Case Report Atypical Presentation of Sj¨ ogren-Larsson Syndrome D. Papathemeli, 1 A. Mataftsi, 2 A. Patsatsi, 1 D. Sotiriadis, 1 M. Samouilidou, 2 S. Chondromatidou, 3 and A. Evangeliou 4 1 2ndDepartmentofDermatologyandVenereology,FacultyofMedicine,AristotleUniversityofessaloniki,PapageorgiouGeneral Hospital, essaloniki, Greece 2 2nd Department of Ophthalmology, Faculty of Medicine, Aristotle University of essaloniki, Papageorgiou General Hospital, essaloniki, Greece 3 Department of Radiology, Papageorgiou General Hospital, essaloniki, Greece 4 4th Department of Pediatrics, Faculty of Medicine, Aristotle University of essaloniki, Papageorgiou General Hospital, essaloniki, Greece Correspondence should be addressed to D. Papathemeli; [email protected] Received 22 July 2017; Revised 14 September 2017; Accepted 27 September 2017; Published 18 October 2017 Academic Editor: Edvige Veneselli Copyright©2017D.Papathemelietal.isisanopenaccessarticledistributedundertheCreativeCommonsAttributionLicense, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited. Sj¨ ogren-Larsson syndrome is a rare neurocutaneous disorder characterized by ichthyosis, spastic diplegia or tetraplegia, and intellectual disability. Herein, we describe a case of a Greek patient with ichthyosis and spasticity of the legs but with normal intelligence (IQ 95). is syndrome should be suspected when a child presents with ichthyosis and spastic diplegia or tetraplegia, even if intelligence is normal. 1.Introduction Sj¨ ogren-Larsson syndrome (SLS) is a rare neurocutaneous disorder caused by deficient activity of fatty aldehyde de- hydrogenase (FALDH) and is characterized by congenital ichthyosis, spastic diplegia or tetraplegia, and intellectual disability. is is a case of SLS with atypical presentation, expanding the phenotypic spectrum of the syndrome. 2.Case Presentation A 3-year-old girl of Greek descent was referred to our hospital due to gait disturbance and undiagnosed skin lesions. e patient presented bilateral spasticity of the legs. Acquisition of motor skills was delayed, as she achieved standing without support and walking at the age of 13 and 16 months, respectively. At the age of 16 months, she spoke 8–10 words. ere was no history of epileptic seizures. Upon examination, she presented with extensive hyperkeratosis and scaling of the skin especially on palms and soles and hyperpigmented skin flexures (Figures 1–3). Her hair and fingernails were normal. ere was a history of recurrent chalazia. Her birth was at full-term (39 weeks), following an uneventful pregnancy. She is the fourth living child of a consanguineous couple who reported being third cousins, all other siblings having no significant medical history. Height (104cm), weight (16.5kg), and head circumference (53.5 cm) were within normal age limits at presentation. Neurological evaluation revealed spastic diplegia of lower extremities, mild generalized increase in muscle tone, deep tendon reflexes of the lower extremities, and positive Babinski reflexes bilaterally. Intelligence was normal (IQ 95). Elec- troencephalopathy, otoacoustic emission test (OAE), ab- dominal and renal ultrasound, and X-ray of the chest and hips appeared to be normal. Conventional magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of the brain disclosed diffuse symmetrical high-intensity lesions in the deep white matter of the centrum semiovale and the frontal lobes and milder-intensity diffuse lesions in the posterior parietal lobes and the corpus callosum, while magnetic resonance spectroscopy (MRS) showed moderate increase of lipid and myoinositol levels. Other metabolites like N-acetyl aspartate (NAA), choline (Cho), and creatine (Cr) were within normal limits (Figures 4–6). Fundoscopy was performed to search for signs of metabolic retinopathy, and no abnormal features were Hindawi Case Reports in Pediatrics Volume 2017, Article ID 7981750, 4 pages https://doi.org/10.1155/2017/7981750

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Page 1: CaseReport AtypicalPresentationofSjo¨gren-LarssonSyndromedownloads.hindawi.com/journals/cripe/2017/7981750.pdf · CaseReport AtypicalPresentationofSjo¨gren-LarssonSyndrome D.Papathemeli,1A.Mataftsi,2A.Patsatsi,1D.Sotiriadis,1M.Samouilidou,2

Case ReportAtypical Presentation of Sjogren-Larsson Syndrome

D. Papathemeli,1 A. Mataftsi,2 A. Patsatsi,1 D. Sotiriadis,1 M. Samouilidou,2

S. Chondromatidou,3 and A. Evangeliou4

12ndDepartment ofDermatology andVenereology, Faculty ofMedicine,AristotleUniversity of�essaloniki, PapageorgiouGeneralHospital, �essaloniki, Greece22nd Department of Ophthalmology, Faculty of Medicine, Aristotle University of �essaloniki, Papageorgiou General Hospital,�essaloniki, Greece3Department of Radiology, Papageorgiou General Hospital, �essaloniki, Greece44th Department of Pediatrics, Faculty of Medicine, Aristotle University of �essaloniki, Papageorgiou General Hospital,�essaloniki, Greece

Correspondence should be addressed to D. Papathemeli; [email protected]

Received 22 July 2017; Revised 14 September 2017; Accepted 27 September 2017; Published 18 October 2017

Academic Editor: Edvige Veneselli

Copyright © 2017D. Papathemeli et al.'is is an open access article distributed under the Creative CommonsAttribution License,which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.

