A t 1 TirE IIAILTBJRIY f REPUBLICAN Iii < i Fine Jo York a Specialty OFflC110fidA OF TBE Pd8T4lN 186 lUlU cOnanSrDIALDr farcr Subscription La year 4 r 10r zo O RtYARD W FoR OMEN WHO AVOT E fHHUD hacked up by over a third of a tentu recomuch everttaledthe Dr Pletees Paonte Pteaerlptlou now feel Inleplftlone vtakneuProIbslM andrcalOnabl They kne the u oat remarkable record of rev made by this world famett remedy eTcrJlkced to the credit of Any prrparb ofwoaap ofthepq fottowfolfn tobe It PftkHT to moIb I wu InCIIlffII1C8T1 nl1hauatflt emnflt I oattd act rt my atreoltb back aPtm1e ashIa ad 4k list I II dlacoanged but within a Preact agoceedlg 811 a beartywoman My toy tpow lwoyears e44 Illanu to ireplcn USt tn deMa of cur Parorae Pracrlliltloa reo eperata me at once Mr + No Ill Joaeluttt Rant Davaoh Ga WruuKTo Kedleal t u RG for diuut of the ttonuch brood np11te sentjrre AddreuDc ladluJaut far gentleaeu sod tboeo- ughnuWeaR hearts eYeryoaa IImploladlealOII o1 onl3te AU rood taken into the stomach andIWIIIthetomach orthe de1IGite but ylt1 oreln becomes dlseued ItanIchM1 loanaata Kodol Dlgestt What Yu Eat IlUTOIilatraItiand Acala ode trialale Protsarad bt La oWITT A 00 otflOAoo MEAT MALT Jli IQCAt ONtO AND atcoaa tae Tkxes LIe and Strength la Erery Drop Asdcatlne combination of the essential coeMkucnb of PRIME BEEF and PURR OLD I iALTL- oolaUk Kr January ii igs MEAT Ilk ZALTCO Loulldl1t Ky Ml1ttripentba M and un- tau tat It U en eakkunerve and blood tonic KclIU tJ4 Ppoth nd invkontcl dlrutlou aod beatin 1ItrYOll Youuav r D KASTEN DINE u D Loulevfle College of llwmacr T a MALT Oil LeuuNI 1 Kss- fare T Fkaptr G cr hr imyouse test m1 tllllb04 IJ flMI- CIoMIJ IIIIfl1I1f1o KoouaataslfDistrusta tJII w II t oe MNM- tsae r AlAUe- rat teal0t Oslo LusAva- IT t OUIL MRS L S ADAMS er 61t080Jeaaa Q or Cudul a Indeed a btulns- to find woman suffered for a- nddbeedlagdown i re with no success Wine olCar4V- was the only thing which helped foie and c1Iy it weakcarraat MtOtIftI- YKr ° yeItIItId BY Wired women Min Mans- mews rsetv0ue wt > dIaordere4 muses tailingat the OMan tJow of womeahaveolseanoareyou WOllie1 1 of c rel of Cardq I h iuds of owes which a j 1doctcre Aft i I J tolwellrof1 For riseT d Jlack Drau6ht J l Jr 1 tt NE r CAR U1 Will VOT fOR COL D1kNIF- Col I I J DeLillard of Owe Cant Stand for Democ racy Under the PresentRegimeC- alhouning and the Powers Ver- dIct Are TwoDoses be Can not Swallow OTHER REASONS FOR SUP PORTING REPUBLICANS OweJlton Ky Sept zCot J D Il1IardexCommonwealtys At torney In the Frankfort Judicial die trlcl a lifelong Democrat well knout over the State when asked for his oplnlon off the present political cam- paign made the following statement t to the Uvenlng Poet Mr Lilian will speak for the Republican ticket lie said There art two sets 01 caadidat- coutemdlsg M for auprettracyIu the a pp- roachlng electloo November 3 Oat of these will Inevitable be elected and fin the various Stale omcee Irma Govereor down the official lteI BJtCKIIAf liAS NO PLBTPORM Atthe head of one list Ia the pres- ent actlu Govereor or the state srk- I3 running unhampered or re strained by a platform of plnclpeI perfectly tree to make a platform o his own without the consent u Bf- II would say of any other man earth Atthe highest round on the ladde thRepbblcan e Belknap a aueteetal beatnesa apt of the metropolis of Kentucky The personal character of botlltk men I am satisfied le unaudlatiee The lather ol the Govereor the la e Will Beckban Wumy farm perIGp- at friend During the session of So 52 and oSIJ3we Were dallllmat J the lac depattmeat of tits Unlveral of ToutllVllIe and received our dlpl- ma the same night from the hand et that eminent layer Gmancter tlltd statesman James Gutbtle Presidet of the uulversaty and I am sattefl Sri he never raised a SOD devoid to th e attributes of a gentleman tRIBUTaTOCOL DRIENAP Col Morris Betknap the cotorbeRr er of the RepwbUan patty of Ker tacky I duot prualty know bl but I am satisfied his character integ city and pereonat worth are above re- pcacti far beyond pacctaatulaeeault No better evidence to me of that fac- is t needed than he gained the beat- and hand in marlage ol the danghtr ofmyotd blend Simon Boltve- Buckner r the honored of Glen Lily1B one o these men we should begoverea by their platforms if theY have oa e and H t not by their put- acts dnd wGatthey promise now It appears to me that Beckhamb haadlcapett at the airy operators of his pattys machine which was used In my judgemeutto drive awayalt opposition In his pr to blsaoailaatlon fqr governor lio buceeaefully It was accomplished 1- 8dlac10ed by history jmet precedla- and g subsequent to his nominatioa The only good lawyer seeking th nomination over Beckham Jud Robeit J BreckenJldge denied and l think vety properly the conetitu- tionai elllllbUlty but I will not dis cage that matttr now for from tb- algae of the time he will never have the opportunity to test that queetlo- Iii a court of law I read the speech hedellvered at the opening of his cans palguln the city of tvlncbeeter en reiterated on every ascaalon since an having no platform on which to atom and guide him he made one for bins self and that was Dubitance Death of Caleb Powera and to hell with the Republican party and upont1at alone he imagines he an ride Into power once more I canttotauppott him on such aa as that Neither can I cndun C the action bi the Democratic Legltla tune In declaring Goebel and Beckha- elected fu Govenor and Ileutcnantfv ernorof Kentccky when that La gl- lature as wellas the benej Iariea- mited4gtacehl of et well know hey were mot I Cannot by wy vote a po prove Mr Bteckbama pardonoflloto rJIus1utdetera aWlllllns and uuth1- of w8 the most dangerous charpctt r sending thens ba kto tee counts or their conyictlun to again eat tlr upon Upeeof rapine p1tu dir and blood which many of them did- CANr1NDoasacAlnotJNING I cannot lndoraeiat the nIllotboz Mr Beckbama laviab Use of money lu the treasure vaults of- BtateInthepaynaentof an uneven rid fee of over 7opoo for collecting WaBhlngton city agovermmeat ebt due the state whlekwould have c collected by any bank fir Pramkf ot rby the Athraep a GtiueialvrilhoutN k dollar cost to the Commonwealth wl1 not beexp ted of meonthlsocca- aton to partlcuarllie the short com lug ol our youthful executlve or to dab 11orate on the outrages of the politico machine In the meshes of which h seems to be environed Its enough for me