Catastrophic Risk and Catastrophic Risk and Insurance Insurance Hurricane and Hurricane and hydrometeorological risks hydrometeorological risks ASSAL XVII Annual Meeting VII Conference Insurance Regulation / Supervision Latin America Lisbon, Portugal, April 24 – 28, 2006 Dr. Sebastian Aschenbrenner-von Dahlen (BaFin) Member of the IAIS Reinsurance Transparency Group International Association of Insurance

Catastrophic Risk and Insurance Hurricane and hydrometeorological risks Catastrophic Risk and Insurance Hurricane and hydrometeorological risks ASSAL XVII

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Catastrophic Risk and InsuranceCatastrophic Risk and InsuranceHurricane and hydrometeorological risksHurricane and hydrometeorological risks

ASSAL XVII Annual MeetingVII Conference Insurance Regulation / Supervision Latin America

Lisbon, Portugal, April 24 – 28, 2006

Dr. Sebastian Aschenbrenner-von Dahlen (BaFin) Member of the IAIS Reinsurance Transparency Group International Association of Insurance Supervisors (IAIS)


April 2006

Dr. Sebastian Aschenbrenner-von Dahlen

IAIS – Catastrophic Risk and Insurance: Hurricane and Hydrometerological Risks

Introduction / Introduction / IntroducciónIntroducción // IntroduçãoIntrodução

¡Estimados señoras y señores!

Perdónenme que mi presentación sea en inglés. Mis escasos cononcimientos del español y portugués me permiten solamente decirles que pueden sentirse dichosos de que me estoy limitando a esta sola página.¡Muchas gracias!

Estimados senhoras e senhores,

Peço desculpa por proferir a minha conferência somente em língua inglesa, mas os meus escassos conhecimentos das línguas portuguesa e espanhola são apenas suficientes para lhes comunicar que se podem considerar felizes que agora acabo por continuar a falar apenas em língua inglesa.Muito obrigado!


April 2006

Dr. Sebastian Aschenbrenner-von Dahlen

IAIS – Catastrophic Risk and Insurance: Hurricane and Hydrometerological Risks

Hurricane KatrinaHurricane Katrina 2005 2005

Importance of reinsurance coverage


April 2006

Dr. Sebastian Aschenbrenner-von Dahlen

IAIS – Catastrophic Risk and Insurance: Hurricane and Hydrometerological Risks

Insurance supervision and catastrophesInsurance supervision and catastrophes

Today’s content

• Background concerning IAIS• Storm and flood impact within

ASSAL• Role of National Supervisors /

A brief case study• IAIS Global Reinsurance

Market Report


April 2006

Dr. Sebastian Aschenbrenner-von Dahlen

IAIS – Catastrophic Risk and Insurance: Hurricane and Hydrometerological Risks

Importance of the IAISImportance of the IAIS

IAIS Mandate• Standards and guidance for insurance


• Assist national supervisors

• Promote cooperation among insurance supervisors

• Coordinate with other financial sector and international organizations (Basel Committee, IOSCO, Joint Forum, Financial Stability Forum, etc.)


April 2006

Dr. Sebastian Aschenbrenner-von Dahlen

IAIS – Catastrophic Risk and Insurance: Hurricane and Hydrometerological Risks

Structure of the IAISStructure of the IAIS

IAIS and Reinsurance Transparency


Budget Committee

Reinsurance and Other Forms of Risk Transfer Subcommittee

Reinsurance Transparency Group (RTG) …

Executive Committee

Association in General Meeting

Technical Committee

Implementation Committee


April 2006

Dr. Sebastian Aschenbrenner-von Dahlen

IAIS – Catastrophic Risk and Insurance: Hurricane and Hydrometerological Risks

Hurricane and hydrometeorological risksHurricane and hydrometeorological risks

Storm impact within ASSAL in 2005

• Emily: Mexico, and Gulf (July) € 200m insured loss, € 450m total damage

• Stan: Mexico, and Guatemala (October) € 150m insured loss, € 2.4bn total damage

• Wilma: Mexico, Jamaica, Haiti (October) € 8bn insured loss, € 16bn total damage


April 2006

Dr. Sebastian Aschenbrenner-von Dahlen

IAIS – Catastrophic Risk and Insurance: Hurricane and Hydrometerological Risks

Hurricane and hydrometeorological risksHurricane and hydrometeorological risks

Flood impact within ASSAL in 2005

• Venezuela, Colombia (February) Heavy rain: > 100 dead, ~ € 50m damage

• Brazil, Guatemala, and El Salvador (June) Landslides: > 80 dead, > 2000 homeless

• Colombia (September until November) Mudslide: > 100 dead, > 180 000 damaged houses


