Location: San Diego, California Situation: The Casa Del Prado and Casa Del Prado Theatre, located in world-renown Balboa Park and more than a century old, experienced failing roof drain systems. The city wanted the drain systems repaired, but not at the expense of damaging the historical buildings. Solution: Nu Flow used our Pull-in-Place liner to rehabilitate the cast iron roof drain pipes on both buildings. Nu Drain is a long-term solution against drain pipe failures. Nu Flow technicians worked in unison with other roong contractors during the buildings’ renovations, without causing any disruptions.  Wh e r e l i f e in t e r a cts w i t h inf r a s tru c t u r e . North America: 1-800-834-9597 | International: 1-905-433-5510 info@nuowtech.com | www.nuowtech.com p/n 602 v1 Casa Del Prado: Roof Drain Systems Rehabilitation

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7/31/2019 Casa Del Prado - Print Quality

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Location: San Diego, California

Situation:The Casa Del Prado and Casa Del Prado Theatre, located

in world-renown Balboa Park and more than a century old,

experienced failing roof drain systems. The city wanted the

drain systems repaired, but not at the expense of damaging

the historical buildings.

Solution:Nu Flow used our Pull-in-Place liner to rehabilitate the cast iron

roof drain pipes on both buildings. Nu Drain is a long-term

solution against drain pipe failures. Nu Flow technicians worked

in unison with other roong contractors during the buildings

renovations, without causing any disruptions.

 Whe r e l i f e i n t e r a c t s w i t h i n f r a s t r u c t u r e .

North America: 1-800-834-9597 | International: 1-905-433-5510

[email protected] | www.nuowtech.comp/n 602 v1

Casa Del Prado: Roof Drain Systems Rehabilitation