to say to you men of all parties that I am a Demo- cratic thoroughbred of the Tdieraonla school a strict constructlonls of uot only the constitution of the Uslted States but of every State ororganlsa- tfon and a sincere ofan lair just uon partiean trial of everyman accused ol crime by an impartial Judge sad an unbiased jiry DEMOCRATIC TRYCx3TUS scORED For We past few years end now the Democratic party organiZed and run by the machine operated by po Utlcal tricksters end buccaneers has been trailing In tbq footsteps of the ReppbllGm petty lit everything that e ball gd studloa avoiding every- thing good It may have done In ttiedark dayw of IIncoiasaaesa- sinationby the crazed but brltUn- ttrgedla J W11keBoothe Inflamed passions of the Republican party am edtobe IlaomJa10tUtreXecut Mle rJett pure sp Cent women To follow the dlagra tai auds amefu1precedentolthelle- pubtlca party tee etlf Jyla1 tp racy Pf Xtutllcky receythq bled deathGJc4 la eat of complicity In the cruel amd Inhnanan murder of Senato r Goebxl U Dire Surratt who wua rt to the engaged human pea Mona i1 the lIou There Iii tbhi- raae and comtessptAble the Rep > l1 aeAh did IonsaalpnLtonsvantdtx sex GOERCqasBIP xIoLx1a Tee Reps Hnpt l8 7 6 prole th e- PrealdeBcr from 1 de tI eml t- ensmlets o their example these ircl tarltors to Densttcretlc prlaclple In Kentucky felonlouely cud with mal- Ice prepesae irobbed W S overyor elect olltheexecutive chaff f the tate ps very evldcat even the moat IS1l81 obeervtq that these bigoted charetaes dad lnnlferable- montelia tti are otsatisfied with hurling reels blood CamaEHa tkeaaa at USe Repnbiusal they mustn spite their vile filthy venomous saliva at John Young Brown supPort en and dada with bream cutthroat i mpudence and piratical motive and Intent insinuate that the lutrebld and gallant Duke wall particeps crimi- nate end co conapfrators to the dace tardly kUllflJtol their lamented chief rain Wm Goebel and want to con sign him to h1 along WIth the ins perishable Buckner end the Ulustra ions Breckisrldge- raAteE poa DUKE socaNEa AND aRECxDIalnc b White those grand old heroes I ifoliver Eudcner Wm C P otkiarf gefle fiying ajnedtome mere brea t ins the ehat and ebelhof the invading cohortdbf theFedereiarmy Thesevile- elafldere and esgaselme Of were basking is the dam eams and pleasure of a Kentucky home they were too cowardly to o > ie their and worthlea bodies to pashield I toew Before J vote for a man who h maligned and heaped oblequy that noble trio no matter what h sulphurice flames of botteet hl be asp portion Whit I have seen of the Republic platform aacof west Iem advlaea pf the personalities end commendabl Mote Belknap lam thegOO peDo mistaken this year llil glvlag him their support L ford ft saned crutches two or three weeks alter ePtelnlfagllfe ankle audit lenaaall y two or three months before he has tut yjp oP 1JW aa JotUIlta1U s UIile ad tU1- ecaaefwrUlntktee ya o lM by J H WIItIAais m t CJfJIC ia RrNt1oe r r r It JA rotes rto ttilthlrpla apt he North pa 16 cotfI otrOl1r Islam 8 9 IiptI er- 3i GDBecam DP Aor- CI o1 ltOlr Info m ton rcg x Jr c i6 YleertLJltlh1wte P rat 8- fr DlstrQused fterEatingCure d C of Gree- nsburgaghoiAwolla davgrPbl fJa o1Juf I1rile 1 iVlflblYrill tlssNagfctanbear or ofad yelfiidwetrreetlpeb I td o t tbsdit rW1IJ rc 1Jl w mp s efpliip 1 ssIahgapd < igeetlo n pertectMq SeW bqZ Wayne GrIJB a it Bf m It n < CURT JE1TSMOTUER TrIes to Save Him From Pos- e slbleFelo s Death Confers With Capt Joh- n Patrick Tom Cocl t- rill and Othersto ContJngent Coniessfon Is th TAIK of Cygthiana Cynthlaaa Ky Sept J9TomlC- ockriU and Mrs Hggt W mothero f Cwttlettbpdaconveragtion onlic street toda1 after which COckeill made a seasatlonal statement He Jlafd Mrs lJagln merle o propoealt have Cart make a confeeslosof i 1 onnection with flreathttcqqntynss- assinallome if thepropecntlo wouldth have tlIS case contlqned Cockril 1e says that he waS reminded that b wa erelafed tqJ eod tleti e oughJ tobe willing to save him Cockri 1 said he told iln ir flglme Jett had kllled his brother and was sore toga tn the scaffold CockrUl said that Mrs Heglas was sore et Judge Jim Hargis and Falton French for desert lag Jett and she wasted him to make a clean breast of his connection with la both reathlt county aeeasslnatio- nr s the nape that the Commonwealth Would have his sentence commuted Capt Jolla Patrick said he told Jetta brother wm Jett of Wluches ter that he believed that the oiJly- chaace of savIng Curt front the gal wa would be for him to make a full lon lu the hope that the Dons nsoawealth would agree to have ill e death sentence commuted la order to h ave Curt testify against thecomapir store IMPORTANT CONIERENCE Patrick Eaye he knows nothing o any poeltlnc overtures however that he was tn acoldereaetiII this afternoon at fie Cotumbla Il otet with Mrs Iiagima TQm I COckzIl1 anti others but that none ol tie attorney at were present Mrs Jiaglns at that meeting had little to say sort made o proposition but wanted to kmox Jl the ptleecatloe had amyttiisgto say ch Another person at the meeting paid that Mrs Haglna made in appoint- ment to beat the Columbia again to morrow morning end in the mean- time to would consultwlth Curts our friends J exslat Jett was Intervleived and said that it his mother had made any overtures be knew nothing about It and that hehad not proposed to make any cop Iellllon JettOi brother June said that Curt had made no propoeahe as to a possible confession but filar Tom Cockrill had asked Mrs Haglna- wllelhpt Jett Would confess It rile Commonwealth would agree to a con tlnuaace Coelum says he could nct have made the propltJon as fje wanted JetE Pwi1abo laa MANY RxrEcT CONFESSION tap4ltaver ct a possible confesefon with tqe th excptioti of Mt Byrd He said tonight that no ad Commonweaithieas receivede any even know that the Commonwealth world agree to any tmntiaaalaceI jett should to In fact Jae believes pocouteselon ie likely nn bangb f mOQwca1thos Attorney Fryer end At totmey Vpngbam aU had heard of the remora and expect Jett to confess sooner or later but all think It beit tohave a death sentence brought in by the Jury now trying Jet mASSURANCE OP PARDON Mr Fryer said he could ROt aaswer- poaltlvely what the Commonwealth and lios uthority for the statement butt at he had heard It stated that the liar glees were preventing Jelt from msk No a confession asenrlnq him that t6the Jetts attorney J IBlantoa walt