! i i ' " ' ' ' H 'SL S" ' - -- g- -- - ininiiBtammMMuijiiaLL' " T"E ulvxtbo home. TEis cattm:: ; m cocirey JAIL. BIVSR MATTERS. AMBOAg. EDUCATIONAL. ANNOUNCEMENTS. ImWMITS APPEAL I AkSSfe Milug election isuoject w mo "n"" Democratic convention at BrownsvlUe oaUie Hh pros) ! FOS ESHT. RENT.-T- ae commodious 1 l'lS--- IOlt Vance street; two boo J cittern. iaig yard : Vance street cant run 10 the door, ueui to a good tenauL APPoCnJSoyd, aui Appeal umce. 19 Jefferson street. F 0t5SL.0S3tSffi,lW office orMeepin. jZoKK- - Apply at Appeal EL Sle0- -. "ba'Me prjcils-v- . RENT.-- A FINE COTTAGE KE3I-- F d,aowWi seven acres of Uarfeu Land on the Randolph load, two mUes from court outside toe oorpor-- W limits, STwrintei low to a good prompt pajlnj tenant. Present crop, etc., torsaie low. to T. ij RA VK-4- , Memphis cotton Press. M Madison street-- mai- - FOE SALE. I SAT.E.-H1- VU DKKUtNG COTTON I" PllESSK-i- . new nd in complete order, in- - " brtieU n Third streets, I SLE OR LKA.SK -- UsanUfal, shaded FOK choice Bunding lis. fiontlUB on residence rttfedtor dejrrtot wlih nae lorert trreJ-ve- ry low. LEV. Agent Mrs. Ool. ITestoa. o 6 Beel onnnilRAXLANDS AND RESIDENCE FOR O Sale os Kabi lKKJis -- Mgr l a- -. ratte. are for sale, on terms to snll PBharl iol cash or on anytoe-rrom- on to ten years, and in anyqnanUty-fro- ni S acres torn My resldenoe, with trom H to iSacm. UndTwill be sold at a gret bargain, for audi. hi oil the usual t run. Apply to myself, on tht premises, or to Royster. f resevaut i Co.. my e.te,lntheclty. y, M. TKKZSVANT SALE.-nav- tnc determined to chfDg F)R wecfier for sale our "elected STOCK OF GROCERIES. and. Ztk 5i ontof the BET BUSINESS fa OUSEb lthe city. We will sell also a splendid RESIDENCE, IH mllej from the city, near Sill's Station, with 4i acres or ground, with Apply to WEBBflxSlELLs CO., No. IS Union street, J' 11 Imo Hloek TrANTED-- At the Commercial Hoiel.agGod Itt.l.8 Superintendent. Apn.ylm- - , mediately. . n I TO -- AJura '.CI ' WANTED lrom four to rii noui lor summer months lor which a lib.rl rent ,w V J.A. pa.d prowpUr- - AddrlmmadlUly , yOverlOB Ho-ei- . ii2 i ANTED. Any one addressln a commu- - ; W to -- T. W Appeal offlce. TtocJity, terms and all particular Mneeraine a fmal) FRM on . xaliroaos iore.r,iiiaj mmv. J)1 u W. H. ViOORE, ACEP3T,, 1- -2 Ktiwn Street. leSI 3m CELLING ,UdJi8E WANTED-- A rooms by a df"?" person all frown. Must bj centrally located. Addrew Rlenard. Appeal oraer. . ANTED. A situation as Book-Keepe- r, As-Y- V bitnt Boolt-fceep- er or Clrl, by a young man who has had ln years eiperi-nc- e. city refence given. It desired. AddreM V., Apr-- "i onec. J6301' ATKD.-- A GOOD fOOK, WASHER AND 1 roner a white woman, with references. Apply fct St" Linden street. Je f XT ANTED.-- A SM ALL FARM NEAR THE at Memphis, uf which poswsslon can Uuvaauiislely. Address A. R., Appeal to the civil tfoUVirf'tiuE.ei-'-- . ms-l- lions of ougrrsst swonl may cwirreVAftnllab'e Bates. vVyEOItGIA --cV COS! PAS Y U- - Incorporated 1659. 'pltal 8330 000 00 416.2H0 87 yWry fr in bo'ds deposited with ,ZU,UUU the Corap..?er of Ten ne-se- Blanfc rorrts faroished, a-- l Inquiries promptly answered, on appllcotin Id person ur by letter. J AS. F. BozufAN, Fres'L D. F. Wilcox, Sea'y. W. H. SIOOBE. Agrnt, 4 1-- 2 Madison street, Je?13m Memphis. Tenn. LOST-POTJI- TD. A roll of money Saturday noon. The LOST will te liorUy rewarded by leavipg st theArabitiche omee. au3 CHILD. Any Information in regard to IOST POSTER, a girl 12 years old, will he well regarded. She was stolen from her mother eight years azo at Ssoa-ucnto- , Callittr- - j ma, by Hubert Hill Foster, a man now aboat years ord, marlcfd with small-po- and gray hair. He was last heard from in Brownsville, H tywood county. Tenn.. vorkirg t bis trade, wuiea Is wason-uiakln- HJk lml'y consist? if wLVand fourchlldten -- Hnbert,AUce,Lydla a.nd baby. T'ie Umily was jt heard from in Unrvvepert. Texas, in a flattering condition. Any information sent to ine at Evanivllle, Indiana, will he gladly received by a sorrowing ' iiilher. auiiw MRS. JLLIA BARRETT. . JDt8e.olution. THE partnsjshlp heretofore existing n R. is. West, ffcariej CoCin and Hector Coffin, under the style of WEST, COKylN ti. having been by the of H. U. West, th bual now will be cnnlluued by f Coffin and H. Cjffln, nudt-- the styie of '0FF1N BROS. All debt due said firm wHl t collected, and aH HaMUIIM assumed byhe nudertenefi. t'HAKIKS COFFlN, HECTOS CHARLEH COFFIN. HECTOR COFFIN OOPPIW BROS., DFALRrU JN FAMILY SUPPLIES, 302 M&in Hfreet, EAKflAYtWO BLOCK. MEMPHIS, TENN. r Goods delivered Free of Charge to any Tiartof the city. au21m Iissolntion. o P" Carpenter is this day Thrived by kViktt?- - JU!J 31, MMpJ A'VVr.. Angttit 1. 1SGS. We. the underrtgned. have IbiJ oay formed a fcBrtuen'hlp. under the name 0 leof K A WHITE, for the purpo ol jjui-uctln- z buslneta for the ConnecUcut "d'MlsshilppL cej.No.,Mffinre.L it. F. WHITE. JB. NOTICE. In retiring fiom the above nrm.l tka this method of earnestly recommending Merr. Carpenter i While, wy succes.rs In xbiLife Inwirance huluea. Jeellng well LDe company they reprisent. the S'tneetttut Mulual of lfijrllort. I oneof tbebest Ltie ItisuraBOHrampanlea United BUlw. ana at 1 J. H. SI'ELU. To tlie Hercliants ofMerapIiIs. An ZxCfllOUt ATrlIs!nr Medium, j nlHr BouVAn nriXiTJ?. printed at Bollvai.Uardemsn roar.ty.-ijnn.- . .byM.B. iimmwlthlnahnndredmllesofMempl-Tl- j 2JSSIsXnTs trde. nd circulate a JSSn th? test concurs bac of Memphis. Adw8een Lerted at low rates. card, 3 months- - S squares, buswess g If W) S . 16 00 .,citlWiOTheBOLIVArt BULLETIN! ,UlSnttoauyaddrts,.on -- w. rranip a - WALTBLEGuAPHCOllPA'Y for Subscription. Bootes Ope- - Commercial Bank. Boon ft. over .J0tf I - I Jefferson Street. wissiusiDDl and lenueiaeo uauroaa. ew Orleans Kxprees, dally.: 0 p.m. 1:16 p.m. SardU acooin'n, dally, ex- - 5:33 p.m. nJatlr and Saturday ; Car via r iiu.j ..- - 83 ""TuVmoiit.Onl Snot. G. P. OAKLEY Oen. Ticket As'L jeffl Memphli ana wn Eallroaa. ASBITZ. BKPART. ruronghMall (dally) JteW eSi p.nj. UJOpjn p m (IhUuSn doei not leave Saturday . ) Crlnin Accmu""..- - j 1800 am "- -- except Sundays) Sdmervtlle Accomodation mnMi fi a.Tn. ?e U mSTte fasS- -r than dty aratet office, 27S Main street and at Depot. -- tf.j.EOBS.Gen'ltsap't. ieraphls and iouUTllle Ballroad Line, DEPA-S- ABBITX. i ,, 7.1FJ a.m. 5:15 p.m P.?T. VJ lit, om a.m iflurold Time 15 m'.nuTS Ister than city. xtclS office! Nu. ri7H ilaln sUeet and at Ce--1 pot, head ot ggeoyE8,a6aiaap-t- . OITYMATTBES. Chubcues were but sliiuly attenJed yesterday, as a general thin??, the weather being too gloomy to venture out. A Pelican and several eea gulls were .seen on the river yesterday. Tuese birds rarely come so far inland, unless driven by storms. THANKS to Felix Cross, Ksq., for the latest newspapers from the East and South. Mr. Cross is continually putting us under such obligations. There will be a grand rally of the Democracy ht at Stlllman hall. Distinguished speakers will be on band to address the crowd. Dr. McGuffey will lecture this even- ing ct the Baptist Tabernacle, on Court street, and not at the Cumberland Pres- byterian Church, as announced. The 8Ubject is Education. Beats free. Mmnn p,Br vaulted amauhi. - Henry Green yeateruay, aau ku the "hind sights" off him. Henry traveled for the Second District Station and had Addison locked up. No bones broke. Ttte Weather. It commenced rain- ing on Saturday night about midnight and continued to pour down without until ten o'clock yesterday morning. It then held up, and though the skies remained overcast all day, did not rain any more. At present writing, eight o'clock, the frkies have every ap- pearance of a rainy night. The Steamboatmkn's Seymour and Blair Club holds its first regular meet- ing this, Monday evening, at the Hail, corner ofSecond and Adams, at eight and a half o'clock. A full and punctual at- - . ! , ,1 Ujku.a1 .IUHti. tenuance is ihjumicu. - gUlahed 8peakers will be present and ad dress the Ulun. By otder of the President. Godfrey Wilkerson called on us yesterday to Bay that the story of the "Democratic Negro," who ac- cused him of playing into tho Radical hands, is a base, willful, malicious fabri- cation, invented by some " pseudo Dem- ocrat, whose culicle he (Godfrey,) will excoriate with his unguiculea, if he can only discover him." We have an " an- thropomorphic adumbration," as Miss Evans would say, "that there will be a gigantic iconoclasm " if Godfrey catches John Paine, the darky who accused him. POLICE ITEMS. There six arrests in the First District i up to midnight. Drunk and disorderly, ' carrying concealed weapons and street walking were the charges. In the Second District only threo ar- rests were made up to 8 o'clock p. in. Keeping open on Sunday and two drunks. Thfi houaebov of Dr. Williams, a ne gro, was anested yesterday afternoon, j and locked up, for complicity in the brickbat excitement. i EcalawaO. An exchange says : "A correspondent wanls to know the mean- ing of this term : It Is a vulgarism, and American in origin. It is without root or branch in the English, Latin, Greek or Hebrew tongues. It Is United State In extract Radical in rendering a low, worthless fellow; a scape-grac- e. It is particularly expressive la these degener- ate days, when the scum of society Is ' Hrirttnc tn the toD." The word, we be lieve, Is a corruption of the French word scelerat, rascal, and when we first knew it meant nothing very opprobrious, be ingused to signify a Itzy, harmless, By usage and custom it has grown to be one of the most vilely opprobrious epithets in the language. Commercial College. We called the attention of our readers yesterday to the card of Robertson's Commercial Col- lege, on the corner of Main and Win- chester street. Mr. Robertson has been, as we stated, engaged with Mr. Leddiu, at his Commercial College, for the past three years, and is a finished book-keepe- r, a beautiful penman, and a good ac- countant. He possesses in an eminent degree, as many book-keepe- in our first class houses can testify, the rare faculty of Imparting his own knowledge to others, and is a teacher in the true sense of the word. His scholars inform ui that he is patient and painstaking, two rare but essegtial characteristics of a good teaaher. His institution will open on the 1st of September, and we cordial- ly recommend him to our friends as a teacher who thoroughly understands his business. Grand Rally Independent Sey-- ! jjoub Club. In pursuance of a resolu-- ' Uon adopted at the last meeting, the next regular meeflnc of the Young Men's Independent Seymour Club will be held In Stlllman Hall, on Monday evening, August 3d. The band of the club wil) be In attendance, and speeches will be delivered during the evening by H; M. Loewensline, Esq., Col. Gtntt, Capt. Harvey Mathes and John Dono- van, Esq. It Is expected that, In re- sponse to Invitation, the Central Demo- cratic and Young Men's Independent Democratic Clubs will be present In full force. Badges will ba distributed to the members of the Seymour Club, and their .lemnt new banner, the first cf the cam paign, will have been completed, and be presented by the committee. A grand torch-lig- ht proc6asloa will take place upon the adjiurnmeui oi me meeting. As business of Importance Is to be brought before the Seymour Club before the speakers of the evening are Introduced, It Is urgently requested that every mem- ber will be on hand at a quartor before eight o'clock, A special invitation to be present is extended to the ladles of Mem-Dbl- s By order of the President. C H. DAVENPORT, Roc Sec. Less than Cost. Largo stock of La- dies' Dress Goods, Must be closed out Nice Lawna, 15 cents. J. H. Loewen-min- e & Bros., No. 231 Main et. Jy30 2t Wood. Wo are selling the beat of Oak Wood at Summer prices. BIGLEY, MELLERSII 4 CO., Oomer.Matn and SobUi Court, and Main .and rtDtotoe-itrw!.