JMLR: Workshop and Conference Proceedings vol 52, 216-227, 2016 PGM 2016 Causal Discovery from Subsampled Time Series Data by Constraint Optimization Antti Hyttinen ANTTI . HYTTINEN@HELSINKI . FI HIIT, Department of Computer Science, University of Helsinki Sergey Plis S. M. PLIS@GMAIL. COM Mind Research Network and University of New Mexico Matti J ¨ arvisalo MATTI . JARVISALO@CS. HELSINKI . FI HIIT, Department of Computer Science, University of Helsinki Frederick Eberhardt FDE@CALTECH. EDU Humanities and Social Sciences, California Institute of Technology David Danks DDANKS@CMU. EDU Department of Philosophy, Carnegie Mellon University Abstract This paper focuses on causal structure estimation from time series data in which measurements are obtained at a coarser timescale than the causal timescale of the underlying system. Previous work has shown that such subsampling can lead to significant errors about the system’s causal struc- ture if not properly taken into account. In this paper, we first consider the search for the system timescale causal structures that correspond to a given measurement timescale structure. We provide a constraint satisfaction procedure whose computational performance is several orders of magni- tude better than previous approaches. We then consider finite-sample data as input, and propose the first constraint optimization approach for recovering the system timescale causal structure. This algorithm optimally recovers from possible conflicts due to statistical errors. More generally, these advances allow for a robust and non-parametric estimation of system timescale causal structures from subsampled time series data. Keywords: causality; causal discovery; graphical models; time series; constraint satisfaction; constraint optimization. 1. Introduction Time-series data has long constituted the basis for causal modeling in many fields of science (Granger, 1969; Hamilton, 1994; L¨ utkepohl, 2005). Despite the often very precise measurements at regular time points, the underlying causal interactions that give rise to the measurements often occur at a much faster timescale than the measurement frequency. While information about time order is gen- erally seen as simplifying causal analysis, time series data that undersamples the generating process can be misleading about the true causal connections (Dash and Druzdzel, 2001; Iwasaki and Simon, 1994). For example, Figure 1a shows the causal structure of a process unrolled over discrete time steps, and Figure 1c shows the corresponding structure of the same process, obtained by marginal- izing every second time step. If the subsampling rate is not taken into account, we might conclude that optimal control of V 2 requires interventions on both V 1 and V 3 , when the influence of V 3 on V 2 is, in fact, completely mediated by V 1 (and so intervening only on V 1 suffices). Standard methods for estimating causal structure from time series either focus exclusively on estimating a transition model at the measurement timescale (e.g., Granger causality (Granger, 1969,

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  • JMLR: Workshop and Conference Proceedings vol 52, 216-227, 2016 PGM 2016

    Causal Discovery from Subsampled Time Series Databy Constraint Optimization

    Antti Hyttinen [email protected], Department of Computer Science, University of Helsinki

    Sergey Plis [email protected] Research Network and University of New Mexico

    Matti Järvisalo [email protected], Department of Computer Science, University of Helsinki

    Frederick Eberhardt [email protected] and Social Sciences, California Institute of Technology

    David Danks [email protected] of Philosophy, Carnegie Mellon University

    AbstractThis paper focuses on causal structure estimation from time series data in which measurements areobtained at a coarser timescale than the causal timescale of the underlying system. Previous workhas shown that such subsampling can lead to significant errors about the system’s causal struc-ture if not properly taken into account. In this paper, we first consider the search for the systemtimescale causal structures that correspond to a given measurement timescale structure. We providea constraint satisfaction procedure whose computational performance is several orders of magni-tude better than previous approaches. We then consider finite-sample data as input, and proposethe first constraint optimization approach for recovering the system timescale causal structure. Thisalgorithm optimally recovers from possible conflicts due to statistical errors. More generally, theseadvances allow for a robust and non-parametric estimation of system timescale causal structuresfrom subsampled time series data.Keywords: causality; causal discovery; graphical models; time series; constraint satisfaction;constraint optimization.

