Capital Structure Under Collusion Daniel Ferrés Universidad de Montevideo Gaizka Ormazabal IESE Business School Paul Povel University of Houston Giorgo Sertsios Universidad de los Andes October 2016 ______________________________ Gaizka Ormazabal acknowledges funding from the Ramon y Cajal and Marie Curie Fellowships and the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation grant ECO2015-63711-P. We thank Murillo Campello, Francesco D’Acunto, Mike Faulkender, Vojislav Maksimovic, Will Mullins, and Gordon Phillips for very helpful comments. We are also indebted to seminar participants at the University of Maryland and University of Houston.

Capital Structure Under Collusion

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Page 1: Capital Structure Under Collusion

Capital Structure Under Collusion

Daniel Ferrés

Universidad de Montevideo

Gaizka Ormazabal

IESE Business School

Paul Povel

University of Houston

Giorgo Sertsios

Universidad de los Andes

October 2016

______________________________ Gaizka Ormazabal acknowledges funding from the Ramon y Cajal and Marie Curie Fellowships and the Spanish

Ministry of Science and Innovation grant ECO2015-63711-P. We thank Murillo Campello, Francesco D’Acunto,

Mike Faulkender, Vojislav Maksimovic, Will Mullins, and Gordon Phillips for very helpful comments. We are also

indebted to seminar participants at the University of Maryland and University of Houston.

Page 2: Capital Structure Under Collusion

Capital Structure Under Collusion


We study changes in financial leverage when firms actively collude

by forming a cartel. We find that cartel firms have lower leverage

ratios during collusion periods, which conflicts with the intuition of

the Trade-off Theory but is consistent with the intuition of

competition models based on trigger strategies. Cartels have a

surprisingly large economic footprint, because they tend to include

very large firms. Our findings thus help explain the puzzling

negative relation between profitability and financial leverage

reported in earlier work.

Keywords: Capital Structure; Financial Leverage; Financial

Policies; Collusion; Cartels; Trigger Strategies

JEL Classification: G32, L12

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1. Introduction

We study the financial decisions of firms that join cartels, collusive agreements to raise

prices in the output markets. We find that during periods of collusion, cartel firms reduce their

leverage. This conflicts with the Trade-off Theory, according to which cartel firms should increase

their leverage, since price-fixing leads to increased profits, more valuable tax shields, and a

reduced threat of possible distress. Finding a negative relation between profitability and leverage

is actually common in the literature, and it has long been puzzling (Myers 1993; Parsons and

Titman 2008a; Graham and Leary 2011). We go beyond that, by studying one of the causes of

increased profits, cartel formation, and why this should relate to a reduction in leverage.

Understanding why cartel firms have lower leverage during collusion periods is important

for two reasons. First, it offers an explanation for the puzzling negative relation found in earlier

studies. Cartel firms represent a significant fraction of the economy, as they include very large

firms: Over the last two decades, publicly traded U.S. firms convicted of international cartel

activity accounted for more than one fifth of the total market capitalization (we describe the data

in more detail below). Second, our findings shed light on the role of financial strategies in the

functioning of a cartel. A more thorough understanding of how cartels operate is useful given the

deadweight efficiency losses that they cause (see Connor and Bolotova 2006).

Maksimovic (1988) offers a rationale for leverage reductions by colluding firms. The main

force in his model is the potential instability of collusive agreements. A cartel firm may have an

incentive to “cheat” by slightly undercutting the agreed-upon price, thus expropriating profits from

other cartel firms. One way to prevent this are so-called trigger strategies: Cartel firms interact

repeatedly, and if at any time a cartel firm deviates from the agreement, all firms switch to a

strategy of unfettered competition. If the threat is executed, all firms lose their share of the future

collusive profits. But since that also happens to the deviating firm, this threat can help prevent

deviations in equilibrium. Maksimovic (1988) adds a role for financial leverage: With high

leverage, a cartel firm has stronger incentives to deviate since the benefits from deviations are fully

internalized, but the costs from deviations are not (the potential loss is partially internalized by

creditors). Anticipating this, cartel firms looking for a stable collusive agreement should thus

ensure that no cartel firm has leverage that is too high. In other words, the cartel firms commit to

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making their cartel stable by reducing their leverage. The prediction is thus that during collusion

periods, cartel firms should have reduced financial leverage. We refer to this as the “Commitment

Hypothesis” (see Section 2 for more details).

We study changes in leverage using a difference-in-difference approach. We compare

cartel firms to control firms, both during years in which cartel firms actively collude and years in

which they do not. Information about cartel membership for U.S. firms is gathered from the PIC

database, a comprehensive database on international price-fixing cartels (see Section 3 for details).

Consistent with the Commitment Hypothesis, we find that leverage is reduced by cartel firms

during periods in which cartel firms are actively colluding.

We corroborate our inferences using a series of triple-difference tests. We find that the

effect we document is concentrated among cartel firms with higher leverage (the need to reduce

leverage is stronger for them), cartel firms operating in more competitive environments (so

deviations are a larger threat, requiring larger reductions in leverage), cartel firms operating in

years of economic booms (when increases in current profits are more attractive and the threat of

reduced future profits has less bite), and cartel firms operating in environments with regulatory

developments aimed at destabilizing cartels (stronger reductions in leverage are then needed to

restore the stability of a cartel).

In additional tests we address the endogeneity of the timing of collusion. We instrument

the collusion and post-collusion periods, using the intensity of cartel activity or cartel dissolutions

in related industries. In the IV regressions we find an even larger reduction in leverage during

collusion. We also show that the changes in leverage by cartel firms are not caused by changes in

the cost of debt financing.

A comprehensive examination of a firm’s capital structure decisions requires analyzing all

major sources and uses of cash, including changes in payout, cash holdings, and investment. We

therefore study these broader financial policies of cartel firms. We find that cartel firms have

higher payout ratios during collusion periods, in the form of increased share repurchases.

Consistent with the finding in Hoberg et al. (2014), that firms facing stronger competitive pressure

tend to have lower payouts, we find that the payout increases are driven by cartel firms that face

less competitive environments (i.e., where cartels are more stable and the risk of the cartel breaking

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up is likely lower). These are also the cartel firms that reduce their cash holdings during collusion

periods, consistent with cash holdings for precautionary reasons being less important in less

competitive environments (Haushalter et al. 2007).

In addition, we find that during collusion periods, cartel firms do not increase their capital

expenditures, but they do increase their R&D expenses. That firms do not increase their capital

expenditures during collusion is to be expected, as capacity expansions are counter-productive for

cartel firms. The increase in R&D expenses, on the other hand, is consistent with models that

predict that with reduced competition firms should invest more in R&D, since it is more likely that

they can internalize the benefits from such investments (Dasgupta and Stiglitz 1980; Phillips and

Zhdanov 2013). Taken together, our tests suggest that cartel firms make strategic changes to their

broadly defined financial strategies during collusion periods. This is important, as additional

evidence that firms strategically change their financial policies during collusive periods further

substantiates our inferences about the Commitment Hypothesis. In addition, we use these findings

to rule out possible alternative hypotheses that link financial leverage and profitability (see Section

6, for details).1

Our paper makes two important contributions. First, our results help understand the

negative empirical relation between profitability and financial leverage documented in the prior

literature. We show that it is important to analyze what drives changes in profits, because different

drivers have opposite effects on how leverage changes. There are, of course, many drivers. The

benefit of our focus on cartel membership is that it represents a very direct, positive shock to a

firm’s profitability, rooted in anti-competitive behavior that goes beyond what accounting

measures of profitability can capture. An alternative approach is taken in Xu (2012), who studies

shocks to a firm’s competitive environment, specifically, changes in import restrictions. She finds

a positive relation between profitability and leverage (as predicted by the Trade-off Theory).2 The

findings in Xu (2012) are the opposite of ours; the differences are due to the focus on different

1 We show in Section 6 why several theories that link profitability with financial leverage cannot explain our results,

including the Pecking Order theory (Myers 1984), strategic debt (Brander and Lewis 1986), growth options

(Strebulaev 2007), and the dynamic trade-off theory (Hennessy and Whited 2005). 2 A different approach is to consider differences in competitiveness across industries. MacKay and Phillips (2005)

find that firms in more concentrated industries have lower leverage ratios. The Commitment Hypothesis makes

predictions about within-firm changes in capital structure, not about cross-industry differences.

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drivers of profitability, which confirms our argument that it is important to identify what causes

changes in profitability.

Our results also show (and explain why) firms within an industry can have very different

capital structures. The desire to show commitment to a collusive agreement makes cartel firms

choose leverage ratios lower than they would otherwise. But firms in the same industry that are

not members of the cartel choose leverage ratios that are unconstrained by commitment concerns

(their leverage ratios do not decrease when other firms in the industry collude).

The second contribution of our paper is to shed light on the inner workings of cartels, in

particular the role of leverage reductions by cartel firms trying to add stability to their illegal

collusive agreements.3 Cartels are important organizations, and they deserve attention in areas

outside of industrial organization. The economic footprint of cartel firms is large, as cartel activity

includes many large firms. 4 Focusing on U.S. firms included in Compustat, and aggregating over

the years 1990 to 2010, firms convicted of membership in at least one international cartel represent

16.6% of the total in terms of assets, 18.5% in terms of sales, and 22.7% in terms in terms of

market cap. Even if we compare only the firm-years during which cartels were actively colluding,

the proportions are high: 6.0% of assets, 5.2% of sales, and 6.3% of market cap. The importance

of colluding firms is further magnified because according to the literature, many cartels remain

undetected by the authorities (see Connor 2011, 2014, and Bryant and Eckard 1991), and the PIC

data does not include cartels that were not international.5 In addition, the significance of our results

can have even larger implications as the effects modeled in Maksimovic (1988) do not require an

explicit collusive agreement. Trigger strategies and the corresponding reductions in leverage can

be an equilibrium in the form of “tacit collusion”, which is much harder for anti-trust authorities

to prosecute than explicit cartels. In sum, cartel firms represent a significant part of the economy,

and their changed financial policies are likely to affect empirical work that pools cartel firms with

non-cartel firms without distinguishing them.

3 For an overview of how cartels operate, see Harrington (2006) and Levenstein and Suslow (2011). 4 That is what the literature on cartels has tended to find, see Levenstein and Suslow (2006); for a rationale, see Bos

and Harrington (2010). 5 Collecting data on cartels is difficult, see Connor (2014). All recent studies we know of use PIC data, or smaller

subsets of international cartels.

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Our paper is related to the literature that studies the interaction between product market

decisions and financial policies (see Riordan 2003 and Parsons and Titman 2008b for overviews).

A few recent contributions focus on cartels and changes in antitrust policies. Dasgupta and

Žaldokas (2016) test whether “strategic debt” (Brander and Lewis 1986) or the need for financial

flexibility due to a threat of predation (Bolton and Scharfstein 1990) better explain leverage

changes after changes in antitrust policies, but they do not study the role of capital structure in the

functioning of the cartel (i.e., the Commitment Hypothesis). Dong et al. (2016) study how changes

in antitrust policies affect profits and M&A activity, but they do not consider the effects on capital

structure. Finally, Artiga et al. (2013) and Campello et al. (2015) also investigate cartel

convictions, but from the perspective of corporate governance.

