THIRTIETH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME SUNDAY, OCTOBER 29, 2017 TRIGESIMO DOMINGO DEL TIEMPO ORDINARIO DOMINGO 29 DE OCTUBRE DEL 2017 “You shall love the Lord, your God, with all your heart, with all your soul and with all your mind.” – Matthew 22:37 Intenciones de Misa para esta Semana SUNDAY, OCTOBER 29 / 29 DE OCTUBRE 8:00 am Mary Magdalene-Be-Tran† 10:00 am Jose & Carolina Garcia† Vytas Pliodzinskas† 12:00 pm Jose A. Cruz† Carmen Bravo† Macario Gutierrez† 2:30 pm Evans Luna† Alejandro Del Rio† 5:00 pm St. Jerome Priests & Deacons 7:00 pm Por las benditas almas del Purgatorio, Raul y Guadalupe Ortiz MONDAY, OCTOBER 30 / 30 DE OCTUBRE 8:15 am Adan & Adelia Cadena† TUESDAY, OCTOBER 31 / 31 DE OCTUBRE 8:15 am Julie Lyons† Agustin Osorio† 8:30 pm Por las benditas almas del purgatorio WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 1 / 1 DE NOVIEMBRE 8:15 am Petra Lopez Martinez † 7:00 pm All Souls of Purgatory THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 2 / 2 DE NOVIEMBRE 8:15 am Agustin Osorio† Luis Carabali y familia FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 3 / 3 DE NOVIEMBRE 8:15 am Virgie Patryla† SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 4 / 4 DE NOVIEMBRE 8:15 am Souls in purgatory and special intentions 5:30 pm Presentacion Gutierrez† SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 5 / 5 DE NOVIEMBRE 8:00 am Mary Magdalene Be-Tran† 10:00 am Leroy Benoit† All Souls in Purgatory† 12:00 pm Rosalba Morales† Jeronimo Mandujano† Florencio Lopez† 2:30 pm Maria Aguilera† Lourdes Toledo† Alex Gallardo† 5:00 pm Brain & Abigail Ixchop 7:00 pm Por las benditas almas del Purgatorio, Familia DeAnda Rodriguez† OUR GIFTS TO GOD - That we recognize everything we have and everything we are is a gift from God. Budgeted Weekly Need / Presupuesto Semanal…… $ 24,150.00 Offertory Collection / Diezmos 10/22/2017……….…..$ 21,105.50 Overage/Sobrante (Deficit /Faltante) ….…………….$ -3,044.50 DSF (Goal $121,000)….…………………. 80.07% $ 96,879.76 Do you put other “gods” before God? Is your love of money, power, status or some personal possession greater than your love for God? Do you really recognize that everything you have and everything you are is a gift from God? The good news – it’s not too late to put God first in your life in all things. LETTER FROM OUR PASTOR Dear Parishioners, The "law and the prophets" of the Old Testament that Jesus refers to in today's Gospel were considered by the Jews to contain the absolutely unique self-revelation of the one, true God to his only Chosen People. Possessing this revelation made ancient Israel more privileged than all other nations and peoples. Therefore, when the Pharisee,(who, like all Pharisees, was an expert in "the law and the prophets", asks Jesus to identify the greatest among the 613 commandments of the Old Testament, he is really challenging Christ to give an interpretation of the entire history and reality of the Israelite nation. We can imagine Christ fixing his eyes on those of the questioner, wondering how sincere the question really was. St Matthew doesn't tell us how the Pharisee reacted, but we can imagine that he was surprised, if not downright shocked. Jesus had been asked to name one commandment, but then he listed two. The shrewd Pharisees would have noticed this. In listing two commandments, Jesus was pointing out that you cannot separate loving God from loving one's neighbor. And that's exactly what many of the Pharisees did every single day. God is our Creator and Savior; his love is both universal and personal. He loves every single human being so much that he gave his life on the cross to pay the price for each person's sin, to open the gates of heaven to every single person who is willing to follow him. And so, if someone truly loves God with all their heart, it would be a contradiction not to treat one's neighbors - those very people whom God loves and suffered to save - with sincere and self-sacrificing respect. The old saying applies above all to God: A friend of yours is a friend of mine. God loves every human being. In ancient Rome, Christians used to use Catacombs for their burial places. The Catacombs consist of miles of underground tunnels and chambers that were painstakingly carved out of the unique tufa soil on the outskirts of Rome. Tufa is a mixture of normal topsoil and elements from volcanic ash and lava. As long as it is not exposed to the air, it shows no special characteristics, except that it is remarkably soft and easy to dig. But when you excavate into it, exposing it to the air, it gradually becomes almost as hard as rock. And so it was the perfect environment to create a vast network of underground cemeteries, chapels, and hiding places. You can still visit these Catacombs today. When you do, you notice that in addition to the normal graves, there are thousands of little horizontal niches dug into the walls of the passageways. Two or three feet long, less than a foot high, and two or three feet deep, these niches are much too small to serve as a burial place for a full-grown body. Archeologists recently discovered what they were used for. In ancient Rome, when Christianity was still a minority, outlawed religion, it was common practice for pagan women to abandon by exposure unwanted or crippled babies. Special clearings outside the city were used just for this purpose. As Christianity spread, Christian women started going out to those clearings to rescue the unwanted babies, convinced that they were loved by God and created in his image. Some of the babies would die from exposure before or soon after being rescued. When that happened, the Christians would bury these babies in the little niches in the Catacombs. In this way, at great cost and inconvenience to themselves, they actively lived out Christ’s commandment to love. My God bless you. Fr. Dan