asked about the possibility of a con eat cuss eWIlonHe Said he knew nothing q woe jllYrs Dtanton had not beeucoasulted a 1 about anything of the kladvc IlOT ltasSOIJclTt1D on While It Is doubted whether Jett himself has agreed to any confession the It appears lIa reasonably certain that his aged mother has such a move view from thee fact that she is tohI meet partied connected with the pros chn berot persona maw Cockrill and Mrs In consultation today ba I could not hear whit was paid Cocktlll wept to Jexlngton to nigh as a deputy bplnfi with an attach ment for Ctuulea Green who eve- r n W 1I0W1a afraid to testify in tile cast Hele avid to be an eye wltmeaeto the ssassination Fdr Your Consideration At Winchester Mr Beckham dls assasanation II peoplen of Kentucky are more interested lit rc moving the muse of assassination rather than In oven g g tiffed of such s cause asaaeainate k ham pardoned a short time before D- fMncoat y xas aseapsiuated for trying o get thecggrt to purge of fraud an election In which Dtckhnms support era were returned as elected tool e Capt Raven was approached by a sherln and a judge that are now 8npportlng lure Beckham sari tot whet he mast say about the kUlIag of Marcum He testified that the bidding of this Sheriff and Judgel until afforded protection He pwor- iat Cnrtle JeU assassinated Marcum Ills property way destroyed while this trial was going on and while thI undrml1jItary Intolerable condition Turn tothe other plde of the plc tare which shows how innocent suffer when the laws are me1 Senator Goebel Was asaa Frankfort In the midst of a wlessness verging on revolutlolJ Caleb Powers has been three time trIed before solid Democratic jntl for complicity lm thee crime Hewa without money the prosecution ha 100000 appropriated to secure th punhmen of the assassins Th- testlmory IltUtalallig a consplrllcyff weak and conbadlctol1 gather inconclusive One man ha1- coalessed the sins of other men nd he Imputes to Powers knowledge ot the crime He la himself In the pen I ltentlary tor file He has exhibited peraoasl knowledge of the atfali- chs wh no one else can equal H e once deleted Powers Innocent Hi he testified falsely as to Berrf Howard and Hockersmith He dcJ dark he acted a part la his own t Georgetown which makes him ap unrivaled lnspetaoaator uripardoatble bthe people of XeaCdcJtq Secretary of State Powers to to be hanged U Gov Deckbam can g4 t from the people of Kentucky a vote that effect For the first time n history the Csovctaor asks tJie people to pave on the question of the ecution ot a prisoner We see in this contrast the source oflawlesaneJ9 In Kentucky a reign rtawlessnCII In one section of tlf d State where organized assassination terrortzes a free people a seism pC Ujei before juries solidly Democretlc l e convicted on the testimony of mcn whose testimony la selfcontradlcto 1 delivered In the hope of mldgating pr Itaprieotwent e hen qn earthLoulsvUle Post Owes Neighbors ltirD P Daugherty well knox Mercer and Somme- rmantlea W Va most likely oWes aeiQhbdtHe with dlanhoee was attended by t u- tphyeidana who gave him little r relief when a neighbor learnl otbls serious condlrion brought h ebottleat chamberlains Colic Chol- era Remedy which cured him In lcea than twelltyiour hours m CASTOR lA Fer Infants anti OhU rev TMe Kid Yw Han Always iigt sears the 61Patve of SilenCeSltysthe Inquirer One the arrest sIgns onearth an almost unmistakable ladies n thaEtbedtath verdict forCaiq b is unjust Is the silence of th- preta add those who sought hIs Ul before the verdict had been tendered men on earth was ever without a to refs rainy et all times about guilt oi Caleb Powers The ln sll l anch a Verdict is too aJ par to deed argument Caleb Powers not in Frankfort when Gab el shot sari every jarymllnon that Imposed the death knew it well Is there eVe 4 shadow of justice shoat such Should Caleb Powers han the 2sth day of1JxtNovemb r as haebeen ordered that day wilt mar tlmeend hour when the State Reatmcky will be pulling ° thatxln 11 tobe by a judge from whose trlbtUialuo man ever took a- ange or venue Then we cAnonly live to tegretthat It Is too late Caleb Powers never took nor sought to take the Ilte pi WllltamGoebeh DAVI All draaaVtaretandrhnmowylrrfails to care R lJrUIIe IIIQatare ID on each boO e iN OPEN LETTER I To the Chairman of the Ohio County Democratic tam Jlaign Committee Mr Cheerwan uv the Dlmacrat Campnne Commltty Im a Dlmacrat who anus votes the ticket errata an pals no questions but as n keerlnl ub server uv politics Ive reed fur sun time that Beckhams fn danger an feel It my duty tOllound a note n watnia Pears to me things ale halo managed rite ni Uv course our fellers dun rite In kid In the lolnllle Hcrreld reporters ou t uv the State house but they ought busll1essI dun got all over the State a rjlnow well have to stan fur the kic the pardons both Then th missed It In sentencln Powers t hang There slat many people be Ilevea Powers le guilty an Beckham gold round sayln elect mean II see toU that Powers Is hung Is not bang1i mighty pgneemleh bout noun tfIJ stretch a tellers neck anyhow U Y course a mountane Republican who d want to bold State office In Jeeutuckf- aagbter be hang but weer speak bout the uv Ute thing life sentence wolder key the Gobl murder before the public and would eat a stirred up the Republicans SJ bad But the wrist mistake the Dlmacrats has made Is In not paradln the atea- la uv the office uv Atturaey Glnrll from our man Dracklnrlg HCre In a free country to have the Republlant- ealth s uv a State office tram ns dike r our faction cummlshnaers had sec our man was elected aulthen nqt throw It In tethl Ive red otir state cimpare book dear rhea an dopt find a lIne about this oatre e onthe ba lot bozSlch pallricsi Id have our speakers hurl It from everr stump Into the faces the Repub l aria ye thewln raskeie you stole tlje office nv Attorney Glmral hum on r man Bracklnrlgl An Id have la red letters acres the top uv ever page v Wecampane book the Republlca1 stole the office uv Attnrsey hint ai leans our man BreCkimrig ldha too on the cover uv the campaae book a pietas rep rlseu tin the Repab lien Court vs Appeals painted as fathered an with uplifted tummy haws drlvln our pore honest Iectlon I cammlebuners oat uv business IEI snmfbinl dint don an that soon t e Republicans will be cuslng us uv tealth uv aU the state ofricea ace uv beta altade to rare the question u office Btealln