Case study richard branson

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Richard Branson - Leader and Innovator of Virgin Group

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    Table of ContentsExecutive Summary.......................................................................................................2

    Problem Statement .........................................................................................................4

    Literature review............................................................................................................8

    Conclusion ...................................................................................................................10


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    Executive Summary

    The case focuses primarily on Richard Branson and Virgin, Inc based on three man

    aspects: the organizational structure of the company, the style of the leadership and the

    management approach towards motivation of employees.

    The Virgin Group which was conceived in 1970 as Virgin Records by Sir Richard

    Branson, has gone on to grow in business sectors ranging from mobile communications,

    to transportation, travel, telecommunication, financial services, leisure, music,

    holidays, publishing and retailing. It has expanded beyond the borders of an average

    conglomerate into a global business empire of more than 300 companies, employing

    more than 50,000 people and doing business in more than 30 countries, and generating

    more than 18 billion US dollars in revenues annually. The business has witnessed

    continual growth since it was started. The nature of leadership in existence in Virgin

    Group draws many features from the personality of Sir Richard Branson.

    Figure 1 The Virgin Holdings

    The management of Virgin Group does not fall in to any particular model. It has a

    unique management structure whose characteristics do not fit those of the existing

    models, however it does employ aspects of different concepts which comes together to

    form its own distinctive style. The management of Virgin group with a heavy weight is

    contingency approach. The decision-making and plans executions are done with close

    reference to the problem at hand. This has seen the group attain notable milestones in

    streamlining its management. In this management model, the dynamics of business

    environments is appreciated. It recognizes the fact that different environments require

    different management approaches.

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    The Virgins culture is developed with the set of policies, beliefs and attitudes learned

    and shared by the majority of the organisations members. Virgins dominant culture

    has affected the way in which they have developed its products and its staff. Virgins

    dominant culture has led to the brand recognition of the Virgin which leads to make

    positive impressions among general public, and allows to set up new businesses in new

    markets easier.

    Sir Richard Branson is one of those leaders who have been able to take on lifes

    challenges and turned them into learning opportunities. He has adopted a technique

    which is closely related with Japanese Keratsu system. His companies are connected

    with each other very well and supports each other up to certain degree. He gives his

    subordinates more freedom to work their tasks. By proving such freedom, managers

    would inevitably feel more of a sense of responsibility, ownership and would try their

    up most to make a success of it. However organizational goals of Virgin Group cannot

    be dissociated with those of Sir Richard Branson. This addresses that the management

    style in the organization has some elements of bureaucracy in leadership.

    Sir Richard Bransons leadership style falls in the category of transformational. He is

    famous for his risk taking ability and habit. He is also interested with people who are

    willing to take risks and the best in their tasks. In his ventures, he looks for people who

    are outgoing and willing to start new businesses. The most common feature that has led

    to achieve great milestones in business is the ability to motivate fellow partners in

    pursuit of a new business opening. His focus deviates from routine perspective of

    employees where the management expects the workers to perform to deserve

    compensation. He believes everyone wants to deal with top person so he provides his

    managers to deal with him directly. He has close touch with the day to day activities of

    various companies within his group.

    Virgin has a diverse approach so they dont have any set of traits for a person to become

    employee at Virgins. However they use to select people who are ready to take

    responsibility in their own and can work hard. Thus company has created its value in

    the business and market and made its brand as symbol of success and trust.

    In this case, the study examines the problems arisen among those three key areas of the

    organizational behaviour as mentioned earlier and proposes possible solutions with

    relevant facts and literature.

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    Problem Statement

    1. The strong belief of Virgin in Brand Franchising as primary marketing


    A brand franchise is an arrangement between the corporate of particular brand and

    wholesaler or retailer for the distributor to use that brand exclusively in an area. That

    is, the wholesaler or retailer is the only company permitted to sell that brand product

    within certain geographical boundary.

    There are several benefits of entering into a brand franchise arrangement. If the brand

    name is well-known, the retailer will find it is much easier to gain the consumer pool

    in the local market. Manufacturers also benefit from it. Brand owner can place the

    products in front of prospective customers, without establishing their own local retail

    outlets by contracting with wholesalers and retailers.

    However for global conglomerate like Virgin group there are certain issues can arise

    with brand franchised strategies. Those are

    Limited control over the business - Business operations set out and bound by

    the rules of locals

    Threats by reputation issue - As a franchisee you would rely on the brand of the

    business to gain customers. If there is any issue has arisen in one of the

    subsidiary of certain brand it will affect other subsidiaries reputation as well

    Lack of brand awareness It is difficult to open a business and capture the

    market in a new location where the people do not have any idea of the particular

    corporate or its products.


    - Corporate should appoint its experts and highly skilled people along with the locals at

    top management of the business organization when open a business in a new location

    to ensure the control of the franchisee in business activities.

