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Biblioteca Municipal "Radu Rosetti" One ti C r i n limba englez oct. 2011Titlu15 Young Romanian Poets: an anthology of verse 400 de cntece, poezii i scenete hazlii pentru copii: antologie tematic , pentru lectur , memorizare i interpretare, la clasele I-VIII A Concise History Romania A Course in Contemporary Romanian: an introduction to the study of romanian A Course in Contemporary Romanian: an introduction to the study of romanian (for foreign students)

Nr. Crt. Autor 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

Localitate Editura Bucure ti Editura Eminescu Ia i Londra Por ile Orientului

An 1982 2003 1985 1969 1980 -1987 1976 1994 2002 1994 2004 2006 2002 1994 1989 1976 1989 1982 1997 1995 1996 1984 s. a.

Robert Hale Editura Didactic Bucure ti i Pedagogic Editura Didactic Bucure ti i Pedagogic The Belknap Press University Press Cambridge University Press The Belknap Press of Harvard University Press Harper Collins Publishers New Readers Press

A History of Private Life .- vol. 1: From Pagan Rome Cambridge of Harvard to Byzantium A History of The Ottoman Empire to 1730 A History of Woman in the West .- vol. 1: From Ancient Goddesses to Christian Saints

New York Cambridge

A Moment on the Edge: 100 years of crime stories by New York women About alcohol and other drugs Accesul la informa iile de interes public n Romnia: culegere selectiv de cazuri .- vol. 1 Accesul la informa iile de interes public n Romnia: culegere selectiv de cazuri .- vol. 2: = Access to Information of Public Interest in Romania: Selected Cases Adobe Acrobat 5.0 African art Aivazovsky Al III-lea congres na ional de endocrinologie: Rapoarte, comunic ri Alyonushka: Russian folk tales America From the Road Ancient Monuments & Historical Sites Antologia science-fiction Nemira '95 = Romanian SF Anthology Nemira '95 Antologia science-fiction Nemira '96 = Romanian SF Anthology Nemira '96 Armenian Miniatures of the 13th and 14th Centuries from the Matenadaran Collection Yerevan Art in Tuscany Arta fotografic n Romnia = Photographic Art in Rumania = L'Art Photographique en Roumanie = Die Lichtbildkunst in Rumanien = Iskusstvo fotografii v Rumbinii

New York

Bucure ti APADOR-CH Bucure ti APADOR-CH Bucure ti Teora London Svyat Publishers Aurora Art Leningrad Publishers Bucure ti [s.n.] Moscova Raduga Pleasanville Reader's Digest Brockhampton London Press Bucure ti Nemira Bucure ti Nemira Leningrad Floren a Aurora Art Publishers [s.n.]

12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23

24Arta fotografic n Romnia = Photographic Art in Rumania = L'Art Photographique en Roumanie =Iskusstvo fotografii v Rumbinii = Die Lichtbildkunst in Rumanien Atlas de anatomie a p s rilor domestice = Atlas d'anatomie des oiseaux domestiques = Anatomical Atlas of Domestic Birds = Anatomiceskii atlas doma nih pti Atlasul etnografic romn .- vol. 3 Auschwitz: la memoria educante: Installazioni ed allestimento degli elaborati eseguiti dagli studenti della classe 1-a B.S.C. Australians Have a Word for It: Short Stories from Down Under Balade populare romne ti = Romanian Popular Ballads Berlin Diaries, 1940-1945: Marie Vassiltchikov

Secretariatul Asocia iei Bucure ti Arti tilor Fotografi din Republica Socialist Romnia Bucure ti Meridiane Editura Academiei Bucure ti Republicii Socialiste Romnia Bucure ti Editura Academiei Romne




1976 2008 1998 1964 1980 1987

26 27 28 29 30 31

Montecatini Terzo Millennio Terme Berlin Seven Seas Publishers

Bucure ti Minerva New York Alfred A. Knopf

Page 1

Sheet1Bhagavad-Gita As It Is

32 33 34 35

Los Angeles Londra ClujNapoca Bucure ti

The Bhaktivedanta Book Trust Tophi Books Limes

1972 1988 2004 1966 2000 2007 [s.a.] 1990 2002 1998 1999 1984 1994 1990 2007 1984 1983 [s.a.] 2002 1966

Bible Dictionary Biblie i multiculturalitate: Dinamica grani elor culturale ale Europei determinat de traducerea i circula ia textului sacru Biographies of Great Men

Calendarul Solia 2001: An Annual Almanac

36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51Cartea xilofon a lui Winnie = Pooh's Xylophone Book Castelul Bran n Transilvania lui Dracula = Bran Castle in Dracula's Transylvania = ... Cnta i cu noi: Cntece i poezii pentru elevi: n limbile francez i englez Centre Stage: [a collection of poems] Chi in u = Chisinau = Kisineu: Souvenir Book Cic ni te cronicari duceau lips de alvari Clara Birch: [roman]

Editura Didactic i Pedagogic Romanian Grass Lake, Orthodox Michigan Episcopate of America Bucure ti Egmont Italia Oradea Peterborou gh Chi in u Bucure ti New York Kina [s.n.] Spotlight Poets

Litera Universal Dalsi Grove Press Tiger Books Classical Composers Londra International Aurora Art Claude Monet: paintings in soviet museums Leningrad Publishers Peterborou Cock-o-doodle Noodle ... and other family favourites Forward Press gh University of Collected Ancient Greek Novels Berkeley California Press Colonial Williamsburg Official Guidebook & Map Virginia Williamsburg Colour-glazed pottery statuette China [s.n.]Come Along: Curs practic de limba englez : nivel mediu Concepts in science Contemporaries of Marco Polo: Consisting of the Travel Record to the Eastern Parts of the World of William of Rubruck [1253-1255]; The Journey of John of Pian de Carpini [1245-1247]; The Journal of Friar Odoric [1318-1330] & The Oriental Travels of Rabb Coresponden de afaceri n limbile romn i englez Culoarul Ruc r - Bran = Ruc r - Bran Corridor = Couloir de Ruc r - Bran: Romnia Cuvinte compuse = Compound words De via , de moarte, de lume... = Of life, of death, of the world...: (Haiku - Tanka) Delta Dun rii = The Danube Delta = Le Delta du Danube: Romnia Dialectics - system - science: [studii]

Bucure ti New York

Editura Funda iei Romnia de Mine Harcourt, Brace & World, Inc.

New York Dorset Press


52 53 54 55 56 57

Bucure ti Teora Bucure ti Ad Libri Bucure ti Aramis Bac u Corgal Press

1998 2002 1999 2000 2002 1981 1995 1997 1986 1979

Bucure ti Ad Libri Editura Academiei Bucure ti Republicii Socialiste Romnia Brockhampton Press Brockhampton Londra Press Marshall Michigan Pickering/Eerdman s Londra New York American Heritage Kiev

58 59 60 61 62 63Dictionary of Art Dictionary of Design Discovering the Bible: Archaeologists Look at Scripture Discovery of Lost Worlds Doi coco ei = Two chanticleers: cntece populare pentru copii i o poveste din Ucraina Drawings by Michelangelo, Raphael & Leonardo and their Contemporaries

64 65Eight Great American Short Novels

Veselka, Editura 1978 Ion Creang The Queen's 1972London Gallery, 1973 Buckingham Palace Berkley Publishing New York 1963 Corporation

Page 2


London Bucure ti Bucure ti Bucure ti Constan a

66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89

Engleza cu "lipici": A venit vacan a! Engleza cu "lipici": Hai la mas ! Engleza cu "lipici": n jurul casei Engleza n imagini pentru cei mici Engleza pentru economie: Business and Economics: [Metod Larousse] Enjoyng music Eternal and Fascinating Romania Even more Bone - Chilling Tales of Fright Even More Poems to Enjoy Every Four Years Experiencing Music Extrase de texte n limba englez : [dou p r i] .- vol. 1 Extrase de texte n limba englez : [dou p r i] .- vol. 2 Femeia n proverbele i cuget rile lumii Florile dalbe: cntece i colinde pentru Cr ciun FMR [Franco Maria Ricci]: America Focus on Britain Focus on Local Elections 2000 Four of a Kind French Still Lifes: 19th and 20th Centuries From Jesus to Christ: The Origins of the New Testament: Images of Jesus Frumoasa-frumoaselor i bestia = The Beauty and the Beast Funda ia pentru o societate deschis Romnia: Raport anual 1998 = Open Society Foundation Romania: Annual Report 1998 Galeria Na ional : Sec ia de art modern i contemporan = La Galerie Nationale: La Section d'art moderne et contemporain = The Romanian National Gallery ... Gems of Chinese Poetry: from "The Book of Songs" to the Present German Drawings: Masterpieces from Five Centuries: A Loan exibitions Sponsored by The Federal Republic of Germany and Circulated by Smithsonian Institution Glosar de terminologie privind proprietatea intelectual ( proprietate industrial , drepturi de autor i drepturi conexe ) = Terminology Glossary on Intelectual Property ( industrial property, copiyright & related rights ) Gr dina botanic din Bucure ti

Foreign & Commonwealth Office RAO pentru copii RAO pentru copii RAO pentru copii Steaua Nordului American Book Company Groupe Saintonge Lowell House Juvenile Macmillan [s.n] American Book Company Universitatea Mihai Eminescu Universitatea Mihai Eminescu Albatros Elis Franco Maria Ricci Foreign & Commonwealth Office Asocia ia Pro Democra ia Collectors Publications Aurora Art Publishers Yale University Press

2000 2004 2004 2004 2009 2000 1970 1997 1996 1999 1980 1970 1991 1991 1975 [s.a] 1985 2000 2000 [s.a] 1988 1988 [s.a] 1998

Bucure ti Teora New York Paris Los Angeles London New York New York Boto ani Boto ani Bucure ti Bucure ti USA London Bucure ti [s.l] Leningrad New Haven

Bucure ti Junior s. l. S. n.

Bucure ti Meridiane Shenyang New York Liaoning University Press Smithsonian Institution

1965 [s.a.] 19551956

90 91


Bucure ti [s.n.]

[2003?] 1982 1994 [1983] 2002 2002 2002 2002 2002 2002 2002

93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103

Bucure ti Sport-Turism Tiger Books Great Artists Londra International Greece '83: [a year book] [s.l.] [s.n.] Grolier Grolier: Encyclopedia of Knowledge .- vol. 1: A-Ann [s.l.] International Grolier Grolier: Encyclopedia of Knowledge .- vol. 10: I-J [s.l.] International Grolier Grolier: Encyclopedia of Knowledge .- vol. 11: K-L [s.l.] International Grolier: Encyclopedia of Knowledge .- vol. 12: MGrolier [s.l.] Moc International Grolier: Encyclopedia of Knowledge .- vol. 13: ModGrolier [s.l.] Nuc International Grolier: Encyclopedia of Knowledge .- vol. 14: NueGrolier [s.l.] Pia International Grolier: Encyclopedia of Knowledge .- vol. 15: PicGrolier [s.l.] Ree International Page 3

Sheet1 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124Grolier: Encyclopedia of Knowledge .- vol. 16: RefSev Grolier: Encyclopedia of Knowledge .- vol. 17: SewSud Grolier: Encyclopedia of Knowledge .- vol. 18: SueUng Grolier: Encyclopedia of Knowledge .- vol. 19: UniWoo Grolier: Encyclopedia of Knowledge .- vol. 2: AnoBas Grolier: Encyclopedia of Knowledge .- vol. 20: WrZyg Grolier: Encyclopedia of Knowledge .- vol. 3: BatByz Grolier: Encyclopedia of Knowledge .- vol. 4: C-Cit Grolier: Encyclopedia of Knowledge .- vol. 5: CiuDam Grolier: Encyclopedia of Knowledge .- vol. 6: DanEle Grolier: Encyclopedia of Knowledge .- vol. 7: ElfFor Grolier: Encyclopedia of Knowledge .- vol. 8: FosGra Grolier: Encyclopedia of Knowledge .- vol. 9: GreHys Grolier: New Webster's Dictionary .- vol. 1: A-P Grolier: New Webster's Dictionary .- vol. 2: Q-Z Henry James: A Collection of Critical Essays

[s.l.] [s.l.] [s.l.] [s.l.] [s.l.] [s.l.] [s.l.] [s.l.] [s.l.] [s.l.] [s.l.] [s.l.] [s.l.] [s.l.] [s.l.]

