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Case Study on Women Entreprenure of Entreprenure Development

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Welcome To Our Presentation12Our Presentation Topic IsCase Study On Woman EntrepreneurASA University BangladeshID Number 082-12-0213 082-12-0194 082-12-0209 081-12-0050 082-12-0188 081-12-0163Name Md. Haniar Hossain Mamunur Rahman Md.Mehidi Hasan Minhazul Islam Abdul Al Mamun Syeedur Rahman34Introduction: Now a day, woman becomes a part of a nation·s economy. They come ahead to participate and doing business. They become successful also. In this case, we will discuss about 3 woman entrepreneur who bec

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Welcome To Our


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Our Presentation Topic Is

Case Study On Woman Entrepreneur


Page 3: Case Study on Women Entreprenure of Entreprenure Development

ID Number Name082-12-0213 Md. Haniar Hossain

082-12-0194 Mamunur Rahman

082-12-0209 Md.Mehidi Hasan

081-12-0050 Minhazul Islam

082-12-0188 Abdul Al Mamun

081-12-0163 Syeedur Rahman


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Introduction: Now a day, woman becomes a part of a

nation’s economy. They come ahead to participate and doing business. They become successful also. In this case, we will discuss about 3 woman entrepreneur who become success by overcoming their barriers and a Team of woman and Their Activity.


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Ekta Kapoor


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Business started: She has started the television software business, when she was age of 19. For this business she was influence by his father.

Family background: Ekta kapurs father was very rich man, He Is Very successful film star, mainly He helped Her to be an entrepreneur. Her father paid all of support to her.

Sources of capital: When she was in financial problem her father come to her to gave her more money to make more pilots. BTL was first established in 1994 by her father for assent her.


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Hard working: In initial stage Ekta kapur had to do a lots of hard work. Ekta kapur forgot her holydays to make a mark for her. Her life completely occupied with thinking out hard work.

Barriers: When she starts business she had Face lot of barriers. She was unable to get buyers, if she got any buyer she could not proper value on her pilot, even she was called “brainless daughter of her moneyed father.

Sources of Idea: She got idea from her study, that she read in a magazine she also study on drama.


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Lucas of control: She was beloved she rather then believes in luck, she also believes that god can’t control us he only help us nothing more .She obey very strongly .That a person’s can change his life by hard working.

New innovation/creativity: She includes the new creativity lie she can’t belief a time focus the performance result .so, she fixed the time carries huge popularity. She introduces daily shop for the target audience.

Reward: She receives a number of rewards for this activity .in the early 21st century. Such a wards like One of “Asia’s 50 most powerful communicator “from Asia weekly magazine in 2001 Ernst and young entrepreneur of the year in 2001.


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Educational background Physical problem Attitude to become independent Controlling power


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Shahnaz hossain


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Type of business: Shahnaz husain was successful women entrepreneur of India. Her business was herbal treatments for beauty and health problems.

Family: shahnaz husain was born into a royal Muslim family. And later held important posts in the princely kingdoms of Bhopal and Hyderabad before India’s independence.

Educational Background: shahnaz husain

received her schooling in an irish convent. She was carried well personality.


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Marriage Life: The age of 15 when she was married and had a child next year. That times her husband working in Iran.

Personal Interest: shanaz hosain became interested in cosmetology and she began her tanning, she trained extensively in cosmetic therapy for 10 years in some of the leading institutes of London.

Product Type: shahnaz custom made natural products for skin and hair problems quickly become successful.

Independence and Self-Confidance: shanaz hosain belief that a true entrepreneur is a person who has independence of spirit: “one should be innovative, dynamics, and willing to try every avenue towards success. Her commitment and self confidence have made her company one of the most successful of its kind in the world. 12

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  Quality control: shanaz hosain always all the products went through strict quality control before they were marketed. Her products captured the imagination of the world with there promise of beauty in anatural and harmless way. She used natural ingredients like fruits, flowers, vegetables, herbs, honey, etc.

Opportunity: shanaz hosain was appointed

president for the day’s proceedings. She used this opportunity to focus the world attention on India and ayurveda.

Customer Satisfaction Competitors 13

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Kiron mojumder


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Kiron mojumder is the one of great women entrepreneur in India .she is one of them who started her business from small position and now become successful businessman & founder of bikon India. She was born in banglor where she spends her childhood and primary stage of life. Her father was a brew master. She spends her school life bishop cotton girl’s school & college life in Mount Carmel College. She completes her study in malting & brewing technology from Ballarat College in malborn.


