October/November/December 2011 Yes I am a Princess... My Father is the King of Kings”... John 1:12 Inspired by Gods Daughters... Western Downs Christian Outreach Centre Favourite Family Recipes Inspiration from Pastor Rosanne Words of Faith Blessed IngredientsBoxes of Love How the Lioness veggie boxes are blessing families in our community..

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God’s Daughters is all about lifting our eyes, stretching ourselves and becoming the courageous women God created us to be. We pray that these next few pages CAPTURE your heart, inspires, brings joy to your world and makes you lift your eyes to your Heavenly Father and King and know that he has called you his PRINCESS….

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Yes I am a Princess...

My Father is the King

of Kings”... John 1:12

Inspired by Gods Daughters...

Western Downs Christian Outreach Centre

Favourite Family Recipes

Inspiration from Pastor Rosanne

Words of Faith Blessed Ingredients—

Boxes of Love How the Lioness veggie boxes are blessing families in our community..

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God’s Daughters is all about lifting our eyes, stretching ourselves and becoming the courageous women God created us to be. We want to be company of women that honour

the men in our lives, protect and raise children who will be the next generation of world changers and be generous to those in our local

community and those who may not ever be able to return our


We pray that these next few pages CAPTURE your heart, inspires,

brings joy to your world and makes you lift your eyes to your Heavenly Father and King and know that he has called you his PRINCESS….

6th December Ladies Christmas Party

15th-17th March Colour Conference

Luke 7:43-47 The Message (MSG)

Then turning to the woman, but speaking to Simon, he said, "Do you see this

woman? I came to your home; you provided no water for my feet, but she rained tears on my feet and dried them with her hair. You gave me no greeting, but from

the time I arrived she hasn't quit kissing my feet. You provided nothing for freshening up, but she has soothed my feet with perfume. Impressive, isn't it?

She was forgiven many, many sins, and so she is very, very grateful.

If the forgiveness is minimal, the gratitude is minimal."

Mark Your Calendar

“Visions are given so

that we lift our eyes

and lose sight of the

limitations of


- Lisa Bevere

W elcome to the first edition of the

Western Downs Christian Outreach

God’s Daughters

….Capture. !

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Inspiration from Pastor Rosanne... A New Season!

I love the Season of Spring when everything springs to life, the trees blossom,

birds seem to sing more, flowers are everywhere and the cold of winter has

disappeared. The earth has seasons and so do we in our life and also in our

church life. Sometimes the winter season in our life seems long, cold , hard and

dreary but the good news is it does not last forever. Seasons come and seasons go

and the Bible says “ To everything there is a season, and a time for every matter

or purpose under heaven” You may be in a winter season in your life or just

coming out and into a new season of spring. The winter seasons are where we

grow, we just can't see it. Sometimes it is hard and seemingly barren and bleak

but underneath the bare trees the roots are going deep. Under the snow life is

getting ready to spring forth into the new season where the daffodils appear and

the snow melts into a life giving stream. Embrace each season. We are living in

amazing times! It's so exciting what God is doing and I believe our church is

positioned ready to launch into all that God has promised us and you are a

vital part of that. It's important that we move with God and see what He is doing

in each season. The church here in Chinchilla is moving into a new and

exciting season and that means you too. New seasons bring change and I believe

as the changes happen in the church so you will also see changes in you

individual lives. Things will break open and prayers will be

answered and before you know it you will be walking in a new

way also. Get ready to embrace change and the new season. Let

the wind of God's Spirit blow in your hair, let the

Sonshine of his love warm you and melt your heart because

as His love permeates you so then it will shine out and soak

others too. We women are designed to bring forth life, let God

empower you because you were born for such a time as this! You

are amazing! and you can do all things in Christ who strengthens you!

Remember “You are loved!’ - Rosanne

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“So clean the inside by giving gifts to the poor, and you will be clean all over.” Luke 11:41 NLT

Full Name: Juanita Marie Butler Job Description: professional nagger Favourite Food: ice cream Favourite Colour: lime green If you were stranded on a desert island what three things could u not survive without?: Dairy, coffee, TV What song have you got stuck in your head right now?: If we are the body…Casting Crowns Favourite thing to do on a Sunday Afternoon?: Sleep n snuggle How long have you been a Christian?: 18mths What has been the highlight of your Christian walk?: Mission work, friendships and church family What about the biggest challenge?: Mission work (CAMBODIA) & marriage….(I don‘t do well with sharing) Do you have a special scripture that has helped you through the challenging times?: Psalm 91 NOW ABOUT Cambodia...

