Basic Dictionary Usage Skill One of the most useful sites for English-English dictionaries is www.onelook.com . It allows you to search a plethora of English dictionaries, general & specialized with a single click, saving both time and effort. As for bilingual dictionaries, www.stars21.com is among the best as well in this area of search. If you are looking for monolingual Arabic lexicons, you can easily find them on www.alwaraq.net . 1. Attempt a research-informed translation of the following sentences into Arabic paying special attention to the different senses of the words in bold: His salary barely keeps body and soul He entered the body of the cathedral The body was washed up on the beach There is a growing body of evidence to prove his innocence The United Nations is a respected body all over the world This conditioner shall give your hair more body The body politic called for elections Some students of the faculty of Medicine resort to body snatchers 2. Now, attempt the same, but this time from Arabic into English:

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Basic Dictionary Usage Skill

One of the most useful sites for English-English dictionaries is www.onelook.com. It allows you to search a plethora of English dictionaries, general & specialized with a single click, saving both time and effort. As for bilingual dictionaries, www.stars21.com is among the best as well in this area of search. If you are looking for monolingual Arabic lexicons, you can easily find them on www.alwaraq.net.

1. Attempt a research-informed translation of the following sentences into Arabic paying special attention to the different senses of the words in bold:

His salary barely keeps body and soul He entered the body of the cathedral The body was washed up on the beach There is a growing body of evidence to prove his innocence The United Nations is a respected body all over the world This conditioner shall give your hair more body The body politic called for elections Some students of the faculty of Medicine resort to body


2. Now, attempt the same, but this time from Arabic into English:

الفرس استناص . هانتصار بعد فالن استناص . هصديق فغضب عنه استناص .

العدو على الجيش عكر . الليل اعتكر . المطر اعتكر . الحرب فى الجنود اعتكر . هحيات صفو هزوجت موت عكر .

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Google Cheat Sheet

How to improve your search with Google!

The following table summarizes how Google interprets your query.

Search Behaviors Descriptions

Implicit ANDGoogle returns pages that match all your search terms. Because you don't need to include the logical operator AND between your terms, this notation is called an implicit AND.

Exact Matching Google returns pages that match your search terms exactly.

Word Variation

Automatic StemmingGoogle returns pages that match variants of your search terms.

Common-Word Exclusion

Google ignores some common words called “stop words,” e.g., the, on, where, and how. Stop words tend to slow down searches without improving results.

32-Word Limit Google limits queries to 32 words.

Term Proximity Google gives more priority to pages that have search terms near each other.

Term Order Google gives more priority to pages that have search termsin the same order as the query.

Case Insensitivity Google is case-insensitive; it shows both upper- and lowercase results.

Ignoring PunctuationGoogle ignores most punctuation and special characters including , . ; ? [ ] ( ) @ / * < >

Next we'll look at how to fine-tune your query.

This table summarizes how to use the basic search operators described in this chapter. You may include any of these operators multiple times in a query.

Notation Find result Exampleterm1   term2 with both term1 and term2 [ carry-on luggage ]

term1   OR   term2 term1   |   term2 with either term1 or term2 or both[ Tahiti OR Hawaii ]

[ Tahiti | Hawaii ]" term " with term (Put quotation marks [ "i" spy ]

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around terms that are stop words — that is, words Google would otherwise ignore — or when you want Google to return only pages that match your search terms exactly.)

– term without term [ twins minnesota –baseball ]

~ term with term or one of its synonyms (currently supported on Web and Directory search)

[ google ~guide ]

number1 .. number2 with a number in the specified range [ recumbent bicycle $250..$1000 ]

" terms1   * terms2 " with the phrase (enclosed in quotes) and * replaced by one or more words [ “Google * my life” ]

“ phrase “   with the exact phrase, a proper name, or a set of words in a specific order

[ “I have a dream” ]

[ “Rio de Janeiro” ]

Now, try the “Advanced Search”


Use Google Search to find the following:

a) Verbs that collocate with "research"

b) Adjectives that collocate with "memory"

c) Definition of ADHD, and an accepted Arabic translation.