- , As yet not the slightest clue has been obtained towards unraveling the strange and mysterious affair at Dr. Williams' house. Indeed, the mystery deepens, and what we at first supposed was the malicious jest of some foolish practical joker, which would soon be detected and punished, has become a matter of grave and serious import, the subjeot of uni- versal curiosity and interest, and a problom taxing In vain the utmost of our police. The ' brickbat- - ting," as our readers were made aware yesterday morning, continued up to a late hcurSturday nlgbt, and, we are ln- - ! formed, even during the terrible rain ' storm which raged unabatedly from midnight till nine o'clock yesterday morning. There were lulls of an hour or two when no bricks or stones were thrown, but these were only temporary, and after them the bricks would again fly thicker and faster than evor, at the fated bouse. Yesterday morning, as soon as the rain ceased, crowds of citi- zens commenced to visit the scene, and hundreds gathered In the btreets and yards around, all on the qui rite; but though they watched " with all their eyes," the pellets came as before, and none could say whence. Ex- perts, detectives and police examined the house and adjacent premises, and many surmhes and conclusions were offered, discussed and abandoned. In the afternoon Colonel Beaumont ordered the police to clear the streets, grounds ami premleea adjoining of all visitors and strangers, and adopted a plan which we think, If It does suoceod in catching tho party or parties engaged In this outrageous persecution of Dr. Williams, will cauise the persecution to cease. There are facts connected with the affair which we are in possession of which we are requested not to roBke public at present, but we hope before again going to press to be able to an nounce the mystery explained. Mean while, Dr. Williams and his amiable family have our sincere sympathies in their persecution. P. S. Since writing the above we learn that the negro who waits upon Dr. Wil- liams a sort of dining-roo- m servant, was arrested and locked up yesterday af- ternoon, on tmplciou, and since he has been incarcerated not a brick has been thrown. We think he can account for the milk in the cocoanut if be wishes to. FAt.LI.VG OF A BUILDING. Effect? of (he Rain Storm. Yesterday mornlDg about 9 o'clock the new brick buildings which were in pro- cess of erection on Union street, between Slain and Front, tumbled down with a loud crash, which startled the denizens of tho regions round about considerably. The buildings were being erected by Messrs. Meacbam & Treadweli and Gal-breat- b, Stewart & Co., on the site of the old stores which were torn down a few weeks ago. In excavating for the cellar and foundations the workmen dug too deep, going below the foundation of a wall which was left standing, on the west side, next to Anderson & Gay's. The heavy rains of Saturday night washed the earth out from under it, and it fell Inward, striking the framing of the new buildings and overwhelming them in one common ruin. Fortunately, the buildings were not far enough ad- vanced to be occupied, and so no one was hurt. One cr two of the iron columns in front were broken, but beyond that the material was not Injured, and the only lots will be the labor which has been expended and the time lost. FACTS TO REFLECT 1'1'flX. Not one man in one hundred succeeds during his lifetime in amassing enough to support in comfort those who are de pendent upon him, for one single year after he shall have been called away from them, and yet there is no man in whos-- heart the wish is not uppermost to provide for those nearest and dearest to him, after death has claimed him and he can no longer work for them. How strange it is, then, with opportunities on every side of them to make this provis- -, ion, there are so many men that die and leave their families destitute! Each thinks that every one else must die but hlmeelf, and never reflects for a moment that "In the midst of life we are in death," and that tho frail fretted throad of his own existence may be severed in an Instant. What Is then obviously the duty of every man ? To insure, and that for the largest amount that ha can carry, and in the iafel and best institution that is within his reach. " Which Is the safest and best," we are asked. The beau deal of a perfect In- surance corporation is that which com- bines perfect safety and progresslve-ncs- s the staunchness and stability of the old school, with youthful vigor and enterprise. These qualities constitute, in their possessor, the medium that may be called golden, and by no company are they possessed to a more remarkable de- gree than by the St. Lopis Mutual, represented In our city by Messrs. McMa-ho- n fSc Otis, No. 43, Madison street. It secme to be the institution so long wanted by the public, and to bp all that could be wished by the most careful or the most progressive man. Its rapid growth in public favor is a convincing proof that it Is appreciated in this light. All citizens who realize the incalcu- lable importance of connecting directly by rail with the rich and fertile country bstween this city and Holly Springs, Columbus, Aberdeen and Selma, are ear- nestly invited to meet the subscribers at Odd Fellows' Hall, on Monday evening next at 8 o'clock, jjet Mempbians awake before it is too late. The 'meeting will not be called upon for subscriptions. Ad- dresses will bo made by Messrs. W. J. Sykes, Hon. Mr. Clapp, Hon. Judge H. Smith, and others. Wm. R. Moore, BB Waddcll, John B. Robinson, M. E. Cochran, D. B. Molloy, F. W. Smith, A.Ses-e- , Uharles Joae, W. 11. L'Derry. Toor. PhllUps x Co., Wm, r. Hardin, John a Farrlngton, W. W. Thacker, P. A. blifcpbeid, RCcckrell, J. S. Stanton, Kerguaon Clay, J. D. Williams, Gslbreath, Stewart & Jyner, Lcmmon A Co., Uale. Rlce.SUxACo., . James .. Elder. , 11' t, I T.I.,... r t w t John T. Stratum, Larry Uarmstad. ! Clarke, Ely Cj , J. Itotan, j A. J. Roicu Co., J. L. Verser. j Large stock of men's Cloth Shoos, 12. j Men's all Wool Cassimere SulU, S10. J. H. Loewenstine & Bros., Clay Build-- j ing. jj30 2t j TurtleSoup. VetterDreizigacker, of the Monroe Exchange, Nq. SS Monroe ! street, again Informs the public that he j has rcelved and will sacrifice to (ha ap I netites of the patrons of the Exchange, a huge green turtle, Just from Florida. Free to everybody morning j at 10 o'clock ! He has the best of wines and liquors In bis bar, and his lager beer ! Is from the celebrated brewery of Wm. Stumpf, In St. Louis. Beer five centa a glass, except at lunch time, when It la ten cents. 2t i Bankruptcy Sale. Fancy Goods, Perfumery, etc., at No. 195 Main street, for ten days only. Jy24 eod lOt Less than Cost. Large stock of La dies' Dress Goods. Must be" closed out. Nice Lawns, 15 cents, J, H. Loewen tine Eros., No. 231 Main st. Jy30 3t Their Introduction Info Tcnsics Nee and Virginia Market. The question, of the supply of good and wholesome food, especially fresh meat, is always one of interest to every popu- lous and growing community.. In our present comparatively youthful and condition, we have but little present need of much forethought on the subject, but in the older portions of oar country, it has already become one of paramount importance, and philoso- phers, financiers and statesmen have discussed it in all its bearings. There has been lately started In our midst an enterprise connected with this question, which we believe Is destined to play a great part In the development and growth of our city, as It will bring ta us an entirely new branch of trade, and make Memphis play a great role in the feeding of the great cities of the East and North, and make It, In fact, a vast central market for tho cattle trade of Texas. In times ante bdlwn the markets of Baltimore, New York and other Eastern cities were very largely supplied from the magnificent grczlng and stock raising regions of East Tennessee and the famed 8henandoah Valley of Virginia. The war came, and that splendid country wac stripped of cattle, as of other branch es of Its material wealth, and is now almost entirely depleted of stock of all kinds. The financial condi tion of the people has not enabled them to do as much as might be desired to re cuperate tbelr exhausted resource?. In dustry and determined energy, however, directed to the cultivation of the soil the source of all wealth and the prospect oi abundant crops, nave this year rendered their condition better than it has been at any time since the war. They need work animals, and the surplus of corn they have produced this year cannot bt more profitably used than by being fed the coming winter to stock, commanding at all times In the Eastern markets good prices. Texas, as every one knows, besides being a great grain-growin- g Stato, it possessed of immense herds of cattle, which roam over her boundless prairies, Increasing with almost incredible rapid- ity. For these cattle there Is no sale in the Interior. Annually, commencing about the first of April, the stock-raiser- s drive the cattle, of four years old and upwards, either through Arkansas and Kansas to tho Missouri river, or to points on the Gulf of Mexico and the Mississippi and Rid rivers. It Is estima ted that 150,000 cattle have been driven to Kansas and other parts of the, North- west, and there sold, since the first of January last, and that during the same period about 21,000 head havr found market at Hog Point (uear the mouth of Red river) and New Orleans. The latter have been bought by the deal- ers In Illinois, Indiana and Ohio Itli-no- is being the main purchaser. These cattle are pastured and fat- tened on her broad prai- ries, and for the most part are shipped to the markets of Baltimore, New York and other Eastern cities, though not a few are sold for consumption in Cnicago. The Weet and Northwest .cannot, as has been amply demonstrated this year, sup- ply an adequate market, and there are consequently at this time'great numbert of cattle at New Orleans and other points, for which no sale can be bad. The stock raisers of Texai and the cattle-broke- rs oi New Orleans are therefore anxious to open up other markets for tho rapidly increasing supply of cattle; and it is pre- cisely this that may be made to Inure to the benefit of the people living in the line grazing regions of North Alabama, East Tennessee and Virginia. Let us look for a moment at the stocks and pro- duction of these cattle, and their costde livered in East Tennessee or Virginia, From the best information to be ob- tained, the number of cattle in Texas is estimated at 5,000,000 head, and the an- nual increase at 1,000,000 calves. Stock raisers estimate the lot on the increase to bo about 25 per cent, by death from disease and casualties, leaving a nett production of 750,000 yearly. About 250,000 cattle are annually exported from Texas. These estimates are considered low by those beat informed. After being driven from the Interior of Texas, a jour" ney of from twenty to twenty-fiv- e days, they are of course in poor condition. At present they are worth in New Orleans from 510 to $20 per head, aocording to size. Cattio of the largest a'ze, costing in New Orleans say twenty dollars, and capable of being fed so as to weigh 1300 pounds gross, (the beef they afford being of the finest and tenderest quality, and they being besides very serviceable a yoke animals,) can be shipped by boat to aiempnis, tnence ny we Memphis and Charleston Railway and connections to Bristol or Salem, on the Virginia and Tennessee Railroad, costing there about thirty dollars a head. It is needless for us to say anything to our readers of the grazing lands of East Tennessee and the famed Shenandoah Valley of Virginia accessible from Bristol or Salem by a good turnpjke road, or of the facilities that country possesses cf rapid and easy transit to the Virginia and Jiastern mar- kets, where these cattle will always com- mand a profitable sale. From the point of debarkation from the cars, the cattle can be leisurely driven up the valley each day improving their condition and finding them nearer a good market. It is very confidently believed that time and the Investment of a little capital are alone needed to develope a larger and more profitable trade along the direct and continuous line of railroad from Memphis to New York than is now done bv the Northwest with Its lqnger, more circuitous and costly communication with Eastern cities. Our firm conviction is, that if this project be carried out, Memphis will soon become the very center of the Tex- as eattle trade, for the Northern, East- ern and the Atlantio seaboard Southern cities. Oar friend, Charles 8. Sawyer. Esq., of the Memphis and Charleston road, is now engaged in perfecting the arrangements for a trial of the experi- ment, and it is to be hoped that he may find a zealous from all' parties in this highly important ntpr. prlsn. We would respectfully request our leisa uuiemporanes and exchanges to bring this matter before their readers in a proper light, for by so doing they will materially aid and assist us by making cut efforts known to the stock-raise- rs themselves. For Ten Days Qnly. W. Y. Cirode assignee, of P. I. Huatte & n- - fiantr rupU, will sell the balance of the stock at xo. isk iuain street, at twenty per oent below New York and manufactur- ers' COSt, in lots to suit ntlrpSnoor. Fancy goods, drugs, paints, oils, pet- - lumery, etc. Jy23 eod lOt J?!f:ZMiluX aad Welding- - card peal Hob OUIce. Large stock of men's. Cloth Shoes, $2. Men's ail Wool Cassimere Suits, $10. J. H. Loeweustlue & Uros., Clay Building. ,Jy30 3t Wanted dally at the 8ouUiernHoteli corner Beal and Main streets, fresh country'.erevchlckens, butter,): vegeta Wsiascf fruits aultfr- - t tThe,Grand Jury, In their report, stale that thia lnstltutioQ is supported by the county at the cost of eome twenty odd thousand dollars for fees and salaries Tbelr economical recommendations, if carried out, would reduce these figures largely, leaving still fifteen, thousand dollars yearly, at least, to be raised from the already overburdened and overtaxed people. A proposition was made to us yesterday, to obviate this, and make the jail not merely a but a paying Institution, and we were author- ized to make the offer public An old citizen, who is able and willing to give bonds In any amount for the faithful per- formance of his contract, offers to lake the jail off the hands of tho county, hire bis own clerks, guards and employees, and to pay the county ten thousand dol- lars per annum for the privilege of run- ning It. This will make a difference of twenty-fiv- e or thirty thousand dollars In the jail expenditures, and