C C ATHEDRAL ATHEDRAL N N EWS EWS Holy Family August 2013 Tulsa, Oklahoma Volume 19, Issue 1 Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary August 15

Cathedral news 2013 08 web version

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Father Grant says goodbye as he prepares to go back to school to study Liturgy. The Knights reflect on the summer. The Centennial Committee announces some major activities.

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August 2013 Tulsa, Oklahoma Volume 19, Issue 1

Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary

August 15

Page 2: Cathedral news 2013 08 web version


Identification Statement: The Cathedral News Issue 1 August 2013 (USPS 022-729) is published 10 x per year (monthly, except for June and July) by Holy Family

Cathedral at 122 W 8th St., Tulsa OK 74119-1402. Periodicals postage paid at Tulsa, OK.

POSTMASTER: Send address changes to: CATHEDRAL NEWS, PO BOX 3204, Tulsa, OK 74101-3204.

Dear Parishioners:

Nearly a year ago, I shared that this year was

the first since I was very young that I did not go

“back-to-school.” Well, it seems that the Lord has

called me back to the halls of academia to further

perfect my mind and heart for the service of His

people in Eastern Oklahoma. And so it is with

sorrow that I bid farewell to Holy Family Cathe-

dral, but it is a sorrow full of optimism and joyful

anticipation of my return to the Diocese after

fulfilling my course of studies. I for one, will be

ever grateful that my first assignment has been

Holy Family. The graces of serving in the heart of

our diocese have formed me with a stable beginning to, what I hope

will be, decades of priestly ministry. And so, for that, I thank the fami-

lies and people of our parish, and especially Msgr. Gier. For sharing

your lives with me and welcoming me into yours.

Its hard not to be excited by the “mysterious ways” of our God,

who is always calling us to follow Him in paths that are “ever ancient,

ever new.” Last week, Pope Francis celebrated the 28th World Youth

Day in Rio De Janeiro, Brazil with 3.2 million people. With the

charism of his radical simplicity, he called Catholic youth to those

familiar themes of our Gospel mission: to go, to not be afraid, and to

serve. It is not always apparent why God calls us to do the things He

calls us to do or go to the places He calls us to go, but that’s only be-

cause we lack the perspective to see the good He has planned for our

lives and the lives of others. But when the deed is done and we are able

to look back, then we can see how gloriously orchestrated our whole

lives have been.

Our duty is to remain always watchful and attentive to the new

ways that He is calling us. We must never grow mulish in our discern-

ment of God’s will for our lives. There may be a temptation to discern

Farewell from our Associate Pastor

Fr. John Grant

our life vocation, or which job to take, or where to

live, and then to stop and say, “I’ve done it. I’ve

discovered God’s will for my life and now I can get

on about the business of accomplishing it. Thanks

God, I’ll talk to you again if I need help…” But re-

call for a moment the life of Abraham who the Lord

called to sacrifice his only son, Isaac. (cf. Gen. 22:1-

12) If Abraham received God’s will as a simple set

of orders and ceased to listen and pray, he would

have missed the countermand that stayed his sa-

bered hand. Maybe that’s too easy of an example.

Then consider the life of St. Frances of Rome, who

wanted to give her life to the Lord in a good and laudable way as a

nun, but whom God had called to marriage and motherhood so she

could give to God a life even better. Better because it was His will. So

instead of asking God to do her will, she eventually acquiesced to His

will, and not only that once but again and again throughout her trou-

bled life in things big and small.

God has a will for every part of our lives, not just the big parts, and

His will rarely follows a straight line. More often it is a series of paths

that turn this way and that guiding us past obstacles and pit falls to

the fulfillment of our lives. This is not hard to imagine if we remember

that God is a loving Father, who, like any of us might do, guides us by

the hand as we would a child to protect them from harm; if only we

will keep our hand in His, not running ahead or falling behind. I am

excited to see what the Lord has in store for me next. And no matter

where He may lead me, I am what I am by the favor of His grace and

the fervor of your prayers. Tulsa will always be my home and I look

forward to returning. But for now I will continue the Lord’s bidding

to go, to not be afraid, and to serve. May the Lord bless you and your

families as abundantly as He has blessed me!