CATECISMO · 10/29/2017  · CATECISMO (de KINDER A SEXTO AÑO) Este es un recordatorio de la segunda clase para padres y estudiantes que será este Sábado 4 de Noviembre de 9am

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Page 1: CATECISMO · 10/29/2017  · CATECISMO (de KINDER A SEXTO AÑO) Este es un recordatorio de la segunda clase para padres y estudiantes que será este Sábado 4 de Noviembre de 9am


“You shall love the Lord, your God, with all your heart,

with all your soul and with all your mind.” –

Matthew 22:37

Intenciones de Misa para esta Semana

SUNDAY, OCTOBER 29 / 29 DE OCTUBRE 8:00 am Mary Magdalene-Be-Tran† 10:00 am Jose & Carolina Garcia† Vytas Pliodzinskas† 12:00 pm Jose A. Cruz† Carmen Bravo† Macario Gutierrez†

2:30 pm Evans Luna† Alejandro Del Rio† 5:00 pm St. Jerome Priests & Deacons 7:00 pm Por las benditas almas del Purgatorio, Raul y Guadalupe Ortiz

MONDAY, OCTOBER 30 / 30 DE OCTUBRE 8:15 am Adan & Adelia Cadena†

TUESDAY, OCTOBER 31 / 31 DE OCTUBRE 8:15 am Julie Lyons† Agustin Osorio† 8:30 pm Por las benditas almas del purgatorio

WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 1 / 1 DE NOVIEMBRE 8:15 am Petra Lopez Martinez † 7:00 pm All Souls of Purgatory

THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 2 / 2 DE NOVIEMBRE 8:15 am Agustin Osorio† Luis Carabali y familia

FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 3 / 3 DE NOVIEMBRE 8:15 am Virgie Patryla†


8:15 am Souls in purgatory and special intentions

5:30 pm Presentacion Gutierrez†

SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 5 / 5 DE NOVIEMBRE 8:00 am Mary Magdalene Be-Tran† 10:00 am Leroy Benoit† All Souls in Purgatory† 12:00 pm Rosalba Morales† Jeronimo Mandujano† Florencio Lopez†

2:30 pm Maria Aguilera† Lourdes Toledo† Alex Gallardo† 5:00 pm Brain & Abigail Ixchop 7:00 pm Por las benditas almas del Purgatorio, Familia DeAnda Rodriguez†

OUR GIFTS TO GOD - That we recognize everything we have and everything we are is a gift from God.

Budgeted Weekly Need / Presupuesto Semanal…… $ 24,150.00 Offertory Collection / Diezmos 10/22/2017……….…..$ 21,105.50 Overage/Sobrante (Deficit /Faltante) ….…………….$ -3,044.50 DSF (Goal $121,000)….…………………. 80.07% $ 96,879.76

Do you put other “gods” before God? Is your love of money, power, status or some personal possession greater than your love for God? Do you really recognize that everything you have and everything you are is a gift from God? The good news – it’s not too late to put God first in your life in all things.


Dear Parishioners,

The "law and the prophets" of the Old Testament that Jesus

refers to in today's Gospel were considered by the Jews to contain

the absolutely unique self-revelation of the one, true God to his

only Chosen People. Possessing this revelation made ancient

Israel more privileged than all other nations and peoples.