Englewood Prentice Hall Press Cliffs

Grolier International Grolier International Grolier International Grolier International Grolier International Grolier International Grolier International Grolier International Grolier International Grolier International Grolier International Grolier International Grolier International Grolier International Grolier International

2002 2002 2002 2002 2002 2002 2002 2002 2002 2002 2002 2002 2002 2002 2002 1963 1989 1989 2005 1979 1989

Hidden from History: Reclaiming the Gay & Lesbian New York NAL Books Past Hidden from History: Reclaiming the Gay and New York Meridian Books Lesbian Past Holiday Time = A venit vacan a!: carte interactiv cu Bucure ti Egmont CD How to Interpret Your Dreams: psychologists and students of the dream explain what lies behind your New York Reader's Digest images I Ching Mandalas: A Program of Study for The Book Boston Shambhala of Changes


126 127 128 129 130 131 132

Bureau of Educational and If You Want to Study in the United States .- book 1: [s.l.] Cultural Affairs Undergraduated Study U.S. Department of State Bureau of If You Want to Study in the United States .- book 4: Educational and Getting Ready to go: Practical Information for [s.l.] Cultural Affairs Living and Studying in the United States U.S. Department of State United Nation In Larger Freedom: Towards Developement, Security and Human Rights for All: Report of the SecretaryBucure ti Department of General Public Information Ion Bi an; Ion Gheorghiu; Boris Caragea [s.l.] [s.n.]It's My Birthday = E Ziua Mea!: carte interactiv cu CD Ivan Turgenev: Literary Reminiscences and Autobiographical Fragments Kitchens and Bathrooms La fin de la premiere guerre mondiale et la nouvelle architecture geopolitique europeenne Ladies' Own Erotica: Thales, Recipes, and Other Mischiefs by Older Women



2005 [s.a.] 2005 1968 1981 2000

Bucure ti Egmont New York Minerva Press AlexandriaTime-Life Books Virginia Presses ClujNapoca Universitaires de Cluj Ten Speed Press, Berkeley The Kensington Ladies' Erotica Society Moscova Russky Yazyk Bucure ti Egmont Bucure ti Egmont

1984 1988 2006 2006

133 134 135 136Learning to Read Russian: A Teach-Yourself Book for Schoolchildren Let's Eat = Hai la mas !: carte interactiv cu CD Let's Get Dressed! = Cum ne mbr c m: carte interactiv cu CD

Page 4

Sheet1 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149Let's Go to School = La coal !: carte interactiv cu CD Let's Play! = Hai la joac !: carte interactiv cu CD Limba englez . Limba francez : subiectele pentru bacalaureat - oral - rezolvate i explicate Limba englez . Limba francez : subiectele pentru bacalaureat - oral - rezolvate i explicate Limba englez . Limba francez . Limba german : subiectele pentru bacalaureat - oral - rezolvate i explicate Macmillan English Dictionary: for advanced learners Merriam-Webster's Encyclopedia of Literature Modern English Authors Modern French Masters: The Impressionists Modern Prose Monkey see, monkey do ... Muzeul satului = Dorfmuseum = Museo del Villaggio = Village Museum = Le Musee du village: [ghid] Neighborhoods

Bucure ti Egmont Bucure ti Egmont Bra ov Bra ov Bra ov Oxford Springfield Frankfurt am Main New York New York Coleraine [s.l.] Orlando Aula Aula Aula Macmillan

2006 2006 2001 2001 [2005?] 2002

Merriam-Webster 1995 Hirschgraben 1956 Verlag Jupiter Art Library [1970] E. P. Dutton [s.a.] Sure Start 2004 KINA Italia [2003] 1986 2004

Nontraditional Immigrants in Kyiv

150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158O capodoper a baladei romne ti "Toma Alimo " On the Move = n mi care: carte interactiv cu CD Pathway to English: English Portofolio: Student's Book Grade 8 Patricia deseneaz : c rticic de colorat pentru copila ii de 3-6 ani ori Povestiri cu haz = Funny stories Rain and Shine = Anotimpurile: carte interactiv cu CD Reader's Digest North American Wildlife Reise um die Welt

HBJ Publishers Woodrow Wilson Washington International Center for DC Scholars, Kennan Institute Bucure ti Minerva Bucure ti Egmont Oxford University Oxford Press Bucure ti Credo 2002 Bucure ti Junior Bucure ti Egmont Pleasantville Reader's Digest Stuttgart

1989 2005 1999 [200?] [s.a.] 2005 1982 cop 1969 [1986] [1973] 1989 1971 1983 2003 2005 1991 1994 1999 1981 1976 1994 1994 1994 1994

159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174

Verlag Das Beste American Los Romanian Romanian Artists in the West Angeles Academy of Arts and Sciences Scenic Wonders of America: [An Illustrated Guide to Pleasantville Reader's Digest our Natural Splendors]Science Secret Societes Secret Talents: [roman] Singular Destinies: Contemporary Poets of Bessarabia Sistemul penitenciar din Romnia 1995-2004 = The Penitentiary System in Romania 1995-2004 The American Heritage Dictionary

Morristown , NJ New York New York

Siver Burdett&Ginn Collier Books Grove Press

Chi in u Cartier Bucure ti APADOR-CH Boston

Houghton Mifflin Company The Art Book London Phaidon Foreig & The Arts in Britain London Commonwealth Office London The Best of Smithsonian: An Anthology of the First Smithsonian Washington Decade of Smithsonian Magazine Exposition Books The Biochemic Handbook St. Louis FormurThe Book of Art: a pictorial encyclopedia of painting drawing and sculpture .- vol. 1: Origins of Western Art The Book of Art: a pictorial encyclopedia of painting drawing and sculpture .- vol. 10: How to Look at Art The Book of Art: a pictorial encyclopedia of painting drawing and sculpture .- vol. 2: Italian art to 1850 The Book of Art: a pictorial encyclopedia of painting drawing and sculpture .- vol. 3: Flemish and Dutch Art

Londra Londra Londra Londra

Grolier Grolier Grolier Grolier

Page 5

Sheet1The Book of Art: a pictorial encyclopedia of painting drawing and sculpture .- vol. 4: German and Spanish Londra Art The Book of Art: a pictorial encyclopedia of painting drawing and sculpture .- vol. 5: French Art from Londra 1350 to 1850 The Book of Art: a pictorial encyclopedia of painting drawing and sculpture .- vol. 6: British and North Londra American Art to 1900 The Book of Art: a pictorial encyclopedia of painting drawing and sculpture .- vol. 7: Impressionists and Londra Post-Impressionists The Book of Art: a pictorial encyclopedia of painting drawing and sculpture .- vol. 8: Modern Art from Londra Fauvism to Abstract Expressionism The Book of Art: a pictorial encyclopedia of painting drawing and sculpture .- vol. 9: Chinese and Londra Japanese Art The Book of J New York The Book of Job Londra The Cambridge Encyclopedia of Earth Sciences

175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182

Grolier Grolier Grolier Grolier Grolier Grolier

1994 1994 1994 1994 1994 1994 1982 1987 1981 1996 1993 1994 1961 1987 1991 1997 1983 1979 1972 1990 1975 1979 1986

183 184 185 186 187 188 189The Dictionary of Global Culture The Cambridge Illustrated History of Archaeology The Complete Parallel Bible: Containing the Old and New Testaments with the Apocryphal/ Deuterocanonical Books The Complete Watercolour Artist: Materials. Tehniques. Colour Theory. Composition. Style. Subject The Counterfeit Lady Unveiled and Other Criminal Fiction of Seventeenth-century England The Dangerous Game of Falsifying History: Studies and Articles The Dead Sea Scrolls: After Forty Years

Grove Weidenfeld Kyle Cathie Cambridge New York University Press, Crown Publishers Inc. Cambridge New York University Press Oxford University New York Press Londra Tiger Books International

New York Anchor Editura tiin ific i Enciclopedic Biblical Washington Archaeology , DC Society Quality Paperback New York Book Club Bucure ti British Home Stores New York Bantam Book Wm. Collins Sons London & Co Aurora Art Leningrad Publishers Oxford University New York Press Londra New York Hill and Wang National Washington Geographic Society Editura Academiei Bucure ti Republicii Socialiste Romnia New York Collier Books Macmillan Oxford Heinemann HarperSanFrancisc o New York Clarendon Press Frederick Ungar New York Publishing Thomas Nelson Nashville Publishers New York Oxford University Press New York Viking New York

190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197The Independence of Romania: Selected Bibliography The Dog: the Breeds, the Care and the Training The Fannie Farmer Cookbook The Fourth Armada Ghost Book The Great Palace of the Moscow Kremlin The Historical Essays of Otto Hintze The Illustrated Origin of Species by Charles Darwin The Incredible Machine

1980 1986 1996 1996 1990 1996 1984 1975 1985 1990

198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207

The Koran Interpreted The Land of Morning Calm and Other Stories

The Landmark Thucydides: A Comprehensive Guide New York The Free Press to the Peloponnesian War The Nag Hammadi Library in English The New Fowler's Modern English Usage The New Testament: in Literary Criticism The Open Bible: Edition with Verse Translation and Cross-Reference, Cyclopedic Index, Christian Life outlines and Study Notes The Oxford Book of Military Anecdotes The Penguin Book of lies

Page 6

Sheet1 208The Portable Nietzsche The Rainbow Book Being a Collection of Essays & Illustrations Devoted to Rainbows in Particular & Spectral Sequences in General Focusing on the Meaning of Color(physically & metaphysically) from Ancient to Modern Times The Re-usable Past: a Reading of Colonial and Revolutionary America The Recognition of Edgar Allan Poe: Selected Criticism Since 1829 The Rhythms of Life The Shorter Strachey The Signet/Hammond World Atlas The Smithsonian Experience: Science-History-The Arts...The Treasures of the Nations The Southern Heritage: Just Desserts: Cookbook The Southern Heritage: Pies and Pastry: Cookbook The Southern Heritage: Sea and Stream: Cookbook The Southern Heritage: Sporting Scene: Cookbook The Southern Heritage: Vegetables: Cookbook The Tibetan Book Of The Dead: The Great Liberation through Hearing in the Bardo The Times Atlas of World History


Penguin Books

1968 1975

209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 Abbs, Brian 234 235 Achebe, Chinua Ackrill, J. L. 236 237 Adkins, Lesley 238 Adkins, Lesley 239 Adler, Bill 240 Adrienne

The Fine Arts San Museums, Francisco Shambhala Bucure ti Michigan Editura Funda iei Romnia de Mine

2001 1970 1982 1980 1978 1977 1984 1984 1984 1985 1983 1992 1979 2007 1995 2007 1986 1990 1981 1982 1984 1997 1994 1984 1997 1992 1981 1996 1994 1981 1978 1989 1962 1997 1999 1997 2003 1985 1958

University of Michigan Press Crown Publishers New York Inc. Oxford University Oxford Press New York Signet Smithsonian Washington Institution Birmingham Oxmoor House Birmingham Oxmoor House Birmingham Oxmoor House Birmingham Oxmoor House Birmingham Oxmoor House Boston Shambhala

Maplewood Hammond

The Town of Onesti: a Window Opened to the Entire One ti Magic Print World Time annual 1994: The Year in Review by the New York Time Books Editors of Time Twisting Fate University of Chicago Readings in Western Civilization .- vol. 1: The Greek Polis Warfare in the Ancient World Ways of Reading the Bible Who Was Who in the Greek World Who Was Who in the Roman World Why Ducks Sleep On One Leg and Other Stories Women in The Classical World: Image and Text Zolar's Encyclopedia of Ancient and Forbidden Knowledge

Peterborou Forward Press gh University of Chicago Chicago Press New York Facts on File Barnes & Noble, Totowa The Harvester Press Cornell University New York Press Washington New York Square Press Macmillan Oxford Heinemann Oxford University New York Press New York Arco Publishing Edinburgh Longman Heinemann ELT Oxford University Oxford Press New York Facts On File New York Facts on File New York Leisure Books Flammarion Raduga Pocket Books Houghton Mifflin Company Heinemann ELT Macmillan Harlequin Books Multnomah Penguin Books Oxford

Splash!: Manual de limba englez pentru clasa a III-a No longer at ease: [roman] Aristotle the Philosopher

Aitmatov, Cinghiz 241 242 Albee, Edward Alcock, Vivien 243 244 Alcott, Louisa May Alderson, Linda 245 246 Allen, Harper 247 248 Allen, Ronald B. Allen, Walter