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The Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary a holy day of obligation

Schedule of Masses: Wednesday August 14 5:05 p.m. Mass of Anticipation .

Thursday August 15 7:00 a.m., 9:00 a.m., 12:05 p.m., and 5:05 p.m. Masses

Catholics always seem to be apologizing.

Has the Church really been all that bad?

Explore the facts behind the legends of Catholic history.—facts which

are sometimes shocking, often surprising, sometimes even inspiring.

Learn what they should have taught you in school but didn’t.

Expect to get mad.

Expect to get informed.

Bring your anti-Catholic friends.

Expect them to get mad—and informed—too.

This is not just history. Learn what the Church actually teaches about

war, religious toleration, science versus Scripture, etc.

Questions, comments and arguments welcome.

Second Tuesday of each Month 7:00:8:30 p.m. Halpine Room

September 10 The Crusades

October 8 The Inquisition

November 12 Did Columbus Prove the Earth is Round?

December 10 Church, Copernicus & Galileo

Black Legends:

Horror Stories About the Catholic Church - Are They True?

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After a break for the summer months, Holy

Family will resume hosting special events lead-

ing up to the 100th Anniversary of the Dedica-

tion of the Church in May 2014.

The parish Centennial Committee, chaired

by Bill and Cherie Hughes, aims to host an

event nearly every month that will focus on a

different aspect of parish life throughout this

century. In April of this year, the committee

organized a Mass celebrated in the extraordi-

nary form by Father William DeFine, pastor of

St. Peter’s Church in Tulsa.

The Centennial Committee is offering a

decade-by-decade exhibit of photographs in the

Cathedral Basement. The current exhibit is

from the 1920s and features the 1925 Conse-

cration of the church, likely the most auspi-

cious moment in parish history.

Future events are listed on the Centennial

Calendar. All events will be at the Cathedral,

except for the May 3 Gala event which will be

held at the Hyatt Regency hotel.

Duncan Stroik is an author and a professor

of architecture from Notre Dame University in

Indiana. He worked closely with Prof. Thomas

Gordon Smith, the architect who created the

plans for Holy Family Cathedral's restoration

and for Clear Creek Monastery. He will give a

lecture on church architecture. A Reception

and Tours of the Cathedral will follow.

Centennial Events will celebrate Holy Family’s Impact in Tulsa

Photo Exhibits in the AuditoriumPhoto Exhibits in the AuditoriumPhoto Exhibits in the AuditoriumPhoto Exhibits in the Auditorium

1910s April, 2013

1920s May, 2013

1930s September, 2013

1940s October, 2013

1950s November, 2013

1960s December, 2013

1970s January, 2014

1980s February, 2014

1990s March, 2014

2000s April, 2014

Cherie Hughes is a co-chair of the Centen-

nial Committee. She wrote a dissertation on

the life of Saint Katharine Drexel, the million-

aire nun who founded sixty-three Catholic

schools including the one now known as

Tulsa's Holy Family Cathedral School. The

lecture will be preceded with a Reception.

Our excellent Cathedral Choir will give a

concert in November, followed by a viewing of

Holy Family Cathedral School’s student Art

Exhibit and Contest.

Bishop Slattery's 20th Anniversary Mass

and Reception will take place on Epiphany

Sunday. This celebration of Bishop Slattery's

Episcopal Ordination commemorates his time

as the Bishop of Tulsa plus the unique relation-

ship between a cathedral parish and its bishop.