Therefore, when the Pharisee,(who, like all Pharisees, was an

expert in "the law and the prophets", asks Jesus to identify the

greatest among the 613 commandments of the Old Testament, he

is really challenging Christ to give an interpretation of the entire

history and reality of the Israelite nation. We can imagine Christ

fixing his eyes on those of the questioner, wondering how sincere

the question really was. St Matthew doesn't tell us how the

Pharisee reacted, but we can imagine that he was surprised, if not

downright shocked. Jesus had been asked to name one

commandment, but then he listed two. The shrewd Pharisees

would have noticed this. In listing two commandments, Jesus was

pointing out that you cannot separate loving God from loving

one's neighbor. And that's exactly what many of the Pharisees did

every single day.

God is our Creator and Savior; his love is both universal and

personal. He loves every single human being so much that he gave

his life on the cross to pay the price for each person's sin, to open

the gates of heaven to every single person who is willing to follow

him. And so, if someone truly loves God with all their heart, it

would be a contradiction not to treat one's neighbors - those very

people whom God loves and suffered to save - with sincere and

self-sacrificing respect. The old saying applies above all to God: A

friend of yours is a friend of mine.

God loves every human being. In ancient Rome, Christians used to

use Catacombs for their burial places. The Catacombs consist of

miles of underground tunnels and chambers that were

painstakingly carved out of the unique tufa soil on the outskirts of

Rome. Tufa is a mixture of normal topsoil and elements from

volcanic ash and lava. As long as it is not exposed to the air, it

shows no special characteristics, except that it is remarkably soft

and easy to dig. But when you excavate into it, exposing it to the

air, it gradually becomes almost as hard as rock.

And so it was the perfect environment to create a vast network of

underground cemeteries, chapels, and hiding places. You can still

visit these Catacombs today. When you do, you notice that in

addition to the normal graves, there are thousands of little

horizontal niches dug into the walls of the passageways. Two or

three feet long, less than a foot high, and two or three feet deep,

these niches are much too small to serve as a burial place for a

full-grown body. Archeologists recently discovered what they

were used for. In ancient Rome, when Christianity was still a

minority, outlawed religion, it was common practice for pagan

women to abandon by exposure unwanted or crippled

babies. Special clearings outside the city were used just for this

purpose. As Christianity spread, Christian women started going

out to those clearings to rescue the unwanted babies, convinced

that they were loved by God and created in his image. Some of

the babies would die from exposure before or soon after being

rescued. When that happened, the Christians would bury these

babies in the little niches in the Catacombs. In this way, at great

cost and inconvenience to themselves, they actively lived out

Christ’s commandment to love.

My God bless you.

Fr. Dan

Page 2: CATECISMO · 10/29/2017  · CATECISMO (de KINDER A SEXTO AÑO) Este es un recordatorio de la segunda clase para padres y estudiantes que será este Sábado 4 de Noviembre de 9am


CARTA DE NUESTRO PÁRROCO Queridos Parroquianos,

La "ley y los profetas" del Antiguo Testamento al que Jesús

se refiere en el Evangelio de hoy eran considerados por los

judíos de tener la única revelación del verdadero Dios a su

pueblo elegido. Poseer esta revelación hizo al antiguo Israel

más privilegiado que otras naciones y pueblos. Por lo tanto,

cuando el fariseo (que, como los fariseos, era un experto en

"la ley y los profetas", le pide a Jesús identificar el mayor

entre los 613 mandamientos del Antiguo Testamento, está

realmente retando a Cristo para que de una interpretación

de toda la historia y realidad de la nación israelita. Podemos

imaginar a Cristo fijando sus ojos en los del que pregunta,

preguntándose cuan sincera era la pregunta realmente. St

Mateo no nos dice cómo reaccionó el fariseo, pero podemos

imaginar que estaba sorprendido, si no más que

sorprendido. Le pidió a Jesús que nombrara un

mandamiento, pero el enumeró dos. Los fariseos astutos

habrían notado esto. En el listado de los dos mandamientos,

Jesús estaba señalando que no se puede separar a Dios y el

amor a su prójimo. Y eso es exactamente lo que muchos de

los fariseos hacían todos los días.

Dios es nuestro creador y Salvador; su amor es universal y

personal. Ama tanto que dio su vida en la Cruz para pagar el

precio por el pecado de cada persona, para abrir las puertas

del cielo para cada persona que está dispuesta a seguirlo

cada ser humano. Y así, si alguien realmente ama a Dios con

todo su corazón, que sería una contradicción de no tratar

bien a los vecinos - aquellos mismos que Dios ama y sufrió

para salvar - con respeto sincero y abnegado. El refrán se

aplica sobre todo a Dios: un amigo es un amigo mío.