The remainder of the paper proceeds as follows. Section 2 discusses the main hypotheses

tested in our paper. Section 3 describes the data. Section 4 presents results of the tests of these

hypotheses. Section 5 presents results about how cartel formation affects a colluding firm’s more

broadly defined financial policies, including payout policy and cash holdings. Section 6 discusses

possible alternative explanations, and Section 7 concludes.

2. Hypotheses

Models of the Trade-off Theory are developed in Kraus and Litzenberger (1984) and

Bradley et al. (1984). The intuition for how profitability should affect leverage is straightforward

(see also Xu 2012): With higher profits, the threat of financial distress is reduced, and the tax

benefits of corporate debt become more significant. Aligned, the two forces should lead to higher

leverage. That should apply to cartel firms when collusion starts, since the goal of cartels is to

increase profits. So the Trade-off Theory Hypothesis predicts that when firms form a cartel, their

leverage should increase.

The opposite prediction is made by what we refer to as the “Commitment Hypothesis.”

Maksimovic (1988) studies how firms may be able to sustain high prices and low outputs without

the ability to legally enforce any such agreements (since they are illegal), and how this is affected

by financial leverage. Collusion is feasible in a multi-period model. If firms know that they will

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interact repeatedly, they have an incentive to set the agreed high prices (and resist the temptation

to lower their prices for an instantaneous profit at the expense of the other cartel members) if such

deviations lead to costly punishment in later periods.

A credible threat is created by “trigger strategies”: Each firm plans to choose the collusion

action (high prices, low output) in each period, indefinitely, but if one or more rival firms deviate

and charge lower prices, all firms revert to a low-price equilibrium strategy in each period that

follows.6 That response is credible, and it is a punishment threat since it reduces future profits for

all firms, including firms that deviated. (This punishment outcome is costly for all firms, but in

equilibrium it can be avoided.) Collusion can be sustained if the collusion profits that are lost after

a deviation are more valuable than the one-time profit that can be earned by deviating in any period.

Note that an explicit collusive agreement is not needed: Such trigger strategies form an equilibrium

and can arise in the form of “tacit collusion”.

Maksimovic (1988) shows that financial leverage exacerbates the incentive to deviate from

collusion and must therefore be kept in check. With significant debt, a cartel firm’s future profits

largely go to the creditors, so the threat of lower future profits has less bite (the shareholders’

lowest possible future payoff is zero, due to limited liability); and the shareholders benefit if the

firm can earn a large instantaneous profit (net of debt payments) by deviating. If several firms

decide to form a cartel, they must therefore ensure that each cartel firm’s leverage is below a

certain level, thus strengthening its commitment to abide by the collusive agreement. The

Commitment Hypothesis thus predicts that when firms form a cartel, the average leverage ratio

should be reduced while profits increase.

3. Data and Variable Construction

Our analysis uses the Private International Cartels (PIC) database, which contains

information on virtually all private international price-fixing cartels detected by antitrust

authorities between 1990 and 2012.7 The database is described in detail in Connor (2014). The

focus is on “private” cartels, since government-sanctioned “public” cartels are not at risk of

6 The role of repeated interaction in making tacit collusion feasible was first described in Friedman (1971). 7 The data includes a few cartels discovered before 1990. Where possible, we use data from 1985 onwards in our tests.

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prosecution; and the data include only cartels with an “international” flavor, i.e., cartels that

include firms from multiple countries, or if an antitrust authority pursued firms registered abroad.

The information in the PIC database is collected from press releases by antitrust authorities

such as the Department of Justice and the Federal Trade Commission in the U.S., the European

Commission (Directorate-General for Competition), or Canada’s Competition Bureau. Firms are

included in the database if an antitrust authority imposed fines or if class action lawsuits were filed.

Since many cartels remain undetected (Connor (2014) estimates that only about 10-30% of all

cartels are detected; see also Bryant and Eckard 1991), the data does not include all cartels but

only those that were detected and for which a conviction was possible.

From this database we collect the following information for each cartel firm: Name,

country of incorporation, markets and locations where collusion took place, and the start and end

dates of the collusive agreements. We restrict the sample to U.S. firms, since several of our tests

use additional data sets that focus on U.S. firms. We require that these firms are included in

Compustat, which is the case for 216 firms. We exclude firms involved in more than one cartel

simultaneously, since otherwise the start and end dates of collusion would be arbitrary. The final

sample includes 1,427 firm-years for 93 cartel firms.8

In several of our tests we include “non-cartel” firms as controls. These are U.S. firms

included in Compustat that were not cartel firms, i.e., they were not in the PIC database. We

exclude non-cartel firms that operate in the same 4-digit SIC code as a given cartel firm, since

Leary and Roberts (2014) show that firms imitate their rivals’ decisions to some extent. If so, the

tests could fail to detect leverage changes merely because same-industry non-cartel rivals changed

their leverage too. As a robustness check, we replicate our tests including same-industry rivals.

Our results continue to hold, suggesting that the pattern we document does not reflect a general

variation in industry conditions. In fact, we show below (Section 4.2) that these non-cartel firms

increase their leverage during collusion years, so including them in the control sample would make

it easier to find evidence that cartel firms decrease their leverage during collusion years.

8 The cartel firms in our sample belonged to 58 different cartels. The other cartel members included international

firms, as well as publicly traded and privately held U.S. firms.

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The sample of non-cartel firms includes 127,826 firm-years for 12,963 firms. An

alternative use of control firms would be to construct matched samples. The drawback of such an

approach is that the most similar firms (in terms of observable characteristics) would also most

likely be undetected members of cartels (for example, size is a strong predictor of cartel

membership; see also Dong et al. 2016).

Table 1 presents descriptive statistics for selected variables. Panel A presents summary

statistics for the data set including both cartel and non-cartel firms. Panel B presents separately

the means for cartel and non-cartel firms, and the significance levels for the differences. The main

variables used in our analysis are Profitability, Leverage, Total Payout, Dividend and Cash. All

five are scaled by the book value of assets; for more details on the construction of each variable

see Appendix A. All financial variables from Compustat are winsorized at the 1% level.

Table 1

The statistics in Panel B of Table 1 show that cartel firms are larger and more profitable

than non-cartel firms. They have lower leverage and cash holdings than non-cartel firms. Their

overall payout to shareholders is higher, but that is driven by higher share repurchases — while

cartels firms are more likely to pay dividends, the average dividend (scaled by total assets) is

smaller. Finally, cartel firms exhibit low cash flow volatility and high asset tangibility.

How long a cartel is active varies across the sample: The average duration is well over six

years, and the median duration is just under five years; 12.7% lasted for less than a year, while

7.2% lasted 15 or more years (the maximum is 34 years). There is also variation in the number of

firms that joined a cartel. The average is less than seven, the median five; just over 15% of the

cartels consisted of only two firms, while 8.3% consisted of 15 or more firms (the maximum is 42

firms). These numbers are consistent with those in earlier studies (Levenstein and Suslow 2006).

4. Collusion and Financial Leverage

4.1 Empirical Design

To analyze the relation between collusion and firms’ financial policies we estimate

variations of the following baseline empirical model:

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𝑦𝑖𝑡 = 𝛼 + 𝛽 ∗ 𝐶𝑜𝑙𝑙𝑢𝑠𝑖𝑜𝑛𝑖𝑡 + γ ∗ 𝑃𝑜𝑠𝐶𝑜𝑙𝑙𝑢𝑠𝑖𝑜𝑛𝑖𝑡 + 𝜴´𝑿𝒊𝒕−𝟏 + 𝜑𝑖 + µ𝑡 + 𝜀𝑖𝑡 (1)

The subscript i indexes firms, and t indexes years. Our main dependent variable, yit, is book

leverage. Our specification is essentially a difference-in-difference strategy with two treatments:

Collusion and Post Collusion. Collusion takes a value of 1 for cartel firms during cartel years, and

0 otherwise; Post Collusion takes a value of 1 for cartel firms during the 5 years after a cartel is

dissolved, and 0 otherwise. This research design compares differences between collusion years of

cartel firms with both non-cartel firms and non-collusion years of cartel firms. It also differentiates

years shortly after collusion from other non-collusion years to capture the potential effects of a

cartel’s dissolution on its members’ financial policies.

Our key parameter of interest is 𝛽. A positive estimated coefficient would be consistent

with cartel firms raising leverage ratios during cartel years, in response to increased profits; a

negative coefficient would be consistent with firms reducing leverage ratios during collusion years,

to strengthen their commitment not to deviate from a collusive agreement.

We include a set of controls X that includes variables commonly used in the capital

structure literature (e.g., Lemmon et al. 2008): Lagged tangibility, lagged profitability, lagged

sales, lagged median industry leverage and lagged cash flow volatility. Firm and year fixed effects

are represented by 𝜑𝑖 and µ𝑡, respectively.

In some specifications we use cartel firms only (i.e., the “eventually treated” sample). In

this setup, non-collusion firm-years are the control sample. To the extent that the results are similar

to those of the main specification, this specification helps to attribute changes in behavior to the

treated group, rather than to the control group. In all our specifications we adjust standard errors

for heteroscedasticity and industry clustering. We cluster standard errors at the industry level

because firms compete and collude at this level of aggregation. This clustering strategy allows for

three types of arbitrary correlations in the error term: (1) Error correlation across different firms in

a given industry and year; (2) error correlation across different firms in a given industry over time;

and (3) error correlation for a given firm over time (see Petersen (2009)).

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4.2 Leverage During and After Collusion Years

Table 2, Panel A, presents the results for our baseline empirical specification, Equation (1).

Columns (1) and (2) show the results using both cartel and non-cartel firms. Columns (3) and (4)

show the results using cartel firms only (i.e., the “eventually treated” sample). In columns (1) and

(3) we present the results from regressions without controls, while in columns (2) and (4) we

control for capital structure determinants previously used in the literature. In all four regressions,

Collusion has a significant negative effect on leverage, reducing it by 2.5 to 3 percentage points.

These effects are statistically significant at the 5% level, and they are economically significant too:

As shown in Table 1, the average leverage ratio of cartel firms is 27%, so the leverage ratio

decreases by nearly a tenth. Furthermore, the effect is twice as large for high-leverage firms, as

we discuss below (see Table 3). The coefficients for Collusion are very similar across the four

columns, which suggests that the effect is driven by cartel firms reducing their leverage ratio, and

not by leverage changes made by non-cartel firms (recall that columns (3) and (4) use cartel firm

data only). Overall, the evidence supports the Commitment Hypothesis and is not consistent with

the intuition of the Trade-off Theory.

Table 2

Table 2, Panel A, also suggests that leverage is somewhat reduced in the years after

collusion ends (the coefficients on Post Collusion are negative, but they are not statistically

significant). This may capture increases in the cost of debt financing due to negative reputation

effects after having been convicted of cartel activities (see Section 4.6, where we show that cartel

firms face a more difficult credit environment after cartels are dissolved). It may also be a

reflection of a return to competition, leading to lower profits.

Table 2, Panel B, shows corresponding regression results for the firms in the same industry

as cartel firms, but not members of the cartel. That is, we study whether non-cartel firms also

reduced their leverage when their industry rivals formed a cartel. We find no evidence for that, so

our results are not driven by industry trends. In fact, in the regression with controls (column 2 in

Panel B of Table 2), the coefficients are positive (instead of negative) and statistically significant,

so the non-cartel firms increased their leverage during the collusion period. That could be

consistent with the Trade-off Theory, if those firms benefited indirectly from the cartel’s collusion:

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Maybe the non-cartel firms were also able to charge higher prices and earn higher profits (see Bos

and Harrington 2010), and therefore it was optimal to increase leverage. The coefficient for the

post-collusion period is also positive, which is also consistent with the Trade-off Theory if the

non-cartel firms enjoyed an improved market position after the cartel was dissolved.