Sjogren-Larsson syndrome is a rare neurocutaneous disorder characterized by ichthyosis, spastic diplegia or tetraplegia, and intellectualdisability. Herein, we describe a case of a Greek patient with ichthyosis and spasticity of the legs but with normal intelligence (IQ 95).'issyndrome should be suspected when a child presents with ichthyosis and spastic diplegia or tetraplegia, even if intelligence is normal.

1. Introduction

Sjogren-Larsson syndrome (SLS) is a rare neurocutaneousdisorder caused by de9cient activity of fatty aldehyde de-hydrogenase (FALDH) and is characterized by congenitalichthyosis, spastic diplegia or tetraplegia, and intellectualdisability. 'is is a case of SLS with atypical presentation,expanding the phenotypic spectrum of the syndrome.

2. Case Presentation

A 3-year-old girl of Greek descent was referred to our hospitaldue to gait disturbance and undiagnosed skin lesions.

'e patient presented bilateral spasticity of the legs.Acquisition of motor skills was delayed, as she achievedstanding without support and walking at the age of 13 and16 months, respectively. At the age of 16 months, she spoke8–10 words. 'ere was no history of epileptic seizures. Uponexamination, she presented with extensive hyperkeratosisand scaling of the skin especially on palms and soles andhyperpigmented skin Bexures (Figures 1–3). Her hair and9ngernails were normal. 'ere was a history of recurrentchalazia. Her birth was at full-term (39 weeks), following

an uneventful pregnancy. She is the fourth living child ofa consanguineous couple who reported being third cousins,all other siblings having no signi9cant medical history.

Height (104 cm), weight (16.5 kg), and head circumference(53.5 cm) were within normal age limits at presentation.Neurological evaluation revealed spastic diplegia of lowerextremities, mild generalized increase in muscle tone, deeptendon reBexes of the lower extremities, and positive BabinskireBexes bilaterally. Intelligence was normal (IQ 95). Elec-troencephalopathy, otoacoustic emission test (OAE), ab-dominal and renal ultrasound, and X-ray of the chest andhips appeared to be normal.

Conventional magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of thebrain disclosed diHuse symmetrical high-intensity lesions inthe deep white matter of the centrum semiovale and thefrontal lobes and milder-intensity diHuse lesions in theposterior parietal lobes and the corpus callosum, whilemagnetic resonance spectroscopy (MRS) showed moderateincrease of lipid and myoinositol levels. Other metaboliteslike N-acetyl aspartate (NAA), choline (Cho), and creatine(Cr) were within normal limits (Figures 4–6).

Fundoscopy was performed to search for signs ofmetabolic retinopathy, and no abnormal features were

HindawiCase Reports in PediatricsVolume 2017, Article ID 7981750, 4 pageshttps://doi.org/10.1155/2017/7981750

Page 2: CaseReport AtypicalPresentationofSjo¨gren-LarssonSyndromedownloads.hindawi.com/journals/cripe/2017/7981750.pdf · CaseReport AtypicalPresentationofSjo¨gren-LarssonSyndrome D.Papathemeli,1A.Mataftsi,2A.Patsatsi,1D.Sotiriadis,1M.Samouilidou,2

detected in either eye. Absence of retinal deposits orother pathology was con9rmed with optical coherencetomography of the macula. 'e patient had a history of re-current chalazia. Cycloplegic retinoscopy revealed high refrac-tive error (right eye C −4.50D× 20°, left eye C −4.00D× 170°).Visual acuity, measured with the ETDRS chart at 4 meters,was LogMAR 0.5 in the right eye and LogMAR 0.3 in the lefteye with her glasses, which was presumed to be the result ofrefractive amblyopia and not of retinal pathology.

Histopathology of skin biopsy from the right axillaryregion and right thigh showed orthokeratotic hyperkeratosis,acanthosis, and papillomatosis of the stratum spinosum.

Clinical 9ndings led to a diHerential diagnosis of Sjogren-Larsson syndrome, Refsum disease, Rud syndrome, andChanarin-Dorfman syndrome, and so genetic testing wasperformed. Sequencing of the polymerase chain reactionproduct using the exon-speci9c primers revealed a c.551C>Tmutation of the ALDH3A2 gene on chromosome 17p11.2 inhomozygous state and con9rmed the diagnosis of Sjogren-Larsson syndrome. Parents were tested and both were foundto be heterozygous for this mutation. 'e patient was pre-scribed emollient baths and moisturizing creams, whilephysiotherapy was advised to improve spasticity.

No other clinical signs developed during three years offollow-up.