Receptions follow the 10:00 a.m. and Noon


The Tulsa Oratorio Chorus concert is an

event sponsored by the TOC. Admission to the

event requires the purchase of tickets through

the TOC. The concert is the third event of the

2013-2014 TOC season. The evening's theme is

Immortality Set to Music.

The principal celebrations are on May 3 and

4, 2014. The Saturday, May 3, Gala will be held

at the Hyatt Regency and will feature several

guests who are key figures in Holy Family's past

or present. The following morning, Sunday,

May 4, is the Centennial Mass - 100 years after

the Dedication of Holy Family Church.

Centennial Calendar September 22, 2013 1:30 p.m. Lecture: Mr. Duncan Stroik 3:00 p.m. Tours and Open House: Holy Family Cathedral October 20, 2013 1:00 p.m. Reception in the Cathedral Basement 2:00 p.m. Lecture: Cherie Hughes on the Life of St. Katharine Drexel November 14, 2013 7:00 p.m. Concert: Holy Family Cathedral Choir Art Exhibit and Contest January 5, 2014 11:00 a.m. Reception: 20th Anniversary of Episcopal Ordination 1:00 p.m. of Most Rev. Edward J. Slattery April 5, 2014 7:30 p.m. Concert: Tulsa Oratorio Chorus May 3, 2014 6:30 p.m. Gala Event: Celebration of Holy Family’s Centennial May 4, 2014 10:00 a.m. Mass: Centennial of the Dedication of Holy Family


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Religious Education Classes for Children to begin in September

A recent study of Catholics living in

Eastern Oklahoma revealed that the top

priority for the Church should be passing

the Faith to the next generation. A num-

ber of parents who responded to the study

said that they feel inadequate to teach the

Faith themselves.

Holy Family is ready to help.

The parish’s Religious Education staff is

preparing for the 2013-2014 academic

year. Classes will be offered to three-year-

olds up to seniors in high school.

The class for Second Grade children

will prepare them for First Communion.

Juniors and seniors in high school will be

prepared for the Sacrament of Confirma-

tion. There are additional requirements

and time commitments for students en-


Bible Study participants to explore Heaven, Hell & Purgatory

Holy Family’s Deacon Jerry Mattox

and a small group of parishioners are tak-

ing a slow and deliberate look at the Bible.

This group is not taking its cues from col-

lege classes that promise a quick survey of

the Old or New Testament in one semes-

ter. Rather, they are moving chapter by

chapter through books of the Bible sug-

gested by members of the group. They are

within a few weeks of finishing the Epistle

to the Hebrews.

Deacon Mattox relies upon a lifelong

interest in Sacred Scripture to lead the

Bible Study. He keeps a number of refer-

ence books at his home and in his office to

help him answer questions asked during

Bible Study. He uses the same tools on

Sunday mornings when he teaches Sacred

Scripture to a group of middle school stu-

dents in the parish Religious Education


Next up, Deacon Mattox plans to ex-

plore the Biblical references to Heaven,

Hell, and Purgatory. He admits, “This is

going to be a difficult project that will re-

quire lots of research on my part.”

Bible Study is at 7:00 p.m. on Thursday

evenings in the Halpine Room. All are


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The summer's not so hot

As the year before ‘

And for that l thank my God

with my knees upon the floor!

"Dear God: I can take the 90s

A hundred now and-then;

But, lo and how I suffer

when it hits a hundred and ten."

We pulled up the drawbridge after the last pancake break-

fast in May , put out the "No Visitors" and ”Go Away" signs in

the moat and settled into a summer of, well, nothing! So, we

thought that this would be a good time to ruminate over those

occurrences and happenings either not worth mentioning or at

least of lesser importance than those other occurrences and

happenings that are probably not too important but we write

of them anyway.