4.3 Can Leverage-Ratio Trends Explain the Results?

A possible concern with our estimates in Table 2, Panel A, is that the negative coefficients

for Collusion could reflect a time trend in the financial policies of cartel firms that is unrelated to

collusion but overlaps with the period of collusion. That could invalidate the “parallel trends”

assumption that underlies our difference-in-difference strategy. Nevertheless, we address this

concern empirically by modelling time trends in Leverage around the collusion period.

Specifically, we estimate the following variation of Equation (1):

𝑦𝑖𝑡 = 𝛼 + 𝛽 ∗ 𝐶𝑜𝑙𝑙𝑢𝑠𝑖𝑜𝑛𝑖𝑡 + ∑γℎ ∗ 𝑑𝑖ℎ + 𝜑𝑖 + µ𝑡 + 𝜀𝑖𝑡. (2)

The subscript h indexes the years that immediately precede collusion years (h {−3, −2, −1}),

years that immediately follow collusion years (h {1, 2, 3}), or years that are collusion years (h =

0 for full collusion years, h = 0– for a partial collusion year at the start of a cartel, and h = 0+ for a

partial collusion year at the end of a cartel). For example, if a cartel started in (say) September

2001 and ended in May 2005, then di0- = 1 in 2001 and zero otherwise; di0 = 1 in 2002, 2003 and

2004 and zero otherwise; di0+ = 1 in 2005 and zero otherwise; and so on. We distinguish full years

of collusion from partial years of collusion, since during partial years of collusion the effects are

likely weaker, so this more granular data analysis is more informative. Pooling partial and full

years yields very similar results.

We plot the regression coefficients γℎ and their 95% confidence intervals in Figure 1. In

Panel A, the coefficients are estimated using Leverage as the dependent variable. The results

suggest that the decrease in Leverage is concentrated in the collusion years. In the years preceding

or following collusion years, and in partial collusion years, the coefficients are not significantly

different from zero. Overall, this suggests that the empirical pattern we document in Table 2, Panel

A, is unlikely to be driven by time trends in the financial policies of firms that form cartels.

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Figure 1

The goal of collusion is to increase the profits of the cartel firms. To confirm that profits

do indeed increase during collusion periods, we re-estimate Equation (2) using Profitability as

dependent variable, and we present the coefficients γℎ and their 95% confidence intervals in Panel

B of Figure 1. Profitability declines in the years before cartels are formed, in particular in year h

= –1, the year immediately preceding the formation of a cartel. This suggests that disappointing

profits could be a motivation for the formation of a cartel. Profitability starts to increase during

the first partial year of collusion (h = 0-), but the increased profitability is more apparent during

the full collusion years. Not surprisingly, Profitability drops substantially after the cartel is

dissolved and competition resumes.9

While Figure 1 shows that leverage drops during collusion years (and not before), it does

not show during which collusive years leverage falls. Understanding the exact timing of the drop

in leverage is important, as the Commitment Hypothesis predicts that leverage should be reduced

when the cartel is formed, in order to mitigate any risk of cartel members violating the agreement.

We explore the timing of the leverage changes in more detail in Figure 2. Panel A shows the

average leverage of cartel firms for the years preceding collusion and the first few years of

collusion, with year 0 being the year in which collusion started. There is a clear drop in leverage

during the first two collusion years, followed by a partial rebound. This is consistent with firms

reducing their leverage aggressively at the beginning, when a cartel is formed, and with drops in

this financial discipline as time proceeds, undermining the stability of the cartels and possibly

leading to their break-up. We find a similar pattern when running an extended version of equation

(2), in which we differentiate the effects on leverage for the first three full collusion years from

those of other collusion years. We display the coefficients in Figure A.2 in the appendix. The figure

shows a strong reduction in leverage for the first two cartel years and a partial rebound afterwards.

In Panel B of Figure 2 we examine in more detail how the change in leverage during the

first few collusion years happens, by displaying the evolution of both total debt and assets. The

9 To confirm that profits change as expected when cartel firms collude, we compute the correlation between the

profitability of the members of each cartel, and we display the averages of those correlations (for the three groups of

firm-years) in Figure A1, in the Appendix. The average correlation is higher for collusion years, and it is lower (in

fact, negative) for firm-years classified as post-collusion years.

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figure shows that the reduction in leverage is driven by a strong reduction in debt, which is larger

than the reduction in assets observed for the same event years.

Figure 2

4.4 Specific Predictions of the Commitment Hypothesis: Triple-Differences Tests

We now present a battery of triple-differences tests aimed at sharpening identification.

These tests exploit cross-sectional and time-series variation in our data to further check whether

the decrease in leverage during collusion periods we document is consistent with the Commitment


4.4.1 Commitment is Easier for Low-Leverage Firms

The Commitment Hypothesis predicts that all else equal, cartel firms with relatively higher

leverage need more dramatic leverage reductions during collusion periods. To explore this

prediction, we compute each firm’s leverage ratio during the first year of data availability in our

sample, and then we split the sample in two: firms with high initial leverage (above the sample

median), and firms with low initial leverage (below the sample median). We then estimate

Equation (1) separately for the two subsamples. The goal is to distinguish firms that had high

leverage in pre-collusion years from firms had low leverage, and by using the first year of data

availability we can include the control firms in this test (for non-cartel firms, there is no well-

defined “pre-collusion” period). We use the first year of data availability, since financial leverage

seems to be “sticky” (Lemmon et al. 2008). We have repeated the same estimations both using

each firm’s average leverage during its first three years in the sample, and using the average of all

firm-years available for a given firm, with very similar results.

We present the results in columns (1) and (2) of Table 3. The decrease in leverage is

significant for high-leverage firms, but it is insignificant for low-leverage firms. The decrease in

leverage by high-leverage firms is economically large, at about six percentage points. That

reduction is twice as large as that reported in Table 2 for the pooled sample. This supports the

Commitment Hypothesis, as high-leverage firms strategically reduce their leverage in order to add

credibility to the collusive agreements, while low-leverage firms do not need large decreases in

leverage. The leverage levels remain below the pre-collusion levels in the years after collusion

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ends for firms with high initial leverage. As we show below, the cost of debt financing increases

after cartels are dissolved, which explains this result.

Table 3

4.4.2 Commitment is Easier with Weaker Competition

The second test exploits variation in competitive pressure across firms. With stronger

competitive pressure, it is likely harder to sustain collusive agreements: The up-front profits from

deviating (undercutting the cartel prices) seem large, compared with competitive profits; and the

future losses due to any “punishment” by rival firms seem less threatening, in particular if

shareholders consider the benefits of limited liability in case the punishment phase turns out to

have severe consequences. The Commitment Hypothesis thus predicts that where firms face

stronger competitive pressure, a more significant reduction in leverage is required to sustain

collusive agreements.

Measuring the competitive pressure a firm faces is not straightforward, since there are

many ways to differentiate a firm’s products. A new measure is “product-market fluidity,” used

in Hoberg and Phillips (2010, 2016), Hoberg et al. (2014), and other papers. It uses textual analysis

of product descriptions found in SEC 10-K forms to estimate the intensity of a firm’s product-

market threats. The sample used in Hoberg et al. (2014) covers the years 1997 to 2008, so it does

not cover all years in our sample. However, fluidity seems to vary little over time, so we compute

each firm’s average fluidity and use those averages for our entire sample period. We split our

sample into observations with above-median fluidity (stronger competitive pressure) and below-

median fluidity (weaker competitive pressure) and then estimate Equation (1) separately for the

two subsamples.10

The results are presented in columns (3) and (4) of Table 3. We find that firms facing

stronger competitive pressure (high fluidity) reduce their leverage substantially when colluding,

while firms facing weaker competitive pressure (low fluidity) do not. Notice also that leverage

remains low (or even decreases further) after the cartels are dissolved. With a return to

10 The subsamples are not of equal size as we compute the median fluidity using the overall sample, including firm-

years with missing data needed in our regressions. We find similar results if we first eliminate observations with

missing data and then compute the sample median of fluidity to split the sample.

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competition, it seems reasonable that firms facing stronger competitive pressure maintain low

leverage ratios: presumably, profits are lower, and a firm’s competitive situation is likely tougher.

This would be consistent with the Trade-off Theory.

4.4.3 Commitment Is Easier During Recessions

The third test exploits time-series variation in the incentive to deviate from a collusive

agreement. The incentive to deviate is stronger if the up-front benefits are larger and the profits

lost if collusion ends smaller. Rotemberg and Saloner (1986) predict that collusion is harder to

sustain during economic booms, when larger profits are generated in the aggregate and thus there

are larger potential gains from deviating. Analogously, they predict that it is easier to sustain

collusion during recessions, when the profits from any deviation are smaller. We use this intuition

as the basis for our next test: Cartel firms should decrease their leverage by more during boom

years, and by less during recession years.

Because this test is based on time-series variation in the data, we can also test whether our

earlier findings might be driven by cross-sectional unobserved heterogeneity. For instance, it could

be argued that cartel firms are more sensitive to changes in the competitive environment than non-

cartel firms, and this is why we observe decreases in leverage for the collusion and post-collusion

periods. And if highly levered cartels firms (of cartel firms in highly competitive environments)

are somehow even more sensitive to these changes, this could also explain the results from the

previous triple-difference analyses.

Specifically, in this test the post-collusion years are used as a placebo. There should not be

any significant differences in leverage in the post-collusion period for cartel firms, across recession

and non-recession years. If that is what we find, then it is unlikely that our results are simply due

to cartel firms being more sensitive to economic shocks. Furthermore, if we find differences in

leverage in the collusion period but not in the post-collusion period, this would add support to the

Commitment Hypothesis.

To test whether cartel firms decrease their leverage less during recession years, we conduct

a triple-difference test by interacting Recession Year, an indicator variable for recession years,

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with both Collusion and Post-Collusion. Recession years are identified using NBER data. The

results are presented in Table 4, column (1).

As before, we find that there is a significant decrease in leverage during collusion years.

Importantly, macroeconomic conditions seem to have a significant impact on changes in leverage:

The interaction term of Recession Year and Collusion is positive. These coefficients all have

significant economic sizes. In sum, cartel firms decrease their leverage by less (or not at all) during

recession years, consistent with the intuition gained from Rotemberg and Saloner (1986).

The coefficient of the interaction between Recession year and Post Collusion is

insignificant. This suggests that cartel firms do not change their leverage differently when

colluding during recession years simply because they are more sensitive to shocks (or they are

somehow different in unobserved dimensions to non-cartel firms).

Table 4

4.4.4 Commitment is Easier in the Absence of Leniency Laws

The fourth test exploits time-series and cross-sectional variation in the stability of cartels,

based on differences in the rewards for disclosing cartel activities to the antitrust authorities.

Leniency laws are regarded as a significant threat to collusive agreements (see OECD 2002; Miller

2009; Dong et al. 2016; and Dasgupta and Žaldokas 2016). These laws offer immunity to the first

member of a cartel who confesses to the authorities. Other cartel members get at best partial relief

if they also confess and cooperate.11 This creates an incentive to be the first to betray a cartel to

the authorities, putting strain on a cartel’s ability to sustain a collusive agreement.