Now Mr Cheerm a- my final advice Is to glt neckham o hire sum more bent to help kick the Locivllle Herralci correspondents noI to have the Hartford Herr ld curt Qut In a dubleteaded dablccolnar aria tortal cenoun ln the Rep bllcan Cur stealin the office uv AtturoeyGlnta from our man Jirecktnrig Yournlnr Success n SUAMao- csbovoured by Worms palubut ariser s < lUated but devoured by worms A few days does of Whites Cream Ver Childo once very mach to the surprise and joy of the fatm Halt the oneway rates plus 200 will take you to any point in t6 e Great Southern via Rock Island System When and exactly how much from Beaver Dam are questlqns G D Beacon D P A Cincinnati 0 will take pleasure In anawering A Remarkable Rooord Chamberlains Cough Remedy hat a remarkable record It has been i use for over thirty years darfn which time many million bottle Ithasloaitben the treatmeutOl croup In thousand of homes yet daring an this time no cane has ever been reported to the manufacturers In which It Jailed to effect a cure When given as s ou as IIwill lint to take many children like It It contains no opium or other fiat lul substance and may be given 4s anartultjlFor Ja ksonNotso 8adI monmtalp fl their two days campaIgn aleaf night Col Holtz ezpresaed bl gself as highly pleased with the rectpI pek ° ofI find the people very hoepitabl and generous Jackson evidently ha many good people White I hart seen some of the dark pictures painted by the newspapers I was aware before r came that this community like many others contained elements of goodlas well DB bad We do not expect to do- a great work during our limited etay but we are here to investigate and bridge the way possibly for a longer campaIgnd a trip across the mountains to get e view of the sorrouading country bef- ore leaving Capt Longmire and men contributed to the en wholt Ihdreak Judge Hargis And Sheriff Callahan sidewalks Redgriuek theo courthouse tldPsled In the service by standing up and testifying to their faith 21 YOQrsA Dyspoptla R H Foster 328 S ad St Salt beebothered tlou for at yearll trled many dodo wtlh relief recently L got s bottle 1I pA rlhndde sac fltJ > Williams m Former Governor BradJeytI Take Republican Stump Goy William Iradey the man or whom the lest RepabUcen 4tete Coc ventlon almost stamped wlllf11ake 11 serious of speeches nest month la favor of the ticket nominated by th t conventJos This derision was leached yestcf day afternoon It live already decided that the former Govesqr will speak at Ashland Lexlmglo- Owenabao London and BarbourvillB Bowling Green and health permits thfsJlst will be great ly extended pfthe In Kentucky Js just recover bpa from a protracted tllnneeWhlch 1eonbec hl1 to ale home tot vera1 and 5lta et fhlree threat 8 i to make h perpaameniy an Invalid He was than prevented from givldg any definite reply to thee repeated n quests of the Republican Compel B Committee that he stump the Sta 1I1s physician advised him at h any active PoetidJlatloln the can palgn hv hie room Gov health sbowapnchdeddedlmpcovemeattiIr- I Ing the put week thatCauthorl the commlttte yrterdflgtoarramgs- chedule a for him He wUlJot be 1IVn enough to begin speaking belqre t fted speeches as possible will be crowdeda Into hie programme Gov Bradleys Influence over bit audiencesandhis ability to rouse t et voters to action make burl as pea o r of groat valve In campalgo Work If his health enables him to stand tke strab111e wtti make a complete tosrot of prllctlf8bte t he will deliver addressee at the pl e tExtended leaslbl r TPersona dyspepsia or oilier ntomochtro I will find that Kodol Dpapepslh ie digests what you eat and nsekee lie stomash sweet Tbla remedy J e J tJDyspepsia the gll ds or membranes dP ht stomach or digestive tract W eu C6g d ypurlood proprlated by the bloat and tisstiee Sold hq Z Wayne Griffin I The Abolition of Middle age Hall s century ago a man of forty bdI to have long since cat f adrift trans aU flee blncJIDrer robe youth sari to sssume thesppgtral C- nd deportment ofa pteld exemplary matron AU this has chaged in s wllchI s a contradiction ir the tbree1 ar ld We pgns o many respects qiifie as much i maD elghttent x n mlddls e m n yeas SUFFEREP2p YEARS With Catarrh of tho Stomach Poru na Cured r t rfmJlCongrOClltnaD My DtterD98tot ng1V me pleas curaUyequalJUea Mrlnalia I baTe bbtiutiIDleted lRereat kae toe a gtiartaro fasentttry tNtht a HOoAhlldesceJa theeetronblu A few tattles of your eonsPlato fttDora4D reelX ll j Yin liie 8I it a fiJH item rf ayelclaa meAar ISCHIrL ftJJUDet000tAnh tB1ly o vrpaddfapepstPte- mcee those o4ee J1tPtsrgi4 a r I dod riiWrltet o ipoar eepga sad benquJ e- talpieteed to trlve1 II hilTat t eoit Addrea br ell be1c set = fJ- ut T J r i jcli la not the cue > Middle age aofsr inns hctrpleg- n o into so far even ffpns etandlegstillwould seem actually to have stepped backward and a 1l- atongalde of youth Thefe tsa a a buoyancy des etaetictq- bout the middle aged ot today at which our father would kavataea thllr heeds as aaeeeitlq Tie U hich once eeparatcd ripe piiddleagtrd- rent pa from his children afi1 eclup The cartels whichshrouded Bostthe imto be regarded with respect it laobei1Ie ave made the schooh Utedhe tirtend of the schoolboy and the i 1- oIkct almost the tnmtadet tl hiarnsen th e milddlreged man ot to y ijBev r11Ing Is COlfJpettU it youth As with men i li aw1tli women SocIal etattetldans tell ietitettkeege atwhichwome ereconeiderednstlet eligible for man has beep notably ndPadcedo tale peak a fct ivafiaow lament yaUch the leas mainmR tertJtaf theWoet dreaded tlveie other darling are not tobe found so mach among raid girls her own age as Aniougwoatkaspbo not many pasta egtf wealil havoseea relegated Id Ute ranks et 1rJope old rnaideshtwd The act that l mid- dle aged lady of today Ie mach ofn entered not oaly reason this bat It tll among the meat potent he Spectator t How deep must e Brpane syalpa tky for the poor workman ii he rives that 111goospaq pt horses into SteepkernlzConstipation L AIHI all sytbptoms and Results of IsdlpstJ lbsttrtalrreereirMeitiesf DR CARlSTEDT i S- 8ERIIfllYE8POWjER NtatptMYrNttna + w IIf E B Ma tot Kv n iiaaertaw w tnadpat a watt ee- as M5j a oaru auumtr r eut e tyaw a h ae- p e u ra mr Ma dtt <set Mca rhodTowtaaeq till Atl iRCAN PMARDIACA4 pr aruvleslad I r Groves TlsteJeSChiD Tonic MDoIIhottIoIDoeI i- 1adoseA wlti ldtftlry kttJe II o Ten 7pKkqe el erewallKk ltset4fvee Pllin R a f Y a JiI ij