we recom- mend his offer to the Board of County Commissioners. At Bargains. Largo stock of Boots and Shoes mnst be sold out. Ladies' Clippers, 75 cents. J. H. Lsewenstine & Bros., No. 231 Main street. jjCO 2t To Publishers. We are making up a complete list of Southern and West ern papers, for the convenience of ad- vertisers. It will give name of paper, where published, days of issus, name of proprietor, politics, etc. All papers giv- ing this notice one insertion in local column, and sending marked copy cf paper will be put on our list and reoeive a copy of the same as soon as published. Address, Conservative, Frudericktown, Mo. At Bargains. Large stock of Boots and Shoes must be sold out. Ladies' Slippers, 75 cents. J. H. Loewenstine & Bros. , No. 231 Main street. J j 30 2t Wanted to Buy. A second-han- d Fire-pro- of Safe of medium size. Address No. 7 Waldran Block, Main at. aul 3t Wanted, 100 gentlemen day boarders at the Southern Hotel. aul tf Wrappino Paper. If you would save your money, go to Brown & Dil- lard's, Sole Agents, 214 Front street, and examine their stock. Tbey have all grades of the finest article Wrapping Paper, and are selling below Cincinnati prices. jy29 lm Paschall House Drawing. Certifi- cates in this grand drawing can be bad in Memphis of Mr. E. 8. Plummer, W. H. Passmore & Co., 260 Second street, and at Geo. Pattlson & Co.'s bookstore, 317 Main street, Circulars containing full particulars, furnished on application to either of the above parties. jy283tawt Bankruptcy Sale. Fancy Goods Perfumery, etc, at No. 195 Main street, for ten days only Jy24 eod lOt The allotted time of Dr. James' stay in Memphis, having expired, ho will in future be addressed at his home office, 91 and 93 Randolph street, Chicago, and postollice address, box 5S63 Chicago, 111. See advertisement in another column, for particulars. Bankruptcy Sale. Fancy uocds, Perfumery, etc., at No. 195 Main street, or ten days only. jy 24 eod lOt Memphis, Trsjf., July 30, U6K. Messrs. W. B. W!gy !: Co.: Gentlemen : For several years I was troubled more or less with Piles, for which complaint I was treated by the best physicians to no purpose ; indeed, 1 gradually became worse, until at last I began to despair of relief from any source. While in this condition I was recommended to try your Buckeye Sal ve. Making up my mind to try it, I am now happy to say that it had the xleslred effect, as I am now well and hearty, for which I am indebted to your wonderful remedy. Yours, truly, F. L. WARNER. Upon receipt of 11 00 a bottle of this Salvo will be mailed, free of postage. Bankruptcy Sale. Fancy Goods, Perfumery, eta, at No. 195 Main Btreet, for ten days only. jy24eodl0t SPECIAL KOTIC2S. Dr. Morllinore at ltuena Tlsta Spring, Kuasellvllle, Keutuchy. Bcena Viet A. Sraiiroa. RuasiLLVii-i.c- . Lo county, Ky. My mends In the South who desire to consult or place themselves under my treatment, can address or come and consult me personally frota this date until IstofOctobor next, at this favorite Watering Place, and these Justly celebrated Mineral Springs. As hereto- fore, I will still devote my attention to treat- ment of all the various forms of Chronic Dis- eases, especially to Dutatet of the I.ungt and Orgaus of the Chest, as also all the various afflictive forms of Fxale Diseases. Je9 d3twaw3m 1). MORTIMpltE, M. D. Early Marriages. Dr. Franklin advocated Early Marriages. Essays for Young Men, on this and other subjects, being a GUIDE TO MARRIAGE and Conjugal Felicity, by benev olent Physicians, sent by mall. In sealed letter envelopes, free of charge. Address, HOWARD ASSOCIATION, Box P., Philadelphia, Pa. mazi em UNDERTAKERS. JAB. FLAHERTY. JOHN WALSH FLAHERTY & WALSH, FMEHAL UNDERTAKERS CASE?, CASKETS AND METALLIC of all kinds, constantly on Air-tls- Zinc Burial CasesaDd Caskets largest aire weighing 9 lbs., and of latest style. AH enters promptly at tended to. Marehonse So. 317 Second Slreel, Between Union and Monroe streets. Resi dence. No. IES Union street. Having been engaged in tbia business lor za years, we feel assured that we can give satisfac- tion. Jyg 8m B. XCCArrSET. W. B. CORKIXICS. McCaffrey & coenelitjs GENERAL UNDERTAKERS AND EMBALMERS OF THE DEAD, tfo gOO Second Street, Near Monroe. MompliiB, - - Tennessee, X TETALLIC Cases and Caskets and Wooden ixL Coffins constantly on hand. Jaa FOR MOTJm CITY. OTEAMER PEOSTA' LEAVES, nverv dar forrMonnd CltTOt 7J m 11 n.m.. 3 n."m. and S tj m. Leavea .Moun ,Clty every day at B a.m.,8 p.m. and Muter, WEATHER AND RIVERS. Cairo, August 2. Luminary passed down at 1 p.m. The river haa risen eight inches. Cincinnati. August 2. River rising, with fourteen feet in the channel. Louisville, August 2. River rising, with four feet in the canal. St. Louis, August 2. Arrived : Com- monwealth, David Watts. Departed : Bismarck and Shark. River declining, with eight feet six inches to Cairo. Up- per streams failing. Memphis, August 3. The river at this point is rising slowly. The weather since midnight Saturday haa been wet rain falling in torrents for several hours during the nlgbt and until nearly noon yesterday. Arrivals. Steamer W. R. Arthur, New Orleans. " Natoma, Napoleon. " Same Hale, Cincinnati. " City of Cairo, St. Louis. Departures. Steamer W. R. Arthur, St. Louis. In fort. Natoma,'City of Cairo, Same Hale. MISCELLANEOUS. Capt. J. P. Fitzgerald, Superintendent of the Atlantio and Mississippi Steam- ship Company, arrived yesterday by rail from St. Louis, to attend the eale of the City wharfboat y. He will remain in the city a day or two. The towboat Mohawk passed up yes- terday. She had a barge load of coal tar for this port. The W. R. Arthur also passed up yes. terday. She was light. Nathan Hoffheimer, formerly of this city, but now of SU Louis, and who has been here on a short business visit, left for home yesterday. In him St. Louis has acquired an Irreproachable citizen. The Peoata makes her last trip tn Mound City daily at 5 p.m. instead of fl p.tu. , as erroneodsly stated by all our Parties going fishing should bear this in mind. The Natoma, Cape. Jim Lee, backs out y at 5 p.m. for Napoleon and all way points, carrying the Arkansas mail and connecting with the American for that stream at Napoleon. Fields, White- head and Lea are clerks. The U. S. mail packet Commercial, Capt. Athford, Charley Smithers, clerk, leaves to morrow for all points on White river. The City of Cairo, Capt. Crane, leaves at o p m. for Cairo and St. .Louis. She is a No. 1 steamer and makes express time, connecting with trains for the North and East. Billy Blenker is the polite ladies' man or tne Cairo. The Sam J. Hale, Capt. Miller, leaves to-ia- y promptly at & p.m, ror Cairo, Louisville and Cincinnati, making all way landings, except at x'ortianu bar-th- ere she wont stop. The fine steamer Luminary, Capt. Lu- - Ker, witn j as. L.ee t inney in tne ornce, passes down to-d- ay ror ViCKSburK and the Bends. She will leave the City Wharf-boa- t at 5 p.m., and will make all way landings. A meeting of the Steambo&tmen's Seymour Club will take place this even ing in the hall over the engine house. corner of Second and Adams streets, at which every member is expected to be preeent. All river men or others In the city wishing to enroll their names are invited to be tiresenr. We learn that Capt. John B. Davis will nave a new packet at our landing within the next week, to take the place of the Commercial, which latter will go to tne docKs and be made better tnun new. What would the White river folks do without the " old reliable" ? Capt. Mark Cheek's new ferry-bo- at will be Here by tne lotn mst. The ma chinery of the Peostn will ha transferred to the new boat, and the former will be placed at our wnan as a lerry-uoc- s The new boat, it is said, will be a clip per, and will make the trip to Mound City in twenty minute. The City wharfooat will be sold to-d- to the highest bidder for cash. The transfer ot ownership will be made out Immediately n Capt. Larry Uarmstad don't buy tier ID. Saveral river men are now daily scek- - intr tne snades of ilopeneld, and there. under the spreading branches of some tail roreat tree, are renearsing speeches which they will in due time deliver at tne club. The Tempest reshipped at Cairo and turned back to Louisville. Louisville freight bound for White river now comes here by rail, and is reshipped on our wmte river line. The Argonaut left Louisville on Satur- day for New Orleans. The Pink Yarble is advertised to leave Louisville lor this port By a passenger who came up on the iN atoms, we learn tnat tbe Moliie Ham' bletoa was hard aground at Widow Ford's bar, on the St. Francis, Saturday morning, tone will no doubt be in to leave at her regular hour Capt. Tom Bowman can work her off if It is possible to do so. We learn from Mr. John Durff, of the post oruce, tnat Captain J. ii. Davis nas notified the Postmaster at this port that he has affected a contract with tbe de- partment, giving the people in tbe bends, ss far as Vicksburg, two mails per week, instead of one, as heretofore. This will be good news to them. Tbe mails will leave nero on Jtondays and Saturdays. The New York left Cincinnati for this port on Saturday. One item of her freight Is 1200 barrels pork. Captain Jim Pepper's new boat has made a trial trip and work well. They have had a slight rise in tho upper Ohio. They have thirty inches in the channel at Pittsburg. A seven foot rise is reported in the Kanawha. A legal gentleman canvassed an upper river steamboat lately, and found but one Grant voter on board. They frater- nized, slept in the same stateroom, and in the morning the man with tbe inqui- ring mind woke up without a pocket-boo- k. Up to ten o'clock Wednesday the Ten- nessee river bad risen ten feet, and was still swelling at tbe rate of half an Inch per hour. Fears were entertained that th9 fine crops and the creek bottoms would be overflowed and badly dam- aged. The rains of Saturday and Sun- day nights were among the heaviest ever known in that region. The following boats are laid up at New Albany, nearly all of them undergoing thorough repairs ; John Kilgour, P. W. Strader, Cora S., W. F. Cnrtiss, Dick Fulton, Simpson Horner, Alps, Comet, Swallow, Grand Lake, and Phil, Sheri- dan. The Allechenv river packet Echo was sold at auction at Pittsburg on Thursday to Capt, Jas. Kees for J5900 cash. The middle boiler of the Magnolia has been found. It was completely flattened out. The safe has also been found. The W. F. Curtiss has been chartered atSlOOO par month to run between Louis- ville and Cairo in connection with the John Kilgour, which willply between Cairo and .New Orleans. The towboat I.L.Hyatt, recentlysunk near Island No. 1, has been raised, re- paired, and yesterday came into port with a tow of stone. She is commanded by Capt. James Lowdon. The Alabama and Tomblgbee rivers have risen very rapidly and fears are en- tertained of an overflow. The White Collar and the Quincyllne have consolidated at St. Louis and will hereafter run under the management of the N. W. U. Packet company. The line will be continued to Keokuk as here- tofore to do the local business, and an extension of the line will run to St. Paul, exclusively for passengers. The stock- holders of the Quinoy packet company retain their stocK in the new line the game as In the old. The Superintendent and Secretary of the St. Louis and Qoin-c-y packet company will retain their po- sitions and attend to the business of the new concern with the same promptness and courtesy that has heretofore charac- terized them. Memphis and New Orleans Wednesday Packet, MtiE.VTA, r.&Z t viw Hinrs. CaDt T. J. HowABD. Clerk One at'amer will leave Memphis for THIS Orleans on Wednesday, 15lh ofSep- - ami win .s " trade, leavinp Memphis on evry alternate "WtdoelT. MART WALT a CO., FOK VIGKSBURQ.. Regular lit. Louis. Memphis and Vlcksbun United States Mail Packet. For vicksburg and Way Landings. LUMINARY Laker master v yiMi' fs nP i THIS DAT, 3d ImL, at 5 p.m. LARRY HARMSTAD, Agent, anT It City Wharfboat foot Monroe st. Regular SL Louis. Memphis and Vlekbn O. S-- Mall For Helena, Napoleon and Vicksburg. LUMINAKY Hiker master 2his elegant passenger steamer THIS DAY, 3d InsL, at 5 p.m. K- - W. LIOHTRUUN. Agent; aA3" ffil Kront treet. FOR fCXNOlNKATL, Regular Cincinnati Paekst-De- an Line. HAM. J. HALE Walker master aP'Sooid passenger steamer .rr -- s will for the above on MONDAY. U lnt.. at 5 p.m. ' JAS. T, BOURNE s CO.. Agents. -- au22i 12 jeflerson street. FOR NAPOLEON. Regular Keinl-- eek:y Paeket for Napolto- n- or Helena. fnra Point and Napoleon connecting at Napoleon with Ark .nas River and yiok.sburg Packet. Through Bills Lading given to all points on Arkansas River and Vicksburg. NATOMA.. lames Lee master This elegant passenger packet ,rr- - w will leave MONDAY.Sd'lnsL, at 6 p.m. VINSON & DONAHUE, AgenU. H??t u Ktont streeL FOR WHITS RIVER. Memphis and White River U. S. Mail Packet Company. For Helena, DeVaU's BIuDT, Little Rock. Au- gusta, Jacksonport and all Way Landings. COMMERCIAL Asniord master TnU Hue passenger paeket leaves aua s,ua sw O uu TUESDAY. 