When did you first fall in love with Cambodia? We went on a team trip last year with destiny rescue through Thailand and Cambodia…just couldn’t wait to go back!!!

What was the best part of your last trip? This year we visited and worked with the same villages as we met last year and it was so great to see them all again and that they have grown in faith and hope….

What have you learn about the women of Cambodia? They are very loving and caring people however you really have to earn their trust before they will open up to you….once that is done….the heavens are your limit!!!!

What‘s an interesting fact about Cambodia that we may not know? Strangely enough most unknown facts about Cambodia are not good ones….their nation has been hammered by surrounding countries, corrupt officials and leaders for over 30 yrs now. They are slowly picking up the pieces and moving forward however they do need foreign help to do this well. A great thing that is happening there at the moment is that the Christian faith and church is growing rapidly!!!! Men women and children are flocking to churches seeking the truth!!!

Your words of wisdom to anybody else thinking of going on a missions trip? Go on a team trip first to get an understanding of the areas and cultures. Be prepared to have the drawing feeling when you get home…its like water down a plug hole, you are just draining to go back! And if you are going to a hot, humid,3rd world country with smelly stuff….do a pregnancy test before you go…it explains a lot if you know before you get home!!!!!!!


Spreading the Love in Cambodia...

Coffee with

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Pastor Lynelle Have you ever thought, “I can’t do anything for God. I’m only me.”

I think we all have thought that at some stage in our lives. I want to share with you, a part of the story of a young lady named Amy. Amy was

born with Cystic Fibrosis on the 25th October 1990. I first met Amy at a Young

Adults Bible study run by my daughter and son-in-law in March 2010. She was 19. I gave her a word that the Lord laid on my heart for her which was based on

Revelation 12:11 –“You are an overcomer and you overcome by the blood of the Lamb and the word of your testimony.” I prayed for Amy over the following months,

being updated by my daughter on her progress. In February, this year, the news came through that a lung transplant had come available which we were all

believing would turn her life around. She did well for a time and then sadly due to her body rejecting the transplant, on the 8

th September 2011, Amy passed away.

I grieved for Amy as I had so wanted her to be healed. I went to her funeral and there God showed me that even though he had taken Amy home, she had a

testimony. Amy was a bright and determined young lady. There were so many things she wanted to achieve but couldn’t, including having a job.

But Amy still achieved in a quiet way. Her parents found out after she died, that she had been supporting a missionary in Thailand for years on her limited income. (I’m quite sure God multiplied that money); she helped where and when her health

allowed. Amy loved to worship God. At the funeral, we worshipped and exalted God in an awe inspiring worship time. Amy was not a well known person to the

world but to God she was one of his princesses. Amy left a testimony to this world, that no matter what our circumstances, we can have a testimony and achieve

God’s will for our lives. Amy lived only till she was 20 but I believe she fulfilled her purpose and destiny. We are all here for an allotted time and some things we don’t understand with our natural minds but I want to encourage you, you don’t have to

be famous or wealthy to serve God. Just be the person God created you to be, love him with your whole heart and serve Him. I dedicate this to Amy. I thank God

for the privilege of allowing me to be part of her journey ever so short. Amy overcame and so can we, because we are God’s daughters!

Romans 8:37 “Yet in all these things we are more than conquerors through him who loved us.” - God bless

Revelation 12:11 – “You are an overcomer

and you overcome by the blood of the Lamb and

the word of your testimony”

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Today I learnt a lesson about the power and authority of God‘s word in my life, this lesson was learnt as I rounded

up our milking cow. For the last month (this city turned country gal) has been battling to round up her milking cow Sallya (that‘s not a typo, my 4 year old excitedly

gave her that name)… My husband Sam told me that I just needed more authority – ha - easy for him to say,

farming is in his blood. So, with that thought (in the back of my mind) I continued to ―round‖ good ol‘ Sallya up

with not much success than before… until today.

This morning Sam and I had a discussion about ―rounding up‖ Sallya… He once again said I needed more authority and I decided to take him up on this thought (especially after a working man said that he should film me rounding up the cows and send the

footage in to funniest home videos). He suggested I take a length of PVC pipe with me and if she doesn‘t move give her a WACK (my words not his) with it… With a deep nervous breath I said ―ok‖ and that was it the

mission was set before me: Latasha Warrior Princess was to roundup Sallya the Milking Cow at all cost!!!!

Then the moment came: it felt like a scene from a

blockbuster movie – well almost minus the triumphant background music and costume (I don‘t think my 12 year old basketball shorts and a ―yard‖ singlet really portray

the warrior princess thing). But there was one item that I, Latasha Warrior Princess, held in my hand… THE PVC PIPE. I started to run, and run and run, with a confident

warrior voice I yelled ‗SALLYA‖… ―SALLLLLYYAAAAAAA‖.

I was near the back of the paddock but no sign of Sallya. So I turned and ran back to where the cattle yards were and there she was, only a small distance away from our

final destination (the cattle yard). So at this sight, my speed increased and I lifted my PVC pipe in the air yelling ―Sallya‖ (I‘m sure I looked like a tribal person

running with a spear saying ―gabble gubba gubba ga‖ Sallya turned around to the direction of the cattle yard and ran for her life – I continued to run after her until… That moment… If it were a Hollywood movie it would

have been in slow motion… I closed gate, Latasha the Warrior Princess had defeated Sallya the

milking cow.

It was just impossible for me to round up Sallya without

realising the authority I had – and I didn‘t sense this authority until I took hold of the PVC pipe. Similarly, in this journey of life there are battles that we face that seem impossible… sickness, depression, financial

hardship, broken relationships, broken dreams, broken hearts, just to name a few. From personal experience, I have found it hard to conquer the battles on my own. It‘s not until I stand with the truth & authority of God‘s word in my hand that I realise that I can overcome the battle. When I have experienced the lowest of lows – I am reminded that I can do ALL things through Christ who gives me strength. When I struggle with who I am and the way I do things – God‘s word tells me that the He (the creator of the universe) saw me before I was

born and was pleased.

So… What battles are you facing today? Grab hold of God’s word, you Warrior Princess

and get ready for victory.

Blessed ingredients... By Annette and Lauren Kusters

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The recipes we are including are ones we love because they are tasty, are easy to make and don’t take up much time.

Lamb Shank Casserole A crock pot dish 1 lamb shank 1 red onion 800g tin tomatoes salt Herbs e.g.. thyme, rosemary, garlic

Chop the onion and garlic and place on the bottom on the crock pot. Rub salt into the lamb shank. You can brown it off in a frying pan first (but I don’t!) Put the lamb shank on the onion bed. Mix the tin of tomatoes, herbs and about half a cup of water together then pour over the lamb shank. Let the crock pot do the cooking for you while you get on with your busy day - for about 5 hours on high or 7 hours on low. We serve ours on a bed of mashed potato with a green veggie like broccoli on the side.

Fruit and Nut Klusters So easy even the kids can make them and they include nuts, which are healthy for us to eat. Preheat oven to 180.

Line baking trays with baking paper. Melt 125g butter. Stir in ½ cup brown sugar, 1 whisked egg, 1 tsp vanilla, 2 cups chopped fruit and nut mix, and 1 cup self raising flour.

Stir with a wooden spoon until completely mixed together.

Drop spoonfuls on the tray leaving space for spreading. Bake for about 12 minutes until

golden brown. Cool on wire rack.

You might want to double this as they won’t last long!

The gorgeous God’s Daughters Handmade Aprons are only $15

All money goes back to the sewing program in Cambodia -

talk to BJ or Juanita if you haven't got yours yet...


Blessed ingredients... By Annette and Lauren Kusters

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I Dared to call Him Father By Bilquis Sheikh with Richard H. Schneider

“Living in His Presence” was her hearts cry! Bilquis had a miraculous encounter with God which forever consumed her heart, mind and soul. This is the incredibly exciting yet life threatening story of a woman devoted to Muhammad on her journey of salvation, baptism and Holy Spirit fire. The path that led her into a relationship with her very own personal ‘Father God.’ Bilquis was drawn into her relationship with the Father by dreams and experiences which would shake her natural foundations of wealth and security.

She was a woman of position and authority from a conservative Muslim family that for four hundred years or more had been landed gentry. But this was little or no protection for Bilquis although she was a determined no nonsense woman who had unshakable trust in God. Unfortunately she lived in a country where admitting your love for Jesus could cost you your life no matter who you were.