Capt vtakneuProIbslM campaIgnd 10r Ihdreak wholtnyx.uky.edu/dips/xt78pk06xx17/data/0776.pdftat It U en eakkunerve and blood tonic KclIU tJ4 Ppoth nd invkontcl dlrutlou aod rbeatin

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Page 1: Capt vtakneuProIbslM campaIgnd 10r Ihdreak wholtnyx.uky.edu/dips/xt78pk06xx17/data/0776.pdftat It U en eakkunerve and blood tonic KclIU tJ4 Ppoth nd invkontcl dlrutlou aod rbeatin




iFineJo York a Specialty OFflC110fidA OF TBE Pd8T4lN 186 lUlU cOnanSrDIALDr farcr Subscription La year

4 r10rzoO RtYARDW FoR OMEN

WHO AVOT E fHHUDhacked up by over a third of a tenturecomucheverttaledtheDr Pletees Paonte Pteaerlptlou now feelInleplftlone

vtakneuProIbslMandrcalOnablThey kne the u oat remarkable recordof rev made by this world famett remedyeTcrJlkced to the credit of Any prrparbofwoaapofthepqfottowfolfntobeIt PftkHT to moIb I wu InCIIlffII1C8T1nl1hauatfltemnflt I oattd act rt my atreoltb backaPtm1eashIaad 4k list I II dlacoanged but within aPreactagoceedlg811 a beartywoman My toytpow lwoyears e44 Illanu to ireplcnUSttn deMa of cur Parorae Pracrlliltloa reoeperata me at once Mr + No IllJoaeluttt Rant Davaoh GaWruuKToKedleal tu RG for diuut of the ttonuch brood

np11tesentjrreAddreuDcladluJautfar gentleaeu sod tboeo-


heartseYeryoaaIImploladlealOII o1onl3teAU rood taken into the stomach

andIWIIIthetomachorthede1IGite but ylt1 oreln becomes dlseuedItanIchM1loanaataKodol Dlgestt What Yu Eat

IlUTOIilatraItiandAcala ode trialaleProtsarad bt La oWITT A 00 otflOAoo


Jli IQCAt ONtO AND atcoaa taeTkxes LIe and Strength la Erery Drop

Asdcatlne combination of the essentialcoeMkucnb of PRIME BEEF and


oolaUk Kr January ii igsMEAT Ilk ZALTCO Loulldl1t Ky

Ml1ttripentbaM and un-tau tat It U en eakkunerve and blood tonic

KclIUtJ4 Ppoth nd invkontcl dlrutlou aod

beatin 1ItrYOll YouuavrD KASTEN DINE u DLoulevfle College of llwmacr

T a MALT Oil LeuuNI 1 Kss-

fareT FkaptrG cr hr imyouse test

m1 tllllb04 IJflMI-CIoMIJ IIIIfl1I1f1o

KoouaataslfDistrustatJII wII

t oeMNM-

tsae r AlAUe-rat teal0t

Oslo LusAva-IT t OUIL

MRS L S ADAMSer 61t080Jeaaa

Q or Cudul a Indeed a btulns-to find woman suffered for

a-nddbeedlagdowni re

with no success Wine olCar4V-was the only thing which helped foieand c1Iy it




BY Wired women Min Mans-mews rsetv0ue wt >

dIaordere4 muses tailingat theOMan tJow of


1 of c rel of Cardq I h

iuds of owes whicha

j1doctcre Aft

iI J

tolwellrof1 For

riseT d Jlack Drau6ht

Jl Jr

1 tt NE r CAR U1





J DeLillard of Owe

Cant Stand for Democracy Under the


alhouning and the Powers Ver-

dIct Are TwoDoses be Can

not Swallow


OweJlton Ky Sept zCot JD Il1IardexCommonwealtys Attorney In the Frankfort Judicial dietrlcl a lifelong Democrat well knoutover the State when asked for hisoplnlon off the present political cam-

paign made the following statement tto the Uvenlng Poet Mr Lilianwill speak for the Republican ticketlie said

There art two sets 01 caadidat-coutemdlsg

Mfor auprettracyIu the a pp-

roachlng electloo November 3 Oatof these will Inevitable be elected andfin the various Stale omcee IrmaGovereor down the official lteIBJtCKIIAf liAS NO PLBTPORM

Atthe head of one list Ia the pres-ent actlu Govereor or the state srk-I3 running unhampered or restrained by a platform of plnclpeIperfectly tree to make a platform ohis own without the consent u Bf-II would say of any other manearth

Atthe highest round on the ladde

thRepbblcan e

Belknap a aueteetal beatnesa aptof the metropolis of Kentucky

The personal character of botlltkmen I am satisfied le unaudlatieeThe lather ol the Govereor the la eWill Beckban Wumy farm perIGp-at friend During the session of So52 and oSIJ3we Were dallllmat Jthe lac depattmeat of tits Unlveralof ToutllVllIe and received our dlpl-ma the same night from the hand etthat eminent layer Gmancter tlltdstatesman James Gutbtle Presidetof the uulversaty and I am sattefl Sri

he never raised a SOD devoid to theattributes of a gentleman


Col Morris Betknap the cotorbeRrer of the RepwbUan patty of Kertacky I duot prualty know blbut I am satisfied his character integcity and pereonat worth are above re-

pcacti far beyond pacctaatulaeeaultNo better evidence to me of that fac-


needed than he gained the beat-and hand in marlage ol the danghtrofmyotd blend Simon Boltve-


the honored of GlenLily1Bone othese men we should begovereaby their platforms if theY have oaeand H t not by their put-acts dnd wGatthey promise now Itappears to me that Beckhambhaadlcapett at the airyoperators of his pattys machinewhich was used In my judgemeuttodrive awayalt opposition In his prto blsaoailaatlon fqr governor liobuceeaefully It was accomplished 1-

8dlac10ed by history jmet precedla-and

gsubsequent to his nominatioa

The only good lawyer seeking thnomination over Beckham JudRobeit J BreckenJldge denied and lthink vety properly the conetitu-tionai elllllbUlty but I will not discage that matttr now for from tb-

algae of the time he will never havethe opportunity to test that queetlo-

Iii a court of law I read the speechhedellvered at the opening of his cans

palguln the city of tvlncbeeter enreiterated on every ascaalon since anhaving no platform on which to atom

and guide him he made one for binsself and that was Dubitance Deathof Caleb Powera and to hell with theRepublican party and upont1atalone he imagines he an ride Intopower once more

I canttotauppott him on such aaas that Neither can I cndun C

the action bi the Democratic Legltlatune In declaring Goebel and Beckha-elected

fuGovenor and Ileutcnantfv

ernorof Kentccky when that La gl-

lature as wellas the benej Iariea-mited4gtacehl

ofet well know hey

were mot I Cannot by wy vote apoprove Mr Bteckbama pardonofllotorJIus1utdetera aWlllllns and uuth1-


the most dangerous charpctt rsending thens ba kto tee countsor their conyictlun to again eat tlrupon Upeeof rapine p1tu dir andblood which many of them did-