4th InsL. at 5 n.m. For freight or passage apply to LEVY & MILLER. Agent, 8 Jefferson street, under Commercial Hotel. au2 3t FOR ST. LOUIS. Memphis and St. Louis Packet Company. Tor Cairo and St, Lonb. CITY Or CAIRO John Crane master This new and splendid passenger -- II " steamer will leave as above on f 5iii itili MONDAY", 3d lukt, at 5 pjn. n2 2t FLEM. CALVERT. Hup'L FOR ST. FRANCIS RIVER. Regular Tuesday EL Francis River Packet For Helena Marianna, Madison, Wlttsburg CU.U TT JT Ml"" t'TKM- MOLLIE HAMBLETON, T. It-- Bowman Master aji4. v. a aaitj, anoii tuiu XitrjE, uerio. Will leave Memphis KVItx TUESDAY, at .8 o'clock p.nu ZfiSBmA iumi n a ,t:vi iiau, Agent.. J&2I IX Cits- - Wharfboat. foot Monroe St. Regular JZempnl. Wtiiteand Little Red Elver Thnrtday Packet. jaEj.BES ARO JOHN D.ELUOTr.Master: CAB.J. Hanki ana -- mat uxa, Clerk. THE steamer D&S AHi) hiving been put In thorough repair, will enter the MEMPHIS a.m wmxt iliVEK 1UA.DE permanently on TUUctS JAY. the 3d Cat uf lnlpmlwr IKCS leivlag Memph'S every Thurrday fur all poluU onWi-ltean- u LltteUed rivers, connecting at Devall's Blntr with tialns lor Lit! Ia Keck. Leavei Devall's BluX for Memphis every Mon- day on arrival ol train. NOTICE- - To the Merchants of Memphis The steamer LES ARC will resume her trips In the While River Traoe on Thursday, the 3d day of otvieinuer, u, anu as l am suiisnea mat it 1 the wish of boln the planter and merchant that me iocxi pacseis receive ana transport mer- chandise on which there is dO.D. chiriM and lu view of the fact that the refusal to trans- port such frelzbt has ODerated verv much agiiust the trude of Memphis, the steamer u aiw ia nome packet, owned and con trolled In Memohli) will. on resuniinghertrips, receive all t. O. D. freight, charging snipper nuu iuo jfcifiiii. wucu Muo is not receiveu oy contigaee. ani charging shipper one-hal- f per ueuk uu ail v. coiucuoob. JOHN D. ELLIOTT, Master aoi And Owner Steamer I)es Arc. Memphis and Wow Orleans Wednesday Packet, -- MISSISSIPPI, NAT.S. Okees. s. Cmk Chkiuhton Master. Clerk. amis fine steamer wUl leave Memphis for J. New Orleans en Wednesday, 23d of Septem- ber, and will make rezulartnm In the trade- - leaving Memphis on every alternate Wednes day. JIA.KT. WALT SCO., Jy31 tf Agents 272 Front street "OLD RELIABLE" MEMPHIS AND WHITE RIVEB PACKET COMPANY. 1 f7. S. MAIL LIA'JE. For Little Bock & Hoi Springs. rilHE SDlendid Passencer Steamer rmrMS-B- . J. CIA Land LIBERTY No. 2, leave Memphis every j.asuay anu oaiuruay a. o o'clock p.m-fo- r white River, connecting at DeVaU's Blufl with Memphis' and Little Hock, Railroad to Little Rack, and Stage Line for Hot Springs Time to Little Rock. 43 hours. Passengers and Shippers can rely on this xwuie we yearrounu. JOHN B. DAVIS. Sup'L LEVY 4 MILLER, General Freight and Ticket Agents, apll tf Mo. S Jefferson street. 1368 1868 ST. LOUIS & ST. PAUL PACKETS Northern Line Packet Co. UN THEIR DAILY LINE OF SPLENDID Side-whe- Steamers through to Davenport, Dnbnque and St. Panl Without reshlpplng, leaving their Wharfboat, EVENINU (except Sundays), at o'clock, p.m. These Steamers are all manned with carei a 1, skillful and experienced nfflcers and crews, accustomed to the trade, and are outfitted In a superior manner, and no exertions wUl be spared to add to the comfort of Passengers or careful bandllnc of freight. JAMES WARD, President. T. J.BUKORD, Superintendent. I. M. M 4SON, General Agent. E. B. BYINOXON. Oen'I 'ticket Agent. LEVY A MILLEtt, e7 Sm Tlclte- - MEMPHIS & AMAffSAS E1VEB sss? United States Mail jEXcl3Cot; Oompa'y. NW ARRANGEMENTS. THE PRESENT JUOW STAUEUF DURING In the Arkansas river, all the boats on the Memphis end of the route are with- drawn, and tbe elegant Side-whe- el steamer NATOMA - James Lee, Master will take tbe nlace of the through hosts. lea v- - tntr MemDhis as heretofore MONDAYS AND THURSDAYS, at6 p-- connecting at Napo- leon TUJSSD.VYS AND FttlDAib with the light draught anu comionauie passenger steamer AUERICVN- - W. T. Berry, Master For Pine Blufl". irretzht and nassengers will be transferred without detection or extra expense, the " giving Through 'tickets to passengers to Fine nine ana ait inierme.naie pomis only, lint will tiza Through Bills Ladlnirior frehrht to alt points on Arkansas river as high up as Fort Smith. The new anu very ugnt-urauc- steamers VAN BUREN J.W.WlUIams, Master FORT SMITH James Bowlin, Master Will p'y between Pine Bluff and Bpadra,coa. nectlng at tho latter place with a Heat of first-cla- ss Matbo;s. In charge of Capt. Jen Pa by which freights shlpp- - d on thU line are torn arded without detention, and delivered at destination In good order, the flats being well provided with tarpaulins to protect the goods from the weather. Persona wishing to ship by this line will con- tinue to mark their goods "via Arkansas river " and chip to " Memphis and Arkansas Blver U. S. Mall Packet Company," at Mem- phis, or to JounD.Adttns, at Memphis. Ail freights signed for through as this line wUl. as heretofore, continue to receive the at- tention of James T. Bourne & Co., No. 12 Jef- ferson -- fJ-jjj ADAMS. SuDertntendenL VINSON DONAHUE, Agents for Natoma. DAVE HUKELL. Passenger Agent. resumptionof navlgation.the GLEANER, CBLKSTlScALDWELL and OZARK will re- sume their places In the Memphis and Fort Smith line, by which the merchants and plant- ers on the entire Arkanas iler will have a communication with Memphis, and from there by rail and steamboat to all points In the United States. jy23 JOHN P.ADAM3.8nperlntendenL NOTICE. A T a meeting of the Directors of the DeSoto A insurance and Trust, Company, held this day at the.Cotnpaay.'s office, a dividend of six per con t--, tree of oovernmsnt tax;WAiideclared upon the capital stock of said Ceiupiwy. 5uiT7,lsS. j.O.L08QAIJj:Bwrettry. Wjar oopy. jj MEMPHIS FEMALE SEMINARY. 'l'HE FaU Hesslen wUl opsn r-- WEDNE3- -l DAY, Seatember 2d, at No. 169 Madfeoa street. For circulars or catalogue , apply at Young's Bookstore or at the Seminary. auzim Mrs. ANNIE D. HAlLE, Principal. HAILE'S Eoglfsb and Classical School, TOR. BOTS, NO. 303 THIRD STREET. fTUIE Fail Session will open SEPTEMBER Ur. r t - 1. n .. n I . TV. 1 People's Insurance Company, Yonngl Book- store, and at my lealdence, 109 Mad Uon a.reu analm A. J. HAILE. PnncipaL Memphis Female College. SESSION We shall TWENTY-NINT- H FORMS In this College, aecord-ln- g to previous annonc cement, for the ensulnz scholastic year of forty weeks, on TUESDAY, September I. 1SC3. for circulars, giving full particulars, apply to the Principal at the Col- lege, or at the bookstores. jr--S Ue9 M. A. V- - MORGAN. Principal. Science 9111 Female Academy, &helbjvlHe.Ky. THIS Institution, situated In one of the moit healthful and pleasant towns ( Ken- tucky, within a short distance ot Louisvnie. with which it haa easy dally communication by stage and rail, offers to tho public the accu- mulated advantaged ot more than forty yean scccessfuloperattun. The elghty-seven- ti (S7th) semi-annu- session will open on Monday, eep-temb-er 7, 1S8S. For catalogues or soeclal Infor- mation address Mrs. JULIA A.TEVIS, lyaim PitncipaJ. LaGrange Female College, LaGBANQE, TENN., P.f MILES east of Memphis, on Ctarl8ton 0J Railroad. WUl open l- -t September and rfoseist July next Cheapest College la tha Cash Items lor live months: Board In Colkgs (all found) iw.i oo All Enzllsh, Latin and Mathematics. 21"t Mule ion any Instrument) with use of in- strument ... 25 cu Modem Languages It Bt Vocal Music and Incidentals, no charge. JyM 2m J. D. M EREDITH. President. ShelbjTllle Male lilgn School. rilHE Twenty-fift- h Semi-Annu- Session of X this Institution wUt open on 1st Monday of September, ls6A. TKRjta roK School Ykar CL03ISQ JV.1I 5, 1S0S, fATABLk T IS A&VAScer For Day Pwpn ..13 W For Bairders - . 3M 00 It Is the desire of the Princin.l tn iir.t .i. attention conscientiously and faithfully te Um mental and moral training of those committed to his care ; and in order to accomplish this object more effectually, the number cf board- ers wiU be limited to six and the number of day pupils to thirty. Uood boarding can be gotten with private families at from fl SO to SS oo per week. For Information as regards discipline, course of Instruction, etc, apply for circular. J.W.DoDD.AJL, Principal, jy291m ShelbyvUle.Kentuekr- - STATE FEMALE COLLEGE. ' -- HE Fall Session of this Institution will com-J- L mence on MONDAY, tie 11th of Septetuber next, with a full ana superior Faculty (as usual) In all the departments. In addition lo- th e branches usuaLy taught, arrangement have been made for a full coarse of lessons In PHYSICAL LUL1URK according to the sys- tem of Dlo Lewis This places me State Fe- male College, in this respect. In advance of any other hcnool at the Soma, and parents, both at home and abroad, Will soon come to sea Its beneQcial effect- -. The City Railroad Cars cow run out to the College, and render dty patronage perfectly practicable. Parents and guardians In the oily will find on Inquiry that they can enjoy the benents of this superior school and maze a saving even when car-far- e is added of Si to IS per cent, on tuition bills. For partlcnlira or catalogued address, C COLLINS, aul 5w Presidents THE SCHOLASTIC SESSION OF THE Academy of the Saered Heart. THE FIRST EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTION 1 in established in 1819. will com- mence its Soslun on TU SDA Y.September 1st. For farther particulars apply to MADAME M. J. GALL AY, Superior, J J2J S St. Louis. Missouri LEDDIIST3S No. 288 IlXlm St. Open the entire Tear for tne Beculluu of Ntndents. rpHE COURSE OF STUDY 18 EXTENDED, JL thorough and practical, affording superior, facilities for obtaining a sound Buitness Edu- cation. The most thorough insttuctisn will be given in Commercial and Exchange calculations.-Menta- l and Practical Arithmetic The Penmanahlp Department of the College Is open from 8 to 12 a.m. and 2 to 5 p-- until Beptembr!sL -- " A separate Department for Ladles. JyS T. A. LIODIA, frlDclpaiT WASHINGTON COLLEGE, Lexington, Virginia. THE next session opens-3- Thursday In 188. and close 4th Thnmdar In June, 13&I. The Faculty consists of GEX. R. K. LEE, PBXdISEST. With Professors of Latin, Greek, Mathematics. Modern Lanenszes. Moral PhUusoDh-- r. mun. and English Language and Literature, Applied Matnematic, Natural Ph'losophy, Chemistry and Law and Jiqulty. These aro distributed into : I. Facullv of Arts r 2. Facnltv nf Mat. enee; t. Faculty of Literature an-- i PtUosphy: t. Faculty of Law. In each of these Is con- ferred a distinct Bachelor's Druree. and lhn Im. greeof Matter cf Art 1 open alike tn students in each couise. In the Department of Science are conferred ; aha. PxcftuianaZ Diplomat of Civil Engineer and Mining Engineer. By the aid of a full corps of assistant Profecsors, pro- vision is made for thorough drilling In the De- partments of English. Ancient and Modern languages and Mathematics. ex KSAll necessary ernensea nead notT ' exceed $325. For fnli particulars apply to JyS) Iw E. C. GORDON. Clerk ot Vacuity. KENTUCKY MILITARY INSTITUTE (SIX 211 LXS SOCTH Or VKAHKrOKT). Col. R. T. V. AL-IiEN-, Suporifltond't. Assisted by an Able JFaeuUyJ THE 23d Academical year of this Institnla begin on Monday, f eptemberT, IfiS. TBBMS-Thr- ee hundred and fifty dollars (SS50) per Academical year of ) weeks. Refer to Messrs. Parker Ward A Co Mem- phis, Tenn , from whom Catalogues maybe had., Forsoeclal Information, add rtt t?n!- - n T v ALLEN.Saperintendent, Farmdale, Franklin county. Ky. JeUdawSm Florence Bynodlcal Female College 'IMIIS Institution. which haa long enjoyed . 1 very high reputation among tho fa mad colleges or tne South, Is situated at Florence, Ala which is admitted to be ona of the meat delightful and salubrious towns Inthetouth-wes- t. It is very easy of acc&sz. A branch of the Memphis and Charleston Railroad runs from Tnscnmbia to South Florence, its Presi- dent, Rev. Dr. WM- - H. MITCHELL, is well known as one of the ablest teachers In tbe country. Next session will commence on tha 8th day of September next. For further particulars apply to the Pre!- -, dent. Jyl Ira daw ST- - LOUIS UNIVERSITY. THEThiiiy-nlnt- h Annnal Session of Studies Louis University Wilt Open September 7th. This Institution Is the oldest seat of learning In the Weet, having been established In 1829. The coarse ot studies offers every facility for acquiring a thorough CLASSICAL AND COM-- . M ERCIAL EDUCATION. For catalogue, etc- - apply to Rev. F. H. STUNTEBEC1C. FL T. President St. Louis University, St. Louh, Mo. ITJKA FEMALE INSTITUTE: THE next Session will open on MONDAY, thai August, under the continued super, intenaence oi me subscriber, assist edla the Lit- erary Department by Mrs.DOUULA68- - Every, Mr mri. Vh . . .... wuuuuo nM.tnnAln m . ma v. - juiuua w . Department, To oar frlenda dealrlnfc repose anoyances, our location Is specially at-- MH.M- -. 4SAJ ASUAAAAJtm UlUUMa MjlUUIg anions us this UU to educate their children. For further partlcalars apply for a Circular to JyJtt Inks, Mid Virginia Military Institute, Lexington, Virginia. 1 PPLICATIONS wlUnowbe receivedfortho appointment of lio additional Carets Into this Institution. Those entering- - la tbe enjoy peculiar advantages In the special course of discipline and instruction, by which tbey are prepared for the regular stnalea Which commence on the 1st September. circulars WW ne sent on application. WW KRANCfifTSMiTaCoupt, 1 ! 1 J Y 4 ?grf? -- ssBsl : - - j:" i