We continue to receive cash and coin for our Homeless Pro-

gram and to which we are very grateful However, we often do

not have the space to individually thank those individuals

(thanks to the Editor!) so allow me at this time to say to all of

you who have been appropriately generous we say “Thank


Occasionally, we will purchase other items than food when

a critical need arises as occurred several months ago when the

word went out that the Center had no toothpaste. Realizing

that man lives not by bread alone but also by the other necessi-

ties of modern life we purchased 20 tubes of toothpaste at a

Dollar Store for, as I recall, $20.00. The reason that we men-

tion this fact is that it may come to pass that" one may hear

that the Council was buying non-food items and it was

thought that the donation was to provide a dinner! Well, these

instances of need occur very seldom but when they do they are

most always a critical need. Now, this/these problem(s) can be

adjudicated somewhat were someone to take it upon them-

selves to check with the Center -it is officially called the Tulsa

Day Center For The Homeless — to see what is or may be of

Notes from the Knighstand: Musings while snoozing! BY MARTIN REIDY

critical need and take a stab at doing what one can do ac-

cordingly. in fact, The Center puts out a monthly email

detailing critical needs of the moment. They are always in

need of both men and women' s shorts, T·shirts, etc. Dis-

posable razors are an on-going item of need. The Center is

also active in easing people from homelessness into a home

—apartment is the more correct description — and they

have an on-going need for household goods and kitchen

appliances, utensils, etc.

It may seem that our only project is the monthly home-

less dinner when, in fact, we have various and sundry un-

dertakings that are there for your participation. One of

these is the recitation of the rosary on the third Saturday

of each month at Calvary Cemetery by the Shrine for the

Unborn just south of the outdoor altar. Don't worry about

a crowd or parking- there are usuall just three or four of

us there! We meet at 9 a.m. and it is usually over by 9:30

but be prepared for the weather . Only in pouring rain or

below zero weather do we abdicate to the chapel on the

hill. The rosary is also recited each Sunday at 7:30 in the

Cathedral before the S a.m. Mass and takes about 15 min-

utes of one's time. From a handful of attendees initially we

now have several handfuls! However, here is your chance

to start another “handful.”

Well, that is enough to think about for the moment.

Time to go back to swatting flies and listen to the gnats

swarming overhead while sipping a cold iced tea! PAX!

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The Knights of Columbus will have a Priest Priest Priest Priest

Appreciation DinnerAppreciation DinnerAppreciation DinnerAppreciation Dinner for the Holy Family clergy

on Tuesday, August 6, 2013 from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m.

in Heiring Hall. All members of Holy Family

Council #10388 and family members are invited.

It is imperative that any/all Knights contact

Martin Reidy at 918-836-5352 to confirm their

and family members attendance. Cost is $5.00/

adults, or $10.00/family. Children under 18 are


Informal summer RCIA is for those curious

about the Catholic faith. An overview of a topic is

presented each week, but any questions are

welcome. Join us Wednesdays, August 7 and 14,

at 6:30 in the Halpine room. Formal RCIA

classes will begin in September.

There is no 55+ Luncheon in August.

Dinner & a Movie: Dinner & a Movie: Dinner & a Movie: Dinner & a Movie: The Knights of ColumbusKnights of ColumbusKnights of ColumbusKnights of Columbus

sponsor a pot luck dinner and the showing of a

full length Catholic or Christian movie on the

first Friday of the month. The pot luck dinner

starts around 6:30 p.m. and the movie begins

around 7 p.m. The kitchen area is open before the

5:05 p.m. Mass for anyone wishing to drop off

their dish before Mass.

Deacon Jerry Mattox’s Bible Study ClassBible Study ClassBible Study ClassBible Study Class meets

every Thursday at 7:00 p.m. in the Halpine

Room. By request, we are covering the Letter to

the Hebrews. Next up is a look at Biblical

references to Heaven, Hell & Purgatory. We still

have plenty of room. This class is a good way to

deepen your knowledge of Scripture.

