CAREER GUIDANCE SERIES : MAKE AMAZING CAREERS By : Prof. (Dr. ) Trilok Kumar Jain Dean, ISBM Suresh Gyan Vihar University Jaipur 302017 Mobile : 9414430763 [email protected]

Career guidance series how to build a great life

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By :

Prof. (Dr. ) Trilok Kumar Jain Dean, ISBM

Suresh Gyan Vihar University Jaipur 302017 Mobile : 9414430763

[email protected]

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Great careers require great foundations. Great career

start from schooling. Does it mean send your child to a

great school? What do you mean by great school? Which

school will be a great school? Is it a school that charges

great fees? Is it a school that gives heavy advertisement?

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The best school is the HOME itself. Keep your child in

home – as much as you can. The best teacher is the

MOTHER. What is to be taught? The foundation of the

child is the basic belief system. How do we build the

basic belief system? Belief systems require you to have

trust and confidence. No teacher can substitute mother.

No teacher can be as trusting as mother.

Great careers are built on the foundations of great belief

systems. Belief systems are based on trusts, confidence,

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attitude to life and the ultimate goals of life.

Building great foundations - 6 Suggestions that can

work ..

1. Start with trust – trust the child – accept the child,

love the child, respect the child and look at the child

with admiration

2. Start with positive attitude – enable the child to see

positive in everything around

3. Start with exploration – enable child to explore the

nature, to see the nature, to live with nature – bare


4. Start with confidence – start small activities – play

with sand, play with water, play with plants, play

with trees, play with nature – and build confidence

in the mind of the child – the child should be able to

experience first hand creativity

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5. Create an apetite for learning – don’t teach anything

– let the child develop an apetite for learning – don’t

offer any knowledge to the child – let the child seek

it and then offer it.

6. Build imaginative faculty – tell interesting and

inspirational stories, show pictures, slowly build

imaginative faculty of the child – enable the child to

cultivate his imaginative skills at its own pace. Let

the child nurture wild ideas.

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Careers are also dependent on understanding to

changing times, changing technology, changing social

trends, changing fashions etc. you have to find what is

going to happen in the years to come. You have to

predict the times of tomorrow. Careers should be flexible

enough to move in the directions of changing times.

A simple law of demand says – society will chase

something which is in short supply. You have a simple

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relation between demand and supply. 100 units are in

demand, 100 units are in supply – this is ideal condition.

This is not possible. There is always an imbalance. This

imbalance creates an opportunity or a loss. It is a simple

law. Ten years back, we required large IT professionals

due to arrival of IT related industries in India. IT

professionals were commanding huge price. Today the

situation is different. We have larger number of IT

professionals than demand. The premium is diluting.

People are blaming the government for un-employment

– but they should understand this simple ratio of

demand and supply (law of demand and supply).

5 things that can build a great career tomorrow : ----

I will not share with you my perspective on what will

happen tomorrow – I leave that to you. However, I shall

share with you some fundamentals that can always

create a great careers. Let us work on those

fundamentals. Those fundamentals will always help you.

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a. Build leadership skills : - working with people,

enabling people to work in team, enabling people to

pursue goals and enabling people to develop their

leadership skills. Great leaders are those who create

leaders. Great leaders enable people to discover

themselves. If you build this skill, it will always help

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b. Build entrepreneurship skills : great entrepreneurs

look for opportunities when others fail to read those

opportunities. Entrepreneurial skills are build over a

period of time. This is a skill which is again a

combination of various skills. Build up these skills

and you will always succeed.

c. Build communication skills : it is not learning English

– it is learning how to communicate. It is how to

interact with others. It is how to present your ideas

before others. It is how to listen to others and create

a common understanding

d. Build negotiation skills : it is how to create a win-win

situation, it is how to find a common platform with

others. It is how to build long term relation

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e. Build decision making skills : analyzing different

options and taking the best possible options after

putting required analysis and after building the

required background.

These fundamdnetal skills can be taught thorugh any

programme – it may be BBA or BBM or BCom or B Tech,

or any other programme. If you build these skills, you are

sure to survive in the chaning times to come. Your

fundamental skills will enable you to survive and grow in

any situation. Build these skills even if you are doing any

course – be it medical or engineering or management.

These skills are fundamental for your great careers. All

other skills have their own demand and supply – but

these skills are universal and will always help you.

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Build your careers around your capabilities and passion

Great careers are built around capabilities and passion.

You must identify where you excel. Find your strengths

and build those strengths further. Build your capabilities

further. It should be a continuous process. You can be

the most outstanding person in some capabilities. Build

your passion for your field of career.

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If you require even details discussions, feel free to ask

me. If you wish to conduct a career guidance camp, do

call me, it is my keen interest to help the next generation

in building great careers, so I do impart career guidance

with keen interest.