d) When translating Cote d'Ivoire into Arabic, which is more frequent كوت كوديفوار، ديفوار، كوت إيفوار دى ?

e) Who said: "Boots and Shoes are the greatest trouble of my life" and اليأس من يخلق من الشجاع ” "أمل

f) From Google home page, can you go directly to BBC news website, how?

g) From books.google.com, cite the page numbers in Sociological Perspectives on the New Genetics that include the words "history of genetics"

h) Produce a list of 10 sites for each of the following: (1) Glossary of political terms, (2) Glossary of economic terms, and (3) Glossary of social studies terms.

I) The latest press release on US foreign policy.

J) The way أردوغان طيب رجب is spelt in English.

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Web Evaluation

Adapted from: http://www.lib.berkeley.edu/TeachingLib/Guides/Internet/Evaluate.html

Questions to ask: What are the implications?Is it somebody's personal page?

Read the URL carefully:o Look for a personal name

(e.g., jbarker or barker) following a tilde ( ~ ), a percent sign ( % ), or or the words "users," "members," or "people."

o Is the server a commercial ISP or other provider of web page hosting (like aol.com or geocities.com)

Personal pages are not necessarily "bad," but you need to investigate the author carefully. For personal pages, there is no publisher or domain owner vouching for the information in the page.

What type of domain does it come from ? (educational, nonprofit, commercial, government, etc.)

Is the domain extension appropriate for the content?

o Government sites: look for .gov, .mil

o Educational sites: look for .edu (Note that this can include personal student and faculty pages as well as official college and university pages)

o Nonprofit organizations: look for .org (Note that this is no longer restricted to nonprofits)

Many country codes, such as .us, .uk. and .de, are no longer tightly controlled and may be misused. Look at the country code, but also use the techniques in sections 2 and 4 below to see who published the web page.

Look for appropriateness. What kind of information source do you think is most reliable for your topic?

Is it published by an entity that makes sense? Who "published" the page?

In general, the publisher is the agency or person operating the "server" computer from which the document is issued.

o The server is usually named in first portion of the URL (between http:// and the first /)

Have you heard of this entity before?

You can rely more on information that is published by the source:

Look for New York Times news from www.nytimes.com

Look for health information from any of the agencies of the National Institute of Health on sites with nihsomewhere in the domain name.

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Does it correspond to the name of the site?

Techniques for Web Evaluation:

1. Find out what other web pages link to this page.a. Use alexa.com:Type or paste the URL into alexa.com's search box.Click on the "Get details" button.You will see, depending on the volume of traffic to the page:

Traffic details. Contact/ownership info for the domain name.

"Related links" to other sites visited by people who visited the page.

Sites linking in to the page.

A link to the "Wayback Machine" (http://archive.org/web/web.php), an archive showing what the page looked like in the past.

b. Do a link: search in Google, Yahoo!, or another search engine where this can be done:1. Copy the URL of the page you are investigating (Ctrl+C in Windows).2. Go to the search engine site, and type link: in the search box.3. Paste the URL into the search box immediately following link: (no space after the colon).The pages listed all contain one or more links to the page you are looking for.If you find no links, try a shorter portion of the URL, stopping after each /. Note: Different search engines give very different results for "link:" searches. We suggest trying more than one.

2. Look up the title or publisher of the page in a reputable directory that evaluates its contents (ipl2, Infomine, About.com, or a specialized directory you trust). 

3. Look up the author's name in Google or Yahoo!For the most complete results in Google, search the name three ways:a. without quotes:  Firstname Lastnameb. enclosed in quotes as a phrase:  "Firstname Lastname"c. enclosed in quotes with * between the first and last name:  "Firstname * Lastname" (The * can stand for any middle initial or name in Google only).

Questions to ask: What are the implications?Who links to the page?

Are there many links? What kinds of sites link to it?

What do they say?

Sometimes a page is linked to only by other parts of its own site (not much of a recommendation).Sometimes a page is linked to by both its fans and its detractors. Read both points of view.