Dios ama a cada ser humano. En la antigua Roma, los

cristianos solían utilizar catacumbas para sus sepulturas. Las

catacumbas consisten en millas de túneles y cámaras que

fueron cuidadosamente talladas en el suelo de toba único en

las afueras de Roma. Tufa es una mezcla de tierra vegetal

normal y elementos de ceniza volcánica y lava. Siempre y

cuando no se expone al aire, no muestra características

especiales, excepto que es notablemente suave y fácil de

excavar. Pero cuando Excava en él, y lo expone al aire, poco

a poco llega a ser casi tan duro como roca.

Y así fue el ambiente perfecto para crear una vasta red de

metros de cementerios, capillas, y escondites. Usted puede

visitar estas catacumbas hoy. Cuando lo haga, aviso que

además de las tumbas normales, hay miles de nichos poco

horizontales excavadas en las paredes de los pasillos. Dos o

tres pies de largo, menos de un pie de alto y dos o tres pies

de profundidad, estos nichos son demasiado pequeños para

servir como un lugar del entierro de un cuerpo adulto. Los

arqueólogos descubrieron recientemente para que fueron

utilizados. En la antigua Roma, cuando el cristianismo era

todavía una minoría, religión proscrita, era una práctica

común para las mujeres paganas abandonar por la

exposición no deseada a mutilados bebés. Claros especiales

fuera de la ciudad fueron utilizados para este propósito.

Como extensión del cristianismo, las mujeres cristianas

comenzaron a salir a los claros para rescatar a los bebés no

deseados, convencidos de que eran amados por Dios y

creados a su imagen. Algunos de los bebés morirían de la

exposición antes o poco después de ser rescatados. Cuando

eso sucedía, los cristianos enterraban a estos bebés en los

pequeños nichos en las catacumbas. De esta manera, se

ahorraban el gran costo y las molestias para ellos mismos,

ellos vivieron activamente el mandamiento de Cristo de


Dios te bendiga.

Padre de Dan

30º domingo del Tiempo Ordinario

Para que reconozcamos que todo lo que tenemos y todo lo que

somos es un regalo de Dios.

"Amarás al Señor, tu Dios, con todo tu corazón, con toda tu alma

y con toda tu mente." - Mateo 22:37

¿Pones otros "dioses" delante de Dios? ¿Es tu amor por el dinero,

poder, estatus o alguna posesión personal mayor que tu amor por

Dios? ¿Realmente reconoces que todo lo que tienes y todo lo que

eres es un regalo de Dios? La buena noticia - no es demasiado

tarde para poner a Dios primero en tu vida en todas las cosas.


Este es un recordatorio de la segunda clase para padres y

estudiantes que será este Sábado 4 de Noviembre de

9am a 11am. Esto es solo para los estudiantes que están

en 2º grado y hasta 6to, que ya se registraron para recibir

su comunión este año. Esta clase es parte de la

preparación y requerimientos para recibir el Sacramento

de la Reconciliación en Diciembre. Recuerde traer los

libros de texto para estas clases.

Información 713 464-5029

+Recuerde traer a su hijo a misa todos los

domingos +



¿Preguntas? 713/468-9555

Page 3: CATECISMO · 10/29/2017  · CATECISMO (de KINDER A SEXTO AÑO) Este es un recordatorio de la segunda clase para padres y estudiantes que será este Sábado 4 de Noviembre de 9am


Kinder-6th Grade

First Reconciliation Classes for Parents and Students: This is a

reminder for the second class for parents and students, this Saturday

November 4th from 9:00am to 11:00am. This is ONLY for the

students who are in 2nd through 6th grade, who signed up to receive First

Communion this school year, and who attended CCE classes last year.

This class is part of the preparation and a requirement to receive the

sacrament of Reconciliation this year. Remember to bring your


Information: (713) 464-5029.

+Remember to bring your child to Sunday Masses+

LIFE TEEN follows the Church’s mandate to make JESUS CHRIST the center of everything we do LIFE TEEN Mass is held every Sunday at 5:00 pm. everyone is welcome. Bring your friends. Come worship with us. Great Music! LIFE NIGHTS follow Mass and we are open to high school teens Only, 6:30 – 8:15 pm in the Fr. Raye Center. LIFE NIGHT meetings consist of education and hot topics.

