P.O. Box 1354 320 Maple Ave. Hanover PA. 17331 / 717.634.5317 / www.iadtlateam.com Asks wh not ? e Journey of Excellence Leadership Development For Today’s Youth

Case Statement

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P.O. Box 1354 320 Maple Ave. Hanover PA. 17331 / 717.634.5317 / www.iadtlateam.com

Asks wh not ?

e Journey ofExce llenceLeadership Development For Today’s Youth

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Today’s Youthare Tomorrow’s Leaders.If this statement doesn’t concern you, it should.

In a broken world where the challenges facing today’s youth can seem

insurmountable, Training Leaders through Athletics takes action with:

TLA offers a solution that leads to change


“ e ourney of xcellence”

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What does it take to change the world?

Changing the worldstarts with a heart that cannot rest.

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Who we are.

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TLA is an impact driven initiative that combines athletic performance and leadership development

through camps, workshops, retreats,service initiatives, leadership and character coaching and

international service missions.

Please visit us on the web at www.iadtlateam.com for program details.

e Purpose of Life . . . Is a Life of Purpose

What we do.

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Ones future begins with a dream.

Th at intentional goal sett ing, focus and perseverance are paramount; and that a

vision void of intentionality can leave ones dreams and purpose in life unful filled.

Winning the daily ba le of excellence over mediocrity is a choice. at “you are destined for greatness and the challenges you face are your stepping stones to get there. e only variable is you . . .”

at you never nish a day the same, and each day you are given represents an opportunity to win a championship in your life and the lives of others . . . to become an E Champion.

Servanthood, or using your talents and abilities to be er the lives of others, is a prerequisite to becoming an e ective leader.

at the rite of passage for today’s youth does not have to resemble what their generation dictates. e daily decision to impact others, to ser ve, to give back , to stand up for principles, to believe in a cause, and to live life for others, is what will de ne them as “Men and Women of In uence.”

We believe in the Power of One.

at “Changes can come from the power of many, but only when the many come together to form that which is invincible . . . the Power of One.” at successful leadership is built upon serving others and that you were meant to live for a purpose greater than yourself.

What we believe.

e Journey of Excellence.

That within every person is a "Call to Greatness."

That true leadership comes from learning first "How to Serve."

There is no time like the present to become "Men and Women of Influence."

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TLA answers your Whys . . .It is our Bold Vision for the future that TLA's 5-Level Leadership Development

rogram and “EVERYDAY Champion Facility model be duplicated; finding its way into multiple communities across the state and country. Where an immediate impact can be realized as today’s youth embraceperspective of confident visionary leadership. Change that impacts our communities.

But where the ripple e ect can become far reaching ; to the extent that it knows no boundaries. W here a Central American orphanage, prison, or community at risk can rise from the ashes as their youth experience the same Journey of Excellence. W here lives can be changed, where communities can be changed. W here the world can be changed.

Change that begins with .

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Why is TLA di erent?e average high school or college coach will signi cantly impact more lives in one

season than the average adult does in a lifetime. Unfortunately, as we view the land -scape of our country’s youth, interscholastic, and collegiate sports arenas that impact can at times be all but positive in the life lessons and character traits that are garnered by young men and women through those experiences.

TLA uses this fact to turn the playing eld into a platform to teach excellence in a way that extends far beyond athletics. With an intentional life vision process equated to climbing a volcano that many program participants scale in El Salvador, each young man and woman de nes a De nite Major Purpose (DMP) for their high school or college career that guides their “Journey of Excellence.”

However, TLA uses this initial journey that prepares participants to win champion-ships on the athletic elds to do so as husbands, fathers, mothers, wives, community and global leaders on the elds of life. With over 90% of student-athletes that com-plete the 5-Level Leadership Program being named captain in one or more of their sports, TLA’s “Life Application” tools and challenges then turn the high school hallway, locker room, or athletic eld into a platform to mold and shape our nation’s next generation of leaders.

Instead of merely viewing physical training and sports as an “extra-curricular” activ-ity, it positions what is o en the greatest passion for many young men and women in our country as their greatest “classroom” – a classroom that can be used to teach principles of excellence that will mold and shape them for years to come.

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Why should I care?

Why should I Invest?Because numbers speak for themselves.

Because there is strength in numbers.

In simple terms: Our future & their future depends on it.

We in the adult community, need to be cultivating and investing in the process.