cattm:: n TuVmoiit.Onl Sle0- ?e Female€¦ · i! i H ' " ' ' ' 'SLS" ' - -- g- --- ininiiBtammMMuijiiaLL' " T"E ulvxtbo home. TEis cattm:: ; mcocirey JAIL. BIVSR MATTERS. AMBOAg

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Page 1: cattm:: n TuVmoiit.Onl Sle0- ?e Female€¦ · i! i H ' " ' ' ' 'SLS" ' - -- g- --- ininiiBtammMMuijiiaLL' " T"E ulvxtbo home. TEis cattm:: ; mcocirey JAIL. BIVSR MATTERS. AMBOAg



' " ' ' 'H 'SL S" ' - -- g- --- ininiiBtammMMuijiiaLL'



AkSSfeMilug election isuoject w mo "n""Democratic convention at BrownsvlUe oaUieHh pros) !

FOS ESHT.RENT.-T- ae commodious 1 l'lS---

IOlt Vance street; two boo J cittern. iaigyard : Vance street cant run 10 the door, ueui

to a good tenauL APPoCnJSoyd,aui Appeal umce.

19 Jefferson street.F0t5SL.0S3tSffi,lW office orMeepin.jZoKK- - Apply at Appeal EL

Sle0- -. "ba'Meprjcils-v- .


d,aowWi seven acres of Uarfeu Landon the Randolph load, two mUes from court

outside toe oorpor-- W limits,STwrintei low to a good prompt pajlnjtenant. Present crop, etc., torsaie low.to T. ij RA VK-4- , Memphis cotton Press. MMadison street-- mai- -


SAT.E.-H1- VU DKKUtNG COTTONI" PllESSK-i- . new nd in complete order, in- -

" brtieU n Third streets, I

SLE OR LKA.SK -- UsanUfal, shadedFOK choice Bunding lis. fiontlUB on

residence rttfedtor dejrrtot wlihnae lorert trreJ-ve- ry low.LEV. Agent Mrs. Ool. ITestoa. o 6 Beel

onnnilRAXLANDS AND RESIDENCE FORO Sale os Kabi lKKJis -- Mgr l a--. ratte.

are for sale, on terms to snllPBharl iolcash or on anytoe-rrom- on

to ten years, and in anyqnanUty-fro- ni S acrestorn My resldenoe, with trom H to iSacm.UndTwill be sold at a gret bargain, for audi.hioil the usual t run. Apply to myself, on thtpremises, or to Royster. fresevaut i Co.. my

e.te,lntheclty. y, M. TKKZSVANT

SALE.-nav- tnc determined to chfDgF)R wecfier for sale our"elected STOCK OF GROCERIES. and.

Ztk 5i ontof the BET BUSINESS fa OUSEb

lthe city. We will sell also a splendidRESIDENCE, IH mllej from the city, near

Sill's Station, with 4i acres or ground, withApply to

WEBBflxSlELLs CO., No. IS Union street,J' 11

Imo Hloek

TrANTED-- At the Commercial Hoiel.agGodItt.l.8 Superintendent. Apn.ylm- - ,

mediately.. n ITO --AJura '.CI '

WANTED lrom four to rii noui lorsummer months lor which a lib.rl rent ,w V

J.A.pa.d prowpUr- - AddrlmmadlUly ,

yOverlOB Ho-ei- . ii2 i

ANTED. Any one addressln a commu- - ;

W to -- T. W Appeal offlce.TtocJity, terms and all particular

Mneeraine a fmal) FRM on.xaliroaos iore.r,iiiaj mmv.

J)1 u

W. H. ViOORE, ACEP3T,,1- -2 Ktiwn Street.

leSI 3m

CELLING ,UdJi8EWANTED-- A rooms by a df"?"person all frown. Must bj centrally located.Addrew Rlenard. Appeal oraer. .

ANTED. A situation as Book-Keepe- r, As-Y- V

bitnt Boolt-fceep- er or Clrl, by a youngman who has had ln years eiperi-nc- e.

city refence given. It desired. AddreM V.,Apr--"i onec. J6301'

ATKD.-- A GOOD fOOK, WASHER AND1 roner a white woman, with references.

Apply fct St" Linden street. Je

f XT ANTED.-- A SM ALL FARM NEAR THEat Memphis, uf which poswsslon can

Uuvaauiislely. Address A. R., Appealto the civil tfoUVirf'tiuE.ei-'--. ms-l-

lions of ougrrsstswonl may cwirreVAftnllab'e Bates.


COS! PAS YU- - Incorporated 1659.

'pltal 8330 000 00416.2H0 87yWry

fr in bo'ds deposited with,ZU,UUU the Corap..?er of Ten ne-se-

Blanfc rorrts faroished, a-- l Inquiriespromptly answered, on appllcotin Id personur by letter.J AS. F. BozufAN, Fres'L D. F. Wilcox, Sea'y.

W. H. SIOOBE. Agrnt,4 1-- 2 Madison street,

Je?13m Memphis. Tenn.


A roll of money Saturday noon. TheLOST will te liorUy rewarded by leavipg

st theArabitiche omee. au3

CHILD. Any Information in regard toIOST POSTER, a girl 12 years old,will he well regarded. She was stolen from hermother eight years azo at Ssoa-ucnto-

, Callittr- - j

ma, by Hubert Hill Foster, a man now aboatyears ord, marlcfd with small-po- and gray

hair. He was last heard from in Brownsville,H tywood county. Tenn.. vorkirg t bis trade,wuiea Is wason-uiakln- HJk lml'y consist?if wLVand fourchlldten --Hnbert,AUce,Lydla

a.nd baby. T'ie Umily was jt heard from inUnrvvepert. Texas, in a flattering condition.Any information sent to ine at Evanivllle,Indiana, will he gladly received by a sorrowing '

iiilher.auiiw MRS. JLLIA BARRETT. .


THE partnsjshlp heretofore existing n

R. is. West, ffcariej CoCin and HectorCoffin, under the style of WEST, COKylNti. having been by the

of H. U. West, th bual now will be cnnlluued byf Coffin and H. Cjffln, nudt-- the styie of'0FF1N BROS. All debt due said firm wHl

t collected, and aH HaMUIIM assumed byhenudertenefi. t'HAKIKS COFFlN,




FAMILY SUPPLIES,302 M&in Hfreet,


r Goods delivered Free of Charge to anyTiartof the city. au21m

Iissolntion.o P" Carpenter is this day

Thrived by kViktt?- -

JU!J 31, MMpJ A'VVr.. Angttit 1. 1SGS.

We. the underrtgned. have IbiJ oay formed afcBrtuen'hlp. under the name 0 leof K

A WHITE, for the purpo ol jjui-uctln- z

buslneta for the ConnecUcut

"d'MlsshilppL cej.No.,Mffinre.Lit. F. WHITE. JB.

NOTICE. In retiring fiom the above nrm.ltka this method of earnestly recommendingMerr. Carpenter i While, wy succes.rs InxbiLife Inwirance huluea. Jeellng well

LDe company they reprisent. theS'tneetttut Mulual of lfijrllort. I oneoftbebest Ltie ItisuraBOHrampanlea UnitedBUlw. ana at 1 J. H. SI'ELU.

To tlie Hercliants ofMerapIiIs.

An ZxCfllOUt ATrlIs!nr Medium, j

nlHr BouVAn nriXiTJ?. printed atBollvai.Uardemsn roar.ty.-ijnn.-

. .byM.B.

iimmwlthlnahnndredmllesofMempl-Tl- j2JSSIsXnTs trde. nd circulate aJSSn th? test concurs bac of Memphis.Adw8een Lerted at low rates.

card, 3 months- -S squares, buswess gIf W)

S . 16 00

.,citlWiOTheBOLIVArt BULLETIN!,UlSnttoauyaddrts,.on -- w.

rranip a -


for Subscription.Bootes Ope- -

Commercial Bank.Boon ft. over


I - I

Jefferson Street.

wissiusiDDl and lenueiaeo uauroaa.

ew Orleans Kxprees, dally.: 0 p.m. 1:16 p.m.SardU acooin'n, dally, ex--

5:33 p.m.

nJatlr and Saturday ;

Car via r iiu.j ..-- 83

""TuVmoiit.Onl Snot.G. P. OAKLEY Oen. Ticket As'L jeffl

Memphli ana wn Eallroaa.ASBITZ. BKPART.

ruronghMall (dally)JteW

eSi p.nj. UJOpjnp m

(IhUuSn doei not leave Saturday.


Crlnin Accmu""..- - j 1800 am"- --except Sundays)Sdmervtlle Accomodation mnMifi a.Tn.?e U mSTte fasS- -r than dtyaratet office, 27S Main street and at Depot.


ieraphls and iouUTllle Ballroad Line,DEPA-S- ABBITX.

i ,, 7.1FJ a.m. 5:15 p.mP.?T. VJ lit, o m a.m

iflurold Time 15 m'.nuTS Ister than city.xtclS office! Nu. ri7H ilaln sUeet and at Ce--1

pot, head ot ggeoyE8,a6aiaap-t- .

OITYMATTBES.Chubcues were but sliiuly attenJed

yesterday, as a general thin??, the

weather being too gloomy to venture


A Pelican and several eea gulls were.seen on the river yesterday. Tuese birdsrarely come so far inland, unless driven

by storms.

THANKS to Felix Cross, Ksq., for the

latest newspapers from the East and

South. Mr. Cross is continually putting

us under such obligations.

There will be a grand rally of theDemocracy ht at Stlllman hall.Distinguished speakers will be on bandto address the crowd.

Dr. McGuffey will lecture this even-

ing ct the Baptist Tabernacle, on Courtstreet, and not at the Cumberland Pres-

byterian Church, as announced. The8Ubject is Education. Beats free.

Mmnn p,Br vaultedamauhi. -Henry Green yeateruay, aau kuthe "hind sights" off him. Henrytraveled for the Second District Stationand had Addison locked up. No bonesbroke.

Ttte Weather. It commenced rain-

ing on Saturday night about midnight

and continued to pour down withoutuntil ten o'clock yesterday

morning. It then held up, and though

the skies remained overcast all day, didnot rain any more. At present writing,eight o'clock, the frkies have every ap-

pearance of a rainy night.

The Steamboatmkn's Seymour andBlair Club holds its first regular meet-

ing this, Monday evening, at the Hail,corner ofSecond and Adams, at eight anda half o'clock. A full and punctual at- -

. ! , ,1 Ujku.a1 .IUHti.tenuance is ihjumicu. -gUlahed 8peakers will be present and address the Ulun.

By otder of the President.

Godfrey Wilkerson called on us

yesterday to Bay that the story of the"Democratic Negro," who ac-

cused him of playing into tho Radicalhands, is a base, willful, malicious fabri-

cation, invented by some " pseudo Dem-

ocrat, whose culicle he (Godfrey,) will

excoriate with his unguiculea, if he canonly discover him." We have an " an-

thropomorphic adumbration," as Miss

Evans would say, "that there will be agigantic iconoclasm " if Godfrey catchesJohn Paine, the darky who accused him.

POLICE ITEMS.There six arrests in the First District


up to midnight. Drunk and disorderly,'

carrying concealed weapons and streetwalking were the charges.

In the Second District only threo ar-

rests were made up to 8 o'clock p. in.Keeping open on Sunday and two drunks.

Thfi houaebov of Dr. Williams, a negro, was anested yesterday afternoon, j

and locked up, for complicity in thebrickbat excitement.


EcalawaO. An exchange says : "Acorrespondent wanls to know the mean-

ing of this term : It Is a vulgarism, andAmerican in origin. It is without rootor branch in the English, Latin, Greekor Hebrew tongues. It Is United StateIn extract Radical in rendering a low,worthless fellow; a scape-grac- e. It isparticularly expressive la these degener-ate days, when the scum of society Is '

Hrirttnc tn the toD." The word, we believe, Is a corruption of the French wordscelerat, rascal, and when we first knewit meant nothing very opprobrious, beingused to signify a Itzy, harmless,

By usage and customit has grown to be one of the most vilelyopprobrious epithets in the language.

Commercial College. We calledthe attention of our readers yesterday tothe card of Robertson's Commercial Col-

lege, on the corner of Main and Win-

chester street. Mr. Robertson has been,as we stated, engaged with Mr. Leddiu,at his Commercial College, for the pastthree years, and is a finished book-keepe- r,

a beautiful penman, and a good ac-

countant. He possesses in an eminentdegree, as many book-keepe- in ourfirst class houses can testify, the rarefaculty of Imparting his own knowledgeto others, and is a teacher in the truesense of the word. His scholars informui that he is patient and painstaking,two rare but essegtial characteristics ofa good teaaher. His institution will openon the 1st of September, and we cordial-ly recommend him to our friends as ateacher who thoroughly understands hisbusiness.

Grand Rally Independent Sey-- !

jjoub Club. In pursuance of a resolu-- 'Uon adopted at the last meeting, thenext regular meeflnc of the YoungMen's Independent Seymour Club willbe held In Stlllman Hall, on Mondayevening, August 3d. The band of theclub wil) be In attendance, and speecheswill be delivered during the evening byH; M. Loewensline, Esq., Col. Gtntt,Capt. Harvey Mathes and John Dono-

van, Esq. It Is expected that, In re-

sponse to Invitation, the Central Demo-cratic and Young Men's IndependentDemocratic Clubs will be present In fullforce. Badges will ba distributed to themembers of the Seymour Club, and their.lemnt new banner, the first cf the campaign, will have been completed, and bepresented by the committee. A grandtorch-lig- ht proc6asloa will take placeupon the adjiurnmeui oi me meeting.As business of Importance Is to be broughtbefore the Seymour Club before thespeakers of the evening are Introduced,It Is urgently requested that every mem-

ber will be on hand at a quartor before

eight o'clock, A special invitation to be

present is extended to the ladles of Mem-Dbl- s

By order of the President.C H. DAVENPORT, Roc Sec.

Less than Cost. Largo stock of La-

dies' Dress Goods, Must be closed outNice Lawna, 15 cents. J. H. Loewen-min- e

& Bros., No. 231 Main et. Jy30 2t

Wood. Wo are selling the beat ofOak Wood at Summer prices.