    - Corporate can use more familiar and different names rather its own brand to establish

    businesses in different locations to avoid the issues regarding the reputation damage

    - Corporate should conduct thorough and effective market and risk analysis aligned

    with its brand and products in certain location before establish the business venture.

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    2. Negative aspects of the Keiratsu system

    Keiratsu system the interconnected business relationship and shareholdings that exist

    between the subsidiaries of particular corporate group and each company holds some

    form of ownership in the other, thereby ensuring a direct effect of performance on each

    other. The system is centralized with a bank which lends money to all companies in that

    group, in return for equity, a monitoring entity and the right of control.

    However the downsides of this system are:

    Less control over the access to capital keiretsu company knows they can easily

    access capital. This could potentially allow a company to take on too much debt

    and lead its business.

    Issue of the reputation damage As mentioned earlier in the brand franchising,

    if a company of the group faces any failure or setback in business it will impact

    other companies as well like chain reaction.


    - The bank which acts a centralized institution of the Keiratsu system should implement

    policies and regulations regarding the rights of capital access for each company.

    - The corporate can form several keiratsu groups instead of establishing single large

    keiratsu group to avoid the complexity and impact of chain reaction as well.

    3. Issue of the loosened and people oriented operations

    People oriented operations can benefit the employees of each company hold a stake in

    the success of the business, with the requirement that each company be self-sufficient.

    But there are some consequences can be occurred as a result of people oriented


    Misuse of Influence recruitment of unqualified people and wrong decision

    making can be resulted due to the personal influence of managers. This will lead

    the company into the wrong direction deviated from achieving the

    organizational goals and gradually spoil the reputation of the company.

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    Lack of cooperation between managers creates unhealthy competition

    between local managers leading to lack of co-operation and coordination. As a

    result, interdependent functions may suffer and resolving interdepartmental

    conflicts becomes difficult.

    Less Control Trust and faith between employees and managers are the key

    factors to drive the work force of the organization towards the success The risk

    is once-trusted associates may mismanage or even abuse their new found power

    and it will difficult to control them or turn them back into right position.


    - Corporate should control the degree of authority delegated to the lower levels of the

    organization in order to overcome control and influence issues

    - Sufficient financial resources should be provided to ensure the accomplishment of the

    tasks under the responsibility of the people oriented operations

    4. The transformational leadership of Sir Richard Branson

    Sir Richard Branson uses both transactional and transformational leaderships according

    to the requirement of the situation. But as a leader and innovator he prefers and chooses

    transformational way mostly over the transactional approach of leadership. But there

    are some cases where transactional approach seems to work best. For instance, where

    the employees are lagging behind from the scheduled completion of a project which

    involves precision and high risks, transformational style would fail to address the

    significance of the situation.


    Branson can further improve his leadership skills by focusing on the use of transactional

    leadership style in managing the employees in his group of companies. The use of

    rewards as well as penalties needs to be given for the purpose of regulating the

    processes as well as the people in an effective manner.

    As a leader he can provide feedback to the employees, discussing about their

    limitations. The use of appreciation as well as criticism in the form of constructive

    feedback can be used to lead the employees in an effective manner.

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    5. Sir Richard Branson: backbone of the Virgin group

    Sir Richard Branson, founder of the Virgin group who is considerably the single most

    important ingredient to all the success that has been achieved up-to-date. He is one of

    the most eminent figures in the business world as he is well known for his risk taking

    behaviour. Through the able leadership of its Chairman, Sir Richard Branson, the

    management team has come up with a unique formula of managing large scale

    businesses like Virgin Group. To a large extend, the success of Virgin Group is directly

    attributable to the input of Sir Branson. He has succeeded in opening a new chapter of

    management, which deviates from conventional methods. There is a formidable blend

    and balance between management and leadership.

    But the million dollar question is what will happen to virgin after Sir Richard Branson.

    Is there powerful, energetic, charismatic and breakthrough leader after him to run the

    Virgin group successfully?


    Sir Branson should consider the significance of leadership after his period to ensure the

    sustainability of the Virgin throughout the time. He should select and train the

    employees who are in higher positions in his companies and have great potential to

    become leaders.

    Sir Branson is one the effective leaders in the world as the chairman and founder of the

    Virgin group. If he would create the effective and efficient leadership to expand the

    Virgin Empire and its reputation as much as he did, then he will become a great leader


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    Literature review


    A brand franchise is an arrangement between a corporation and a local retailer or

    wholesaler to function as the exclusive seller for the corporations products within a

    defined sales territory (

    Franchising as a concept is simple: A parent company (the franchisor) develops a

    model for a successful business and builds and advertises a brand. An individual (the

    franchisee) licenses that brand, products/services, and business model typically with

    exclusivity for a specific geographic location.