Developing future leaders needs to be intentional. Strong leaders don't rise to the

top because they were born that way. They were mentored, taught, developed,

challenged, refined, and along the way they were loved courageously. By being

intentional, we are able to develop "Men and Women of Influence"

who strive to become "EVERYDAY Champions."

Each year since inception TLA has grown with measurable statistics and

results that indicate the IAD-TLA Team touches thousands of lives

domestically and abroad on a yearly basis through their internal and external

athletic and leadership development program, curriculum, and seminars.

Every dollar invested will increase the number of student-athletes that TLA is able

to develop through the "Journey of Excellence Program." This

will boost the tangible outcome by increasing the number of lives directly impacted.

Your investment in TLA will assure the continued growth of our program. Growth

that will increase the number of strong leaders available for future hire in the

corporate, social, educational, and not-for-profit sectors- and, growth that will

increase the number of "Men and Women of Influence" willing and equipped to be

"impact players" in their communities as husbands, fathers, mothers, wives,

coaches, and volunteers. The "Journey of Excellence" was designed for impact by

increasing our number of "World Changers." Family-Community-Abroad.

Why is YOUR investment important?

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Amber → Littlestown High School → 2014“During my sophomore year of High School I was o ered a scholarship to join a program that essentially changed my life forever. TLA not only trained me for volleyball season but guided me in seeking the plan for my life. Through the pro of overcoming I am now capable of accessing my God-given talents and opportunities. I’ve even been blessed to serve in foreign countries.”

Jordan → Northern High School → 2012“There are no words for the impact that TLA has made on my life. Leading on the frontlines, I understand that my form of leadership on my college baseball team comes from my willingness to do the small jobs with a smile on my face and joy in my heart to serve my team. Because of TLA, I not only redefined my personal leadership style in High School, but I have taken that leadership style onto the ball field at Eastern University by being named a team as a sophomore; into the classroom, and the relationships that I have every day.”

Living ProofWhy we should be encouraged.

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Haley. . . Spring Grove High School - 2014A champion is not just the winner of a game. A champion is someone who looks past the results because they gave it 110% and focused on only what they could control. A champion celebrates the moments when they succeed and are thankful for the moments they fail because they know that it gives them the opportunity to grow. A champion is team-oriented and leads by example. A champion has both self-con dence and God-con dence.

I feel that this definition of a champion sums up the person I am becoming and the person I am striving to become. The Power of One: chool vs. chool

ournament taught me the importance of finding your “DreamTeam;” those people who are willing to chase a dream with you. Also, it showed that by combining everyone’s talents, your team can become so much more than you could have ever been as a single individual-The Power of One. Camp strength was the first time I realized that the journey is where you will grow and have the most fun because the results won’t always be in your favor.

In the future, I plan to take the various things I’ve learned from these events and workshops to my school, more particularly the Power of One Club. Within the club, I hope to plan more community outreach events and have our own Camp Strength next summer. I also plan to take these things to my sports teams to help create a positive training environment that includes encouraging good decision making. Additionally, I plan to take a more active role in my church's youth ministry.

“Achieving a dream is about more than what you accomplish. It is about who you become in the process.” (Put your Dream to the Test-Maxwell)

One Life. One Journey. One Champion. One Leader.

Laken → South Western High School → 2013“TLA was truly a blessing in my life when I needed it the most. e friendships, the physical and mental development, and all the life lessons learned while I was in the program bettered me as a player, but more importantly, a better person off the field and in the hallways and on the frontlines of life. I will be forever grateful for what this program has done for me”.

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Your VIP ContributionHas a Powerful Ripple E ect

By Influencing today’s youth and making TLA's “Journey of Excellence” possible.

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Visit us on the web iadtlateam.com for details.

Lead by example with an E Champions

heart and mentality.

Your nancial Investment leaves a Legacy by

creating an environment conducive to developing


Your prayers o er foundational support to our

sta and program atheletes.




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When We join forces for a common cause . . .

When We encourage one another . . .

When We embrace the Power of One . . .

We need You.We become Men & Women of In uence.

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“Journey of Excellence ”

P.O. Box 1354 320 Maple Ave. Hanover PA. 17331 717.634.5317 www.iadtlateam.com

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P.O. Box 1354 320 Maple Ave. Hanover PA. 17331 / 717.634.5317 / www.iadtlateam.com