Is the page listed in one or more reputable directories or pages?

Good directories include a tiny fraction of the web, and inclusion in a directory is therefore noteworthy.

But read what the directory says! It may not be 100% positive.

What do others say about the author or responsible authoring body?

"Googling" someone can be revealing. Be sure to consider the source. If the viewpoint is radical or controversial, expect to find detractors. 

Also see which blogs refer to the site, and what they say

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about it. Google Blog Search is a good way to do this; search on the site's name, author, or URL.

Bibliotheca Alexandrina

Bibliotheca Alexandrina (BA) is another breakthrough. It has an online catalog that uses the above-mentioned Boolean Operators. The BA catalog is available at http://cwg.bibalex.org:8000/cgi-bin/chameleon?skin=default&lng=en.

The BA has an online service called DAR which is short for Digital Assets Repository accessible at http://dar.bibalex.org/#AdvancedSearch. DAR is a system developed at the BA, to create, reserve, and maintain the Library's digital books and collections. For instance, under the category Language, a researcher has online access to 5416 books related to language, 39 of which are online copies of Dictionaries and Encyclopedias.

The BA also has another impressive service called the Internet Archive, which is a recorded memory of the all the web pages on every website on the Internet since it started in 1996. The BA Internet Archive is the first center of its kind established outside US borders. It is designed not only as a backup for the mother archive in San Francisco, but also as a hub for Africa and the Middle East. It is available at: www.bibalex.org/isis/frontend/archive/archive_web.aspx.

For live and archived access to all the conferences, lectures and presentations that take place in Bibliotheca Alexandrina, you can go to http://webcast.bibalex.org/home/home.aspx. This can especially valuable to simultaneous interpreters who would wish to practice with live conferences.

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Translating Specialized Terms

Availability of terminological sources is a must to guarantee high quality service. Monolingual and bilingual dictionaries and glossaries, whether paper or online, can be of some help to translators. Some other times, a translator has to search for a document that is translated into either English or Arabic in order to be able to find the equivalent for a certain specialized term.

Attempt a research-informed translation of the following statements paying due attention to the parts in bold. Use a reliable search engine to browse through the Web, and locate a relevant website that provides an Arabic-English-Arabic glossary. It is common sense to search for a relevant UN organization website that might be providing an Arabic-English-Arabic glossary of animal and agriculture terms.

القالعية مرض . 1 جميع الحمى له وتتعرض العدوى شديدة الفيروسية األمراض الحيواناتمنالظلف جميع مشقوقة ذلك في بما المستأنسة ، المزرعية البرية الحيوانات والحيوانات

الحوافر ظهور .ذات يليها المصاب الحيوان حرارة درجة ارتفاع هي الرئيسية اإلصابة وعالماتالفم في وعلى بثور التاجي ، بين الشريط تكون. الظلفينوفيما أن النفوق ويمكن نسبة

االلتهابات والرضيعة الصغيرة الحيواناتبين تمنعها عندما جوعا للموت لتعرضها نظرا عاليةالتهابات لوجود الرضيعة الحيوانات إرضاع اإلناث ترفض كما الرضاعة من الفم في تظهر التي

في .الضرعمؤلمةمثل . 2 المصرية المياه في الصيد أسماك من أنواع وقشر: تنتشر والقراميط، القاروس،

. والبربوني والمرجان، والبوري، والدنيس، والبلطي، البياض،إلى . 3 األعالف خشنة تنقسم خضراء و أعالف مركزة و أعالف .أعالف

1. Carolus Linnaeus (1707-1778) was a Swedish naturalist. He is considered the "Father of

Taxonomy" because he developed the system by which we name organisms today: the

taxonomy he devised classifies living kingdoms into five main categories: Monera, Protista,

Fungi, Plantae and Animalia.

Attempt a research-informed translation of the following statements paying due attention to the parts in bold. Use a reliable search engine to browse through the Web, and locate a relevant website that provides an Arabic-English-Arabic glossary. It is common sense to search for a relevant organization website that might be providing an Arabic-English-Arabic glossary of IT terms.

