Care service inspection report Full inspection ana recruitment Nurse Agency 35 Albert Street Aberdeen Inspection report for ana recruitment Inspection completed on 12 May 2015

Care Inspectorate Report 2015

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Care service inspection reportFull inspection

ana recruitmentNurse Agency

35 Albert StreetAberdeen

Inspection report for ana recruitmentInspection completed on 12 May 2015

Service provided by: UK Private Healthcare Limited trading as ana recruitmentprofessionals

Service provider number: SP2003002340

Care service number: CS2003010413

Inspection Visit Type: Unannounced

Care services in Scotland cannot operate unless they are registered with theCare Inspectorate. We inspect, award grades and set out improvements thatmust be made. We also investigate complaints about care services and takeaction when things aren't good enough.

Please get in touch with us if you would like more information or have anyconcerns about a care service.

Contact UsCare InspectorateCompass House11 Riverside DriveDundeeDD1 4NY

[email protected]

0345 600 9527



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SummaryThis report and grades represent our assessment of the quality of the areas ofperformance which were examined during this inspection.

Grades for this care service may change after this inspection following otherregulatory activity. For example, if we have to take enforcement action to makethe service improve, or if we investigate and agree with a complaint someonemakes about the service.

We gave the service these grades

Quality of information 5 Very Good

Quality of care and support 5 Very Good

Quality of staffing 5 Very Good

Quality of management and leadership 5 Very Good

What the service does wellPeople who access the service, and their employees, are kept informed aboutwhat it sets out to deliver.

People who use the service experienced a consistent service that was reliableand well run.

Feedback from clients and staff, who took part in the inspection activity, wasvery positive.

What the service could do betterThe recruitment process would be enhanced through further development ofthe interview process, in particular how prospective staff demonstrated theircompetency. Actions to achieve this had commenced between the inspectionvisits.

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A review of the policies and procedures was recommended to ensure theyclearly reflected guidance that was based on best practice. Completion of thiswould further inform staff practice.

What the service has done since the last inspectionThere had been a continued focus on identifying new and innovative ways ofseeking feedback about people's experience of using the service.

ConclusionThe service ethos is "to provide a first class service to our clients by providingproactive and positive staffing solutions to the healthcare sector."

The manager and office staff team were keen to fully engage with theinspection process. They demonstrated a commitment to ensuring the provisionof a service that met their clients' needs.

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1 About the service we inspectedThe Care Inspectorate regulates care services in Scotland. Information about allcare services is available on our website at www.careinspectorate.com.

This service was previously registered with the Care Commission and transferredits registration to the Care Inspectorate on 1 April 2011.

RecommendationsA recommendation is a statement that sets out actions that a care serviceprovider should take to improve or develop the quality of the service, but wherefailure to do so would not directly result in enforcement.

Recommendations are based on the National Care Standards, SSSC codes ofpractice and recognised good practice. These must also be outcomes-based andif the provider meets the recommendation this would improve outcomes forpeople receiving the service.

RequirementsA requirement is a statement which sets out what a care service must do toimprove outcomes for people who use services and must be linked to a breachin the Public Services Reform (Scotland) Act 2010 (the "Act"), its regulations, ororders made under the Act, or a condition of registration. Requirements areenforceable in law.

We make requirements where (a) there is evidence of poor outcomes for peopleusing the service or (b) there is the potential for poor outcomes which wouldaffect people's health, safety or welfare.

Based on the findings of this inspection this service has been awarded thefollowing grades:

Quality of information - Grade 5 - Very GoodQuality of care and support - Grade 5 - Very GoodQuality of staffing - Grade 5 - Very GoodQuality of management and leadership - Grade 5 - Very Good

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This report and grades represent our assessment of the quality of the areas ofperformance which were examined during this inspection.

Grades for this care service may change following other regulatory activity. Youcan find the most up-to-date grades for this service by visiting our websitewww.careinspectorate.com or by calling us on 0345 600 9527 or visiting one ofour offices.