GREAT MUSIC! COME WORSHIP WITH US! Call or e-mail Ricky [email protected] 713/468-9555

WE WELCOME ALL VISITORS AND NEWCOMERS TO OUR LITURGIES AND SERVICES. ORIENTATION & REGISTRATION is held the third Sunday of every month after the 8 am Mass in the Jerome Room. Please remember to notify your former Parish of your move. NEXT SUNDAY: November 19, 2017

Thank You! All your stewardship time, talent and treasure are truly appreciated. Please remember to mark your contribution envelopes with your name and amount written clearly and legibly. If you would like contribution envelopes, come by the parish office, or pick up temporary envelopes in the church. Regular use of the temporary envelopes ensures your name will then be placed on the mailing list for the next quarterly mailing. Drawings are held weekly for a beautiful family bible. To win just use your contribution envelopes!

“… Let us be generous with our time in going to meet him

in adoration and in contemplation that is full of faith and

ready to make reparation for the great faults and crimes

of the world. May our adoration never cease.” Saint John

Paul II

We would like to invite you to unite in taking hours of

adoration before the Most Blessed Sacrament in our

community Adoration Chapel.

We are so blessed to have an Adoration Chapel that is

open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week (except during


Please discern and commit or renew your

commitment hour by completing the information in

the Chapel. Thank You!

Every year St. Jerome Catholic School 5th grade students embark

on a week-long journey to Camp Kappe. This experience, where

the students have the amazing opportunity to learn about the

environment around them in an outdoor classroom, is always a

much anticipated and exciting time. If you would like your child

to experience this and the other wonderful things St. Jerome has

to offer, call for a tour today! 713.468.7946

You're Invited! Please join St. Jerome Catholic School for All

Saints Day on Wednesday, as the school and 3rd graders

celebrate the Saints. 8:00 am Rosary followed by 8:15 am Mass.

Help our school, drop off your Box Tops to the school office, Thank you!

STEWARDSHIP – Stewardship and life are like two magnets. Each has a positive and negative force; positive, because one has been part of the other from the foundation of the world; negative because original so places them in diametrical opposition. As life and stewardship draws towards each other, as intended by God from the beginning, the field of attraction becomes more powerful. Eventually, the person and God reconnect in each other as two magnets do. When stewardship and life go in opposite directions, and opposing forces create disturbance within us, around us, and beyond us, they propel us away from God, our very selves, and the whole of creation. The creation story, the incarnation story, the salvation story, one of these shows us the way to bring stewardship and life together so that the forces of good bring rest to our souls and the souls to others.


APPROACHING…Parishioners Delinda Gonzalez & Linda

Garcia with the support of St. Jerome School & the St. Jerome Community will be hosting their 6th Annual Thanksgiving Dinner for those in need on Thursday, November 23rd in the Father Raye Center from 11:00 AM – 2:00 PM and are asking for donations. Donations needed: Plates, Utensils, Cups, Napkins, Foil Paper, Mash Potatoes, Turkey Stuffing, Cans of Corn, Desserts, Can Drinks, Bottle Water, and cans of Gravy. Monetary Donations will also be accepted for the Turkeys. These items can be dropped off anytime between 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM Monday through Friday at the Church Office. Please contact Delinda in the church office for any information at 713-468-9555. Volunteers will also be needed to serve and sit with our visitors. All are welcomed to join our feast. God Bless!!! "For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in” (Matthew 25:35) Thank you very much!

Page 4: CATECISMO · 10/29/2017  · CATECISMO (de KINDER A SEXTO AÑO) Este es un recordatorio de la segunda clase para padres y estudiantes que será este Sábado 4 de Noviembre de 9am