1. The memory on a graphics card that stores information not being displayed onscreen is

called a frame buffer.

2. This programming technique uses two buffers to speed up any computer task when the

hardware can process and push information around at the same time. In graphics cards, double

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buffering is often used to store the next frame in a video clip in an off-screen frame buffer

while displaying the current frame. This way, when the present frame is finished, the next

frame is ready to write to the displayable portion of the buffer.

3. Why file or disk fragmentation occurs? How does defragmentation work?

Attempt a research-informed translation of the following statements paying due attention to the parts in bold. Use a reliable search engine to browse through the Web, and locate a relevant website that provides Arabic/English texts in this domain. It is common sense to search for a relevant organization website where you can find such relevant texts.

)اللجنة للكومسffيك والعشرين الحادية للدورة الوزارية العمل جلسة . عقدت1 بنمظمة األعضffاء الffدول بين فيما والتجffاري االقتصادي للتعاون الدائمة

.2005 الثاني نوفمبر/ تشرين24 يوماإلسالمي( المؤتمر

¯وجب المشكلة التجارية المفاوضات لجنة . عقدت2 بشffأن اإلطار اتفاقية بم منظمة في األعضffاء الffدول بين فيما التجارية األفضffليات نظffام إنشffاء

¯امش على خاصة جلسة ،اإلسfffالمي المfffؤتمر ¯ ¯دورة ه ¯ ¯رين الحادية ال ¯ والعش)2005 الثاني نوفمبر/ تشرين23 يوم تركيا، اسطنبول، في للكومسيك،

التفضيلية التعريفة خطة بروتوكول إعداد من التجارية المفاوضات لجنة . انتهت3 منظمة في األعضاء الدول بين فيما التجارية األفضليات بنظام الخاصة للكومسيك والعشرين الحادية الدورة إلى ورفعته )،)بريتاس اإلسالمي المؤتمرالعتماده.

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Abbreviations & Acronyms

Acronyms and initialisms are specific types of abbreviations. An acronym is a word formed from the first (or first few) letters of several words. It is pronounceable as a normal word. An abbreviation is merely the shortened form of a word. An initialism is a type of abbreviation pronounced one letter at a time. For instance, PGA, AARP, IOU, etc. Basic abbreviations are pronounced like the full word it represents. So "St." is pronounced "Street" (or "Saint") and "Ct." is pronounced Court and "Mr." is pronounced "Mister," etc. These basic abbreviations are usually followed by a period.


There are search engines dedicated to the purpose of abbreviation finding. Use your research skills to locate them. However, do not depend upon them solely. Use them as an initial step in your search for abbreviations. www.acronymfinder.com and www.thefreedictionary.com).

The United Nations website has a multilingual dictionary of terms. It is of great help when you are translating UN terms and abbreviations

Using your online research skills, find the full meaning of the following abbreviations as they appear in the contexts provided, provide your proposed translation, and check your translation in the search engine Google.

1. National policies must control emissions of ODS and POPs.2. CLD Program is developing civilian leaders for the future of the USMC.3. CLD tries to help post-secondary students with disabilities to complete a high quality post-

secondary education.4. CLD International provides training to legislatures, government agencies, and non-

governmental organizations.5. The Third TAF (Tactical Air Force التعبوية الجوية القوات ) supported the advance of

Fourteenth Army against the Japanese forces.6. TAF (Trade Association Forum التجارية الرابطات منتدى ) has increased the professionalism

of trade associations.7. Andrews AFB (Air Force Base الجوية أندروز قاعدة ) is the home of Air Force One in MD.8. AFB (American Foundation for the Blind للمكفوفين األمريكية المؤسسة )

Expanding possibilities for people with vision loss.9. UN is involved in the entire spectrum of "humanitarian assistance" including UNDRC

(United Nations Disaster Relief Coordinator حاالت في لإلغاثة المتحدة األمم عمليات منسق األمم مفوضية and UNHCR (the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (الكوارث

الالجئين لشؤون المتحدة ).10. AFESD (The Arab Fund for Economic and Social Development لإلنماء العربي الصندوق

واالجتماعي االقتصادي ) provides development assistance only to the members of the LAS (League of Arab States العربية الدول لجامعة المنتمية الدول ), whereas the BADEA (Arab Bank for Economic Development in Africa أفريقيا في االقتصادية للتنمية العربي المصرف ) extends development financing to African countries.