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2 How we inspected this service

The level of inspection we carried outIn this service we carried out a low intensity inspection. We carry out theseinspections when we are satisfied that services are working hard to provideconsistently high standards of care.

What we did during the inspectionWe undertook a first unannounced inspection visit between 9:00am and2:30pm and then a second semi-announced visit between 9:00am and12:00pm in May 2015. A further visit was undertaken on 12 May 2015 to giveverbal feedback.

We took account of the completed annual return and self assessment formsthat we asked the provider to complete and submit to us.

Care Standards Questionnaires (CSQs) were sent to 20 staff members ofwhich four were returned.

During this inspection process we gathered evidence from various sources,including the following:

We spoke with:

- the manager- office staff- four registered nursing staff- three clients.

We looked at:

- staff recruitment files- staff training plan- quality assurance records- accident and incident records- minutes of staff meetings

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- electronic database- Certificate of Registration.

Grading the service against quality themes and statementsWe inspect and grade elements of care that we call 'quality themes'. Forexample, one of the quality themes we might look at is 'Quality of care andsupport'. Under each quality theme are 'quality statements' which describewhat a service should be doing well for that theme. We grade how the serviceperforms against the quality themes and statements.

Details of what we found are in Section 3: The inspection

Inspection Focus Areas (IFAs)In any year we may decide on specific aspects of care to focus on during ourinspections. These are extra checks we make on top of all the normal ones wemake during inspection. We do this to gather information about the quality ofthese aspects of care on a national basis. Where we have examined aninspection focus area we will clearly identify it under the relevant qualitystatement.

Fire safety issuesWe do not regulate fire safety. Local fire and rescue services are responsible forchecking services. However, where significant fire safety issues becomeapparent, we will alert the relevant fire and rescue services so they mayconsider what action to take. You can find out more about care services'responsibilities for fire safety at www.firescotland.gov.uk

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The annual returnEvery year all care services must complete an 'annual return' form to make surethe information we hold is up to date. We also use annual returns to decidehow we will inspect the service.Annual Return Received: Yes - Electronic

Comments on Self AssessmentEvery year all care services must complete a 'self assessment' form telling ushow their service is performing. We check to make sure this assessment isaccurate.

The Care Inspectorate received a fully completed self assessment documentfrom the provider. We were satisfied with the way the provider completed thisand with the relevant information included for each heading that we gradeservices under.

Taking the views of people using the care service into accountSee section Quality Theme 0 - Statement 1 for comments.

Taking carers' views into accountNot applicable to this service.

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3 The inspectionWe looked at how the service performs against the following quality themesand statements. Here are the details of what we found.

Quality Theme 0: Quality of InformationGrade awarded for this theme: 5 - Very Good

Statement 1“We ensure that service users and carers participate inassessing and improving the quality of the information providedby the service.”

Service StrengthsAt this inspection we found the performance of the service for this QualityStatement to be very good. We reached this conclusion after we viewedparticipation records and spoke with clients and staff.

Clients and staff were given opportunities to express their views about theservice provided by the agency. This was demonstrated through a number ofways, for example:

- Periodically throughout the year questionnaires were sent to clients and staff.On return the feedback was collated and action points were identified inresponse to any issues that had been identified. This information was madeavailable to people in order to ensure they were kept informed. Where responseto questionnaires had been poor contact was made via telephone and/or e-mail to ascertain views.

- There were systems in place that allowed clients and staff to comment onwhether the placement was still appropriate. These included review meetings atthe services, staff feedback forms, e-mail and telephone feedback, and spotchecks to observe practice.

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- There continued to be an emphasis placed on developing innovative ways ofengaging with clients and staff. Examples of these included attendance atfundraising events, support of clients' charity events, prize giving events wherea prize would be given to those who attended, and giving feedback and a24-hour management support helpline.