    1. Introduction

    Time-series data has long constituted the basis for causal modeling in many fields of science (Granger,1969; Hamilton, 1994; Lütkepohl, 2005). Despite the often very precise measurements at regulartime points, the underlying causal interactions that give rise to the measurements often occur at amuch faster timescale than the measurement frequency. While information about time order is gen-erally seen as simplifying causal analysis, time series data that undersamples the generating processcan be misleading about the true causal connections (Dash and Druzdzel, 2001; Iwasaki and Simon,1994). For example, Figure 1a shows the causal structure of a process unrolled over discrete timesteps, and Figure 1c shows the corresponding structure of the same process, obtained by marginal-izing every second time step. If the subsampling rate is not taken into account, we might concludethat optimal control of V2 requires interventions on both V1 and V3, when the influence of V3 on V2is, in fact, completely mediated by V1 (and so intervening only on V1 suffices).

    Standard methods for estimating causal structure from time series either focus exclusively onestimating a transition model at the measurement timescale (e.g., Granger causality (Granger, 1969,


    1980)) or combine a model of measurement timescale transitions with so-called “instantaneous” or“contemporaneous” causal relations that (are supposed to) capture any interactions that are fasterthan the measurement process (e.g., SVAR) (Lütkepohl, 2005; Hamilton, 1994; Hyvärinen et al.,2010). In contrast, we follow Plis et al. (2015a,b) and Gong et al. (2015), and explore the possibilityof identifying (features of) the causal process at the true timescale from data that subsample thisprocess.

    In this paper, we provide an exact inference algorithm based on using a general-purpose Booleanconstraint solver (Biere et al., 2009; Gebser et al., 2011), and demonstrate that it is orders of mag-nitudes faster than the current state-of-the-art method by Plis et al. (2015b). At the same time, ourapproach is much simpler and allows inference in more general settings. We then show how theapproach naturally integrates possibly conflicting results obtained from the data. Moreover, unlikethe approach by Gong et al. (2015), our method does not depend on a particular parameterization ofthe underlying model and scales to a more reasonable number of variables.

    2. Representation

    We assume that the system of interest relates a set of variables Vt = {V t1 , . . . , V tn} defined atdiscrete time points t ∈ Z with continuous (∈ Rn) or discrete (∈ Zn) values (Entner and Hoyer,2010). We distinguish the representation of the true causal process at the system timescale from thetime series data that are obtained at the measurement timescale. Following Plis et al. (2015b), weassume that the true between-variable causal interactions at the system timescale constitute a first-order Markov process; that is, that the independence Vt ⊥⊥ Vt−k|Vt−1 holds for all k > 1. Theparametric models for these causal structures are structural vector autoregressive (SVAR) processesor dynamic (discrete/continuous variable) Bayes nets. Since the system timescale can be arbitrarilyfast (and causal influences take time), we assume that there is no “contemporaneous” causation ofthe form V ti → V tj (Granger, 1988). We also assume that Vt−1 contains all common causes ofvariables in Vt. These assumptions jointly express the widely used causal sufficiency assumption(see Spirtes et al. (1993)) in the time series setting.

    The system timescale causal structure can thus be represented by a causal graph G1 consisting(as in a dynamic Bayes net) only of arrows of the form V t−1i → V tj , where i = j is permitted (seeFigure 1a for an example). Since the causal process is time invariant, the edges repeat through t.In accordance with Plis et al. (2015b), for any G1 we use a simpler, rolled graph representation,denoted by G1, where Vi → Vj ∈ G1 iff V t−1i → V tj ∈ G1. Figure 1b shows the rolled graphrepresentation G1 of G1 in Figure 1a.

    Time series data are obtained from the above process at the measurement timescale, given bysome (possibly unknown) integral sampling rate u. The measured time series sample Vt is attimes t, t − u, t − 2u, . . .; we are interested in the case of u > 1, i.e., the case of subsampleddata. A different route to subsampling would use continuous-time models as the underlying systemtimescale structure. However, some series (e.g., transactions such as salary payments) are inherentlydiscrete time processes (Gong et al., 2015), and many continuous-time systems can be approximatedarbitrarily closely as discrete-time processes. Thus, we focus here on discrete-time causal structuresas a justifiable, and yet simple, basis for our non-parametric inference procedure.