Sunday/Domingo, October 29 8:00 am CCE Activities – Fr Raye Ctr

9:00 am CCE Activities – Adult Ed

9:00 am Knights – White House

Monday/Lunes, October 30

6:00 pm Adult Confirmation/English-White House

6:30 pm Knights – Adult Ed

7:00 pm Al-Anon – Cry Room

7:00 pm ACTS Rosary Team – The Sharon Cole ACTS House

7:00 pm Grupo de Oracion – Fr Raye

Tuesday/Martes, October 31

5:30 am TMIY – Outback

10:00 am Bible Group – The Sharon Cole ACTS House

6:00 pm CCE Activities – Fr Raye Ctr

7:00 pm Juventad & Esperanza – Adult Ed

7:00 pm Matachines - Pavilion

Wednesday/Miércoles, November 1

6:00 pm Confirmation Class/Spanish – Adult Ed

6:30 pm 10:00 AM Choir – Main Sanctuary

7:00 pm Bible Group – The Sharon Cole ACTS House

7:30 pm Legion of Mary – Jerome Room

Thursday/Jueves, November 2

10:00 am Adoracion por las Vocaciones-Capilla

10:30 am Seniors Group - Outback

6:00 pm Knights – Day Chapel

6:00 pm Marriage Prep Classes – Adult Ed

7:00 pm MFCC – Large Conference Room

7:00 pm Juventad & Esperanza – Jerome Room

Friday/Viernes, November 3

5:00 pm First Friday Fish Fry by Knights – Fr Raye

6:00 pm Lifeteen Band – Jerome Room

6:00 pm Coro de Ninos – Day Chapel

6:00 pm ACTS Spanish Men – The Sharon Cole ACTS House

6:00 pm Matachines – Pavilion

8:00 pm 12:00 PM Choir – Jerome Room

Saturday/Sabado, November 4

8:00 am CCE Activities – Fr Raye & Adult Ed & Main Church

9:00 am Dad’s Group – White House

4:00 pm Coro de la Sagrada Familia-Youth Room

RESPECT LIFE: We must listen to God, who speaks us. Having a well-formed conscience doesn't mean we have all the answers to the complex problems in the world, but it does mean that we are sensitive to the needs and struggles of other people." - USCCB Secretariat of Pro-Life Activities



Tired of Cooking a Turkey for Thanksgiving? Let us do

it! KC Council 4550 is offering cooked turkeys for sale for

Thanksgiving again this year: 12-14 lb birds smoked or 10-

12 lb birds Cajun fried. Order yours now. Contact David

DeMartini at (713) 932-6754 or [email protected] .


Sunday Thirtieth Sunday in Ordinary Time

Ex 22:20-26; Ps 18; 1Thes 1:5c-10;

Mt 22:34-40

Monday Rom 8:12-17; Ps 68; Lk 13:10-17

Tuesday Rom 8:18-25; Ps 126; Lk 13:18-21

Wednesday Solemnity of All Saints

Rv 7:2-4, 9-14; Ps 24; 1Jn 3:1-3;

Mt 5:1-12a Thursday The Commemoration of all the Faithful

Departed (All Souls)

Wis 3:1-9; Ps 23; Rom 5:5-11 or

Rom 6:3-9; Jn 6:37-40

Friday Rom 9:1-5; Ps 147; Lk 14:1-6

Saturday Rom 11:1-2a, 11-12, 25-29; Ps 94;

Lk 14:1, 7-11

Sunday Thirty-First Sunday in Ordinary Time

Mal 1:14b-2:2b, 8-10; Ps 131; 1Thes

2:7b-9, 13; Mt 23:1-12

Catholic Counseling for Parishioners

Are you in need of emotional healing? Are you discouraged by your

relationships with loved ones? Now is the time to get the help and

healing you need. St. Jerome Catholic Church has partnered with

Rejoice Counseling Apostolate to provide individual, marital, and family

counseling services onsite at our parish in both English and Spanish.

Parishioners and their families make use of a discounted sliding scale

fee. To learn more or schedule an appointment call (844) 295-3167 or

visit www.MyParishCounseling.com/stjeromehou



JEROME! - Commemorate a special milestone, birthday, anniversary,

etc with a Brick Paver. Order your paver today. The pavers are located in the 40th. Anniversary Plaza. 4’ x 8’ at $100. 2 LINES WITH 16 CHARACTERS AND SPACERS EACH. 8’ x 8’ at $200. 4 LINES WITH 16 CHARACTERS AND

SPACERS EACH. Contact Kathy Ehlinger at 713-240-0293 or

[email protected] Don’t delay, Order Today! ORDER TO BE SUBMITTED OCTOBER 30, 2017


is the day set aside this year to celebrate and extend our thanks and prayers to our priests who serve St. Jerome community in so many ways. We invite you to give our priests a prayer, A Mass, a Holy Hour, a Rosary, a spiritual bouquet, a simple note or a smile to assure them of our loving care and gratitude for their presence in our lives will go a long way to serve the greater good of our wonderful and growing St. Jerome Catholic Church. The reasons for this celebration should be obvious. The number of priests per Catholic has declined over the past 40 years. This makes it more difficult for individual parishioners to establish a close relationship with any one particular priest. PLEASE PRAY FOR VOCATIONS AND FOR ALL PRIESTS! Let’s celebrate this special day, in praying for our priests, in praising God for their courage and their generosity. Let’s show

our appreciation for Fr. Dan, Fr. Mike and Fr. David.