Dictionary of Roman Religion Handbook to Life in Ancient Rome Positions : [roman] The Gimmick: Spoken American and English Paris .- vol. 3 Piebald dog running along the shore: Moscow [roman] Who's Afraid of Virginia Wolf? New York Boston The Haunting of Cassie Palmer: [Roman] (S.U.A.) Good Wives: [Novel] Oxford International english: English for the IGCSE Oxford as a Second Language Examination Covert cowboy: [roman] Toronto Lord of Song: The Messian revealed in the Portland Psalms Harmondsw The English Novel orth Page 7

Sheet1 249 Allyne, Kerry Amadi, Elechi 250 251 Amann, Per Amarandei, Lucia 252 Ambrose, Stephen E. 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 Ammianus Marcellinus Andersen, Uell Stanley Andreescu, Gabriel Andrei, Lumini a Andrews, Lyn Andrews, Virginia Andrews, Virginia Anghel, Paul 261 262 Anonymous 263 Anonymous Anselm De Cantebury 264 265 Apostol, Ion West of the Waminda The great ponds: [roman] Paul Gauguin S geat n amurg = Arrow in twilight = Fleche en crepuscule Undounted Courage: Mariwether Lewis, Thomas Jefferson and The Opening of The American West The Later Roman Empire (A. D. 354-378) The Secret of Secrets T tarii din Romnia: teme identitare Pets Angels of Mercy Dawn: [roman] Flowers in the Attic: [novel] S pt mna patimilor: Ipotez dramatic de veac eroic moldav = Passion Week: A Dramatic Essay in Moldavia's Heroic age A Man with a Maid: [roman] A Man with a Maid: [roman] Basic Writings: Proslogium; Monologium; Cur Deus Homo; Gaunilo's In Behalf of the Fool Engleza prin exerci ii distractive The Age of Wonders The Forgotten: [roman] Smoke into flame: [novel] Encyclopedia of Bible Difficulties Muzeul Doftana Selected Letters Poezii = Poems The Ethics of Aristotle: The Nichomachean Ethics Rotterdam, de Stad en de Rivier An Unsuitable Wife: [novel] An Introduction to the Greek Theatre Dictionary of Nutrition Asimov's Chronology of the World Asimov's Guide to The Bible: The Old and New Testaments Book of Facts Exploring the Earth and the Cosmos: The Growth and Future of Human Knowledge The Living Thoughts of Kierkegaard The Portable Greek Reader Mimesis: The Representation of Reality in Western Literature Scenes from the Drama of European Literature: Six Essays Pride and Prejudice: [roman] Archery at the Dark of the Moon: Poetic Problems in Homer's Odysey Dezvolt ri complementare: Poe i critici americani din secolul al XX-lea Introduction to Poetics .- vol. 1 North American Literary History New York Harlequin Books Macmillan Oxford Heinemann San Diego Padre Publishers Deva New York Emia Simon and Schuster 1979 1992 1990 1999 1996 1986 1958 2005 1991 1998 2002 1993 1979 1968 1982 1990 1980 1983 1997 1976 1982 1968 1976 1983 1976 s. a. 1994 1961 1976 1991 1981 1981 1982 1974 1976 1957 1959 1993 1975 1994 1999 1993

Harmondsw Penguin Books orth Melvin Powers New York Wilshire Book Company Bucure ti APADOR-CH [s.l.] Pan-Terra Londra Headline Londra Pocket Books Harper Collins Londra Publishers Bucure ti Editura Eminescu New York Grove Press New York Grove Press La Sale Bucure ti New York New York New York Michigan Open Court Editura tiin ific i enciclopedic Washington Square Press Scholastic Inc Harlequin Books Zodervan Publishing House Meridiane

Appelfeld, Aharon 266 267 Applegate, K. A. 268 Arbor, Jane Archer, Gleason L. 269 270 Ardeleanu, Ion Aretino, Pietro 271 272 Arghezi, Tudor 273 Aristoteles

Bucure ti Harmondsw Penguin Books orth Bucure ti Minerva London Rotterdam Richmond New York New York New York Scriptum Topografie Mills & Boon Macmillan Pocket Books Harper Collins Publishers

Penguin Books

Arkel, Freek van 274 275 Armstrong, Lindsay 276 Arnott, Peter D. 277 Ashley, Richard 278 279 280 281 282 283 284 Asimov, Isaac Asimov, Isaac Asimov, Isaac Asimov, Isaac Auden, Wystan Hugh Auden, Wystan Hugh Auerbach, Erich

New York Avenel Books Bell Publishing Company Crown Publishers New York Inc. Bloomingto Indiana University n Press Harmondsw Penguin Books orth New York New York Anchor New York Meridian Books Heinemann ELT University of Berkeley California Press Editura Ia i Universit ii "A.I. Cuza" Ia i Institutul Editura Funda iei Ia i "Chemarea" Oxford

Auerbach, Erich 285 286 Austen, Jane 287 Austin, Norman Av danei, tefan 288 289 Av danei, tefan 290 Av danei, tefan

Page 8

Sheet1 291 292 Bacovia, George Axworthy, Mark Third Axis Fourth Ally: Romania Armed Forces in the European War, 1941-1945 Plumb = Lead Plumb = Plomb The Vivero Letter: [novel] The Dead Sea Scrolls Deception Girl's Best Friend The Kaiser and His Times The Coral Island: [roman] Londra Pite ti Arms and Armour Paralela 45 1995 1980 1998 [1970] 1991 2001 1972 [s.a] 1979 1979 1981 2000 1978 1973 2003 1983 1972 1959 1983 1992 2005 2003 2005 1983 1977 [1937] 1976 1951 [1999] 1992

Bucure ti Minerva Londra Fontana / Collins New York Summit Books [s.l.] Grolier Books Norton & New York Company Oxford Macmillan University of Chapel Hill North Carolina Press Cartea Bucure ti Romneasc Bucure ti Editura Tehnic Bucure ti Universal Dalsi Columbia University of Missouri Press Harlequin Books Aurora Art Publishers

Bacovia, George 293 294 Bagley, Desmond 295 Baigent, Michael 296 Balducci, Rita Balfour, Michael 297 298 Ballantyne, Robert M. 299

Balsdon, John Percy Vyvian Romans and Aliens Dacre Unicorn in the Looking Glass Petrolul = Petroleum Dic ionar interna ional de finan e: englez romn Infinite Jest: Wit and Humor in Italian Renaissance Art A Comentary on the Second Epistle to the Corinthians Cowboy PI Paul Cezanne: Paintings from the Museums of the Soviet Union: The Hermitage, Leningrad; The Pushkin Museum of Fine Arts, Moscow Chimera: [roman] Dogmatics in Outline What the Bible Really Says: Casting New Light on the Book of Books Hannibal's Campaigns: the story of one of the greatest military commanders of all time The Girl Who Owned a Bear = Feti a care avea un urs; The Magic Bon Bons = Bomboanele magice; The King of the Polar Bears = Regele ur ilor polari A Kidnapped Santa Claus = Mo Cr ciun a fost r pit!: [povestire] The Box of Robbers = Tlharii din cuf r; The Glass Dog = Cinele de sticl : [povestiri] The Wizard of Oz: [roman] Modern European Thought: Continuity and Change in Ideas, 1600-1950 La Peinture Francaise des Origines au XVI Siecle Head of Chancery La sculpture romane Elementary English Grammar English Grammar Family Album, U.S.A.: Ghidul serialului de televiziune: 26 de episoade The Galley at Lepanto Warfare in Feudal Europe: 730-1200 English for law: Limba englez pentru pregatirea i perfec ionarea studen ilor i absolven ilor facult ilor de drept The Chessmen of Doom The Curse of the Blue Figurine: [roman] The Caribbean Humboldt's Gift: [roman] Page 9

Baltag, Cezar 300 301 Banciu, Axente Sever 302 303 Bannock, Graham Barolsky, Paul

Barrett, Charles Kingsley 304 305 Barrett, Jean Barskaya, Anna 306 307 Barth, John 308 Barth, Karl 309 310 Barthel, Manfred Bath, Tony Baum, L. Frank 311 312 313 314 315 Bazin, Germain 316 317 Beaty, Betty 318 319 320 Beaulieu, Michele Beaumont, Digby Beaumont, Digby Baum, Lyman Frank Baumer, Franklin L. Baum, Lyman Frank Baum, Lyman Frank

New York Harper & Row Toronto Leningrad

New York Fawcett Crest New York Harper & Row New York Quill New York Barnes & Noble Pite ti Pite ti Pite ti Londra Paralela 45 Paralela 45 Paralela 45

Beckerman, Howard 321 322 323 Beeching, Jack Beeler, John

Cathay Books Limited Macmillan New York Publishing Co., Inc. Les Editions Paris Braun Toronto Harlequin Books Les Editions Paris Braun Macmillan Oxford Heinemann Macmillan Oxford Heinemann Maxwell Macmillan New York International Publishing Group, Univers Charles Scribner's New York Sons Cornell University Ithaca Press Bucure ti Lumina Lex New York Bantam New York Puffin The Globe Pequot Chester Press New York Avon Books


1983 1972 2004 1991 1983 1987 1976

Beizadea, Coziana Marina 324 325 Bellairs, John 326 Bellairs, John Bellamy, Frank 327 328 Bellow, Saul

Sheet1 329 Bellow, Saul 330 331 332 333 Bennett, Curtis Benediktson, D. Thomas Benjamin, Jessica Bennett, Curtis The Dean's December: [roman] Propertius : Modernist Poet of Antiquity New York Pocket Books Edwardsvill Southern Illinois e University Press 1983 1989

Benoit, Hubert 334 335 Benson, Raymond 336 Bercaru, Al. Berdjaev, Nikolaj 337 Aleksandrovic Berenson, Bernard 338 339 Bergin, Thomas G. 340 341 342 343 344 345 346 347 348 349 350 Berlin, Isaiah Besques-Mollard, Simone Besserman, Lawrence L. Besson, George Besson, George Besson, George Besson, George Besson, George Besson, George Besson, George Besson, George

The bonds of love: psychoanalysis, feminism, New York Pantheon Books [1988] and the problem of domination State University God as Form: Essays in Greek Theology Albany of New York 1976 Press State University of God as Form: Essays in Greek Theology Albany 1976 New York Press The Supreme Doctrine: Psychological Inner Traditions New York 1984 Encounters in Zen Thought Interna ional S nu mori azi: [roman] Bucure ti RAO 2003 Daddy, May I Ask You a Question? [s.l.] Editura Victor [s.a.] Dostoievsky Rudiments of Connoisseurship: study and criticism of italian art Boccaccio Londra Meridian Books 1974 1962

New York Schocken Books

Besson, George 351 352 Bianchin, Helen 353 Bielz, Iulius Bierce, Ambrose 354 355 356 357 358 359 360 361 362 363 Binchy, Maeve Binchy, Maeve Bird, Beverly Bishop, Carly Black, George Blackall, Eric A. Blackmur, R. P. Blake, William Blake, William

Blake, William 364 365 Blinov, Gennadi 366 Blixen, Karen 367 368 369 370 Bloom, Harold Blyton, Enid Bogdan, Maria Boller, Paul F. Jr.