    The structure of this subsampled time series can be obtained from G1 by marginalizing theintermediate time steps. Figure 1c shows the measurement timescale structure G2 correspondingto subsampling rate u = 2 for the system timescale causal structure in Figure 1a. Each directed



    · · · V t−21

    // V t−11

    // V t1 · · ·

    · · · V t−22

    V t−12

    V t2 · · ·

    · · · V t−23


    V t−13


    V t3 · · ·






    a) Unrolled graph G1 b) Rolled graph G1(system timescale) (system timescale)

    · · · V t−21 //



    V t1 · · ·

    · · · V t−22


    OO 66

    V t2



    · · ·

    · · · V t−23



    V t3 · · ·



    ��}}V3 //





    c) Unrolled graph G2 d) Rolled graph G2(measurement timescale) (measurement timescale)

    Figure 1: Example graphs: a) G1, b) G1, c) Gu, d) Gu with subsampling rate u = 2.

    edge in G2 corresponds to a directed path of length 2 in G1. For arbitrary u, the formal relationshipbetween Gu and G1 edges is

    V t−ui → V tj ∈ Gu ⇔ Vt−ui V

    tj ∈ G1, where denotes a directed path.1

    Subsampling a time series additionally induces “direct” dependencies between variables in thesame time step (Wei, 1994). The bi-directed arrow V t1 ↔ V t2 in Figure 1c is an example: V


    is an unobserved (in the data) common cause of V t1 and Vt2 in G

    1 (see Figure 1a). Formally, thesystem timescale structure G1 induces bi-directed edges in the measurement timescale Gu for i 6= jas follows:

    V ti ↔ V tj ∈ Gu ⇔ ∃(V ti V t−kc V tj ) ∈ G1, k < u.

    Just as G1 represents the rolled version of G1, Gu represents the rolled version of Gu: Vi → Vj ∈ Guiff V t−ui → V tj ∈ Gu and Vi ↔ Vj ∈ Gu iff V ti ↔ V tj ∈ Gu.

    The relationship between G1 and Gu—that is, the impact of subsampling—can be conciselyrepresented using only the rolled graphs:

    Vi → Vj ∈ Gu ⇔ Viu Vj ∈ G1 (1)

    Vi ↔ Vj ∈ Gu ⇔ ∃(Vi


    small. Consequently, even when ignoring estimation errors, the most we can learn is an equivalenceclass of causal structures at the system timescale. We define H to be the estimated version of Gu,a graph over V obtained or estimated at the measurement timescale (with possibly unknown u).Multiple G1 can have the same structure as H for distinct u, which poses a particular challengewhen u is unknown. If H is estimated from data, it is possible, due to statistical errors, that noGu has the same structure as H. With these observations, we are ready to define the computationalproblems focused on in this work.

    Task 1 Given a measurement timescale structure H (with possibly unknown u), infer the (equiva-lence class of) causal structures G1 consistent withH (i.e. Gu = H by Eqs. 1 and 2).

    We also consider the corresponding problem when the subsampled time series is directly providedas input, rather than Gu.

    Task 2 Given a dataset of measurements of V obtained at the measurement timescale (with possiblyunknown u), infer the (equivalence class of) causal structures G1 (at the system timescale) that are(optimally) consistent with the data.

    Section 3 provides a solution to Task 1, and Section 4 provides a solution to Task 2.

    3. Finding Consistent G1s

    We first focus on Task 1. We discuss the computational complexity of the underlying decisionproblem, and present a practical Boolean constraint satisfaction approach that empirically scales upto significantly larger graphs than previous state-of-the-art algorithms.

    3.1 On Computational Complexity

    Considering the task of finding a single G1 consistent with a given H, a variant of the associateddecision problem is related to the NP-complete problem of finding a matrix root.

    Theorem 1 Deciding whether there is a G1 that is consistent with the directed edges of a given His NP-complete for any fixed u ≥ 2.

    Proof Membership in NP follows from a guess and check: guess a candidate G1, and determin-istically check whether the length-u paths of G1 correspond to the edges of H (Plis et al., 2015b).For NP-hardness, for any fixed u ≥ 2, there is a straightforward reduction from the NP-completeproblem of determining whether a Boolean B matrix has a uth root (Kutz, 2004)2 for a given n× nBoolean matrix B, interpret B as the directed edge relation of H, i.e., H has the edge (i, j) iffAu(i, j) = 1. It is then easy to see that there is a G1 that is consistent with the obtained H iffB = Au for some binary matrix A (i.e., a uth root of B).

