Case Study - PCCW : Converging 3G and Wi-Fi, Best in Service and Connection

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As the market leader, PCCW has envisaged a future for broadband to embrace greater connectivity in terms of capacity, mobility and quality in the highly saturated market. With this intention in mind, they now have over 9,000 hotspots throughout Hong Kong. This feat has inevitably resulted in the need to prioritize network connection between their Wi-Fi and 3G/HSPA networks to ensure optimum broadband experience for their users.A smart connectivity management with intelligent switching capability was required to optimize network bandwidth. To achieve a unified experience, the solution must be transparent to the end user without compromising on the user experience, while being compatible with a common core network. Find out how PCCW work with Greenpacket to provide key solutions in the connectivity management of devices.

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Page 1: Case Study - PCCW : Converging 3G and Wi-Fi, Best in Service and Connection
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Page 3: Case Study - PCCW : Converging 3G and Wi-Fi, Best in Service and Connection