New York Viking 1981 Harmondsw Personal Impressions Penguin Books 1982 orth Les Editions Tanagra Paris 1950 Braun Harvard University The Legend of Job in the Middle Ages Cambridge 1979 Press Les Editions Bonnard: 1867-1947 Paris 1939 Braun Les Editions Claude Monet: 1840-1926 Paris [1951] Braun Les Editions Johan-Bartold Jonkind: 1819-1891 Paris [s.a.] Braun Les Editions La Peinture Francaise au XIX Siecle .- vol. 1 Paris [s.a.] Braun Les Editions La Peinture Francaise au XIX Siecle .- vol. 2 Paris [s.a.] Braun Les Editions La Peinture Francaise au XIX Siecle .- vol. 3 Paris [s.a.] Braun Les Editions Matisse Paris [s.a.] Braun Les Editions Paul Signac: 1863-1935 Paris 1950 Braun Les Editions Sisley: 1839-1899 Paris 1954 Braun Dangerous Alliance: [novel] Richmond Mills & Boon 1994 Hans Hermann Bucure ti E.S.P.L.A. 1956 The Boarded Window; The Damned Thing: Pite ti Paralela 45 1999 [stories] = Fereastra b tut n scnduri; F ptura blestemat : [povestiri] Scarlet Feather: [novel] Londra Orion 2000 The Copper Beech Londra Orion 1993 A Man Without Love: [roman] Londra Silhouette 1998 No One but You: [roman] [s.l.] Harlequin Books 2001 The Trout Pool Paradox: The American Houghton Mifflin Boston 2004 Lives of three Rivers Company The Novels of The German Roman Cornell University Ithaca 1983 Romantics Press The Lion and the Honeycomb: essays in Londra Methuen 1956 Solicitude and Critique Institutul C r ile profetice: Cei patru Zoa Ia i 1998 European Cntece ale inocen ei i ale experien ei = Bucure ti RAO 2006 Songs of Innocence and of Experience The Marriage of Heaven and Hell = Pite ti Paralela 45 2005 C s toria Raiului cu Iadul Granny Hamro's Fairytales Moscova Raduga 1985 Winter's Tales New York Vintage Books 1970 The Gospel of Thomas: The Hidden Sayngs HarperSanFrancisc New York 1992 of Jesus o Brockhampton Go Ahead, Secret Seven London 1969 Press Editura Didactic Selected American Verse Bucure ti 1969 i Pedagogic Harmondsw Presidential Anecdotes Penguin Books 1982 orth Page 10

Sheet1 371 Bonsall, Crosby 372 Boone, Pat 373 Borowski, Tadeusz Bosing, Walter The Case of The Scaredy Cats A New Song This Way for The Gas Ladies and Gentlemen Hieronymus Bosch: Between Heaven and Hell Family Feud The Heart of Boswell: Six Journals in one volume John Calvin: A Sixteenth-Century Portrait The Kid Coach Julian the Apostate Dictionary of Shakespeare Rose: A Novel The Outlying temple A Hard Core of Wind: Inside the Lords The Mediterranean and the Mediterranean World in the Age of Philip II .- vol. 1 The Mediterranean and the Mediterranean World in the Age of Philip II .- vol. 2 Pe muchie de poem = On a Poem's Edge Koln New York McGraw-Hill Book Company Oxford University New York Press Atlanta Peachtree Harvard University Cambridge Press Hertfordshir Wordsworth e New York Random House ClujDacia Napoca Val Plubishing Surrey Limited Harper Colophon New York Books Harper Colophon New York Books Ateneul Bac u Scriitorilor New York New York Harper & Row Londra LakelandPenguin Books

1971 1975 1980 19941994

374 375 Boswell Barbara 376 Boswell, James

Benedikt Taschen

1981 1988 1997 1978 1990 1992 1975 1986 1976 1976 2008 2000 1986 1969 1987 1979 1977 2006 1970 1968 1993 1989 1945 1972 1978 1988 1961 1985 1979 1968cop 1970 1993 1999 1987 1988 1990 1992 1988 1979

Bouwsma, William J. 377 378 Bowen, Fred 379 Bowersock, Glen Warren

Boyce, Charles 380 381 Boyt, Rose 382 383 384 385 386 387 388 389 390 391 Brad, Ion Braham, Stuart Braudel, Fernand Braudel, Fernand Br neanu, Dumitru Brezianu, Andrei Brown, Judith C. Brown, Peter Browning, Robert Bruno, Schulz

Bucur, Maria (medic) 392 393 Bud u, Ozana Budge, Sir Ernest Alfred 394 Wallis 395 Buitenhuis, Peter

Historical Dictionary of the Republic of Lanham Scarecrow Press Moldova Immodest Acts: The Life of a Lesbian Nun in Oxford University New York Renaissance Italy Press University of Augustine of Hippo Berkeley California Press Thames and Justinian and Theodora London Hudson Sanatorium Under The Sign of The Harmondsw Penguin Books Hourglass orths Atlas de mamografie: Atlas of ClujDacia mammography Napoca Memori(a)lternativ : poezii-texte 1996-2005 Bac u Egal Amulets and Talismans The Portrait of a Lady The Golden Age of Myth & Legend The Age of Constantine The Great The Civilization of The Renaissance Italy: An Essay Shakespeare New York Collier Books

New Jersey Prentice Hall Press Hertforshire Oxford Wordsworth Reference New York Dorset Press Phaiden Press

Bulfinch, Thomas 396 397 Burckhardt, Jacob 398 399 Burckhardt, Jacob Burgess, Anthony

Burke, James 400 401 Bussagli, Mario Butler, Samuel 402 403 Cabrera Infante, Guillermo 404 Calder, Nigel Caldwell, John C. 405 406 Calhoun, George Miller Callen, Anthea 407 408 Calvert, Patricia 409 Calvocoressi, Peter 410 Campbell, Joseph Canfora, Luciano 411 412 Canning, Victor Cantelon, James 413 414 Capote, Truman

Harmondsw Penguin Books orth Little, Brown and Connections Boston Company Chinese Painting Londra Cassel New American Erewhon: or Over the range New York Library Holy Smoke Londra Faber and Faber Einstein's Universe New York Viking Press Massage Girl and Other Sketches of The John Day New York Thailand Company Athenian Clubs in Politics and Litigation New York Burt Franklin Tiger Books Techniques of the Impressionists London International Glennis, Before and After: [novel] New York Avon Books Who's Who in the Bible Londra Viking The Power of Myth whit Bill Moyers New York Doubleday University of The Vanished Library Berkeley California Press The Runaways: [novel] Oxford Macmillan Macmillan Theology for Non-Theologians: God and His New York Publishing Co., Word Inc. Music for Chameleons New York Random House Page 11

Sheet1 Capra, Fritjof 415 416 Caputo, Philip 417 418 419 420 421 422 423 424 425 Cast, David Cather, Willa 426 427 Caven, Brian 428 Cazan, Eugen C n n u, Iulian 429 C r u u, Dana 430 431 Ceau escu, Ilie Chamberlain, Basil Hall 432 Chambers, James 433 434 Chandler, Elizabeth 435 Chang, Ina Dic ionar englez - romn, romn - englez: Bra ov ghid gramatical pentru clasele I-IV Transylvania: an Ancient Romanian Land Bucure ti Japanese Things: Being Notes and Various Rutland Subjects Connected with Japan: for the use of travelers and other The Devil's Horsemen: The mongol invasion New York of Europe At First Sight: [novel] New York Carlson, Loraine Carlson, Victor Carroll, Lewis Carville, Declan Casey, Robert L. Casson, Lionel The Traveleer Guide to Yucatan and Guatemala: The world of the Maya Cardigan, Jim H. Cargill, Oscar The Tao of Physics: an Exploration of the Parallels Between Modern Physics and Eastern Mysticism A Rumor of War: [roman] Ronald Reagan: a remarkable life The Novels of Henry James Toronto Bantam 1977 1980 2004cop 1961 1980 1978 1995 2004 1981 1994 1981 1995 1992 2004 2001 2002 1983 1982 1979 1998 1991 1950 1961 1983 1976 1987 1963 1979 1979 1980 2003 1984

New York Ballantine Books Kansas Ci y Ariel Books Macmillan, New York Macmillan Company Chicago Washington Upland Press

National Gallery of Art Hertfordshir Wordsworth Alice in Wonderland e Edition Discovery The Magic Harp Belfast Publications Journey to the High Southwest: A traveler's The Globe Pequot Chester guide by Press The Johns Travel in the Ancient World Baltimore Hopkins University Press The Calumny of Apelles: A Study in the Yale University Londra Humanist Press Hubert Robert: Drawings and Watercolors My Antonia: [roman] The Punic Wars Tn r nen eles ofer poezie English for Sport Students New York Quality Paperback Book Club

New York Barnes & Noble Bucure ti Semne Bucure ti Editura Funda iei Romnia de Mine Aula Editura militar Charles E. Tuttle Company Atheneum Bantam

A Separate Battle: Women and the Civil War New York Scholastic Inc Les Editions Braun Supermarketing New York Macmillan Keepers of the Keys: A History of the Popes Charles Scribner's New York from St. Peter to John Paul II Sons Aurora Art Rockwell Kent: [album] Leningrad Publishers Reinventing Eve: Modern Woman in Search New York Times Books of Herself Seven Seas The Man Who Would be God: [novel] Berlin Publishers From Julia Child's Kitchen New York Alfred A. Knopf Julia Child & Company New York Alfred A. Knopf Julia's Child & More Company New York Alfred A. Knopf Return of the Lawman: [roman] Richmond Silhouette America Latin : Sugestii pentru o galerie Bucure ti Meridiane sentimental La Sculpture grecque Paris Architecture: Form, Space & Order Immediate and Precocious Reinterventions in Abdominal Surgery Meet Me in Istanbul English Grammar Exercises Exerci ii de gramatic englez = English Grammar Exercises Ghid de pronun ie a limbii engleze Workbook in English Phonetics and Phonology Page 12 New York Ia i Oxford Van Nostrand Reinhold Company Junimea

Charbonneaux, Jean 436 437 Charvat, Frank J. 438 439 440 441 442 443 444 445 446 447 448 Chipail, G. G. Cheetham, Nicolas Chegodaev, Andrei Chernin, Kim Chevalier, Haakon Child, Julia Child, Julia Child, Julia Childs, Lisa Chimet, Iordan Ching, Francis D. K.

1978 1992 1972 1996 1989 1977

Chisholm, Richard 449 450 Chi oran, Dumitru 451 452 453 Chi oran, Dumitru Chi oran, Dumitru Chi oran, Dumitru

Macmillan Heinemann Bucure ti Editura tiin ific Bucure ti Teora Editura tiin ific i Enciclopedic Editura Didactic Bucure ti i Pedagogic Bucure ti

Sheet1 Chiu, Milton M. 454 455 Choate, Robert A. Sound, Beat and Feeling The Tao of Chinese Religion Lanham, Londra University Press of America American Book New York Company 1984 1972 1986 2003 2003 1976 1991 1987 1986 1997 1983 1980 1985 1981 2002 1997 2000 1992 1994 1972 1992 1989 1980 1979 1993 2000 1997 2000 1979 1987 1979 2001 1977 1956 1999 1983

Chomsky, Noam 456 457 Christenberry, Judy 458 Christensen, Damaschin Christie-Murray, David 459 460 Christopher, Martin 461 462 463 464 465 466 467 468 Christopher, Matt Christopher, Matt Christopher, Matt Christopher, Robert C. Ciardi, John Cinca, Silvia Ciopraga, Constantin Cipriani, Alberto Ciugureanu, Adina 469 470 Clancy, Tom 471 Clancy, Tom 472 Clancy, Tom Clark, Kenneth 473 474 475 476 477 478 479 480 Codrescu, Andrei 481 482 Coerr, Eleanor 483 Cohen, Barbara 484 Cohn, Norman Clarke, Arthur C. Clayton, Peter A. Cleary, Beverly Cleary, Beverly Cleary, Beverly Cleary, Beverly Codrescu, Andrei

Knowledge of Language: it's Nature, Origin, New York Praeger and Use Randall Renegade: [novel] Toronto Harlequin Books Christ The Eternal Tao Platina Valaam Books Oxford University A History of Heresy New York Press Marketing: An Introduction London Pan Books Little, Brown and Red-Hot Hightops: [novel] Boston Company Little, Brown and The Hockey Machine: [novel] Boston Company Little, Brown and The Team That Couldn't Lose: [novel] Boston Company Fawcett New York The Japanese Mind Pubications A Browser's Dictionary and Native's Guide New York Harper & Row to the Unknown American Language Lawrencevil The Night of the Rising Dead Brunswick le The Personality of Romanian Literature: A Ia i Junimea Synthesis Tradizioni alimentari e cultura = Alimentary Pistoia Gli Ori Traditions and Culture High Modernist Poetic Discourse: (T. S. Eliot, Ezra Pound, William Carlos Williams, Constan a Ex Ponto Marianne Moore, Wallace Stevens) The Bear and the Dragon: novel New York Berkley Books The Sum of All Fears: novel New York Berkley Books Without Remorse: [novel] New York Berkley Books British Civilisation: A Personal View Londra Broadcasting Corporation Macmillan Tales of Ten Worlds Oxford Heinemann The Seven Wonders of the Ancient World New York Dorset Press Henry and Ribsy New York Yearling Ramona and Her Father New York Yearling Ramona Forever New York Dell Publishing Harper Collins Socks New York Publishers Alien Candor: Selected Poems 1970-1996 = Candoare str in : Poeme alese 1970-1996 Selected Poetry = Poezii alese Sadako and the Thousand Paper Cranes People like us Europe's Inner Demons: An Enquiry Inspired by Withch - Hunt Dic ionar de ecologie i mediu nconjur tor: englez-romn Lovers and Gamblers: [roman] A Book of English Idioms: With Explanations The Moonstone: [roman] The Adventures of Pinocchio Bucure ti Editura Funda iei Culturale Romne