    If u is unknown, then membership in NP can be established in the same way by guessing botha candidate G1 and a value for u. Theorem 1 ignores the possible bi-directed edges in H (whosepresence/absence is also harder to determine reliably from practical sample sizes; see Section 4.3).Knowledge of the presences and absences of such edges in H can restrict the set of candidate G1s.For example, in the special case whereH is known to not contain any bi-directed edges, the possible

    2. Multiplication of two values in {0, 1} is defined as the logical-or, or equivalently, the maximum operator.



    G1s have a fairly simple structure: in any G1 that is consistent with H, every node has at most onesuccessor.3 Whether this knowledge can be used to prove a more fine-grained complexity result forspecial cases is an open question.

    3.2 A SAT-Based Approach

    Recently, the first exact search algorithm for finding the G1s that are consistent with a given H fora known u was presented by Plis et al. (2015b); it represents the current state-of-the-art. Their ap-proach implements a specialized depth-first search procedure for the problem, with domain-specificpolynomial time search-space pruning techniques. As an alternative, we present here a Booleansatisfiability based approach. First, we represent the problem exactly using a rule-based constraintsatisfaction formalism. Then, for a given input H, we employ an off-the-shelf Boolean constraintsatisfaction solver for finding a G1 that is guaranteed to be consistent with H (if such G1 exists).Our approach is not only simpler than the approach of Plis et al. (2015b), but as we will show, italso significantly improves the current state-of-the-art in runtime efficiency and scalability.

    We use here answer set programming (ASP) as the constraint satisfaction formalism (Niemelä,1999; Simons et al., 2002; Gebser et al., 2011). It offers an expressive declarative modelling lan-guage, in terms of first-order logical rules, for various types of NP-hard search and optimizationproblems. To solve a problem via ASP, one first needs to develop an ASP program (in terms of ASPrules/constraints) that models the problem at hand; that is, the declarative rules implicitly representthe set of solutions to the problem in a precise fashion. Then one or multiple (optimal, in case ofoptimization problems) solutions to the original problem can be obtained by invoking an off-the-shelf ASP solver, such as the state-of-the-art Clingo system (Gebser et al., 2011) used in thiswork. The search algorithms implemented in the Clingo system are extensions of state-of-the-art Boolean satisfiability and optimization techniques which can today outperform even specializeddomain-specific algorithms, as we show here.

    We proceed by describing a simple ASP encoding of the problem of finding a G1 that is consis-tent with a givenH. The input—the measurement timescale structureH—is represented as follows.The input predicate node/1 represents the nodes of H (and all graphs), indexed by 1 . . . n. Thepresence of a directed edge X → Y between nodes X and Y is represented using the predicateedgeh/2 as edgeh(X,Y). Similarly, the fact that an edge X → Y is not present is representedusing the predicate no edgeh/2 as no edgeh(X,Y). The presence of a bidirected edge X ↔ Ybetween nodes X and Y is represented using the predicate confh/2 as confh(X,Y) (X < Y ),and the fact that an edge X ↔ Y is not present is represented using the predicate no confh/2 asno confh(X,Y).

    If u is known, then it can be passed as input using u(U); alternatively, it can be defined as asingle value in a given range (here set to 1, . . . , 5 as an example):

    urange(1..5). % Define a range of u:s

    1 { u(U): urange(U) } 1. % u(U) is true for only one U in the range

    3. To see this, assume X has two successors, Y and Z, s.t. Y 6= Z in G1. Then Gu will contain a bi-directed edgeY ↔ Z for all u ≥ 2, which contradicts the assumption thatH has no bi-directed edges.



    Solution G1s are represented via the predicate edge1/2, where edge1(X,Y) is true iff G1contains the edge X → Y . In ASP, the set of candidate solutions (i.e., the set of all directed graphsover n nodes) over which the search for solutions is performed, is declared via the so-called choiceconstruct within the following rule, stating that candidate solutions may contain directed edgesbetween any pair of nodes.

    { edge1(X,Y) } :- node(X), node(Y).