    Franchises work for those who:

    Want the security of choosing a brand-name business with proven products.

    Want a "turnkey" operation with established business operations and guidelines,

    training and support.

    Are willing to follow rules. Most franchisors do not allow you to deviate from the

    products and services they sell, the suppliers they use, and the way they do business.

    Have money to invest up front. You will have both a franchise fee and startup costs.

    Are willing to split the profits. You are likely to have monthly royalty and advertising

    fees and a variety of other fees and costs.

    Are willing to work hard. Just as with any business, running a franchise still takes a

    lot of work to succeed.

    Are willing to take the risk that the franchisor may not renew their license at some

    time in the future (Rhonda Abrams, USA TODAY).

    Keiratsu system

    The limited competition within the keiretsu may lead to an inefficient company

    because a keiretsu company knows they can easily access capital. This could potentially

    allow a company to take on too much debt and lead it into taking on overly risky


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    The economic crisis in Japan in the late 1990s forced Japanese companies to compete

    for price and quality by using market-based systems instead of keiretsu relational

    arrangements. This occurred due to major horizontal banks' reports of profit losses

    (Brian Twomey,

    People oriented operations / Decentralized system

    A possible disadvantage of a decentralized structure is that you must relinquish a bit

    of control. You must put your faith in others to continue to carry out your company's

    vision and mission. For a business owner who has worked hard to build your enterprise

    in your own unique way, the process of "letting go" can be difficult. There's also the

    risk that once-trusted associates may mismanage or even abuse their newfound

    autonomy and power. Another potential disadvantage of decentralization is that the

    organization may become fragmented. Units that once worked well together in your

    centralized structure may lose their sense of team spirit and cooperation. Decentralized

    units may put their own best interests first instead of those of your company as a whole.

    Areas such as productivity and customer service may suffer as a result. Innovative ideas

    that once spread quickly throughout the company may now remain within individual

    units (Chris Joseph, Demand Media).

    A highly decentralized organization can be the battleground for unhealthy competition

    between local managers leading to lack of co-operation and coordination. As a result,

    interdependent functions may suffer and resolving interdepartmental conflicts is

    difficult when authority has been delegated. In addition, there is costly duplication of

    work (activities, processes and outcomes) that may impact economy of scale (Preeti


    Transformational leadership

    Richard Branson could have used task oriented leadership as well as people oriented

    leadership according to the requirement of the situation. On the other hand, in cases

    where employees are lagging behind from the scheduled completion of a project, the

    people oriented leadership style would fail to address the demand of the situation. In

    addition to this, the greater degree of reliance is beneficial for tasks and projects that

    carry low risk. But when a project involves high risk, a leader needs to use a blend of

    people oriented and task oriented leadership styles to achieve the objectives in an

    effective manner. Branson can further improve his leadership skills by focusing on the

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    use of transactional leadership style in managing the employees in his group of

    companies. The use of rewards as well as penalties needs to be taken into consideration

    for the purpose of regulating the processes as well as the people in an effective manner

    (Brown, 1998).

    Transformational leaders stimulate innovative thinking by encouraging their teams to

    take carefully calculated risks. By running workshops and conducting focus groups,

    leaders help teams ponder complex ideas. By spurring intellectual curiosity and

    creativity, you can foster individual expression and help your team solve problems in

    new ways. Without establishing procedures for acknowledging and accepting failure,

    however, transformational leadership strategies can cause you to pursue ideas with little

    or no merit (Tara Duggan, Demand Media).


    There are many things to be learned from leadership and management of Virgin Group

    Limited. The company has cut itself a niche in various industries. It has also proven

    that all things are possible with dedication and commitment. Virgin group have their

    own ways of developing people. It should consider various business strategies rather

    than brand franchising approach. It should focus more hidden capabilities of people

    who are working in Virgin and those are trying to attain higher professional success

    though their hidden skills in order to sustain the success of business. Sir Richard

    Branson Today he is recognized as one of the leaders who have faced failures and

    were still able to be successful in the corporate world. But he can further improve his

    leadership skills by focusing on the use of transactional leadership style in managing

    the employees in his group of companies. Also he should concern the leadership after

    his time to ensure the continuous growth of his corporate empire throughout the time.

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    Brian Twomey, Understanding Japanese Keiretsu, Available at:

    Brown, M. (1998), Richard Branson: The authorized biography, Headline

    Book Publishing, UK

    Chris Joseph, Advantages & Disadvantages When Companies Decentralize,

    Available at:


    Preeti Sunil, Advantages and Disadvantages of Decentralization, Available at:


    Rhonda Abrams, Strategies: Is franchising a ripoff or road to success?.

    Availabla at:


    Tara Duggan, Negatives of Transformational Leadership, Availabl at:
