Stalled Car Anecdote: Value Clarification for Assessing the Prevailing Values and Behavior Gaphor M. Panimbang [email protected] [email protected]

Car Anecdote

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Page 1: Car Anecdote

Stalled Car Anecdote:Value Clarification for Assessing

the Prevailing Values and Behavior

Gaphor M. Panimbang

[email protected]@yahoo.com

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Picture yourself piling into a car with your fellow teachers/ officemates about to embark

on road trip to a conference . . .

Picture yourself piling into a car with your fellow teachers/ officemates about to embark

on road trip to a conference . . .

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But what would happen if the car came to a screeeeeching halt . . ?

But what would happen if the car came to a screeeeeching halt . . ?

And suddenly you werestuck on the road . . .

And suddenly you werestuck on the road . . .

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Think of how your group would behave . . . .

Think of how your group would behave . . . .




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Group 2

Group 4

Group 1

Group 3

Four Distinct Groups Four Distinct Groups

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t can


do? They have the right

attitude They must need

better coordination They must determine

what is wrong They must agree on

plan of action They must combine

their individual forces

Group 1

Trying to fix the car

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Sleeping inside the car

They must be informed of the problem and made to realize its gravity

They must be told what they can do to ameliorate the situation

Group 2


t can



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Standing & watching the car

Group 3


t can


do? Determine why

are they standing– Are they lazy?– Do they think the car

cannot be fixed?– Do they not trust

those who are trying to fix the car?

– Do they think the car is not necessary to reach their destination

– Do they lack confidence in their ability to contribute?

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Hindering the effort

Group 4


t can



Gentle education is preferable

Do not allow them to distract you from your task

Deal with them Islamically

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If something is not done, the entire journey will go up in smoke . .


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What must we do?

Every group must CONTRIBUTE, in its own way, to restart the car

Engaged small sacrifices of doing what is NEEDED rather than what we WANT individually

We need a JUMP START

We need to HONE our skills, yet be diverse enough in our abilities to perform a variety of functions

We need occasional TUNE UP toensure that we are functioning

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Let us reflect upon our own character and actions and ask?

Are you eager to help but lack direction or coordination?

Are you in a state of dormancy?Are you quite observer, who wait in

vain, for a tow truck to lift us into action?

Are you trying to destroy the work of others?

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Remember . . .

Regardless of which group we identify with, we are crippling and we will continue to be a liability until we . . . . . . . . . . .


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Points for Reflections . . .

The welfare of the people will not be complete – neither in his world, nor in the hereafter, except with ijtimaa’ (collectiveness), ta’aawun (mutual cooperation), and tanaasur ( mutual help)

Shaykhul-Islam Ibn Taymiyyah

Source: Al-Hisbah fil-Islaam (p.9)

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Points for Reflections . . .

“ A believer with respect to another believer is like a building, one part strengthens the other” (Recorded in Bukhari & Muslim)

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Points for Reflections . . .

“And hold fast altogether to the rope of Allah and do no be divided”

(Surah Al-Imran 9:44)

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Points for Reflections . . .

"None of you attains to the status of faith until he wishes for his brother whatever good he wishes for himself‘

"The best of men is the one who is of most benefit to them".

Recorded in Bukhari & Muslim

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Points for Reflections . . .

In Islam lays great importance in brining hearts together and encouraging Ijtimaa’ on our daily lives:

• Acts of worship

• Hajj (Pilgrimage)

• Learning in knowledge

• Eating

• others

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3. Jesus Christ

4. Buddha

2. Isaac Newton

1. Muhammad (saw)

5. Confucius

6. St. Paul

7. Ts’ai Lun

8. Johann Gutenberg

9. Christopher Columbus

10. Albert Einstein

“Indeed the messenger of Allah you have the most

beautiful pattern of conduct” Surah Al-Ahzab 33:21

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Testimonial . . .

“My choice of Muhammad to lead the world’s most influential persons may surprise some readers and be questioned by others, but he was the only man in history who was supremely successful on both the religious and secular levels . ”

-Michael H.HartAmerican Historian & Mathematician

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What does our elders/ forefathers say about unity and cooperation?

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Kalbihan o OpakatParaniyawaan o kaphagingedDii kaphasodan o bager o kaphagingedMoayan o kaphagari-ari ko IslamKasangkapan o ikapiya o inged nago so magi-inged onKhaagawan, khaapasan, ago lindonganKapaar, daag, menang, nago bantoganBayanan o tihaya a lomalangkap i sinadaoPhoonan o kaphagisa-isa a lalan o paratiyayaKaaden o maana o SALAMTanda o Islam a lalan ko paratiyaya






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Piyakasaibarat sa KAYO a tomadeng iyan so kapipiya ginawa, raon iyan so kaphakatamok, na aya ombos iyan na so kadatu, na aya onga niyan na so elmo.

Lagid o TOROGAN a dii makambabagera, nago dii makasosomanga, nago dii makashosolaya na phekaisa-isa so antap.






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So sagorompong a bok na o makambabid- babid na masarig a igakot ko makapembela-belag.

So tarintik a oran na igira a lagid a dimalapang a kaphangontawar iyan na mapangangandam o tao na aya khapiya niyan na impiten so pithaong na kowaanon so daway ka an di khapaawingi.TO





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Finally . . . . . . .

There is no doubt that this sense of unity necessitates that: we all work together cooperatively as required by Islam as sincere brothers . . .

To enlighten us about the spirit of cooperativism, we are fortunate in having us here . . . .

JOSEPHINE L. PENDUMA CDA- Cooperative Development Specialist II

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Thank you & Wassalam!