    The measurement timescale structure Gu corresponding to the candidate solution G1 is repre-sented using the predicates edgeu(X,Y) and confu(X,Y), which are derived in the followingway. First, we declare the mapping from a given G1 to the corresponding Gu by declaring the exactlength-L paths in a non-deterministically chosen candidate solution G1. For this, we declare rulesthat compute the length-L paths inductively for all L ≤ U , using the predicate path(X,Y,L) torepresent that there is a length-L path from X to Y .

    % Derive all directed paths up to length Upath(X,Y,1) :- edge1(X,Y).path(X,Y,L) :- path(X,Z,L-1), edge1(Z,Y), L


    Figure 2: Running times. Left: for 10-node graphs as a function of graph density (100 graphs perdensity and a timeout of 100 seconds); Right: for 10%-dense graphs as a function ofgraph size (100 graphs per density and a timeout of 1 hour).

    We simulated system timescale graphs with varying density and number of nodes (see Sec-tion 4.3 for exact details), and then generated the measurement timescale structures for subsamplingrate u = 2. This structure was given as input to the inference procedures. Note that the input con-sisted here of graphs for which there always is a G1, so all instances were satisfiable. The task ofthe algorithms was to output up to 1000 (system timescale) graphs in the equivalence class. TheASP encoding was solved by Clingo using the flag -n 1000 for the solver to enumerate 1000solution graphs (or all, in cases where there were less than 1000 solutions).

    The running times of the MSL algorithm and our approach (SAT) on 10-node input graphswith different edge densities are shown in Figure 2. Figure 2 (right) shows the scalability of thetwo approaches in terms of increasing number of nodes in the input graphs and fixed 10% edgedensity. Our declarative approach clearly outperforms MSL. 10-node input graphs, regardless ofedge density, are essentially trivial for our approach, while the performance of MSL deterioratesnoticeably as the density increases. For varying numbers of nodes in 10% density input graphs, ourapproach scales up to 65 nodes with a one hour time limit; even for 70 nodes, 25 graphs finishedin one hour. In contrast, MSL reaches only 35 nodes; our approach uses only a few seconds forthose graphs. The scalability of our algorithm allows for investigating the influence of edge density

    0 20 40 60 80 100







    instances (sorted for each line)








    u=2, 20 nodes, finding all G1s






















    0 20 40 60 80 100






    instances (sorted for each line)








    u=1..5, 10% density, finding all G1s




















    Figure 3: Left: Influence of input graph density on running times of our approach. Right: Scalabil-ity of our approach when enumerating all solutions over u = 1, . . . , 5.



    for larger graphs. Figure 3 (left) plots the running times of our approach (when enumerating allsolutions) for u = 2 on 20-node input graphs of varying densities. Finally, Figure 3 (right) showsthe scalability of our approach in the more challenging task of enumerating all solutions over therange u = 1, . . . , 5 simultaneously. This also demonstrates the generality of our approach: it is notrestricted to solving for individual values of u separately.

    4. Learning from Undersampled Data

    Due to statistical errors in estimating H and the sparse distribution of Gu in “graph space”, therewill often be no G1s that are consistent withH. Given such anH, neither the MSL algorithm nor ourapproach in the previous section can output a solution, and they simply conclude that no solutionG1 exists for the input H. In terms of our constraint declarations, this is witnessed by conflictsamong the constraints for any possible solution candidate. Given the inevitability of statisticalerrors, we should not simply conclude that no consistent G1 exists for such an H. Rather, weshould aim to learn G1s that, in light of the underlying conflicts, are “optimally close” (in somewell-defined sense of “optimality”) to being consistent with H. We now turn to this more generalproblem setting, and propose what (to the best of our knowledge) is the first approach to learning,by employing constraint optimization, from undersampled data under conflicts. In fact, we can usethe ASP formulation already discussed—with minor modifications—to address this problem.