Leniency laws are a recent legal innovation, adopted in many countries starting effectively

in 1993. They have not been introduced in all countries, and the date of their passage varies across

countries, i.e., the U.S. firms in our sample faced leniency laws (and their destabilizing effect on

cartels) in some countries but not others, and the intensity of this exposure (the number of countries

with leniency laws) varied over time. Thus, there is both cross-sectional variation and time-series

variation in the exposure of cartels to leniency law regimes.

11 For details of leniency laws in various countries, see Lex Mundi (2013).

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The passage of leniency laws in various countries offers us an additional identification

strategy. It is reasonable to assume that the passage of these laws is an exogenous event when

considering a given cartel: An as-yet undiscovered cartel is unlikely to have an effect on antitrust

laws. This staggered introduction of leniency laws is also used for the identification strategy in

Dasgupta and Žaldokas (2016) and Dong et al. (2016). The Commitment Hypothesis predicts that

if a country introduces or has leniency laws, it should be harder to sustain collusive agreements,

and thus stronger reductions in leverage ratios are needed to sustain collusion. The more countries

covered by the cartel that have leniency laws, the stronger this effect should be.

We restrict our sample to cartel firms since information about which firm operates in which

country is available only for cartel firms. We create a firm-year dummy High Leniency, which

takes a value of one if a cartel operates in three or more countries with leniency laws, and zero

otherwise. (The lowest number of countries is zero, the highest number is seven.)

In our triple-differences specification we interact the dummy High Leniency with Collusion

and Post Collusion. The Commitment Hypothesis predicts that the coefficient for Collusion

should be negative, and that the coefficient for the interaction term with High Leniency should also

be negative. There is no clear prediction for the coefficient of the interaction term of High

Leniency and Post Collusion. On the one hand, cartel firms shouldn’t change their leverage

differently in the post-collusion period, as the incentives to reduce leverage during collusion

periods are no longer in place. On the other hand, if a cartel is dissolved in a rigorous antitrust

environment (which is likely the case in countries that have passed leniency laws), this may have

a particularly strong effect on the firms’ reputation and their subsequent ability to raise funds (we

explore this in Section 4.6). Cartel firms in the post-collusion period may thus keep their leverage

low in High-Leniency environments.

We present the results in Table 4, column (2). As in the main specification, the coefficient

for Collusion is negative. Importantly, cartel firms more exposed to leniency laws exhibit more

pronounced decreases in leverage during collusion years: The interaction term of High Leniency

and Collusion is both economically and statistically significant. The results are thus consistent

with the predictions of the Commitment Hypothesis. The interaction term of High Leniency and

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Post Collusion is negative, but only marginally statistically significant (at the 10% level). This is

to be expected given the conflicting effects described above.12

4.5 Endogeneity of the Collusion Periods

One possible concern is that whether a cartel is active or dissolved in a given year is itself

endogenous. That is, the formation of a new cartel may be driven by factors that also affect

leverage choices, without any direct causal effect from membership in a cartel on financial

leverage choices. While our triple-difference results mitigate concerns regarding omitted variables

or reverse causality, we now more directly address endogeneity concerns using an instrumental

variables approach.

We construct instruments based on environmental factors that facilitate or impede cartel

formation. The decision to form a cartel and the ability to sustain it depend on the power of antitrust

authorities, including the likelihood that a cartel is detected and the penalties that can be imposed.

Symeonidis (2003) finds evidence that the likelihood of collusion is industry-specific. Differences

in transparency and in the structure of competition across industries suggest that collusion may be

easier to sustain in some industries than in others (obtaining information from customers or

whistleblowers may be harder in concentrated industries, for example). Furthermore, there are

differences in the power and goals of antitrust authorities, even within countries: in the U.S.,

antitrust concerns may be raised by either the FTC or the DOJ, depending on the industry (in

addition, state-level authorities may initiate antitrust proceedings).

We construct two industry-level proxies for the probability of prosecution of a cartel in any

given year. First, for a given firm-year, we count the number of firms with the same 2-digit SIC

code that colluded during the same year or the preceding two years, excluding firms with the same

4-digit SIC code as the cartel firm. We denote this measure by Cartels Active. Firms with the

same 4-digit SIC code are excluded to avoid a simple mechanical correlation between the

instrument and the potentially endogenous regressor. Second, we construct a similar measure

counting firms whose cartels were dissolved during the same year or the preceding two years,

12 Only three firms in our cartel sample broke up their cartels by taking advantage of leniency deals. Our main results

are robust to excluding those firms.

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again considering only firms with the same 2-digit SIC code but excluding firms with the same 4-

digit SIC code. We denote this measure by Cartels Dissolved.13

It seems plausible that a large number of prosecutions in a broadly defined industry means

that collusion is generally harder to sustain, i.e., that a higher value of Cartels Dissolved makes it

less likely that a cartel is formed. Similarly, it is plausible that the presence of many cartels in a

broadly defined industry means that collusion is easier to sustain in that group of industries, i.e.,

that a higher value of Cartels Active makes it more likely that a cartel is formed. Ideally, these

instruments could be augmented by using direct measures of the DOJ’s and FTC’s investigative

power, e.g., by using their annual budgets. However, being time series, such data would be

perfectly collinear with time fixed-effects, precluding their use in our difference-in-difference


In practice, large firms are more likely to join international cartels than small firms (Connor

2014; Dong et al. 2016). This allows us to refine our proxies for exogenous variation in the

probability of cartel detection and prosecution. We sort the firms by size and create size quartile

dummies that we then interact with the two prosecution-probability proxies, Cartels Active and

Cartels Dissolved.

Columns (1) and (2) of Table 5 present the results of the first stage of the IV estimation.

The results show that collusion and post-collusion periods are strongly associated with our

instruments for cartel formation and prosecution (F-test of 139). The signs of the coefficients are

as expected: Cartels Active is positively associated with Collusion and negatively associated with

Post Collusion; while Cartels Dissolved is negatively associated with Collusion and positively

associated with Post Collusion. Columns (3) and (4) of Table 5 present the corresponding results

allowing for interaction of the two instruments with size quartiles. We find that the two instruments

have a stronger effect for larger firms. Given this higher goodness of fit, we therefore use this

second specification as our first stage when estimating the second stage.14

13 The results are robust to considering firms with the same 3-digit SIC code but a different 4-digit SIC code; or firms

with the same 2-digit SIC code but a different 3-digit SIC code. 14 Our IV estimates are not sensitive to the number of size partitions that we interact with the main instruments. In the

appendix, Table A.1, we present second stage results that use the interactions of Cartels Active and Cartels Dissolved

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The results from the estimation of the second stage are shown in column (5) of Table 5. As

before, we find that collusion has a negative and significant effect on financial leverage. The

magnitude of the coefficient on Collusion is larger than in the earlier OLS specifications. The IV

regressions thus further confirm our earlier findings, that cartel firms reduce their leverage ratios

during collusion periods, consistent with the Commitment Hypothesis and conflicting with what

the Trade-off Theory predicts. Overall, the evidence in Table 5 suggests that the potential

endogeneity of the start and end dates of a cartel is not driving our results.

Table 5

4.6. Collusion and the Cost of Debt Financing

A potential concern about our prior results is that the decreases in leverage we observe

could be due to contemporaneous increases in the cost of debt financing (rather than strategic

considerations). For this to be the case, cartel formation would have to cause (or be caused by)

increases in the cost of debt financing. For example, banks may fear a reputation loss if a cartel is

detected and prosecuted, and they may also worry about a convicted cartel member’s ability to

service its debt. This assumes that a bank can detect a cartel while antitrust authorities cannot; and

this may further increase a bank’s required return if it could later be accused of being a co-

conspirator or facilitator of a cartel. On the other hand, if lenders are kept uninformed about the

cartel’s existence, any reputational and payment-risk considerations should arise only in post-

collusion years.

In order to capture the possible information effect during collusion years, we focus our

analysis on relationship lending, using data on private loan contracting terms from the Loan Pricing

Corporation’s (LPC) Dealscan database. The Dealscan database contains detailed loan

information for U.S. and foreign commercial loans made to government entities and

corporations.15 Merging the Dealscan data with our main database causes significant sample

attrition, since loan data is only available in years in which our sample firms signed new loan

with firm size deciles as instruments. The coefficient for Collusion is almost identical to that reported in Table 5, but

now it is statistically significant at the 5% level instead of the 10% level. 15 For a detailed description of this database see, for example, Chava and Roberts (2008).

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contracts. We are left with close to 20,000 firm-year observations (570 of them correspond to

cartel firm-years).

We focus on two characteristics of loans that are associated with debt financing being more

“costly”: The coupon offered to the lender, and whether the loan is secured. Debt financing is less

costly to a borrower if the coupon rate is lower and if the loan is not secured (offering collateral

reduces a firm’s debt capacity). We define Spread as the “all-in-drawn” spread (in basis points)

over LIBOR, computed as the sum of coupon and annual fees on the loan in excess of six-month

LIBOR. The average Spread in our sample is 191 basis points. And we define Secured as a

dummy that takes a value of 1 if the loan is secured, and 0 otherwise; 73% of the loan-years in our

sample are secured.

If cartel formation leads to reduced leverage through a cost-of-debt channel, then cartel

formation must (1) be observable to a lender and (2) reduce a cartel member’s credit quality. The

cost of debt financing and the use of collateral should then increase during collusion years. In

contrast, the Commitment Hypothesis predicts that the cost of debt financing and the use of

collateral should not be affected during collusion years, or that they decrease, since cartel firms

reduce their leverage below the level they would otherwise find optimal. The predictions for the

post-collusion years are less clear. If there are reputation effects, then we would expect that post-

collusion cartel firms face a higher cost of debt financing and offer collateral more frequently.

However, they may choose to borrow less.

Table 6 presents the results. When estimating either Spread or Secured, the coefficient for

Collusion is insignificant. So there is no evidence either that lenders are informed about a

borrower’s membership in a cartel, or that this has an adverse effect on their cost of debt financing.

In other words, the evidence is inconsistent with the reduction in leverage during collusion

operating through a cost-of-debt channel. However, there are significant effects in post-collusion

years: The coefficients for Post Collusion are both significant and large. This suggests that

convictions for membership in a cartel have significant negative effects that operate through a cost-

of-debt channel. This finding may explain why in our leverage regressions above, the coefficient

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for Post Collusion tended to be negative (cartel firms had lower leverage after cartels were

dissolved because of an increased cost of debt financing).16

Table 6

5. Collusion and Other Financial Policies

In this section, we analyze a broader set of financial policies. This allows us to shed light

on other dimensions of the strategic behavior of cartel firms, which in turn can further substantiate

our inferences about the Commitment Hypothesis. Specifically, we ask how cartel firms use their

increased profits, by studying the payout policies and cash holdings of cartel firms during collusion

and post-collusion years. We also discuss changes in capital expenditure and R&D, because they

represent important uses of cash. Furthermore, these additional results help us rule out possible

alternative explanations for our findings (which we address in Section 6) based on links between

profitability and leverage that are different from the Commitment Hypothesis or the Trade-off


5.1. Collusion and Payout Policy

As described in Table 1, cartel firms have higher total payout ratios than other firms. It is

thus likely that the profit increases during collusion years are passed on to shareholders. It is

furthermore likely that the cartel firms would use share repurchases instead of dividend increases,

for several reasons. First, while cartel firms are more likely to pay dividends than other firms, the

average dividend paid is relatively low (see Table 1, Panel B). The higher payout is achieved by

having more active share repurchase programs than other firms. Second, the need to keep a cartel

agreement (and its effects) secret may let cartel firms favor share repurchases. Third, if a cartel

seems unstable and may break up in the near future, then cartel firms should regard the collusion

profits as temporary and thus favor repurchases over dividend increases.