BIGLEY, MELLERSII 4 CO.,Oomer.Matn and SobUi Court, and Main .and

rtDtotoe-itrw!.- ,

As yet not the slightest clue has beenobtained towards unraveling the strangeand mysterious affair at Dr. Williams'house. Indeed, the mystery deepens,and what we at first supposed was themalicious jest of some foolish practicaljoker, which would soon be detected andpunished, has become a matter of graveand serious import, the subjeot of uni-

versal curiosity and interest, and aproblom taxing In vain the utmost

of our police. The ' brickbat- -

ting," as our readers were made awareyesterday morning, continued up to a latehcurSturday nlgbt, and, we are ln- -

! formed, even during the terrible rain' storm which raged unabatedly from

midnight till nine o'clock yesterdaymorning. There were lulls of an houror two when no bricks or stones werethrown, but these were only temporary,and after them the bricks would againfly thicker and faster than evor, at thefated bouse. Yesterday morning, assoon as the rain ceased, crowds of citi-

zens commenced to visit the scene,and hundreds gathered In thebtreets and yards around, all onthe qui rite; but though they watched" with all their eyes," the pellets came asbefore, and none could say whence. Ex-perts, detectives and police examinedthe house and adjacent premises, andmany surmhes and conclusions wereoffered, discussed and abandoned.

In the afternoon Colonel Beaumontordered the police to clear the streets,grounds ami premleea adjoining of allvisitors and strangers, and adopted aplan which we think, If It does suoceodin catching tho party or parties engagedIn this outrageous persecution of Dr.Williams, will cauise the persecution tocease. There are facts connected withthe affair which we are in possession ofwhich we are requested not to roBkepublic at present, but we hope beforeagain going to press to be able to announce the mystery explained. Meanwhile, Dr. Williams and his amiablefamily have our sincere sympathies intheir persecution.

P. S. Since writing the above we learnthat the negro who waits upon Dr. Wil-liams a sort of dining-roo- m servant,was arrested and locked up yesterday af-

ternoon, on tmplciou, and since he hasbeen incarcerated not a brick has beenthrown. We think he can account forthe milk in the cocoanut if be wishes to.


Effect? of (he Rain Storm.

Yesterday mornlDg about 9 o'clock thenew brick buildings which were in pro-

cess of erection on Union street, betweenSlain and Front, tumbled down with aloud crash, which startled the denizensof tho regions round about considerably.The buildings were being erected byMessrs. Meacbam & Treadweli and Gal-breat- b,

Stewart & Co., on the site of theold stores which were torn down a fewweeks ago. In excavating for the cellarand foundations the workmen dug toodeep, going below the foundation of awall which was left standing, on thewest side, next to Anderson & Gay's.The heavy rains of Saturday nightwashed the earth out from under it, andit fell Inward, striking the framing ofthe new buildings and overwhelmingthem in one common ruin. Fortunately,the buildings were not far enough ad-

vanced to be occupied, and so no one washurt. One cr two of the iron columnsin front were broken, but beyond thatthe material was not Injured, and theonly lots will be the labor which hasbeen expended and the time lost.


Not one man in one hundred succeedsduring his lifetime in amassing enoughto support in comfort those who are dependent upon him, for one single yearafter he shall have been called awayfrom them, and yet there is no man inwhos-- heart the wish is not uppermostto provide for those nearest and dearestto him, after death has claimed him andhe can no longer work for them. Howstrange it is, then, with opportunities onevery side of them to make this provis--,

ion, there are so many men that die andleave their families destitute! Eachthinks that every one else must die buthlmeelf, and never reflects for a momentthat "In the midst of life we are indeath," and that tho frail fretted throadof his own existence may be severed inan Instant. What Is then obviously theduty of every man ? To insure,and that for the largest amountthat ha can carry, and in the iafel andbest institution that is within his reach." Which Is the safest and best," we areasked. The beau deal of a perfect In-

surance corporation is that which com-

bines perfect safety and progresslve-ncs- s

the staunchness and stability ofthe old school, with youthful vigor andenterprise. These qualities constitute, intheir possessor, the medium that may becalled golden, and by no company arethey possessed to a more remarkable de-

gree than by the St. Lopis Mutual,represented In our city by Messrs. McMa-ho- n

fSc Otis, No. 43, Madison street. Itsecme to be the institution so long wantedby the public, and to bp all that could bewished by the most careful or the mostprogressive man. Its rapid growth inpublic favor is a convincing proof that itIs appreciated in this light.

All citizens who realize the incalcu-lable importance of connecting directlyby rail with the rich and fertile countrybstween this city and Holly Springs,Columbus, Aberdeen and Selma, are ear-

nestly invited to meet the subscribers atOdd Fellows' Hall, on Monday eveningnext at 8 o'clock, jjet Mempbians awakebefore it is too late. The 'meeting willnot be called upon for subscriptions. Ad-

dresses will bo made by Messrs. W. J.Sykes, Hon. Mr. Clapp, Hon. Judge H.Smith, and others.Wm. R. Moore, B B Waddcll,John B. Robinson, M. E. Cochran,D. B. Molloy, F. W. Smith,A.Ses-e- , Uharles Joae,W. 11. L'Derry. Toor. PhllUps x Co.,Wm, r. Hardin, John a Farrlngton,W. W. Thacker, P. A. blifcpbeid,RCcckrell, J. S. Stanton,Kerguaon Clay, J. D. Williams,Gslbreath, Stewart & Jyner, Lcmmon A

Co., Uale.Rlce.SUxACo.,. James ..Elder.,11' t, I T.I.,... r t w

t John T. Stratum, Larry Uarmstad.! Clarke, Ely Cj , J. Itotan,j A. J. Roicu Co., J. L. Verser.

j Large stock of men's Cloth Shoos, 12.j Men's all Wool Cassimere SulU, S10.J. H. Loewenstine & Bros., Clay Build-- jing. jj30 2t

j TurtleSoup. VetterDreizigacker, ofthe Monroe Exchange, Nq. SS Monroe

! street, again Informs the public that hej has rcelved and will sacrifice to (ha apI netites of the patrons of the Exchange, a

huge green turtle, Just from Florida.Free to everybody morning

j at 10 o'clock ! He has the best of winesand liquors In bis bar, and his lager beer

! Is from the celebrated brewery of Wm.Stumpf, In St. Louis. Beer five centa aglass, except at lunch time, when It laten cents. 2t

i Bankruptcy Sale. Fancy Goods,Perfumery, etc., at No. 195 Main street,for ten days only. Jy24 eod lOt

Less than Cost. Large stock of Ladies' Dress Goods. Must be" closed out.Nice Lawns, 15 cents, J, H. Loewentine Eros., No. 231 Main st. Jy30 3t

Their Introduction Info TcnsicsNee and Virginia Market.

The question, of the supply of good andwholesome food, especially fresh meat,is always one of interest to every popu-lous and growing community.. In ourpresent comparatively youthful and

condition, we have but littlepresent need of much forethought onthe subject, but in the older portions ofoar country, it has already become oneof paramount importance, and philoso-phers, financiers and statesmen havediscussed it in all its bearings. Therehas been lately started In our midst anenterprise connected with this question,which we believe Is destined to play agreat part In the development andgrowth of our city, as It will bring ta usan entirely new branch of trade, andmake Memphis play a great role in thefeeding of the great cities of the Eastand North, and make It, In fact, a vastcentral market for tho cattle trade ofTexas.

In times ante bdlwn the markets ofBaltimore, New York and other Easterncities were very largely supplied fromthe magnificent grczlng and stock raisingregions of East Tennessee and the famed8henandoah Valley of Virginia. Thewar came, and that splendid country wacstripped of cattle, as of other branches of Its material wealth, andis now almost entirely depleted ofstock of all kinds. The financial condition of the people has not enabled themto do as much as might be desired to recuperate tbelr exhausted resource?. Industry and determined energy, however,directed to the cultivation of the soil thesource of all wealth and the prospect oiabundant crops, nave this year renderedtheir condition better than it has beenat any time since the war. They needwork animals, and the surplus of cornthey have produced this year cannot btmore profitably used than by being fedthe coming winter to stock, commandingat all times In the Eastern markets goodprices.

Texas, as every one knows, besidesbeing a great grain-growin- g Stato, itpossessed of immense herds of cattle,which roam over her boundless prairies,Increasing with almost incredible rapid-ity. For these cattle there Is no sale inthe Interior. Annually, commencingabout the first of April, the stock-raiser- s

drive the cattle, of four years old andupwards, either through Arkansas andKansas to tho Missouri river, or topoints on the Gulf of Mexico and theMississippi and Rid rivers. It Is estimated that 150,000 cattle have been drivento Kansas and other parts of the, North-west, and there sold, since the firstof January last, and that during thesame period about 21,000 head havrfound market at Hog Point (uear themouth of Red river) and New Orleans.The latter have been bought by the deal-ers In Illinois, Indiana and Ohio Itli-no- is

being the main purchaser.These cattle are pastured and fat-tened on her broad prai-ries, and for the most part are shipped tothe markets of Baltimore, New Yorkand other Eastern cities, though not afew are sold for consumption in Cnicago.The Weet and Northwest .cannot, as hasbeen amply demonstrated this year, sup-ply an adequate market, and there areconsequently at this time'great numbertof cattle at New Orleans and other points,for which no sale can be bad. The stockraisers of Texai and the cattle-broke- rs oiNew Orleans are therefore anxious toopen up other markets for tho rapidlyincreasing supply of cattle; and it is pre-cisely this that may be made to Inure tothe benefit of the people living in theline grazing regions of North Alabama,East Tennessee and Virginia. Let uslook for a moment at the stocks and pro-duction of these cattle, and their costdelivered in East Tennessee or Virginia,

From the best information to be ob-

tained, the number of cattle in Texas isestimated at 5,000,000 head, and the an-nual increase at 1,000,000 calves. Stockraisers estimate the lot on the increaseto bo about 25 per cent, by death fromdisease and casualties, leaving a nettproduction of 750,000 yearly. About250,000 cattle are annually exported fromTexas. These estimates are consideredlow by those beat informed. After beingdriven from the Interior of Texas, a jour"ney of from twenty to twenty-fiv-e days,they are of course in poor condition. Atpresent they are worth in New Orleansfrom 510 to $20 per head, aocording tosize. Cattio of the largest a'ze, costingin New Orleans say twenty dollars, andcapable of being fed so as to weigh 1300pounds gross, (the beef they afford beingof the finest and tenderest quality, andthey being besides very serviceable ayoke animals,) can be shipped by boat toaiempnis, tnence ny we Memphis andCharleston Railway and connections toBristol or Salem, on the Virginia andTennessee Railroad, costing there aboutthirty dollars a head. It is needless forus to say anything to our readers of thegrazing lands of East Tennessee and thefamed Shenandoah Valley of Virginiaaccessible from Bristol or Salem by agood turnpjke road, or of the facilitiesthat country possesses cf rapid and easytransit to the Virginia and Jiastern mar-kets, where these cattle will always com-mand a profitable sale. From the pointof debarkation from the cars, the cattlecan be leisurely driven up the valleyeach day improving their condition andfinding them nearer a good market. Itis very confidently believed that timeand the Investment of a little capital arealone needed to develope a larger andmore profitable trade along the directand continuous line of railroad fromMemphis to New York than is now donebv the Northwest with Its lqnger, morecircuitous and costly communicationwith Eastern cities.

Our firm conviction is, that if thisproject be carried out, Memphis willsoon become the very center of the Tex-as eattle trade, for the Northern, East-ern and the Atlantio seaboard Southerncities. Oar friend, Charles 8. Sawyer.Esq., of the Memphis and Charlestonroad, is now engaged in perfecting thearrangements for a trial of the experi-ment, and it is to be hoped that he mayfind a zealous from all'parties in this highly important ntpr.prlsn. We would respectfully requestour leisa uuiemporanes and exchangesto bring this matter before their readersin a proper light, for by so doing theywill materially aid and assist us bymaking cut efforts known to the stock-raise- rs


For Ten Days Qnly. W. Y. Cirodeassignee, of P. I. Huatte & n- - fiantrrupU, will sell the balance of the stockat xo. isk iuain street, at twenty peroent below New York and manufactur-ers' COSt, in lots to suit ntlrpSnoor.Fancy goods, drugs, paints, oils, pet- -lumery, etc. Jy23 eod lOt

J?!f:ZMiluX aad Welding-- cardpeal Hob OUIce.

Large stock of men's. Cloth Shoes, $2.Men's ail Wool Cassimere Suits, $10. J.H. Loeweustlue & Uros., Clay Building.

,Jy30 3t

Wanted dally at the 8ouUiernHotelicorner Beal and Main streets, freshcountry'.erevchlckens, butter,): vegetaWsiascf fruits aultfr-


t tThe,Grand Jury, In their report, stalethat thia lnstltutioQ is supported by thecounty at the cost of eome twenty oddthousand dollars for fees and salariesTbelr economical recommendations, ifcarried out, would reduce these figureslargely, leaving still fifteen, thousanddollars yearly, at least, to be raised fromthe already overburdened and overtaxedpeople. A proposition was made to usyesterday, to obviate this, and make thejail not merely a but apaying Institution, and we were author-ized to make the offer public An oldcitizen, who is able and willing to givebonds In any amount for the faithful per-formance of his contract, offers to lakethe jail off the hands of tho county, hirebis own clerks, guards and employees,and to pay the county ten thousand dol-

lars per annum for the privilege of run-ning It. This will make a difference oftwenty-fiv- e or thirty thousand dollars Inthe jail expenditures, and we recom-mend his offer to the Board of CountyCommissioners.

At Bargains. Largo stock of Bootsand Shoes mnst be sold out. Ladies'Clippers, 75 cents. J. H. Lsewenstine &

Bros., No. 231 Main street. jjCO 2t

To Publishers. We are making upa complete list of Southern and Western papers, for the convenience of ad-

vertisers. It will give name of paper,where published, days of issus, name ofproprietor, politics, etc. All papers giv-

ing this notice one insertion in localcolumn, and sending marked copy cfpaper will be put on our list and reoeivea copy of the same as soon as published.Address, Conservative,

Frudericktown, Mo.