    In this more general setting, the input consists of both the estimated graph H, and also (i)weights w(e ∈ H) indicating the reliability of edges present in H; and (ii) weights w(e 6∈ H)indicating the reliability of edges absent inH. Since Gu is G1 subsampled by u, the task is to find aG1 that minimizes the objective function:

    f(G1, u) =∑e∈H

    I[e 6∈ Gu] · w(e ∈ H) +∑e6∈H

    I[e ∈ Gu] · w(e 6∈ H),

    where the indicator function I(c) = 1 if the condition c holds, and I(c) = 0 otherwise. Thus,edges that differ between the estimated input H and the Gu corresponding to the solution G1 arepenalized by the weights representing the reliability of the measurement timescale estimates. Inthe following, we first outline how the ASP encoding for the search problem without optimizationis easily generalized to enable finding optimal G1 with respect to this objective function. We thendescribe alternatives for determining the weights w, and present simulation results on the relativeperformance of the different weighting schemes.

    4.1 Learning by Constraint Optimization

    To model the objective function for handling conflicts, only simple modifications are needed toour ASP encoding: instead of declaring hard constraints that require that the paths induced by G1exactly correspond to the edges in H, we soften these constraints by declaring that the violation ofeach individual constraint incurs the associated weight as penalty. In the ASP language, this canbe expressed by augmenting the input predicates edgeh(X,Y) with weights: edgeh(X,Y,W) (andsimilarly for no edgeh, confh and no confh). Here the additional argument W represents theweight w((x → y) ∈ H) given as input. The following expresses that each conflicting presence ofan edge inH and Gu is penalized with the associated weight W .



    :˜ edgeh(X,Y,W), not edgeu(X,Y). [W,X,Y,1]:˜ no_edgeh(X,Y,W), edgeu(X,Y). [W,X,Y,1]:˜ confh(X,Y,W), not confu(X,Y). [W,X,Y,2]:˜ no_confh(X,Y,W), confu(X,Y). [W,X,Y,2]

    This modification provides an ASP encoding for Task 2; that is, the optimal solutions to this ASPencoding correspond exactly to the G1s that minimize the objective function f(G1, u) for any u andinputH with weighted edges.

    4.2 Weighting Schemes

    We use two different schemes for weighting the presences and absences of edges in H accordingto their reliability. To determine the presence/absence of an edge X → Y in H we simply test thecorresponding independence Xt−1 ⊥⊥ Y t | Vt−1 \Xt−1. To determine the presence/absence of anedge X ↔ Y inH, we run the independence test: Xt ⊥⊥ Y t | Vt−1.

    The simplest approach is to use uniform weights on the estimation result ofH:

    w(e ∈ H) = 1 ∀e ∈ H,w(e 6∈ H) = 1 ∀e 6∈ H.

    Uniform edge weights resemble the search on the Hamming cube ofH that Plis et al. (2015b) usedto address the problem of finding G1s whenH did not correspond to any Gu.

    A more intricate approach is to use pseudo-Boolean weights following Hyttinen et al. (2014);Sonntag et al. (2015); Margaritis and Bromberg (2009). They used Bayesian model selection toobtain reliability weights for independence tests. Instead of a p-value and a binary decision, thesetypes of tests give a measurement of reliability for an independence/dependence statement as aBayesian probability. We can directly use their approach of attaching log-probabilities as the relia-bility weights for the edges. For details, see Section 4.3 of Hyttinen et al. (2014). Again, we onlycompute weights for the independence tests mentioned above in the estimation ofH.

    4.3 Simulations

    We use simulations to explore the impact of the choice of weighting schemes on the accuracy andruntime efficiency of our approach. For the simulations, system timescale structures G1 and theassociated data generating models were constructed in the following way. To guarantee connect-edness of the graphs, we first formed a cycle of all nodes in a random order (following Plis et al.(2015b)). We then randomly sampled additional directed edges until the required density was ob-tained. Recall that there are no bidirected edges in G1. We used Equations 1 and 2 to generatethe measurement timescale structure Gu for a given u. When sample data were required, we usedlinear Gaussian structural autoregressive processes (order 1) with structure G1 to generate data atthe system timescale, where coefficients were sampled from the two intervals ±[0.2, 0.8]. We thendiscarded intermediate samples to get the particular subsampling rate.4

    Figure 4 shows the accuracy of the different methods in one setting: subsampling rate u = 2,network size n = 6, average degree 3, sample size N = 200, and 100 data sets in total. Thepositive predictions correspond to presences of edges; when the method returned several membersin the equivalence class, we used mean solution accuracy to measure the output accuracy. The