April 2006

Dr. Sebastian Aschenbrenner-von Dahlen

IAIS – Catastrophic Risk and Insurance: Hurricane and Hydrometerological Risks

Global perspectiveGlobal perspective

• 10 largest insured losses

8 storms (6 hurricanes)

• Occurred since 1990 5 hurricanes in 2004 and 2005

Ivan, Charley; Katrina, Rita, Wilma

Katrina: largest insured event ever

~ € 50bn insured losses

~ € 120bn total damage

Importance of hurricanes


April 2006

Dr. Sebastian Aschenbrenner-von Dahlen

IAIS – Catastrophic Risk and Insurance: Hurricane and Hydrometerological Risks

Role of National SupervisorsRole of National Supervisors

Insurance and Reinsurance

• Katrina proved that the (re-)insurance industry is ready to bear very large losses

• Insurance Supervisors play an important role in the context of catastrophic risks

Appropriate coverage for primary insurers


April 2006

Dr. Sebastian Aschenbrenner-von Dahlen

IAIS – Catastrophic Risk and Insurance: Hurricane and Hydrometerological Risks

Brief case study for National Supervisors Brief case study for National Supervisors

Order of events during the case study

• Read and answer the case (3 minutes)– Everybody receives one case study (A or B)– Each case study describes one insurer – Read it (identical text in three languages)– Answer the question (one) at your case study

• Presentations (1 minute each)– Each case (A and B) shall be presented by one



April 2006

Dr. Sebastian Aschenbrenner-von Dahlen

IAIS – Catastrophic Risk and Insurance: Hurricane and Hydrometerological Risks

Case Study …Case Study …

… all participants are solving their case

• Case A ( = Insurance company “A”)


• Case B ( = Insurance company “B”)

Good luck!


April 2006

Dr. Sebastian Aschenbrenner-von Dahlen

IAIS – Catastrophic Risk and Insurance: Hurricane and Hydrometerological Risks

Case Study – Solution ACase Study – Solution A

Insurance Company “A” ( = case A)

• Description of insurer “A”– “A” is a medium sized insurer, with a focus on

potentially catastrophe affected business – “A” bought only quota share reinsurance

• Solution – Buy not only quota share but also excess of

loss reinsurance coverage!


April 2006

Dr. Sebastian Aschenbrenner-von Dahlen

IAIS – Catastrophic Risk and Insurance: Hurricane and Hydrometerological Risks

Case Study – Background information ACase Study – Background information A

Quota share treaty










Risk A Risk B Risk C

Insurer's share (70% ) Reinsurer's share (30% )


April 2006

Dr. Sebastian Aschenbrenner-von Dahlen

IAIS – Catastrophic Risk and Insurance: Hurricane and Hydrometerological Risks

Case Study – Solution BCase Study – Solution B

Insurance Company B ( = case B)

• Description of insurer “B”– “B” is a medium sized insurer, with a focus on potentially

catastrophe affected business – “B” bought its reinsurance protection only at one reinsurer

“RCB”; “RCB” is a weak company

• Solution – “Do not put all eggs into one basket”


April 2006

Dr. Sebastian Aschenbrenner-von Dahlen

IAIS – Catastrophic Risk and Insurance: Hurricane and Hydrometerological Risks

Case Study – Background information BCase Study – Background information B

Diversification and financial strength

• Reinsurance protection should be bought at – Strong, and financially healthy reinsurers– More than one reinsurer (“eggs in the basket”)

• Judgments concerning financial strength– Home supervisors– Rating agencies– Capital market indicators


April 2006

Dr. Sebastian Aschenbrenner-von Dahlen

IAIS – Catastrophic Risk and Insurance: Hurricane and Hydrometerological Risks

IAIS Reinsurance Transparency GroupIAIS Reinsurance Transparency Group

Global Reinsurance Market Report

• Strong capital base of reinsurers

• “Hurricane Katrina losses are not expected to have a material impact on the reinsurance sectors overall capital position” (cf. p. 12)

*Brackets indicate number of reporting reinsurers from each jurisdiction (cf. p. 48 of the Global Reinsurance Market Report 2004)


April 2006

Dr. Sebastian Aschenbrenner-von Dahlen

IAIS – Catastrophic Risk and Insurance: Hurricane and Hydrometerological Risks

International Association of Insurance Supervisors (IAIS)International Association of Insurance Supervisors (IAIS)

A source for questions und answers


IAIS source for the Global Reinsurance Market Report: http://www.iaisweb.org/051215_RTG_report_final_2.pdf


April 2006

Dr. Sebastian Aschenbrenner-von Dahlen

IAIS – Catastrophic Risk and Insurance: Hurricane and Hydrometerological Risks

Thank you very much for your attentionThank you very much for your attention