At Bargains. Large stock of Bootsand Shoes must be sold out. Ladies'Slippers, 75 cents. J. H. Loewenstine &

Bros. , No. 231 Main street. Jj 30 2t

Wanted to Buy. A second-han- d

Fire-pro- of Safe of medium size. AddressNo. 7 Waldran Block, Main at. aul 3t

Wanted, 100 gentlemen day boardersat the Southern Hotel. aul tf

Wrappino Paper. If you wouldsave your money, go to Brown & Dil-lard's, Sole Agents, 214 Front street, andexamine their stock. Tbey have allgrades of the finest article WrappingPaper, and are selling below Cincinnatiprices. jy29 lm

Paschall House Drawing. Certifi-cates in this grand drawing can be badin Memphis of Mr. E. 8. Plummer, W.H. Passmore & Co., 260 Second street,and at Geo. Pattlson & Co.'s bookstore,317 Main street, Circulars containingfull particulars, furnished on applicationto either of the above parties. jy283tawt

Bankruptcy Sale. Fancy GoodsPerfumery, etc, at No. 195 Main street,for ten days only Jy24 eod lOt

The allotted time of Dr. James' stayin Memphis, having expired, ho will infuture be addressed at his home office, 91and 93 Randolph street, Chicago, andpostollice address, box 5S63 Chicago, 111.

See advertisement in another column,for particulars.

Bankruptcy Sale. Fancy uocds,Perfumery, etc., at No. 195 Main street,or ten days only. jy 24 eod lOt

Memphis, Trsjf., July 30, U6K.Messrs. W. B. W!gy !: Co.:

Gentlemen : For several years I wastroubled more or less with Piles, forwhich complaint I was treated by thebest physicians to no purpose ; indeed, 1

gradually became worse, until at last Ibegan to despair of relief from anysource. While in this condition I wasrecommended to try your Buckeye Sal ve.Making up my mind to try it, I am nowhappy to say that it had the xleslredeffect, as I am now well and hearty, forwhich I am indebted to your wonderfulremedy. Yours, truly,

F. L. WARNER.Upon receipt of 11 00 a bottle of this

Salvo will be mailed, free of postage.

Bankruptcy Sale. Fancy Goods,Perfumery, eta, at No. 195 Main Btreet,for ten days only. jy24eodl0t

SPECIAL KOTIC2S.Dr. Morllinore at ltuena Tlsta Spring,

Kuasellvllle, Keutuchy.Bcena Viet A. Sraiiroa. RuasiLLVii-i.c- . Lo

county, Ky. My mends In the South whodesire to consult or place themselves under mytreatment, can address or come and consult mepersonally frota this date until IstofOctobornext, at this favorite Watering Place, and theseJustly celebrated Mineral Springs. As hereto-fore, I will still devote my attention to treat-ment of all the various forms of Chronic Dis-eases, especially to Dutatet of the I.ungt andOrgaus of the Chest, as also all the variousafflictive forms of Fxale Diseases.

Je9 d3twaw3m 1). MORTIMpltE, M. D.

Early Marriages. Dr. Franklin advocatedEarly Marriages. Essays for Young Men, onthis and other subjects, being a GUIDE TOMARRIAGE and Conjugal Felicity, by benevolent Physicians, sent by mall. In sealed letterenvelopes, free of charge. Address, HOWARDASSOCIATION, Box P., Philadelphia, Pa.

mazi em





METALLIC of all kinds, constantly onAir-tls- Zinc Burial

CasesaDd Caskets largest aire weighing 9 lbs.,and of latest style. AH enters promptly attended to.

Marehonse So. 317 Second Slreel,Between Union and Monroe streets. Residence. No. IES Union street.

Having been engaged in tbia business lor zayears, we feel assured that we can give satisfac-tion. Jyg 8m


McCaffrey & coenelitjs




tfo gOO Second Street,Near Monroe.

MompliiB, - - Tennessee,X TETALLIC Cases and Caskets and WoodenixL Coffins constantly on hand. Jaa


nverv dar forrMonnd CltTOt 7Jm 11 n.m.. 3 n."m. and S tj m. Leavea .Moun

,Clty every day at B a.m.,8 p.m. and


WEATHER AND RIVERS.Cairo, August 2. Luminary passed

down at 1 p.m. The river haa risen eightinches.

Cincinnati. August 2. River rising,with fourteen feet in the channel.

Louisville, August 2. River rising,with four feet in the canal.

St. Louis, August 2. Arrived : Com-monwealth, David Watts. Departed :Bismarck and Shark. River declining,with eight feet six inches to Cairo. Up-per streams failing.

Memphis, August 3. The river at thispoint is rising slowly.

The weather since midnight Saturdayhaa been wet rain falling in torrents forseveral hours during the nlgbt and untilnearly noon yesterday.

Arrivals.Steamer W. R. Arthur, New Orleans.

" Natoma, Napoleon." Same Hale, Cincinnati." City of Cairo, St. Louis.

Departures.Steamer W. R. Arthur, St. Louis.

In fort.Natoma,'City of Cairo, Same Hale.

MISCELLANEOUS.Capt. J. P. Fitzgerald, Superintendent

of the Atlantio and Mississippi Steam-ship Company, arrived yesterday by railfrom St. Louis, to attend the eale of theCity wharfboat y. He will remainin the city a day or two.

The towboat Mohawk passed up yes-terday. She had a barge load of coal tarfor this port.

The W. R. Arthur also passed up yes.terday. She was light.

Nathan Hoffheimer, formerly of thiscity, but now of SU Louis, and who hasbeen here on a short business visit, leftfor home yesterday. In him St. Louishas acquired an Irreproachable citizen.

The Peoata makes her last trip tnMound City daily at 5 p.m. instead of flp.tu. , as erroneodsly stated by all our

Parties going fishingshould bear this in mind.

The Natoma, Cape. Jim Lee, backs outy at 5 p.m. for Napoleon and all

way points, carrying the Arkansas mailand connecting with the American forthat stream at Napoleon. Fields, White-head and Lea are clerks.

The U. S. mail packet Commercial,Capt. Athford, Charley Smithers, clerk,leaves to morrow for all points on Whiteriver.

The City of Cairo, Capt. Crane, leavesat o p m. for Cairo and St. .Louis.She is a No. 1 steamer and makes expresstime, connecting with trains for theNorth and East. Billy Blenker is thepolite ladies' man or tne Cairo.

The Sam J. Hale, Capt. Miller, leavesto-ia- y promptly at & p.m, ror Cairo,Louisville and Cincinnati, making allway landings, except at x'ortianu bar-th- ere

she wont stop.The fine steamer Luminary, Capt. Lu- -

Ker, witn j as. L.ee t inney in tne ornce,passes down to-d- ay ror ViCKSburK andthe Bends. She will leave the CityWharf-boa- t at 5 p.m., and will make allway landings.

A meeting of the Steambo&tmen'sSeymour Club will take place this evening in the hall over the engine house.corner of Second and Adams streets, atwhich every member is expected to bepreeent. All river men or others In thecity wishing to enroll their names areinvited to be tiresenr.

We learn that Capt. John B. Daviswill nave a new packet at our landingwithin the next week, to take the placeof the Commercial, which latter will goto tne docKs and be made better tnunnew. What would the White river folksdo without the " old reliable" ?

Capt. Mark Cheek's new ferry-bo- at

will be Here by tne lotn mst. The machinery of the Peostn will ha transferredto the new boat, and the former will beplaced at our wnan as a lerry-uoc- s

The new boat, it is said, will be a clipper, and will make the trip to MoundCity in twenty minute.

The City wharfooat will be sold to-d-

to the highest bidder for cash. Thetransfer ot ownership will be made outImmediately n Capt. Larry Uarmstaddon't buy tier ID.

Saveral river men are now daily scek- -intr tne snades of ilopeneld, and there.under the spreading branches of sometail roreat tree, are renearsing speecheswhich they will in due time deliver attne club.

The Tempest reshipped at Cairo andturned back to Louisville. Louisvillefreight bound for White river now comeshere by rail, and is reshipped on ourwmte river line.

The Argonaut left Louisville on Satur-day for New Orleans.

The Pink Yarble is advertised to leaveLouisville lor this port

By a passenger who came up on theiN atoms, we learn tnat tbe Moliie Ham'bletoa was hard aground at WidowFord's bar, on the St. Francis, Saturdaymorning, tone will no doubt be in toleave at her regular hourCapt. Tom Bowman can work her off ifIt is possible to do so.

We learn from Mr. John Durff, of thepost oruce, tnat Captain J. ii. Davis nasnotified the Postmaster at this port thathe has affected a contract with tbe de-partment, giving the people in tbebends, ss far as Vicksburg, two mailsper week, instead of one, as heretofore.This will be good news to them. Tbemails will leave nero on Jtondays andSaturdays.

The New York left Cincinnati for thisport on Saturday. One item of herfreight Is 1200 barrels pork.

Captain Jim Pepper's new boat hasmade a trial trip and work well.

They have had a slight rise in thoupper Ohio. They have thirty inches inthe channel at Pittsburg. A seven footrise is reported in the Kanawha.

A legal gentleman canvassed an upperriver steamboat lately, and found butone Grant voter on board. They frater-nized, slept in the same stateroom, andin the morning the man with tbe inqui-ring mind woke up without a pocket-boo- k.

Up to ten o'clock Wednesday the Ten-nessee river bad risen ten feet, and wasstill swelling at tbe rate of half an Inchper hour. Fears were entertained thatth9 fine crops and the creek bottomswould be overflowed and badly dam-aged. The rains of Saturday and Sun-day nights were among the heaviest everknown in that region.

The following boats are laid up at NewAlbany, nearly all of them undergoingthorough repairs ; John Kilgour, P. W.Strader, Cora S., W. F. Cnrtiss, DickFulton, Simpson Horner, Alps, Comet,Swallow, Grand Lake, and Phil, Sheri-dan.

The Allechenv river packet Echo wassold at auction at Pittsburg on Thursdayto Capt, Jas. Kees for J5900 cash.

The middle boiler of the Magnolia hasbeen found. It was completely flattenedout. The safe has also been found.

The W. F. Curtiss has been charteredatSlOOO par month to run between Louis-ville and Cairo in connection with theJohn Kilgour, which willply betweenCairo and .New Orleans.

The towboat I.L.Hyatt, recentlysunknear Island No. 1, has been raised, re-

paired, and yesterday came into portwith a tow of stone. She is commandedby Capt. James Lowdon.

The Alabama and Tomblgbee rivershave risen very rapidly and fears are en-

tertained of an overflow.The White Collar and the Quincyllne

have consolidated at St. Louis and willhereafter run under the management ofthe N. W. U. Packet company. Theline will be continued to Keokuk as here-tofore to do the local business, and anextension of the line will run to St. Paul,exclusively for passengers. The stock-holders of the Quinoy packet companyretain their stocK in the new line thegame as In the old. The Superintendentand Secretary of the St. Louis and Qoin-c-y

packet company will retain their po-

sitions and attend to the business of thenew concern with the same promptnessand courtesy that has heretofore charac-terized them.

Memphis and New OrleansWednesday Packet,

MtiE.VTA, r.&Zt viw Hinrs. CaDt T. J. HowABD. Clerk

One at'amer will leave Memphis forTHIS Orleans on Wednesday, 15lh ofSep- -

ami win .s "

trade, leavinp Memphis on evry alternate"WtdoelT. MART WALT a CO.,

FOK VIGKSBURQ..Regular lit. Louis. Memphis and Vlcksbun

United States Mail Packet.For vicksburg and Way Landings.LUMINARY Laker master

v yiMi' fs nPi

THIS DAT, 3d ImL, at 5 p.m.LARRY HARMSTAD, Agent,

anT It City Wharfboat foot Monroe st.Regular SL Louis. Memphis and Vlekbn O.

S-- MallFor Helena, Napoleon and Vicksburg.

LUMINAKY Hiker master2his elegant passenger steamer

THIS DAY, 3d InsL, at 5 p.m.K- - W. LIOHTRUUN. Agent;

aA3" ffil Kront treet.

FOR fCXNOlNKATL,Regular Cincinnati Paekst-De- an Line.

HAM. J. HALE Walker masteraP'Sooid passenger steamer .rr -- swill for the above on

MONDAY. U lnt.. at 5 p.m.' JAS. T, BOURNE s CO.. Agents.-- au22i 12 jeflerson street.

FOR NAPOLEON.Regular Keinl-- eek:y Paeket for Napolto- n-or Helena. fnra Point and Napoleon

connecting at Napoleon with Ark .nasRiver and yiok.sburg Packet.Through Bills Lading given to all points onArkansas River and Vicksburg.NATOMA.. lames Lee master

This elegant passenger packet ,rr-- wwill leaveMONDAY.Sd'lnsL, at 6 p.m.

VINSON & DONAHUE, AgenU.H??t u Ktont streeL

FOR WHITS RIVER.Memphis and White River U. S. Mail Packet

Company.For Helena, DeVaU's BIuDT, Little Rock. Au-gusta, Jacksonport and all Way Landings.COMMERCIAL Asniord master

TnU Hue passenger paeket leavesaua s,ua sw O uu

TUESDAY. 4th InsL. at 5 n.m.For freight or passage apply to

LEVY & MILLER. Agent,8 Jefferson street, under Commercial Hotel.au2 3t

FOR ST. LOUIS.Memphis and St. Louis Packet Company.

Tor Cairo and St, Lonb.CITY Or CAIRO John Crane master

This new and splendid passenger -- II "steamer will leave as above on f 5iii itiliMONDAY", 3d lukt, at 5 pjn.

n2 2t FLEM. CALVERT. Hup'L

FOR ST. FRANCIS RIVER.Regular Tuesday EL Francis River Packet ForHelena Marianna, Madison, Wlttsburg

CU.U TT JT Ml"" t'TKM-MOLLIE HAMBLETON, T. It-- Bowman Master

aji4. v. a aaitj, anoii tuiu XitrjE, uerio.Will leave Memphis KVItxTUESDAY, at .8 o'clock p.nu ZfiSBmAiumi n a ,t:vi iiau, Agent..

J&2I IX Cits-- Wharfboat. foot Monroe St.