We define Total Payout as the sum of the dividends paid and the amounts of common and

preferred stock repurchased, divided by the lagged value of total assets. We then estimate Equation

(1) with Total Payout as a dependent variable (instead of Leverage). Following prior work on the

16 In unreported analyses we study the maturity of the loans and find it is unrelated to collusion. The same holds for

the maturity structure of all debt, based on Compustat data.

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determinants of payout policies (see, e.g., Fama and French (2001) or Hoberg et al. (2014)) we use

the following control variables: Lagged profitability, lagged sales, cash flow volatility, and the

market to book ratio (MB). Next, we distinguish dividends from repurchases. We define

Dividends and Repurchases as the cash dividends divided by the lagged value of total assets and

the amounts of common and preferred stock repurchased divided by the lagged value of total

assets, respectively.

Table 7 shows the results of estimating Equation (1) with Total Payout as a dependent

variable. Column (1) shows the results without using controls while Column (2) shows the results

using the controls listed above. The coefficients for Collusion are statistically and economically

significant: Cartel firms increase their total payout by 0.7%-0.8% of their assets, a large increase

considering that the average payout is 1.3% of total assets (see Table 1 above). Columns (3) and

(4) of Table 7 show the corresponding results distinguishing dividends from repurchases. The

increase in total payout is clearly driven by increases in share repurchases. The only effect

collusion has on dividends is that dividends decrease after a cartel is dissolved, which is not

surprising if this reintroduces competition to the industry and thus reduces profits.

Table 7

We also examine whether the competitive environment affects cartel firms’ payout during

collusion. Hoberg et al. (2014) show that the strength of the competitive pressure a firm faces

negatively affects how much of its profits it pays out. This is consistent with the findings in

Haushalter et al. (2007) that firms in more competitive environments hoard cash for precautionary

reasons (to protect themselves against predation, or to exploit new opportunities), which means

that the payout to shareholders is likely lower. If this intuition is valid, we expect that any increases

in payout during collusion periods should be more pronounced in less competitive environments,

where cartels are more stable and the risk of the cartel breaking up is likely lower.

We test this prediction by splitting the sample into subsamples with above-median and

below-median Product-Market Fluidity, as we did in Section 4.4.2 above. We present the results

in Table 8, columns (1) and (2). We find that firms facing weaker competitive pressure (low

fluidity) substantially increase their payout during collusion, whereas firms facing stronger

competitive pressure (higher fluidity) do not. That is consistent with our predictions: Firms in more

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competitive environments face more competitive threats; their cartels are likely less stable, and if

collusion breaks down, they likely face stronger competition. Thus, they are less likely to

distribute cash to shareholders during collusion periods and instead retain cash for precautionary


Table 8

Overall, the evidence suggests that cartels change their payout during collusion years, and

that they choose these changes strategically. This is consistent with the Commitment Hypothesis,

in the sense that cartel firms strategically change their overall financial strategies during collusion


5.2. Collusion and Cash Holdings

We now examine how collusion affects the cash holding decisions of cartel firms. As

discussed above, firms facing stronger competitive pressure should hold larger cash balances for

precautionary reasons (Haushalter et al. 2007). Collusion by design reduces or eliminates

competitive pressure, so there is less need to build up cash balances for precautionary reasons.

However, collusion leads to higher profits, which make it possible to quickly accumulate

significant cash balances. It is not clear a priori what effect collusion should have on cash balances.

We estimate Equation (1), with Cash Holdings as a dependent variable. We present the

results in Table 9. Column (1) presents the results without controls, while Column (2) present the

results controlling for variables commonly used in the cash holdings literature (see, e.g., Bates et

al. 2009). The results indicate that cash holdings decrease by 1-1.4% of firms’ assets, a significant

decrease given average cash holdings (for cartel firms) of 7% (see Table 1); but the coefficients

are either marginally significant (p-value of 9.7%) or statistically insignificant (p-value of 12.1%).

These results suggest that collusion may cause decreases in the cash holdings of cartel firms, but

the results are not as strong as our earlier results. Given the ambiguous predictions, that is not


The accumulation of cash balances for precautionary reasons (Haushalter et al. 2007)

should be less beneficial for firms that face weaker competitive pressure. We thus split the sample

by Product-Market Fluidity, as before, and repeat the regressions for the two subsamples. The

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results are in columns (3) and (4) of Table 9. There are no significant changes in cash holdings

during collusion years or afterwards for firms that face strong competitive pressure (high fluidity).

Importantly, the cash holdings of cartel firms facing weak competitive pressure (low fluidity)

decrease during collusion years. This is consistent with the empirical findings in Haushalter et al.

(2007) and with our payout results. These results further highlight that firms change their financial

policies for strategic reasons during collusion periods, and thus that our findings are unlikely to be

driven by other confounding factors.

Table 9

5.3. Collusion, Capital Expenditure and R&D Expense

We now study whether cartel firms change their investment decisions during collusion

periods. Specifically, we study changes in capital expenditure and R&D, as they are important uses

of cash and they can shed light on the inner workings of cartels. Table 10 presents the results.

Columns (1) and (2) show that during collusion periods, capital expenditure (normalized by assets)

does not change in a significant way. That is not surprising: The purpose of the cartels is to limit

supply and raise prices, so investments in expanding capacity would be counter-productive since

they threaten the stability of a cartel. (A firm with larger spare capacity would find it easier and

more attractive to undercut its fellow cartel members’ prices.)

Table 10

We find that R&D expenses (also normalized by assets) are higher during the collusion

periods, see columns (3) to (5) in Table 10. In the regression reported in columns (3) and (4), we

include all firm-years: We substitute missing R&D values by zero (as is common in the literature,

we interpret the absence of R&D expense in the data as indicating that R&D expense is zero or

negligible.). In the regression reported in column (5) we only use firms for which R&D data is

originally available in at least one year. That R&D is higher during collusion periods is consistent

with Dasgupta and Stiglitz (1980) and Phillips and Zhdanov (2013), who predict (and empirically

confirm) that firms facing reduced competition invest more in R&D, since it is more likely that

they can internalize the benefits from such investments in those environments.

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6. Alternative Explanations

6.1. Long-run risk

One possible concern with our findings is that the formation of a cartel may somehow

increase the risk faced by a cartel firm. For example, one could argue that the threat of the cartel

failing and competition resuming influences the decisions firms make during collusion periods. If

cartel formation does indeed increase risk, then a natural response would be to reduce a cartel

firm’s financial leverage.

This alternative explanation, however, conflicts with several of our results. Firms do not

seem to prepare for bad outcomes. They do not increase cash holdings but instead decrease them

or leave them unchanged. Also inconsistent with the risk explanation is that cartel firms increase

their payout during collusion periods, and that during recessions the reduction in leverage is less

pronounced in collusion periods. Furthermore, we find that capital expenditure does not change,

and that R&D expenses increase, both inconsistent with firms being exposed to more risk. Finally,

our IV regressions, which are less affected by such potential unobserved confounding factors, also

show a reduction in leverage. Overall, there is no reason to believe that the threat of possible

resumption of competition affects financial leverage choices during collusion periods.

6.2. Strategic Debt

The presence of “strategic debt” can create a link between profitability and leverage,

possibly leading to an alternative explanation of our findings. Brander and Lewis (1986) show

that financial leverage can make firms aggressive in their product markets, due to a risk-shifting

effect. They show that for an individual firm it may be optimal to lever up strategically, expecting

other firms to cut back their output in response. The model then predicts that more profitable firms

have higher leverage. But that prediction is inconsistent with the evidence we find.

However, if all firms in an industry can take on “strategic debt”, the outcome may resemble

the “bad equilibrium” in a prisoners’ dilemma game, with all firms producing high outputs, and

with correspondingly lower prices and profits. If so, the model predicts that high-leverage firms

have lower profits. That would be consistent with some of our findings. However, given that the

predictions about the relation between leverage and profits are ambiguous (and thus consistent

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with any empirical findings), the model in Brander and Lewis (1986) cannot help explain our


The results in Brander and Lewis (1986) are derived for a model in which revenues are

risky (their intuition is that risk shifting drives the effects). One might thus argue that the results

should be stronger for firms that make risky investments, for example R&D-intensive firms. Note

that cartel firms have a lower R&D intensity than other firms (see Table 1, Panel B), so it is unlikely

that risky investments are driving our results. To test this more thoroughly, we split our sample

according to each firm’s R&D intensity, and run separate regressions using leverage as dependent

variable. We present the results in Table 11. We find that the coefficient for Collusion is

insignificant for high-R&D cartel firms, while it is significant for low-R&D cartel firms. Thus,

the possibility of making risky investments is not the driver of our findings.17 That the evidence

does not support Brander and Lewis (1986) is perhaps unsurprising since subsequent work has

shown that the predictions of that model are not robust (see Showalter 1995 and Povel and Raith

2004) and there are doubts about the empirical relevance of risk shifting explanations (see

Hernández-Lagos et al., 2016).

Table 11

6.3. Pecking Order

The Pecking Order Theory (Myers 1984) suggests that when it comes to financing new

investment, firms prefer using retained cash to issuing more debt, and they prefer issuing more

debt to issuing more equity. If profits increase for exogenous reasons, one would expect firms to

reduce their leverage somewhat, leading to a negative relation between profitability and leverage.

Higher profits may also lead to increased investment if a budget constraint has been relaxed. This

may moderate or even reverse the reduction in leverage.

If such an effect is present, we are controlling for it in our regressions, since they include

lagged profits as controls. So it is unlikely that pecking-order effects are driving our results.

17 If we include only firms with R&D data available and then split the sample by R&D intensity, the coefficient for

Collusion is insignificant for both subsamples.

Page 30: Capital Structure Under Collusion


The key element in the Pecking Order Theory is asymmetric information: the less well

informed investors are about a firm’s prospects and investment opportunities, the more costly it is

to use sources of funds farther down the pecking order. Frank and Goyal (2003) and Leary and

Roberts (2010) show that information asymmetry proxies do a poor job at explaining debt and

equity issuance as predicted by the Pecking Order Theory.18 Nevertheless, we can ask what effect

asymmetric information has on the leverage choices of cartel firms. Arguably, asymmetric

information is more likely to be a concern for R&D-intensive firms. Thus, to the extent that the

Pecking Order Theory is somewhat related to our findings, we should find that the reduction in

leverage is stronger for R&D-intensive firms. However, we find the opposite (see Table 11), which

further suggests that the Pecking Order Theory is unrelated to our findings.

The Pecking Order Theory does not make very specific predictions. For example, it is

unclear whether high-leverage firms should decrease their leverage more strongly if profits

increase. It is plausible, however, that high-leverage firms are financially constrained and issue

significant amounts of debt to finance attractive investment opportunities. If more internal funds

become available, then the primary effect may be that capital expenditure increases. However, we

find that capital expenditure does not increase for highly levered firms (see Table A.2 in the


In sum, the predictions of the Pecking Order Theory cannot explain our findings, or the

predictions are ambiguous and thus are unrelated to our findings.