Bucure ti Paralela 45 New York Dell Publishing Toronto Bantam Book New York Meridian Books Bucure ti Universal Dalsi Londra London Pan Books Longman

Collin, Peter H. 485 486 Collins, Jackie 487 488 489 Collins, V. H. Collins, Wiliam Wilkie Collodi, Carlo

Comnene, Angela 490 Conea, Ana 491 492 Conford, Ellen

Prietenia i coresponden a literar a mp ratului brazilian Don Pedro II cu cele dou Prin ese romne, Elena Ghica i Regina Bucure ti Oscar Print Elisabeta a Romniei (1870-1890) = The friendship and literary correspondence of the Emperor of Brazil, Don Pedro II with two Rom Dic ionar de tiin a solului: cu termeni Editura tiin ific Bucure ti coresponden i n limbile francez , i Enciclopedic german ,englez , rus Hail, Hail, Camp Timberwood Toronto Bantam Book Page 13

Hertfordshir Wordsworth e Edition Editura Ion Bucure ti Creang


1977 1987

Sheet1 493 Confucius 494 495 496 497 498 499 500 Conrad, Joseph Conrad, Joseph Conrad, Joseph Conrad, Joseph Constantinescu, Anton Cook, John Manuel Cookson, Catherine New York Hertfordshir Heart of Darkness and other stories: [roman] e Hertfordshir Lord Jim: [roman] e The Secret Agent: A Simple Tale: [roman] Typhoon and Ather Tales Sarea = Sodium chloride The Persian Empire The Mallen Streak William Turner: 1775-1851 Hawk - eye, the Pathfinder The Last of the Mohicans The Last of the Mohicans Lisa & Co.: [roman] The Boggart The Grey King Dic ionar englez - romn de verbe complexe London New York Bucure ti New York New York The Analects Dorset Press Wordsworth Edition Wordsworth Edition J. M. Dent & Sons 1986 1999 1993 1961 1963 1981 1983 1973 1949 1998 1993 1997 [1981] 1995 1999 1994 1965 1965

Cooper, Douglas 501 502 Cooper, James Fenimore Cooper, James Fenimore 503 504 Cooper, James Fenimore 505 Cooper, Jilly 506 507 508 509 Cooper, Susan Cooper, Susan Cop ceanu, Mihai Copleston, Frederick Charles

Signet Editura Tehnic Schocken Books E. P. Dutton Editions Braun & Paris CIE Oxford Heinemann ELT Hertfordshir Wordsworth e Edition Oxford Heinemann ELT Londra Corgi Books Aladdin New York Paperbacks Aladdin New York Paperbacks Ia i Editura Moldova

A History of Philosophy: Modern Philosophy New York Image Books .- vol. 7: Partea I: Fichte to Hegel Image Books Institutul European Institutul Routledge Polirom

A History of Philosophy: Modern Philosophy Copleston, Frederick Charles .- vol. 7: Partea a II a: Schopenhauer to New York 510 Nietzsche Accuracy and fluency: English Grammar Corlinescu, Alexandra Ia i Exercises for Intermediate and Advanced Students: Infinitives, Gerunds and Participles 511 512 Corlinescu, Alexandra The Infinitive Ia i The Beginnings of Rome: Italy and Rome Cornell, T.J. Londra 513 from the Bronze Age to the Punic Wars The Unfinished Battles: Romanian Cornis-Pope, Marcel Ia i 514 Postmodernism Before and After 1989 515 Cornwell, Patricia All that Remains: [novel] Londra Cosma, Viorel 516 517 Co buc, George 518 Cotterell, Arthur George Enescu. A Tragic life in Pictures Poezii = Poems The First Emperor of China: The Greatest Arheological Find of Our Time The New Testament World Love's Masquerade: [roman] Space Brat Cicero and the Roman Republic Life in Ancient Rome Live the Dream Engleza comercial Show Me Love Germany 1866-1945 The Fall of The House of Habsburg Classics of Romanian Literature .- vol. 1: Selected Works of Ion Creang and Mihai Eminescu The Two Stepsisters Rogue's Valley: novel The Lost World: [roman] Timeline: [roman] Po i s devii bogat nv nd s joci tiin ific rulet : manual de rulet = You can become rich learning to play roulette scientificlly: Roulette manual Page 14

1996 2000 1995 1996 2000 2000 1980 1981 1990 1982 1992 1962 1980 2005 1994 2000 1978 1984 1991 1978 20031994

Court, John 519 520 Courtney, Caroline 521 Coville, Bruce Cowell, Frank Richard 522 523 Cowell, Frank Richard Cox, Josephine 524 525 Cozma, Marcel 526 527 528 529 530 531 532 533 534 Creang , Ion Creang , Ion Creighton, Kathleen Crichton, Michael Crichton, Michael Cristens, Alix 535 Craft, Elizabeth Craig, Gordon A. Crankshaw, Edward Creang , Ion

Warner Books Editura Funda iei Bucure ti Culturale Romne Bucure ti Minerva Holt, Rinehart and New York Winston Englewood Prentice-Hall Cliffs Londra Corgi Books New York Pocket Books Harmondsw Penguin Books orth New York Perigee Book Harper Collins Londra Publishers [Bucure ti] CIB Press Parachute New York Publishing Oxford University New York Press Harmondsw Penguin Books orth East European New York Monographs, Minerva Bucure ti CNI Coresi New York New York Alfred A. Knopf Londra Arrow Bucure ti Du Style

Memories of my Boyhood. Stories and Tales Bucure ti Minerva

1995 2000 1996

Sheet1 Cri an, Horia 536 537 Cronin, Archibald Joseph Cronin, Vicent 538 539 Cross, Gillian Crotty, Kevin 540 541 Crusie, Jennifer 542 Csikszentmihalyi, Mihalyi Color m i nv m ceasul = We colour and we learn What's the time = Wir malen aus und wir lernen Die uhr Kennen = C'est en colorant que tu apprends L'heure The Citadel: novel The Wise Man from the West: Matteo Ricci and his Mission to China The Great American Elephant Chase Song and Action: The Victory Odes of Pindar Getting Rid of Bradley: [novel] Creativity: Flow and The Pshychology of Discovery and Invention The Ancient Celts The Literature of the United States Meditations With Valhalla Rising The Art of Happiness: A Handbook for Living Dic ionar poliglot: englez , francez , german , italian , spaniol , romn Stories Deva Bibliofor 1999

Cunliffe, Barry 543 544 Cunliffe, Marcus 545 Cusanus, Nicolaus 546 547 548 Cussler, Clive Cutler, Howard C. Cuza, Vlad

New York Bantam [1962?] Collins Fount Londra 1984 Paperbacks New York Puffin 1992 The Johns Baltimore Hopkins 1982 University Press Richmond Mills & Boon 1995 Harper Collins New York 1996 Publishers Oxford University Oxford 1997 Press Middlesex Penguin Books 1971 Santa Fe Bear & Company 1987 Berkley Publishing New York 2001 Corporation New York Riverhead Books Bucure ti Gramar Limes Harlequin Books [s.n.] Norton & Company Phaidon Harper & Row 1998 1994 2002 2001 2004 1990 1979 1988 1956 cop 1981 1994 1999 1978 1983 1963 [s.a.] 1978 1954 1999 1999 1993 1990 1992 2007 2008 1993 1994 2000

Dan, Pavel 549 550 Daniels, Brett 551 552 553 554 555 556 557 Davies, A. Powell Davies, Paul Davies, Paul Darby, Graham Darnton, Robert Dars, Celestine Dart, John

ClujNapoca Secret Bodyguard: [roman] Toronto King Edward VI School Southampton: 1553- Southampto 2003: An Illustrated History n The Kiss of Lamourette: Reflections in New York Cultural History Images of Deception: The Art of TrompeOxford l'oeil: [album] The Jesus of Heresy and History: The San Discovery and Meaning of the Hammadi Francisco Gnostic Library The Meaning of the Dead Sea Scrolls The Edge of Infinit: Where the Universe Came from and How It Will End The Last Three Minutes: Conjectures about the Ultimate Fate of the Universe Seduced by a Scoundrel: [novel] The Weimar Chronicle Prelude to Hitler British Live and Civilization A Journal of the Plague Year Neghini = Tiny Seed Doamna brun din sonete = (The Dark Lady of the sonnets): Versiune romneasc adnotat la 28 din sonetele lui William Shakespeare Antoine - Jean Gros: 1771-1835

New York Mentor New York Simon and Schuster

New York Basic Books New York St. Martin's Paperbacks New York Meridian Books Editura Didactic Bucure ti i Pedagogic Londra Dent, Dutton Bucure ti Junior ClujNapoca Paris Dacia

Dawson Smith, Barbara 558 559 De Jonge, Alex Deac, Livia 560 561 Defoe, Daniel Delavrancea, Barbu 562 tef nescu Deleanu, Andrei Ion 563 Delestre, Gaston

564 565 Delgiudice Matei, Lumini a Fifty useful tests in English: with answers Literatura englez i american pentru Delgiudice Matei, Lumini a Bucure ti Aramis 566 bacalaureat i admiterea n facultate The good sex guide: The illustrated guide to Delvin, David Londra Ebury Press 567 enhance your love-making Stealing Home: The Story of Jackie Denenberg, Barry New York Scholastic Inc 568 Robinson HarperSanFrancisc Deng Ming-Dao 365 Tao Daily Meditations New York 569 o Departamentul pentru Lupt Raportul anual de activitate = Annual Report: Bucure ti [s.n.] [DLAF]: 2006 570 Antifraud Departamentul pentru Lupt Raportul anual de activitate = Annual Report: Bucure ti [s.n.] [DLAF]: 2007 571 Antifraud 572 Descharnes, Robert Salvador Dali: 1904-1989 Koln Taschen University of Devi, Maitreyi It Does Not Die: A Romance: [roman] Chicago 573 Chicago Press 574 Dexter, Colin The Silent world of Nicholas Quinn Oxford Heinemann ELT Page 15

Les Editions Braun Bucure ti Aramis

Sheet1 575 Dhorme, E. A Commentary on the Book of Job Protec ia penal interna ional a drepturilor omului = Interna ional penal protection of human rights A Christmas Carol A tale of two cities Bleak House: [roman] Bleak House: [roman] David Copperfield: [roman] David Copperfield: [roman] David Copperfield: abridged by W. Jewesbury Great Expectations Hard Times: [roman] Oliver Twist: [roman] Oliver Twist: [roman] Our mutual friend The Life of our Lord = Via a Mntuitorului nostru Iisus Hristos The Life of our Lord = Via a Mntuitorului nostru Iisus Hristos The Mystery of Edwin Drood: [roman] The signalman and the ghost at the trial Star Trek: The Lost Years: novel Theories and practice of translation Intermediate Studies of the Human Aura Animals on a Pedestal: man honours his friens and helpers Selected to live: [memorii] Love must be tough: new hope for families in Crisis The Strong - Willed Child The Power of Limits: Proportional Harmonies in Nature, Art and Architecture Candle in the window: [roman] In My Wildest Dreams: [roman] Hannibal: A History of The Art of War Among The Carthaginians and Romans Down to the Battle of Pydna, 168 BC, with a Detailed Account of the Second Punic War Nashville Thomas Nelson Publishers 1984 1996 1993 [s.a.] 1992 1993 1992 1997 [s.a.] 1993 1961 [s.a.] 2000 1992 [s.a.] 1990 1961 1998 1989 2002 1976 1989 1978 1983 1985 1981 1999 2001 1994 2000 1999 2004 1998 1976 2003 1988 [s.a.] 1993 1996 1989 1989 [s.a.] 1983 1991

Dianu, Tiberiu 576 577 Dickens, Charles Dickens, Charles 578 579 Dickens, Charles 580 581 582 Dickens, Charles 583 584 Dickens, Charles 585 Dickens, Charles 586 Dickens, Charles Dickens, Charles Dickens, Charles Dickens, Charles

Bucure ti Lumina Lex Heinemann ELT Macmillan Oxford Heinemann Oxford Heinemann ELT Hertfordshir Wordsworth e Edition Hertfordshir Wordsworth e Edition New York Oxford Quality Paperback Book Club Oxford