Her tremendous courage and obedience is an inspiration to this day for any one reading her story. I was one of many Australians who had a chance to hear her on tape many years ago after her visit to our country. One of the things that impacted me was a story she told about when she first arrived in America and she asked the Taxi driver to take her to a church she wanted to be with other believers, she saw the crowds at the baseball, football and other sporting fields and then she was driven up to this empty church, she was shocked that in a country where there was no persecution that no body there.

Some excerpts……. And dine with Him, and He with me! I gasped, letting the book fall in my lap. This was my dream, the dream where Jesus was having dinner with me!.......... “Lord,” I cried “if these words of Yours are true, then give this baptism to me now.” I crumpled, face down on the chilled floor where I lay crying. “Lord,” I sobbed, “I’ll never want to get up from this place until You give me this baptism.” Suddenly, I was filled with wonder and awe…then the powerful surges subsided, the heavenly ocean quieted. I was completely cleansed. Joy exploded within me and I cried out praising Him, thanking Him………….As I drifted off to sleep, I again seemed to have left my body as if floating. I found myself standing on a grassy slope surrounded by pine trees. A spring bubbled near me. All about me were angels so many that they seemed to form a hazy mist.

This book is a must read if you need a lift or not, her story is so inspiring and in some ways is similar to my own conversion in a lonely place with just me and the Holy Spirit.

Her hearts cry “staying in His presence by obedience,” is this our hearts cry? This is certainly the hearts cry of our Heavenly Father our very own personal God who daily longs for our presence. What a privilege we have in Australia to freely Worship Him.

This book is easy to read.

Purchased from: Koorong bookstores. Purchase price: $14.95 First published : 1978. Crown rating: 5/5

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Heart of Worship Worship acts to clear the cares of the world and the everyday cares

of the daily grind from our soul. We must choose from within out soul (mind, will and emotions) for our body (blood, water and bone) to

open its mouth and activate the vocal chords; to bring a sacrifice of worship. This allows God to freely minister into our lives to the degree

to which we have made room for him to move. Our spirit (conscience, intuition and communion) is where the Holy Spirit joins

with us so we can have an encounter with our Heavenly Father. Worship can include reading the Word, praying, talking to God,

singing and choosing to actively participate in a way we feel comfortable. The point is to actively participate. Worship is our gift of

praise to the only One worthy of such honour. Picture for a moment the deck of an air craft carrier out at sea with all of the different types of aircraft lined up waiting for take-off. The long runway is designed for the biggest and most powerful aircraft to take off and land. But if there is stuff left on the deck; only smaller aircraft

such as a helicopter can land. The big F1 11 jets certainly can’t return if there is any obstruction in the way. They can only land if the deck is

prepared with the workers ready and waiting! If we choose to hang onto grudges, etc., only joining in worship

activities from the edges; this only makes a small area in our hearts where the Holy Spirit can work. Worship from a pure heart and clean hands; acts to clear the deck of all of the rubbish in our lives so that

the full force and power of the Holy Spirit can come home to land in our spirit.

What an impact the full force of the Holy Spirit can have on our lives and on our communities.

Prepare to CLEAR THE DECK!

Contributed by Andrea Lithgow

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Francesca Battistelli’s New Album - Hundred More Years

really encourages me to keep on going with my life and her music is great to listen too. I personally think she is a great song writer and singer.

I like the way her songs are godly and uplifting. They make me extremely Joyful and Happy. I also like the way she ends some

of her songs because she ends them with one person singing then another person starts to sing and I just want to hear the songs again. She has got some

good tunes and the words really do go with them. Her songs are great for all ages and the make my day extremely happy...

Caley Wales

Purchase from: Koorong Bookstores—Description: The 11 songs on this new album from Dove Award-winning

singer/songwriter Francesca Battistelli's reflect the season of blessing in her life at the moment. Listeners of all ages will enjoy Francesca's soul-infused pop, inspired by legendary jazz greats!

Koorong Purchase price: $21.95 iTunes purchase price deluxe version: $21.99 Released March 2011 Crown rating: 5/5

Music Review

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What’s coming up for Gods Daughters... "My Fav scripture would have to be this one,

Ps 27:14......"Wait on the Lord; Be of good courage, And He shall

strengthen your heart; Wait, I say on the Lord"

It means a lot to me, because whenever things get difficult or hard, this

scripture brings me back to faith...faith in Him and faith in the fact that,

most of the time, things or situations are not sorted out quickly.

"Wait on the Lord", means many things to me. Wait in His presence, wait in

faith, wait until you have a peace in all things, wait until He speaks, wait

until He is ready, wait ....patiently. Remembering that patience, is not

waiting..it is how we act WHILE we are waiting.