6.4. Agency Problems

Managerial agency problems can affect the relation between profitability and leverage.

Kovenock and Phillips (1995, 1997) argue that if agency problems cause overinvestment, and debt

mitigates those agency problems (Jensen 1986), then high-debt firms should be more efficient. In

other words, there may be a positive relation between profitability and financial leverage. That

cannot explain our findings, however, since we find a negative relation.

18 Transaction costs could also generate a pecking order. But proxies for transaction costs also align poorly with the

predictions of the pecking order theory. For additional evidence against the pecking order theory explaining the

negative association between profits and leverage see Fama and French (2005) or Rauh and Sufi (2010).

Page 31: Capital Structure Under Collusion


The free cash flow problem analyzed in Jensen (1986) is more likely to be a concern if

governance is weak, including pressure to make firms efficient coming from product market

competition. In other words, if firms face stronger competitive threats, the free cash flow problem

is not likely to be a concern. We find stronger results for firms with higher product market fluidity,

so (again) the free cash flow problem cannot explain our findings.

In unreported tests we used sample splits to analyze whether changes in standard measures

of corporate governance (the G-Index (Gompers et al. 2003); the percentage of independent

directors; and the presence of a staggered board) affect leverage during collusion years, or whether

there are changes in these variables during collusion years. We found no significant effects in any

of those regressions, which suggests that agency problems cannot explain our results.

6.5. Growth Opportunities

As modeled in Strebulaev (2007), a negative relation between profitability and leverage

may arise in a dynamic model: Positive profitability shocks increase the value of a firm (by

increasing the present value of its growth options) and, if the firm does not continuously rebalance

its capital structure, this reduces the firm’s leverage ratio. Note that this only affects the firm’s

market value leverage ratio, but not its book value leverage ratio. In our tests, we measure leverage

using book values, precisely to avoid mechanical effects caused by changes in expectations and

corresponding changes in valuations.

How growth opportunities affect book value leverage is analyzed in Barclay et al. (2006).

They show that investments in long-term growth options have a negative debt capacity, since the

threat of underinvestment caused by debt overhang increases the cost of using debt, and since it is

less likely that the free cash flow problem (Jensen 1986) causes efficiency losses (and so the

benefits of having debt are reduced). Consequently, firms with more growth options (including

R&D-intensive firms) should have lower book leverage.19 This could potentially explain our

findings if growth options increase during collusion. However, this scenario is unlikely since

leverage stays low after collusion ends (when growth options should dissipate) and since the

19 Furthermore, investments in R&D often require follow-up investments in future years, thus tying up future cash

flows and reducing a firm’s debt capacity. For a dynamic model of financing and investment, see Lambrecht and

Myers (2016).

Page 32: Capital Structure Under Collusion


leverage reduction is statistically significant only for firms with low R&D (see Table 11 above),

which are arguably the firms with fewer growth options available.

6.6. Dynamic Trade-off Theory

An alternative to the static Trade-off theory is the dynamic Trade-off Theory model

proposed by Hennessy and Whited (2005). They study a firm’s decisions over multiple periods:

given the realized cash flow, it chooses its investment, dividends, share repurchases, and changes

in debt outstanding. This model can generate a negative association between profitability and

leverage and thus could potentially explain the reduction in leverage we find during collusive

periods. However, in their model, leverage is path dependent and exhibits hysteresis, i.e., firms

with larger debt in place reduce their leverage by less if they experience a positive profit shock,

since they have a larger financing gap. This prediction conflicts with our findings in Table 3, where

we find that firms with high initial leverage display larger reductions in leverage during collusion

years. The Hennessy and Whited (2005) model also does not explain why firms reduce their

leverage by more during boom periods and by less during recessions (see Table 4), and why the

reduction in leverage is stronger for firms that face larger competitive threats (firms with higher

product market fluidity, see Table 3).

Frank and Goyal (2015) also consider a dynamic model of leverage choices, incorporating

the costs of changing debt and equity levels. They conclude that the relation between profitability

and leverage may be negative. They find that profit increases lead to both debt increases and equity

increases, and that leverage decreases because the equity increases are larger. However, this

cannot explain our findings: We show in Figure 2 (Panel B) that the debt levels of cartel firms

decrease when collusion starts, i.e., when their profits increase.

7. Conclusions

This paper shows that cartel firms change their financial policies, in particular their

leverage ratios, during periods of active collusion. Specifically, our tests show that cartel firms

decrease their financial leverage, consistent with the intuition gained from Maksimovic (1988) that

low leverage levels make it easier for colluding firms to add stability to their illegal agreements.

Page 33: Capital Structure Under Collusion


One important lesson from this finding is that it can help resolve a puzzle in the capital

structure literature. Past empirical studies have found a negative relation between profitability and

financial leverage, which is inconsistent with what one would expect based on intuition from the

Trade-off Theory. The negative relation we find for cartel firms can help resolve this puzzle,

because our tests show that there are good reasons to expect the relation to be negative for cartel

firms, and because these firms represent a significant fraction of the economy. Obviously, this

cannot entirely explain the negative relation that has puzzled the literature, but our findings

suggests that more research into other drivers of profitability is called for.

The second important contribution of our paper is that it provides evidence on the financial

policies of cartel firms, and how these policies are used strategically to make collusive agreements

more stable. A better understanding of cartels is helpful because cartel firms have a surprisingly

large economic footprint, and because changes in financial policies represent a new symptom of

collusion and cartel activity that may help antitrust authorities detect and convict colluding firms.

Page 34: Capital Structure Under Collusion



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Figure 1

Panels A and B plot the coefficients, and 95% confidence intervals, of the following regression:

𝑦𝑖𝑡 = 𝛼 + 𝛽 ∗ 𝐶𝑜𝑙𝑙𝑢𝑠𝑖𝑜𝑛𝑖𝑡 + ∑γℎ ∗ 𝑑𝑖ℎ + 𝜑𝑖 + µ𝑡 + 𝜀𝑖𝑡 ,

The subscript h indexes the years that immediately precede collusion years (h {−3, −2, −1}), years that immediately

follow collusion years (h {1, 2, 3}), or years that are collusion years (h = 0 for full collusion years, h = 0– for a

partial collusion year at the start of a cartel, and h = 0+ for a partial collusion year at the end of a cartel). The indicator

variable dih takes a value of 1 if a firm operates in one of those years, and 0 otherwise. Panel A plots regression

coefficients h using book leverage as the dependent variable, while Panel B plots regression coefficients h using

ROA as the dependent variable.

Panel A: Coefficients 𝛄𝒉 𝐰𝐡𝐞𝐧 𝒚 = 𝑳𝒆𝒗𝒆𝒓𝒂𝒈𝒆

Panel B: Coefficients 𝛄𝒉 𝐰𝐡𝐞𝐧 𝒚 = 𝑹𝑶𝑨







-3 -2 -1 0- Full col. yr 0+ +1 +2 +3

Coefficients Leverage Regression








-3 -2 -1 0- Full col. yr 0+ +1 +2 +3

Coefficients ROA Regression

Page 41: Capital Structure Under Collusion


Figure 2

Panel A of this figure plots the average leverage ratios of cartel firms, separately for each year immediately before the

start of a collusion period, and for each of the first few years of a collusion period. There is an apparent drop in

leverage during the first two years of a colluding period. Panel B plots the numerator and denonimator of the leverage

ratio, debt and total assets, for the same years, showing that while both decrease with the duration of collusion, the

initial drop in leverage is driven by a more significant drop in average debt.

Panel A: Leverage Around Initial Collusion Years

Panel B: Debt and Total Assets Around Initial Collusion Years







n L



-5 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 5Years to collusion

Leverage around initial collusion years










n T


l Ass

et (m
















n T


l De

bt (m



-5 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 5Years to collusion

Mean Total Debt (million) Mean Total Asset (million)

Debt and assets around initial collusion years

Page 42: Capital Structure Under Collusion


Table 1. Descriptive Statistics

This table reports descriptive statistics for our sample of firms prosecuted for cartel participation between 1985 and

2012, and for the control firms. Panel A presents detailed descriptive statistics for all cartel and control firms (pooled).

Panel B reports differences in selected characteristics of the cartel and the control firms. See Appendix A for variable

definitions. Differences significant at: *10%, **5% and ***1%.

Panel A: Summary Statistics

Variable Mean p10 p90 sd N

Leverage 0.33 0.00 0.66 0.47 129,253

Total Payout 0.013 0.000 0.030 0.04 123,191

Dividend 0.00049 0.0000 0.0002 0.00 123,191

Dividend Payer 0.39 0.00 1.0000 0.49 129,253

Equity Repurchases 0.01 0.00 0.03 0.04 123,191

Profitability 0.03 -0.29 0.22 0.23 129,253

Negative Prof 0.18 0.00 1.00 0.39 174,789

Tangibility 0.29 0.03 0.72 0.25 129,253

Sales (million) 1,017 2 2,364 2,818 129,253

Cash Flow Volatility 0.081 0.007 0.18 0.14 124,082

Cash 0.12 0.00 0.34 0.17 122,854

Assets (million) 1,432 3 3,052 4,391 129,253

MB 4.16 0.84 4.38 40.00 107,622

R&D 0.12 0.00 0.25 0.51 67,962

Net Working Capital -0.09 -0.14 0.59 7.68 125,085

Panel B: Univariate Analysis, Cartel vs. Non-cartel Firms

Variable Cartel Non-Cartel Difference

Leverage 0.27 0.33 -0.06***

Total Payout 0.023 0.012 0.012***

Dividend 0.00002 0.0005 -0.0004***

Dividend Payer 0.73 0.38 0,35***

Equity Repurchases 0.02 0.01 0.01***

Profitability 0.14 0.02 0.12***

Negative Prof 0.03 0.25 -0,22***

Tangibility 0.34 0.29 0.05***

Sales (million) 6,220 959 5,261***

Cash Flow Volatility 0.026 0.082 -0.056***

Cash 0.07 0.13 -0.06***

Assets (million) 7,688 1,362 6,325***

MB 2.02 4.19 -2,16**

R&D 0.03 0.12 -0,09***

Net Working Capital 0.16 -0.09 0.25

Page 43: Capital Structure Under Collusion


Table 2. Collusion and Capital Structure

This table presents the results of analyzing the association between collusion and leverage. The dependent variable

Leverage is total liabilities divided by book value of assets. Panel A presents results using cartel firms: Columns (1)

and (2) present the estimation results using both cartel and control firms. Columns (3) and (4) present the estimation

results using only cartel firms. Panel B presents the results using only firms from industries in which there was

collusion, but the firms were not cartel members (i.e., they were the cartel firms’ non-colluding rivals). Collusion

takes a value of 1 for cartel firms during collusion years, and 0 otherwise; Post Collusion takes a value of 1 for cartel

firms during the 5 years after a cartel is dissolved, and 0 otherwise. The Controls include: Profitability; Tangibility;

Cash Flow Volatility; and Sales (see Appendix A for definitions). Standard errors (in parentheses) are adjusted for

heteroscedasticity and clustered at the industry level. Significant at: *10%, **5% and ***1%.