3. Discussion

Sjogren-Larsson syndrome is a rare autosomal recessivehereditary neurocutaneous disorder with a worldwide

incidence of 0.4 per 100,000 people and was 9rst describedby Sjogren and Larsson in 1957 [1]. It is caused by de9-cient activity of fatty aldehyde dehydrogenase (FALDH),a component of the fatty alcohol nicotinamide adenine

Figure 1: 'e patient presented with thickening and hyperpig-mentation of both axillae.

Figure 2: Brown scaly hyperpigmentation could also be seen on thenape of the neck.

Figure 3: Palmoplantar keratoderma was also present.

Figure 4:'e deep white matter of the centrum semiovale bilateraldemonstrates high signal intensity changes at Flair axial MRimaging.

Figure 5: Flair axial MR image of the brain showing high-intensitylesions in the deep white matter of the frontal lobes and milder-intensity lesions in the deep white matter of the posterior parietallobes and the corpus callosum.

2 Case Reports in Pediatrics

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dinucleotide (NAD) oxidoreductase enzyme complex (FAO).FALDH de9ciency results in the accumulation of fatty al-dehydes and fatty alcohols in body tissues, which causes thesymptoms [2]. 'is syndrome is characterized by the triad ofcongenital ichthyosis, spastic diplegia or tetraplegia, and mildto moderate intellectual disability (most patients show anintellectual coeMcient of less than 50). Less common featuresare preterm birth, reduced visual acuity and photophobia,short stature, kyphoskoliosis, seizures, and delayed speech(spastic dysarthria may also be present) [3, 4].

FALDH de9ciency aHects epidermal functioning, andleaky water barrier causes ichthyosis. Cutaneous featuresare usually congenital or apparent during the neonatalperiod and become more pronounced overtime, as in ourcase [2, 3].

Neurological symptoms emerge by early childhood (9rstor second year of life). Later in adolescence, the neurologicalclinical picture stabilizes [4, 5]. In our case, it is remarkablethat the patient had normal intelligence (IQ 95).

Crystalline juvenile macular dystrophy, cystoid fovealatrophy, and lack of macular pigment are ocular featuresregarded as pathognomonic of Sjogren-Larsson syndromebut were not detected in our patient [6]. On the other hand,high refractive error and recurrent chalazia associated with

meibomian gland dysfunction are signs that have not as yetbeen associated with the syndrome.

Diagnosis of SLS should be considered in children withsimultaneous presence of congenital ichthyosis and de-bilitating neurological symptoms. However, the phenotypeof SLS with the classical neurocutaneous features followsa typical age-dependent pattern and the full-blown phe-notype becomes apparent after 2-3 years; therefore, SLS isusually not suspected until that age [3–5]. In our case, di-agnosis was made at the age of 3 years.

Diagnosis of Sjogren-Larsson syndrome is con9rmed bymeasurement of FALDH or fatty alcohol: NAD oxidore-ductase in cultured skin 9broblasts [7] and/or sequenceanalysis of ALDH3A2 gene on the locus 17p11.2. ALDH3A2gene mutation tests are highly sensitive, do not require skinbiopsy, and can complement or even replace FALDH en-zymatic assays in SLS [8].

FALDH gene (also known as ALDH3A2) which encodesfatty aldehyde dehydrogenase is located on chromosome17p11.2 and consists of 11 exons. More than 90 diHerentmutations (amino acid substitutions, deletions, insertions,and splicing errors) have been found in patients with SLS.Missense mutations account for 38% of the known muta-tions in ALDH3A2 and are scattered throughout the gene.

Figure 6: Magnetic resonance spectroscopy (MRS) showed moderate increase of lipid and myoinositol levels. Other metabolites likeN-acetyl aspartate (NAA), choline (Cho), and creatine (Cr) were within normal limits.

Case Reports in Pediatrics 3

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Two mutations, c.1297-1298delGA and c.943C>T, areconsidered to be the most frequent in Europe [8]. In ourpatient, the missense mutation c.551C>T was detected,which is responsible for replacement of threonine 184 bymethionine (p.T184M) at the amino acid level of the FALDHenzyme. 'is mutation was 9rst described by Rizzo et al. in1999 as pathogenic and has been detected in Europe andMiddle East [9]. It has been reported that the severity ofclinical phenotype does not closely correlate with speci9cmutations. Even among siblings who share the same ge-notype, phenotype can vary signi9cantly, due to genetic andenvironmental modi9ers [10].

As with most inherited metabolic diseases, there is nocurative therapy, and treatment is predominantly symp-tomatic. In our patient, ichthyosis improved signi9cantlywith abundant hydration with emollient baths, moisturizingcreams, and keratolytic agents. In our case, prescription ofacitretin was avoided because of the risk of prematureepiphyseal closure. Physiotherapy improved ambulation andprevented contracture development. Studies have shownthat zileuton, a 5-lipoxygenase inhibitor, has a potent ad-vantageous eHect upon pruritus in SLS patients, since itinhibits leukotriene formation [5, 11]. Future therapeuticstrategies may include beza9brates, carotenoids, and genetherapy [4, 5]. However, further research in this 9eld isrequired.

Conflicts of Interest

'e authors declare that there are no conBicts of interestregarding the publication of this article.


'e authors thank the patient’s parents for providing thempermission to publish this case report.


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