Dickens, Charles 587 588 Dickens, Charles 589 590 Dickens, Charles Dickens, Charles Dickens, Charles

Macmillan Heinemann Oxford Heinemann ELT New York Signet Classic Macmillan Oxford Heinemann Hertfordshir Wordsworth e Edition Oxford Heinemann ELT Bucure ti Cartea de buzunar Bucure ti Mondero New York The New American Library Oxford Heinemann ELT New York Pocket Books Ia i Institutul Los Summit Books Angeles Moscova Raduga Londra Pickering & Inglis Waco, Word Books Texas Wheaton Living Books Boulder Shambhala

591 592 Dickens, Charles 593 Dillard, J. M. 594 Dimitriu, Rodica 595 Djwal Kul

Dmitriyev, Yuri 596 597 Dobschiner, Johanna-Ruth Dobson, James C. 598 599 Dobson, James C. 600 Doczi, Gyorgy

Dodd, Christina 601 602 Dodd, Christina Dodge, Theodore Ayrault 603 604 Doina , tefan Augustin Domokos, Erno 605 606 Donald, Robyn 607 Donald, Robyn 608 Donnelly, Jane Donnelly, Jennifer 609 610 Donnelly, Judy 611 Doone, Lorna 612 613 Dorob , Dumitru Dorr, Susana

New York HarperPaperbacks New York Avon Books Londra Greenhill Books

Dostoevskij, Fedor 614 Mihajlovic Dostoevskij, Fedor 615 Mihajlovic 616 Douglas, Charlotte Doumas, Christos G. 617 618 Downey, Glanville

Poeme = Poems Pite ti Paralela 45 Management - ieri, azi, mine = Management Presa Universitar Cluj - yesterday, today, tomorrow Clujean His Pregnant Princess: [novel] Richmond Mills & Boon The Nanny Affair: [novel] Richmond Mills & Boon Dark Pursuer: [roman] Toronto Harlequin Books Harper Collins The Tea Rose New York Publishers Tut's Mummy lost...and found New York Random House Lorna Doone Oxford Macmillan English Literature: I.Old English Literature; Editura Funda iei Ia i II. Middle English Literature "Chemarea" Limba englez : manual pentru clasa a XII -a Editura Didactic Bucure ti (anul VIII de studiu) i Pedagogic Selected Works .- [vol. 1]: My uncle's Moscova Raduga Dream; Stepanchikovo and Its Inhabitants Selected Works .- [vol. 2]: Notes from the Moscova Raduga Dead House: [roman] The Christmas Target Toronto Harlequin Books Thera: Pompeii of the Ancient Aegean: Thames and Londra Excavation at Akrotiri 1967-79 Hudson Constantinopole in The Age of Justinian New York Dorset Press Page 16

Sheet1 619 Doyle, Amanda 620 Doyle, Arthur Conan 621 Doyle, Arthur Conan Doyle, Arthur Conan 622 623 Doyle, Arthur Conan 624 625 626 627 Doyle, Arthur Conan Doyle, Arthur Conan Doyle, Arthur Conan Dreher, Henry Drews, Robert Return to Tuckarimba: [roman] A Scandal in Bohemia = Scandal n Boemia Silver Blaze and Other Stories The Adventure of the Speckled Band = Misterul bandei pestri e The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes: novel The Complete Sherlock Holmes The Red-Headed League = Asocia ia ro ca ilor The Sign of Four: a Sherlock Holmes mystery: [roman] The Immune Power Personality: 7 Traits You Can Develop to Stay Healthy In Search of the Shroud of Turin: New Light on Its History and Origin The Romans: 850 B.C. - A.D. 337 The Adventures of Ibn Battuta: A Muslim Traveler of the 14th Century Henry James: [His Life and Writings] The Pleasures of Philosophy: A Survey of Human and Destiny Literary Theory: An Introduction Essential English: for Foreign Students .vol. 1: Book one Essential English: for Foreign Students .vol. 2: Book two Essential English: for Foreign Students .vol. 3: Book three Essential English: for Foreign Students .vol. 4: Book four Domes of fire: [roman] Henry James: [The Complete Biography] .vol. 1: The Untried Years: 1843-1870 New York Harlequin Books Pite ti Paralela 45 Oxford Heinemann ELT Pite ti Londra Paralela 45 Panther Doubleday & New York Company, Inc. Pite ti Oxford Paralela 45 Heinemann ELT 1975 2005 1992 2006 1984 [s.a.] 2005 1992 1995 1984 1993 1986 1956 1953 1983 1993 1993 1993 1993 1993 1978 1978 1978 1978 1978 1960 1987 1997 1997 1999 1995 1991 1978 1994 -2000 s.a. 1971 1953 1986 2000 1972

New York Dutton Rowman & Allanheld New York Barnes & Noble University of Berkeley California Press New York Anchor Simon and New York Schuster University of Minneapolis Missouri Press New Jersey Moscova AO Buklem Moscova AO Buklem Moscova AO Buklem Moscova AO Buklem New York Ballantine Books Discus, Avon New York Books

628 629 Dudley, Donald D. Dunn, Ross E. 630 631 Dupee, F. W. 632 633 634 635 636 Durant, Will Eagleton, Terry Eckersley, C. E. Eckersley, C. E. Eckersley, C. E.

Eckersley, C. E. 637 638 Eddings, David 639 640 641 642 Edel, Leon Edel, Leon Edel, Leon Edel, Leon

Henry James: [The Complete Biography] .Discus, Avon New York vol. 2: The Conquest of London: 1870-1881 Books Henry James: [The Complete Biography] .vol. 3: The Middle Years: 1882-1895 Henry James: [The Complete Biography] .vol. 4: The Treacherous Yers: 1895-1901 Henry James: [The Complete Biography] .vol. 5: The Master: 1901-1916 The Selected Letters of Henry James Drawing on the Artist Within: An Inspirational and Practical Guide to Increase Your Creative Powers White Fire: novel Tiger Woods: An American Master White Wolf: novel Romanian verbs: Conjugation handbook for foreigners = Verbe romne ti: ndrum tor de conjugare pentru str ini Travelers to an Antique Land: The History and Literature of Travel to Greece A History of Religious Ideas .- vol. 1: From the Stone Age to the Eleusinian Mysteries Middlemarch: roman Silas Marner: [roman] The Mill on the Floss Patru cvartete Selected Prose Discus, Avon Books Discus, Avon New York Books Discus, Avon New York Books New York Anchor New York New York Simon and Schuster

Edel, Leon 643 644 Edel, Leon Edwards, Betty 645 646 Edwards, Cassie 647 Edwards, Nicholas 648 Edwards, Susan Eicher, Karen 649 650 Eisner, Robert

New York Topaz Books New York Scholastic Inc New York Leisure Books Timi oara Sedona Michigan Chicago London Oxford Oxford University of Michigan Press University of Chicago Press Penguin Books Macmillan Macmillan

Eliade, Mircea 651 652 Eliot, George 653 Eliot, George 654 Eliot, George 655 656 657 658 659 Eliot, Thomas Stearns Ellman, Richard Eliot, Thomas Stearns Eliot, Thomas Stearns Eliot, Thomas Stearns

Bucure ti Univers Harmondsw Penguin Books orth

The Use of Poetry and the Use of Criticism: Harvard University Studies in the Relation of Criticism to Poetry Cambridge Press in England Cartea The Waste Land: [poem] Bucure ti Romneasc Oxford University Ulysses on the Liffey New York Press

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Sheet1 Eminescu, Mihai 660 Eminescu, Mihai 661 Eminescu, Mihai 662 663 Eminescu, Mihai 664 Empson, William Encinosa, Enrique Erskine, Barbara Erskine, John Essers, Volkmar Estes, Clarissa Pinkola Eusebius, Caesariensis Fagan, Brian Farca, Eugenia Legenda Luceaf rului = The Legend Of The Evening Star Mihai Eminescu: poezii Poezii = Poems Seven Types of Ambiguity Unvanquished: Cuba`s Resistance to Fidel Castro The Samurai: [novel] Sands of Time:[novel] The private life of Helen of Troy Henri Matisse: 1869-1954: Master of Colour Women Who Run with the Wolves: Myths and Stories of the Wild Women Archetype The History of the Church from Christ to Constantine Time Detectives: How Archeologists Use Tehnology To Recapture The Past Curs de limba i coresponden comercial englez Outline-history of greek religion Knight's Gambit Sanctuary: [roman] Selected Short Storyes of William Faulkner The Unvanquished: [roman] Chloe Plus Olivia: An Anthology of Lesbian Literature from The Seventeenth Century to The Present Millenium: A History of the Last Thousand Years The Women of the Caesars The Whole Shebang: A State-of-theUniverse(s) Report The Face of the Third Reich: Portraits of the Nazi Leadership Lion Heart: [roman] English: step by step = Limba englez : pas cu pas Bridget Jones's Diary: roman The History of Tom Jones, a Foundling: [roman] The Works of Philo: Complete and Unabridget: New Updated Edition A History of Gnoticism Madame Doubtfire: [roman] A History of Sicily Ancient History: Evidence and Models Aspects of Antiquity: Discoveries and Controversies Economy and Society in Ancient Greece Politics in the Ancient World The Use and Abuse of History: [From the Myths of The Greaks to Levi-Strauss, The Past Alive and The Present Illumined The Inns of Greece & Rome and a History of Hospitality from the Dawn of Time to the Middle Ages Basic English for children = engleza de baz pentru copii Doi ursule i = Deux oursons = Two Bear Cubs = Zwei kleine Baren: Carte de colorat i decupat 2 Page 18 Editura Bibliotecii Bucure ti Na ionale a Romniei Bucure ti Albatros Bucure ti Harmondsw orth Los Angeles New York Minerva Penguin Books Pureplay Press 2000 1971 1978 1961 2004 1984 2004 1947 2000 1992 1965 1995 1964 1974 1977 1977 1960 1952 1994 1995 1993 1997 1970 1995 1993 1996 1950 1993 1990 [1987] 1987 1986 1977 1982 1991 1987 1972 s.a. 1993 Dorin a: poezii de dragoste Bucure ti Albatros 1976

665 666 Endo, Shusaku 667 668 669 670 671 672 673

Vintage Books Harper Collins Londra Publishers The Bobbs-Merrill Indianapolis Company Koln Taschen

New York Ballantine Books Londra New York Bucure ti Chicago New York New York New York New York Penguin Books Simon and Schuster Editura Didactic i Pedagogic Ares Publishers Inc. Vintage Books Vintage Books The Modern Library Signet Book

Farnell, Lewis Richard 674 675 Faulkner, William 676 Faulkner, William Faulkner, William 677 678 Faulkner, William Federman, Lillian 679 Fernandez-Armesto, Felipe 680 681 Ferrero, Guglielmo 682 Ferris, Timothy

New York Viking New York Scribner New York Barnes & Noble Simon and New York Schuster New York Pantheon Books New York Zebra Books BBC English, Bucure ti Coresi Londra Picador The Modern New York Library Hendrickson Peabody Publishers Oxford Basil Blackwell London Penguin Books New York Viking New York Viking Harmondsw Penguin Books orth New York Viking Cambridge Cambridge University Press Harmondsw Penguin Books orth New York Benjamin Blom Bucure ti Garamond Bucure ti Alcor

Fest, Joachim C. 683 684 Fetzer, Amy J. Field, John 685 686 Fielding, Helen 687 688 689 690 691 692 Fielding, Henry Filon Alexandrinul Filoramo, Giovanni Fine, Anne Finley, Moses I. Finley, Moses I.

Finley, Moses I. 693 694 Finley, Moses I. 695 696 Firebaugh, W. C. 697 698 699 Firimi , Vasilica Firu , Corina Finley, Moses I. Finley, Moses I.