11. In 1988 the UNEP (United Nations Environment Programme للبيئة المتحدة األمم برنامج ) and WMO (World Meteorological Organization الجوية لألرصاد العالمية المنظمة )

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established the IPCC (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change الحكومي الفريق المناخ بتغير المعني الدولي ) to assess the human induced climate change.

12. IRA (Individual retirement account الفردى التقاعد حساب ) is one of the most effective ways to accumulate retirement savings.

13. After the Easter Rising, the IRA (Irish Republican Army اآليرلندي الجمهوري الجيش ) emerged to fight for the Independence of Ireland.

14. The IRA (Istituto di Radioastronomia - Institute for Radio Astronomy – الفلك معهد .in Italy is engaged in the development of the next generation radio telescopes (الراديوي

15. The IRA (Institute of Resources Assessment الموارد تقييم معهد ) supports the government of Tanzania in the assessment of human and natural resources.

16. The IRA (Inter-Residence Association الجامعية المدن طالب رابطة ) represents students living within the residence halls at the University of Vermont.

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Translating Proper Nouns

A challenge that translators often face in their work comes from proper names. People and places have their own names. Any organization, institution, or agency has its own set of titles, as well as publication titles, departments, projects, products, etc. A translator, thus, has to acquire the skill to find the way a certain proper name is spelled in English or Arabic. Usually, this is a common problem encountered in translating into English names that are not originally Arabic. Translators must be very careful where they get their information, as anyone can publish a website.

Using general internet search engines or specialized websites give the proper spelling of the proper names in the following passages. Document your sources.

عام 25في .1 من منذ 1943يوليو مرة ألول األعلى الفاشستي المجلس اجتمععضوا عشر بتسعة وعارض الحرب سوى بداية يؤيده لم حين في موسوليني

الجنرال الثاني عمانوئيل فكتور الملك وكلف حكمه فسقط فقط، سبعةالوزارة بتأليف الحبشة على الحملة بطل .باروغلو

بجامعة .2 األدني الشرق لدراسات أستاذا لويس برنارد البروفيسور يعمل " اتخذه " الذي الحضارات صدام لتعبير الشرعي األب وهو االمريكية، برنستوناقتبس الذي األشهر، لكتابه عنوانا هنتنجتون صمويل الشهير األمريكي الكاتب

في األفكار من الكثير فوكوياما فرانسيس أيضا الشهير األمريكي الكاتب منه " الغربية " للحضارة النهائي النصر فوكوياما فيه يشرح الذي التاريخ نهاية كتابه

غيرها علي السياسية والديمقراطية االقتصادية بالرأسمالية أمريكا تمثلها التي. الحضارات من

3. " الفقار " ذو الدين لعز الحب نهر فيلم التى يعتبر األفالم إلى قياسا جيدا عمالسعى وقد تولوستوى، ليو الكاتب روايات عن المصرية السينما أخرجتهابتغيير فقام تولستوى لرواية الرومانسية األجواء من االستفادة إلى المخرج

. ذو الدين عز أن واألرجح المصرى المتفرج يرضى نحو على أحداثها من الكثيرعام جاربو لجريتا براون كالرنس أخرجه الذى الفيلم إلى أيضا رجع الفقار

فى 1935 لى فيفيان بطولته ولعبت دوفيفيه جوليان أخرجه الذى الفيلم وإلى ، عام النصوص. 1948بريطانيا وكل الفقار ذو فيلم بين اختالفات وهناك

نساء زير هو الرواية فى فرونسكى فالضابط تولستوى، رواية من المأخوذةعز عند الضابط أما التعيسات، الزوجات إحدى مع حظه يجرب أن يحاول

. األولى حبه بتجربة يمر رومانسى رجل فهو الفقار ذو الدين


Try Google Language Tools in translating proper names

Don't forget to use the clues found in the sentence you are translating. (e.g. dates, titles, etc.)