Panel A: Cartel Firms and Control Firms

Dependent variable: Leverage

Cartel and control firms Cartel firms only

Independent Variables: (1) (2) (3) (4)

Collusion -0.0277** -0.0281** -0.0266** -0.0280**

(0.0115) (0.0111) (0.0131) (0.0127)

Post Collusion -0.0256 -0.0264 -0.0289 -0.0348

(0.0201) (0.0199) (0.0238) (0.0234)

Controls No Yes No Yes

Firm Fixed Effects Yes Yes Yes Yes

Year Fixed Effects Yes Yes Yes Yes

SIC Cluster Yes Yes Yes Yes

R-squared (within) 0.0036 0.0281 0.0749 0.1057

N 129,253 129,252 1,427 1,427

Panel B: Non-Cartel Firms from Industries with Cartels

Dependent variable: Leverage

Independent Variables: (1) (2)

Collusion 0.0109 0.0146**

(0.0086) (0.0068)

Post Collusion 0.0208* 0.0210***

(0.0104) (0.0075)

Controls No Yes

Firm Fixed Effects Yes Yes

Year Fixed Effects Yes Yes

SIC Cluster Yes Yes

R-squared (within) 0.0201 0.0599

N 16,390 15,467

Page 44: Capital Structure Under Collusion


Table 3. Collusion and Capital Structure: Sample Splits

This table presents results of analyzing the association between collusion and leverage, using sample splits. The

dependent variable Leverage is total liabilities divided by book value of assets. Product-Market Fluidity is a text-

based measure of product market competitiveness formulated by Hoberg and Phillips (2010) that uses product

descriptions in SEC Form 10-K filings. Columns (1) and (2) present the results of splitting the sample into firms with

below-median and above-median Leverage as measured in the first year of each firm’s observations in the data.

Columns (3) and (4) present the results of splitting the sample into firms with below-median and above-median

Product-Market Fluidity. Collusion takes a value of 1 for cartel firms during collusion years, and 0 otherwise; Post

Collusion takes a value of 1 for cartel firms during the 5 years after a cartel is dissolved, and 0 otherwise. The Controls

include: Profitability; Tangibility; Cash Flow Volatility; and Sales (see Appendix A for definitions). Standard errors

(in parentheses) are adjusted for heteroscedasticity and clustered at the industry level. Significant at: *10%, **5%

and ***1%.

Dependent variable: Leverage

Split by Initial Leverage Split by Product-Market Fluidity

Independent Variables:

Below Median


Above Median


Below Median


Above Median


Collusion 0.0093 -0.0603*** -0.0051 -0.0433**

(0.0134) (0.0176) (0.0132) (0.0199)

Post Collusion 0.0306 -0.0773** 0.0277 -0.0796**

(0.0190) (0.0380) (0.0216) (0.0321)

Controls Yes Yes Yes Yes

Firm Fixed Effects Yes Yes Yes Yes

Year Fixed Effects Yes Yes Yes Yes

SIC Cluster Yes Yes Yes Yes

R-squared (within) 0.0390 0.0422 0.0347 0.0345

N 64,421 64,831 50,004 35,623

Page 45: Capital Structure Under Collusion


Table 4. Collusion and Capital Structure: Triple Differences

This table presents results of analyzing the association between collusion and leverage, using a triple-differences

approach. The dependent variable Leverage is total liabilities divided by book value of assets. Recession Year is a

dummy variable that takes a value of 1 in the recession years, as defined using the NBER recession year list. High

Leniency is a dummy variable that takes a value of 1 if in a given year a firm is operating a cartel that covers three or

more countries with leniency laws. Column (1) presents the estimation results for the triple-difference analysis that

exploits the variation in recession versus non-recession years. Column (2) presents the estimation results for the triple-

difference analysis that exploits the variation in a firm’s exposure to leniency laws. Collusion takes a value of 1 for

cartel firms during collusion years, and 0 otherwise; Post Collusion takes a value of 1 for cartel firms during the 5

years after a cartel is dissolved, and 0 otherwise. The Controls include: Profitability; Tangibility; Cash Flow Volatility;

and Sales (see Appendix A for definitions). We do not report the coefficient for Recession, since that dummy variable

is collinear with the year fixed effects. Standard errors (in parentheses) are adjusted for heteroscedasticity and

clustered at the industry level. Significant at: *10%, **5% and ***1%.

Dependent variable: Leverage

Independent Variables:

Recession vs



High vs low exposure

to leniency laws


Collusion -0.0383*** -0.0282**

(0.0106) (0.0130)

Post Collusion -0.0245 -0.0322

(0.0202) (0.0238)

Recession Year*Collusion 0.0403***


Recession Year*Post Collusion -0.0062


High Leniency 0.0401


High Leniency*Collusion -0.0568**


High Leniency*Post Collusion -0.0807*


Controls Yes Yes

Firm Fixed Effects Yes Yes

Year Fixed Effects Yes Yes

SIC Cluster Yes Yes

R-squared (within) 0.0281 0.1103

N 129,252 1,427

Page 46: Capital Structure Under Collusion


Table 5. Collusion and Capital Structure: Instrumental Variables

This table presents results of analyzing the impact of collusion on leverage, using an instrumental variables approach. In the first stage, the dependent variables are

Collusion (takes a value of 1 for cartel firms during the cartel years, and 0 otherwise) and Post Collusion (takes a value of 1 for cartel firms during the 5 years after

a cartel is dissolved, and 0 otherwise). The instrumental variables for Collusion and Post Collusion are Cartels Active (using the number of firms colluding in years

t, t-1 and t-2, in the same 2-digit SIC code, but different 4-digit SIC code as a given firm) and Cartels Dissolved (using the number of firms ending a collusive

agreement in years t, t-1 and t-2, in the same 2-digit SIC code, but different 4-digit SIC code as a given firm). Columns (1) and (2) present the relation between the

instruments and Collusion and Post Collusion. Additionally, we classify cartel firms according to their assets in four quartile sizes, and interact quartile dummies

with the instruments. Columns (3) and (4) show the results of this alternative first-stage specification. In the second stage, the dependent variable Leverage is total

liabilities divided by book value of assets. Column (5) presents the results of the second-stage estimation, using the specification in Columns (3) and (4) as the

first-stage regressions. The Controls include: Profitability; Tangibility; Cash Flow Volatility; and Sales (see Appendix A for definitions). Standard errors (in

parentheses) are adjusted for heteroscedasticity and clustered at the industry level. Significant at: *10%, **5% and ***1%.

First Stage Second Stage


# Ongoing and Ended Cartels in Related



# Ongoing and Ended Cartels in

Related Industries Interacted with

Firms' Size Quartiles




Independent Variables:

Dep. Var:



Dep. Var:

Post Collusion


Dep. Var:



Dep. Var:

Post Collusion


Dep. Var:



Collusion -0.3815*


Post Collusion -0.2693


Cartels Active 0.0149*** -0.0116** 0.0016* 0.0004

(0.0053) (0.0045) (0.0009) (0.0011)

Cartels Active * Size_q2 0.0027** -0.0019**

(0.0011) (0.0007)

Cartels Active * Size_q3 0.0113** -0.0120***

(0.0050) (0.0044)

Cartels Active * Size_q4 0.0479*** -0.0415***

(0.0145) (0.0115)

Page 47: Capital Structure Under Collusion


Cartels Dissolved -0.0071** 0.0140*** 0.0000 -0.0020**

(0.0031) (0.0049) (0.0005) (0.0008)

Cartels Dissolved * Size_q2 -0.0027** 0.0024**

(0.0013) (0.0012)

Cartels Dissolved * Size_q3 -0.0059 0.0112***

(0.0040) (0.0041)

Cartels Dissolved * Size_q4 -0.0290** 0.0589***

(0.0136) (0.0174)

Controls Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

Firm Fixed Effects Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

Year Fixed Effects Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

SIC Cluster Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

F-Test (weak instruments) 139 141

N 115,367 115,367 115,367

Page 48: Capital Structure Under Collusion


Table 6. Collusion and Loan Contracting

This table presents results of analyzing the association between collusion and the terms of loan contracting. In Column

(1) the dependent variable Spread is the “All-in-Drawn" spread (in basis-points) over LIBOR, computed as the sum

of coupon and annual fees on the loan in excess of six-month LIBOR. In Column (2), the dependent variable Secured

is a dummy variable that takes a value of 1 if the (new or renewed) loan is secured, and zero otherwise. Collusion

takes a value of 1 for cartel firms during collusion years, and 0 otherwise; Post Collusion takes a value of 1 for cartel

firms during the 5 years after a cartel is dissolved, and 0 otherwise. The Controls include: Profitability; Tangibility;

Cash Flow Volatility; and Sales (see Appendix A for definitions). Standard errors (in parentheses) are adjusted for

heteroscedasticity and clustered at the industry level. Significant at: *10%, **5% and ***1%.

Independent Variables:

Dep. Var:



Dep. Var:



Collusion -1.7482 -0.0067

(9.5455) (0.0539)

Post Collusion 27.6938** 0.1448**

(12.2625) (0.0650)

Controls Yes Yes

Firm Fixed Effects Yes Yes

Year Fixed Effects Yes Yes

SIC Cluster Yes Yes

R-squared (within) 0.2453 0.0394

N 19,566 14,624

Page 49: Capital Structure Under Collusion


Table 7. Collusion and Payout Policy

This table presents results of analyzing the association between collusion and payout policy. In Panel A, the dependent

variable Total Payout is the sum of dividends paid and the amounts of common and preferred stock repurchased,

divided by the lagged value of total assets. Columns (1) and (2) present the estimation results of the tests including all

cartel and control firms. Columns (3) and (4) present the estimation results of the tests including only the cartel firms.

Collusion takes a value of 1 for cartel firms during collusion years, and 0 otherwise; Post Collusion takes a value of 1

for cartel firms during the 5 years after a cartel is dissolved, and 0 otherwise. The Controls include: Profitability; Cash

Flow Volatility; MB and Sales (see Appendix A for definitions). Standard errors (in parentheses) are adjusted for

heteroscedasticity and clustered at the industry level. Significant at: *10%, **5% and ***1%.

Breakdown of Total Payout

Dep. Var:

Total Payout

Dep. Var:


Dep. Var:


Independent Variables: (1) (2) (3) (4)

Collusion 0.0078*** 0.0072** -0.0000 0.0072**

(0.0028) (0.0028) (0.0000) (0.0028)

Post Collusion 0.0024 0.0029 -0.0001* 0.0030

(0.0032) (0.0034) (0.0000) (0.0034)

Controls No Yes Yes Yes

Firm Fixed Effects Yes Yes Yes Yes

Year Fixed Effects Yes Yes Yes Yes

SIC Cluster Yes Yes Yes Yes

R-squared (within) 0.0105 0.0147 0.0125 0.0150

N 123,191 105,861 105,861 105,861

Page 50: Capital Structure Under Collusion


Table 8. Collusion and Payout Policy: Sample Split

This table presents results of analyzing the association between collusion and corporate payout policies, using a sample

split. The dependent variable Total Payout is the sum of dividends paid and the amounts of common and preferred

stock repurchased, divided by the lagged value of total assets. Product-Market Fluidity is a text-based measure of

product market competitiveness formulated by Hoberg and Phillips (2010) that uses product descriptions in SEC Form

10-K filings. Columns (1) and (2) present the results of splitting the sample into firms with below-median and above-

median Product-Market Fluidity. Collusion takes a value of 1 for cartel firms during collusion years, and 0 otherwise;

Post Collusion takes a value of 1 for cartel firms during the 5 years after a cartel is dissolved, and 0 otherwise. The

Controls include: Profitability; Cash Flow Volatility; MB and Sales (see Appendix A for definitions). Standard errors

(in parentheses) are adjusted for heteroscedasticity and clustered at the industry level. Significant at: *10%, **5%

and ***1%.