CANr1NDoasacAlnotJNINGI cannot lndoraeiat the nIllotboz

Mr Beckbama laviab Use ofmoney lu the treasure vaults of-

BtateInthepaynaentof an uneven rid

fee of over 7opoo for collectingWaBhlngton city agovermmeat ebtdue the state whlekwould have


collected by any bank fir Pramkfotrby the Athraep a



dollar cost to the Commonwealthwl1 not beexp ted of meonthlsocca-aton to partlcuarllie the short com lugol our youthful executlve or to dab

11orate on the outrages of the politicomachine In the meshes of which hseems to be environed

Its enough for me to say to youmen of all parties that I am a Demo-

cratic thoroughbred of the Tdieraonlaschool a strict constructlonls of uotonly the constitution of the UsltedStates but of every State ororganlsa-tfon and a sincere ofan lairjust uon partiean trial of everymanaccused ol crime by an impartial Judgesad an unbiased jiry


For We past few years end nowthe Democratic party organiZed andrun by the machine operated by poUtlcal tricksters end buccaneers hasbeen trailing In tbq footsteps of theReppbllGm petty lit everything that eball gd studloa avoiding every-thing good It may have done

In ttiedark dayw of IIncoiasaaesa-sinationby the crazed but brltUn-ttrgedla J W11keBoothe Inflamedpassions of the Republican partyam edtobe IlaomJa10tUtreXecutMle rJett pure spCent women To follow the dlagratai auds amefu1precedentolthelle-pubtlca party tee etlf Jyla1 tpracy Pf Xtutllcky receythq bled

deathGJc4la eat of complicity In thecruel amd Inhnanan murder of Senato rGoebxl U Dire Surratt who wua

rt to the engaged human peaMona i1 the lIou There Iii tbhi-raae and comtessptAble the Rep > l1

aeAh didIonsaalpnLtonsvantdtx

sex GOERCqasBIP xIoLx1a

Tee Reps Hnpt l8 76 prole th e-

PrealdeBcr from 1 de tI eml t-


their example these ircltarltors to Densttcretlc prlaclple InKentucky felonlouely cud with mal-Ice prepesae irobbed W S

overyor elect olltheexecutive chafff the tate ps very evldcat even

the moat IS1l81 obeervtq that thesebigoted charetaes dad lnnlferable-montelia tti are otsatisfied withhurling reels blood CamaEHatkeaaa at USe Repnbiusal they mustnspite their vile filthy venomoussaliva at John Young Brown supPorten and dada with bream cutthroatimpudence and piratical motive andIntent insinuate that the lutrebldand gallant Duke wall particeps crimi-nate end co conapfrators to the dace

tardly kUllflJtol their lamented chiefrain Wm Goebel and want to consign him to h1 along WIth the insperishable Buckner end the Ulustraions Breckisrldge-

raAteE poa DUKE socaNEa AND

aRECxDIalnc b

White those grand old heroes Iifoliver Eudcner Wm C Potkiarfgefle fiying ajnedtome mere brea t

ins the ehat and ebelhof the invadingcohortdbf theFedereiarmy Thesevile-elafldere and esgaselme Of

were basking is the dameams and pleasure of a Kentucky

home they were too cowardly to o >ietheir and worthlea bodies topashieldItoew

Before J vote for a man who hmaligned and heaped oblequythat noble trio no matter what hsulphuriceflames of botteet hl be asp portion

Whit I have seen of the Republicplatform aacof west Iem advlaeapf the personalities end commendablMoteBelknap lam thegOO peDomistakenthis year llil glvlag him their support

Lford ft

sanedcrutches two or three weeks alterePtelnlfagllfe ankle audit lenaaall ytwo or three months before he has tutyjpoP1JW aa

JotUIlta1U s UIile ad tU1-ecaaefwrUlntktee ya o lM byJ H WIItIAais m


CJfJIC iaRrNt1oe rrr It

JA rotes rto ttilthlrpla apt heNorth pa 16 cotfI otrOl1r Islam89IiptI er-3i GDBecam DP Aor-

CI o1 ltOlr Info m ton rcg xJr c

i6 YleertLJltlh1wte P rat 8-


DlstrQused fterEatingCure dC of Gree-

nsburgaghoiAwolla davgrPblfJa o1JufI1rile 1

iVlflblYrilltlssNagfctanbear or

ofad yelfiidwetrreetlpeb Itd o t

tbsdit rW1IJ rc1Jl w

mp s efpliip 1 ssIahgapd < igeetlo npertectMq SeW bqZ Wayne GrIJB ait Bf m


n <


TrIes to Save Him From Pos-e slbleFelo s Death

Confers With Capt Joh-n Patrick Tom Cocl t-

rill and OtherstoContJngent Coniessfon Is th

TAIK of Cygthiana

Cynthlaaa Ky Sept J9TomlC-ockriU and Mrs Hggt W mothero f

Cwttlettbpdaconveragtion onlicstreet toda1 after which COckeill

made a seasatlonal statement HeJlafd Mrs lJagln merle o propoealthave Cart make a confeeslosof i1onnection with flreathttcqqntynss-assinallome if thepropecntlo wouldthhave tlIS case contlqned Cockril

1esays that he waS reminded that bwaerelafed tqJ eod tleti e oughJ

tobe willing to save him Cockri 1

said he told iln irflglme Jett hadkllled his brother and was sore togatn the scaffold CockrUl said thatMrs Heglas was sore et Judge JimHargis and Falton French for desertlag Jett and she wasted him to makea clean breast of his connection with laboth reathlt county aeeasslnatio-nr

sthe nape that the Commonwealth

Would have his sentence commutedCapt Jolla Patrick said he told

Jetta brother wm Jett of Wluchester that he believed that the oiJly-

chaace of savIng Curt front the galwa would be for him to make a full

lon lu the hope that the Donsnsoawealth would agree to have illedeath sentence commuted la order tohave Curt testify against thecomapirstore


Patrick Eaye he knows nothing oany poeltlnc overtureshowever that he was tn acoldereaetiIIthis afternoon at fie Cotumbla Il otetwith Mrs Iiagima TQm


COckzIl1 antiothers but that none ol tie attorney atwere present Mrs Jiaglns at thatmeeting had little to say sort made

o proposition but wanted to kmoxJl the ptleecatloe had amyttiisgto say chAnother person at the meeting paidthat Mrs Haglna made in appoint-ment to beat the Columbia again tomorrow morning end in the mean-


would consultwlth Curts ourfriends

JexslatJett was Intervleived and said thatit his mother had made any overturesbe knew nothing about It and thathehad not proposed to make any copIellllon JettOi brother Junesaid that Curt had made no propoeahe

as to a possible confession but filarTom Cockrill had asked Mrs Haglna-wllelhpt Jett Would confess It rileCommonwealth would agree to a contlnuaace Coelum says he could ncthave made the propltJon as fjewanted JetE Pwi1abo laa


tap4ltaverct a possible confesefon with tqe th

excptioti of Mt Byrd Hesaid tonight that no ad

Commonweaithieasreceivede anyeven know that the Commonwealthworld agree to any tmntiaaalaceIjett should to In factJae believes pocouteselon ie likely nnbangb fmOQwca1thos Attorney Fryer end Attotmey Vpngbam aU had heard of theremora and expect Jett to confesssooner or later but all think It beittohave a death sentence brought inby the Jury now trying Jet