The CCW Bus Trip to San Antonio, Texas is

October 7-10, 2013. Join us on a visit to the

Alamo, tours of the Cathedral, San Jose mission

and much more. Please make your $100 deposit

now to reserve your reservation because seats will

fill up fast. For more information contact Helga


RetrovailleRetrovailleRetrovailleRetrovaille, a Christian peer ministry offering

tools to heal troubled marriages in distress, begins

a new program in Tulsa on September 20-22. For

more information on this innovative program,

please call 918-695-7010, go to

www.helpyourmarriage.com. Preregistration is


The 9th Annual Single Catholics of Tulsa

(SCOT) Mass with Bishop Edward Slattery is

Saturday, September 7, 2013 at the Diocesan

offices - 12300 East 91st Street, Broken Arrow,

on 91st Street between Garnett and 129th East

Ave on the south side of the street. Confessions

are at 4pm; Mass at 5pm; Dinner follows Mass.

RSVP: Terri Knode (918-361-7076) by August

31, so that we know how much food to order.

Bring a lawn chair and join us for a faith and fun

filled evening with Bishop Slattery.

The Oklahoma premiere production of Changing

Habits: The Nun Monologues is Saturday,

November 23 at 7:00 p.m. and Sunday,

November 24 at 2:00 p.m. This is a fundraiser to

help build the much needed new St. Pius X

School in Tulsa. This brand new show, written by

the author of the international smash hit, Late

Night Catechism, will provide an evening of fun

and laughter. If you have questions, call Anita

Gunter at 918-627-8846 or Mary Kay Pfingsten

at 918-438-1870.

Catholic Business & Professional Women’s

monthly dinner meeting is set for September 9.

Adoration for interested members will be from 5-

6 p.m. at the St. John’s Hospital Chapel of Peace.

The Tour will start at 6:15 with dinner to follow.

The speaker will be the St. John’s Hospital

Volunteer Coordinator/Spiritual Director. Cost

of Dinner is $22.00 (includes donation to

scholarship fund). Please contact

www.cbpwoftulsa.org or

[email protected] for reservations/


The Women of Saint Bernard’s Clairvaux Club

invites you to come hear Catholic convert and

apologist Steve Rayapologist Steve Rayapologist Steve Rayapologist Steve Ray speak at Saint Bernard’s on

Saturday, August 17 at 7pm and Sunday, August

18 at 9:45am. In lieu of a fee, please bring a food

item for Catholic Charities.

Single Catholics of TulsaSingle Catholics of TulsaSingle Catholics of TulsaSingle Catholics of Tulsa aims to create and

sustain a welcoming and joy-filled community for

single, divorced and widowed Catholics, 35+. Call

Terri, 918-361-7076, or Bryan, 918-835-3618 for

more information. Here are the upcoming


Aug 6 Meet Evelyn for DinnerDinnerDinnerDinner at Jason's Deli

(61st and Memorial) at 6pm, then a moviemoviemoviemovie at

Eton Square

Aug 10 - Potluck Dinner/LuauPotluck Dinner/LuauPotluck Dinner/LuauPotluck Dinner/Luau at St. Pius X

Catholic Church, Mass at 5pm, Social time at

6pm, Dinner at 7pm.

Aug 15 - Dinner and Planning Meeting at Full

Moon on Cherry Street, Time 5:30

Aug 29 Summer's Fifth Night at Utica SquareSummer's Fifth Night at Utica SquareSummer's Fifth Night at Utica SquareSummer's Fifth Night at Utica Square:

Grady Nichols, 7pm. Meet in front of Queenies.

Bring a lawn chair and snacks and drinks if you


Upcoming Events and Activities

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Holy Family Cathedral

PO Box 3204

Tulsa, OK 74101-3204

Deadlines: Deadlines: Deadlines: Deadlines: The Cathedral News

is published at the end of the

month with the goal of arriving

in parishioners’ mailboxes dur-

ing the first week of the next

month. Please make submissions

by the 20th of the month to

[email protected] or


Cathedral News

PO Box 3204