Sheet1 Firu , Corina 700 701 Fitzgerald, Francis Scott 702 Fitzgerald, Francis Scott Fitzgerald, Francis Scott 703 704 Flagg, Fannie 705 Flanders, Rebecca Flaubert, Gustave 706 707 Fleischman, Paul 708 Fleischman, Sid 709 710 711 712 713 714 715 Flexner, Stuart Berg Florescu, Radu Flynn, Errol Flynn, Katie Fontes, Ron Forbes, Colin Forbes, Patricia Ford, Norman D. 716 717 Forster, Edward Morgan Ril Urechil = Rin-Rin, le lapin = Tabbit the Bucure ti Alcor rabbit = Hansi-Langohr: Carte decupat 1 Oxford New York Harmondsw This Side of Paradise: [roman] orth Welcome to The World, Baby Girl!: [novel] London Quinn's Way: [roman] New York Hertfordshir Madame Bovary: [novel] eNew York

1993 1992 1946 1963 1999 1994 1994 1992 1997 1979 1989 1961 2004 1991 1976

The Great Gatsby: [roman] The Great Gatsby: [roman]

Macmillan Bantam Penguin Books Vintage Harlequin Books Wordsworth Edition HarperTrophy Beech Tree Simon and Schuster Sport-Turism Dell Publishing Arrow Scholastic Inc Pan Books Bordas Keats Penguin Books Penguin Books Heinemann ELT Heinemann ELT Harlequin Hodder and Stoughton

Forster, Edward Morgan 718 719 Forsyth, Frederick 720 Forsyth, Frederick Fossen, Delores 721 722 723 724 725 726 Fox, Robin Lane Franey, Pierre Foster, Richard J. Fowler, Don D. Fox, Robin Lane

New Eighteen Natural Ways to Beat the Common Canaan Could (Connecticu t) Harmondsw A Passage to India: [roman] orths Harmondsw Aspects of the Novel orth No Comebacks and other Stories Oxford Used in Evidence and Other Stories Oxford Toronto, Confiscated Conception: [novel] New York, London... London, Celebration of disciipline: the path to Sydney, spiritual growth Auckland,...

Chancy and The Grand Rascal: [novel] I Hear America Talking: an illustrated history of american words and phrases Histria = The City of Histria My Wicked, Wicked Ways A Long and Lonely Road: [novel] Rocketeer: novel The Stone Leopard Harrap's New Pocket French and English Dictionary

New York New York Bucure ti New York Londra New York Londra Londra

1987 1959 1962 1988 1988 2003 1990

Frank, Joseph 727 728 Fraser, Alison 729 730 731 Frazer, James George Frazer, James George Fredriksen, Paula

Freeman, Michael 732 733 Freierman, Ruvim 734 French, Marilyn 735 French, Michael French, Warren 736 737 Freud, Esther 738 Friedman, Richard Elliott 739 740 741 742 Friendly, Alfred Fuentes, Carlos Fuentes, Carlos Funderburk, David Britton

The Western Photographs of John K. Hillers: Smithsonian Washington [1989] Myself in the Water Institution Futura Alexander the Great London Publications 1975 Limited Little, Brown and The Search for Alexander Boston 1980 Company Fawcett 60 - Minute Gourmet New York 1979 Columbine Rutgers University Selected Letters of Fyodor Dostoyevsky Londra 1987 Press A Lifetime and Beyound: [novel] Richmond Mills & Boon 1988 Folklore in the Old Testament: Studies in New York Avenel Books 1988 Comparative Religion, Legend and Law The Golden Bough: A Study in Magic and New York Collier Books 1985 Religion From Jesus to Christ: The Origins of the Yale University New Haven 1988 New Testament: Images of Jesus Press How to Take Great Nature & Wildlife Los 1983 HPBooks Photos Angeles cop. The Dingo: A Story of First Love Moscova Raduga 1988 The Women's Room: [roman] New York Jove/HBJ 1978 Us against them Toronto Bantam Book 1989 Frank Norris New York Twayne Publishers 1962 1999 1987 1981 1978 1986 1991 Hideous Kinky: [novel] London Penguin Books Who Wrote the Bible New York Harper & Row The Dreadful Day: The Battle of Manzikert, Londra Hutchinson 1071 Farrar, Straus and The Hydra Head: [roman] New York Giroux The Old Gringo: [roman] Betrayal of America: Bush's Appeasement of Communist Doctators Betrays American Principles Page 19 New York Harper & Row [s.l.] Larry McDonald Foundation

Sheet1 743 Gabaldon, Diana Gadamer, Hans-Georg 744 745 Gafencu, Grigore 746 747 Galea, Ileana Galsworthy, John Galsworthy, John Voyager: [novel] Hegel's Dialectic: Five Hermeneutical Studies Politica n exil: 1942-1957 Victorianism and literature The Forsyte Saga .- vol. 1: The Man of Property The Forsyte Saga .- vol. 2: In Chancery The Forsyte Saga .- vol. 2: In Chancery The Forsyte Saga .- vol. 3: To Let The Forsyte Saga .- vol. 3: To Let English Grammar Nickel Mountain: [roman] The Life and Times of Chaucer The Wreckage of Agathon: [roman] There is Hope Devil-in-the-Fog Slavery in Ancinet Greece Scene and symbol from George Eliot to James Joyce: Studies in changing fictional mode The Frog Went Travelling Heartbreaker: [roman] I Know My Love: [roman] Henry Gasser's Guide to Painting Daumier Gericault Cine se teme de comentariul literar?: Exerci ii i comentarii de literatur pentru admiterea n nv mntul superior de anglistic Giotto: 1266-1337 J. F. Millet: 1814-1875 Van Eyck , , , , , , Exerci ii de gramatic englez : Timpurile verbale Fun Time Play Time Sinteze de gramatic englez Story Time: Antologie Wonder Time New York Dell Publishing Yale University New Haven Press Bucure ti Oscar Print ClujDacia Napoca Moscova Progress Hertfordshir e Moscova Moscova Hertfordshir e Moscova Wordsworth Edition Progress Progress Wordsworth Edition Foreign Languages Publishing House 1994 1976 2000 2000 1964 1994 1964 1964 1994 1954 1975 1977 1970 1977 1973 1988 1969 1987 2000 1962 1964 1950 [s.a.] 1995 1953 1950 [s.a.] 1979 2001 2002 1987 2003 2001 2001 2004 2002 1996 1959 cop 1981 1985 1980 1986 1996 1988

748 749 Galsworthy, John 750 Galsworthy, John 751

Galsworthy, John Ganshina, M.

752 753 Gardner, John 754 Gardner, John 755 Gardner, John Gardner, Lucille 756 757 Garfield, Leon 758 759 760 761 762 763 764 765 Garlan, Yvon Garrett, Peter K. Garshin, Vsevolod Garwood, Julie Gaskin, Catherine Gasser, Henry Gauthier, Maximilien Gauthier, Maximilien Gavriliu, Eugenia 766 767 768 769 Gay, Paul Gay, Paul Gay, Paul

New York Ballantine Books New York Alfred A. Knopf New York Ballantine Books Davod C. Cook Ontario Publishing Co. Londra Longman Cornell University Ithaca Press New Haven Moscova New York Londra New York Paris Paris Yale University Press Raduga Poket Books Fontana / Collins Golden Press Les Editions Braun Les Editions Braun

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G l eanu-Frnoag 770 Georgiana G l eanu-Frnoag 771 Georgiana G l eanu-Frnoag 772 Georgiana G l eanu-Frnoag 773 Georgiana G l eanu-Frnoag 774 Georgiana G l eanu-Frnoag 775 Georgiana 776 G rdescu, Elena

Bucure ti Albatros Bucure ti Compania Bucure ti Compania Bucure ti Albatros Bucure ti Compania Bucure ti Compania Pite ti London Paralela 45 Bloomsbury

Magic foodland Friends: Why men and women are from the Gee, Lisa 777 same planet 778 Geoghegan, Crispin Michael Coresponden a practic n limba englez 779 George, Catherine No More Secrets: [novel] George, Jean 780 781 Gheorghiu, Constantin C. 782 Gibbs, Diana Gilbert, Felix 783 784 Gilson, Jamie 785 Gilson, Jamie 786 Girardot, N. J. My Side of the Mountain Avia ia = Aviation Imagine you're English: Classe de 5-e The Pope, His Banker and Venice Hello, My Name Is Scrambled Eggs Wagon Train 911 Myth and Meaning in Early Taoism: The Theme of Chaos (hun-tun) Page 20

Bucure ti Editura Niculescu Richmond Mills & Boon New York Scholastic Inc Bucure ti Editura Tehnic Paris Librairie Belin Harvard University Cambridge Press New York Pocket Books New York Beech Tree University of Berkeley California Press

Sheet1 787 788 789 790 791 792 793 Goga, Octavian Gog lniceanu, C lina 794 795 Goldberg, Sander M. Golden, Anna Louise 796 797 Golden, Arthur Golding, William 798 799 Gomez, Rebecca Goodman, Frederick 800 801 Goodrich, Norma Lorre Gordis, Robert 802 803 Gordon, Lucy 804 805 806 807 Gorman, Peter Goujon, Paul Gould, Stephen Jay Gould, Stephen Jay Goffart, Walter Gobin, Maurice Godeanu, Oana R. P. Bonington: 1802-1828 A Brief Introduction to British Civilization Giurescu, Dinu C. Gladkova, R. Glazier, Richard The Raising of Romania's Past Selected Questions and Problems in Physics The Wordsworth: Manual of Ornament New York World Monuments Fund 1989 1989 1995 1950 2001 1980 1982 2003 1980 2000 1997 1960 2000 1989 1989 1968 2003 1979 1980 1991 1995 1993 1996 1990 2000 1989 1975 1976 1982 1977 1992 1990 1976 1991 1987 1990 1960 1960 1986 2000

Moscova Mir Publishers Hertfordshir Wordsworth e, Great Edition Britain Les Editions Paris Braun Bucure ti Editura Funda iei Romnia de Mine

Gould, Stephen Jay 808 809 Graff, Henry Franklin Grafton, Anthony 810 811 Grafton, Sue 812 813 814 815 816 Graham, A. C. Graham, Kenneth Grant, Michael Grant, Michael Grant, Michael

Grant, Michael 817 818 Grant, Michael 819 820 821 822 823 824 Grant, Michael Grant, Michael Grant, Michael Grant, Michael Graves, Robert Graves, Robert

Gree, Alain 825 826 Greeley, Andrew M.

Barbarians and Romans: A. D. 418-584; The Princeton Princeton Techniques of Accommodation University Press Poezii = Poems Bucure ti Minerva Introduction to Linguistics: A Theoretical Institutul Ia i and Practical Approach to Sound and European Phonemes The Making of Menander's Comedy Londra The Athlone Press St. Martin's Sugar Ray New York Paperbacks Memoirs of a Geisha New York Vintage Books Hardmonds Lord of the Flies: [roman] Penguin Books worth Giddy-Up Ghost Town New York Disney Press Brian Trodd Magic Symbols Londra Publishing House Limited Priestesses New York Franklin Watts Koheleth - The Man and His World: A Study New York Schocken Books of Ecclesiastes The Italian Millionaire's Marriage: [novel] Richmond Mills & Boon Routledge & Pythagoras A Life London Kegan Paul Le Lyon des batisseurs = The Builders of Editions Lyon Lyon = Lyon - Stadt der Baumeister Realisation Bully for Brontosaurus: Reflections in W.W.Norton & New York Natural History Company Dinosaur in a Haystack: Reflections in New York Harmony Books Natural History Eight Little Piggies: Reflections in Natural W.W.Norton & New York History Company The Presidents: A Reference History New York Macmillan Forgers and Critics: Creativity and Duplicity Princeton New Jersey in Western Scholarship University Press "A" is for alibi: [roman repovestit] Oxford Heinemann ELT Disputers of the TAO: Philosophical La Salle Open Court Argument in Ancient China Henry James: The Drama of Fulfilment, An New York Clarendon Press Approach to the Novels Cities of Vesuvius: Pompeii and Harmondsw Penguin Books Herculaneum orth From Alexander to Cleopatra: The Charles Scribner's New York Hellenistic World Sons Charles Scribner's Jesus: An Historian's Rewiew of the Gospels New York Sons M. Evans & The Army of Caesars New York Company, Inc. The Fall of the Roman Empire New York Collier Books The Annenberg The Fall of the Roman Empire Londra School Press The Founders of the Western World: A Charles Scribner's New York History of Grece and Rome Sons Charles Scribner's The Rise of the Greeks New York Sons The visible past: Greek and roman history Charles Scribner's New York from archaeology: 1960-1990 Sons Harmondsw The Greek Myths .- vol. 1 Penguin Books orth Harmondsw The Greek Myths .- vol. 2 Penguin Books orth At Home: 462 Words in English, French and New York Derrydale Books Spanish Irish Mist New York Forge Page 21