Dependent Variable: Total Payout

Split by Product-Market Fluidity

Below Median Above Median

Independent Variables: (1) (2)

Collusion 0.0084** 0.0031

(0.0034) (0.0044)

Post Collusion 0.0026 0.0034

(0.0039) (0.0063)

Controls Yes Yes

Firm Fixed Effects Yes Yes

Year Fixed Effects Yes Yes

SIC Cluster Yes Yes

R-squared (within) 0.0259 0.0166

N 46,210 31,199

Page 51: Capital Structure Under Collusion


Table 9. Collusion and Cash Holdings

This table presents results of analyzing the impact of collusion on cash holdings. The dependent variable Cash is cash

and equivalents divided by total assets. Product-Market Fluidity is a text-based measure of product market

competitiveness formulated by Hoberg and Phillips (2010) that uses product descriptions in SEC Form 10-K filings.

Columns (1) and (2) present the estimation results using both cartel and control firms. Columns (3) and (4) present

the results of splitting the sample into firms with below-median and above-median Product-Market Fluidity. Collusion

takes a value of 1 for cartel firms during collusion years, and 0 otherwise; Post Collusion takes a value of 1 for cartel

firms during the 5 years after a cartel is dissolved, and 0 otherwise. The Controls include: MB; RD; Net Working

Capital; Negative Prof; Dividend Payer, Cash Flow Volatility; Sales (see Appendix A for definitions). Standard errors

(in parentheses) are adjusted for heteroscedasticity and clustered at the industry level. Significant at: *10%, **5%

and ***1%.

Dependent Variable: Cash

Split by Product-Market Fluidity

Pooled observations Below Median Above Median

Independent Variables: (1) (2) (3) (4)

Collusion -0.0098* -0.0137 -0.0173* 0.0060

(0.0058) (0.0088) (0.0096) (0.0205)

Post Collusion 0.0049 0.0031 0.0007 0.0022

(0.0088) (0.0093) (0.0113) (0.0155)

Controls No Yes Yes Yes

Firm Fixed Effects Yes Yes Yes Yes

Year Fixed Effects Yes Yes Yes Yes

SIC Cluster Yes Yes Yes Yes

R-squared (within) 0.0089 0.0604 0.0792 0.0784

N 122,854 56,293 24,740 18,561

Page 52: Capital Structure Under Collusion


Table 10. Collusion and Investment

This table presents the results of analyzing the association between collusion and investment, either in R&D or capital

expenditure. It shows the results of regressing investment (capital expenditure or R&D) on various right-hand

variables. The dependent variable in columns (1) and (2) is capital expenditure divided by book value of assets; the

dependent variable in columns (3) to (5) is R&D divided by book value of assets. Column (5) uses only firms for

which R&D data is available in at least one year. Collusion takes a value of 1 for cartel firms during collusion years,

and 0 otherwise; Post Collusion takes a value of 1 for cartel firms during the 5 years after a cartel is dissolved, and 0

otherwise. The Controls include: Profitability; Tangibility; Cash Flow Volatility; and Sales (see Appendix A for

definitions). Standard errors (in parentheses) are adjusted for heteroscedasticity and clustered at the industry level.

Significant at: *10%, **5% and ***1%.

Dependent Variable: Capex

Dependent Variable: R&D

Dep. Var: R&D,

if positive

Independent Variables: (1) (2) (3) (4) (5)

Collusion -0.0047 0.0034 0.0028** 0.0028** 0.0054**

(0.0152) (0.0143) (0.0013) (0.0013) (0.0022)

Post Collusion 0.0129 0.0036 0.0007 0.0007 0.0030

(0.0222) (0.0205) (0.0021) (0.0021) (0.0032)

Controls No Yes No Yes Yes

Firm Fixed Effects Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

Year Fixed Effects Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

SIC Cluster Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

R-squared (within) 0.0463 0.1688 0.0052 0.0353 0.0530

N 115,387 115,386 129,253 129,252 63262

Page 53: Capital Structure Under Collusion


Table 11. Collusion and R&D Intensity

This table presents the results of analyzing the association between collusion and R&D intensity. It shows the results

of a split-sample regression, distinguishing firms for which R&D data is not available (column (1)) from firms for

which R&D data is available in at least one year (column (2)). Collusion takes a value of 1 for cartel firms during

collusion years, and 0 otherwise; Post Collusion takes a value of 1 for cartel firms during the 5 years after a cartel is

dissolved, and 0 otherwise. The Controls include: Profitability; Tangibility; Cash Flow Volatility; and Sales (see

Appendix A for definitions). Standard errors (in parentheses) are adjusted for heteroscedasticity and clustered at the

industry level. Significant at: *10%, **5% and ***1%.

Dependent variable: Leverage

Split by R&D Expense

Independent Variables:

No R&D


Positive R&D


Collusion -0.0480*** -0.0148

(0.0160) (0.0138)

Post Collusion -0.0478 -0.0112

(0.0303) (0.0231)

Controls Yes Yes

Firm Fixed Effects Yes Yes

Year Fixed Effects Yes Yes

SIC Cluster Yes Yes

R-squared (within) 0.0258 0.0320

N 65,990 63,262

Page 54: Capital Structure Under Collusion



Variable Definitions

Firm Characteristics:

Leverage Total liabilities divided by book value of assets

Total Payout Dividends paid plus common and preferred stock purchased divided by lagged book

value of assets

Dividends Cash dividends divided by lagged book value of assets

Dividend Payer Indicator variable that takes a value of one if Dividends is greater than zero, and zero


Repurchases Value of common and preferred stock purchased divided by lagged book value of assets

Profitability Operating income before depreciation divided by book value of assets (ROA)

Negative Prof Indicator variable that takes a value of one if Profitability is less than zero, and zero


Tangibility Net property, plant, and equipment divided by book value of assets

Sales Value of total sales measured in millions of U.S. dollars

Cash Flow Volatility Standard deviation of Profitability over the prior 3-year period

Cash Cash and equivalents divided by book value of assets

Assets Book value of assets measured in millions of U.S. dollars

MB Sum of the market value of equity and total liabilities divided by book value of assets

RD Research and development expenses divided by book value of assets

Net Working Capital Difference between current assets and current liabilities divided by book value of assets

Loan Characteristics:

Spread “All-in-Drawn" spread (in basis-points) over LIBOR, computed as the sum of coupon

and annual fees on the loan in excess of six-month LIBOR.

Secured Indicator variable that takes a value of 1 if the firm took out a secured loan in a year,

and 0 otherwise

Sample Splits:

Collusion Indicator variable that takes the value of 1 for cartel firms during the cartel years, and 0


Post Collusion Indicator variable that takes a value of 1 for cartel firms during the 5 years after a cartel

is dissolved, and 0 otherwise



Text-based measure of product market competitive pressure formulated by Hoberg and

Phillips (2010), using product descriptions in 10-K filings

Recession Year Indicator variable that takes a value of 1 in a recession year, and 0 otherwise, classified

using the NBER recession year list

High Leniency Indicator variable that takes a value of 1 if in a given year a firm is operating in cartels

in three or more countries with leniency laws in place, and 0 otherwise

Page 55: Capital Structure Under Collusion


Instrumental Variables:

Cartels Active Natural logarithm of one plus the number of firms colluding in years t, t-1 and t-2, in

the same 2-digit SIC code, but different 4-digit SIC code as a given firm

Cartels Dissolved Natural logarithm of one plus the number of firms ending a collusive agreement in years

t, t-1 and t-2, in the same 2-digit SIC code, but different 4-digit SIC code as a given firm

Page 56: Capital Structure Under Collusion


Figure A.1

This figure plots the average of the correlation coefficient of the profitability of all members of a cartel, averaged over

all cartels, distinguishing firm-years before collusion, during collusion, and after collusion.










Pre-Collusion Collusion Post-Collusion

ROA correlation between colluding firms

Page 57: Capital Structure Under Collusion


Figure A.2

This figure plots the coefficients, and 95% confidence intervals, of the following regression:

𝑦𝑖𝑡 = 𝛼 + 𝛽 ∗ 𝐶𝑜𝑙𝑙𝑢𝑠𝑖𝑜𝑛𝑖𝑡 + ∑γℎ ∗ 𝑑𝑖ℎ + 𝜑𝑖 + µ𝑡 + 𝜀𝑖𝑡 ,

The subscript h indexes the years that immediately precede collusion years (h {−3, −2, −1}), years that immediately

follow collusion years (h {1, 2, 3}), or years that are collusion years (h {1,2,3,other} for full collusion years, h =

0– for a partial collusion year at the start of a cartel, and h = 0+ for a partial collusion year at the end of a cartel). The

indicator variable dih takes a value of 1 if a firm operates in one of those years, and 0 otherwise. The figure plots

regression coefficients h using book leverage as the dependent variable. The difference, compared with Figure 1,

Panel A, is that here we decompose the full-year collusion years in the first full three colluding years, and the other

colluding years.









-3 -2 -1 0- col1 col2 col3 oth. col 0+ +1 +2 +3

Coefficients Leverage Regression

Page 58: Capital Structure Under Collusion


Table A.1. Instrumental Variables, Decile Interactions

This table presents results of analyzing the impact of collusion on leverage, using an instrumental variables approach.

The first stage is estimated as in Table 5, columns (3) and (4), except that the variables Cartels Active and Cartels

Dissolved are interacted with size decile dummies instead of size quartile dummies. The results are not reported due

to space limitations. In the second stage, the dependent variable Leverage is total liabilities divided by book value of

assets. The Controls include: Profitability; Tangibility; Cash Flow Volatility; and Sales (see Appendix A for

definitions). Standard errors (in parentheses) are adjusted for heteroscedasticity and clustered at the industry level.

Significant at: *10%, **5% and ***1%.

Second Stage

Using all Instruments

Independent Variables: Dependent Variable: Leverage

Collusion -0.3838**


Post Collusion -0.4351**


Controls Yes

Firm Fixed Effects Yes

Year Fixed Effects Yes

SIC Cluster Yes

F-Test (weak instruments) 65.857

N 115,367

Page 59: Capital Structure Under Collusion


Table A.2. Capital Expenditure and Initial leverage

This table presents results of analyzing the association between collusion and capital expenditure, using sample splits.

The dependent variable Capital Expenditure is capital expenditure divided by book value of assets. Columns (1) and

(2) present the results of splitting the sample into firms with below-median and above-median Leverage as measured

in the first year of each firm’s observations in the data. Collusion takes a value of 1 for cartel firms during collusion

years, and 0 otherwise; Post Collusion takes a value of 1 for cartel firms during the 5 years after a cartel is dissolved,

and 0 otherwise. The Controls include: Profitability; Tangibility; Cash Flow Volatility; and Sales (see Appendix A

for definitions). Standard errors (in parentheses) are adjusted for heteroscedasticity and clustered at the industry level.

Significant at: *10%, **5% and ***1%.

Dependent variable: Capital Expenditure

Below Median



Above Median



Collusion 0.0290 -0.0153

(0.0256) (0.0184)

Post Collusion 0.0249 -0.0060

(0.0364) (0.0184)

Controls Yes Yes

Firm Fixed Effects Yes Yes

Year Fixed Effects Yes Yes

SIC Cluster Yes Yes

R-squared (within) 0.1926 0.1456

N 56,705 58,436