"Be of good courage...." I like this, for it means trust to me. Trust in that

fact that God will not let me down, "good courage", stand strong even

though things might look grim, God is always working in the background,

most of the time we cannot see how much He IS doing on our behalf. The

evidence does not show up until later. Courage is needed, sometimes NOT

to act upon impulse out of fear. God will work things out for the best for

me if, I have good courage..in Him.

"And He shall strengthen your heart"...this means life to me. My heart is

my life, and my life is in Him. I always like to think that this means He is

strengthening all of my life and heart. My character, my values, my beliefs,

my family...my Spirit.

So there you go.....only a few words in this scripture, but to me they are

life. I often hug this one to myself. That and the words.."This too shall

pass" . Because everything does pass..eventually. The most painful heart-

break, does always pass and I am generally stronger for it. And wiser. "

God Bless, Colleen xxx

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“Who Me”??

When the word ―Missions‖ comes up in conversation, what is the first image that pops into your mind?? Honestly for me, my image is a middle-aged woman (usually a nurse or teacher) living in a distant third

world country sharing Christ‘s love. Someone who you support financially and with prayers but she always remains distant. It is very cliché I know but that is what I was taught as a child and it is what has

stuck…until my recent years as a Christian. In the last couple of years God has really challenged my worldview on the topic of ―missions‖ and although I haven‘t grasped the concept to it‘s full yet, I believe God has me (and you) on a journey. In 2004 I was challenged with the concept that being a missionary does not always mean having to travel outside our own community. Being a missionary does not mean that we have to travel overseas to a third world country for God to use us for HIS Kingdoms‘ purpose (although those experiences are awesome life changing God moments – more on that later) but the

challenge was for me to see that EVERYDAY we live, we are on the mission field. What do I mean by that? I believe every one of us has been called by God to be missionaries. Every day we should be

inspired to show Christ‘s love to our neighbours, the check out chick at IGA, the smelly man sitting down the street, the druggie, the wife basher and our best friends.

So how do we be missionaries in our community? We need to meet people at their level and their needs. Yes it so very easy to say and write this, the challenge is to actually live out this concept. How do you do that?? Well I think each one of us will respond to the challenge differently, after all God has made us all unique hasn‘t He? Each one of us will see a situation differently to the next person and how you tackle it

will show you where your strengths and God given talents are. I want to challenge you this week to explore and question how can you be a missionary in your community. Be proactive and take some baby steps. One idea is to smile at absolutely everyone you see in the next week and see what reaction you get and if you already do this, challenge yourself with a harder task – invite your neighbours over for

dinner and fellowship or better yet take a meal around to that smelly lonely old man. I would love to hear stories from all you lovely ladies too. I believe when you share your stories then you inspire others!

In the next edition I would love to talk about the exciting things and opportunities that are available with

overseas missions at the moment. God is doing amazing things in countries where saying the name Jesus is enough to put you in jail. PRAISE GOD! Perhaps you are interested in going on a short-term mission trip but are unsure of how to go about it and would love some tips and advice. I would love to

hear feedback about what you would love to be discussed in future editions but until next time be inspired by this bible verse;

Then Jesus came to them and said, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Therefore GO and make disciples of all nations, baptising them in the name of the Father and of

the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age! Matthew 28:18-20. This passage is active – therefore GO, don’t sit and wait for someone else to do what God has called you to do but GO

and make disciples and surely God is with you ALWAYS!.

Rachelle Fromm

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Jesus once said "It is more blessed to give than to receive."

When you see the look of joy on someone's face after receiving a fruit

and vegetable box, you see why it is truly a blessing to be the giver.

A lot of people just can't understand why someone would give them

something for nothing and they keep asking "who gave this to me?" We

smile politely and tell them it is their turn to be blessed. I believe it is

sowing a seed every time someone is blessed by this type of

ministry. It is practical, real way to help people and show them God's

unmerited love. And if they are already a believer,

it still blesses their heart.

Angela Wales

Boxes of Love

The Boxes of Love concept is part of

Gods Daughters weekly commitment to

blessing someone practically in our community...

This is Princess Pig... She helps us save for bigger

dreams... Isn‘t she just cute..!!!!

