage. One of

the reason may be people no more believe in marriage, because they can get divorce

easily. Unfortunely, based on the current statistics result had shown in United State,

50 per cent of first marriage, 67 per cent of second and 73 per cent of third marriage

end in divorce. No matter how much a couple love each others, a marriage can fail for

a number of reasons, at any time. There were several common reasons or causes of

marriage fail, where are poor boundaries, selfishness and problem faced in


Boudaries are the personal property lines which define who we are, what we

responsible for and where we have limits and limitations. Boundaries are important in

marriage, love, freedom, reaponsiblility and protection are the cornerstones of a stable

and growing relationship between 2 person. The key to all that both spouses take

responsibility for their own issues instead of just reacting to the other, and they are

willing to give freedom and love each other.if there are no freedom, there will be

alavery and, in result, rebellion. And the problem after marriage, many people thought

they own each other, they have the right to control their spouses’ life. And this is the

reason why their marriage go to the end.

The second reson is selfishness. Selfishness is possibly the most dangerous threat

to oneness in marriage. It affects how we talk with each other, how we ply our part in

marriage and even how we spend our time in relationship. Selfishness can defined as

one focuses on putting one’s own needs above those of everybody else. Many

relationship problem will occur when people become too focused on what they feel

they need to get out from their relationship. Loneliness follows selfish behaviour and

it followed by bitterness and in some instances disrespect for themselves. Selfishness

behavior might causes spouse feel they are not important and can’t feel their love in

the relationship.

Good communication ins the foundation of a strong marriage, on the contrany,

poor communication also will lead many problem in a relationship. It’s often the

simplest bad habots in way of communication that get couple into trouble. Problem

will eslate as both spouses repeat their mistakes again and again. For instances,

yelling at your spouse. Anger creates tension, yelling maybe a quick and easy option

but it often cause more trouble than relief or having a competitive attitude. Compare

spuse’s carreer achivement with other. Maybe a little competition between the couple

is ok but when it become over, it will bring problem to marriage.

In conclusion, there were three common causes of marriage fail, poor boundaries,

selfishness and problem in communication process. In my opinion, to keep a

relationship stay strong, it was not one’s responsible but are responsible for both.it is a

hard topic how to maintain a marriage because there not only theory bit it is life.


DATE 27/4/2014

Name: Wong Heing Mey

Matrix number: 226389