Try Noodle Tools: Choosing the Best Search Strategy – "I need Facts" http://www.noodletools.com/debbie/literacies/information/5locate/adviceengine.html

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4. Andalusia is an autonomous region overlooking the Strait of Gibraltar, and the Atlantic Ocean. It is Spain's largest and most populous region, it covers most of S Spain, comprising the provinces of Almería, Cádiz, Córdoba, Granada, Huelva, Jaén, Málaga, and Seville (Sevilla). It is known for its Islamic architecture. Famous monuments include the Alhambra in Granada and the Mezquita in Córdoba.

5. Alfraganus wrote Elements of Astronomy (the book on celestial motion and thorough science of the stars), which was translated into Latin in the 12th century and exerted great influence upon European astronomy.

6. Avenzoar made significant contributions to medicine. He wrote many titles including: Book of Simplification concerning Therapeutics and Diet, a detailed description of pathological conditions and the therapies prescribed; Book of the Middle Course concerning the Reformation of Souls and the Bodies, a summary of diseases, therapeutics and hygiene written specially for the benefit of the layman; and Book on Foodstuffs, a description of different types of food and drugs and their effects on health.

Translation versus Transliteration of Proper NamesHINT:

In order to use transliteration codes in an MS Word document, you need to click on INSERT, and then choose SYMBOL. Search for the symbol you are looking for in the table that appears before you, and click on it once you find it and click INSERT. CLOSE the table. You will find the symbol you chose on the page you are using.


It should be noted that certain historical and religious names of people or places should often retain their translated forms. There are other reasons for employing transliteration, central to which is when a concept in the SL is too big for a TL word or phrase to accommodate. Transliteration, thus, is used to create shortcuts.

- ALA-LC Romanization Tables http://www.loc.gov/catdir/cpso/romanization/arabic.pdf

- UNGEGN System of Romanization http://www.eki.ee/wgrs/rom1_ar.pdf

كونها في تكمن القدس مكانة.1 ويعقوب إبراهيماألنبياء: من للعديد مقرا عليهم ومحمد وعيسى وسليمان وداود ويوسف وإسحاق وموسى

السالم. قال شيخ أبي بن سليمان قال: حدثني الوراق الحسن بن عيسى حدثني.2

سعد بن هارون قدم لما: قال الصعداء أبو : حدثني من واسط على واليا

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الناس وظلمه أفعاله جعفر أبي على ونعى الناس خطب إبراهيم قبلمواضعها. غير في ووضعها األموال وأخذه

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Quote Finding

When a translator encounters translated direct or indirect quotations, these quotations should not be back-translated as they have an original version which should be researched and used instead. A quotation could be a statement made by a politician, or an extract from a contract or an agreement. A quotation could also be a citation from a holy book, the Qura'n or the Bible. In this case, there are certain sites that can be resorted to in order to get the exact quote or an authentic translation.

Attempt a research-based translation of the following quotes drawn from the Bible, the Holy Qur'an, and the tradition of Prophet Muhamad (pbuh). Document the source of your information.

1. The Holy Bible reads "The ear tests words as the tongue tastes food".

2. The Holy Bible reads "Pairs of all creatures that have the breath of life in them came to Noah and entered the ark"

3. The Quran addresses the issue of women giving the bai'ah to Prophet Muhammad and God tells Muhammad to accept the pledge of the women:"O Prophet! Whenever believing women come unto thee to pledge their allegiance to thee...then accept their pledge of allegiance."