Regular JZempnl. Wtiiteand Little RedElver Thnrtday Packet.

jaEj.BES AROJOHN D.ELUOTr.Master: CAB.J. Hankiana --mat uxa, Clerk.

THE steamer D&S AHi) hiving been put Inthorough repair, will enter the MEMPHISa.m wmxt iliVEK 1UA.DE permanently onTUUctS JAY. the 3d Cat uf lnlpmlwr IKCS

leivlag Memph'S every Thurrday fur all poluUonWi-ltean- u LltteUed rivers, connecting atDevall's Blntr with tialns lor Lit! Ia Keck.Leavei Devall's BluX for Memphis every Mon-day on arrival ol train.

NOTICE- - To the Merchants of Memphis Thesteamer LES ARC will resume her trips In theWhile River Traoe on Thursday, the 3d day ofotvieinuer, u, anu as l am suiisnea mat it 1

the wish of boln the planter and merchant thatme iocxi pacseis receive ana transport mer-chandise on which there is dO.D. chiriMand lu view of the fact that the refusal to trans-port such frelzbt has ODerated verv muchagiiust the trude of Memphis, the steameru aiw ia nome packet, owned and controlled In Memohli) will. on resuniinghertrips,receive all t. O. D. freight, charging snippernuu iuo jfcifiiii. wucu Muo is not receiveu oycontigaee. ani charging shipper one-hal- f perueuk uu ail v. coiucuoob.

JOHN D. ELLIOTT, Masteraoi And Owner Steamer I)es Arc.

Memphis and Wow OrleansWednesday Packet,

-- MISSISSIPPI,NAT.S. Okees. s. Cmk Chkiuhton

Master. Clerk.amis fine steamer wUl leave Memphis forJ. New Orleans en Wednesday, 23d of Septem-ber, and will make rezulartnm In the trade- -leaving Memphis on every alternate Wednesday. JIA.KT. WALT SCO.,

Jy31 tf Agents 272 Front street



For Little Bock & Hoi Springs.

rilHE SDlendid Passencer Steamer rmrMS-B- .

J. CIA Land LIBERTY No. 2, leave Memphisevery j.asuay anu oaiuruay a. o o'clock p.m-fo-rwhite River, connecting at DeVaU's Bluflwith Memphis' and Little Hock, Railroad toLittle Rack, and Stage Line for Hot Springs

Time to Little Rock. 43 hours.Passengers and Shippers can rely on this

xwuie we yearrounu.JOHN B. DAVIS. Sup'LLEVY 4 MILLER,

General Freight and Ticket Agents,apll tf Mo. S Jefferson street.



Side-whe- Steamers through to

Davenport, Dnbnque and St. PanlWithout reshlpplng, leaving their Wharfboat,

EVENINU (except Sundays), at o'clock, p.m.These Steamers are all manned with carei a 1,

skillful and experienced nfflcers and crews,accustomed to the trade, and are outfitted In asuperior manner, and no exertions wUl bespared to add to the comfort of Passengers orcareful bandllnc of freight.

JAMES WARD, President.T. J.BUKORD, Superintendent.I. M. M 4SON, General Agent.E. B. BYINOXON. Oen'I 'ticket Agent.

LEVY A MILLEtt,e7 Sm Tlclte- -


sss? United States Mail


THE PRESENT JUOW STAUEUFDURING In the Arkansas river, all the boatson the Memphis end of the route are with-drawn, and tbe elegant Side-whe- el steamerNATOMA - James Lee, Master

will take tbe nlace of the through hosts. lea v- -tntr MemDhis as heretofore MONDAYS ANDTHURSDAYS, at6 p-- connecting at Napo-leon TUJSSD.VYS AND FttlDAib with thelight draught anu comionauie passengersteamerAUERICVN- - W. T. Berry, Master

For Pine Blufl".

irretzht and nassengers will be transferredwithout detection or extra expense, the "

giving Through 'tickets to passengersto Fine nine ana ait inierme.naie pomis only,lint will tiza Through Bills Ladlnirior frehrhtto alt points on Arkansas river as high up asFort Smith.

The new anu very ugnt-urauc- steamersVAN BUREN J.W.WlUIams, MasterFORT SMITH James Bowlin, MasterWill p'y between Pine Bluff and Bpadra,coa.nectlng at tho latter place with a Heat of first-cla- ss

Matbo;s. In charge of Capt. Jen Paby which freights shlpp- - d on thU line are

torn arded without detention, and delivered atdestination In good order, the flats being wellprovided with tarpaulins to protect the goodsfrom the weather.

Persona wishing to ship by this line will con-tinue to mark their goods "via Arkansasriver " and chip to " Memphis and ArkansasBlver U. S. Mall Packet Company," at Mem-phis, or to JounD.Adttns, at Memphis.

Ail freights signed for through as this linewUl. as heretofore, continue to receive the at-tention of James T. Bourne & Co., No. 12 Jef-ferson --fJ-jjj ADAMS. SuDertntendenL

VINSON DONAHUE,Agents for Natoma.

DAVE HUKELL. Passenger Agent.resumptionof navlgation.the GLEANER,

CBLKSTlScALDWELL and OZARK will re-sume their places In the Memphis and FortSmith line, by which the merchants and plant-ers on the entire Arkanas iler will have a

communication with Memphis, and fromthere by rail and steamboat to all points In theUnited States.

jy23 JOHN P.ADAM3.8nperlntendenL

NOTICE.A T a meeting of the Directors of the DeSotoA insurance and Trust, Company, held this

day at the.Cotnpaay.'s office, a dividend of sixper con t--, tree of oovernmsnt tax;WAiideclaredupon the capital stock of said Ceiupiwy.5uiT7,lsS. j.O.L08QAIJj:Bwrettry.Wjar oopy. jj

MEMPHIS FEMALE SEMINARY.'l'HE FaU Hesslen wUl opsn r-- WEDNE3- -l

DAY, Seatember 2d, at No. 169 Madfeoastreet.For circulars or catalogue , apply at Young's

Bookstore or at the Seminary.auzim Mrs. ANNIE D. HAlLE, Principal.

HAILE'SEoglfsb and Classical School,


NO. 303 THIRD STREET.fTUIE Fail Session will open SEPTEMBER Ur.r t - 1. n ..n I . TV. 1

People's Insurance Company, Yonngl Book-store, and at my lealdence, 109 Mad Uon a.reu

analm A. J. HAILE. PnncipaL

Memphis Female College.SESSION We shallTWENTY-NINT-


FORMS In this College, aecord-ln- g

to previous annonc cement, for the ensulnzscholastic year of forty weeks, on TUESDAY,September I. 1SC3. for circulars, giving fullparticulars, apply to the Principal at the Col-lege, or at the bookstores.

jr--S Ue9 M. A. V-- MORGAN. Principal.

Science 9111 Female Academy,&helbjvlHe.Ky.

THIS Institution, situated In one of the moithealthful and pleasant towns ( Ken-

tucky, within a short distance ot Louisvnie.with which it haa easy dally communicationby stage and rail, offers to tho public the accu-mulated advantaged ot more than forty yeanscccessfuloperattun. The elghty-seven- ti (S7th)semi-annu- session will open on Monday, eep-temb-er

7, 1S8S. For catalogues or soeclal Infor-mation address Mrs. JULIA A.TEVIS,lyaim PitncipaJ.

LaGrange Female College,LaGBANQE, TENN.,

P.f MILES east of Memphis, on Ctarl8ton0J Railroad. WUl open l- -t September andrfoseist July next Cheapest College la thaCash Items lor live months:

Board In Colkgs (all found) iw.i ooAll Enzllsh, Latin and Mathematics. 21"tMule ion any Instrument) with use of in-

strument ... 25 cuModem Languages It BtVocal Music and Incidentals, no charge.

JyM 2m J. D. M EREDITH. President.ShelbjTllle Male lilgn School.

rilHE Twenty-fift- h Semi-Annu- Session ofX this Institution wUt open on 1st Monday ofSeptember, ls6A. TKRjta roK School YkarCL03ISQ JV.1I 5, 1S0S, fATABLk T ISA&VAScerFor Day Pwpn ..13 WFor Bairders - . 3M 00

It Is the desire of the Princin.l tn iir.t .i.attention conscientiously and faithfully te Ummental and moral training of those committedto his care ; and in order to accomplish thisobject more effectually, the number cf board-ers wiU be limited to six and the number ofday pupils to thirty.

Uood boarding can be gotten with privatefamilies at from fl SO to SS oo per week.

For Information as regards discipline, courseof Instruction, etc, apply for circular.

J.W.DoDD.AJL, Principal,jy291m ShelbyvUle.Kentuekr- -

STATE FEMALE COLLEGE.' --HE Fall Session of this Institution will com-J- L

mence on MONDAY, tie 11th of Septetubernext, with a full ana superior Faculty (asusual) In all the departments. In addition lo-th e branches usuaLy taught, arrangementhave been made for a full coarse of lessons InPHYSICAL LUL1URK according to the sys-tem of Dlo Lewis This places me State Fe-male College, in this respect. In advance ofany other hcnool at the Soma, and parents,both at home and abroad, Will soon come to seaIts beneQcial effect- -.

The City Railroad Cars cow run out to theCollege, and render dty patronage perfectlypracticable. Parents and guardians In the oilywill find on Inquiry that they can enjoy thebenents of this superior school and maze asaving even when car-far- e is added of Si to ISper cent, on tuition bills. For partlcnlira orcatalogued address, C COLLINS,

aul 5w Presidents



Academy of the Saered Heart.

THE FIRST EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTION1 in established in 1819. will com-

mence its Soslun on TU SDA Y.September 1st.For farther particulars apply to

MADAME M. J. GALL AY, Superior,JJ2J S St. Louis. Missouri


No. 288 IlXlm St.Open the entire Tear for tne Beculluuof Ntndents.rpHE COURSE OF STUDY 18 EXTENDED,JL thorough and practical, affording superior,facilities for obtaining a sound Buitness Edu-cation.

The most thorough insttuctisn will be givenin Commercial and Exchange calculations.-Menta- l

and Practical ArithmeticThe Penmanahlp Department of the College

Is open from 8 to 12 a.m. and 2 to 5 p-- untilBeptembr!sL-- " A separate Department for Ladles.

JyS T. A. LIODIA, frlDclpaiT

WASHINGTON COLLEGE,Lexington, Virginia.

THE next session opens-3- Thursday In188. and close 4th Thnmdar In

June, 13&I. The Faculty consists ofGEX. R. K. LEE, PBXdISEST.

With Professors of Latin, Greek, Mathematics.Modern Lanenszes. Moral PhUusoDh-- r. mun.and English Language and Literature, AppliedMatnematic, Natural Ph'losophy, Chemistryand Law and Jiqulty. These aro distributedinto : I. Facullv of Arts r 2. Facnltv nf Mat.enee; t. Faculty of Literature an-- i PtUosphy:t. Faculty of Law. In each of these Is con-ferred a distinct Bachelor's Druree. and lhn Im.greeof Matter cf Art 1 open alike tn studentsin each couise. In the Department of Scienceare conferred ; aha. PxcftuianaZ Diplomat ofCivil Engineer and Mining Engineer. By theaid of a full corps of assistant Profecsors, pro-vision is made for thorough drilling In the De-partments of English. Ancient and Modernlanguages and Mathematics.

ex KSAll necessary ernensea nead notT '

exceed $325.For fnli particulars apply toJyS) Iw E. C. GORDON. Clerk ot Vacuity.


Col. R. T. V. AL-IiEN-, Suporifltond't.Assisted by an Able JFaeuUyJ

THE 23d Academical year of this Institnlabegin on Monday, feptemberT, IfiS.

TBBMS-Thr- ee hundred and fifty dollars(SS50) per Academical year of ) weeks.

Refer to Messrs. Parker Ward A Co Mem-phis, Tenn , from whom Catalogues maybe had.,

Forsoeclal Information, add rtt t?n!- - n T vALLEN.Saperintendent, Farmdale, Franklincounty. Ky. JeUdawSm

Florence Bynodlcal Female College'IMIIS Institution. which haa long enjoyed .1 very high reputation among tho fa mad

colleges or tne South, Is situated at Florence,Ala which is admitted to be ona of the meatdelightful and salubrious towns Inthetouth-wes- t.

It is very easy of acc&sz. A branch ofthe Memphis and Charleston Railroad runsfrom Tnscnmbia to South Florence, its Presi-dent, Rev. Dr. WM- - H. MITCHELL, is wellknown as one of the ablest teachers In tbecountry. Next session will commence on tha8th day of September next.

For further particulars apply to the Pre!- -,dent. Jyl Ira daw

ST- - LOUIS UNIVERSITY.THEThiiiy-nlnt- h Annnal Session of Studies

Louis UniversityWilt Open September 7th.

This Institution Is the oldest seat of learningIn the Weet, having been established In 1829.

The coarse ot studies offers every facility foracquiring a thorough CLASSICAL AND COM-- .M ERCIAL EDUCATION.

For catalogue, etc-- apply toRev. F. H. STUNTEBEC1C. FL T.

President St. Louis University, St. Louh, Mo.

ITJKA FEMALE INSTITUTE:THE next Session will open on MONDAY, thai

August, under the continued super,intenaence oi me subscriber, assistedla the Lit-erary Department by Mrs.DOUULA68- - Every,Mr mri. Vh. . .... wuuuuonM.tnnAlnm .mav. - juiuuaw .

Department, To oar frlenda dealrlnfc reposeanoyances, our location Is specially at--MH.M- -. 4SAJ ASUAAAAJtm UlUUMa MjlUUIganions us this UU to educate their children.For further partlcalars apply for a Circular to

JyJtt Inks, Mid

Virginia Military Institute,Lexington, Virginia.

1 PPLICATIONS wlUnowbe receivedforthoappointment of lio additional Carets Intothis Institution. Those entering-- la tbeenjoy peculiar advantages In thespecial course of discipline and instruction, bywhich tbey are prepared for the regular stnalea

Which commence on the 1st September.circulars WW ne sent on application.WW KRANCfifTSMiTaCoupt,


! 1




?grf? -- ssBsl: -- j:"