Page 5: CATECISMO · 10/29/2017  · CATECISMO (de KINDER A SEXTO AÑO) Este es un recordatorio de la segunda clase para padres y estudiantes que será este Sábado 4 de Noviembre de 9am




Consejería Católica para Feligreses

¿Necesita usted sanación emocional? ¿Está usted desanimado por causa de sus relaciones con los que ama? Este es el momento para que reciba la ayuda y la sanación que usted necesita. La Parroquia Católica de San Jerónimo se ha unido con Rejoice Counseling Apostolate para ofrecer en esta iglesia servicios de consejería individual, matrimonial, y de familias en inglés y en español. A los miembros de la parroquia y a sus familias les damos un descuento por los servicios basados en su situación económica. Para más información o para sacar una cita llame al (844) 295-3167 o visite la página virtual www.MyParishCounseling.com/stjeromehou



su familia (o de su elección) ya están disponibles. Estos ladrillos/adoquines son los que pavimentan el Atrio de nuestra Iglesia que esta entre la entrada principal y la puerta del Centro Padre Raye y las donaciones por grabar los ladrillos son como sigue: Ladrillo de 4' x 8' (2 líneas y 16 letras) $100 dólares Ladrillo de 8' x 8' (4 líneas y 16 letras) $200 dólares ¡De antemano les agradecemos su participación y donación! Llame a Rita al 713/468-9555 (de 9am a 4 pm para mas info.

¿Cansado de cocinar un pavo para acción de gracias? ¡Déjanos hacerlo! El Consejo 4550 de KC es ofreciendo pavos cocidos a la venta de nuevo para acción de gracias este año: 12-14 lb aves ahumadas o 10-12 lb aves Cajun frito. Ordene la suya ahora. Contacta con Carlos Alvarado al (832) 755-1330 o [email protected]


Martes 31 de octubre

6:00 pm Misa en Ingles

8:30 pm Misa en Español MISAS DE DIA DE TODOS LOS SANTOS

Miércoles 1 de noviembre

8:15 am Misa Diaria en Ingles

12:00 pm Misa en Ingles

6:00 pm Misa en Ingles

7:30 pm Misa en Español ¡NECESITAMOS TU AYUDA! ¡LA CENA DEL DIA DE ACCIÓN DE GRACIAS DE SAN JERONIMO YA SE ACERCA! Delinda Gonzalez y Linda Garcia, con el apoyo de nuestra Escuela Católica San Jerónimo y la Comunidad de nuestra Iglesia celebrarán su 5th CENA ANUAL PARA LOS MAS NECESITADOS el jueves 24 de noviembre en el Centro Padre Raye de las 11 am a las 2 pm. Luis y Delinda están pidiendo su ayuda donaciones para llevar a cabo esta misión. Necesitan: Platos, vasos, tenedores y cucharas desechables, servilletas, toallas de papel, puré de papa, salsas, pavos, latas de elote, postres, sodas, y agua embotellada. También aceptamos donaciones en efectivo. Tendremos mesas para poner la ropa que se donará a los necesitados. También necesitamos voluntarios para servir y sentarse a acompañar a nuestros visitantes. ¡Todos son bienvenidos! ¿Preguntas? Llame a Delinda al 713-468-9555

¿Tienes una ocasión especial, cerca? ¿Quieres conmemorar esta ocasión especial puedes donar

flores para nuestro ALTAR? Llamar a Marie Foyt 713/465-6927


En español, Domingo, 19 de Noviembre después de Misa de 12:00pm.

¡CELEBREMOS EL DOMINGO DEL SACERDOCIO EL DOMINGO 29 DE OCTUBRE! La Celebración Anual del Domingo del Sacerdocio ya se acerca y este es un año para celebrarlo en grande y extender nuestro agradecimiento y oraciones a todos los sacerdotes que sirven

en la Arquidiócesis de muchas diferentes formas‐ en nuestras parroquias, capellanes en cárceles, hospitales, en el Puerto de Houston y como capellanes militares. Los invitamos a dedicarles un “Ramillete Espiritual” a sus sacerdotes y hacérselos llegar, así como nuestras oraciones, nuestros mejores deseos y por supuesto nuestro agradecimiento siempre.

! ¡Muchas gracias Padre Dan, Padre Mike y Padre David! Los Sacerdotes diariamente usan los dones de curación, de consejo, de prédica y de celebración de la Sagrada Eucaristía para el beneficio de católicos de todas partes. Hoy pedimos bendiciones para nuestros sacerdotes pidiéndole a Dios que continúe bendiciéndolos en su ministerio.