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Ambition: Her ambition of child hood was, she will be a doctor. But when she becomes failure to get admission in medical college then she decided to complete her graduation in zoology. After ending of his education in malting & brewing technology she become qualified brew master, then she decide to be a business man by using her qualification.

Barriers: Kiran mojumder was find lots of obstruction in the beginning period of the professional life. She got support from the Bicon Biochemical organization, but when he wanted to start her business totally on her own, and then her Irish partner stopped to help her.16

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She was the new entrepreneur and her venture was new in the field of Biotechnology. So the banks and financial intuition were afraid to help her by loan, they consider as “high risk”.

Start business: In the beginning time of profession she worked with her father in the post of consultant. She makes turn over in her professional life when she got the chance to meet with the founder of Bicon Biochemical. Which was an Irish organization? She started her business with that organization as joint venture in 1978.


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Mahila in Hindi means women, Griha means home, Udyog means industry or work, and Lijjat means tasty. Papad is a flat, thin, dried roll of kneaded flour mixed with spicy ingredients.

It was a cooperative system in which women over the age of 18 could become members. This SMGULP from the intention to In March 1959, this group of women borrowed Rs 80. Gradually this business grew and more Woman joined with them. Only Woman Can be the member of SMGULP.


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Business Starting and Idea taken: Seven Woman Started to do this business In March 1959 by taking loan about Rs 80 from Chaganlal Karamsi Parekh, a member of the Servants of India Society and a social worker. At that time their intention is to increase their family income. Their idea was to make Papad according to their ability.

Intention to earn: The Members of Those Woman had not any support like- educational back ground, enough money, how to learn business idea, but they had mental strength. Mainly they started business to fulfill their economical needs; their main driven was to get some extra money. They had strong self Esteem.19

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Locus of control: The Woman Is not depends on Luck rather they believe that if they can work hard they will be success.

Pricing policy: they was very conscious about products priced reasonably, and whenever the cost of raw materials fell, the prices were also revised downwards.

“Labor charges worked out to 20-25 percent of the consumer price, raw materials consumed 55-60 percent, sales and other administrative expenses accounted for the remaining 20 percent. This principle was followed for all its products, be it masalas or synthetic detergents.” 20

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Operation Management: firstly they “trained the new member-sisters who had joined the new branch. Once the new member-sisters had learnt how to run the branch and monitor its activities, the branch functioned as an independent entity. In this manner, branches were established in all states.The central office in Mumbai had the overall responsibility for the functioning of all the branches”

TV program participates and Advertisement and cost sharing: for the publicity of its product they make several TV programs. The cost of TV Programs was shared by all branches according to their production capability. 21

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Constitution: SMGULP had a managing committee, which had the highest decision-making powers,

consisting of 21 members, a president, a vice president, two secretaries and two treasurers. They were chosen by the sisters (from among the member-

sisters) once every three years. Any member-sister could become a managing committee

member through a selection process. The members of each branch could elect a branch committee,

consisting of eleven sisters. The managing committee could unilaterally terminate or appoint

any member in the branch committee. The Sanchalikas or directors of the branches were selected by

the members of the concerned branch every three years. They were responsible for managing the day-today-activities of a

particular branch or division. They could be transferred to other branches also.

And All activity of branch are decentralized. 22

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Meeting: The entire woman sister had equal rights and they made meeting and sharing in regular basis in all branches. Open meeting were held in head office.

Reward/punishment: there was a system about punishment and reward. If any woman sister reported due to a fall in quality standards, the member-sisters lowered their daily wages by Re. 1 per kilogram of papads, and for Good Response, Wages increase


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Employee efficiency Barriers Educational background Market style Good will gain


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Lesson Learned: To be an entrepreneur one has to have risk

taking attitude. Entrepreneurs have not afraid to take

challenge. Entrepreneur has to sacrifice his time. One has to do hard working. Entrepreneur should not depend on luck. He

has to think only he is responsible for the result.

One has to be brave.


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He has to work hard with his team. Search new idea. Intention to be independent. The dream that entpreneure have should be

up to date and reasonable. He has to fix Goal, mission, vision. He has to flexible. Have to have ability to leading. Have to have ability to organizing. Entrepreneur should not be disappointed and

he/she have to have a mentality to continue.


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