Feedback from clients spoken with included:

- "There is always good communication between the agency staff and us."- "They are always quick to respond to requests for staff."- "They try to provide the same staff where possible, this helps with continuity."- "Staff are on time and wearing their identification badges."- "If we have any concerns we only have to ring the office and they sort it out."- "They are very reliable."- "I have no concerns about the service they provide."- "Any issues are sorted out quickly."- "They are really, really good. Communication and on-call service are bothexcellent."- "Staff are prompt, reliable. I am happy with the quality of staff provided."- "I was provided with information before the service started."

Feedback from staff spoken with included:

- "I am able to contact the office staff at any time should I have any concerns."- "I can ring the agency anytime if I have any concerns or need support."- "I have worked with them for many years. They are a good agency."- "I had an induction when I started."- "They have a professional approach."- "Office staff are always very reliable."- "I can choose where I go to work."- "They are always keen to get my feedback about the service."- "I have flexibility in when and where I get to work."- "I have received an appraisal, this was a helpful process."- "I would know who to speak with if I had any concerns."- "There are various ways to communicate with the agency. I get e-mailupdates which include new procedures/practice issues."

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- "I am provided with all relevant information about the service I am working inbefore I go."

Areas for improvementIn order to demonstrate an ongoing process of service evaluation anddevelopment it is important to continue to explore new ways of seekingfeedback.

Grade5 - Very GoodNumber of requirements - 0Number of recommendations - 0

Statement 2“We provide full information on the services offered to currentand prospective service users. The information will help serviceusers to decide whether our service can meet their individualneeds.”

Service StrengthsAt this inspection we found the performance of the service for this QualityStatement to be excellent. We reached this conclusion after we viewed theagency brochure, database system, and communication and participationrecords. We also took into account findings of Quality Theme 0 - Statement 1.

Clients were provided with information needed to make a decision aboutwhether to use the service or not. This was demonstrated on review of theinformation pack that was given to prospective clients. We found this to be wellpresented in a language and format that was easy to understand. Informationwas seen to include the stated aims of the service inclusive of type of serviceprovided, information on how the quality of the service was to be monitored,information about how to make complaints or express concerns, details of thecharging/contractual arrangements, and contact names and details.

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An assessment of the client's service and what they needed was undertakenprior to staff being provided. This was to ensure that staff could be made awareof people's care needs and the type of environment they would be working in.Staff spoken with and review of the electronic database demonstrated this inpractice.

A number of methods were used to determine whether the service andplacement of staff were still appropriate. Examples of these are referenced inQuality Theme 0 - Statement 1.

Areas for improvementThe management team should continue to review and evaluate informationprovided to ensure that users are kept informed about what can be expectedfrom the service.

Grade6 - ExcellentNumber of requirements - 0Number of recommendations - 0

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Quality Theme 1: Quality of Care and SupportGrade awarded for this theme: 5 - Very Good

Statement 1“We ensure that service users and carers participate inassessing and improving the quality of the care and supportprovided by the service.”

Service StrengthsAt this inspection we found the performance of the service for this QualityStatement to be very good. We reached this conclusion after we took intoaccount findings in Quality Theme 0 - Statements 1 and 2.

The grade awarded for Quality Theme 0 - Statement 1 has also been applied tothis Quality Statement.

Areas for improvementSee Quality Theme 0 - Statement 1 for more information.

Grade5 - Very GoodNumber of requirements - 0Number of recommendations - 0

Statement 3“We ensure our service provides care staff who are mostsuitable to meet individual service user needs. The care andtreatment received by the individual service user, is supportedby evidence based practice and up to date policies and

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procedures. These reflect current legislation (whereappropriate Scottish legislation).”

Service StrengthsAt this inspection we found the performance of the service for this QualityStatement to be very good. We reached this conclusion after we vieweddocumentation and spoke with clients and staff. We also took into accountfindings of Quality Theme 0 - Statements 1 and 2.

Effective communication systems were in place to ensure that details of whatthe client required was recorded. On viewing the electronic database we wereable to see that these records included the name of service, type of service,when staff were required, and what type of nurse was required, for examplequalifications, skills and experience.