Mr Fryer said he could ROt aaswer-poaltlvely what the Commonwealth

andliosuthority for the statement butt athe had heard It stated that the liarglees were preventing Jelt from msk No

a confession asenrlnq him thatt6theJetts attorney J IBlantoa waltasked about the possibility of a con


eWIlonHe Said he knew nothing qwoejllYrsDtanton had not beeucoasulted a 1

about anything of the kladvcIlOT ltasSOIJclTt1D on

While It Is doubted whether Jetthimself has agreed to any confession the

It appears lIa reasonably certain thathis aged mother has such a moveview from thee fact that she is tohImeet partied connected with the proschnberot persona maw Cockrill and Mrs

In consultation today ba I

could not hear whit was paid

Cocktlll wept to Jexlngton to nighas a deputy bplnfi with an attachment for Ctuulea Green who eve-

rn W

1I0W1a afraid to testify in tile castHele avid to be an eye wltmeaeto thessassination

Fdr Your ConsiderationAt Winchester Mr Beckham dls

assasanation IIpeoplen ofKentucky are more interested lit rc

moving the muse of assassinationrather than In oveng

g tiffed of such s cause

asaaeainate kham pardoned a short time before D-


xas aseapsiuated for tryingo get thecggrt to purge of fraud an

election In which Dtckhnms supportera were returned as elected tool

e Capt Raven was approached bya sherln and a judge that are now8npportlng lure Beckham sari totwhet he mast say about the kUlIagof Marcum He testified thatthe bidding of this Sheriff and Judgeluntil afforded protection He pwor-

iat Cnrtle JeU assassinated MarcumIlls property way destroyed while thistrial was going on and while thI

undrml1jItaryIntolerable condition

Turn tothe other plde of the plctare which shows how innocentsuffer when the laws are me1Senator Goebel Was asaaFrankfort In the midst of a

wlessness verging on revolutlolJCaleb Powers has been three timetrIed before solid Democratic jntlfor complicity lm thee crime Hewawithout money the prosecution ha

100000 appropriated to secure thpunhmen of the assassins Th-

testlmory IltUtalallig a consplrllcyffweak and conbadlctol1gather inconclusive One man ha1-

coalessed the sins of other men ndhe Imputes to Powers knowledge otthe crime He la himself In the pen


ltentlary tor file He has exhibitedperaoasl knowledge of the atfali-

chswh no one else can equal H eonce deleted Powers Innocent Hi

he testified falsely as to BerrfHoward and Hockersmith He dcJ

dark he acted a part la his own tGeorgetown which makes him ap

unrivaled lnspetaoaator

uripardoatblebthe people of XeaCdcJtq

Secretary of State Powers to to behanged U Gov Deckbam can g4 tfrom the people of Kentucky a vote

that effect For the first time nhistory the Csovctaor asks tJie

people to pave on the question of theecution ot a prisonerWe see in this contrast the source

oflawlesaneJ9 In Kentucky a reignrtawlessnCII In one section of tlf d

State where organized assassinationterrortzes a free people a seism pCUjeibefore juries solidly Democretlc leconvicted on the testimony of mcnwhose testimony la selfcontradlcto 1

delivered In the hope of mldgating pr

Itaprieotwent ehen qn earthLoulsvUle Post

Owes NeighborsltirD P Daugherty well knox

Mercer and Somme-rmantlea W Va most likely oWes

aeiQhbdtHewith dlanhoee was attended by tu-tphyeidana who gave him little r

relief when a neighbor learnlotbls serious condlrion brought hebottleat chamberlains Colic Chol-era Remedy which cured him In lceathan twelltyiour hours m

CASTOR lAFer Infants anti OhU rev

TMe Kid Yw Han Always iigtsears the

61Patve of

SilenCeSltysthe InquirerOne the arrest sIgns onearth

an almost unmistakable ladiesn thaEtbedtath verdict forCaiq b

is unjust Is the silence of th-

preta add those who sought hIs Ulbefore the verdict had been tendered

men on earth was ever without ato refs rainy et all times about

guilt oi Caleb Powers The lnsll l anch a Verdict is too aJ par

to deed argument Caleb Powersnot in Frankfort when Gab el

shot sari every jarymllnonthat Imposed the death

knew it well Is there eVe

4 shadow of justice shoat suchShould Caleb Powers han

the 2sth day of1JxtNovemb r ashaebeen ordered that day wilt mar

tlmeend hour when the StateReatmcky will be pulling °thatxln 11

tobe by a judge fromwhose trlbtUialuo man ever took a-

ange or venue Then we cAnonlylive to tegretthat It Is too late CalebPowers never took nor sought totake the Ilte pi WllltamGoebeh

DAVI AlldraaaVtaretandrhnmowylrrfails to care R

lJrUIIe IIIQatare ID on each boO



To the Chairman of the Ohio

County Democratic tamJlaign Committee

Mr Cheerwan uv the DlmacratCampnne Commltty Im a Dlmacratwho anus votes the ticket errata anpals no questions but as n keerlnl ubserver uv politics Ive reed fur suntime that Beckhams fn danger anfeel It my duty tOllound a note n

watnia Pears to me things alehalo managed rite niUv course our fellers dun rite In kidIn the lolnllle Hcrreld reporters outuv the State house but they ought

busll1essIdun got all over the State a

rjlnow well have to stan fur the kicthe pardons both Then th

missed It In sentencln Powers thang There slat many people beIlevea Powers le guilty an Beckhamgold round sayln elect mean IIsee toU that Powers Is hung Is notbang1imighty pgneemleh bout noun tfIJ

stretch a tellers neck anyhow U Y

course a mountane Republican who dwant to bold State office In Jeeutuckf-aagbter be hang but weer speakbout the uv Ute thing

life sentence wolder key the Goblmurder before the public and wouldeat a stirred up the Republicans SJbad