ORACION POR NUESTROS SACERDOTES “Te honramos y damos gloria a ti, Señor Dios nuestro, Creador de todo y Padre de nuestro Señor Jesucristo. En tu fidelidad y amor, haz mandado a tu único Hijo a vivir con nosotros y a salvarnos dando su vida por nosotros. Hoy te damos gracias por haber escogido al Padre Dan, al Padre Mike y al Padre Víctor para ser llenados con el Espíritu de Jesús mientras dirigen tu congregación con afán, amor y sabiduría. Te pedimos, Padre Santo, que les bendigas abundantemente para que continúen en su ministerio del sacerdocio. Ayúdalos a servir a otros tan generosamente como Jesús lo hizo en momentos de pena y en momentos de alegría. Dios de amor, bendice a nuestro pastor, Padre Dan, para que él pueda alimentarnos con tu Palabra, dirigirnos en oración y adoración, y sostenernos como pastor y como padre. Te pedimos humildemente que des fuerza, sabiduría y bendición a nuestros sacerdotes para que puedan instruirnos con sus enseñanzas, inspirarnos con su predicación, y animarnos con la palabra y el acto de trabajar con ellos por el bien de nuestra parroquia. Te pedimos, Padre Nuestro, que no te alejes de tus sacerdotes, que los guíes día a día hacia senderos nivelados y lisos. Que tu gracia poderosa los haga fuertes en la Fe, alegres en la esperanza y fervientes en el amor, en este día y todos los días de su vida. Te lo pedimos, Padre en el nombre de Jesucristo. Amen.” Dios Padre Todopoderoso, Señor mío y Dios mío ¡Pastor Eterno de las almas! Dígnate mirar con ojos de misericordia a esta comunidad Católica de San Jerónimo que tanto te ama. Señor, necesitamos mayor número de Sacerdotes, multiplica las vocaciones y santifica más y más a nuestros Sacerdotes. Señor, danos muchos y muy santos sacerdotes. Te lo pedimos por la intercesión de Nuestra Santa madre la Virgen María, tu dulce y santa Madre. ¡Oh Jesús, danos muchos y muy santos sacerdotes según tu Corazón! “En cuanto a mí y a mi casa toca, nosotros serviremos al Señor” (Josué 24:15

Page 6: CATECISMO · 10/29/2017  · CATECISMO (de KINDER A SEXTO AÑO) Este es un recordatorio de la segunda clase para padres y estudiantes que será este Sábado 4 de Noviembre de 9am


VIRTUS TRAINING: ALL volunteers/parents are

required to attend the VIRTUS training program,

“Protecting God’s Children” and be approved

BEFORE attending meetings, retreats, school parties,

field day, etc. Visit www.virtus.org to register for your

class or for more information call 713-464-5029 and ask for Johana.

Good Men of our Parish…. Every Tuesday @ 5:45 AM. It is early morning and well worth getting up for!

The St. Jerome Early Childhood Center Have openings for childcare

From 6 weeks thru PK3. Call 713-461-0835 for more information.

Do you have a special occasion coming up? Would you like to commemorate that special

occasion by donating FLOWERS FOR OUR

ALTAR? Call Marie Foyt 713/465-6927

HALL RENTALS AVAILABLE Contact Linda Garcia at the church office 713-468-9555

Monday-Friday 5:00 PM-9:00 PM Saturday 9:00 AM – 4:00 PM Or Cell Phone 281-686-1061

Bake Sale

Friday, November 3 5:00 PM – 7:30 PM

Pornography is a nasty word most of us don’t like to talk about. It’s a plague of the worst kind. This is a silent plague that

destroys families. WHITE RIBBON AGAINST

PORNOGRAPHY is one of the many service projects of

Catholic Daughters Court Ave Maria #2001 here at St. Jerome. This program is an opportunity for all of us to rally for a safe community and a strong country. This little white ribbon is a symbol of decency. This white ribbon increased awareness of pornography addiction. Many people, teens and children, are not aware of the quickness of pornography addiction. Wear or display a white ribbon during WRAP Week and all year long. White ribbons will be passed out Saturday, October 28th , and Sunday, October 29th .

NOTICE - All meeting rooms and other facilities at St. Jerome are scheduled on a basis of trust and the assumption that the group

reserving the space will actually meet as scheduled. If your group or ministry cannot or does not use the facility as scheduled, please call the office as soon as possible prior to the event and cancel your reservation so other groups may use the space. Thank you. Also, it is your group’s responsibility to clean up and take all trash to the trash bins.


Tuesday, October 31st 6:00 PM Mass (English) 8:30 PM Mass (Spanish)


Wednesday, November 1st 8:15 AM Mass (English) 6:00 PM Mass (English) 12:00 PM Mass (English) 7:30 PM Mass (Spanish)

A BIG Thank you for all that donated blood this past Sunday, we were able to SAVE 381 Lives.

FORMED.org/register Enter Parish Code: nr2424