Where possible the agency endeavoured to supply the same nurse, or nurses, sothat continuity in practice could be achieved. This practice was confirmed infeedback provided by clients who were spoken with.

Review of the electronic database showed that a record was maintained of staffskills, knowledge and experience. Information was seen to contain specificdetails about the types of services staff preferred to work in. This informationwas used to ensure appropriate placement of staff when requests werereceived.

Areas for improvementWe viewed a number of policies and procedures. These included Adult Supportand Protection (ASP) and infection control. In doing so, we saw that there wereareas of development needed to ensure they gave detailed direction to staffthat reflected best practice guidance. It was agreed with the manager that areview would be undertaken of all policies and procedures and appropriateamendments would be made. On completion new guidance would be sharedwith staff. This process will be reviewed at the time of the next inspection.

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Grade5 - Very GoodNumber of requirements - 0Number of recommendations - 0

Quality Theme 3: Quality of StaffingGrade awarded for this theme: 5 - Very Good

Statement 2“We are confident that our staff have been recruited, andinducted, in a safe and robust manner to protect service usersand staff.”

Service StrengthsAt this inspection we found the performance of the service for this QualityStatement to be very good. We reached this conclusion after we viewed anumber of staff personnel files and observed one person's interview beingconducted.

Staff were appropriately recruited. This was demonstrated when we viewed fourstaff personnel files. We saw the completion of application forms, taking up oftwo written references, one being from the current or last employer, policerecord checks, and registration with a regulatory body.

An induction programme was followed to ensure staff had appropriate supportwhen commencing employment. This took the form of formal classroom basedlearning and sharing of information needed to ensure best practice guidancewas followed in key areas. Examples of this were health and safety, ASP,infection control, and moving and handling.

Areas for improvementWe had the opportunity to sit in and observe the interview process in practice.What was evident in this instance was that there was little attempt to test the

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competency of the person in relation to practical experience. This is importantto show the discussions at interview and demonstrate the decision-makingprocess.

When we viewed staff files we saw that there was not a formal process ofverification of references in place. This would be important to ensure that theaccuracy of information received to support a person's application had beentested.

In response to the above, the manager was able to show how the recruitmentprocess had been reviewed and strengthened. It had also been identified thatstaff training had been planned to ensure consistency in how the new policy/procedure was implemented. The revised practice would form the focus offuture inspection activity.

Grade5 - Very GoodNumber of requirements - 0Number of recommendations - 0

Statement 3“We have a professional, trained and motivated workforcewhich operates to National Care Standards, legislation and bestpractice.”

Service StrengthsAt this inspection we found the performance of the service for this QualityStatement to be excellent. We reached this conclusion after we spoke withsome staff and looked at training records.

We were aware that all staff were required to demonstrate six monthsexperience prior to applying to register with the agency. This, along with arecord of skills, type of experience and registration with an appropriateregulatory body (the Nursing and Midwifery Council (NMC)), was used to ensurestaff had the necessary skills and knowledge needed.

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We were able to see that there was a focus on training. This was demonstratedby an ongoing process which ensured that refresher training was planned andundertaken in a timely manner. An accurate record was maintained of nurseContinuing Professional Development (CPD) required by the NMC. It was madeclear that should staff not attended planned training they were stopped fromworking until it had been completed.

The staff handbook viewed demonstrated the provision of importantinformation, for example proper record keeping including the reporting ofaccidents/incidents and complaints.

Staff spoken with confirmed:

- "I applied to work with the agency because of their good reputation."- "It is a good agency to work for. There is a focus on training and I am alwaysgetting reminders about updates in plenty of time."

The implementation of 'spot checks' as a means of observing staff in practicehad been highlighted as a way of developing the way staff were beingsupported and their practice monitored. This process had commenced and itsongoing implementation would enhance existing systems in place to ensurestaff maintained their professionalism at all times.