But the wrist mistake the Dlmacratshas made Is In not paradln the atea-

la uv the office uv Atturaey Glnrllfrom our man Dracklnrlg HCre In afree country to have the Republlant-

ealths uv a State office tram ns dike rour faction cummlshnaers had sec

our man was elected aulthen nqtthrow It In tethl Ive red otirstate cimpare book dear rhea an

dopt find a lIne about this oatre eonthe ba lot bozSlch pallricsi Idhave our speakers hurl It from everrstump Into the faces the Republaria ye thewln raskeie you stole tljeoffice nv Attorney Glmral hum on rman Bracklnrlgl An Id have la redletters acres the top uv ever page vWecampane book the Republlca1stole the office uv Attnrsey hint aileans our man BreCkimrig ldhatoo on the cover uv the campaaebook a pietas rep rlseu tin the Repablien Court vs Appeals painted asfathered an with uplifted tummyhaws drlvln our pore honest Iectlon


cammlebuners oat uv business IEIsnmfbinl dint don an that soon t eRepublicans will be cuslng us uvtealth uv aU the state ofricea ace uvbeta altade to rare the question uoffice Btealln Now Mr Cheerm a-

my final advice Is to glt neckham ohire sum more bent to help kick theLocivllle Herralci correspondents noIto have the Hartford Herr ld curt QutIn a dubleteaded dablccolnar ariatortal cenoun ln the Rep bllcan Cur

stealin the office uv AtturoeyGlntafrom our man Jirecktnrig

Yournlnr Successn SUAMao-

csbovoured by Wormspalubutarisers<

lUated but devoured by worms Afew days does of Whites Cream VerChildoonce verymach to the surprise and joy of thefatmHalt the oneway rates plus 200will take you to any point in t6e

Great Southern via Rock IslandSystem When and exactly howmuch from Beaver Dam are questlqnsG D Beacon D P A Cincinnati0 will take pleasure In anawering

A Remarkable RooordChamberlains Cough Remedy hat

a remarkable record It has been iuse for over thirty years darfnwhich time many million bottle

Ithasloaitbenthe treatmeutOl croup In thousandof homes yet daring an this time nocane has ever been reported to themanufacturers In which It Jailed toeffect a cure When given as s ou as

IIwilllint to take many children like ItIt contains no opium or other fiatlul substance and may be given 4s

anartultjlForJa ksonNotso 8adImonmtalp fl

their two days campaIgnaleaf night Col Holtz ezpresaed blgself as highly pleased with the rectpIpek °

ofI find the people very hoepitabland generous Jackson evidently ha

many good people White I hart seensome of the dark pictures painted bythe newspapers I was aware before rcame that this community like manyothers contained elements of goodlaswell DB bad We do not expect to do-a great work during our limited etaybut we are here to investigate andbridge the way possibly for a longer

campaIgndatrip across the mountains to get eview of the sorrouading country bef-ore leaving Capt Longmire andmen contributed to the enwholtIhdreakJudge Hargis And Sheriff Callahan

sidewalksRedgriuektheocourthousetldPsled In the service by standingup and testifying to their faith

21 YOQrsA DyspoptlaR H Foster 328 S ad St Salt

beebotheredtlou for at yearll trled many dodowtlh relief recently L got s bottle 1IpArlhnddesac fltJ >

Williams m

Former Governor BradJeytITake Republican Stump

Goy William Iradey the man orwhom the lest RepabUcen 4tete Cocventlon almost stamped wlllf11ake 11

serious of speeches nest month lafavor of the ticket nominated by th tconventJos

This derision was leached yestcfday afternoon It live alreadydecided that the former Govesqrwill speak at Ashland Lexlmglo-Owenabao London and BarbourvillBBowling Green andhealth permits thfsJlst will be greatly extendedpftheIn Kentucky

Js just recoverbpafrom a protracted tllnneeWhlch

1eonbec hl1 to ale home tot vera1and 5lta et fhlree threat 8


to make h perpaameniy an InvalidHe was than prevented from givldgany definite reply to thee repeated nquests of the Republican Compel B

Committee that he stump the Sta1I1s physician advised him at h

any active PoetidJlatloln the canpalgnhvhie room Gov healthsbowapnchdeddedlmpcovemeattiIr-

IIng the put week thatCauthorlthe commlttte yrterdflgtoarramgs-chedule

afor him He wUlJot be 1IVn

enough to begin speaking belqre tftedspeeches as possible will be crowdedaInto hie programme

Gov Bradleys Influence over bitaudiencesandhis ability to rouse t etvoters to action make burl as pea orof groat valve In campalgo Work Ifhis health enables him to stand tkestrab111e wtti make a complete tosrot of

prllctlf8bte t

he will deliver addressee at the pletExtendedleaslbl


TPersonadyspepsia or oilier ntomochtro Iwill find that Kodol Dpapepslh iedigests what you eat and nsekee liestomash sweet Tbla remedy J e J

tJDyspepsiathe gll ds or membranes dP ht

stomach or digestive tract W euC6g dypurloodproprlated by the bloat and tisstieeSold hq Z Wayne Griffin


The Abolition of Middle ageHall s century ago a man of fortybdIto have long since cat f

adrift trans aU flee blncJIDrer robeyouth sari to sssume thesppgtral C-

nd deportment ofa pteld exemplarymatron AU this has chaged in swllchIs acontradiction ir the tbree1 ar ldWepgnso

many respects qiifie as much i maDelghttentx nmlddls em n yeas


With Catarrh of tho StomachPoru na Cured r t

rfmJlCongrOClltnaDMy DtterD98tot ng1V me pleas

curaUyequalJUeaMrlnalia I baTe bbtiutiIDleted lRereatkae toe a gtiartaro fasentttry tNtht a

HOoAhlldesceJatheeetronblu A few tattles of your

eonsPlatofttDora4DreelXll jYin liie8I itafiJH item rfayelclaameAarISCHIrL

ftJJUDet000tAnhtB1ly ovrpaddfapepstPte-mcee those o4ee J1tPtsrgi4 arI dodriiWrlteto ipoar eepga sad benquJ

e-talpieteed to trlve1 II hilTat t eoit

Addrea br ellbe1cset = fJ-

utT J r ijcli la not the cue >

Middle age aofsr inns hctrpleg-no into so far even ffpns

etandlegstillwould seem actually tohave stepped backward and a 1l-atongalde of youth Thefe tsa a

a buoyancy des etaetictq-bout the middle aged ot today at

which our father would kavataeathllr heeds as aaeeeitlq Tie U

hich once eeparatcd ripe piiddleagtrd-rentpa from his children afi1

eclup The cartels whichshrouded

Bosttheimto be regarded with respect it

laobei1Ieave made the schooh Utedhe tirtend

of the schoolboy and the i 1-

oIkct almost the tnmtadet tl hiarnsenthe milddlreged man ot to y ijBevr11IngIs COlfJpettU it youth

As with men i li aw1tli womenSocIal etattetldans tell ietitettkeegeatwhichwome ereconeiderednstleteligible for man has beep notably

ndPadcedo tale peak a fct ivafiaowlament yaUch

the leas mainmR tertJtaf theWoetdreaded tlveie other darling are nottobe found so mach among raid girls

her own age as Aniougwoatkaspbonot many pasta egtf wealil havoseearelegated Id Ute ranks et 1rJope oldrnaideshtwd The act that l mid-

dle aged lady of today Ie machofnentered not oaly reason thisbat It tll among the meat potent

he Spectator t

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