4. The Qur’an says about justice: "If you do judge, judge between them justly. God loves the just."

يا ".5 والمرأة، الرجل بين تبة الر في تمييز أي القرآن في نجد ال فإننا بالخلق يتعلق فيما أما . عند أكرمكم إن لتعارفوا وقبائل شعوبا وجعلناكم وأنثى ذكر من خلقناكم إنا الناس أيها

" . خبير عليم الله إن أتقاكم الله

بجهالة قوما تصيبوا أن فتبينوا بنبأ فاسق جاءكم إن آمنوا الذين يأيها تعالى: " الله يقول.6دمين". نا فعلتم ما على فتصبحوا

الع .7 طلب على المرأة اإلسالم وآله ) ( :لحث عليه الله صلى الله رسول فقال مومسلمة) ( . مسلم كل على فريضة العلم طلب

(. يهيج الموجع والكالم الغضب، يصرف اللين الجواب".8 اإلنجيل" ) السخط

من. يحفظ فمه يحفظ من".9 (. فله شفتيه يشحر نفسه اإلنجيل" ) الهالك


1. For researching biblical quotes, the BibleGateway is a multilingual searchable database of the Bible with several versions available. For an Arabic version that suits the Egyptian audience, try Van Dyke’s Bible.2. Al-Waraq provides a searchable database of the Holy Qur'an.3. For sites that offer several translations of the meanings of the Qur'an, try the QuranBrowser , and Islamicity.

Page 15: CAT Handout1 (2)

Using your online research skills, attempt to locate the original quotation for the following translated quotes (using the contexts provided if available), and document your source of information.

أول .1 المتحدة حول ألوباما خطاب في الواليات في السلطة إلى مجيئه منذ العرقية قال المسألة إنه،مسؤولياتهم يتحموا وأن أيديهم، في مصائرهم يأخذوا أن افريقية أصول من األمريكيين على يتعين

مجتمعاتهم إطار " .في : قائال األرض وأوضح إلى أبناءكم تنقل لن الحكومية الخطط إنجديدة سلوكيات وإلى جديدة، عقلية إلى حاجة في إننا أن ".الموعودة، أوباما وأضاف

" األفارقة العالم األمريكيون من القليل يتوقعون واصبحوا أنفسهم على تقوقعوا قدأنفسهم أنه ".ومن يتطلعوا وأضاف أن افريقية أصول من األمريكيين أبناء على يتعين

للجمهورية ورؤساء العليا المحكمة في وقضاة ومهندسين علماء يصبحوا .ألن

الحساسية ".2 . انفصام . أحد" فى إليوت س ت اإلنجليزي األمريكي الناقد الشاعر ابتكرها عبارة: " مقاالته فيه القرن قال فى المسرح كتاب خلفاء وهم عشر، السابع القرن شعراء إن

من نوع أي يلتهم أن يستطيع الحساسية من بجهاز يتمتعون كانوا عشر، السادساإلنسانية نحن..." التجربة النزال للحساسية انفصام أو تفكك ظهر عشر السابع القرن وفي

" . منه هما نعاني عشر السابع القرن شعراء أقوى من اثنين تأثير التفكك هذا زاد ومماودرايدان ..."ملتون

كيري، .3 جون األمريكي، الخارجية وزير إلى قال القرم جزيرة شبه ضم خطوات إنالدبلوماسية، أمام المجال ستغلق الخارجية روسيا وزير مع هاتفية مكالمة في وذلك

.الروسي الفروف سيرغي كيري ، للعمل وأضاف مستعدة األمريكية المتحدة الواليات أنوأوكرانيا روسيا بين حوار إجراء تسهيل أجل من الدوليين وشركائها حلفاءها .مع

4. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon said at a press briefing in the Kenyan capital “World leaders have a unique opportunity at this critical moment to evaluate achievements and gaps in the global AIDS response. We must take bold decisions that will dramatically transform the AIDS response and help us move towards an HIV-free generation.”

5. Statement by Egypt’s Permanent Representative before the 65th Session of the General Assembly on Agenda Item 122 (a) “The recent positive developments in the situations in Guinea and Niger are examples of the significant impact of the cooperation between the two organizations, as well as with other sub-regional organizations, in supporting peace and stability on the African continent. Furthermore, the African Union - United Nations hybrid operations in Darfur (UNAMID) and UN support package for the AU Mission in Somalia (AMISOM) are other prominent examples of cooperation between the two organizations in the field of peacekeeping.”