    4. Clingo only accepts integer weights; we multiplied weights by 1000 and rounded to the nearest integer.



    ●●● ●



    ● ●







    0.9 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.9 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.9 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.01 0.05 0.1











    e (T



    −−> in G2 in G2 −−> in G1 (psboolw) −−> in G1 (uniformw)

    denseness parameter value (such as p−value threshold)

















    0.9 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.9 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.9 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.01 0.05 0.1







    e P


    ve R




    −−> in G2 in G2 −−> in G1 (psboolw) −−> in G1 (uniformw)

    denseness parameter value (such as p−value threshold)

    Figure 4: Accuracy of the optimal solutions with different weighting schemes and parameters (onx-axis). See text for further details.

    x-axis numbers correspond to the adjustment parameters for the statistical independence tests (p-value threshold for uniform weights, prior probability of independence for all others). The twoleft columns (black and red) show the true positive rate and false positive rate of H estimation(compared to the true G2), for the different types of edges, using different statistical tests. Forestimation from 200 samples, we see that the structure of G2 can be estimated with good tradeoff ofTPR and FPR with the middle parameter values, but not perfectly. The presence of directed edgescan be estimated more accurately. More importantly, the two rightmost columns in Figure 4 (greenand blue) show the accuracy of G1 estimation. Both weighting schemes produce good accuracyfor the middle parameter values, although there are some outliers. The pseudo-Boolean weightingscheme still outperforms the uniform weighting scheme, as it produces high TPR with low FPR fora range of threshold parameter values (especially for 0.4).

    Finally, the running times of our approach are shown in Figure 5 with different weightingschemes, network sizes (n), and sample sizes (N ). The subsampling rate was again fixed to u = 2,and average node degree was 3. The independence test threshold used here corresponds to theaccuracy-optimal parameters in Figure 4. The pseudo-Boolean weighting scheme allows for muchfaster solving: for n = 7, it finishes all runs in a few seconds (black line), while the uniform weight-ing scheme (red line) takes tens of minutes. Thus, the pseudo-Boolean weighting scheme providesthe best performance in terms of both computational efficiency and accuracy. Second, the samplesize has a significant effect on the running times: larger sample sizes take less time. For n = 9 runs,N = 200 samples (blue line) take longer than N = 500 (cyan line). Intuitively, statistical testsshould be more accurate with larger sample sizes, resulting in fewer conflicting constraints. ForN = 1000, the global optimum is found here for up to 12-node graphs, though in a considerableamount of time.



    0 20 40 60 80 100







    instances (sorted for each line)

































































    Figure 5: Scalability of our approach under different settings.

    5. Conclusion

    In this paper, we introduced a constraint optimization based solution for the problem of learningcausal timescale structures from subsampled measurement timescale graphs and data. Our approachconsiderably improves the state-of-art; in the simplest case (subsampling rate u = 2), we extendedthe scalability by several orders of magnitude. Moreover, our method generalizes to handle differentor unknown subsampling rates in a computationally efficient manner. Unlike previous methods, ourmethod can operate directly on finite sample input, and we presented approaches that recover, inan optimal way, from conflicts arising from statistical errors. We expect that this considerablysimpler approach will allow for the relaxation of additional model space assumptions in the future.In particular, we plan to use this framework to learn the system timescale causal structure fromsubsampled data when latent time series confound our observations.


    AH was supported by Academy of Finland Centre of Excellence in Computational Inference Re-search COIN (grant 251170). SP was supported by NSF IIS-1318759 & NIH R01EB005846. MJwas supported by Academy of Finland Centre of Excellence in Computational Inference ResearchCOIN (grant 251170) and grants 276412, 284591; and Research Funds of the University of Helsinki.FE was supported by NSF 1564330. DD was supported by NSF IIS-1318815 & NIH U54HG008540(from the National Human Genome Research Institute through funds provided by the trans-NIH BigData to Knowledge (BD2K) initiative). The content is solely the responsibility of the authors anddoes not necessarily represent the official views of the National Institutes of Health.


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    IntroductionRepresentationFinding Consistent G1sOn Computational ComplexityA SAT-Based ApproachRuntime Comparison

    Learning from Undersampled DataLearning by Constraint OptimizationWeighting SchemesSimulations
