• Case-Based Reasoning https://store.theartofservice.com/the-case-based-reasoning- toolkit.html

Case-Based Reasoning

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Page 1: Case-Based Reasoning

• Case-Based Reasoning


Page 2: Case-Based Reasoning

Common Lisp Bibliography

1 Christopher K. Riesbeck, Roger C. Schank: Inside Case-Based

Reasoning, Lawrence Erlbaum, 1989, ISBN 0-89859-767-6


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Machine translation - Example-based

1 Example-based machine translation (EBMT) approach was proposed by Makoto Nagao in 1984. It is often

characterised by its use of a bilingual corpus as its main knowledge base,

at run-time. It is essentially a translation by analogy and can be viewed as an implementation of

case-based reasoning approach of machine learning.


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Case based reasoning

1 Case-based reasoning is a prominent kind of analogy



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Case based reasoning

1 It has been argued that case-based reasoning is not only a powerful

method for computer reasoning, but also a pervasive behavior in

everyday human problem solving; or, more radically, that all reasoning

is based on past cases personally experienced. This view is related to

prototype theory, which is most deeply explored in cognitive science.


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Case based reasoning - Process

1 Case-based reasoning has been formalized for purposes of computer

reasoning as a four-step process:Agnar Aamodt and Enric

Plaza, Case-Based Reasoning: Foundational Issues, Methodological Variations, and System Approaches,

Artificial Intelligence Communications 7 (1994): 1, 39-52.


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Case based reasoning - History

1 Other schools of CBR and closely allied fields emerged in the 1980s, which directed at topics

such as legal reasoning, memory-based reasoning (a way of reasoning from examples

on massively parallel machines), and combinations of CBR with other reasoning

methods. In the 1990s, interest in CBR grew internationally, as evidenced by the

establishment of an International Conference on Case-Based Reasoning in 1995, as well as

European, German, British, Italian, and other CBR workshops.


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Case based reasoning - History

1 CBR technology has resulted in the deployment of a number of

successful systems, the earliest being Lockheed's CLAVIER,Bill Mark, Case-Based Reasoning for Autoclave

Management, Proceedings of the Case-Based Reasoning Workshop



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Explanation based learning

1 'Explanation-based learning (EBL)' is a form of machine learning that exploits a very strong, or even perfect, domain theory to make generalizations or form concepts

from training examples.Special Issue on Explanation in Case-Based



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Computational creativity - Poetry

1 Nonetheless, Pablo Gervás has developed a noteworthy system

called ASPERA that employs a case-based reasoning (CBR) approach to generating poetic formulations of a

given input text via a composition of poetic fragments that are retrieved from a case-base of existing poems


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Bionics - Methods

1 The conscious copying of examples and mechanisms from natural

organisms and ecologies is a form of applied case-based reasoning,

treating nature itself as a database of solutions that already work.

Proponents argue that the selective pressure placed on all life|natural life

forms minimizes and removes failures.


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Eduardo Reck Miranda - Samples of published conference papers

1 *Martins, J. P. M., Pereira, F., Miranda, E. R. and Cardoso, A. (2004). Enhancing Sound Design with Conceptual Blending of Sound Descriptors, Proceedings of the

Workshop on Computational Creativity (CC'04) - European Conference on Case-Based

Reasoning (ECCBR), Technical Report 142-04, pp.243–255, Universidad Complutense de Madrid (Spain).


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Applied ethics - Modern approach

1 One modern approach which attempts to overcome the seemingly

impossible divide between deontology and utilitarianism (of which the divide is caused by the opposite takings of an absolute

morality|absolute and Moral relativism|relativist moral view) is

case-based reasoning, also known as casuistry


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Inductive reasoning - Argument from analogy

1 Analogical reasoning is very frequent in common sense, science,

philosophy and the humanities, but sometimes it is accepted only as an

auxiliary method. A refined approach is case-based reasoning. For more

information on inferences by analogy, see


analogy.pdf Juthe, 2005].https://store.theartofservice.com/the-case-based-reasoning-toolkit.html

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Probabilistic logic - Historical context

1 There was a particularly strong interest starting in the 12th century, with the work of the Scholastics, with the invention of the half-proof (so that two half-proofs are

sufficient to prove guilt), the elucidation of moral certainty (sufficient certainty to act upon, but short of

absolute certainty), the development of Catholic probabilism (the idea that it is always safe to follow the established rules of doctrine or the opinion of experts,

even when they are less probable), the case-based reasoning of casuistry, and the scandal of Laxism (whereby probabilism was used to give support to

almost any statement at all, it being possible to find an expert opinion in support of almost any proposition.).


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Defeasible reasoning - Specificity

1 Defeasible reasoning accounts of precedent (stare decisis and case-based reasoning) also make use of specificity (e.g., Joseph Raz and the

work of Kevin D


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Common law - History

1 The form of reasoning used in common law is known as casuistry or case-based reasoning


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Software development effort estimation - History

1 Since then a high number of model building approaches have been evaluated, such as

approaches founded on case-based reasoning, classification and regression trees, simulation,

neural networks, Bayesian statistics, lexical analysis of requirement specifications, genetic programming, linear programming, economic production models, soft computing, fuzzy logic

modeling, statistical bootstrapping, and combinations of two or more of these models


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Craig Larman - Biography

1 His education and background are in the fields of object-oriented

programming, artificial intelligence, and case-based reasoning


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Case analysis - Connections with logical principles

1 Deductive logic is applied to reducing the number of cases; see case-based reasoning.


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Ethical dilemma - Responses to the arguments

1 See also case-based reasoning on this



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Playlist - Playlist generation

1 Since, many other techniques were proposed, such as case-

based reasoning.


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Mark Keane

1 Advances in the Psychology of Thinking (1992, with [http://psydb.herts.ac.uk/staff_list/ Ken

Gilhooly]), Novice Programming Environments (1992, with [http://kmi.open.ac.uk/people/marc/ Marc Eisenstadt] and Tim Rajan), Advances in

Case-Based Reasoning (1995, with [http://www.loria.fr/~jph/Page%20JPH-

English.html J-P Haton] and [http://www.linkedin.com/profile?

authType=nameauthToken=jcDaviewProfile=key=8546457 Michel Manago]).


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Case report - Roles in research and education

1 Case reports can also play a relevant role in medical education, providing a structure for Case-based reasoning|

case-based learning.


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Artificial intelligence and law

1 There are related conferences, including JURIX (the Dutch Legal

Informatics group), and researchers whose principal concerns are legal

expert systems, multiagent systems, ontologies, defeasible reasoning,

deontic logic, case-based reasoning, and social philosophy


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Ostensive definition

1 Ostensive definitions rely on an analogy|analogical or case-based reasoning by the subject they are

intended to.


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Jaime Carbonell - Research

1 Carbonell’s major scientific accomplishments include the Creation of MMR (Maximal

Marginal Relevance) technology for text summarization and informational novelty detection in search engines, Invention of Transformational Analogy, a generalized

method for Case-Based Reasoning (CBR) to re-use, modify and compose past successful plans for increasingly complex problems and

Knowledge-based interlingual machine translation


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Leslie L. Dan Pharmacy Building - Academics and curricula

1 At the University of Toronto, pharmacy students are already being trained for

diagnosis and prescribing rights through problem-based learning|problem-based,

experiential learning|experiential and student-directed teaching|student-directed

approaches to common ailments, case-based reasoning|case-based and critical thinking|

critical reasoning skills and other coursework in pathophysiology, clinical biochemistry and

pharmaceutical care