Sheet1 827 828 829 830 831 832 833 834 835 836 837 838 839 840 841 Bride of Frankenstein: [adapted from a screenplay] Dracula's Daughter: [adapted from a Green, Carl R. screenplay] Green, Margery Wonder Tales from Greece Alexander to Actium: The Historical Green, Peter Evolution of the Hellenistic Age Greenaway, Brian Hell's Angel Greenberg, Lorna AIDS: How it works in the body Greene, Graham The Human Factor: [roman] Grestone, Tony They Put Me Inside: [novel] Grieve Smith, John Business Strategy Engleza pentru cei mici = English for little Grigorescu, Lumini a ones Engleza pentru cei mici = English for little Grigorescu, Lumini a ones Engleza pentru cei mici = English for little Grigorescu, Lumini a ones Grin, Aleksandr Stepanovici The Seeker of Adventure: Stories Grisham, John The Client Grisham, John The Partner: [roman] Green, Carl R. Michelangelo Buonarotti: Life and Work The Books of Rachel: [roman] Mankato Mankato Oxford Berkeley Tring New York New York Londra Cambridge Bucure ti Crestwood House Crestwood House Macmillan University of California Press Lion Paperback Franklin Watts Penguin Books Scripture Union Basil Blackwell Garamond 1985 1985 [199-?] 1990 1982 1992 1978 1973 1990 1993 1993 1993 1989 1994 1997 cop 1999 1979 1983 1973 1996 1980 1970 1989 1983 1974 1993 1979 1979 1989 1997 1986 1963 1995 1992 1988 2003 1999 1984 1986 1986 1993 1993 1993 1993

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Gromling, Alexandra 842 843 Gross, Joel Gruia, C lin 844 845 Grunberger, Richard Guillet Vlk, Elisabeth 846 Gurevich, Ilya 847 848 Halliday, Brett 849 Hallin, Emily Hamilton, Edith 850 851 Hamm, Jack 852 Hammond, Rosemary 853 Hampson, Anne Handlin, Oscar 854 855 856 Hanson, Victor Davis Harries, Meirion

Harriot, Rosemary M. 857 858 Harris, Frank Harris, Roberta L. 859 860 Hart, Jessica 861 Ha egan, Vasile Hawthorne, Nathaniel 862 863 Hayes, Allison 864 Hazan, Marcella 865 Heever, John 866 867 Hemingway, Ernest 868 Hemingway, Ernest 869 Hemingway, Ernest 870 Heider, John Hemingway, Ernest

New York Seaview Books Editura Ion The Hound's Boots Bucure ti Creang Red Rising in Bavaria New York St. Martin's Press The National Creature comforts: A guide to animals and s.l. Humane Education their care Society The Fountains of Petrodvorets near Sovetsky Moscova Leningrad Khudozhnik Nice Fillies Finish Last: [a novel] New York Dell Publishing Partners: novel New York Pocket Books W.W.Norton & The Greek Way New York Company Drawing: The Head and figure New York Grosset & Dunlap All It Takes Is Love: [novel] Richmond Mills & Boon For Love of a Pagan: [novel] Toronto Harlequin Books The Belknap Press Truth in History Cambridge of Harvard University Press The Western Way of War: Infantary Battle in Oxford University New York Classical Greece Press The Last Days of Innocence: America at New York Random House War 1917-1918 The Johns Aristophanes Poet & Dramatist Baltimore Hopkins University Press My Life and Loves New York Grove Press Thames and The World of the Bible London Hudson Woman at Willagong Creek: [novel] Richmond Mills & Boon Romanian Culture in America Cleveland [s.n] Pandora's Box = Cutia Pandorei; The Pite ti Paralela 45 Miraculous Pitcher = Urciorul fermecat Partners in marriage: [roman] Richmond Silhouette The Classic Italian Cookbook New York Ballantine Books The Wapshot Chronicle: [roman] New York Ballantine Books The Tao of Leadership: Lao Tzu's Tao Te Toronto Bantam Ching: adapted for a New Age A Farewell to Arms: [roman] For Whom the Bell Tolls: [roman] The Complete Short Stories of Ernest Hemingway: The Finca Vigia Edition: [povestiri] The Sun Also Rises: [roman] New York New York New York New York Quality Paperback Book Club Quality Paperback Book Club Quality Paperback Book Club Quality Paperback Book Club

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Sheet1 871 872 Higgins, Jack 873 Hill, Douglas Hibbert, Christopher Rome: The Biography of a City Edge of Danger: [novel] Exiles of Colsec The Magic of Psychograms: New Way to Power and Prosperity Eight Decisive Books of Antiquity W.W.Norton & Company New York Berkley Books Toronto Bantam Book New York New York Barnes & Noble 1985 2002 1988 1977

Hitchcock, Helyn 874 875 Hoare, F. R. Holme, C. G. 876 877 Homerus Hornblower, Simion 878 Horton, Naomi 879 880 Howarth, David 881 882 883 884 885 Howell, Peter Howell, Peter Howland, Elihu S. Huai Nan Zi Huang, Ray

Humphreys, Christmas 886 887 Humphreys, Christmas 888 Humphreys, Christmas 889 Hyman, B. D. 890 Iacob, Olimpia Ileana, Principes de 891 Romnia 892 Iliescu, Anca 893 Ilisei, Grigore Ingram, Anne 894 895 Ionescu-Cru an, Nicolae 896 Ionescu, Cristina Ionescu, Maria-Magdalena 897 898 Irving, John 899 Irwin, Terence

Isherwood, Robert M. 900 901 Ispirescu, Petre 902 903 Jaeger, Werner Jaeger, Werner Jaeger, Werner 904 905 James, Henry James, Henry 906 907 908 909 910 911 James, Henry James, Henry James, Henry James, Henry James, Henry

New York Dorset Press 1991 The Studio Glimpses of Old Japan from Japanese Colour London Limited, The [1923?] Prints .- Part III: Birds & Flowers Studio Publications Inc. The Odyssey New York Viking 1996 The Johns Thucydides Baltimore Hopkins 1987 University Press Buffalo, 1996 Wild Blood: novel New York 1066 the Year of the Conquest New York Viking Press 1977 A Commentary on Book One of the Londra The Athlone Press 1980 Epigrams of Martial A Commentary on Book One of the Londra The Athlone Press 1980 Epigrams of Martial Pilgrim Press Speak Through the Earthquake: Religious Philadelphia 1972 Book Faith and Emotional Crisis The Tao of Politics: Leassons of the Masters Boston Shambhala 1990 of Huainan 1587 A Year of no significance: The Ming Yale University New Haven 1981 Dynasty in Decline Press Harmondsw Buddhism Penguin Books 1974 orth Buddhism: An Introduction and Guide Londra Penguin Books 1990 Zen. Buddhism New York Macmillan 1974 My Mothers Keeper New York Berkley Books 1986 ClujEnglish Syntax through Exercises Dacia 2002 Napoca Light and Life The Holy Angels Minneapolis 1987 Publishing A Drop of Water Bucure ti All 1998 F ltinceni Ia i Omnia 2003 The Gift From the Gods and Other Stories: Macmillan Oxford 1997 A collection of tales from Philippines Heinemann Dic ionar de calculatoare englez - romn Bucure ti Editura Niculescu 2001 English for children Ia i Mydo Center 1993 Engleza pentru pitici: poems, songs, riddles, Pite ti Carminis [2001] animal sounds, funny sounds The World According to Garp: [roman] New York Pocket Books 1979 A History of Western Philosophy .- vol. 1: Oxford University New York 1991 Classical Tought Press Farce and Fantasy: Popular Entertainment in Oxford University New York 1986 Eighteenth-Century Paris Press Basme = Fairy Tales Bucure ti Junior [s.a.] Paideia: the Ideals of Greek Culture .- vol. Oxford University New York 1986 1: Arhaic Greece: The Mind of Athens Press Paideia: the Ideals of Greek Culture .- vol. Oxford University New York 1986 2: In Search of the Divine Center Press Paideia: the Ideals of Greek Culture .- vol. Oxford University 1986 3: The Conflict of Cultural Ideals in the Age New York Press of Plato Fifteen Short Stories New York Bantam 1961 Ghostly Tales: Sir Edmund Orme; The Jolly AubierParis 1970 Corner = Histoires de fantomes: Sir Edmund Flammarion Orme; Le coin plaisant Harmondsw In the Cage and Other Stories: [roman] Penguin Books 1974 orth Parisian Sketches: Letters to the New York New York Collier Books 1961 Tribune 1875-1876 University of Partial Portraits Michigan 1970 Michigan Press Roderick Hudson: [roman] New York Harper & Brothers 1960 1963 Selected Short Stories: The Last of The Harmondsw Penguin Books Valerii; The Real Thing; The Lesson of The orth Master; Daisy Miller Page 23

Sheet1 912 913 James, Henry 914 915 James, Henry 916 James, Henry 917 918 919 920 921 922 James, Henry James, Henry James, Henry James, Henry James, Henry James, Henry The Ambassadors: [roman] The American: [roman] The American: [roman] The Aspern Papers; The Spiols of Poynton: [roman] The Awkward Age: [roman] The Bostonians: [roman] The Europeans: [roman] The Future of the Novel: Essays on the Art of Fiction The Golden Bowl: [roman] The Madonna of the Future and Other Early Stories The Marriages and other stories The Notebooks of Henry James The Portable Henry James The Princess Casamassima The Short Stories of Henry James The Tragic Muse: [novel] The Wings of the Dove: [roman] Washington Square; The Europeans: [roman] A Taste for Death : [roman] Across China: [roman] Gladstone: A Biography The Legacy of Rome: A New Appraisal Grigorescu: [album] Ancestors: In Search of Human Origins Madness and Lust: A Psychoanalytical Approach to Don Quixote Central Europe: Enemies, Neighbors, Friends Selected Writings Chronicles of The Crusades Athenian Democracy How to Save Your Own Life: [novel] Fire and Water: A Life of Peter The Great The Jewish War The Works of Josephus: Complete and Unabridged The Book of God: A Reponse to the Bible A Portrait of the Artist As a Young Man: [roman] Monet at Giverny Essays on A Science of Mythology: The Myth of The Divine Child and The Mysteries of Eleusis Memoires, Dreams, Reflections The Undiscovered Self with Symbols and the Interpretation of Dreams Microwave Gourmet Page 24 James, Henry James, Henry Selected Stories Stories of the Supernatural Oxford University Press Taplinger New York Publishing Company Londra London J. M. Dent & Sons London Penguin Books New York Dell Publishing New York Dell Publishing Harmondsw Penguin Books orth The Modern New York Library Harmonswo Penguin Books rth New York Vintage Books New York Oxford University Press 1957 1980 1950 1995 1960 1959 1966 1956 1964 1956 1983 1962 1961 1961 1960 1959 1945 1960 1937 1959 1996 1986 1997 1992

James, Henry 923 924 James, Henry James, Henry 925 926 James, Henry 927 928 929 930 James, Henry James, Henry James, Henry James, Henry James, Henry

New York Signet Classic New York Signet Oxford University New York Press New York Viking Press New York Harper & Brothers New York The Modern Library The Modern Library

New York Harper & Brothers New York

931 932 James, P. D. 933 Jenkins, Peter 934 Jenkins, Roy 935 Jenkyns, Richard Jianu, Ionel 936 937 Johanson, Donald 938 Johnson, Carroll B.

New York Dell Publishing New York Warner Books New York Fawcett Crest New York Random House Oxford University Oxford Press Bucure ti

Foreign Languages [1968] Publishing House 1994 1983 1996 1986 1988 1986 1978 1980 1981 1992 1988 1928 1975 1973 1989 1990 1987

Johnson, Lonnie R. 939 940 Johnson, Samuel 941 Joinville, Jean de Jones, A. H. M. 942 943 Jong, Erica Jonge, Alex de 944 945 Josephus, Flavius Titus 946 947 Josephus, Flavius Titus Josipovici, Gabriel

Joyce, James 948 949 Joyes, Claire Jung, Carl Gustav 950 951 Jung, Carl Gustav Jung, Carl Gustav 952 953 Kafka, Barbara

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Sheet1 954 955 Kagan, Donald Kagan, Donald Pericles of Athens and The Birth of Democracy The Peace of Nicias and The Sicilian Expedition Politics and War: European Conflict from Philip II to Hitler The Romans: an introduction A History of The Habsburg Empire: 15261918 Dirty Work Funny business: An outsider's year in Japan Nietzsche: Philosopher, Psychologist, Antichrist A History of Erotic Literature Rome and the Unification of Italy The Bible as History New York Touchstone Cornell University Press Harvard University