CARC Information

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Page 2: CARC Information

� e vast free weight section is mirrored so li� ers may be conscious of form. � is sec-tion also includes Kettlebells and Bosu balls, as well as 3 powerli� racks for Olympic li� ing.

� is state of the art facility is composed of 26 cardio machines: treadmillls, elipiticals, recumbant bikes, and virtual experience bikes. 22 cardio machines are equipped with cable access and iPod capabilities. � e virtual bikes allow the rider to sign on to the Internet to save workouts and race against others.

� e center contains 14 individual weight training pieces targetting all of the bodies major muscle groups.

The Fitness Center

� e center’s 15 spin bikes are separated from the main facility to allow for an intimate class atmosphere. Spin bikes have electric gearing and a monitor that displays wattage, heart rate, calories burned, RPM’s and distance travelled.

In addition to spin classes, SUNY Canton also o! ers Zumba, and is looking to add additional programs in the future.

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Gym & Pool Facilities

� e pool is a four-lane lap pool that is open to all Fitness Center mem-bers. People can also rent the pool for parties.

� e gymnasium houses three separate courts, 2 rubberized and 1 wood. � e wood court is where the Roos play all home basketball and volleyball games. Each court can be separated by screens to allow for game or practice privacy and all three are surrounded by an indoor track.

Both the volleyball and basketball nets drop down from the ceiling over the wood court.

� ere are two sets of batting cages on the other end of the � eld house that also drop down from the ceiling

Bleachers extend from one side of the � eld house to provide adequate seating for fans.

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Ice Arena

� e new ice arena is the � rst ever on campus for SUNY Canton. A fresh ice surface using a state-of-the-art refrigeration system, comfortable stadium seating for fans and state-of-the-art locker room facilties make this a great place to watch and play. � e arena is also open to the public during the week for both free skating and open hockey and is available to rent.

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All of the home locker rooms have individual stalls with lock boxes, hangers and storage space on top and bottom.

Locker Rooms

Staff Offices

! e athletic sta" o# ces are located upstairs above the Fitness Center in the CARC. ! e men’s and women’s hockey o# ces are located downstairs next to the ice arena.

At the end of the o# ce suite there is a spa-cious conference room with large windows that over look the outdoor $ elds. Many groups on campus use the conference room for a variety of meetings.

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Other Amenities

� e Coakley Classroom alllows for class in-struction as well as team meetings and study-hall settings for student athletes.

Joey’s is a cafe located in the main lobby of Roos House that serves as the concessions for SUNY Canton home contests.

Every Tuesday during winter months, Roos House is home to Canton’s farmers market with numerous vendors from around the North Country.

Halford Alumni Suite located in the ice hockey rink includes a large open space for parties/events and separate seating with great views of the game.

� e Lloyd J. and Josephine F. Kingston ! replace is located on the mezzanine and provides a comfortable atmosphere for gametime gatherings as well as a great study spot for SUNY Canton’s student athlettes.

� e Mezzanine is also a perfect spot for gatherings; large and comfortable it overlooks both the ice arena and gynamsium.