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Then one of the Pharisees asked HIM to eat with HIM. And HE went to the Pharisee's house,

and sat down to eat. And behold, a woman in the city who was a sinner, when she knew that

JESUS sat at the table in the Pharisee's house, brought an alabaster flask of fragrant oil, and

stood at HIS feet behind HIM weeping; and she began to wash his feet with her tears, and

wiped them with the hair of her head; and she kissed HIS feet and anointed them with

fragrant oil.

Now when the Pharisee who had invited HIM saw this, he spoke to himself, saying, "This

man, if HE were a prophet, would know who and what manner of woman this is who is

touching HIM, for she is a sinner." And JESUS answered and said to him, "Simon, I have

something to say to you." So he said, "TEACHER, say it." "There was a certain creditor

who had two debtors. One owed five hundred denarii, and the other fifty. And when they

had nothing with which to repay, he freely forgave them both. Tell ME, therefore, which of

them will love him more?" Simon answered and said, I suppose the one whom he forgave

more." And HE said to him, "You have rightly judged."

Find this beautiful story in Luke 7:36-50 and Mark 14:3-9



“You are not invited” I hear the crowd say.

But I can’t walk away, I long to see just a glimpse...

“What is she doing here” I hear the crowd say. My heart is beating so loud, I hear their snickers but I need to see your face...

“You can't be in here” I hear the crowd say.

But I must push through, if only to sit at your feet...

“Who does she think she is” I hear the crowd say. I can't control the tears any more, I crawl to where u sit.. there is nothing that can

stop me now as my cheek rests on your weathered feet...

No words can explain the love I have for you my king. The thanks giving in my heart. I wash your feet with my tears and unclean hair, but you wash my heart and past...

As your eyes looked upon me, in that very moment I know. That I, a wretch is forgiven.

That you came, just to set me free and give me your eyes to see...

That it was worth every glare, every snicker and ugly stare, the day I pushed my way to you.

Now I see, all along you were waiting there... On that special day... just for me...!


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Gods daughters connect each Wednesday morning here locally in Chinchilla. Come and be encouraged, drink coffee

(and taste a possible homemade yummy)

and enjoy each others company.

Its kid friendly and a safe fun environment to be in. We share stories, dig deeper into the scripture to find our

place in Gods plan and create some amazing craft to sell to raise money and impact other

wonderful girls in our community.

“Girlfriends that pray together stay together”

We can make a difference as a company of women. We connect for a Cause We create for a Cause We grow for a Cause We give for a Cause

And that’s cause we love Jesus

C4C—a cause for Christ.. What is your C...?

craft ■coffee ■ cupcakes ■ chillies ■ canvas ■ cards Chinchilla ■ chocolate ■ Cambodia ■ crochet...

Discover your gifts and use it to help others...

For more info contact: Pastor Rosanne Steel

[email protected] 0746691083

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Dates to Remember..!

Thanks to everyone that contributed to making this edition possible...



Cemetery Road, CHINCHILLA

-- A regional centre for the Western Downs and beyond –

Brian and Rosanne Steele [email protected]


Wednesday 2nd - Lioness Arising with Lisa Bevere—Session 7

9:30am—BJ’s Den—3 Zanoni St

Wednesday 9th - Lioness Arising with Lisa Bevere—Session 8

9:30am—BJ’s Den—3 Zanoni St

Saturday 12th - Breakfast with Rosanne

8:00am - at Simply Indulgent

Come and share a coffee or some yummy breakfast. Be blessed by pearls of love while

Rosanne shares what’s on her heart.

RSVP"s are essential for catering purposes. - please pay for your own meal/drinks

Wednesday 23rd—Cook up

Lets cook and laugh together and prepared home cooked meals with Love

9:30am—WDCOC Kitchen

Friday 25th—Banarga Markets

Local markets at the Local Cultural Centre from 7am to 1om

How exciting ... We are having a C4C/Rescued stand..!

Saturday 26h - Lioness Feast—TBC

Come and celebrate the completion of lioness Arising

NO cubs or lions & come dressed in African theme

7pm—Commmerical Hotel—Outside Garden Area

Wednesday 30th—Colour Planning

Come and enjoy a coffee and lets get our flight plans soaring for Colour 2012

December December

Wednesday 7th - Ladies Christmas Party

Arrive 5:30 Start 6pm Sharp

Club Hotel Function Room

Wednesday 21st - Cub Play

Morning tea in the park with all the cubs—invite your friends for some holiday fun

9:30am—Slingers Park

“I am not afraid, I was born to do this” - Joan of Arc