Areas for improvementAn annual appraisal process had been developed but had not been fullyimplemented. The manager confirmed that it was expected that this processwould be rolled out to all staff on a phased approach to ensure that all staffwould have undergone an appraisal by the end of the year. The completion ofthis process will be a focus of future inspection activity.

Grade6 - ExcellentNumber of requirements - 0Number of recommendations - 0

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Quality Theme 4: Quality of Management andLeadershipGrade awarded for this theme: 5 - Very Good

Statement 1“We ensure that service users and carers participate inassessing and improving the quality of the management andleadership of the service.”

Service StrengthsThe grade awarded for Quality Theme 0 - Statement 1 has also been applied tothis Quality Statement.

Areas for improvementSee Quality Theme 0 - Statement 1 for more information.

Grade5 - Very GoodNumber of requirements - 0Number of recommendations - 0

Statement 4“We use quality assurance systems and processes which involveservice users, carers, staff and stakeholders to assess thequality of service we provide”

Service StrengthsAt this inspection we found the performance of the service for this QualityStatement to be very good. We reached this conclusion after we spoke withclients and staff and looked at quality assurance records.

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People were informed about what the service set out to provide. This wasachieved by the accessibility of the Certificate of Registration and the detailedinformation pack provided prior to the service being accessed.

Clients and staff were actively encouraged to be involved in measuring thequality of the service they received. For more information see Quality Theme 0 -Statement 1.

There was a management team in place. It was evident that each staff memberhad clearly defined roles and responsibilities. We saw that information aboutthe complaints procedure was readily accessible. We felt confident that therewould be a prompt response to any queries or concerns people may have. Thiswas confirmed through discussions with clients spoken with confirming thatthey were aware of how to raise concerns should they have any. Those staffspoken with said that they felt well supported and that they were able toexpress any concerns, should they have any.

We were able to see how incidents and events were investigated with remedialactions identified and achieved. This minimised the risk of potentialreoccurrence.

We saw a number of quality assurance processes being used to determine howthe service was performing. This included weekly management staff meetings,visits to clients, use of questionnaires and feedback forms, and regulartelephone contact with staff and clients.

Areas for improvementThere were some inconsistencies in how outcomes/actions, identified as partof the quality assurance systems, were demonstrated as being achieved. Thiswas because of a lack of clear documentation to capture how solutions andpreventative measures had been implemented. It was agreed that a moreconsistent approach would be taken to ensure that a process of ongoing review,development and improvement could be demonstrated.

We discussed how the development of an annual plan would assist in a morestructured and proactive approach being taken to the development of the

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service. The inclusion of timescales attached to actions would ensure theachievement of more measurable outcomes.

Grade5 - Very GoodNumber of requirements - 0Number of recommendations - 0

5 What the service has done to meet anyrequirements we made at our last inspection

Previous requirements

There are no outstanding requirements.

6 What the service has done to meet anyrecommendations we made at our lastinspectionPrevious recommendations

There are no outstanding recommendations.

7 ComplaintsNo complaints have been upheld, or partially upheld, since the last inspection.

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8 EnforcementsWe have taken no enforcement action against this care service since the lastinspection.

9 Additional Information

10 Inspection and grading historyDate Type Gradings

23 Jul 2012 Unannounced Care and support 5 - Very GoodEnvironment Not AssessedStaffing 5 - Very GoodManagement and Leadership 5 - Very Good

10 Nov 2010 Announced Care and support Not AssessedEnvironment Not AssessedStaffing 5 - Very GoodManagement and Leadership Not Assessed

22 Aug 2008 Announced Care and support 5 - Very GoodEnvironment Not AssessedStaffing 5 - Very GoodManagement and Leadership 5 - Very Good

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To find out moreThis inspection report is published by the Care Inspectorate. You can download thisreport and others from our website.

You can also read more about our work online.

Contact UsCare InspectorateCompass House11 Riverside DriveDundeeDD1 4NY

[email protected]

0345 600 9527



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